written by
Simeon Marinković illustrated by
18 x 18 cm, 28 pp, full colo ur, lift-the-flap, paperback
Rights sold in: Croatia.
full colour, 18 x 18 cm, 28 pp, ack lift-the-flap, paperb
Dušan Pavlić o titles in our new These are the first tw st readers. Ana and series for the younge in characters, want Philip, the curious ma rld around them to get to know the wo exploring: woods, better. So, they start s… They invite their rivers, villages, town n them by reading, fellow readers to joi flap pages and flipping the lift-the. g facts behind them discovering interestin
learn and try new titleS written by
Dragana Jokić
illustrated by
Dušan Pavlić New title in our Learn an d Try series. From this book young readers can LEARN: what architecture is, who are the people that design the look of the town, ho w The Eiffel Tower was built, how to make a garde n on your roof… Also, readers can TRY to: make their own project task, make a drawing in different ratios, draw a plan of their room, fin d materials necessary for building, change the look of their building’s facade…
Едиција Сазнај и пробај
Архитектура прво издање
идеја: Љиљана Маринковић • аутор: Драгана Јокић илустрације и графички дизајн: Душан Павлић уредник: Милена Трутин • лектура: Виолета Бабић технички уредник: Небојша Митић • за издавача: Дејан Беговић издавач: КРЕАТИВНИ ЦЕНТАР, Градиштанска 8, Београд телефони: 011/ 38 20 483, 38 20 464, 244 06 59 www.kreаtivnicentа • e-mаil: info@kreаtivnic entа штампа: Публикум тираж: 2.000
21 x 24 cm, 32 pp, full colour,
Copyright©KREATIVNI CENTAR 2013 CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 72(02.053.2) ЈОКИЋ, Драгана, 1966 Архитектура / Драгана Јокић ; илустровао Душан Павлић ; [идеја Љиљана 1. изд. - Београд : Креативни Маринковић]. центар, 2013 (Београд : Публикум). - 32 стр. : илустр. ; 25 cm. - (Едиција Сазнај и пробај / [Креативни центар])
Da dignemo drugu eta`u?
Драгана Јокић
Арxитектура Илустровао
Душан Павлић Hvala! Ka`ete da ste profesionalci?
Тираж 2.000. - Речник: стр. 30-31. Регистар. ISBN 978-86-7781-995-8 a) Архитектура COBISS.SR-ID 196583948
Mogli su ti napraviti ku}icu po meri!
Evo i prozora! Ne preteruj!
written by
Jasen Boko
illustrated by
šan Pavlić
Du THEATRE a How to make play
21 x 24 cm, 44 pp, full colour,
Gradimo ku}e od svih materijala!
Young readers will acquir e basic knowledge of the history of theatre, the atrical genres and terminology, writing a dra matic or comical scene, the production of a play and finally the process of making a play. With lots of wonderful illustration s and funny dialogues in spe ech balloons this book is an introduction to the wo nderful world of theatre. The book is intended for school children aged 9-12.
written by
Nikola Božić
illustrated by
Aleksandar Zolotić This book introduces some basic facts abou t astronomy as a science: the origin of space, supernov as, black holes, planets, comets, stars, and many more interesting things. Like the other titles from this serie s, there are some practical exercises in the book: how to find the North Star, recognize different star cons tellations, even how to warm up water using the energy from the stars! Mora}e{ da sa~eka{ plimu!
Карта северног неба
Плима и осека, појаве које се могу запазити на великим воденим површинама, последица су деловање гравитационо г привлачења Месеца и Сунца. Иако гравитација делује на целу Земљу, најлакше се примећује њен утицај на језера, мора и океане.
МАЛИ ПАС Процион
Astronomsko podne!
Двојне звезде Променљиве звезде
Почетни, то јест нулти меридијан, пролази кроз варошицу Гринич крај Лондона. На исток и на нижу се сви остали, а најдаљи запад од Гриничког меридијана, је онај на 180° географске дужине.
3. Sopstveni meridi jan
Звезде нулте и прве звездане величине Звезде друге звездане величине Звезде треће звездане величине Звезде четврте звездане величине Звезде пете звездане величине
Ротација Земље доводи до смене дана и ноћи. Дан је на оној страни Земље која је окренута ка Сунцу, а ноћ на оној која је у сенци.
Дубхе Мерак
Ако пратимо Сунце од изласка до заласка, чиниће нам се као да оно кружи око Земље. Али то није тако. Привидно кретање Сунца по небу резултат је окретања Земље око своје осе. Такво кретање назива се ротација. За једну ротацију потребна су 24 сата. Дуж линије која по површини Земље привидно спаја Северни и Јужни пол подне је у истом тренутку. Такве замишљене линије називају се меридијани ма.
Северњача И Д АЛ М ЕДВЕ М
ur, paperback
21 x 24 cm, 32 pp., full colo
ретањe небеских тела и то што се држе на окупу последица je гравитационе силе. Што је неко тело веће, његова она сила је јача. Маса Сунца привлачи све планете гравитаци(и Земљу), сателите (и наш Месец), астероиде, комете и сва друга небеска тела у Сунчевом систему. Привлачна сила Земље много је мања и на окупу може да држи само Месец и сателите које је човек послао у орбиту.
Звездано јато
Означи меридијан места на којем се налазиш. Неког сунчаног дана у 11 сати пре подне пободи штап у земљу и означи тачку на коју пада сенка с врха штапа. Забележи тачно време стављања ознаке. Сваких десет минута постави нову ознаку време. Сенка штапа при и забележи сваком мерењу биће све краћа. ме кад сенка буде била најкраћа, означи као астрономскОно вреОно не мора да буде тачно о у 12 сати. Кад будеш сигуран подне. ка поново почела да се да је сенпродужује, обустави даља мерења. Правац који показује најкраћа сенка јесте меридијан тог посматрачког места, а врх сенке показује север.
written by
Chris McGowan
illustrated by
Dušan Pavlić TIRANOSAURUS (Tyrannosaurus)
udi naj~e{}e sve drevne ki~mewake poistove}uju sa dinosaurusima (od mamuta i pterosaurusa do pleziosaurusa i ihtiosaurusa). Me|utim, dinosaurusi predstavqaju posebnu grupu `ivotiwa sa odre|enim zajedni~kim karakteristikama, od kojih je jedna `ivot na kopnu. Mada su neki dinosaurusi provodili vreme i u vodi, kao {to to danas rade slonovi, ipak nisu `iveli u woj.
KORITOSAURUS (Corythosaurus)
VELOCIRAPTOR (Velociraptor) KOMPSOGNATUS (Compsognathus)
TRICERATOPS (Triceratops)
Dinosaurusi su prili~no {arena dru`ina – mogu biti veliki i mali, brzi i spori, biqojedi i mesojedi, dugog vrata, sa rogovima, krqu{tima, krestama, bodqama ili oklopom. S obzirom na tako velike razlike, te{ko je uo~iti wihove zajedni~ke karakteristike. Mi }emo se upoznati s nekoliko va`nih, a sve one povezane su s na~inom na koji su dinosaurusi nosili svoju te`inu. Mnogi dinosaurusi hodali su na dve noge, kao i mi. Ali, dok mi svoja tela dr`imo uspravno, dinosaurusi su svoja dr`ali vodoravno, koriste}i pri tom duge repove da bi uspostavili ravnote`u. ^ak su i ~etvorono`ni dinosaurusi nosili najve}i deo svoje te`ine na zadwim nogama, koriste}i rep kao protivte`u predwem delu tela.
IGUANODON (Iguanodon)
Po{to su zadwe noge dinosaurusa nosile najve}i deo te`ine, pelvis (karlica) morao je biti ~vrsto spojen sa ki~mom. Sakrum (krsni deo ki~me koji se spaja s karlicom) morao je biti jak, a ~inila su ga najmawe tri spojena pr{qena. Gotovo svi drugi gmizavci imaju mawe od tri sakralna pr{qena.
Postoji vi{e od pet stotina razli~itih vrsta dinosaurusa. Po obliku karlice mogu se podeliti u dve osnovne grupe. Dinosaurusi sa gu{terastim kukovima (sauri{ija) imaju trokraku karlicu. Dinosaurusi sa pti~jim kukovima (orniti{ija) imaju ~etvorokraku karlicu; wihova prepowa~a ima dva kraka.
Dana{wim gmizavcima, poput gu{tera, noge se pru`aju horizontalno sa obe strane tela, pa izgledaju kao da rade sklekove. Takva gra|a ne bi mogla da izdr`i veliki teret. Zato su noge dinosaurusa bile postavqene vertikalno, ispod tela. Da bi se to postiglo, glava femura (loptasti deo koji ule`e u ~a{icu kuka) bila je postavqena bo~no, umesto da bude na kraju kosti, kao {to je to kod dana{wih gmizavaca. ^a{ica kuka bila je izuzetno duboka, otvorena na kraju, kao {oqa s rupom na dnu, {to je jedinstvena karakteristika dinosaurusa.
BRAHIOSAURUS (Brachiosaurus)
DIPLODOKUS (Diplodocus)
CELOFIZIS (Coelophysis)
STEGOSAURUS (Stegosaurus)
ANKILOSAURUS (Ankylosaurus)
Neke od ovih `ivotiwa jesu dinosaurusi, a neke nisu. Mo`e{ li da otkrije{ koje `ivotiwe spadaju u dinosauruse? Ozna~i ih. Odgovor se nalazi na 31. strani.
21 x 24 cm, 32 pp, full colour, paperback
Extremely interesting introduction to palaeontology as a science. Among many things young readers will LEARN about: what fossils are and when they were first discovered, what time the dinosaurs lived in, which dinosaur was the biggest, whether they are really extinct… Also, they can TRY to: walk like a dinosaur, make their own dinosaur bone, fake a fossil footprint, make their own geological time scale…
learn and try Archaeology written by
Vesna Bikić
illustrated by
Dušan Pavlić 21 x 24 cm, 32 pp, full colour, paperback
Rights sold in: China.
Young readers will learn about great explorers an d the most important archaeol ogical discoveries in the world. They can even try to be archeologists themselves throug h performing special exercises an d learning the meaning of archeo logical terms.
Meteorology written by
Nedeljko Todorović
illustrated by
Ivica Stevanović pp, 21 x 24 cm, 32 rback full colour, pape
Rights sold in: China.
to you Has it ever occurred be uld that meteorology co h well ug ro very interesting? Th nned pla y ull organized and caref ll wi rs de exercises young rea ck and learn to recognize, tra ments ele measure some basic as: ch su of weather forecast, re, su es pr air temperature, air iness, ud clo d, humidity, wind spee you ok bo is etc. After reading th n ow ur yo ke can even try to ma s. weather prediction
gh This book is a guide throu nch bra Sonja Duletić-Laušević botany, an interesting of science which describes Dušica Janošević the life of plants. Young illustrated by ny readers will also find ma Tihomir Čelanović ses experiments and exerci , 21 x 24 cm, 32 pp, which are easy to perform full colour, paperback n ow such as: making your nt Rights sold in: China. herbarium, growing a pla the g from a seed, examinin plant, flow of water through a and many more. written by
How To Make a Film written by
Radivoje Andri ć
illustrated by
Andrej Vojković 21 x 24 cm, 56 pp, full colour, paperback
Rights sold in: Indonesia, China , Poland.
Through a series of step-bystep exercises children will learn the basic concepts and processes in filmmaking and will acquire certain skills: to make a composition, to animate a sequence, to use and change perspective, to direct a scene, to cut and edit a film.
BUCKET WITHOUT A BOTTOM and other experiments for children ОС А Д
Сања Матијашевић
Сања Матијашевић
огледи за децу КОФА БЕЗ ДНА и други
нали р или ве књиге забавни ткрити десног е.
ДУ И З К У Ћ Е !
Хајде да се играмо и да учимо заједно! и али Шта желиш да будеш? Радознали Шт и научник, велики математичар или на иге њи На страницама ове књиге стр истраживач? ис ни авн предлози за игре и забавни чекујју те п очекују оч ти помоћу којих ћеш открити даци по задаци зада ог уд љивостти изз чудесног занимљивости зне за разне раз ужује окруж о ји те окружује. света који свет
written by
Sanja Matijašević illustrated by
Sanja Drakulić
ur, 21x24cm, 32 pp, full colo paperback
Сања Матијаше вић
Сања Матијашев ић
ШАШАВА ФЛАША и други огледи за децу
CRAZY BOTTLE and other experim ents for children
ISBN 978-86-7781-919-4
9 7 8867 7 81 91 94
9 7 8 8 6 7 7 8 1 9 05 7
and their motto is “let’s ded for children aged 5-8 t are These two books are inten physics experiments tha . Each book contains 15 form the s ha nt me play and learn together” ch experi e to perform at home. Ea ts of fac ul erf nd wo s simple, practical and saf reveal sting story attached which ts ren pa e rag ou enc of a game and an intere ended to s us. This book is also int d an fun ve ha to – y the world that surround in a creative wa er eth tog e tim ir the nd and children to spe e. to learn at the same tim
Сазнај да ли биљке и животиње знају физику!
и Изведи експерименте испитај физичке појаве из природе.
Јован Укропина Никола Витковић
ur, paperback
21 x 24 cm, 96 pp., full colo
NATURE written by
Tomislav Senćanski illustrated by
Jovan Ukropina, Nikola Vitković knowledge This book helps combine the h stories oug Thr s. sisc of biology and phy of rld wo and rld wo from the animal explain t tha s ent erim plants, through exp and some life ay ryd eve en connections betwe and through ideas basic principles of physics book will attract for practical research, this young minds. and inspire many creative
MATHS FOR KIDS new titleS written by
Boris Kuzmanović
о Дејић Бранка Дејић • Mирк Д О С А ДУ
Бранка Дејић • Mирко Дејић
Хајде да се играмо и да учимо заједно!
Бранка Дејић • Мирко Дејић
Радознали Шта желиш да будеш? атичар научник, велики матем страницама или истраживач? На и задаци забавн те у очекуј ове књиге и разне открит ћеш којих у помоћ ог света занимљивости из чудесн који те окружује.
Дејић Бранка Дејић • Мирко
illustrated by
Branka Dejić and Mirko
ISBN 978-86-7781-910-1
01 9 788677 8191
ISBN 978-86-7781-911-8
of stickers, 21x24cm, 56pp +2 pages full colour, paperback
SILVER AWARD 2012 on BESA competition, which gives awards to is the best schoolbooks in Europe and Book furt Frank the co-organised by Fair, the IARTEM (the International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media) and the EEPG (European Educational Publishers’ Group).
9 788677 819118
Children aged 6 and 7 develop logical thinking at a growing rate and that is very important for various mathematical activities that stimulate mental development. The tasks are interesting, puzzle-like and not typical. Coming up with an idea for solving the problem develops the creative potential and intuition that is required for mathematics in general. Both books contain a diploma and stickers which are to be used for rating the child’s performance in solving problems. In this way children are taught to assess their work and judge its value which has a substantial educational effect.
AN EASY PATH TO MATH Little Brain Teasers for Kids
writte nb
Milan y B Milen ataveljić, a Vran ić illustr ate Boris d by Kuzm anović
This collection of math problems wi ll encourage curiosit y, judgement abili ties, logical thinking an d development of mathematical skill s. It is intended fo r children in the lowe r grades of elemen tary schools who are go od at math and wa nt to practice and le arn more. Parents or teachers can assis t in reading some bigger text explanations or solving more di fficult problems. 21 x 27,5 cm, 60 pp.,
full colour, paperback
LET'S READ new titleS written by
Dejan Aleksić
the secret lifE of storIes
illustrated by
Maja Veselinović
Дејан �лексић
Дејан �лексић
мишљали о томе жда вам се чини обичног. Ипак, не ите шта се дешава це књиге. Приче воде тајни живот. исац, коме приче нису дале мира. своје јунаке, те су очетак или на крај, жасно размажена, обегла из књиге…
k & white, paperback
77 819873
15,5 x 21 cm, 84 pp, blac
Have you ever thou ght about what st ories do when you close the book after read ing them? Do they ha ve their own, secr et lives? The author of this book gives us his unique, incredible experie nce about the man y strange events inclu ding the stories fro m this book: one was complaining of th e main character, the othe r ones did not like the way the story begi ns and ends and on e story even escaped from the book…
MISS SPAGHETTi written by
Vesna Aleksić
illustrated by
Marina Milanović
13,5 x 18,5 cm, 40 pp., paperback
full colour,
Ofi is a little girl wh o doesn’t want to go to kinde rgarten anymore. She’s re ally skinny and the other child ern mock her by calling her Miss Spaghetti. That’s why she wa nts to go to her grandmother Efe. And there is a lot you can le arn from your granny, espe cially why it‘s imporatant to eat well. This is a brand ne w title in our series Let’s Read.
HANDBOOKS new titleS written by
inčević Nevena Lovr
illustrated by
Marko Somb
This book offers advice on establish ing or restoring lost parental authority. It explains the connection between different pare nting styles and authority, how parental auth ority is lost, describes everyday situations which put parental authority to the test givi ng explanations of wrong and efficient methods. To read about other titles from Handbooks for parents series please turn to page 30. ,
14x20cm, 102 pp, black & white paperback
written by
Slavica Markovi ć
cover and design
Dušan Pavlić
13,5 x 18,5 cm, 40 pp., full colour, paperback
This little notebook is made to be a tool for motivating young readers to read more. At the same time, on the pages of this notebook, young readers can preserve some important parts, memories and thoughts about the books they have been reading. Finally, this notebook is not necesseraly only for kids, it can be useful for adult readers as well.
A Book for Every Girl written by
Violeta Babić illustrated by
Ana Grigorjev Rights sold in: Macedonia FYR, Croatia, Hungary, Thailand, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, Colombia (Spanish LA), Vietnam, Poland, Lithuania, Greece.
18 x 22 cm, pp 164, full
colour, strengthened
This book is for all girls aged 9 to 19. It helps them learn more about the changes that come with puberty, personal hygien e, facial and body care. Girls and young women can also read about putting on ma ke-up, dressing, working out an d eating properly. The aim of this book is to help them live a healthy life and feel good about themselv es.
An Organizer for Every written by
Violeta Babić illustrated by
Ana Grigorjev Rights sold in: Slovenia, Russia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia.
14 x 19 cm, pp
140, full colour,
pe strengthened pa
Book This book, a tie-in to A ation bin com a is l, for Every Gir ich wh a, nd age an of a diary and e and tim ir the ize an helps girls org s way acquire good habits. In thi y the en wh get for they will not n der mo a m, exa l have a schoo y are dance lesson or when the has It s... nd frie h going out wit l rua nst me a a time table, hy calendar, a diary of healt write to ce spa of food and a lot are t tha s ng thi se down all the life. l’s gir g un yo a happening in
A Book for Girls and Their Boyfriends – A Guide to Safe Sex written by
Violeta Babić illustrated by
Bojana Dimit
18 x 22 cm, pp 156, full colou strengthened paperback
Rights sold in: Vietnam. Croatia, Slovenia, Russia,
A Book for Girls and their Boyfriends is a comprehensive guide for young girls and boys who are about to start their sex life. It will help uninformed teenagers lear n a lot about potential pregnancy, sexu ally transmitted diseases and the necessity of using methods of contraception. This useful book will encourage girls and boys to start thinking about their health and protection and, hopefully, it will lowe r the rate of teen pregnancies and abortio ns.
She graduated Violeta Babić was born in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1953. Language and an Serbi in de, Belgra in ogy Philol of y from the Facult and one of er graph lexico a as d Literature. For 25 years she worke hed publis age langu tian -Croa Serbo of nary Dictio the editors of in works she Now ce. Scien by The Serbian Academy of Arts and r autho the is She . editor and r reade proof a as r Kreativni centa for Book A r: centa ivni of the bestsellers published by Kreat (2009), A Book Every Girl (2008), An Organizer for Every Girl (2011) and My Boy Every for for Every Boy (2010), An Organizer ). (2006 nary Dictio First Picture to safe Sex A Book for Girls and their Boyfriends – A Guide tion of the atten the red th captu y alread has which is her 6 book young audience.
A Book for Every Boy written by
Violeta Babić
illustrated by
Ana Grigorjev Rights sold in: Macedonia FYR, Russia, Colombia a, (Spanish LA), Croati ia, ven Slo m, Vietna Lithuania.
18 x 22 cm, pp
156, full colour,
ng This book is for boys and you . age of rs yea 19 men from 9 to at wh d tan ers und s It will help boy find l wil y The y. ert happens in pub y answers to many questions the are or , ask to one either have no rn too shy to do so. They will lea al son per ir the of e how to take car for t righ is rt spo hygiene, which e, them, how to manage their tim and rs pee of up behave in a gro feel good about themselves. w This book will help them gro their ld bui and way up the easier self-esteem.
strengthened pa pe
AN Organizer for Every Boy
written by
Violeta Babić illustrated by
Ana Grigorjev Rights sold in: Slovenia.
ur, 14 x 19 cm, pp 162, full colo strenghtened paperback
This title, a tie-in to A Book for Every Boy, is intended for those teenage boys who are ready to work on organizing their everyday schedule. It will help boys harmonize studying, practising sports, socializing with their friends.
PRESCHOOL activity books This is a series of workbooks for preschool children made for their better preparation for starting elementary school. Subjects and contents of all books are carefully chosen and packed into dozens of intersting and encouraging tasks through which preschool children will become ready to enter schools.
written by
written by
Simeon Marinković, Slavica Marković
Simeon Marinković, Milena Krsmanović
illustrated by
illustrated by
Boris Kuzmanović
Biljana Labović
23 x 28,5 cm, 48 pp., full colour, paperback
21 x 29 cm, 48 p0., full colou paperback
written by written by
Simeon Marinković
Simeon Marinković, Slavica Marković
illustrated by
Mirjana Živković
illustrated by
Boris Kuzmanović
pp., two colours, 23 x 28,5 cm, 48 stickers, paperback
23 x 28,5 cm, 48 pp., full colour, paperback
OOK SCRIBBLE B written by
Slavica Marković
written by
illustrated by
Slavica Marković
Dobrosav Bob Živković
d white,
an , 48 pp., black 23 x 28,5 cm k ac rb pe stickers, pa
illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković 23 x 28,5 cm , 48 pp., fu ll colour, paperback
Straight about books
Sex for Beginners written by
Jasminka Petrović
illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković a book for all Sex for Beginners is about to are o young people wh mysterious d an enter the exciting is also It ”. ty “World of Sexuali for y nit rtu an excellent oppo hers ac te , ren parents and child ations ers nv co rt and friends to sta ter instead of about sex with laugh ame. embarrassment or sh Rights sold in: Great Britain, Croatia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Macedonia FYR, Portugal, France, Taiwan, Turkey, Slovakia, Cyprus, Hungary, Sweden, Ukraine, Norway, Vietnam, Poland, China (traditional Chinese).
r, paperback, 4 pp, full colou 17 x 23,5 cm, 10 cm 35 x r 50 full-colour poste
Textbook for Falling in Love written by
Irena Tiodorović illustrated by
Neda Dokić
Rights sold in: sia, Slovenia, Indone Czech Republic, ia, Croatia, Slovak Vietnam.
colour, 17 x 23,5 cm, 62 pp, full er 50 x 35 cm paperback, full-colour post
Do you want to fall in love? Or maybe not? Is it possible to decide such a thing? Th is book will help you with the “the oretical” side of falling in love an d with discoverin g if those rules ar e applicable in practice. You will be guided, step by step, through the labyrinth of questions and feelings with hysterical laught er and a little drama, too.
Sailing Through Marriage Waters written by
Irena Tiodorović illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković
17 x 23,5 cm, 80 pp, full colour, cm paperback, full-colour poster 50 x 35
Rights sold in: Czech Republic, ia. Ukraine, Slovak
This book consists of a number of chapter s describing everything that could appear on the occasion of marriage: informing the parents, scheduling th e date, choosing wedd ing rings and the wedding gown, the guests, the wedd ing itself and all the char acters that could appear on that occasion, as well as th e first peaceful moment s in marriage waters.
Monsters ittle L Sweet
written by
Irena Tiodorović illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković
ack, ur, paperb
full colo cm, 72 pp, 417 x 23,5 x 35 cm 50 er st po full-colour
Rights sold in: Czech Republic, Indonesia, Slova kia.
ual book This very unus ntal rights re about lost pa laugh to will make you probably ill tears. You w e author wonder how th e situations found all thos e, which you from family lif know so well. and your kids , t yet a parent If you are no o to is book do not take th nts usually re seriously: pa r rights most “give up” thei t of love. freely and ou
Straight about books
Conflicts and How to Deal with Them written by
Dijana Plut & Ljiljana Marinković
illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković
17 x 23,5 cm, 64 pp, full colour, paperback, full-colour post er, 50 x 35 cm
Rights sold in: Russia, Indonesia, Poland.
This handbook on how to resolve conflicts in a creative way is intended for children aged 12 and older. In this book, the authors succeed in x integrating the most comple ure nat the on knowledge of conflicts and modes of nonviolent conflict resolution with the needs and the thinking and communication styles of adolescents.
SOS for Teenagers In all periods of life and most def initely when you are a ć ovi rad Ob Ružica teenager, there are proble ms illustrated by tha t surround you and tortur b Bo e Dobrosav you and look so huge, he avy Živković and unsolvable that you cannot talk to anyone about the m. An experienced psycholog ist gives answers to question s that in: teenagers often ask – ab s sold raine, t h g i ou t k R nia, U ia, friendships, school proble Slove , Indones ms, s u r p Cy pa rents, love, understanding . d n ... Pola
written by
17 x 23,5 cm, 108 pp, full
colour, paperback
Bon Ton written by
Jasminka Petrov
illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković
17 x 23,5 cm, 88 pp, full colour, paperback, full-co lour poster 50 x 35 cm
Rights sold in: Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria , France, Ukraine.
Straight This title in our s offers, rie Books About se ious ev as well as the pr humorous d titles, a funny an rious subject. approach to a se thor has This time, the au polite of s picked the rule known lly ra behaviour, gene as etiquette.
School written by
Jasminka Petrović
illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković
full colour, 17 x 23,5 cm, 82 pp, cm lour poster 50 x 35 paperback, full-co
in: Rights sold thuania, Slovenia, Li ublic, Czech Rep FYR, Macedonia nesia. do In , ne Ukrai
School is a book that wil l certainly make you laugh during school hours with stories about teachers and students, classroom adventures, and schoolya rd situations. Even though every educational system definitely deserves much criticism, school days are among the best days of our lives, for all of us.
17 learning to learn (in 39 lessons
written by
Jasminka Petrov ić & Ana Pešikan
extremely This unique and fers a funny manual of Dobrosav Bob oach Živković totally new appr ques. ni ch te ng to learni ok children Through this bo : in ld so ts gh Ri important rkey, will realize how Bulgaria, Tu n is. nesia. Ukraine, Indo general educatio illustrated by
17 x 23,5 cm, 64 pp, full colour, paperback, full-colour poster 50 x 35 cm
what anna knows
The main character in this series, a girl named Anna, offers the youngest children some models of good and socially acceptable behaviour in a dozen everyday situations. All titles in this series written by
Simeon Marin
illustrated by
h one, 15 x 15 cm, 24 pp eac hened full colour, strengt paperback
Dušan Pavlić
Rights sold in: Croatia, Brazil (Portuguese SA)
Anna knows In the latest sequel of What ges - this llen cha new series, Anna meets one must t tha rns lea time in traffic. She en wh ffic tra in follow certain rules or car the in ing sitt crossing the street, e care tak to er ord in walking on sidewalks of oneself and others.
Rights sold in: Croatia, Brazil (Portuguese SA)
title in the This is the ninth and she is series about Anna Discussing as smart as ever. her, Victor, with her little brot vice to her she gives good ad fferent topics fellow peers on di rtance of a such as: the impo , watching TV, good night’s sleep lations and reading, sibling re many more.
Protecting Nature In this edition Anna car es about nature, showing how important it is to protect the environment. The lift-th e-flap pages make reading and learning ent ertaining and easy. Macedonia FYR, Rights sold in: nish LA), Brazil pa (S bia Colom ), Germany, SA e (Portugues Croatia.
lift-the-flap picture books
Good Neighbours
Anna is very carin g and considerate, and her motto is: “If you care for yo ur neighbour, life has a better flavour”.
Macedonia FYR, Rights sold in: nish LA), Brazil pa (S Colombia ), Croatia. SA (Portuguese
Good manners In this picture book Anna learns the importance of good manners. “Thank you” and “I am sorry” can be magic words in many situations.
Rights sold in : Th Macedonia FY ailand, Croatia, R, Brazil (Por tuguese SA), Colombi a (Spanish LA ), Germany. Ebook rights sold for: Engl ish, Chinese (tra ditional and simplified)
19 Friendship
gets her first In this episode Anna hip and what knowledge of friends friend. Young od go it means to be a at a good friend children can learn th lpful and is a good listener, a he n. considerate perso Rights sold in: Thailand, Croatia,
tuguese Macedonia FYR, Brazil (Por LA), SA), Colombia (Spanish Germany. lish, Ebook rights sold for: Eng simplified) Chinese (traditional and
what anna knows
healthy food
Rights sold in: Thailand, Croatia, Macedonia FYR, Brazil (Portuguese SA), Colombia (Spanish LA), Germany. Ebook rights sold for: English, Chinese (traditional and simplified)
Anna shows us the importance of eatin g healthy food. Was hing hands before m ea ls, eating properly an d not playing with th e food at the table ar e just some of the tips Anna gives. Healthy food is not always the food you kids like the most, but Ana sh ow s that it can be a gr eat joy to eat it. Fa mily meals can be fun an d not resemble wa r across the table.
healthy life
bes the rules for In this book Anna descri e enjoys sports and leading a healthy life. Sh ironment and eats nature, likes a clean env that all these things healthy food. Ana shows ople around us feel will not only make the pe look clean but it good and the environment ve your well being. will also help you impro
Rights sold in: Thailand, Croatia, Macedonia FYR, Brazil (Portuguese SA), Colombia (Spanish LA), Germany. Ebook rights sold for: English, Chinese (traditional and simplified)
household help
Rights sold in: Thailand, Croatia, Macedonia FYR, Brazil (Portuguese SA), Colombia (Spanish LA), Germany.
The household alwa ys looks the same clean and tidy - bu t how is this manag ed? In this episode, the po pular girl named An na, tells us what she do es in the househol d and that things do not happen as if by magic. Someone ha s to clean, wash an d buy food. When everyo ne takes on their ow n responsibility, ever ything runs smooth ly.
lift-the-flap picture books This series is intended for the youngest readers. In a colourful and lift-the-flap way they are very interesting for the intended age group teaching them about numbers, colours, opposities, weather, shapes, needs, feelings and fears. All titles in this series written by
Simeon Marinković
h one, 15 x 15 cm, 24 pp eac hened paperback ngt stre , our col full
illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković Rights sold in: Slovenia.
colours illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković
Rights free
Opposites illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković
illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković
Rights sold in: Slovenia. Rights sold in: Slovenia.
shapes illustrated by
Manja Stojić
illustrated by
Dušan Pavlić
Rights sold in: Macedonia FYR and Slovenia Rights sold in: Thailand, Croatia.
lift-the-flap picture books
illustrated by
Manja Stojić
chicken lion illustrated by
Dušan Pavlić
ld in: Rights so Croatia. Thailand,
Rights sold in: Thailand, Croatia.
My First Picture Dictionary written by
Violeta Babić
illustrated by
Nikola Vitko
20 x 28,5 cm, 80 pp, hened full colour, strengt paperback
22 Rights free.
iliar with Children become fam name living the words we use to ocesses, things, objects and pr these words and learn to connect of everyday with different areas ations life. Attractive illustr , objects visualize 1500 scenes close to the that are familiar and , plants, art child, nature, animals of this will and occupations. All to discover enable your youngster us. ds the world that surroun
PRESCHOOL activity books gh the first steps in mathematics. They all These activity books help children go throu their children and encourage them to solve encourage parents to spend more time with is al thinking and alertness. I have an idea! math problems and through that develop logic 5-7. p grou age for are e! tell! and Solve and smil for children aged 4 to 6, while Think and
I have an idea! written by
Milan Bataveljić
illustrated by
Milica Nenadić
Rights sold in: China.
20 x 20 cm, 56 pp + 2 pages of , stickers, full colour paperback
think and tell! written by
Milan Batavelji ć illustrated by Bo ris Kuzmanović
Rights sold in: Croatia, China.
20 x 20 cm, 56 pp + 2 pages of stickers, full colour, paperback
solve and smile! written by
Milan Bataveljić
illustrated by
Boris Kuzmanović 20 x 20 cm, 64 pp + 2 pages of stickers, full colour , paperback
Rights sold in: China.
let’s read ng beginners in reading with the Let’s read series is intended for you up more challenging tasks for purpose to encourage them to take es brings together contemporary improving their reading skills. This seri
Sean and Shoelaces written by
Dejan Aleksić
illustrated by
Dušan Zaklan
13,5 x 18,5 cm, pp 40, full colour, paperback
Sean is a boy like any other. His first day at school is coming closer but he has one problem – he doesn’t know how to tie his shoes. This warm story is about family relations, attachment and first days at school.
Rights free
A Tale of a Good Broom
written by
Dejan Aleksić illustrated by
Boris Kuzmanović
13,5 x 18,5 cm, pp 44, full colour, paperback
Rights free
A broom called Martha lives a peaceful life in a small town by the bakery. One day unexpected thing happens which changes her life forever. This is a touching story emphasizing good values and true devotion with the elements of a fairy tale.
Serbian writers and young illustrators who have created warm stories which meet children’s needs and interests. Each book comprises of three tightly related short stories about the main character.
Tough Cookie written by
Vesna Aleksić illustrated by
Ana Šimon
Elisabeth is a charmi ng girl with a great passion for cake s and cookies – that is why her paren ts call her Tough Cookie. Elisabeth ha s a great wish – to become a ballerina. Th is charming story deals with child hood obesity and self confidence iss ues in a very sensitive and receptiv e way.
13,5 x 18,5 cm, pp 44, full colour, paperback
Rights free
princess oOpsy boopsy written by
Vesna Aleksić
illustrated by
Aleksandar Zolotić
, pp 44, 13,5 x 18,5 cm perback full colour, pa
Rights free
Maria is terribly upset wh en she acts clumsily in front of her friend Vladan. But, it is all her daddy’s fault! You see, when Maria was bo rn, her father went to the Princesses’ names counter, but all the names were alr eady taken - except for Princess Oo psy Boopsy! Issues of clumsiness, frie ndship and growing pains are beautifu lly depicted in an urban milieu.
popular biographies
anecdotes about great scientists edited by
Tomislav Senćanski
illustrated by
Milan Pavlović
16 x 23,5 cm, 88 pp, ack full colour, paperb
Rights free.
Anecdote is a spec ial literary genre which depict s a scene or scenes from ever yday life of a real person , in a witty manner, ofte n through a dialogue. This bo ok is a collection of anec dotes about great scientists. Re ad and learn more about their ch aracter and moods, their de votion to science, the difficu lties and joys of creativity.
anecdotes about great
written by
Aleksandar G
illustrated by
Marko Somb
Rights free.
16 x 23,5 cm, 70 pp, full colour, paperback
Find out some funny and interesting details from the lives of great musicians. This is both informative and amusing book which reveals some funny oddities of musical geniuses.
books for A better world
With Children Around the World 1 & 2
These two books ga ther customs, song s, games and other interest ing things from di fferent parts of the world. Youn g readers will star t a journey through distant co untries and will m eet their major geographic, environmental, socia l and cultural characteris tics, as well as the people who live there. In this way, very young ch ildren can develop tolerance and understanding of different cultures, religions and everyday life throughout the world.
written by Tatjana Rodić illustrated by Dušan Pavlić
Rights sold in: Croatia, Macedonia FYR.
21 x 29 cm, full colour, paperback
Rescuing the Tree written by
Stanka Brdar illustrated by
Dušan Pavlić
Rights sold in: Thailand, Cyprus.
32 pp, f 20,5 x 26 cm, rback pe pa r, lou ull co
This is an ecological picture book abou t the effec ts of pollution o n nature, e specially on forests. The main c haracter, a frightene d tree, tog ether with its an ima running aw l friends, is seen ay contempora from the evils of ry fire, acid ra society, such as in, smog a nd wood cutting.
popular science
Simple Science Experiments 1, 2 & 3 written by
Tomislav Senćanski (2 & 3)
illustrated by
Miroljub Milutinović Brada (1 & 2) and a group of illustrators (3) 16 x 23 cm, full colour, paperback
Rights sold in: Czech Republic, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Slovakia, China, India (English for Indian subcontinent).
be These simple experiments can ry done easily and safely in eve t household. They can be the firs ry steps towards science for eve can child. Through them children basic learn important things about laws of physics and chemistry.
Hocus Pocus 1, 2 & 3 written by
Duško Prolušić illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković (1), Saša Mihajlović (2 & 3)
16 x 23 cm, full colour, paperback
Rights sold in: Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia.
ple ns a set of 30 sim Each book contai rmed rfo pe can be easily magic tricks that or, th au e or adults. Th either by children ks ic tr ns agician, explai a professional m rope, atches, pieces of with balloons, m d an g ely interestin cards, etc. Extrem ery child. very simple for ev
handbooks for parents Parental Traps
How to Recognize and Avoid the Most Frequent Parental Mistakes
written by
Nevena Lovrinčević illustrated by
Dobrosav Bob Živković 14.5 x 19.5 cm, 108 pp, black & white, paperback
Rights sold in: Indonesia, Colombia (Spanish LA), Croatia.
Nevena Lovrinčević, who is a psychologist and a mother of three, deals with the most frequent parental mistakes. She explains that the parental traps are in fact ideas and opinions which parents use, without analyzing or thinking about them. These traps can lead them astray in the process of bringing up their children successfully.
Teach Your Child How to Sleep written by
Nevena Lovrinčević
illustrated by
Neda Dokić
14 x 20 cm, 108 pp, black & white, paperback
Rights sold in: Ukraine, Russia, Indonesia, Croatia.
This parental guide helps parents deal with the problems of their children’s evening rituals and sleep. Many aspects of life are closely connected with proper sleep. The author, Nevena Lovrinčević offers reliable advice.
CONTROL YOUR ANGER rental This is yet another pa nčević. vri guide by Nevena Lo will learn Nevena Lovrinčević u yo Reading this book, anger, illustrated by of s rn to recognize patte at Ivica Stevanović th er situations that trigg the means d an unpleasant emotion llent book to control it. An exce l skills in ta for improving paren . 14 x 19,5 cm, 92 pp, everyday situations written by
black & white, paperback
Rights free.
Discipline Without SPANKING
Rights free.
Discipline is not about punish ing. written by It is about teaching children Nevena Lovrinčević which forms of beh aviour are illustrated by acceptable, and which not, as well Neda Dokić as teaching them to deal wit h the consequences of their behavi our. Discipline is an essential par t of everyday life with children wh ich 14 x 20 cm, 88 pp, wil l help them become mature, black & white, paperback responsible and moral individ uals some day.
101 ways to show love to your written by
Violeta Babić illustrated by
Nikola Vitković 20 x 28,5 cm, 80 pp, full colour, ack strengthened paperb
Rights sold in: Croatia, Ukraine, Russia, Indonesia, Slovenia, Brazil (Portuguese SA), Colombia (Spanish LA).
that their Lots of parents think y, almost children automaticall they are genetically, know that nately, children being loved. Unfortu love unless are unaware of that it in a clear parents demonstrate This book and appropriate way. e language of helps parents learn th children. showing love to their
31 Good Parenting written by
Verica Sekulić
illustrated by
Neda Dokić
14 x 20 cm, 96 pp, two colour, paperback
Rights sold in: Russia. Ukraine, Indonesia,
This handbook deals with important aspects of parenting, offering young parents new and creative answers for many of the most common parental dilemmas. Inside this book you will find a collection of family games which could be very useful for those parents who are worrying so much about children, money, work and many other everyday worries.
the devil’s Hoofprints
written by Chris McGowan illustrated by Dušan Pavlić 12 x 18 cm, 90 pp, black & white, paperback
g of the year 1855 It was a harsh winter at the beginnin London to a little when Reverend Percival Bliss came from of his arrival was the village called Bishopstone. The reason bs Rock cave, a place digging he intended to make in the Hob t he did not expect haunted by terrifying rumours. But wha stant Tom faced while was something he and his young assi searching for the fossils. the two protagonists Two dreadful red eyes were following ation. Was that the of this novel throughout their investig by the inhabitants creature from the stories that were told generation to of Bishopstone and were passed on from over whose hoofprints generation? Would Reverend Bliss disc uary night? were left in the snow on that cold Febr written by Chris l nove ting exci this Follow the pages of ! McGowan and try to solve this mystery
Household sprites
32 written by Dubravka Ugrešić illustrated by Dušan Petričić 20 x 26 cm, 64 pp, full color, hardcover
Household sprites are usually small, invisible creatures who belong to the numerous and versatile family of mythical beings. While other mythical beings dwell in the forests, mountains, caves, rivers, seas and moors, these crea tures have chosen to live with people in their homes. These are funny and adorable descriptions of ghosts and poltergeists - dwellers of our homes and minds - illustrated by the famous hand of Dušan Petričić. Dubravka Ugrešić (1949) was born in former Yugoslavia, in its republic Croatia. Her books have been translated into more than twenty languages. Dubravka Ugresic has received several major European literary awards. She is base d in Amsterdam today, working as a freelance writer. Dušan Petričić, (1946) was born in Belg rade, Serbia and graduated from the Belgrade’s Academ y for Applied Arts. His illustrations or editorial cartoons regularly appear in “The New York Times”, “The Wall Street Jour nal” and “The Toronto Star”. He is the co-author/illustrator of over 30 children’s books published in North America and form er Yugoslavia. For his work he was awarded at the numerous Inte rnational Exhibitions and Fairs. Since 1993 he works and lives in Toronto, together with his family.