�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
August 2018
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
will achieve success against all odds
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
×éçà·¤Üæð´ âð ÜǸU·¤ÚU ãUæçâÜ ·¤Úð´U»ð çÁ΢»è ·ð¤ ×é·¤æ×
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to the stars
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reaching ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী
Rainbow Sathi
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী Riyaz Ansari, patna Chanda kumari, patna
arun kumar, patna
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
somnath chauhan, pune
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
champa kumari, patna
Nathasha choudhary joyti kumari
�ే��� ���ీ
Edit support: Mukul Vyas Tamil: Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 2Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Design: Rohit kumar Rai
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
Child Journalist
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Year 2, Issue 8, August 2018
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
The dream, of a poor 10 year- old girl named Dhunnu living in India’s northeast state Assam, of getting a guitar and making a band with other village kids has reached all corners of the world with its power. Yes, we are talking about the movie that won the National Film Award, Village Rock stars. The actors in this film directed by the young and talented Reema Das, are none other than the little kids of the village Chhaygaon of Assam, where this movie is based. The awards and accolades this movie has received on both national and international levels aren’t the only aspects of its accomplishments, but it has also been very successful in establishing the power of the dreams dwelling in the eyes of little kids, specially the marginalized children. This is what we try to achieve through Rainbow Homes and Rainbow Sathi, giving such children a platform. Because we believe, that to achieve our goals, one has to dream. It’s known to us all that children are the primary victims of all injustice happening in this world, be it inequality, discrimination, violence, cruelty or wars. It is also a fact that no matter how hard the circumstances are, those little innocent souls are always able to
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 3Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
bring a smile on their faces. Even while spending days and nights on the footpath, they are able to kindle their innocence, their dreams. In every issue of Rainbow Sathi, we try to bring together such infinite dreamfilled stories of the children. Each story being published in every issue of Rainbow Sathi is a witness that with just a little sprinkle of love and security, infinite colorful seeds of creativity in these children emerge with immense beauty. Most of the activities taking place in the Rainbow Homes make a direct connection between the outside world and these children. This provides them with a platform to freely display their flair. They develop an amazing desire to learn and do new things. This willpower is what we try to show through Rainbow Sathi. Rainbow Sathi gives us a platform to not only share our joys and sorrows, but to also give shape to our dreams, and through their radiance, we light the world. This is our power, our strength and we have to preserve this and move forward and make our place in this world. Kannada: Because after all we have nothing to lose, but the ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ whole world to win, right! Telugu: We shall fight, we shall win!!! �ే��� ���ీ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
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ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Rainbow Sathi
ãU× ÕæðÜð¢ ÎéçÙØæ âéÙð...
We speak world listens
Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
Editor’s Column
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Success comes from love & care Educational achievement of Srilatha of Asritha Rainbow Home :
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
rilatha was pursuing her 10th standard in 2016-17. She is an orphan child and her grandmother and aunt are her guardians. Suddenly due to degrading comments from her friends, she fell into depression in December. She was also very worried that her 10th annuals were fast approaching in the month of March 17. The Home Team looked her very well and spent more time with her in a caring manner so that she don’t distract from her studies. She was taken to Gandhi Hospital for a checkup and the doctors started treatment. After a few days, she refused to take the medicine and food. Home Team counseled her and one team member took complete care of her. As the 10th exam was approaching near, we had detailed discussion with the child as to the pros and cons of staying healthy to face
exams or leaving her annual exams. After persuasion and positive constant counseling, she completely recovered and started going to school. It was a big achievement that Srilatha passed her 10th with a handsome grade point of 7.2/10 in May 2017. We were enthralled at this stupendous success where a child losing hope of writing her annual exam cracked it Kannada: with a big bang. Since then she has ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ been completely normal and is now in theTelugu: Intermediate 2nd year (CEC). �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: 5
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sathi
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െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Priyanka is a 16 year old girl who has now joined Secunderabad Government Junior College, near clock tower in Secunderabad to study intermediate with PCM (Maths, Physics, and Chemistry). The girl is today a symbol of hard work and dedication and perfect example for all round development of under privileged girls in our society. Priyanka, was sevenyear-old when she was deserted by her parents. She used to live in old Patigadda slum. Her father left her first then she also lost connect with mother who got traped in trafficking and left for Mumbai. She and her brother became dependent on their grandmother who use to work as a domestic help at several houses. It was difficult for her grandmother to hold their responsibility, so she brought Priyanka to APSA Rainbow Home in 2009. Priyanka started studying in the 1st grade. A quick learner, she also showed a lot of interest in dance. Rainbow Home has given her completely a new lease of life. She is very curious to learn new things. After her initial years with us till 5th class. she was admitted in VI class in KGBV. She showed a lot of interest in all subjects. At KGBV also she showed remarkable dedication . In final board examination she stood first in school with overall grade point of 9.3/10 with a cent percent score of 10/10 in the tough subject of Mathematics. Her goal in life is to become an engineer and to help her brother and grandmother.
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sathi
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
N. PRIYANKA Dedication and hardwork blooms a talent
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
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Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী
Reshma : Many ups & downെറയിൻേബാ സതി before sucess was finally achieved
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Reshma, had never gone to school as she used to live on streets. Once she got a chance and she turned out to be a brilliant and studious child. She was a wonderful dancer. She passed X with a good score in 2015. However, she got distracted and failed in all subjects in XI. As part of many efforts, she was enrolled in NTR trust for skill building and she was accommodated in a hostel. But she left from there and started living with one of her friends. Consequently, she joined the HHH (Head Held High) program. But she created problem there also and came back and started staying in Home. She was de-motivated to learn anything or do any work. We tried to tie up with Yoga classes as a trainer but that too didn’t work. Then we tried to find a dance institute as she wanted to learn dancing and found an accommodation for her in a working women’s hostel. She never stayed anywhere for more than 2-4 days. However, with the support of well-wishers, she found herself a job as dance teacher in a school. Now she has become quite popular and is working in two corporate schools, earning Rs 15,000 altogether. She sent us a delightful video of her work in the school, teaching English alphabets through dance movements. She is settled now and doing very well, living in an independent house in group living with her other colleagues. Senha Sathis are happy at this positive twist in Reshma’s life who is settled in the field of her choice and have become a contributive citizen.
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Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: 7
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
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Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 8Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
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on my own. Now I have successfully completed my 10th class and this year I joined Intermediate 1st year. In our community girls are married early. Therefore I feel very proud that to my knowledge, I am the first girl from my community to step into college life for higher studies. I feel very lucky to be at Crescent Rainbow Home. I got an opportunity to fulfill my dreams and I am trying to bring awareness in my tribes that “every child has right to live her / his life and fulfill her / his dreams” like I have.
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
belong to a Scheduled Tribe “Shikari” community. My family occupation was begging and hunting pigs and birds. I grew up begging and hunting for our livelihood with my whole family. At the age of 10, I was brought to Rainbow Homes. After completion of bridge course at the home, I got enrolled in the school in 5th class directly. that time it was very difficult for me to read and write. After some time I understood the importance of education in our life, I started reading and writing
S.Akhila, trying to bring awareness in the tribal comunity
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
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�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
çßàææÜ ×ç¿´Îý¿Ããæ‡æ Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu:
vy ßáü, |ßè´ ·¤ÿææ Fðã ƒæÚU çàæßæÁèÙ»ÚU Õ¢»ÜéM¤
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 9Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sathi
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came to Sneh Ghar on 16 December 2017. After admission I was taken to Dalvi Hospital for a medical checkup because I was suffering from severe stomach ache. Doctors found that I had symptoms of TB. I was given medicines for a week but there was no improvement in my health. So, I was taken to Naidu Hospital where my sputum test and x-ray were done, and all the reports were negative. Over a period of time, I started coughing and one day I vomited blood while coughing. I was then immediately taken to Sasoon Hospital where doctor suspected TB in stomach and asked to get sonography of stomach. Meanwhile, Rainbow Homes team contacted my father Machindra Chavhan and asked him to come to Sneh Ghar to discuss about my health condition. Home teams shared with my parent that I have been diagnosed with TB in the stomach. I have to be under medication for a period of 6 months. Since my father was reluctant to take this responsibility, Rainbow Home teams decided to get my treatment done. I was given 3 tablets per day. Rainbow Homes team took proper care, ensured proper nutrition and regular dosage of medicines. My condition improved. I have not complained about any stomach pain and my appetite also improved and I gained some weight also, now I am happy .
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð ãUæð â Ùð ÂðÅU ·ð¤ ÅUèÕè âð çÎÜæ§ü çÙÁæÌ
Vishal Machindra Chavhan 14 years, 7th Std Sneh Ghar Shivajinagar. Bengaluru
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Rainbow homes helped me to fight against TB
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
�ే��� ���ీ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
patna Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Vastra Zindagi Foundation visited Kilkari Home, Delhi. They distributed new clothes & stationeries. The purpose was to engage civil society with the lives & struggle of Rainbow Homes children. They shared love, happiness & ofcourse chocolates with children.
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
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on different aspects of homes involving security, protection of children, their participation, health, hygiene, infrastructure etc. They selected 10 children among themselves to form a monitoring committee that will ensure the monitoring of homes every quarter. The monitoring Committee has done the review of Khilkhilahat Aman Rainbow home, Patna and Gyan Vigyan Rainbow home, Patna and will carry on the monitoring of other Rainbow homes/Sneh Ghar of Patna.
ainbow Homes Program - Patna began a new chapter in the monitoring of homes. A unique initiative has been taken up which involves monitoring of homes by children themselves. With the support of Praxis, an organization facilitating Participatory practices, a workshop was organized for all the older children from the 5 Rainbow Home/Sneh Ghar of Patna. The children were made to understand the process of monitoring of homes; they themselves developed 25 indicators
15th august
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu:
Independence Day was celebrated at Delhi Kilkari Home. Children made beautiful paintings, rangolis.
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: 11
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
Now children will monitor the homes
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
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Rainbow Sathi
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
When the mentors
meet their little stars
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
It is a great opportunity to be able to teach the children at Rainbow Homes. I have been associated with Rainbow Homes since July, we are doing our graduation from Ferguson College, Pune. We are engaged in teaching English to the children thrice weekly for 1 hour. The children were very loving since day one, as time passed by my friend and I grew closer to them and now we share a very nice bond with them. We tried various teaching methods to help the children
create an interest in academics and we got a great response from them! It is truly amazing being a part of Rainbow Homes.
ANITA SABALE (Education In charge at Rainbow Homes (Sneh Ghar) About 6 months into the year, I am really connected with every child. I came to understand that these kids are stars who have amazing ideas, they have the desire to learn for which they also desire to be free. And Rainbow Homes provides them with the freedom to learn, explore and excel in their futures.
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
SHALINI MITRA (Volunteer from Fergusson College, Pune)
�ే��� ���ీ
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Kanchan Panse (Teacher at Rainbow Homes Sneh Ghar and Rainbow Home Congress Bhavan) Õ‘¿ô ·¤ô ÂɸæÌð â×Ø ©Ù·Ô¤ ¿ðãðÚUð ÂÚU âëÁÙæˆ×·¤ Öæß ¥õÚU ™ææÙ ·¤æ ¥æÙ´Î Îð¹·¤ÚU ÕãéÌ ¥‘Àæ Ü»Ìæ ãñÐ
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: 13
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
entertained. There is still a lot of work left to be done but even the slightest progress fills our hearts with pride.
SHILPITA SHARAN (Volunteer from Fergusson College, Pune) I have been associated with Rainbow Homes since July, we are doing our graduation from Ferguson College, Pune. We are engaged in teaching English to the children thrice weekly for 1 hour. Having taught the Rainbow Homes children I can honestly say that I have probably learnt more from the experience than the kids have from me. It hasn’t always been easy, getting the kids to listen to us but every class has been different experience and the one thing the kids make sure of is to keep us
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ ಸಾಥೀ tion. ರೇನೊಬ್ೕ educa sive Telugu:
cipal, Dr. Annie Koshi, Prin Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
சாத்தி ெரயின்ேபா
�ే��� ���ీ 4
St. Mary’s School
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী
�ే��� ���ీ
Rainbow Sath
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
5 lam: Malaya ാ സതി െറയിൻേബ
MMS ¥õÚU ¥àÜèÜ ßèçÇØô
Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Editor –W cent boys in sexua direct co
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Malayalam: ാ സതി െറയിൻേബ
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Malayalam െറയിൻേ
MMS inciti
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Rainbow Sath
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
েরiনেবা সাথী
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েরiনেবা সাথী
i ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sath
pract People don’t really came to India from Japan, boy ample, like that l for the very he was in schoo he was saying that s. That is not got lots of mark are not studious and who because those who tion inclusive educa g admission. he are not gettin as good or as fast lly allow everytion is to actua Inclusive educa not made up se the world is body. This is becau e. It is made up of different peopl cally and of one kind of I mean, both physi people kinds of people. is difference which children mentally. If there and don’t get the don’t understand ice inclusive it, they don’t pract to understand school should they feel that my education. Then l should have t ones. My schoo have all the brigh l, every body schoo my From all the smart ones. study. d to should go abroa
ÜÿØ ãñU âÕ·¤æð ç×Üð çàæÿææ â
Summi IX Age 14 year, class Delhi.
Malayalam: ാ സതി െറയിൻേബ
s of incluon, is the statu system? What, in your opini in Indian education For exsive education ise inclusion.
Khushi Rainbow
സതി Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി െറയിൻേബാ
Malayalam: ാ സതി െറയിൻേബ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
Malayalam: സതി െറയിൻേബാ
Rai UÙÕæð âæÍè Úð nbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
is higher for those In our school, first ce, like if the fees excluding. For instan charge them any fees. This is one don’t climb the stairs, can’t afford it, we se. Those who can’t have a writer in way how we practi who can’t see, we those For lift. we have nation system, we . We change exami the examination formats and that’s infrastructure and ing the barriers change classroom remov by se inclusion the way we practi ly as possible, dethe place as friend is not and try to make Like, suppose a child nge. challe to the pending on /afternoon classes give extra classes we study, to able we practise includa: the child. So that’s how and help tryKanna
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No boundary for love - ŒØæÚU ÖÚUè ÙÁÚU
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ation in your schoo ice inclusive educ we How do you pract of all, we try to see in what ways are who
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ேபா சாத்தி
infrastructure ation? l in terms of fee, of inclusive educ the barriers to entering the schoo easier for sion and make things remove education is to so you allow admis understand- help Idea of inclusive think about access , somebody can’t the whole, you g sure that they books- give books makin have ’t and etc. For this, on doesn everybody l. Like somebody is about including them in the schoo them. Inclusion are studying. in India? tion is necessary , not just in India, Why inclusive educa inclusive education everywhere tion. It is not have It is necessary to ly the correct educa Because it is right. education is actual because inclusive Why will you not? te from education. should be educating. So everybody something separa you to education than ophy of it. philos the If you have right of part ed. This is the has to be includ l?
Rainbow Sath
Rainbow Sathi
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Rainbow Sath
What is your idea
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Let’s play - ¹ðÜð¢ ãU× ×SÌè ×ð´
of good educamission is core big heart and nobel ’s School has xperiments with Mathew, St. Mary e ts over the cours 1966, by Mrs. Sara tion. Started in education to studen ing a quality secondary of inclusion, equality and foster been delivering ples princi stic and the on ed numerous dome of 50 years. Found the the recipient of from been has ’s Award l Mary team spirit, St. International Schoo des such as the - No.1 School with international accola the Times Of India of and was also voted taken interview British Council Ms. Summi has has For Rainbow Sathi ie Koshi who a Heart in India. l, Delhi, Dr. Ann St. Mary’s Schoo ls. schoo the Principal of in ion for Inclus been a driving force
Rainbow Sat
r all Education fo motto e th be ld ou sh E
ರೇನೊ ಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
Kann ada:
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ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
çȤË× Ùð âÕ ÕÎÜ çÎØæ
This film changed my life. It is very inspirational movie. I am Priya in the film, cousin of Poorna. In the film Priya is ready to give everything for her cousin. Poorna wins in the film and Priya die in the end. But in the real life my mother Ms. Saroja died this year. She committed suicide. I felt how tragedy moves from film to reality. At this juncture I miss my mother terribly because though she was begging on the street but she always dreamt good future for me. She supported me like anything, it’s a biggest loss for me. As my mother struggled to make my future bright , so now its my duty to fulfill my dream. I have younger sister in the home, so I have to look after her also. I want to share with you that Rahul Bose is one of the wonderful person on the earth. He loves making children happy. I told him that I want to become actor, he promised me that if I study well then he will guide me. After completing my degree I will join acting school. My whole journey from begging to rainbow homes and then to film, is more interesting than many Bollywood movies. I was born in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh. My mother was in begging and ragpicking. She use to change the cities so frequent that we both sisters moved across. From Warangal to Bengaluru, to Tirupati to Trivendram to Chennai to Hyderabad we three were moving and begging. In between my mother tried to get my admission in Banglore Holy Spirit school, where she use to beg. I got admission but fate a some other plan. Finally I came to RainBow homes in 2014. Then came this film. Clearing the audition was tough but very interesting job. I enjoyed acting and during that period only I recognized that I am good actor. Rahul Sir and full team member where amazing, very helpful. I was like I was in a dreamlan d. Travelling in flights was very nice experienc e. Most amazing was my birthday celebratio n at Hyderabad Stadium. Rahul Sir, full team, my mother and Rainbow homes team everyone was there. I have to grow big so that I give back so much love and care.
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
S. Maria, 16 years, 10th, Murshidabad Rainbow homes Hyderabad
i ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sath
Öè ãñ´U ŒØæ ÚU
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
My story is more powerful then any film
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍèெரயின்ேபா சாத்Malayalam:
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Loving country - ßÌÙ âð ×æðãUµÕÌ Rainbow Sathi
ion - Ìé Ûæâð
Colour s of friendship -
âÁæ° Âýð× ·¤è Ú¢U»æðÜè
nbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Lovin g
- ×SÌè ×ð´ ãU× Joy of togetherness
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Touching sky - ©UǸUæÙ ·ð¤ ¢¹
ȤæðÅUæðÑ ÚUãU×æÙ
ின்ேபா ெரய தி
Growing with friendsh ip - ÕɸUÌæ âæÍ
ðU âÂÙð ¥æ¢¹æð´ ×ð´ âÁð ×ðÚ dreams - ÌðÚUè Sharing of
�ే��� ���ీ
Arshiya Su ltana 12 yrs
- âæÍ ·¤æ ãUæÍ
ರೇನೊ ಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
The rich has and freedom more liberty than the poo r. This mus t come to an end,it’s a question to me that when will freedom equ all have ally.
Rainbow Sathi
11th Std, Kolkata
You are tellin g India got Independence I am also agreeing India , Is Independ achieved Independence ency of India , What is the enough? stand of wom India is on en in our soci 70 years of Independence ety? Do women have any Independence , Why wom en are still ? deprived? Forever hum iliated. Oh people of India wak e up Why still are you dead to the worl Listen to your d? country, liste Oh people n to the worl of India this d is the time In the worl to awaken. d of human, women are Everyone accepts their admirable uniqueness. Without wom en world will Owing to be miserable existence , of women world is pride .
We join ha nds
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Najma kha tun 18 yrs
ȤæðÅUæðÑ ÚUãU×æÙ
The poor and equally tale the rich are nted, but the society today has made like , it be
We worship the goddess, But women are out of the society. During their periods, Why they lose all right s? Men can read the prayer, Why can’t wom And why can’ en do the same? t the wom en, Step into the tabernac le during her Oh obstinate periods. , don’t forg et, The woman is your moth She holds er. you in her womb for months and the nine ten days, And you saw the light of As it is the this world. time of her period, She is not impure. These wom en always suffe The most pain and bitte red, rness in this Tolerance of women world. then, A great shad ow of impu rity. Or to bring you Was the imm in this world, ense unho liness. Don’t dish onour them , Don’t depr ive them. Likewise don’ t play with The Rights of women. We don’t need The only thing billion or million we need, You are calli ng Only we need India “Mother” the “Respect ”.
When will there be freedom to the poo r.
Shwetha S, 13 yrs
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ȤæðÅUæðÑ ÚUãU×æÙ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
The poor should get freedom, like are leading all of us they a life, Who do they have a shoulder to they are sadcry on, when
9th Std, rainbow hom VKH e, Bangalo re
om I am getting She felt , no o understand h her mother st finding is diff told her moth then she disap out and searc not find her. From there saw a marriag to get some fo her and holde her out. She fe was unable to went to a dust the food throw days eating foo Sometimes, oth snatch away fo many fights on At this point, Mamata who re Mamata worked never begged. T Parvati also dec
friendship forever
ರೇನೊ ಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
We shall over
Celebrate my festival Nowadays ther
ˆØæñãUæÚU ×ÙæÙð
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Asita Ban u 14
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Rainbow Sathi
We live in a rich and the world where the discriminat poor are ed, There is no justice in society.. the
e is opportun my religion, ity to prac but in my tice native villa be difficult. ge it used There use to to be tens We celebrat ion During ed Eid, But I do not the function by shar ing food.. fast during season as the ramdha I stay with an child other com ren in hom munities also e from . But I feel also take part in the I should fasting. I am that I have very happ been give y n freedom the occasion to celebrat of my relig e ion. And I go to scho am able to ol and stud y, whereas there are in my villa girls of my ge age who are home and staying at are not allow ed to go to They get mar school. ried at a early age.
âÜæ×Ì ÚUãð ÎæðSÌæÙæ
Speak out
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
9th Std, VKH yrs rainbow hom e, Bangalore
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
×éÛæð Öê¹ Ü»è ãñÐ Öê¹ âð ×ðÚUð ÂðÅ U ×ð´ ÎÎü ãô ÚUãæ ãñÓ, ÂæßüÌè Ùð ¥ÂÙè ×æ´ âð ·¤ãæÐ ©âð Ü»æ ç·¤ ÂçÚUßæÚU Ùð ·¤ô§ü ©â·¤è Öê¹ âð ãôÙð ßæÜè ×ÚUôǸ ·¤ô Ùãè´ â×Ûæ Âæ ÚUãæ ãñÐ ×æ´ ƒæÚU ¿ÜæÙð ·Ô¤ çÜ° ÂãÜð âð ãè ÕãéÌ â´ƒæáü ·¤ÚU ÚUãè ãñ ¥õÚU ©â·Ô¤ çÜ° ×ðÚUè Öê¹ ·¤ô â×Ûæ ÂæÙæ ÕãéÌ ×éçà·¤Ü ãñÐ ©âÙð ¥ÂÙè ×æ´ âð ·¤ãæ ç·¤ ßã ÕæãÚU Áæ ÚUãè ãñ, ¥õÚU çȤÚU ßã Öæ» »§üÐ ©â·Ô¤ çÂÌæ Ùð ©âð ¹ôÁÙð ·¤è ·¤ôçàæàæ ·¤è, Üðç·¤Ù ßã Ùãè´ ç×ÜèÐ ƒæÚU âð Öæ» ·¤ÚU ßã âǸ·¤ ÂÚU ¥æ »§üÐ ßãæ´ ©âÙð °·¤ àææÎè ·¤è ÂæÅUèü Îð¹èÐ àææÎè ·Ô¤ 嫂 æÜ ×ð´ ßã Øã âô¿·¤ÚU ¿Üè »§ü ç·¤ Øãæ´ ©âð ·¤éÀ ¹æÙð ·¤ô ç×Üð»æÐ ¥æØôÁ·¤ô´ Ùð ÁÕ ©âð Îð¹æ Ìæð ©âð ÕéÚUè ÌÚUã Çæ´Å Uæ ¥õÚU »Îü٠·¤Ç¸ ·¤ÚU çÙ·¤æÜ çÎØæÐ ©âð ÕãéÌ ¹ÚUèÕ Ü»æ, Üðç·¤Ù Öê¹ ÕÎæüàÌ ·¤ÚUÙæ ×éçà·¤Ü Íæ, §âçÜ° ßã ·¤êǸðÎæÙ âð çÙ·¤æÜ·¤ÚU ¹æÙæ ¹æÙð Ü»è, Öè¹ ×æ´»Ùð Ü»èÐ ·¤§ü ÕæÚU Õæ·¤è âǸ·¤ ·Ô¤ Õ‘¿ð Öè ©ââð Øã ¹æÙæ ÀèÙ Üð Ìð, ¹êÕ Ûæ»Ç¸ð ãôÌð ÚUãÌðÐ §âè â×Ø ©â·¤è °·¤ ÎôSÌ ××Ìæ Ùð ÚUæSÌæ çιæØæÐ ßã ƒæÚUðÜê ×ÎÎ (×ðÇ) ·Ô¤ ÌõÚU ÂÚU ·¤æ× ·¤ÚUÌè Íè ¥õÚ¸ ©âè âð ¥ÂÙè ÚUôÁè-ÚUôÅUè ¿ÜæÌè ÍèÐ ©âè âð ÂýðÚU‡ææ ÜðÌð ãé° ÂæßüÌè Ùð Öè ·¤æ× ·¤ÚUÙæ àæéM¤ ç·¤ØæÐ ·¤æ× ç·¤Øæ ¥õÚU Âñâð Õ¿æ°Ð çȤÚU ©âÙð àæãÚU ÕÎÜ çÎØæ ¥õÚU °·¤ â×æÁ âðßè ·¤è ×ÎÎ âð ç¿ËÇþÙ ãô× ×ð´ Îæç¹Üæ çÜØæÐ ç¿ËÇþÙ ãô× ×ð´ ßã ¹êÕ Âɸ淤ê ãô »§ü ¥õÚU ©âÙ𠥑Àð âð Âɸæ§ü ·¤èÐ ¥ÂÙè S·¤ê Ü ·¤è ç·¤ÌæÕô´ ·Ô¤ ¥Üæßæ, ßã Ü»æÌæÚU Üæ§ÕýðÚUè ÁæÌè Íè ¥õÚU ©âÙð Öê¹, »ÚUèÕè ¥õÚU ç·¤âæÙô´ ·¤è ¥æˆ×ãˆØæ ÂÚU ¥‘Àè â×ÛæÎæÚUè çß·¤çâÌ ·¤èÐ ãô× ·Ô¤ ¥æò»ðüÙæ§Áâü ·¤è ×ÎÎ âð ©âÙð FæÌ·¤ ·¤è Âɸæ§ü ·¤è, ÂæÅUü ÅUæ§× Ùõ·¤ÚUè ·¤è ¥õÚU Âñâð Õ¿æ°Ð çȤÚU âôàæÜ ß·¤ü ×ð´ °×.° ç·¤ØæÐ §â ÌÚUã âð ßã Öè âôàæÜ ß·¤üÚU ÕÙ »§üÐ âæ×æçÁ·¤ çßáØô´ ÂÚU ©â·¤è ·¤Ç¸ ¥õÚU â×ÛæÎæÚUè ¥‘Àè ãô »§ü. ¹æâÌõÚU âð Öê¹, »ÚUè Õè ¥æçÎ ÂÚU €UØô´ç·¤ §âð ©â·¤è âèÏæ ¥ÙéÖß ÍæÐ ç·¤âæÙô´ ·¤è ¥æˆ×ãˆØæ ÂÚU Öè ©Ùâð â×ÛæÎæÚUè çß·¤çâÌ ·¤èÐ ÁÕ ßã âǸ·¤ ÂÚU Õ‘¿ô´ ·¤ô ¹æÙæ ÕÅUôÚUÌð Îð¹Ìè, Ìô ©â·¤æ çÎÜ Îé¹ÌæÐ ©âð ¥ÂÙæ Õ¿ÂÙ ØæÎ ¥æÌæÐ ©âÙð Øã Âý‡æ ç·¤Øæ ç·¤ ßã Öê¹-»ÚUèÕè ·Ô¤ ç¹ÜæȤ ÜǸæ§ü ÜǸð»è ¥õÚU ç·¤âæÙô´ ·¤ô ¥æˆ×ãˆØæ âð Õ¿æ°»èÐ ç·¤âæÙô´ ·¤è ÕðãÌÚUè ·Ô¤ çÜ° ·¤æ× ·¤ÚUÙæ àæéM¤ ç·¤ØæÐ ¥æˆ×ãˆØæ ·¤ÚUÙð ßæÜð ç·¤âæÙô´ ·Ô¤ Õ‘¿ô´ ·¤ô ©âÙð §·¤Å÷UÆUæ ç·¤ØæÐ ©‹ãð´ ¥ÂÙð ÚUçÁSÅUÇü ãô× ×ð´ ÚU¹æÐ ©âÙð ȤêÇ ÇôÙðàæÙ ØæÙè ÖôÁÙ ÎæÙ ·¤è ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·¤ô Âý¿æçÚUÌ-ÂýâæçÚUÌ ·¤ÚUÙæ àæéM¤ ç·¤ØæÐ ÏèÚUð-ÏèÚUð ÇôÙðàæÙ ¥æÙæ àæéM¤ ãô »ØæÐ ©â·¤æ ç×àæÙ Íæ-Öê ¹ âð ×éçQ¤Ð
Bengali Sathi Rainbow
pages Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Øê¢ ç×Üè ×éç€Ì
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
েরiনেবা সাথী
Rainbow Sathi
�ే��� ���ీ
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
�ే��� ���ీ
Rainbow Sath
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
சாத்தி ெரயின்ேபா
েরiনেবা সাথী
The Rainbow Sathi helps all the rainbow children in India to share their thoughts and ideas and gives a feeling that we are united.
�ే��� ���ీ
ா சாத்தி
ാ സതി
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
�ే��� ���ీ
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
েরiনেবা Bengali
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: 15
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
Rainbow Sathi is symbol of togetherness. It is a main centr e where we stand as one and my humble request to Rainbow Sathi is that stay with us forev er because its throu gh you that we show our talents in other activities like story writi ng, poem writing and our experiences in vario us programme. Thou gh don’t get to comm we unicate with each other face to face, yet we are together in the Rainbow. It is facinating Miru Mandi, kolka ta
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Shruti Mondal, Kolkata Telugu:
Rainbow Sathi
Kannad a: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸ ಾಥೀ
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻ േബാ സതി
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
�ే��� ���ీ
Kannad a: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸ ಾಥೀ
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
We are lovers of nature, we are fond of greenery
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
In rainbow sathi I got a platform to share my emotions & experiences. This is very important for us as we come from different background. I finished my SSC with good grade of 8.3 from Kasturba Gandhi Vidyalaya. Presently I am doing diploma in Polyclinic from St. Mary’s college in Hyderabad. I feel, to every child along with food, shelter and clothing emotional support is also needed. Laxmi-XI, APMWS Home.Hyderabad
ÕÁÚU´»è, ·¤ÿææ y, Fðã ƒæÚU ·¤é ãÚUæÚU, ÂÅUÙæ
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েরiনেবা Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rachna Kumari, class-6, age-12 years. Kannada: Khilkhilahat Aman BIradri Rainbow home, Rajvansi Nagar, Patna.
ാ സതി
We will break
ãU× ÌæðǸð¢U» ð ÕðçǸUØæ¢
ã×ð ·¤ãæÙè ÂɸÙæ ÕãéÌ Ââ‹Î ãñ, ã× ¿æãÌð ãñ´ ç·¤ ÚUðÙÕô âæÍè ×ð´ ·¤ãæçÙØæ´ ÀÂð´Ð ã× ¿æãÌð ãñ´ ç·¤ ÚUðÙÕô âæÍè ×ð´ ¥õÚU Öè Õç‘¿Øæ´ ÁéǸUð´ ÌÚUã-ÌÚUã ç·¤ ·¤ãæçÙØæ¡ ¥õÚU ·¤çßÌæØð¡ çܹð´Ð
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
ா சாத்தி
Öê¹, »ÚUèÕè, ÕðÚUæðÁ»æÚUè ¥çàæÿææ, , ÁæçÌ ¥æñÚ çã¢Uâæ, U Üñ ÖðÎÖæß... ´ç»·¤ ·¤è
Tannu Kumari. Class-6, age- 12 years, Khilkhilahat Aman BIradri Rainbow home, Rajvansi Nagar, Patna.
Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேப Malayalam:
My Earth My Love ×ðÚUè ÏÚÌè ×ðÚUæ ŒØæÚUU
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
েরiনেবা Bengali
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
েরiনেবা সাথী
ാ സതി
æð âæÍè ÚðUÙÕ
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ
சாத்தி Malayala m: െറയിൻ േബാ സതി
Kannada ெரயின்ேபா Malayalam:
েরiনেবা সাথী
MAY 2017
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Friendsh ip is beyond Caste, gender,l class & anguage, borders. messeng We are ers of friendsh torch bearers ip & of peace
ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ religion, Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Fri g L end ive ship
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
েরiনেবা সাথী
�ే��� ���ీ
েরiনেবা Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍ è
ÁæÌ-ÂæÌ , Ï×ü, çÜ¢ », Öæcææ, âÚUãUÎæð´ ·ð ¥×èÚUè-» ¤ Õ¢ÏÙ âð ÚUèÕè ¥æñÚ ÂÚUßæÙð ãñ ÂÚð U U¢ ãU×, ¥×Ù U ãñ ÎæðSÌèÐ ÎæðSÌè ·ð¤ ·ð¤ ÚU¹ßæÜðÐ ÁæðǸÌð ãéU ° ÕɸUæÌð ãñ´U ãU× ¥ÂÙæ çÎÜæð´ ·¤æð ·¤æÚUßæ¢
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
�ే��� ���ీ
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu:
ാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ெரயின்ேபா Malayalam: െറയിൻേബ
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÎæðSÌè çÁ¢ÎæÕæÎ
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
േബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী
×ðÚUæ Ùæ× Ìóæé ·¤é×æÚUè ãñ, ×ñ´ ¿æãÌè ãê¡ ç·¤ Áñâð ÚUðÙÕô âæÍè ×ð´ ·¤çßÌæ, ·¤ãæÙè ¥æçÎ ÀÂÌð ãñ¢ ßñâð ãUè çÁÌÙð Öè ÚUðÙÕô ãô× ãñ´ ©Ù·¤æ Ùæ× ÂÌæ ÀÂÙæ ¿æçã°Ð ×ñ´ ¿æãÌè ãê¡ ç·¤ ×ðÚUæ Ùæ× Öè ÚUðÙÕô âæÍè ×ð´ ÀÂðÐ ÚUðÙÕô âæÍè ×ð´ ·¤ãæÙè ¥õÚU ¿éÅU·¤éÜð ÀÂð´ Ìô ×éÛæð ÕãéÌ ¥‘Àæ Ü»ð»æÐ
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
�ే��� ���ీ
Letters Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
Malaya 11 lam: ാ സതി െറയിൻേബ
�ే��� ���ీ
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ
েরiনেবা সাথী
ow Rainb
ç¿ÅU÷ÆUè ¥æ§ü ãñ´U
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Malayalam 13 : െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
year of
Aman Rainbow Home, Bihar
Malayalam: ാ സതി െറയിൻേബ
�ే��� ���ీ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Champa Kumari class-8th,
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
for fair case to Chandigarh Court shifted this ment. Reliwas huge resent trial as locally there raised and there was fear were gious sentiments law was made Asifa’s matter a of violence. After 12 years is raped than less is that if a girl who . will get penalty then that victim Justice lem in getting SO ? What is the prob form of POC ? What is the full FROM SEXUAL from the court tant reason DREN impor CHIL most OF is the PROTECTION Attitude. Illiteracy y and family societ of iour ACT OFFENSES if we along with it behav Taboo is there that in this act? is also responsible. to family. ons are there name will come How many secti complain then bad then how ns. will not support There are 46 sectio ed to take So because if they . Parents are requir the child will justice Asifa case? in done was What Police investigation was this case in court. lodged then Police me Firstly FIR was the court. Supre e sheet issued in Charg then held
Rainbow Sathi
increasing st girl child are Why crime again legal lacunas. what are the across country, l (class 9, Kilkilahat Kaja bow In Patna we Ghronda Rain 7, s (clas Rainbow), Asha u (class 10, BGVS) met Bind Homes) and Pankaj to Vikas kumar with Advocate t on this. discuss abou
Rainbow Sath
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Rainbow Sathi
Kannada: ty? ´ ÇÚU Ùãè´ Ü»Ìæ? in doing such activi letely different. ãð´ °âæ ·¤æ× ·¤ÚUÙð ×ð ¥Ü» ãôÌæ ãñ §âçÜ° ©‹ãð́ °âæ R¤æ§× Do they fear comp ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ ©â â×Ø ©Ù·¤æ çÎ×æ» Ùãè´ Ü»Ùð ·¤æ °·¤ ¥ôÚU ·¤æÚU‡æ ãñ €UØô´ At that time there mindset is y.. ÇÚU such crime activit : Telugu ð ×ð́ ãð âô¿Ùð Ü» They ÇÚU Ùãè´ Ü»Ìæ ãñÐ ©‹ãð́ do not fear in doing ·¤ÚU çâȤü âð€Uâ ·Ô¤ ÕæÚU â×Ø ÜǸ·¤æ ¹êÎ ·¤ô ¹ô
çã´âæ ·Ô¤ Îôáè ãñ´
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
hi Rainbow Sat
ed to have Editor –We decid getting involved out why boys are have cent boys to find There is need to s against girls. in sexual crime tion with them. direct communica and (Raja, Shravan boys three crime” .They Shivam met with the topic “sexual ÕæÌ¿èÌ y) to discuss on ÙæÕæçÜ» ÜǸ·¤ô´ âð and WHY-æÏô´ ×ð´ Vicke what moves inside boys mind Øã Èñ¤âÜæ ç·¤Øæ ç·¤ ¥æç¹ÚU ßð ØõÙ ¥ÂÚU d violence in boys? Ìæç·¤ Øð ÕÌæ ¿Üð ç·¤ æÏ Õɸ ÚUãð ãñ´Ð §â·Ô¤ ÕæÚUð ×ð´ share much feeling of and above Why there is so ãñ´, €UØô´ ¥æç¹ÚU Øð ¥ÂÚU boys of 18 years to commit : Watching MMS tend Raja ©Ùâð and ð ¿èÌ ·¤è Áæ°Ð ¥õÚU girl d ç×Üæ ted towar ¥õÚU çß·¤è âð Ù ÜÇ·¤ô´ ÚUÁ¸æ, ŸæßÙ Õ‘¿ð vw get sexually attrac two boys gossip with each other ©‹ãô´Ùð ÕÌæØæ ·¤è Áô l crime. When nce they also ·Ô¤ çßáØ ÂÚU ¿¿æü ·¤èÐ ´ ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ´Ð ©UÙ·¤è ÕæÌ¿èÌ sexua and in that refere sex »ÜçÌØæ s ¤ ·Ô ã ÌÚU discus §â y ßð ãôÌð ãñ they usuall also get so much . Along with it they g themselves MMS about talk start doing sex amon small girls. excited that they €UØô´ ãôÌè ãñ ? do with ÚU §ÌÙè çã´âæˆ×·¤ ÖæßÙæ âæÜ ·Ô¤ ãñ´ ßð ÜǸ緤Øô´ ·Ô¤ only whereas some boys try to v} S Îð¹Ùð ÂÚU ÜǸ·Ô¤ Áô ÜǸ·¤ô´ ·¤è ÕæÌ¿èÌ ×ð´ ’ØæÎæÌÚU Îô of crime? ¥æ·¤çáüÌ ãô ÁæÌð ãñ´Ð ·¤æ Öè ¿¿æü boys do such type no work ð ·Ô¤ R¤× ×ð´ MMS are free and have °·¤-ÎêâÚUð Why ãôÌè ãñÐ ÕæÌ¿èÌ ·¤ÚUÙ ßð boys ç·¤ ´ ãñ ÁæÌð When ãô van: ©žæðçÁÌ sex. This type of Ì¿èÌ ·¤ÚUÌð ãé° §ÌÙð - Õç‘¿Øô´ Shra they think about g ÁæÌð ãñÐ §âè ×ð´ ÀôÅUð Õ‘¿ô´ to do then only along with a feelin ÜÌ ãÚU·¤Ì ·¤ÚUÙð Ü» Ü» ÁæÌð ãñÐ pleasure to them Ùð thought brings ÌÚUã ·Ô¤ »ÜÌ ·¤æ× ·¤ÚU doing sex. of Ìð ãñ ? a §â ÌÚUã ·Ô¤ R¤æ§× ·¤ÚU at night then what ·¤ÚUÙð ·¤ô Ùãè´ ãôÌæ ·¤æ× road À ·¤é the Âæâ ¤ on ©Ù·Ô ©‹ãð´ »ÜÌ If a small girl is seen ÜǸ·Ô¤ Ȥýè ãôÌð ãñ, ÁæÌð ãñ´Ð §â ÌÚUã ·¤è âô¿ her? â ·Ô¤ ÕæÚUð ×ð´ âô¿Ùð Ü» boy think about ally think of doing Ð time a boy gener . ·¤ô ©ˆâæçãÌ ·¤ÚUÌè ãñ Shivam: At that at night on the street girl as she is alone ´? that ãñ with âô¿Ìð æ Ø sex €U ¤ Ô · Ǹ·¤è ·¤ô Îð¹·¤ÚU ÜǸ âð€Uâ ·Ô¤ ÕæÚUð ×ð´ That’s how crime happens. ÜÇ·¤è ·Ô¤ âæÍ çâȤü ¤è ¥·Ô¤Üè â â×Ø ÜǸ·¤æ ©â ÚUæÌ ×ð´ âǸ·¤ ÂÚU ÜǸ· d doing such type behin tion ÁæÌæ ãñ €UØô´ç·¤ ©â â×Ø condi l What is the menta ? of sexual crime type of sexual crime ãñ ? generally do such €UØæ ×æÙçâ·¤Ìæ ãôÌè fill them with §× ·¤ÚUÙð ·Ô¤ ÂèÀð ©Ù·¤è ·¤æ âð€Uâé¥Ü R¤æ§×, ßèçÇØô Îð¹Ùð Vickey: Boys porn videos which ã as they use to watch ÜǸ·Ô¤ ’ØæÎæÌÚU §â ÌÚU ãô ÁæÌð ãñ´Ð çÁÌ ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ €UØô´ç·¤ ßð ©žæð excitement.
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
n videos are MMS and Por e sinciting crim dialogue with adole
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Malayalam: ാ സതി െറയിൻേബ
েরiনেবা সাথী
Police, society and family should be pro-active
MMS ¥õÚU àÜèÜ ßèçÇØô
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Malayalam: ാ സതി െറയിൻേബ
uja lost her father when she was five years old. After losing her father, her mother used to pick the rags from the streets and arranged food. Sometimes Puja accompanied her mother in rag picking. They didn’t have shelter, they lived onfootpath,not having enough food to kill the hunger. One day her mother became sick. She didn’t have money for her treatment. To arrange money for her mother’s treatment, Puja one day alone went for rag picking. And that day one incident happened with her which totally destroyed her life. She was raped. She was brought to a hospital by a lady who found her on the street. She was bleeding badly. After her recovery, she asked that lady to take her to her mother. But she was unable to tell the proper address to her as she had no home. One day she was also sold to a man. Puja felt that place was not safe for her. So, she escaped and came to same footpath where she lived with her mother. She didn’t find her mother there.A local person informed her about her mother’s death due to illness. Puja started roaming here and there. She lost all hopes about her life. But there is god who always helps the needy. She reached to a lady who helps the persons who are in need. Puja was taken to Loreto Rainbow Home where she started a new life. She got a safe shelter, adequate food and found her mother in the caregivers home. Puja received so much love and care which she never expected . She was admitted in school.Pu ja is doing well in studies. She wants to be a good person in future and wants to work for the Rainbow Kids. She also Kannada: like to create education opportun ities for allೕಸಾಥೀ so that they become self-depe ರೇನೊಬ್ ndent and self-sustained. The message Telugu: that she wants to give is about how to cope with the difficulties in the life �ే��� ���ీ that she faced in her past.
Beginning a ne w Lif e
Tamil: Tamil: ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാസതി െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Kannada: Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ ರೇನೊ ಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ �ే��� ���ీ
âæÍè athi ÚðUÙÕæð
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
�ే��� ���ీ
Rainbow Sath
েরiনেবা সাথী
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
MalayaTelugu: lam:
െറയിൻ �ే�േബാ �� ���ీ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
�ే��� ���ీ
Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Áæ Ùð Âæ´¿ ßáü ·¤è ©×ý ×ð´ ¥ÂÙð çÂÌæ ·¤ô ¹ô çÂÌæ ·¤ô ¹ôÙð ·Ô¤ ÕæÎ ©â·¤è ×æ´ Ùð âǸ çÎØæ ÍæÐ ÕèÙ ·¤ÚU ¹æÙð ·¤æ ÂýÕ´Ï ç·¤ØæÐ ·¤Öè-·¤Öè ·¤ô´ âð ·¤¿ÚUæ ÂêÁæ Öè ·¤¿ÚUæ ÕèÙÙð ·Ô¤ çÜ° ¥ÂÙè ×æ´ ·Ô¤ âæÍ ÁæÙð Ü»èÐ ©Ù·Ô¤ Âæâ ÚUãÙð ·Ô¤ çÜ° ·¤ô§ü çÆ·¤æÙæ Ùãè´ ÍæÐ ßð Ȥé ÅUÂæÍ ÂÚU ãè ÁèßÙ çÕÌæÌð ÍðÐ ÂðÅU ·¤è Öê¹ ç×ÅUæÙð ·Ô¤ çÜ° ©Ù·Ô ¤ Âæâ ÂØæü# ÖôÁÙ Ùãè´ ÍæÐ °·¤ çÎÙ ©â·¤è ×æ´ Õè×æÚU ÂǸ »§ü Ð ©â·Ô ·Ô¤ çÜ° Âñâð Ùãè´ ÍðÐ Âñâð ÁéÅUæÙð ·Ô¤ çÜ° ¤ Âæâ ×æ´ ·Ô¤ §ÜæÁ °·¤ çÎÙ ßã ¥·Ô¤Üð ãè ·¤¿ÚUæ ÕèÙÙð ¿Üè »§üÐ ©â çÎÙ °·¤ ƒæÅU ÕÕæüÎ ·¤ÚU çÎØæÐ ©â·Ô¤ âæÍ ÕÜ户¤æÚU Ùæ Ùð ©â·¤æ ÁèßÙ ç·¤Øæ »ØæÐ °·¤ ×çãÜæ Ùð ©âð âǸ·¤ ÂÚU ¹êÙ âð ÜÍÂÍ Îð¹ ·¤ÚU ¥SÂÌæÜ Âãé´¿æØæÐ Æè·¤ ãôÙð ·Ô¤ ÕæÎ ÂêÁæ Ùð ©â ×çãÜæ âð ·¤ãæ ç·¤ ×éÛæð ×ðÚUè ×æ´ ·Ô¤ Âæâ Üð Áæ¥ô Üðç·¤Ù ßã ¥ÂÙæ âãè ÂÌæ Ùãè´ ÕÌæ Âæ§ü €UØô´ç·¤ ©â·¤æ ·¤ô§ü ƒæÚU Ùãè´ ÍæÐ °·¤ çÎÙ ©âð °·¤ ¥æÎ×è ·¤ô Õð¿ çÎØæ »ØæÐ ©âÙð ×ãâêâ ç·¤Øæ ç·¤ Øã Á»ã ©â·Ô¤ çÜ° âéÚUçÿæÌ Ùãè´ ãñÐ ßã ßãæ´ âð Öæ» ·¤ÚU ©âè ȤéÅUÂæÍ ÂÚU Âãé´¿è Áãæ´ ©â·¤è ×æ´ ÚUãÌè ÍèÐ ©â·¤è ×æ´ Ùãè SÍæÙèØ ÃØçQ¤ Ùð ©âð ÕÌæØæ ç·¤ Õè×æÚU ç×ÜèÐ °·¤ è ·¤è ßÁã âð §â·¤è ×æ´ Ùð Î× ÌôǸ çÎØæ ÍæÐ ÂêÁæ Õé ÚUè ÌÚUã âð ÅUêÅU »§üÐ ©â×ð´ ÁèÙð ·¤è ¥æâ ¹ˆ× ãô »§ü Üðç·¤Ù Ö»ßæÙ ã×ðàææ ÁM¤ÚUÌ×´Î ·¤è ×ÎÎ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñÐ ßã °·¤ ×çãÜæ ·Ô¤ Âæâ »§ü Áô ÁL¤ÚUÌ×´Îô´ ·¤è ×ÎÎ ·¤ÚUÌè ãñÐ ÂêÁæ ·¤ô ÜôÚUðÅUô ÚUðÙÕô ãô× Üð ÁæØæ »Øæ Áãæ´ ©â·Ô¤ Ù° ÁèßÙ ·¤è àæéL¤¥æÌ ãé§üÐ ©âð âéÚUçÿæÌ ¥æŸæØ ç×Üæ,â×éç¿Ì ÖôÁÙ ç×Üæ ¥õÚU ×æ´ Öè ç×Ü »§üÐ ©âð S·¤êÜ ×ð´ ÖÌèü ç·¤Øæ »Øæ Áãæ´ ©â·¤è Âɸæ§ü Kannada: ãñÐ ÂêÁæ °·¤ ¥‘Àè §´âæÙ ÕÙÙæ ¿æãÌè ÕçɸØæ ¿Ü ÚUãè ãñÐ ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ ·Ô¤ çÜ° ·¤æ× ·¤ÚUÙæ ¿æãÌè ãñÐ ßã âÖè ßã ÚUðÙÕô ç·¤Ç÷â ·¤ô Sß çÙÖüÚU ÕÙæÙð ·Ô¤ çÜ° çàæÿææ ·Ô¤ Ù° ¥ßâÚU ©ˆÂóæ ·¤ÚUÙ æ ¿æãÌè ãñ ¥õÚU Øã ÕÌæÙæ Telugu: ¿æãÌè ãñ ç·¤ ÁèßÙ ×ð´ ·¤çÆÙæ§Øô´ âð �ే��� ���ీ ·ñ¤âð çÙÂÅUÙæ ¿æçã°Ð
ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ �ే��� ���ీ
Ù° ÁèßÙ ·¤è
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻ േബാ സതി
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ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 11Malayalam:
comprehensive care programm e.. & they promised GSRD team the children that they would like to partner RFI in its long journey and upbringing of children.
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
েরiনেবা সাথী
�ే��� ���ీ
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Loreto Rainbow Home, Dharamtala, Kolkata
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
Kabita Mondal Class-XII, 18 years
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
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െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী
learnt many things after reading Rainbow Sathi.Earlier I used to think that I am the most deprived child in the world. But after reading the magazine,I realised that there are many children whose condition is worst than me.I also learnt that we should try to apprecia te whatever we have.Through this magazin e I came to know that other states also have Rainbow Homes and many children are staying there.We are very lucky to be part of Rainbow Sathi magazin e. Parents and children used to think that there is no future after completion of class-XII .But now we know Rainbow Home will support us to fulfil our dream.I observed many Kolkata girls had got opportunity to write in the magazine and their photographs also appeared.Now many girls are enthusiastically writing articles, so that their writing is published in the magazine.I wish to thank Rainbow Sathi because of this magazine every one can share their feelings. Through this they are able to recognise their writing talent. After reading this magazine I didn’t feel anything bad there.Infact, everyone came to know each other through this Kannada: magazine. ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
Loreto Bow Bazar, Kolkata
tion, education, artistic skills, children’s future livelihood thoughts etc. The team also had field visits to some of the parents and met them on their makeshift street houses. The team were appreciativ e of various ways and means that RFI
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
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undary for love - ŒØæÚU ÖÚU è ÙÁÚU
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Öè ãñ´U ŒØæ ÚU
Rainbow Sathi
- ÌéÛæâð
ȤæðÅUæðÑ ÚUãU×æÙ
g comp anion
Rainbow Sathi
Amina Khtoon class-12, 19 years
Touching sky - ©UǸUæÙ ·ð¤ ¢¹
I learnt many things from Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
ȤæðÅUæðÑ ÚUãU×æÙ
Promise Of Long Term Friendship
The GSRD Foundatio n team from Netherlands comprising of Chairperson Yos, Klaas de Jong, Michiel Steeman, Rien van,Puck and Frouka visited Rainbow Foundation India, Hyderabad . The team had intensive deliberations with the children of the Homes, on issues of children’s stay in the homes, care pattern, food and nutri-
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Tamil: Kannada:
p forever
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ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
My Friends : ■ Deepika ■ Asha ■ Sivasankari ■ Bhavani ■ Amutha My friend should: study well. She should not involve in any bad activities and behavior. She should be truthful and should share all matters with me. She should guide & should have helping attitude. She should not roam around with her boy-friend. My friend shouldn’t talk bad words, should accept the advice of the elders. We should teach each other our talents & skills. There shouldn’t be enemity, quarreling and jealousy among friends. I will share my future plans with her. We should have trust Fellowship is important to complete the task. We should not leave each other in any circumstances.
Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
×ðÚðU ÂçÚUßæÚU ×ð´ ¿æÚU Üæð» ãñU¢ - ×ñ´, ×ðÚUæ ÀUæðÅUæ Öæ§ü, ÀUæðÅUè ÕãUÙ ¥æñÚU çÂÌæÐ ×ð ÚUè ×æ¢ ÙãUè ãñUÐ ×ñ´ ¥ÂÙè ×æ¢ ·ð¤ ÕǸUè ÕãUÙ ·ð¤ ƒæÚU Íè, Üðç·¤Ù ×éÛæð ßãUæ¢ ¥‘ÀU æ ÙãUè¢ Ü»Ìæ Íæ §âçÜ° ×ñ´ ãUæð× ¥æ »§ü Ð ×ðÚUè âãðUçÜØæ¢ ãñU - Îèç·¤æ, ¥æàææ, çâß⢷¤ÚUè, ÖßæÙè ¥æñÚU ¥×éÍæÐ ×ðÚUè âãðUÜè ·¤æðÑ ÂɸUæ§ü ×ð´ ¥‘ÀUæ ãU æðÙæ ¿æçãU° ©Uâð ÃØßãUæÚU ¥æñÚU ¥æÎÌð ¢ ¹ÚUæÕ
×ðÚUæ ÎæðSÌ ×ÎλæÚU ãUæð
My friend should be Helpfu l
In my family we are four persons - myself, my younger brother and younger sister. I have father but mother is no more. I was with my Aunt (my mother’s elder sister). I don’t like to be with that family and that’s the reason why I arrived here at Rainbow Home.
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
Indumathi, class 11
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
have many friends in the school. I made friendship with girls who face caste discrimination in the school with them. People make such remark on them which they don’t like. Like they will say she is Manjhi (SC in Bihar) so should not accept water or food from
�ే��� ���ీ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Kosapet Arun Rainbow homes, Chennai
her. Someone is Muslim so she should not be closer to us. I have made friendship with girls due to my same suffering. I have faced caste discrimination. It is common practice among children, to hate or discrimnate other children from different caste & religion. Pooja is one of such girl who is very close to me & who suffered a lot. Earlier she was studying in a hostel, she was good in study. Once her mother took her back to home and never sent her back to hostel. Her parents make liquor at home and she is bound to help them. Her mother told her that she will not go to any school or hostel. She respects her parents so does’t disobey them. When I go to home and share my experiences about rainbow home, she says, she wants to study again to fulfill her dreams. I told her she should do so. I told her that lack of education is major cause of discrimina tion Parentless children are prone to do begging, & rag picking. And are unable to go to school. I wish every child should get chance to study.
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Malayala m:
Shree Chandra upper primary school, Bihar
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Bindu, class 9
I wish my friend Pooja May
Rainbow Sathi
e y es
om I am feeling hungry and getting stomachache’, said Parvati. She felt , no one in the family was able to understand her pangs of hunger. her mother struggle for liveliho Seeing od and finding is difficult to meet her ends. She told her mother that she is going out and then she disappeared. Her father went out and searched everyw here but could not find her. From there she went on road. She saw a marriage party. She went inside to get some food. Organiz ers her and holded her by neck scolded and threw her out. She felt bad and broken was unable to bear the hunger but went to a dust bin and started . She eating the food thrown there. She spent few days eating food from bins and begging. Sometimes, other street children will snatch away food from her, there will be many fights on food. At this point, she recalled Mamata who refused to bowher friend down. Mamata worked hard to survive. She never begged. This showed her Parvati also decided to follow way. path of
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Medibavi, Hyderabad
Dreams In Her
©â·¤è ·¤Ç¸ ¥õÚU â×ÛæÎæÚUè ¹, »ÚUèÕè ¥æçÎ ÂÚU €UØô´ç·¤ §âð ·¤âæÙô´ ·¤è ¥æˆ×ãˆØæ ÂÚU Öè ÁÕ ßã âǸ·¤ ÂÚU Õ‘¿ô´ ·¤ô ·¤æ çÎÜ Îé¹ÌæÐ ©âð ¥ÂÙæ ‡æ ç·¤Øæ ç·¤ ßã Öê¹-»ÚUèÕè ÚU ç·¤âæÙô´ ·¤ô ¥æˆ×ãˆØæ âð ·Ô¤ çÜ° ·¤æ× ·¤ÚUÙæ àæéM¤ ·¤âæÙô´ ·Ô¤ Õ‘¿ô´ ·¤ô ©âÙð SÅUÇü ãô× ×ð´ ÚU¹æÐ ÁÙ ÎæÙ ·¤è ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ ·¤ô ç·¤ØæÐ ÏèÚUð-ÏèÚUð ÇôÙðàæÙ æÙ Íæ-Öê¹ âð ×éçQ¤Ð
Mamata. she decided to work and saved some money. She shifted to other city and there, with the of social workers got admitte help d into a children’s home. In children’s home, She became studious and studied well. Apart from her academic books, she frequently went to library and developed good understanding about issues of hunger, poverty , farmer’s suicide. With the support of home organizers, she continu ed her graduation besides doing some parttime jobs. She saved some money which she used for studyin g Masters in Social work. She her eventually became a social worker. She developed good understanding about the social issues like farmers suicide and especially about hunger from own experience. Her heart her pains seeing the scenes of childre n scrambling for food on road. She remembers her past. She resolved to work to fight against hunger also save the farmers from and suicides. She gathered children who were suffering from hunger and whose parents have committed suicide became their guide and started . She feeding them by putting them in her registered home. She propagated the concep food donation. Subsequently, t of food donation proliferated and all started coming. Support from all quarter started pouring in. Her mission s is freedom from hunger. Her dream should come true.
Parvati 11th std,
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
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Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
w Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
»ÚUèÕè, ·¤¿ÚUUæ ¥æñÚ ÁèßÙ
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: 17
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Some people throw garbage, and people like me find their life in same trash. When you are hungry, your stomach does not see what has to be eaten and what not, even if it is garbage. While writing this, I feel tears in my eyes, but you must have seen that how carelessly people are throwing away the leftover food. Some children go for study, few others like me collect garbage. Few children live a life of great comfort, but some children have to work hard to live. I am sad to see it. I have seen many children taking drugs due to helplessness. The children, who do not get food, fill the stomach with was born in a poor family intoxicants. Keeping this in mind “Under that’s why I can understand the Star” program is organized by the why poverty is so tragic. I have seen many Rainbow Homes, through which we try to people collecting food from the garbage and tell that whether anyone is poor or rich, we eating it. Even I have collected garbage. It is Kannada: all are equal. We all should live together so ೕಸಾಥೀ very easy to say that one can survive even whenರೇನೊಬ್that poverty can be eradicated. being poor, but when you move out to search Telugu: Kishore, 11 yrs, 5th std for work, then you realise what poverty is. �ే��� ���ీ Sneh ghar Amala Tola, Patna
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Life in the midst of garbage
Rainbow Sathi
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·¤ÿææ-z, ßcæü-vv Fðã ƒæÚU, ¥×Üæ ÅUôÜæ, ÂÅUÙæ
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െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Gita Paswan class-9th, 15 years
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
My Golden Dream
×ðÚUæ âéÙãÚUæ âÂÙæ
Dream is like precious Diamond
âÂÙæ °·¤ Õðàæ·¤è×Ìè ãèÚUð ·¤è ÌÚUã ãôÌæ ãñ ×ñ´ ã×ðàææ ª¤´¿æ ©Ç¸UÙð ¥õÚU ÌæÚUð ·¤è ÌÚUã ¿×·¤Ùð ·¤æ âÂÙæ Îð¹Ìè ãê´ °·¤ °ðâæ ÌæÚUæ Áô âæÚUð ¥´Ï·¤æÚU ·¤ô âô¹ ÜðÌæ ãñ ¥õÚU ×ðÚUð ÁèßÙ ×ð´ ¹éçàæØæ´ ÜæÌæ ãñ ×ñ´ ã×ðàææ ÕǸUð âÂÙð Îð¹Ìè ãê´ €UØô´ç·¤ ×ðÚUæ ×æÙÙæ ãñ ç·¤ ×ðÚUæ â´·¤Ë ÕãéÌ ×ÁÕêÌ ãñ âÂÙæ °·¤ Õðàæ·¤è×Ìè ãèÚUð ·¤è ÌÚUã ãôÌæ ãñ ×ñ´ ã×ðàææ Õéçh×æÙ, §ü×æÙÎæÚU, â´ßðÎÙàæèÜ ¥õÚU ©ÎæÚU ÚUãÙð ·¤æ âÂÙæ Îð¹Ìè ãê´ ×ñ´ ã×ðàææ ç¹Üê´»è ¥õÚU °·¤ ÌæÚUð ·¤è ÌÚUã ¿×·¤ê´»è ×ðÚUè Ìæ·¤Ì ¥õÚU ¥æàææ âð ×ðÚUð âæÚUð ÇÚU ç×ÅU Áæ°´»ð €UØô´ç·¤ ×ñ´ ª¤´¿æ ©Ç¸UÙð ·¤æ âÂÙæ Îð¹Ìè ãê´ ×ðÚUæ ×æÙÙæ ãñ ç·¤ ×ñ´ °·¤ ãèÚUð ·¤è ÌÚUã ¿×·¤ â·¤Ìè ãê´ ×ðÚUæ ×æÙÙæ ãñ ç·¤ ¥´Ì ×ð´ ×ñ ãÚUð·¤ ·Ô¤ âæ×Ùð ¹Ç¸Uð ãô ·¤ÚU ·¤ãê´»è, Ò×ñ´Ùð Øã ·¤ÚU çιæØæ ãñÓ
Because I always dream to fly high and shine like a star
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sathi
Loreto Bow Bazar, Kolkata
A star that takes away all the darkness And brings happiness in my life I will always dream big because I believe that my determination is too strong Dream is like precious Diamond Because I always dream to be smart, truthfull, Honest, have passion and be generous I will always bloom and shine bright like a star With my strength and hope all my fears will go Because I dream to fly high I will fall and get up every time Because I believe I can shine like diamond I Kannada: still believe that in the end ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
I will stand in front of everyone Telugu:
And say “I have done it” �ే��� ���ీ
»èÌæ ÂæâßæÙ, ÜôÚUðÅUô Õô ÕæÁæÚU, ·¤æðÜ·¤æÌæ
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
�ే��� ���ీ
Priya Pulay, class-8,Loreto Bow Bazaar Rainbow Home
activities : Delhi
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
In July, a session on drug de-addiction was conducted at Khushi Home, Delhi. Many questions were raised by ch ildren.
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam:
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
In August, a general health camp of Gynae was organized at Kilkari Home, Delhi. Objective was to create awareness about body and menstrual health.
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Payel Mondal, Age-19 years, class-11, Loreto House Rainbow Home
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Creative strokes
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Rainbow Sathi
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sathi
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Malayalam: Kannada: ೕ ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥಿ Telugu:
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
பா சாத்தி ெரயின்ே Malayalam: ി ബാ സത െറയിൻേ
ী েরiনেবা সাথ
Malayalam: േബാ സതി െറയിൻ
ி ேபா சாத்த
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
�ే��� ���ీ
Kannada: ಥೀ ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾ
a dren’s views Dear girls and Sneh Gh spir ting figh us hood! Let many more Let us ca cesses with
w Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
பா சாத்தி ெரயின்ே Malayalam: ി ബാ സത െറയിൻേ
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
through Child rights n io at particip
ী েরiনেবা সাথ
ÚðUÙÕæð â
soc do good to I or police, to n. Actually, all the childre home, but w my away from -- they mig ice pol dad and c Sister! Please my mom. ” to the hostel. to send us s is the s Children! Thi ent a llig inte I found him to overco ing but struggl t to lose his doesn’t wan m the st fro demanding in his lif lts abusive adu elopme , dev protection I met a This month d into be dren trafficke hunger a work, facing removed and forcibly fident bo also saw con valiantly o their lives ir strong the oed ech ments as itle ent and n. These Conventio can be a linked and t come stability tha pre com term, and s and ilie cratic fam
have day. People t twice in a d. We I eat at leas not for foo uliquor but money for ons to eat reg d. rice, provisi need ration Aadhar and ration car d ish larly. We nee old graves would van can play wish these I I n the f , y ground l, ro , volley bal into a big pla yea addi, cricket w ee Kho-kho, kab hout obstacles. Thr nbo er k wit to school, nev even we wal Rai l. m sent me mo wel , i yed ago rs h pla yea and sat s. I studied ame mad, bunked clas husband bec n t’s The aun s. ly nth mo Sudden there for 6 . me k ool too m sch mom struck off fro time, my name was another school; this to t r the Later I wen ved to ano son we mo in rainy sea d, again I had to ape the floo er asked me place to esc erwards a sist dily agreed but to stop. Aft rea I tel, es hos ir come to the send, he is scared of hom n’t forcedmy dad did ago, police Some time Then e in a van. or hostels. hom my card from ly took me er for Aadhar m. ed my fath the govt harass didn’t have card but we locked in a and ration was sad. I was I ran away from My father w . Someho … children’s jail grave yard… reached this fighting didn’t there, and my mom’s ney. My pleas or her for mo t 11 yr-old . He beats week, I me dad hts He d. and Rig my es aba ild nge wiv Ch cha ir Hyder During the ve yard in here beat the others. My ng in a gra … h Many dads Sai Ram, livi eriences. In his words quarrel wit ers. and n, oth my , h exp t wit childre – me shared his se to live in ts me if I figh boy. No one i, dad’s anneeds a hou mother bea a My family , once I hit sister Lakshm m’s widowed 9 year old In my school child. mom, dad, ldren and mo t any of my us to her two chi should bea taking care locals force e, and other wife, hom ice mom a stay Now I place for etimes, pol picking. My sister. Som we leave this room for o go for rag pulusu here, then a sisters. Als ke Pachhi ma I , vacate from back. Once we hired her k house for e is good, for am, and thic ras ato while to com 0/-, but owner locked summer, tom , e to go to 200 in with onions rice. I’d lov monthly Rs. We need a safe house ato curry and in a house so that struggling. ent. tom are ym we -pa ive now non …l r ter seasons, moms also school-hostel regularly 3 times, wea if rainy and win friends’ fathers, some eat fall down, , read books my I can stud, home they My father, y with friends nd Raju is . On the way te in grave uniform, pla …. My frie drink heavily shit as all of us defeca alcolike to talk we need ’t ugh but tho don on I s, or es ent par nada: . No liqu sometim , but h Ghar, his d toilets also and I bathe weekly Kan in Sne his interest yard. We nee get w accepted ೂಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ tor ed houses.ರೇನೆ holic, someho e we hardly t to be a doc ister, promis water, as her lucky. I wan Telugu:I am not so our chief min d like palak, dal, once. KCR, y foo ures�ే��� ���ీ tast ens ks and coo , My mom ts me special ী n. She trea েরiনেবা সাথ Tamil: rarely chicke
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ರೇನೊ ಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
�ే��� ���ీ
Rainbow Sat
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè ow Sathi
Sat Rainbow
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബ ാ സതി
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
েরiনেবা সাথী
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
েরiনেবা সাথী
Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ciously and dem onstrate it to give confidence to the supporters all your needs are met. To ensu this we follow re many transpare nt practices to demonstrate our accountability and you might have seen all or some of these bein your home: g followed in Make a prac tical budget in consultation with various stakehold Make our purc ers including you. hases in a prud ent way by involving the purc Dear children hase committees ! comprising of children and Sneh Sathis. Distribute item Its always a joy s purchased or to see the smiles recei kind through child ved in on all your faces which drives us ren committees. to keep focus on U se all items, food our work even though we don’ , clothes, stationer t directly keep letries, medicine in touch on day basis. s appliances, furn y, toito day iture etc. wisely. As you know, we Make Parti need various resou cipatory Menu Rainbow Hom rces to run our es and one such plan and Menu register updation important resou is Money. Have on daily basis. rce you ever thought Displaying about how we get all our necessitie the donations recei s; like food, cloth ved at the homes. es, books etc.? these are purchase Yes, d from the mark Keep a neat et and we need money to buy it. record of As our family is we spend our mon how, where and when big, we require amounts of mon large ey to manage our Display of expe ey. necessities. You may wonder wher nditu res on monthly basis e this money com the homes. in many well wish es from. There ers, friends and are Maintain supporters like proper records dations, Institutio Founand registers for ns, big compani everything. es, Government who have come and forward to help Get ourselves us with the fund exam To be eligible for ined (audited) by big s. receiving these reputed auditors. and be “Accountable funds, we shou ld and Transparent” all the time. Do know what these you words mean? Let’s Children, do you countability” is understand, “acthink you also being responsibl in making our have a role e for what we are ing and its resul hom es more accounta dots and “transpare transparent? Mos ble and ncy” means, allow others to know t certainly!! You and see how we ing and must cont are doing our work inue to contribut too have been When we practice . e in the process these values peop that I have shar believe and trust ed. For example le around us will us and naturally as a member of the purchase com then, they will respect us. We mittee, when you also at Rainbow Hom shopping thing go out for es have continuo practiced these s for usly and therefore won home, try to buy you and your friends in the the many people and the best quality thus are enjoying confidence of for the youada: are paying. Chec Kann their support. Since we have k whether the vend money promised ours givin g or is you the elves to be acco able for the mon ರೇನೊ ಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ correct quantity untey people have and that he gives a proper bill for given to us, we the responsibility your purchase. have Telug Similarly, you of using it very canu:discuss in sensibly and judiyour Balsabha’s how much mon �ే�is �� ���ీ being spent on ey various items in a month at Rainbow Tamil:
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബ ാ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
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Lear accountnato be bl transparenetand
Rainbow Sa thi
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ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
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in the drenched oic fight was . d. This her dom fighters one ence of min of our free a difficult sacrifices so far was supreme for most of n’s journey themselves The childre for d fen e. Now too y had to d the Hom che ns too, as the rea y bitio inhi od till the ming their their childho in overco merge into shown grit y hard to of they have trying ver r children earnestly the now olde and are have And e, . her iety m soc wn up mainstrea have gro in the r children Homes who Rainbow who younge on the and test ng, pro stro y led a emerged nearup to. The the lives of homes look edy which claimed lared t, and dec trag Gorakhpur last fortnigh d children ilies. lly ly a hundre those hapless fam rything rea eve with -is ity essolidar notice the ask ourselv and let’s us ….. Now around have ? Let’s look out of school, who by hunky-dory n still who survive of childre ds and dre ed, hun ps for orphan bage hea ndoned, , been aba in the gar hazardous Dear friends our rummaging away in decade of begging, a life or toiling of the 8th demned to of food… was specon threshold . ps tion y the s… bra scra the on orie e r’s cele We are dom, s and fact rely becaus ce! This yea nds ades of free es work in field and exclusion me independen seven dec the thousa ging nbow Hom morating caste…at of scaven t hit their from 19 Rai cial, comme a particular with despair tha 0 children ticipated e born in ds the 120 par wer rly dre by bad as nea and Hydera ..at the hun n affected Ghars in rfor Equity of childre ps failed.. and Sneh through ‘ma n their cro m March wona Freedo UN. It was into slavery families whe hungusto in es of aegis of AR s trafficked e…. Or the under the of little girl g the sacrific or flesh trad e they girls… Fraternity . Recallin ed labour ing then their josh orn becaus the riage’, forc up everyth unb m e are sfor gav derful to see us, who for re who not tran ve people is today dreds mo s by alone can all our bra to what it ernment a step out the evil The Gov our country it to pull ged to take h of one to shape must help lves, s and pled lity of eac a rich tribute society; we n like themse responsibi ke India they paid er childre So it’s the n, to ma tributing citicating oth their roots. so that m as con this directio ity, in the towards edu k tern ture wor Fra ity and ing to nur of us to envisthus help dom ieved as mple of Equ acy is ach new India. ggle for free shining exa , of democr zens of a t the stru ger se tha dan sen ber with em the true Let’s rem was fraught presy; every step mitment and wasn’t eas rage, com great cou demanding
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েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
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Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
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Rainbow Sath
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েরiনেবা সাথী
Rainbow Sathi
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சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബ ാ സതി
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ÙÕæð âæÍ hi െറÚðUയി ൻേബാ സത Rainbow Sat
Rainbow Sat
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েরiনেবা সাথী
to go.. Long way
Kannada: ರೇನೊ ಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu:
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
¥æ° . ŒØæÚUð Õ‘¿ô´ÚUñÙÕô ãô× ·¤è ·¤ãæÙè ÕÌæÌè ãê´Ð ßô Á»ã, Áãæ´ ¥æ Üô» e for 110 girls Abhiyan men Rainbow Hom ¥æÁ ×ñ´ Ìé ãð´ Sarva Sikhsha tu·¤æ ƒæÚU ãô »Øæ ãñÐ In 2010 even ¹Ç¸æ ãé¥æÐ a model insti ¥õÚU ¥Õ ßã ¥æ âÖè ð́ ¥õÚ¸ ·¤×ÚUð Ùãè´ ãñ́ ¥õÚU Ù ãè Øã ÚUæÌô´ÚUæÌ ow homes as ÚUæ’Ø ¥õÚ¸ governâØô´ ç ÎèßæÚU °Áð́ ßÜ æ ¤ state ·Ô tioned our rainb ãô× all ÚUñÙÕô è ¥´ÌÚUÚUæCýèØ ÎæÙÎæÌ directions to ¤ âæÍ ¥æ× Üô»ô´, ÕǸ ç·¤°Ð ·¤ôÜ·¤æÌæ ×ð́ tion and sent homes. We took ¥ÂÙð ÕðÜæ» ŒØæÚU ·Ô ãô× ¥õÚU FðãƒæÚU ¹Çð̧ same kind of s in ¥æÆ ÚUæ’Øô´ ×ð́ ÚUñÙÕô ÚUñÙÕô ãô× ·¤è àæéL¤¥æÌ ments to start âÚU·¤æÚUô´ Ùð ç×Ü·¤ÚU rnment office ÂÜ çâSÅUÚU çâçÚUÜ ÂãÜð t to the gove Îã ·¤æòÙßð́ÅU ·¤è çÂýçâ´ Pune. We ßæÜè °·¤ Õ‘¿è ·¤ô çâÜæØ ô Ùð U ã Å ð ÚU this documen ÜôÚU and ÂÚU æÍ a  U Å È¤é ·¤è ÕæÌ ãñ, ÁÕ ßã ©âð ¥´ÎÚU Üð ol Chennai, Patn ·¤è ÍèÐ âæÜ w®®® Bangalore, ¤ ÕæãÚU ÀôǸ çÎØæ »ØæÐ e in their scho ¤Üæ ©Ù·Ô¤ ÎÚUßæÁð ·Ô §âè ÌÚUã çã´âæ ß to provide spac to ÕÜ户¤æÚU ·Ô¤ ÕæÎ ¥·Ô Õç‘¿Øô´ ·Ô¤ çÜ° Öè made them es. But we had ¥æØæ ç·¤ Õæ·¤è ÕðƒæÚU S·¤êÜ ·Ô¤ ow rainbow hom er »§ǘ, Üðç·¤Ù ©‹ãð́ ØæÜ ÜôÚUðÅUô çâSÅUâü Ùð ¥ÂÙð bows. A rainb buildings for lore with Fath ¤Ð ßð ·¤æ ¹ÌÚUæ ãñÐ §â ÂÚU call them Rain ¥õÚU ¹æÙæ ç×Ü â·Ô hard. In Bang and but we àæôá‡æ ·¤æ çàæ·¤æÚU ãôÙð That’s why we work very Ìæç·¤ ©‹ãð́ âéÚUçÿæÌ ÀÌ for one year çΰ see it in the sky, gled ¹ôÜ we çÜ° strug ¤ Ð Íè´ when we t joy ÎÚUßæÁð ©Ù·Ô es in , Áãæ´ ßð ÚUãÌè only commune Edward’s help gives us grea rainbow hom ·Ô¤ çטæ Ü Uô S·¤êÜ ×ð́ ÂɸÙð Ü»è´ Å ð four çâçÚU ÜôÚU U Ú ow. We can ©âè çâSÅU open rainb to ·¤Øæ´ ¥õÚU ç a ÜǸ to man living çÕÁÙðâ×ñÙ finally managed can’t pin down children are motivated Lore ×ð́, ÙèÅUÚUÜñ́Ç÷â ·Ô¤ °·¤ SÍæÂÙæ ·¤è Ìæç·¤ l 364 ·¤è y w®®w Cyri æÙ à ð Ç çȤÚU Sr. Toda Ȥ橴 an . àæ ç and scisc (ȤÇü) Ùð ÂæÅUüçÙÚU ÂÚU ·¤×ÚUæ ¥õÚU school buildings. one sneh ghar with it.” Ferd es and Fran ȤçÇüÙæ´Ç ßæÙ ·¤êÜçß·¤ Øæ Áæ â·Ô¤Ð ©‹ãô´Ùð ÜôÚUðÅUô S·¤êÜ ·¤è ÀÌ ow homes and open four hom ya, y there ÁéÅUæ æÚU Õ‘¿ô´ ·¤æ ƒæÚU in the four rainb agement to a, Vidyaran Kolkota. Toda ÚUñÙÕô ãô× ·Ô¤ çÜ° ÏÙ ·¤ÚU ܻ淤ÚU ©âð Õðƒ Based Indi one home in es ota. ð ·Ô¤ ÖèÌÚU ×ñÅU ¥õÚU Üæò “âǸ·¤ô´ ÂÚU BOSCO, Need rainbow hom Sisters to open girls in Kolk ÅUæòØÜðÅU ÕÙßæØæÐ ·¤×ÚU Ùæ× çÎØæÐ ©‹ãô´Ùð ·¤ãæ, ãñ́Ð ÁÕ ã× jeevan are our to Homes for 662 vil Ü Ùð ©‹ãð́ ÚUñÙÕô ãô× a was trying Auxillium Nava ed the Vana are six Rainbow ÕÙæ çÎØæÐ çâSÅUÚU çâçÚU ãñ́Ð §âçÜ° ã× ©‹ãð́ ÚUñÙÕô (§´ÎýÏÙéá) ·¤ãÌð Harsh Papp nai we form utime ã× ©âð Chen raãôÌð In ¤ comm same Q . ãñ corpo ©‹×é At the partners ¥æÙ´Î ç×ÜÌæ Üðç·¤Ù Chennai rnment and ÚUãÙð ßæÜð Õ‘¿ð Ù ×ð́ Îð¹Ìð ãñ́ Ìô ç·¤ÌÙæ amaippu. The ãñ́Д ȤÇü g spaces in gove us He met Illangalin Koot ç·¤âè §´ÎýÏÙéá ·¤ô ¥æâ×æ ã× ©ââð ·Ô¤ßÜ ¥ÂÙð ¥ãâæâ ÁôǸ â·¤Ìð çÜ° ¥õÚU make safe livin ren in Delhi. nt together gave â·¤ÌðÐ for street child ation departme ãô× ¹ôÜÙð ·Ô¤ friends and Á×èÙ ÂÚU Ùãè´ ©ÌæÚU tion and educ nity buildings to open two rain·¤ô ·¤ôÜ·¤æÌæ ×ð́ ¿æÚU became best Ü Ùð ÜôÚUðÅUô ÂýÕ´ÏÙ çâSÅUâü ·¤ô °·¤ ãô× school buildings Ferd. They other çâçÚU U Ú could âS·¤Ù all ç ´ their æ and Ȥý çâSÅU l we in and ¥õÚU a, i Cyri space Sr. In Patn in Delh ç·¤ØæÐ 126 chidren. more homes to ¹ôÜÙð ·Ô¤ çÜ° ÂýðçÚUÌ bow homes for decided to open though we tried {{w rnment space the . ¥æÁ ·¤ôÜ·¤æÌæ ×ð́ ari not get any gove cities in India ides every child ÚUñÙÕô So Aman Birad titution prov ÜǸ緤Øô´ ·Ô¤ çÜ° Àã government. es S, Mahila ent, education Delhi: Our cons convince the Dear children of Rainbow Hom Safeena, BGV ction, developm ãô× ãñ́Ð you the story homes, in hard to cond hands with and call right to life, prote ãáü ow ed joine own â×Ø rainb work ©âè I want to tell 4 a your on ֻܻ started . Harsh Papp you came to safe shelter, ran Kendra and ÅUÂæÍ ÂÚU Patna team Ȥé ide ×ð́ Jaga and recreation and ç΄è prov Öè to today! The place dur ÂŒÂæ nt ings. Baha the rnment çÜ° rooms vince Delhi Governme private build ation in Gove government saw ÚUãÙð ßæÜð Õ‘¿ô´ ·Ô¤ home today. ly walls and re and educ and soon the Satya es are not simp buildings. We strived a lot nary people, food, healthca ¤æÚUè ß âæ×éÎæçØ·¤ six · Se team led by âÚU Rainbow hom us Ordi Dil gave the ight. l and ÚUçÿæÌ and happen overn donor spaces. At last in 2006 girls and one value of our mode §×æÚUÌô´ ×ð́ ÚUãÙð ·Ô¤ âé ghars for boys and did not international bow Homes for æ ×ð́ start two sneh nts, and big love to Pillai started two Rain ol buildings. çÆ·¤æÙð ÕÙæÙð ·¤è ·¤ôçàæà were able to . state governme unconditional in three old scho ÚU in homes for girls together with states. Sneh Ghar for boys Ü»ð ãé° ÍðÐ ©‹ãô´Ùð çâSÅU 342 children four rainbow bow home was agencies came Ghars in eight Now we have ç΄è ß newest Rain orahomes and sneh ÕÙ »° ¥õÚU ©‹ãô´Ùð In Pune the municipal corp ßð ÕãéÌ ¥‘Àð ÎôSÌ i 3 homes. build rainbow ×ð́ ta Sealdah ·¤èÐ Pune Delh w®®{ Lore æ·¤æÌ ×ð́ Ü The of ×é . ç΄è âð ika surPrincipal ad Amb çâçÚUÜ ¥õÚU ȤÇü ð ·¤æ Èñ¤âÜæ ç·¤ØæÐ started in 2016 ings. After a Sister Cyril, In Hyderab ed ´ ×ð́ °ðâð ¥õÚU ãô× ¹ôÜÙ Îô ÚUñÙÕô ãô× ¥õÚU ÜǸ·¤ô´ ·Ô¤ çÜ° n five school build Kolkota start ÖæÚUÌ ·Ô¤ ¥‹Ø àæãÚUô g with Ama ·Ô¤ çÜ° tion gave us ow homes with Convent in âð ÅUè× Ùð ÜǸ緤Øô´ and me alon ÚUæÕæÎ ×ð́ ¥´çÕ·¤æ ·Ô¤ ing three rainb âˆØæ ç„ñ ·¤è çÎÜ bow home. One ¤ÚU xyw Õ‘¿ð ãñ́Ð ãñÎ pany and opened two vey we are runn the first Rain of Bajaj Com Øãæ´ ¥Õ ·¤éÜ ç×Üæ· Vedika team ·¤æÚUè S·¤êÜô´ ×ð́ Îô in a help ¹ôÜæÐ âÚU ×ð́ ƒæÚU ã in the Fð took w®®} °·¤ Ùð she 2008 with × è ÅU es in 121 girls nization. ¥×Ù ßðçη¤æ ·¤è day in year 2000 ÚUãÌð ãñ́Ð Õñ́»ÜôÚU ×ð́ Rainbow Hom n partner orga âæÍ ç×Ü·¤ÚU ×ñ́Ùð ¥õÚU ãñ́ çÁÙ×ð́ vyzz Õ‘¿ð raped and left Schools. With the New Visio – the Rainbow ÚUæÕæÎ ×ð́ ¥Õ v~ ãô× ×ð́ vw{ Õ‘¿ô´ ·Ô¤ çÜ° little street girl, g Government is our story ÚUñÙÕô ãô× ¹ôÜðÐ ãñÎ ey Õ‘¿ð ÚUã ÚUãð ãñ́Ð ¿ðóæ§ü her gate. Seein bridge course Children! This °·¤ FðãƒæÚU ×ð́ x{y are on this journ ÜǸ緤Øô´ ·Ô¤ çÜ° alone outside the help of a ¿æÚU ÚUñÙÕô ãô× ¥õÚU a Many people çÜ° Îô Fðã ƒæÚU ¥õÚU nt ¤ girls vulneragirls wore Ùæ ×ð́ ã× ÜǸ·¤ô´ ·Ô¤ homes’ journey. w®v{ ×ð́ Âé‡æð ×ð́ àæéM dence. Governme other homeless almost 100 Îô ÚUñÙÕô ãô× ãñ́Ð ÂÅU æ âÕâð ÙØæ ÚUñÙÕô ãô× trust and confi abuse, the ã×æÚU chaprs, Ð ãñ́ ÚUñÙÕô ãô× and with Âæ° docto and us ·¤ÚU nce ¤ rm M ¤ àæé bors, ·Ô with neigh Õç‘¿Øô´ çÜ° ÌèÙ ble to viole ¿æÚU ÚUñÙÕô ãô× school unifo the ol teachers, ·¤´ÂÙè ·¤è ×ÎÎ âð vwv meanâȤÚU ×ð´ rs opened frist time and officials, scho ãé¥æÐ ßãæ´ ¥Õ ã× ÕÁæÁ ð ÚUñÙÕô ãô× ·Ô¤ âȤÚU ·¤è ·¤ãæÙè ãñÐ §â Loreto siste there are a wellpals for the their and bankers, etc. æÚUè, S·¤êÜ Øã ã×æÚU for a safe shel! us, with eers, ¥çÏ·¤ Õ‘¿ô´ ol è Ð ing them ãñ́ ¤æÚU ð · ã ÚU to engin scho âÚU guid Ð ´ ol ãñ ¿Üæ ÁéǸð scho went to ied bers who are âæÍ ·¤§ü Üô» ã×âð ã×ð´ ÚUæã çιæÌð ãñ´ The girls stud rnment got great love and ing Board mem çßEæâ ß ÖÚUôâð ·Ô¤ ¥æçÎ ·¤§ü Üô» ãñ´ Áô ter and food. Pradesh gove ol wellbeing with UÅUÚU, §´ÁèçÙØÚU, Õñ´·¤âü The Andhra ols for what Loreto Scho ÅUè¿ÚU, ÂǸôâè, Çæò€ working for your ã×âð ÁéǸð ãñ´Ð school bags. rnment scho Children is at the same çã ×Ì ¥õÚU ¥æˆ×èØÌæ ·Ô¤ âæÍ opened 20 gove you my dear ) ed the . ãñÐ ¥æ·¤æ ÕǸæ çÎÜ, ¥õÚU ßð ÕǸð ŒØæÚU ¥õÚU hearts, couraffection. But our advice and s. We start Koolwijk (Ferd where they lived ÚUÙñ Õô ãô× Ìô ¥æ âÕâð about! Your big and sneh ghar A, ÕÙæÌð ãñ´ Áô ¹éàæè ¥õÚU Ferdinand Van Üðç·¤Ù ×ðÚUð ŒØæÚUð Õ‘¿ô´ bow Homes is makes rainfriends, APS âÕ Õ‘¿ô´ ·Ô¤ çÜ° ƒæÚU friend of Sr. rainhow homes Rain ©Ù our what and ·¤ô Then, in 2002 is ãô× an ts Õô with ñ Ù ÚU ork tiful spiri S, LSN ¥‘Àè ÖæßÙæ ãè §Ù nds a businessm comes to raise Balya Mitra netw age and beau y child that Tejassu, CRD from Nehtherla ÅUÚU, ÚðUÙÕæð ãUæ`ð â ×ð´ Øãæ´ ¥æÌð ãñд Foundation, home for ever °‚Áè@ØêçÅUß ÇUæØÚðU@ çãȤæÁÌ ·¤è ÌÜæàæ d Partnership rty, Sri and Asritha, APMWS, Bala bow homes a ¥ÙéÚUæÏæ ·¤æðÙ·ð¤ÂéÇUè, built rooms Ashray, Spoo Cyril establishe y. , They happ ihita es. and 19 epudi bow Hom put in Foundation, Sann here to be safe Now there are Anuradha Konk money for Rain to School. They ty and parents. Homes roof of the Lore In Antapur the home- Education Socie tor, Rainbow toilets on the 1455 children. it a home for 1 Executive Direc rs and made bow homes in Hyderabad with has opened mats and locke the name Rain organization Sr. Cyril gave streets CRDS, our partner less children. ldren from the “Chi said, she Homes when i ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè ts. Rainbow Sath are free spiri i
Rainbow Sath
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Rainbow Sath
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: 21
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
The love & care which remains the backbone of Rainbow Homes has to be shared with the world outside as well. The story of Rainbow Homes and its expansion has been put together in the words of its team leaders
ÚðUÙÕæð ãUæð â ·ð¤ ÂèÀðU Áæð ŒØæÚU-Îð¹ÖæÜ ·¤è âæð¿ ·¤æ× ·¤ÚU ÚUãUè ãñU ©Uâð çâÈü¤ Õ“ææð´ âð ãUè Ùãè´ ÂêÚUè ÎéçÙØæ¢ âð Õæ¢ÅUÙæ ÕðãUÎ ÁM¤ÚUè ãñUÐ ÚðUÙÕæð ãUæð â ·¤è SÍæÂÙæ âð Üð·¤ÚU ©Uâ·ð¤ çßSÌæÚU ·¤è ÎæSÌæ¢ ·¤æð ãU×Ùð §â ÅUè× âð ÁéǸðU ¥ãU× Üæð»æð´ ·ð¤ ÁçÚU° âæ×Ùð ÚU¹æ
Õæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ŒØæÚUð Õ‘¿ô´
Rainbow Sathi
ী েরiনেবা সাথ
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
• • • • • • • •
Malayalam: േബാ സതി െറയിൻ
ி ேபா சாத்த
Âýð× ¥æñÚU Îð¹ ÖæÜ ãUæð â ·¤è ÁæÙ ãU×æÚUè ãñU
Care & Lov e Is souL of our home •• s
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
பா சாத்தி ெரயின்ே Malayalam: ി ബാ സത െറയിൻേ
Rainbow Sathi ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè ResidentialProvides you with a roo you safe. f and keeps Open-Volun tary- You are the medium not locked but live her behind gate through whi e on your s trained and ch you rece free will. Comprehen und ive erst care and these sive- All you are you the manuals care practic r needs i.e to transit out cation, emo . The es y phy given in undergo train sical, eduand live you tional and time to lear with confide ings from social etc n how they r life as a care of, for nce, pursue needs are time to young adu can manage take care your holistic your dreams lutely love taken lt of your edu the homes developmen what we do . We are Family orie bett cational nee fully, attend absot. and are deli nted- You ds more mea er, children grow to ghted to wat are encour and flourish ning- is regular con listen to you your medical needs ch you aged to mai . We also a lot more tact with you more effe when you ntain realize that that ctiv r ely, childre dignity, resp family. can still be are upset Rights bas there etc, all this ect and lots done and n, inspire ed- You and with of you uou are love. They , dear enthuse us sly learning surrounded mitted , day Sathis” who are also con fully to stay how to guid by “Sneh after day to understand tine you bett comimproving that Protect Satya Pil Education er and pre our care for ion, Care and lai, Director are your pare & Diss you. fundamental , Knowled emination not offered ge Develop rights and centre KDD as charity. ment are C Participator y-Offers you space and along with a voice whe your peers re and Sneh a say in the sathis, you decisions have regarding as the run your care ¥æßæâèØ- ¥æ· ning of you as well ¤ô °·¤ âéÚUçÿæÌ r home. Uncondition ÀÌ ©ÂÜÏ ·¤ÚU ¹éÜæ-Sßñç‘À·¤ al- It is a plac æÙæÐ - ¥æ Øãæ´ ÎÚU §‘Àæ âð Øãæ´ ÚU e where, irres ßæÁð ×ð́ Õ´Î Ùãè´ your religion, ãÌð ãñ́Ð pective of ãñ́ ÕçË·¤ ¥ÂÙ caste, clas è s, or circums you receive ÃØæ·¤- ¥æ· tances etc. love care ¤ Ô â×» àææÚU ý çß·¤æâ ·Ô¤ çÜ° èçÚU·¤, àæñçÿæ·¤, and attentio Long term ¥æ·¤è âæÚUè ÁM¤Ú ÖæßÙæˆ×·¤ ß n. – It is your âæ×æçÁ·¤ ·¤æ home till you ŠØæÙ ÚU¹æ Áæ°Ð UÌô´, ÂçÚUßæÚUô‹×é¹èeducation, complete ¥æ· ÕÙæ° ¤ô and as a you ¥ÂÙ ÚU¹Ùð ·Ô¤ çÜ° your ð ÂçÚUßæÚU ·Ô¤ âæÍ ng adult star ÂýôˆâæçãÌ ç·¤Ø çÙØç×Ì â´Â·¤ü ney to bec æ Áæ° t your jour ome self relia ¥çÏ·¤æÚU ¥æÏ In addition nt. Dear Childr æçÚUÌ- ¥æ·Ԥ âæÍ Áô Øã â×ÛæÌð to these ã×ðà en ãñ́ ç·¤ âéÚUÿææ, Îð basic valu much atte ¹ÖæÜ ¥õÚ¸ çàæÿæ ææ “Fðã âæÍè” ÚUãÌð ãñ́ ntion on how es, we hav ãñ́ ¥õÚU ßð ¥æ· æ ¥æ·Ԥ ×õçÜ e paid ¤ô ¹ñÚUæÌ ×ð́ Ùãè´ the various you are org ·¤ ¥çÏ·¤æÚU ç×Ü ÚUãð ãñ́Ð services mea You are the anized and nt for delivered Öæ»èÎæÚU your educati that you des future of tomorrow , be it you on, ¥æ ¥ÂÙð âæçÍ è- ¥æ·¤ô ¥ÂÙè Á»ã ß ¥æßæ and we beli r safety, erve the bes we have eve your health , your Øô´ Á Îè ÁæÌè ãñ çÁââ eve moving into t. We are future etc. ãô× ·Ô¤ â´¿æÜÙ ß Fðã âæçÍØô´ ·Ô¤ âæÍ ç×Ü· n ð aware that the Rainbo In fact ¤ÚU ¥ÂÙè Îð¹ÖæÜ ·Ô¤ ÕæÚUð ×ð́ Èñ¤âÜô´ the best met dedicated a special w home/ by have placed team that ×ð́ Öæ»èÎæÚUè ·¤ÚU ¥õÚU hods of care Sneh Gha great faith stud â·¤Ìð ãñ́Ð çÕÙæàæÌü- §â them toge the world r, you in mitted to Á»ã âÖè ·¤ô ther as set over and hav ies ¿æãð ßô ç·¤âè ensuring that us, and we in turn are ÕÚUæÕÚU of books e put Öè Ï×ü, ÁæçÌ These are comthat we call full and bes provided to ß»ü Øæ ÂçÚUçSÍçÌ ŒØæÚU ß ŠØæÙ ç×ÜÌæ ãñ, called “Co man t quality care each one mpr âð Ìæ„é uals. dren: Han ehensive Ü´Õð â×Ø Ì·¤·¤ ÚU¹Ìæ ãôÐ of you. We with you som is care for stre dbook for Øã ¥æ·¤æ ƒæÚU ¥ÂÙè çàæÿææ Âê would like Planners e of the way et chilconvention ÌÕ Ì·¤ ãñ ÁÕ ÚUè Ùãè´ ·¤ÚU ÜðÌ to share and Practiti ensure this s through of Rights of Ì·¤ ¥æ ð ¥õÚU °·¤ Øéß çÙÖüÚU ÕÙæÙð ·¤æ oners”. The . which we æ ·Ô¤ ÌõÚU ÂÚU ¹é Children (UN national bod ¥ÂÙæ try to Î ·¤ô ¥æˆ×¥æ âÖè ·¤Ü To begin with CRC) is an y that is §Ù ÕéçÙØæÎè ×ê âȤÚU àæéM¤ Ùãè´ ·¤ÚU ÎðÌðÐ ·¤æ ÖçßcØ ãô exclusively intermakes reco Ë âÕâð ÕðãÌÚUèÙ ¥õÚU ã× ×æÙÌ ly need, wha , we looked closely ¥æ·¤ô Îè ÁæÙð Øô´ ·Ô¤ ¥Üæßæ ã×Ùð §â ÕæÌ thinks, plan mmendatio âéçßÏæ ÂæÙð ·Ô ð ãñ́ ç·¤ ¥æ at what you ÂÚU t will help ßæÜè s ns Öè ¤ man and 㷤Πfor çßçÖ ŠØæÙ ßæç· æÚU ãñ́Ð ã× §â uals incorpo care of chil óæ âðßæ°´ ·ñ¤âð ¤È¤ ãñ́ ç·¤ ÚUñÙÕô realyou to hea attain stab ÕæÌ âð Öè â´ØôçÁÌ ·¤è ÁæÌè çÎØæ ãñ ç·¤ dren and ãô× Øæ Fðã ƒæÚU rates thes ility, discove l, learn , Âê exa our Ú U ·¤ô æ e Ì·¤ ãñ ÖÚU mpl ´ recommend ¥ÂÙæ·¤ÚU ¥æÂÙ ¥õÚU ¥æ ôâæ ÚU¹æ ãñÐ grow, ·ñ¤âð Âãé¿ r yourselves e of this you made thes ´ Ìè ãñ,´ ð ã××ð́ §âçÜ° ã×Ùð ations. One e as the foun and evolve might hav â´·¤Ë çÜØæ our “Child ×âÜæ ãô, ¥æ· ¿æãð ßô ¥æ·¤è âéÚUÿææ ·¤æ Öè Øã âéçÙçpÌ e heard of . We dations and ãñ ç·¤ ¥æ ×ð́ of all our Protection ¤è çàæÿææ ·¤æ, ¥æ· ·¤ÚUÙð and seen âð ÂýˆØð·¤ ·¤ô work that guiding thou Îð¹ÚUð¹ ãæçâÜ Policy” thro Øæ çȤÚU ¥æ· that your safe ¤è âðãÌ ·¤æ is â×ê¿è ¥õÚU Õçɸ we do for ghts ugh which ãôÐ approach ¤Ô Öçßc Øæ ty and Pro you. This we ensure is recogniz ÌÚUè·¤ô´ ·¤è ÁæÙ· §âçÜ° Øãæ´ ã× ¥æ·¤ô ÅUè× ãñ Áô ÎéçÙØæÖ Ø ·¤æÐ ã×æÚUè °·¤ ¹æâ tection is not any cost. A is why our ©Ù×ð́ âð ·¤éÀ ed as a “Ch ¤æÚUè Îð ÚUãð ãñ́, çÁÙâ guiding phil ÚU ×ð´ §â ÌÚUã ·¤è big advanta compromis ild centere ·¤ôçàæàæ ·¤ÚUÌð ð ã× Øã âéçÙçpÌ ·¤æ ¥ŠØØÙ ·¤ÚU osophies ÂhçÌØô´ ge of thes ed ens d” at ãñ́ Ð ure The that ·¤ÚU Ì è e that Ù se ãñ ¥õÚU ©Ù·¤è âÕâ sure that ð ·¤è manuals is are given eve âÕâð ÂãÜð Ìô ÕæÌô´ ·¤ô ÀôÅUè from you that they ð ÕÉç¸Øæ Ghar, in any ry child, in any Rainbo -ÀôÅUè ·¤§ü ç·¤Ìæ r experience below. 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ী েরiনেবা সাথ
i bow Sath
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েরiনেবা সাথী
Kannada: ಥೀ ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾ
ut mes edThen ard em.
பா சாத்தி ெரயின்ே Malayalam: ി ബാ സത െറയിൻേ
Sathi Rainbow
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ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam:
Kannada: ೕ ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥಿ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
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Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
y. ¿ðÙÂéÚU ×ð´ ¿ôÚUè ãé¥æ, ¿ôÅUèÂéÚU ×ð´ ·¤Ç¸æ »Øæ, Ùæ¹éÙÂéÚU ×ð´ ×æÚUæ »Øæ.
Sony Kumari
v.·¤ôÜ»ðÅU, w.·¤¿ÚUæ, x.Ùæ¹êÙ, y. Áế
Class-8,Telugu: khilkhilahat Aman Rainbow home, �ే��� ���ీ Rajvansi Nagar, Patna. Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Malayalam: 23
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
Class-10, Muskurahat Aman, Sneh ghar, Amlatola. Patna
Fun ÂãðUÜè v .°ðâæ ·¤õÙ âæ »ðÅU ãñ çÁâ·Ô¤ ¥‹ÎÚU ƒæéâ Ùãè´ â·¤Ìð ? w. ȤÜð ٠ȤéÜæ°, ÖÚU ÖÚU çȤ·¤æ°. x. Îâ âÚU ãñ »ÎüÙ ·¤æÅUÙð ÂÚU Öè ¹êÙ Ù çÙ·¤Üð.
�ే��� ���ీ
Muhammad Suleman,
Rainbow Sathi
Plastic says to humans Don’t say but I know God has made you Don’t forget that you are Due to wind
Plastic says to humans You can live without me But, will you be able to live without the trees? Stop now, plant trees Otherwise, will regret later
Plastic say to humans You only make me You only burn me I dance while burn I flow when I become poisonous
Plastic says to humans Oxygen is like a father Trees are like mother Stop destroying them Now black smoke is danger
Plastic says to humans People use me every time If not needed then I become waste Humans don’t understand Later they blame me
Plastic says to humans If you want, use me But, don’t throw on the road You bury me in the soil But don’t turn me in poison
Plastic says to humans You don’t disperse me Don’t turn me into garbage Reduce my use Otherwise, I would be one day a dark danger
Plastic says to humans
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 24Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
�ే��� ���ీ
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
S·¤êÜ ×ð´ ÂÉÙð ÁæÌè ãñÐ
Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 25Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী
�ే��� ���ీ
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Öæ§Øæð´ ·¤è ÕÎæñÜÌ ÚUæÏæ Öè »§ü S·ê¤Ü
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
here was a girl, named Radha. She had three brothers and Champa Kumari, sisters; Radha was the eldest of Class-7, Khilkhilahat Aman Rainbow Home, them. Radha wanted to study but Rajawansi Nagar Patna. her parents used to say, ‘what will you do after education, girls are for house work. Mom sent the three brothers in the hostel to study. Radha used to do the work at home, including washing clothes, cooking and handling her one-year-old sister Ïæ Ùæ× ·¤è °·¤ ÜǸ·¤è Íè, ©â·Ô¤ ÌèÙ Öæ§ü ß ÕãÙ and carrying food to the farm for Íð, ÚUæÏæ §Ù×ð´ âÕâð ÕǸè ÍèÐ ÚUæÏæ ÂɸÙæ ¿æãÌè Íè mother. One day when her father Üðç·¤Ù ©â·Ô¤ ×æÌæ-çÂÌæ ·¤ãÌð Íð ç·¤ ÒÌé× Âɸ ·¤ÚU €UØæ brought the three brothers home ·¤ÚUô»è, ÜǸ·¤è Ìô ƒæÚU ·Ô¤ ·¤æ× ·Ô¤ çÜ° ãôÌè from the hostel, the brothers ãñÓÐ ×æ¢ Ùð ÌèÙô´ Öæ§Øô´ ·¤ô ÂÉÙð ·Ô¤ çÜ° felt that their sister Radha ãæòSÅUÜ ×ð´ ÚU¹ çÎØæÐ ÚUæÏæ ƒæÚU ·Ô¤ ·¤æ× should study. They ·¤ÚUÌè Íè, çÁâ×ð´ ·¤ÂÇð ÏôÙæ, explained to the parents ¹æÙæ ÕÙæÙæ ¥õÚU ¥ÂÙè °·¤ that education is very âæÜ ·¤è ÀôÅUè ÕãÙ ·¤ô â´ÖæÜÙæ ¥õÚU ×æ¢ ·Ô¤ çÜ° ¹ðÌ important for girls. ×ð´ ¹æÙæ Âã颿æÙæ ¥æçÎ àææç×Ü When a girl becomes ÍðÐ °·¤ çÎÙ ©â·Ô¤ çÂÌæ ÁÕ educated, whole family ãæòSÅUÜ âð ÌèÙô´ Öæ§Øô´ ·¤ô ƒæÚU become educated. ÜæØð Ìô Öæ§Øô´ Ùð ×ãâêâ ç·¤Øæ The government has ç·¤ ©Ù·¤è ÕãÙ ÚUæÏæ ·¤ô Öè ÂɸÙæ made a law to provide ¿æçã°Ð ©‹ãô´Ùð ¥ÂÙð ×æÌæ-çÂÌæ education to all. ·¤ô â×ÛææØæ ç·¤ ÜǸ緤Øô´ ·¤æ ÂÉÙæ If anyone has any ÕãéÌ Á¸M¤ÚUè ãñÐ ÁÕ °·¤ ÜǸ·¤è difficulty in getting ÂɸÌè ãñ Ìô ÂêÚUæ ƒæÚU ÂɸÌæ ãñÐ ©‹ãô´Ùð Øð ÕÌæØæ ç·¤ ÜǸ緤Øô´ ·¤ô ÂɸæÙæ education then the ·¤æÙêÙè M¤Â âð Öè Á¸M¤ÚUè ãñÐ âÚU·¤æÚU Ùð government also gives §â·Ô¤ çÜ° ·¤æÙêÙ Öè ÕÙæØæ ãñÐ ¥»ÚU them scholarships. ç·¤âè ·¤ô ÂÉÙð-çܹÙð ×ð´ ·¤ô§ü Radha also got enrolled ·¤çÆÙæ§ü ãñ Ìô âÚU·¤æÚU §â·Ô¤ in school with the help of çÜ° S·¤æÜÚUçàæ Öè ÎðÌè ãñÐ her brothers. Now Radha Öæ§Øô´ ·¤ô â×ÛææÙð âð ÚUæÏæ also goes to ·¤æ Öè S·¤êÜ ×ð´ Ùæ×æ´·¤Ù school like her ·¤ÚUßæ çÎØæ »ØæÐ ¥Õ ÚUæÏæ Kannada: brothers. Öè ¥ÂÙð Öæ§Øô´ ·¤è ÌÚUã
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè Rainbow Sathi
Brothers take Radha to school
Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Khilkhilahat Aman Rainbow Home, Patna
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu:
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 26Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
�ే��� ���ీ
Rainbow Sathi
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ÚUæ Õ¿ÂÙ ÂÅUÙæ Á´€UàæÙ ÂÚU ÕèÌæÐ ×ðÚUð ×æÌæçÂÌæ Õ¿ÂÙ ×ð´ ãè »éÁÚU »° ÍðÐ ×ñ¢ ßãè¢ ÚUãÌè ¥õÚU ·¤¿Ç¸æ ¿éÙÌè ÍèÐ ÏèÚUð-ÏèÚUð Ùàææ ·¤ÚUÙð ·¤è Öè ¥æÎè ãô »ØèÐ ÂÅUÙæ Á´€UàæÙ ÂÚU ãè °·¤ ÃØç€Ì Ùð ×éÛæð ÂæÜ-Âôâ ·¤ÚU ÕǸæ ç·¤ØæÐ ÂÚU ©‹ãô´Ùð °·¤ çÎÙ ×éÛæð ¥ÂÙð ÎôSÌ ·¤ô Îâ ãÁæÚU L¤ÂØð ×ð´ Õð¿ çÎØæÐ ©UâÙð ×éÛæð ·ñ¤Î ·¤ÚU·Ô¤ ÚU¹æ ¥õÚU ×ðÚUð âæÍ ÕãéÌ ÎéÃØüßãæÚU ç·¤ØæÐ ×ñ¢ ÕãéÌ ÚUôÌè-ç¿„æÌè ÍèÐ çȤÚU °·¤ çÎÙ ©â ÃØçQ¤ ·Ô¤ ÕðÅUð Ùð ãUè ×éÛæð ßãæ´ âð çÙ·¤ÜÙð ×ð´ ×ÎÎ ·¤èÐ ×ñ¢ ßæÂâ ÂÅUÙæ ¥æ »§üÐ °·¤ çÎÙ ÚUðÙÕô ãô â ·¤è âôàæÜ ×ôçÕçÜÁÚU ×éÛæð ç×Üè¢ ¥õÚU ×éÛæâð ÕæÌ¿èÌ ·¤ÚUÙð Ü»èÐ àæéM¤-àæéM¤ ×ð´ ×ñ´ ©Ù ÂÚU ÖÚUôâæ Ùãè´ ·¤ÚUÌè Íè, Üðç·¤Ù ßã ÚUôÁ ¥æ·¤ÚU ×éÛæâð ç×ÜÌè ¥õÚU ×éÛæâð ÕæÌð´ ·¤ÚUÌè Íè¢Ð çȤÚU °·¤ çÎÙ ©Ù ÂÚU ÖÚUôâæ ·¤ÚU ·Ô¤ ×ñ´ ÚUðÙÕô ãô× ¥æ »ØèÐ ÚUðÙÕô ãô× ×ð´ ×ðÚUæ Sßæ»Ì ãé¥æ ¥õÚU ÏèÚUð-ÏèÚUð ×éÛæð ÚUðÙÕô ãô× ¥ÂÙæ-âæ Ü»Ùð Ü»æÐ ÚUðÙÕô ãô× ×ð´ ¥æÙð âð ÂãÜð ×¢ñ ÂɸÙæ-çܹÙæ Ùãè´ ÁæÙÌè Íè, ÂÚU ×ðÚUè ©×ý ·Ô¤ çãâæÕ âð ×ðÚUæ Îæç¹Üæ ÀÆè ·¤ÿææ ×ð´ ãé¥æÐ ÚUðÙÕô ãô× ÅUè× ·¤è ×ÎÎ âð ×ñ´Ùð çÕýÁ ·¤ôâü ·Ô¤ ×æŠØ× âð ÏèÚUð-ÏèÚUð ÂɸÙæ âè¹æ ¥õÚU S·¤êÜ ÁæÙð Ü»èÐ ãô× ×ð´ ÚUã·¤ÚU ×ñ´Ùð w®v} ×ð´ Îâßè´ Âæâ ·¤è ¥õÚU ¥Õ ¥æ»ð Âɸæ§ü Öè ·¤L¤¢»èÐ ×ñ´ naturals âñÜêÙ ×ð´ ŽØêçÅUçàæØÙ ·¤è ÅþðçÙ´» ÜðÙð ÁæÌè ãê¢Ð ×ñ´ ÕãéÌ ¹éàæ ãê¢ ç·¤ ÚUðÙÕô ãô× Ùð ×ðÚUè M¤ç¿ ·Ô¤ ¥ÙéâæÚU ×éÛæð ·¤æ× âè¹Ùð ·¤æ ×õ·¤æ çÎØæÐ ×ñ´ ¥ÂÙð ÂñÚUô´ ÂÚU ¹Ç¸è ãôÙæ ¿æãÌè ãê¢Ð
�ే��� ���ీ
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ŽØêçÅUçàæØÙ ÕÙꢻè ×ð´
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
ç¹Üç¹ÜæãUÅU ¥×Ù ÚðUÙÕæð ãUæð×, ÂÅUÙæ
spent my childhood at Patna junction. My parents passed away when I was very young I became a rag picker and slowly became addicted to drugs. One person used to look after me but he sold me to one of his friend for ten thousand rupees. He locked me in his house and terribly misbehaved with me. I used to shout and weep a lot. Then one day his son helped me to run away from this hell. I went back to Patna Junction. I met Rainbow home social mobilizer, they used to come almost every day and started talking to me. In the beginning, I did not trust her but slowly started having a dialouge. One day I went with her to Rainbow home. I was welcomed in the Rainbow Home and gradually I became friends with everyone. I got admission in 6th class. With the help of the Rainbow home team, I learned to read slowly through the bridge course and started going to school. I passed 10th class examination in 2018 and now I will study further. As I was interested in beautician course, I am going to Naturals Salon. I am very happy that Rainbow Home gave me the opportunity to pursue my interest. I want to be independent.
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
Want to be Independent
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
েরiনেবা সাথী
Rainbow Sathi
సృష్టిలో బాగంగా మాకిచ్చిన ఈ అందమైన జీవితం కోసం నీకు ధనయవాదాలు!
మేమంతా నిరభయంగా తలెత్తుకొని ఆతాాభిమానాలతో, రసపర గౌరవాలతో స్న
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
నవ్వుతూ జీవించాలని నమ్మాత్తనాేమ్మ, కోరుకొంటునాేమ్మ! ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ
మమాల్నే విడదీస్న ద్వుషపూరిత శకుులను, సిదాధంతాలను బలంగా వయతిరేకిస్తునాేమ్మ Malayalam:
�ే��� ���ీ
భావిస్తు, మానవత, నాయయం, సతయం, శంతి, అహంస, ప్రజాసాుమయ విలువలు Kannada:
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
మరింత మానవీయ స్నుచాి ప్రంచ నిర్మాణంలో, ఆరోగయంగా ఆడుతూ, పాడుతూ
సృష్టిలో బాగంగా మాకిచ్చిన ఈ అందమైన జీవితం కోసం నీకు ధనయవాదాలు!
మేమంతా నిరభయంగా తలెత్తుకొని ఆతాాభిమానాలతో, రసపర గౌరవాలతో స్నేహంగా బ్రతకాలని నమ్మాత్తనాేమ్మ, కోరుకొంటునాేమ్మ!
స్త్రీలైనా, పురుషులైనా, వారి రంగు, కులం, మతం, వరగం, సామరధయం, బాషా ప్రాంతం, ఏదైనా, మనుషుయలందరమూ సమానమేనని,
నవ్వుతూ జీవించాలని నమ్మాత్తనాేమ్మ, కోరుకొంటునాేమ్మ!
మమాల్నే విడదీస్న ద్వుషపూరిత శకుులను, సిదాధంతాలను బలంగా వయతిరేకిస్తునాేమ్మ. ఇతరులకి జరిగిన అనాయయానిే మాకే జరిగిందని భావిస్తు, మానవత, నాయయం, సతయం, శంతి, అహంస, ప్రజాసాుమయ విలువలును నమ్మాత్తనాేమ్మ, కోరుకొంటునాేమ్మ!
మరింత మానవీయ స్నుచాి ప్రంచ నిర్మాణంలో, ఆరోగయంగా ఆడుతూ, పాడుతూ, జాానానిే పంచుకొంటూ, ంచుకొంటూమేమ్మ సైతం అంకితమవాులని, నమ్మాత్తనాేమ్మ, కోరుకొంటునాేమ్మ..!
�ే��� ���ీ
అనాదిగా సాగుత్తనే, ఈ దివయ ప్రేమపూరిత యాత్రలో, లక్షలాదిమందితోTelugu: మా చ్చనిే చేత్తలను కూడా కలపాలని, నమ్మాత్తనాేమ్మ, Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 27Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
§üàßÚU ¥ËÜæãU అంకితమవాులని, నమ్మాత్తనాేమ్మ, కోరుకొంటునాేమ్మ..! ãU×æÚUè Øð Îé¥æ ãñU ç·¤ §â ÎéçÙØæ ×ð´ ·¤æð§ü Öè Õ“ææ Ùæ ãUæð çÁâð ÖæðÁÙ దైవమా! ŒØæÚU âéÚUÿææ ¥æñÚU çàæÿææ Ù ç×Üð ¥æñÚU ØãU Öè ÂýæÍüÙæ ãñ´U ç·¤ ãU× అనాదిగా సాగుత్తనే, ఈ దివయ ప్రేమపూరిత యాత్రలో, లక్షలాదిమందితో మా చ్చ ¥ÂÙð ¥æâ Âæâ âÕ·¤è çÁ¢Î»è ×ð´ ¹éàæè ·¤è కోరుకొంటునాేమ్మ...! ÚUæðàæÙè ÖÚU ÎðÐ ప్రారధన
స్త్రీలైనా, పురుషులైనా, వారి రంగు, కులం, మతం, వరగం, సామరధయం, బాషా ప్రాంత
Rainbow Sathi
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
�ే��� ���ీ
�ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
Kannada: ರೇನೊಬ್ೕಸಾಥೀ Telugu: �ే��� ���ీ Tamil:
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி 28Malayalam: െറയിൻേബാ സതി
েরiনেবা সাথী Bengali
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
�ే��� ���ీ
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
Rainbow Sathi
ÚðUÙÕæð âæÍè
ெரயின்ேபா சாத்தி
েরiনেবা সাথী
েরiনেবা সাথী
െറയിൻേബാ സതി
�ే��� ���ీ