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It’s the Centerpiece of Our City, But What’s the Story Behind the Golden Gate Bridge?

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“At a time when America has become increasingly divided, it’s important to think about the things that connect us,” notes historian David Rubenstein, host of Iconic America: Our Symbols and Stories. In the Bay Area, the Golden Gate Bridge is the centerpiece of our city, a structure that connects us to each other and to visitors worldwide.


But how much do we know about it? Why was it necessary to build it when ferries were already scurrying people into the city? Who pushed for and paid for it? What engineering marvels did it take to make it? And, looking forward, can America continue to build ambitious and bold infrastructure projects in the 21st century? Rubenstein looks for answers in the final episode of Iconic America: Our Symbols and Stories,

The Golden Gate Bridge, which will be broadcast on August 1 on KQED 9 at 9pm. You can also stream it the same day on KQED Passport.

On a personal note, after decades in the Bay Area I’m returning to New York, leaving the magazine in the highly capable hands of On KQED’s new editor Elyce Berrigan, who you’ll meet in the next issue, and Sophie Kim, our editorial and production assistant.

When I first crossed the bridge I saw a unique city on one side and the wild Pacific, busy with boats, on the other. I was hooked by the innovation and beauty. As the song goes, “I Left My Heart in San Francisco,” part of it, anyway, with KQED and its members. It’s been an honor to steer this ship.

—Ellyn Hament, Managing Editor

DID YOU KNOW? Golden Gate Bridge

• The Golden Gate Bridge ironworkers, dubbed “sky cowboys,” handle 10,000 to 15,000 square feet of repairs monthly from as high as 746 feet up in all kinds of weather.

• Beneath the Golden Gate Bridge and in nearby waters, marine archeologists have discovered an estimated 300 shipwrecks, the earliest dating back to 1595.

Coming In September

Unforgotten on MASTERPIECE

Check your September issue for dates and times

In the Season 5 premiere of Unforgotten on MASTERPIECE, the ghost of much-loved former colleague Cassie Stuart looms large over the team. And DI Sunny Khan is now joined with DCI Jessica “Jess” James to investigate the discovery of human remains in a newly renovated antique home in West London.

Curse of the Spencers

Tuesday, August 29, at 9pm and Thursday, August 31, at 8pm, on KQED Plus

Honor the 26th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death by exploring her complicated upbringing and the tumultuous lives of her parents. A story of broken first love, infidelity and family betrayal that was constantly in the media spotlight, this documentary provides fascinating insight into the woman before she became the royal legend.


Saturday, August 5, at 8pm on KQED 9

Love & Mercy

Saturday, August 5, at 10pm on KQED 9

Get cozy and your popcorn ready for an epic double feature film! Start off the evening with Hoosiers at 8pm (the 1986 film about a failed college coach who gets a second chance), then stay for Love & Mercy at 10pm: the biopic on Beach Boys songwriter and musician Brian Wilson.

Weekdays 6am–7pm

Programs are subject to change after press deadlines. For the latest program info, visit kqed.org/tv.

6:30 Rick Steves’ Europe

Tuesday 1

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm + In the Americas with David Yetman #908 Brazil’s Butantan Institute: Where Venomous Critters Find a Welcome. The institute, in Sao Paulo, is home to thousands of venomous creatures.

12:30 + The Good Road #304 Charleston, South Carolina: Gullah. How

African American traditions impact contemporary arts and culture in the low country. R (+) 8/7 6pm

1am 9 America’s Test Kitchen #2325

Spanish Summer Supper. + Hamish Macbeth #204 Radio Lochdubh. Locals object when radio detection officers order Hamish to close down a popular local pirate radio station.

1:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1416

Alamar Kitchen + Bar, Sabores Del Sur, Pearl 6101.

2am 9 Antiques Roadshow #2016

Cleveland, Hour 1. R (9) 8/6 4pm; (+) 8/4 3pm & 7pm, 8/5 1am, 8/6


+ Father Brown #176 The Sacrifice of Tantalus. When Mallory’s pursuit of a fugitive ends in disaster, a familiar face returns to hunt the culprit. R (+) 8/2 10:32pm, 8/3 4:32am

2:47 + Agatha Christie Partners in Crime #106 The Ambassador’s Daughter. Someone has switched travel bags with the new U.S. ambassador to Britain — but his bag contained only boots.

3am 9 The Great American Recipe #207. Home cooks vie to impress the judges with recipes inspired by their lives. R (9) 8/4 9pm, 8/5 3am; (+) 8/18 1pm

3:41 + Upstairs Downstairs #203 A Perfect Specimen of Womanhood. When a scandalous novel is published, Blanche comes face to face with her former lover.

4am 9 POV Children of the Mist. The story of Di, a 13-year-old Hmong girl living in rural northwest Vietnam. D

4:35 + Seaside Hotel #706 Obsessed.

5:30 9 Hungriest State The Fisherfolk. Smaller catches and toughening conditions threaten fishing along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

+ Rick Steves’ Europe #1004 Travel Skills: Cruising. Get the most out of a cruise and make smart use of limited shore time by planning well, avoiding lines, and eating quick, local meals.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Wine First ★ #208 Three Climatic Zones, Chile. Visiting wineries located in different and distinct landscapes. R (9) 8/2 1am; (+) 8/8


+ Call the Midwife #1208. The wedding day arrives at Nonnatus House, but a horrific car crash triggers a race against time. D R (+) 8/2 1am

7:30 9 Family Ingredients ★ #304 Kauai Paakai. R (9) 8/2 1:30am, 8/5 2pm

8pm 9 Finding Your Roots #607 Science Pioneers. Scientists Francis Collins, Shirley Ann Jackson and Harold Varmus. R (9) 8/2 2am

+ Doc Martin ★ #904 Paint It Black. Martin takes his next step toward getting approved by the GMC with a mock surgery. R (+) 8/2 2am, 8/5 7pm, 8/6 1am

9pm 9 Iconic America: Our Symbols and Stories with David Rubenstein ★ #108 The Golden Gate Bridge. The story behind an engineering marvel that symbolizes America’s can-do spirit. D R (9) 8/2 3am

+ Miriam and Alan: Lost in Scotland ★ #204. Miriam is left utterly speechless when she and Alan catch a cabaret show in Las Vegas. R (+) 8/2 3am & 5:30pm, 8/7 10:37pm, 8/8 4:37am

10pm 9 Southern Storytellers ★ #103 Episode 3. Native Southern creators visit the places that define them. R (9) 8/2 4am

+ Secrets of Royal Travel #102 Secrets of the Royal Flight. The British Royal family’s air travel history from 1936 to now. R (+) 8/2 4am

11pm 9 Reel South ★ Stay Prayed Up. Gospel artist Lena Mae Perry. R (9) 8/2 5am

+ Reconnecting Roots ★ #308 Hollywood: The Imagine Nation. The history of cinema and its fascination for the American public. R (+) 8/2 5am

11:30 + On Story ★ #1308 Re-Living Palm Springs with Andy Siara. Exploring the time-bending structure of the movie Palm Springs R (+) 8/2 5:30am

Wednesday 2

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm + Laura Flanders Show ★

Tv Legend

9 KQED 9

+ KQED Plus

★ This program (or episode) is airing on a KQED television channel for the first time.

This program is a KQED production, co-production or presentation.

12:30 + School of Greatness with Lewis Howes Daymond John: Money Mindset. An entrepreneur and author shares how to overcome adversity and master negotiation skills.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Lidia’s Kitchen #1004 Finding the Balance. R (9) 8/3 1am + Finding Your Roots #903 Secret Lives. Comedians Carol Burnett and Niecy Nash. R (+) 8/3 1am & 5:30pm, 8/6 8pm, 8/7 2am

7:30 9 Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy #107 Making Music. R (9) 8/3 1:30am, 8/6 2pm

8pm 9 Animals with Cameras, a Nature

Grantchester on MASTERPIECE

Sunday, August 6, at 9pm and 10pm on KQED 9

Tune in for the final two episodes of Grantchester Season 8. At 9pm, the finale begins with Geordie demoted to desk duty while Larry is handed the next case. Then at 10pm, watch as emotions run high when Bonnie is about to give birth and Will is nowhere to be found.

▲ This broadcast will be interrupted by fundraising intermissions.

R This program will be repeated on date/s noted.

D Descriptive video info for the sight-impaired is available on televisions with stereo capability.

Miniseries #202 Australia. The lives of iconic animals, such as koalas, fruit bats and kangaroos, are investigated. D R (9) 8/3 2am + Midsomer Murders #2007 The Lions of Causton, Part 1. Death at the local rugby club sends Barnaby and Winter into a muddle of rucks, grudges, romance ... and artisanal chocolates. R (+) 8/3 2am

8:46 + Midsomer Murders #2008 The Lions of Causton, Part 2. R (+) 8/3 2:46am

9pm 9 Human Footprint ★ #105 The Urban Jungle. Three thriving urban species and envisioning a wilder future for our cities. R (9) 8/3 3am

9:32 + Death in Paradise #177 Episode

5. A celebrated concert pianist is murdered in his studio. R (+) 8/3 3:32am, 8/4 11pm, 8/5 5am

10pm 9 NOVA #4616 The Planets: Ice Worlds. In the far reaches of the solar system, Uranus and Neptune dazzle with unexpected rings and moons. R (9) 8/3 4am

10:32 + Father Brown #176 The Sacrifice of Tantalus. R (+) 8/3 4:32am

11pm 9 Walkin’ West ★ #101 Joshua Tree. Exploring a spot popular for both geology and sports. R (9) 8/3 5am; (+) 8/25 12:30am

11:30 9 Walkin’ West ★ #102 Yosemite (Chilnualna Falls-Mariposa Grove). Hiking the southern part of Yosemite National Park. R (9) 8/3 5:30am

+ World’s Greatest Cemeteries #106 Season 1 Special! Digging into the lives of a Chinese-American woman aviator; a dashing French author; a British musician; a family of civil war heroes and others. R (+) 8/3 5:30am

Thursday 3

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ GZERO World with Ian Bremmer ★

12:30 + Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

Melinda Gates.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Cook’s Country #1404 Carne Guisada and Enchiladas. R (9)

8/4 1am

+ Celebrity Antiques Road Trip

★ #420 Phil Hammond and Maria McErlane. R (+) 8/4 1am & 5:30pm, 8/6 10am

7:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1417 Caffe La Scala, Paradiso, Capo’s.

R (9) 8/4 1:30am, 8/5 9am, noon & 7pm, 8/6 1am & 1pm

8pm 9 Rebus #402 The First Stone. The moderator-elect of the Church of Scotland and a woman are discovered dead at a cruising spot.

R (9) 8/4 2am

+ Kennedy Package ★ #102 RFK: America’s Lost President. How Robert F. Kennedy became an advocate of peace and a champion of the people. R (+) 8/4 2am & 10pm, 8/5 4am, 8/6 7pm, 8/7 1am

9pm + The Travelling Auctioneers ★ #113 Helen and Ruth. A family sorts through belongings at their forever home. R (+) 8/4 3am

9:10 9 Wallander #108 Dogs of Riga. Two tortured corpses, later identified as Eastern European criminals, wash ashore on a life raft in Ystad. R (9)

8/4 3:10am

10pm + Freedom Summer American Experience In 1964, more than 700 student volunteers joined organizers to combat white supremacy in Mississippi. D R (+)

8/4 4am

10:42 9 Flesh and Blood on MASTERPIECE #5047 Episode

3. Helen and Natalie reach crisis points with their partners; Vivien and Mark prepare to visit India. R (9) 8/4 4:42am

11:30 9 On Story #1304 On Writing Action: Ambulance with Chris Fedak. Scripting an action sequence. R (9) 8/4 5:30am

Friday 4

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm + Untamed #106 Unusual Species. Beavers and bobcats and others in Virginia.

12:30 + Wild Hope #106 Coffee for Water. Growing coffee to save a rainforest crucial to local communities

The Great American Recipe

Monday, August 7, at 9pm on KQED 9 and wildlife.

Who will win the second season of The Great American Recipe? Gather one last time as home cooks compete in the final feast, going head to head to wow the judges with a meal that showcases their Great American Recipe.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Washington Week ★ R (9) 8/5 1am

+ Antiques Roadshow #2016

Cleveland, Hour 1. R (9) 8/6 4pm; (+) 8/5 1am, 8/6 11am

7:30 9 Crossing South #401 Food Garden & Tequila. A literal garden of wonderful meals in a gourmet food court. R (9) 8/5 1:30am, 8/6 5pm; (+) 8/25 2pm

8pm 9 Mary Berry Cook and Share ★ #103 Team Favourites. Mary bowls the England cricket team over with cricket tea at Edgbaston, then teaches schoolchildren how to make fruit kebabs. Back at home, she makes jumbo lentil rolls. R (9) 8/5 2am & 6pm

+ Agatha Christie’s Poirot #204 The Lost Mine. A Chinese businessman with a map to a long-lost silver mine is found dead in Chinatown. R (+) 8/5 2am

8:30 9 Mary Berry Cook and Share ★ #104 Coastal Delights. At England’s historic Jurassic Coast, famous for fossils, beautiful coastal towns and delicious seafood, Mary meets a young scallop diver, learns about sugar kelp seaweed, goes fossil hunting and cooks some delicious dishes. R (9) 8/5 2:30am & 6:30pm

9pm 9 The Great American Recipe #207. R (9) 8/5 3am; (+) 8/18 1pm

+ New Tricks #907 Dead Poets. Who killed the talented young poet whose burnt body was discovered ten years ago in the scrapyard of a known gangster? R (+) 8/5 3am

10pm 9 Kitchenistas Featuring a Latinaled movement to raise the health, well-being and resilience of the community. R (9) 8/5 4am

+ Kennedy Package #102 RFK: America’s Lost President. R (+) 8/5 4am, 8/6 7pm, 8/7 1am

11pm 9 My Music with Rhiannon

Giddens ★ #107 My Music Lately. R (9) 8/5 5am

+ Death in Paradise #177 Episode 5. R (+) 8/5 5am

11:30 9 Firing Line with Margaret Hoover R (9) 8/5 5:30am

Saturday 5

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9)


8/7 4pm

+ Songs at the Center ★ #905

Master Series Episode with Mike Reid. The All-Pro defensive tackle talks about his songwriting career.

+ Bands of Enchantment ★ #207

French Cassettes. This band is storming the rock scene with harmony-driven sounds.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am 9 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood D

+ Sit and Be Fit #1304 Strong Back Strong Core.

6:30 9 Arthur D

+ Classical Stretch: By Essentrics #1311.

7am 9 Molly of Denali D

+ Your Fountain of Youth with Lee Holden #104 Healthy Joints. Stretching to relieve stiffness and pain and increase range of motion.

7:30 9 Alma’s Way D

+ Second Opinion with Joan Lunden #1802 Racial Disparities in Maternal Health. Pregnant women in the U.S. are more than twice as likely to die from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth than those in most other highincome countries in the world — and the odds are worse for women of color.

8am 9 Best of The Joy of Painting #3910 Splendor of Winter.

+ Getting Dot Older ★ #206

Ministering on a Motorcycle. Three boomer women and their passions.

8:30 9 New Scandinavian Cooking #804 Arctic Fire.

+ Medical Stories ★ #406 Going the Distance. Two people who found inner strength after being diagnosed with cancer.

9am 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1417 Caffe La Scala, Paradiso, Capo’s. R (9) noon & 7pm, 8/6 1am & 1pm

+ Museum Access ★ #503

National Museum of Mathematics: Interactive Math Related Exhibits. Revealing the wonder and uses of math in everyday life.

9:30 9 Taste of Malaysia with Martin

Yan #109 East Coast Essence.

+ School of Greatness with Lewis

Howes Caroline Leaf: Mindfulness & Happiness: Zoom. A neuroscientist shares how to better understand and work with mental health issues.

10am 9 Wine First #204 Indiana, U.S.A. Distinct and historical flavors of Indiana wine.

+ The Great Ride: Landmarks

Tv Legend

9 KQED 9

+ KQED Plus

★ This program (or episode) is airing on a KQED television channel for the first time.

This program is a KQED production, co-production or presentation.

Along the Trail ★ A close-up look at 21 landmarks along the 150-mile Great Allegheny Passage.

10:30 9 Essential Pépin #102 Fabulous Fins. D

11am 9 America’s Test Kitchen #2312 Chicken Two Ways.

+ This Old House #4406 Atlanta: Respecting the Old While Adding the New. R (9) 5pm; (+) 8/7 9:30am

11:30 9 Cook’s Country #1304 Grilled Chicken, Two Ways.

+ Ask This Old House #2106 Sandstone Repair, Awning Installation.


noon 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1417 Caffe La Scala, Paradiso, Capo’s. R (9) 7pm, 8/6 1am & 1pm

+ MotorWeek ★ #4248.

12:30 9 Lidia’s Kitchen #912 One Dish, Two Meals.

+ Radical Restoration #102.

1pm 9 Joanne Weir’s Plates and Places #401 Paella Party in Spain. R (+) 8/31 10am

+ People of the North #101 Finnmark Plateau (Alta). Fishing, reindeer stew and salmon at the Alta River.

1:30 9 People of the North #106 Fishing Community of Soroya (Soroya).

+ Confucius Was a Foodie #206.

2pm 9 Family Ingredients #304 Kauai Paakai.

2:30 9 Samantha Brown’s Places to Love #106 Vancouver, Canada. Exploring the beauty of a bustling Canadian west coast seaport.

+ Wine First #203 Michigan, U.S.A. An array of wines at three stunning estates in Traverse City, Michigan.

3pm 9 Weekends with Yankee ★ #708 New England Traditions. Strawbery Banke Museum; ice fishing derby on Lake Winnipesaukee; and a historic ski jump.

+ Check, Please! Bay Area #1512 Anaviv’s Table, Larb Thai Food &

▲ This broadcast will be interrupted by fundraising intermissions.

R This program will be repeated on date/s noted.

D Descriptive video info for the sight-impaired is available on televisions with stereo capability.

Tapas, Mister Jiu’s.

3:30 9 Roadtrip Nation #1904 Lessons

Learned. Karin NoringtonReaves, CEO of the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership.

+ Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Television #624 Brazilian Pizza. R (+) 8/6 7:30am, 8/8 10am

4pm 9 Reconnecting Roots #306

Bourbon: The Spirit of America. Explore the drink’s place in American history.

+ Pati’s Mexican Table #813 How Do You Say Tucson?

4:30 9 Ask This Old House #2105 Wallpaper Restoration, Gutter Repairs.

+ Jacques Pépin: Heart & Soul #126 Menu Memories.

5pm 9 This Old House #4406 Atlanta: Respecting the Old While Adding the New. R (+) 8/7 9:30am

+ Cook’s Country #1403 Summer Berry Desserts.

5:30 9 PBS News Weekend ★

+ America’s Test Kitchen #2306 Italian Sweets. R (9) 8/14 7pm, 8/15 1am

6pm 9 Mary Berry Cook and Share #103 Team Favourites.

+ Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope #908 Ireland: Coast to Coast. There’s always a warm-hearted welcome in Ireland. D

6:30 9 Mary Berry Cook and Share #104 Coastal Delights.

+ Samantha Brown’s Places to Love #203 Lake Geneva and the Valais, Switzerland. The historic Beau Rivage Geneva hotel and Swiss wines at Dance Vineyards.


7pm 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1417 Caffe La Scala, Paradiso, Capo’s. R (9) 8/6 1am & 1pm

+ Doc Martin #904 Paint It Black. R (+) 8/6 1am

7:30 9 Short Films On ★ #105 Short Films on Music. Featuring the film


Congo R (9) 8/6 1:30am; (+) 8/27


8pm 9 Saturday Night Movie #3079

Hoosiers. Failed college coach Norman Dale (Gene Hackman) gets a chance at redemption. R (9) 8/6


+ Mr. Bean #102 The Return of Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean buys various items at a department store, then goes to a fancy restaurant where he tries to dispose of his awful-tasting meal. R (+) 8/6 2am

8:28 + The Goes Wrong Show #102 The Pilot (Not the Pilot). A setback forces Chris to rope in Annie to play his father’s main character role. R (+) 8/6 2:28am

9pm + Baseball #108 A Whole New Ball Game. Bill Mazeroski’s homerun wins the 1960 World Series; Roger Maris breaks Babe Ruth’s homerun record. R (+) 8/6 3am

10pm 9 Saturday Night Movie ★ #3080

Love & Mercy. The unique journey, and ultimate salvation, of a musical icon whose success came at an extraordinary personal cost. R (9)

8/6 4am

11pm + A Season to Remember: The Baseball Boys of Mon City A Little League baseball team wins the state championship in 1952 but faces a shocking tragedy. R (+)

8/6 5am

11:30 + Reconnecting Roots #304

Working: Working on a Dream. Is working hard worth the hard work? R (+) 8/6 5:30am

Sunday 6

EARLY mid 9 Austin City Limits #4603 Stevie Ray Vaughan on Austin City Limits: 30 Years On.

+ Song of the Mountains ★ #1801 Sideline.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am 9 Work It Out Wombats! D R (9) 8/21


+ Yoga in Practice #409 Refining and Evolving. Small changes can shift our vision and health.

6:30 9 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood D

+ Classical Stretch: By Essentrics #1312.

7am 9 Sesame Street D

+ America’s Test Kitchen #2315

Scandinavian Brunch. R (9) noon

7:30 9 Rosie’s Rules D

+ Christopher Kimball’s Milk

Street Television #624 Brazilian Pizza. R (+) 8/8 10am

8am 9 Best of The Joy of Painting #3829 Island Paradise.

+ People of the North #107 Western Fjord Valley (Stranda). Western Norway’s scenery, grand mountains and more.

8:30 9 The Jazzy Vegetarian #1003 Big BBQ Burger Night.

+ New Scandinavian Cooking #805 Hay Smoked Salmon.

9am 9 Lidia’s Kitchen #1023 Update the Classics.

+ Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy #103 Queen’s Day.

9:30 9 Steven Raichlen’s Planet Barbecue #105 Mexi-Que.

+ Simply Ming #1806 Ravioli

Two Ways.

10am 9 Pati’s Mexican Table #1005 Escaramuza.

+ Celebrity Antiques Road Trip #420 Phil Hammond and Maria McErlane.

10:30 9 Baking with Julia #307 Marcel Desaulniers.

11am 9 Simply Ming #1813 Along the Rhine.

+ Antiques Roadshow #2016 Cleveland, Hour 1. R (9) 4pm

11:30 9 Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Television #618 Hearty Stews.

AFTERNOON noon 9 America’s Test Kitchen #2315 Scandinavian Brunch.

+ Great Performances #4617

Now Hear This: Copland: Dean of American Music. How the works of an American classical composer developed into a signature American sound.

12:30 9 Cook’s Country #1512 Endless Dessert. R (+) 8/24 11:30am

1pm 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1417 Caffe La Scala, Paradiso, Capo’s.

+ Tamburitzans Presents Symbols

★ Showcasing the beauty and brilliance of the cultural traditions with the award-winning Tamburitzans.

1:30 9 My Greek Table with Diane Kochilas #310 Saving the Earth on Paros.

2pm 9 Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy #107 Making Music.

2:30 9 Life of Loi: Mediterranean Secrets #111 Think Like a Greek, Cook Like a Greek.

+ Baba Wain: A Musical Note in the Key of Beauty Jazz drummer

E.W. Wainwright uses music to stress discipline and other values to underserved kids.

3pm 9 Samantha Brown’s Places to Love #201 Hong Kong, China. Littleknown spots in Seoul, South Korea; Christchurch, New Zealand; Santa Fe, New Mexico; and Charleston, South Carolina.

+ Next at the Kennedy Center #102 Let My Children Hear Mingus. Celebrating jazz icon and social activist Charles Mingus at 100.

3:30 9 Rick Steves’ Europe #905 Romania. Bucharest, and its “Little Paris of the East” architecture is explored. R (+) 8/22 6:30pm

4pm 9 Antiques Roadshow #2016 Cleveland, Hour 1.

+ Owensboro Symphony Presents a Night at the Oscars ★ Memorable performances of movie themes by the Owensboro Symphony.

5pm 9 Crossing South #401 Food Garden & Tequila. R (+) 8/25 2pm

+ Making Menuhin: A Documentary How the Menuhin International Competition for young violinists adapted during the pandemic.

5:30 9 PBS News Weekend ★

+ Short Films On #104 Short Films on Adventure. Featuring films such as Great! Lakes.

6pm 9 AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange Rewind & Play. Revealing the disrespect jazz luminary Thelonious Monk endured during a Paris interview in 1969.

+ Jesse Owens: American Experience The athlete’s life and his victories in the face of Nazi racism at the 1936 Olympics. D


7pm 9 The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family #103 The Fall. Anne becomes queen and changes the course of British history. R (9) 8/7 1am

+ Kennedy Package #102 RFK: America’s Lost President. R (+) 8/7 1am

8pm 9 Ridley ★ #108 The Numbered Days, Part 2. A shocking connection between a case and the attack that killed Ridley’s family is uncovered. D R (9) 8/7 2am

+ Finding Your Roots #903 Secret Lives. R (+) 8/7 2am

9pm 9 Grantchester on MASTERPIECE ★ #5332. Geordie is placed on desk duty as Elliot contrives to force him to resign. D R (9) 8/7 3am

+ Operation Maneater #102 Polar Bear. Polar bears are causing havoc in isolated communities in Canada’s Hudson Bay. R (+) 8/7 3am

10pm 9 Grantchester on MASTERPIECE

★ #5333. Will has disappeared, and Geordie must find him before it is too late. D R (9) 8/7 4am

+ Nature #4110 Attenborough’s Wonder of Song. As humankind gets noisier, the songs of the humpback whale are being drowned out. D R (+) 8/7 4am

11pm 9 Before We Die #205. Rescuing Bianca leads Hannah to a deadly standoff; Dubravka hands over her business. R (9) 8/7 5am

+ India: Nature’s Wonderland #101. A ritual tiger dance in India; the hoolock gibbon, India’s only ape; and a climb to the Himalayas. R (+) 8/7 5am

Monday 7

EARLY mid 9 Austin City Limits #4605 John Legend & the Roots: Wake Up! Protest soul classics.

+ Woodsongs ★ #2605 Andrew Farriss Band and Fortunate Ones.

Tv Legend

9 KQED 9 + KQED Plus

★ This program (or episode) is airing on a KQED television channel for the first time. This program is a KQED production, co-production or presentation.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule. 6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 America’s Test Kitchen ★ #2326. R (9) 8/8 1am

+ Hamish Macbeth #205 No Man Is an Island. An elderly woman accidently steps on an unexploded landmine. R (+) 8/8 1am

7:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1418 Zazie, Nick’s Next Door, Absinthe Brasserie & Bar. R (9) 8/8 1:30am

8pm 9 Antiques Roadshow #2017 Cleveland, Hour 2. R (9) 8/8 2am; (+) 8/11 3pm & 7pm, 8/12 1am

+ Father Brown #177 The House of God. Suspicions are aroused when

Peter Falk Versus Columbo

Tuesday, August 8, at 9pm on KQED Plus the holiest house in Kembleford is linked to the death of a wanton woman. R (+) 8/8 2am, 8/9 10:32pm, 8/10 4:32am

For nearly 30 years, Peter Falk delighted millions of viewers as the iconic television detective Columbo: the eccentric, astute upholder of the law who always added “Just one more thing.” The documentary pays tribute to the immortal character as well as the actor through interviews and archival footage.

▲ This broadcast will be interrupted by fundraising intermissions.

R This program will be repeated on date/s noted.

D Descriptive video info for the sight-impaired is available on televisions with stereo capability.

8:47 + Agatha Christie Partners in Crime #107 The Man in the Mist. Everyone has an alibi when the Beresfords investigate the murder of Gilda Glenn, a famous stage actress. R (+) 8/8 2:47am

9pm 9 The Great American Recipe ★ ▲ #208. R (9) 8/8 3am, 8/11 9pm, 8/12 3am; (+) 8/25 1pm

9:41 + Upstairs Downstairs #204 All the Things You Are. Harry’s desire to impress Beryl leads him and Johnny into the world of boxing. R (+) 8/8 3:41am

10:30 9 Stonewall Uprising: American Experience #2309. In 1969, the police raid of a gay bar in Greenwich Village erupted into violence and marked a major turning point in the modern gay civil rights movement around the world. D R (9) 8/8 4:30am

10:37 + Miriam and Alan: Lost in Scotland #204. R (+) 8/8 4:37am

11:30 + Rick Steves’ Europe #1005 Greek Islands: Santorini, Mykonos and Rhodes. R (+) 8/8 5:30am

Tuesday 8

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm + In the Americas with David Yetman #909 Brazil’s Butantan Institute: Where Venomous Critters Find a Welcome. Scorpions, spiders and snakes — oh my!

12:30 + The Good Road #305 Cocoa Beach, Florida: The Overview Effect. Experts taking the next generation of men and women into space. R (+) 8/14 6pm

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Wine First ★ #209 Mendoza, Argentina. The cradle of Argentinian red wine — the Malbec Nation. R (9) 8/9 1am; (+) 8/15 1pm

+ Lucy Worsley’s Royal Photo Album How the British royal family has shaped their image with photography. R (+) 8/9 1am

7:30 9 Hero of a Thousand Faces: Chef Richard Ingraham ★ The hurdles and triumphs that led a celebrity chef to success. R (9) 8/9 1:30am, 8/11 10:30pm, 8/12 4:30am

8pm 9 Finding Your Roots #609 Italian Roots. Marisa Tomei, Jimmy Kimmel and John Turturro. R (9) 8/9 2am

+ Doc Martin ★ #905 Wild West Country. A local farmer is investigated after shooting Robert for stealing eggs. R (+) 8/9 2am

9pm 9 Al Capone: Icon Al Capone — the quintessential self-made American man, ruthless killer or both? To this day, Americans are fascinated by this celebrity gangster. Why? R (9) 8/9 3am

+ Peter Falk Versus Columbo ★ Best remembered as TV detective Columbo, Falk led a life full of plot twists. R (+) 8/9 3am & 5:30pm,

Pacific Heartbeat

Sunday, August 27, at 6pm on KQED 9

8/10 10pm, 8/11 4am

10pm 9 Frontline ★ #4117 Inside the Iranian Uprising. Previously unseen footage sheds new light on the Iranian regime and its protesters. R (9) 8/9 4am

+ Secrets of Selfridges Harry Gordon Selfridge introduced a new retail model that revolutionized the way Londoners shopped. R (+) 8/9 4am, 8/31 10pm

11pm 9 Reel South ★ Stay Here Awhile. Journey through loss and healing in this ode to the power of landscape. R (9) 8/9 5am

+ Muraling Austin ★ #101 Pride of Place. The inspirations and stories behind unique murals. R (+) 8/9 5am

11:30 + On Story ★ #1309 On Writing: Never Have I Ever with Lang Fisher. Keeping balance in writing. R (+) 8/9 5:30am

Wednesday 9

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm + Laura Flanders Show ★

12:30 + School of Greatness with Lewis Howes Marisa Peer Mindfulness and Happiness. Using your mind to overcome negative thoughts and feelings.

The acclaimed anthology series known for capturing the heart and soul of Pacific Island culture returns with all new episodes. From revealing exposés to in-depth profiles, Season 12 features diverse, unexpected stories, including a journey to New York Fashion Week and a portrait of two Hawaiian cowgirls dedicated to their family ranches.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Lidia’s Kitchen #1005 Chicken for Dinner. R (9) 8/10 1am

+ Finding Your Roots #904 Far from Home. Cyndi Lauper, Jamie Chung and Danny Trejo. R (+) 8/10 1am & 5:30pm

7:30 9 Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy #108 Civil Rights. R (9) 8/10 1:30am, 8/27 2pm

8pm 9 Nature #3907 The Bat Man of Mexico. An ecologist braves nature to track the Lesser Long-nosed bat’s epic migration across Mexico. D R (9) 8/10 2am

+ Midsomer Murders #2009 Till Death Do Us Part, Part 1. A bride disappears during a wedding reception, revealing a murderer’s penchant for newlyweds. R (+) 8/10 2am

8:44 + Midsomer Murders #2010 Till Death Do Us Part, Part 2. R (+) 8/10 2:44am

9pm 9 Human Footprint ★ #106 The Ground Below. Exploring the crop that shaped our history, our culture, even our DNA — cotton. R (9) 8/10 3am

9:32 + Death in Paradise #178 Episode 6. A mystery from the past unlocks the truth underlying a concert pianist’s murder. R (+) 8/10 3:32am, 8/11 11pm, 8/12 5am

10pm 9 NOVA #4810 Bat Superpowers. Could the source of the deadliest viruses hold the secret to a healthier and longer life? D R (9) 8/10 4am

10:32 + Father Brown #177 The House of God. R (+) 8/10 4:32am

11pm 9 Walkin’ West ★ #103 Emigrant Wilderness Hike. An overnight hike with llamas. R (9) 8/10 5am

11:30 9 Walkin’ West ★ #104 Grand Tetons Hike. A three-day hiking adventure with everything from beavers to bears. R (9) 8/10 5:30am

+ World’s Greatest Cemeteries #201 Cave Hill Cemetery. A Louisville, KY, cemetery. R (+) 8/10 5:30am

Thursday 10

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ GZERO World with Ian Bremmer

12:30 + Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan W. Kamau Bell.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Cook’s Country #1405 One-Pot Meals. R (9) 8/11 1am

+ Celebrity Antiques Road Trip ★

#701 Stephen Tompkinson & Hayley Mills. R (+) 8/11 1am & 5:30pm, 8/27 10am & 7pm, 8/28 1am

7:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1420

Taurinus Brazilian Steak House, Lolo, Alhamra Indian & Pakistani Restaurant. R (9) 8/11 1:30am, 8/12 noon

8pm 9 Rebus #403 The Naming of the Dead. An unidentified body is found at an Edinburgh hotel about to host the World Trade Summit. R (9)

8/11 2am

+ Kennedy Package ★ #103

Jackie: A Tale of Two Sisters. The intertwined lives of Jackie Kennedy Onassis and Lee Radziwell. R (+)

8/11 2am & 10pm, 8/12 4am

9pm + The Travelling Auctioneers ★

#114 Linda and Rob. Repairing items for a pop-up auction in East Sussex. R (+) 8/11 3am

9:10 9 Wallander #109 Before the Frost. An escaped prisoner burns six swans to death, before killing a hiker who witnesses the crime. R (9) 8/11 3:10am

10pm + Peter Falk Versus Columbo R (+) 8/11 4am

10:42 9 Flesh and Blood on

MASTERPIECE #5048 Episode 4. Four romantic relationships spiral out of control; Mary responds to an emergency. R (9) 8/11 4:42am

11pm + Space Chase USA The events that transformed Cocoa Beach, Florida, into a center for the U.S. space program. R (+) 8/11 5am

11:32 9 On Story #1305 James Grey: A

Conversation. The evolution of a writer-director’s creative process. R (9) 8/11 5:32am

Friday 11

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ Untamed #107 Songbirds. What makes a songbird a songbird?

12:30 + Wild Hope #107 Salamander of the

Tv Legend

9 KQED 9 + KQED Plus

★ This program (or episode) is airing on a KQED television channel for the first time. This program is a KQED production, co-production or presentation.

Gods. Scientists, farmers, fishers and nuns unite to save Mexico’s rare aquatic salamanders.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Washington Week ★ R (9) 8/12 1am

+ Antiques Roadshow #2017 Cleveland, Hour 2. R (+) 8/12 1am

7:30 9 Crossing South #402 Tequila Town. Explore Tequila, Jalisco. R (9) 8/12 1:30am, 8/13 5pm

8pm 9 Mary Berry Cook and Share ★ #105 Episode 5. Performers from theater, music and art attend, but the real headliners are the top chefs who share feasts and intimate dinners during the Wilderness Festival in Cornbury Park in Oxfordshire. R (9) 8/12 2am

+ Agatha Christie’s Poirot #205 The Cornish Mystery. Neighbors close ranks against outsiders when a woman believes her life is in danger. R (+) 8/12 2am

8:30 9 Mary Berry Cook and Share ★ #106 Crowd Pleasers. Mary, whose mother was Scottish, makes treats for Edinburgh’s marathon runners, then visits the botanical gardens. R (9) 8/12 2:30am

9pm 9 The Great American Recipe #208. R (9) 8/12 3am; (+) 8/25 1pm + New Tricks #908 Blue Flower. An East German immigrant’s last words are translated as “blue flower.” R (+)

8/12 3am

10pm + Kennedy Package #103 Jackie: A Tale of Two Sisters. R (+) 8/12 4am

10:30 9 Hero of a Thousand Faces: Chef Richard Ingraham R (9) 8/12 4:30am

11pm 9 My Music with Rhiannon Giddens #101 Old Friends. R (9)

8/12 5am

+ Death in Paradise #178 Episode 6. R (+) 8/12 5am

11:30 9 Firing Line with Margaret Hoover

▲ This broadcast will be interrupted by fundraising intermissions.

R This program will be repeated on date/s noted.

D Descriptive video info for the sight-impaired is available on televisions with stereo capability.

R (9) 8/12 5:30am

Saturday 12

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 8/14 4pm

+ Songs at the Center ★ #906 Mark Erelli, Matt Butler, Angela Perley.

12:30 + Bands of Enchantment ★ #208

Zach Person. The new face of indie rock is known for his raw sounds.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

AFTERNOON noon 9 Check, Please! Bay Area #1420 Taurinus Brazilian Steak House, Lolo, Alhamra Indian & Pakistani Restaurant.

12:30 9 Lidia’s Kitchen #913 Fruits of the Sea.

1pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

5:30 9 PBS News Weekend ★

6pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Sunday 13

EARLY mid 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ 6am 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲


5pm 9 Crossing South #402 Tequila Town.

5:30 9 PBS News Weekend ★

6pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Monday 14

EARLY mid 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲


7pm 9 America’s Test Kitchen #2306 Italian Sweets. R (9) 8/15 1am

+ By Request: Best of Pledge P

7:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area Kids #1422 Teni East Kitchen, Estrellita Mexican Bistro, Kabul Afghan Cuisine. R (9) 8/15 1:30am

8pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Tuesday 15

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm + In the Americas with David Yetman #910 Arizona’s Volcanic Heritage. Visit a landscape dominated by the results of millions of years of volcanic explosions.

12:30 + The Good Road #306 San Juan, Puerto Rico: Island as Identity. Seeing Puerto Rico through the lens of anti-colonial art. R (+) 8/21 6pm

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/ daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Wednesday 16

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm + Laura Flanders Show ★

12:30 + School of Greatness with Lewis Howes Dave Ramsey: Money Mindset. A financial teacher shares how to make and manage money in times of uncertainty.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/ daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Thursday 17

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ GZERO World with Ian Bremmer ★

12:30 + Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan Bianca Valenti.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Cook’s Country #1406 ItalianAmerican Comforts. R (9) 8/18 1am

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/daily.

7:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area Kids #1423 Sam’s Chowder House, Sangeetha Restaurant, Gerard’s Paella y Tapas. R (9) 8/18 1:30am, 8/19 noon

8pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Friday 18

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ Untamed #108 Bats. Researching the world of bats at the Wildlife Center of Virginia.

12:30 + Wild Hope #108 Canine Conservationists. Australian scientists have enlisted conservation dogs to save threatened native species.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.


7pm 9 Washington Week ★ R (9) 8/19 1am

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/ daily.

7:30 9 Crossing South #403 Liga MX Xolos Soccer. Exploring the famous soccer league of Mexico. R (9) 8/19 1:30am, 8/20 5pm

8pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Saturday 19

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 8/21 4pm + Songs at the Center ★ #907 Tenille Townes, Caitlyn Smith, Caylee Hammack.

12:30 + Bands of Enchantment ★ #209 Jonathan Tyler. An American mainstay southern rocker who’s been crushing it for more than a decade.

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

AFTERNOON noon 9 Check, Please! Bay Area Kids #1423 Sam’s Chowder House, Sangeetha Restaurant, Gerard’s Paella y Tapas.

12:30 9 Lidia’s Kitchen #914 Elegant Eats.

1pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

5:30 9 PBS News Weekend ★

6pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Sunday 20

EARLY mid 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

6am 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲


5pm 9 Crossing South #403 Liga MX Xolos Soccer.

5:30 9 PBS News Weekend ★ 6pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Monday 21

EARLY mid 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲


7pm 9 America’s Test Kitchen #2307

Stir-Fry and Congee. R (9) 8/22 1am

+ By Request: Best of Pledge P

7:30 9 Check, Please! Bay Area Kids

#1424 Souvla, Zachary’s Chicago Pizza, Sancho’s Taqueria. R (9) 8/22 1:30am

8pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Tuesday 22

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company

★ R (9) 4pm

+ In the Americas with David Yetman

#1001 Slickrocks and Monuments in the Four Corners. Get a glimpse of nature at work at the Colorado Plateau.

12:30 + The Good Road #307 Richmond, Virginia: Holy River. Activists and scientists transforming Richmond with hard work, perseverance and art. R (+) 8/28 6pm

1–6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6am–7pm See page 8 for program schedule.

Tv Legend

9 KQED 9 + KQED Plus

★ This program (or episode) is airing on a KQED television channel for the first time. This program is a KQED production, co-production or presentation.

▲ This broadcast will be interrupted by fundraising intermissions.

R This program will be repeated on date/s noted.

D Descriptive video info for the sight-impaired is available on televisions with stereo capability.


7pm 9 By Request: Best of Pledge ▲ Programs selected for this time slot will be announced at least a day ahead of broadcast. For the latest info, see kqed.org/tv/schedules/daily.

+ By Request: Best of Pledge ▲

Wednesday 23

EARLY mid 9 Amanpour and Company ★ R (9) 4pm

+ Laura Flanders Show ★

12:30 + School of Greatness with Lewis Howes Candace Parker: Inspiration & Overcoming Adversity. A basketball player shares how to develop a winner’s mindset and achieve goals.

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