4th District AME CEC 2016 | IMPACT Young Adult Program Guide

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Rt. Rev. John F. White, Presiding Bishop Mrs. Penny H. White, Episcopal Supervisor Rev. Dr. Reginald Blount, Director of Christian Education

The 4th Episcopal District AME Church Welcomes

Bishop John F. White and Episcopal Supervisor Penny H. White

Rev. Dr. Reginald Blount Director of Christian Education

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! Beloved, it’s that time again when the lay and clergy of the Fourth Episcopal District can come together to experience a fantastic time of discipleship training, transformative workshops, and spiritfilled worship! We are looking forward to seeing you at our 4th District Christian Education Congress July 27-30 at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL. We are thrilled with the amazing speakers, workshop leaders and preachers who will be sharing their gifts with us. I pray all of you will be able to join us for what will be an exciting and spiritually moving event for children, youth and adults! This conference will also be our opportunity to welcome our newly appointed Bishop and Episcopal Supervisor to the Fabulous Fourth District! We look forward to having attendees from all our congregations across the Fourth Episcopal District join us for this year’s Christian Education Congress! Rev. Dr. Reginald Blount

4th District Director of Christian Education

Rev. Samuel Green, Jr.

Myesha Gholston Rev. HaLana Thompson

Ebony Bailey

Rev. Jen Bailey

Rev. Diane Bogues

Adrian Dunn

Latonja Ellis

Rev. Shonda Gladden

Theresa Smith

Rev. Tishaunda McPherson

Ashley Patterson

Rev. Dr. Danielle Penson

Rev. Willie Gholston

Courageous “Developing the tools to help me succeed” Impact Youth Agenda 2016: Matthew 14:22-34; Key Verse: Matthew 14:27 Courageous

“Developing the tools to help me succeed” Matthew 14:22-34; Key Verse: Matthew 14:27

For Young Adults: Creative and courageous young leaders bring the promise of hope, healing and compassion to faith communities and a world in need. But where can they explore their gifts for leadership and where God is calling For Young Adults: them? courageous young will leaders promise Impact UCreative at the 2016and Christian Education Congress explore bring vocationthe using examples of of hope, courageous leadersand as found in biblical sources pop culture. The track designed for healing compassion to faithand communities and a is world in need. But two distinct groups --high schoolers young adults-to discover their unique voice where can they exploreand their gifts for leadership andown where God is calling and roles in ministry. During this time they will be exposed to various types of ministries and them? lenses through which to engage those ministries. Impact U at the 2016 Christian Education Congress will explore vocation using examples of SpeciÞcally, we will look at the roles of super heroes which we deÞne as prophetic leaders courageous leaders as found in biblical sources and pop culture. The track is designed for who were courageous and willing to take risks for the sake of creating, transforming, and two distinct groups --high schoolers and young adults-- to discover their own unique voice restoring peace, justice, and love in the world. Our time together will be divided into Þve and roles in ministry. During this time they will be exposed to various types of ministries and sessions, each unpacking the steps of this vocational journey. Below is an outline of the lenses through which to engage those ministries. session offerings: SpeciÞcally, we will look at the roles of super heroes which we deÞne as prophetic leaders who were courageous and willing to take risks for the sake of creating, transforming, and restoring peace, justice, and love in the world. Our time together will be divided into Þve sessions, each unpacking the steps of this vocational journey. Below is an outline of the session offerings:


Rev. Neichelle Guidry

Rev. Virgil Woods

Rev. Julian Deshazier

Rev. Melech Thomas

Rev. Katrese Kirk

Rev. Kimberly Abrams-Bryant


Young Adult Track Courageous 2016 Wednesday | July, 27

8 am- 5 pm 4 pm 7:30 pm 11:30pm

Thursday | July 28

8 am - 9 am 9 am- 9:45 am

10 am-10:50am

11 am-11:50am


1:15pm-2:30pm 3pm-4:30pm

4:30pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-7:00pm 7:15pm 8:45pm-9:30pm 9:30pm-11:30pm 12am Friday | July 29


Registration – Solarium

Youth Rehearsal – St. Charles Ballroom

Youth Dinner – South Atrium

Combined Opening Worship Service

Rev. Neichelle Guidry, Preacher

Location: St. Charles Ballroom


Breakfast – South Atrium

“Blazing Glory I” Worship and Bible Study

Rev. Kimberly Abrams- Bryant, Speaker

Location: New Orleans Ballroom

Session: 1 “Call - One Word, Many Ways”

Location: Picasso

Session 2: “Many Words, One Message”

Location: Picasso Midday Worship, Rev. Melech E. Thomas, Preacher

Location: New Orleans Ballroom

Lunch – South Atrium

Session 3: “One Call, What’s Your Answer?”

Location: Picasso

Project Syncere

Location: Gauglin and Vermeer

Dinner – South Atrium

Starlight Communion

Location: Gallery Hall Patio

“Becoming” (w/Rev. Shonda Gladden)

Location: Gauglin

Fun Activity/Recreation (Pool and Games)

Curfew/Lights Out

Breakfast – South Atrium


1:15pm-2:30pm 3pm-4:30pm

4:30pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-7:00pm 7:15pm 8:45pm-9:30pm 9:30pm-11:30pm 12am

Location: Vermeer Midday Worship, Rev. Melech E. Thomas, Preacher

Location: New Orleans Ballroom

Lunch – South Atrium

Breakout 3: Project Syncere (6-8)

Location: Gauglin and Vermeer

Workshop for Middle School (TED Talk Style/ with Panel)

Location: Rembrandt

Dinner – South Atrium

Starlight Communion

Location: Gallery Hall Patio

Small Group Activity

Fun Activity/Recreation (Pool and Games)

Curfew/Lights Out

Friday | July 29

8am-9am Breakfast – South Atrium

9am9am- 9:45am 9:45am “Blazing “Blazing Glory Glory II” II” Worship Worship and and Bible Bible Study Study -- New New Orleans Orleans Ballroom Ballroom

Rev. Kimberly Abrams- Bryant, Speaker

New Episcopal Leadership to Greet the Youth Experience

10am-10:50am Special Session: Chat with Episcopal Leadership

11am-11:50am Session 4: Discern - Many Paths, The Right Step for Me

Location: Picasso 12:05pm Midday Worship (“Courageous Champions”;

Þtness attire recommended)

Location: New Orleans Ballroom

1:15pm-2:30pm Lunch – South Atrium

3pm-3:50pm Breakout 3: Workshops

Session 4: Discern - Many Paths, The Right Step for Me

Location: Picasso

4pm-4:50pm State of the Church Panel

Location: New Orleans Ballroom

5:30pm-6:30pm Dinner – South Atrium

7pm Glow Worship Experience– Location: New Orleans

9pm- 11:30pm Glow Party – Location: New Orleans


12am Saturday | July 30

7am-8:30am Breakfast (w/Cohort) Ð Marsalis I and II

8:30am- 9:15am Closing Session - Rev. Kimberly Abrams-Bryant

Location: St. Charles Ballroom

9:15am-11:15am Bible Bowl – St. Charles Ballroom

11:30am Combined Closing Worship – St. Charles Ballroom

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