ything r e v e t u o Find n do, a c d l i h c r you arning e l e g a r u o enc ity, v i t a e r c d an world e h t r e v o disc un! and have f
Enc our
This books aimseeries of picture one to six d at children aged spark lovcean help parents with their for reading their earlilittle ones from encourage est days – to imaginatiotheir perception, n and curio sity.
ity v i t a ag e c h ildren’s development and cre
O w l’ s
S c ho o l
her t e g o t s book hem Readinigng along with gts you and plaoyf the best thilnd. This is one o for your chicourage can d you will en ppy and is how become a ha cause all them teont person, behappen in confid ortant things life, they the imhpood – later inat. e child only rep
Encourage children’s development and creativity Bunny’s School
Hedgehog’s School
Age 1
Puppy’s School
Age 3-4
Bear’s School
Age 1-2
Kitty’s School
Age 4-5
Elephant’s School
Age 2-3 OWL’S SCHOOL • first edition • authors Simeon Marinković and Slavica Marković • illustrated by Evelina Daneva Rajninger • designed by Dušan Pavlić • editor Slavica Marković • proof reader Violeta Babić • prepress Nebojša Mitić • publisher Kreativni centar, Belgrade, 8 Gradištanska • phone/fax: +381 11 38 20 464, +381 11 38 20 483, +381 11 24 40 659 • www. • print Grafostil • copies 3,000 • year of print 2016 • copyright ©Креативни центар 2016
Age 5-6
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд ISBN 978-86-529-0402-0 COBISS.SR-ID 230373900
ЗEАn ТИ y С ПcОoДuС t О i Н v raТgИeЦА ТeИaВti А r Е c Р chНЬilЕdrДeЕnЧ’sjedГevРeАlЗ d К n И a nt opВmОejА
Children’s development between ages five and six DEVELOPMENT TRACKER
Speech development
Speech development
This development stage is characterised by literal, concise speech. Imagination transcends speech abilities. Children often think out loud. The speech is usually proper and clear, and the articulation of individual sounds is correct (there might be some difficulties in pronouncing R, L, S sounds). Children are able to retell a short story right after hearing it, create one by lining up pictures next to each other, read and write their own name. Answers to questions are often ambiguous – they will say both yes and no to some things, however, the answers are becoming elaborate and contain more details. Children ask for adults’ permission: ”Can I do this… can I do that…” They show interest in words and ask for their meanings. They use up to 3,000 words, although this ability can vary greatly in children at this stage.
Primarily through games, encourage your child to: -- describe, explain, announce and compare phenomena and events; -- perceive and explain relations between objects and phenomena, similarities and differences, cause and consequence; -- learn about fairy tales, tongue-twisters, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, riddles, short stories and poetry for children; -- learn about film and theatre for children; -- develop verbal creativity: word plays, acting games, music games, etc. -- practice proper pronunciation when retelling what they read, although in a spontaneous and informal manner.
Cognitive development
Cognitive development
At this age, children learn best though games and their own actions. Discoveries are closely tied to what they see and perceive with other senses. They like to imitate things. Children can tell their left hand from their right hand and understand spatial relations in both the real word and in pictures (in front of, behind, above, below, in, on, beside, between, left, right). They begin to write numbers. They can use digits to mark the number of elements in a set. They group objects based on a given criterion. They can sort objects based on four properties (colour, shape, size, thickness). They can explain why something is different (glass-paper, cat-dog, pigeon-cat). They can solve problems that are presented through actual objects and images, with sets containing 6 to 10 elements (grouping, singling out or joining objects based on one or more properties, sorting by size, comparing between more-less-equal, etc.).
Encourage your child to: -- verbally describe relations between two objects ("the doll is to the right of the teddy bear”); -- name body parts of another person (which hand is the right hand and which one is left); -- think of sentences with a preposition that corresponds to a relation shown in a picture; -- organise pictures in the correct order; -- compare numbers (equal, greater than, less than); -- add and subtract by one number; -- find missing pieces; -- find shared properties between three objects; -- find the odd one out in a group of objects. It is very important to constantly encourage children. They learn the best by actively exploring concrete materials – building blocks, painting with colours, playing in sand, with water and other practical materials.
Ivan Ivić, Jadranka Novak, Nikola Atanacković: Razvojna mapa Mara Šain, Slavica Čarapić: Korak po korak 3 Mara Šain, Slavica Čarapić: Korak po korak 5 Chip Wood: Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14
Fine motor skills
Fine motor skills
At this stage, children have a habit of holding pencils too firmly, so they might experience some pain in their hands. They might flip or reverse letters and numbers when writing them, or write disorderly in general. They can complete more complex drawings based on silhouettes. They can draw by connecting numbers in their right order. They can draw a given pattern between lines. They can draw given patterns that include more complex combinations of curved and straight lines. They can draw and write within a square (more complex drawings, letters). The can copy all block letters. They can draw simple symmetrical parts missing from a picture. They can illustrate a story through drawings.
Create conditions and encourage your child to: -- freely express themselves through artistic means, using different materials and drawing and colouring techniques; -- develop creative imagination. Acknowledge your child’s individuality when they draw or express themselves through other artistic channels. Keep in mind that the favourite subjects for drawing at this stage are: family, family outings, fairy tales, stories about good and evil, pets, themselves and their friends.
Familiarising with their surroundings
Familiarising with their surroundings
At this stage, children like to help, cooperate, be “well-behaved”. They like rules and routine, permissions and instructions. This makes them feel safe. Children learn, discover and expand knowledge on following subjects: -- growth, development and change that occurs in living beings throughout their lives; -- animate and inanimate nature (air, water, heat, light, soil); -- human body, functions of body parts; -- plant and animal life; -- natural weather conditions – discovering the relation of cause and consequence; -- preserving health and the environment; days of the week; seasons; -- humans as social beings – family, roles within the family, cousins, holidays, neighbours, friends, social roles and professions; -- means of transport, traffic signs and rules. Children of this age can recognise and name the most frequent signs and symbols in their surroundings (pharmacy, school, street names). They pick their favourite friend and respect rules of the game when playing. Their favourite games are cat’s cradle, circle games, traffic lights games.
Encourage your child to: -- know the right order of days of the week; -- know the right order and characteristics of each season; -- know today’s, tomorrow’s and yesterday’s date; -- notice how plants and animals grow and change; -- perceive the effects of water, air, light, heat and soil on living beings; -- observe natural phenomena; -- take part in family activities; -- recognise traffic rules; -- participate in games with other children.
Senses and perception
Senses and perception
At this age, children can’t keep their attention on one thing for too long. They are insecure about their feelings and also have a habit of complaining, getting angry, having fits of rage, being obstinate and having second thoughts about whether to be well-behaved or naughty. They can recognise their own feelings of love and happiness, anger and disappointment. Sometimes, they can perceive a situation from someone else’s point of view. They are able to actively observe and analyse: perceiving differences between similar pictures, finding a simple picture within a more complex one. Their vision is almost as sharp as in adults, however, they still experience visual and auditory difficulties. This is why they have a problem with letter, number and word spacing, as well as letter and number size and direction when writing.
Encourage your child to discover and learn features and characteristics of objects, phenomena, processes and beings: -- world of colour, shapes, positions of objects in space; -- feel with their senses the relations between soft-firm, smoothrough, hot-cold, grainy-fine, wet-dry, sticky, light-heavy, scented, etc. -- learn and speak about their feelings and experiences of the world around them. In order for your child to feel confident, you should encourage them and guide them with care and patience.
The curious Owl The Owl is looking at two pictures. It seems as if they’re the same. But it looks like there are some differences, after all.
So, where are these differences? How do I find them?
Help the Owl find and circle five differences in these pictures.
Where are the numbers hiding? Numbers from 1 to 6 are hiding in this unusual picture. The Owl wants to find out where all these numbers are hidden.
Help the Owl find the numbers, then colour in each number as you wish.
Interesting patterns The Owl is having fun drawing the patterns. She picked two that she really liked. Now she wants to draw these exact ones. Help her out!
Помози сови да на десној страни нацрта исте шаре као што су на левој.
Riddles and tongue-twisters Let’s play hide and seek! Not hide and seek. We played that yesterday. Let’s solve riddles. Come on! You start first.
I have lots to say but never speak, I open but you cannot walk through me, I have a spine but no bones. (a book) Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and grey, I'm read from both ends, And the same either way. What am I? (an eye) To you, rude would I never be, Though I flag my tongue for all to see. (a dog) One head, But hundreds of hats. (a cabbage)
Though I’m not an elephant, I am something with a trunk. If I get old and rusty, You might sell me off as junk (a car) I am a type of family pet, That is sometimes known as a feline. If I get into an accident, It’s OK because lives I have nine. (a cat)
Now, if you can, say this quickly: She sells seashells by the seashore. Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins. Red lorry, yellow lorry. Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?
The answer for every riddle has its own sticker. Find it and stick it in the appropriate place.
ything r e v e t u o Find n do, a c d l i h c r you arning e l e g a r u o enc ity, v i t a e r c d an world e h t r e v o disc un! and have f
Enc our
This books aimseeries of picture one to six d at children aged spark lovcean help parents with their for reading their earlilittle ones from encourage est days – to imaginatiotheir perception, n and curio sity.
ity v i t a ag e c h ildren’s development and cre
O w l’ s
S c ho o l
her t e g o t s book hem Readinigng along with gts you and plaoyf the best thilnd. This is one o for your chicourage can d you will en ppy and is how become a ha cause all them teont person, behappen in confid ortant things life, they the imhpood – later inat. e child only rep
Encourage children’s development and creativity Bunny’s School
Hedgehog’s School
Age 1
Puppy’s School
Age 3-4
Bear’s School
Age 1-2
Kitty’s School
Age 4-5
Elephant’s School
Age 2-3 OWL’S SCHOOL • first edition • authors Simeon Marinković and Slavica Marković • illustrated by Evelina Daneva Rajninger • designed by Dušan Pavlić • editor Slavica Marković • proof reader Violeta Babić • prepress Nebojša Mitić • publisher Kreativni centar, Belgrade, 8 Gradištanska • phone/fax: +381 11 38 20 464, +381 11 38 20 483, +381 11 24 40 659 • www. • print Grafostil • copies 3,000 • year of print 2016 • copyright ©Креативни центар 2016
Age 5-6
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд ISBN 978-86-529-0402-0 COBISS.SR-ID 230373900