Creative steps puppy's school

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Find out g everythcinan do, your chiled learning encourageativity, and cr he world discoveratve fun! and h

This serie s of picture b o oks aimed children a at g e d help paren one to six can reading wi ts spark love fo from theirth their little oner encourage earliest days – t s o the imaginatiiro perception, nd curiositny a .

gether is o t s k o o b Reading along with them an ing s you c ou g n i and playh h t t s e y b one of t uer child. This is hocwome do for ycoourage them to beerson, will en and confident p things a happy ll the important er in because ain childhood – latt. happen , they only repea life

Encourage children’s development and creativity Bunny’s School Age 1

Puppy’s School Age 1-2

Kitty’s School Age 2-3 PUPPY’S SCHOOL • first edition • authors Simeon Marinković and Slavica Marković • illustrated by Evelina Daneva Rajninger • designed by Dušan Pavlić • editor Slavica Marković • proof reader Violeta Babić • prepress Nebojša Mitić • publisher Kreativni centar, Belgrade, 8 Gradištanska • phone/fax: +381 11 38 20 464, +381 11 38 20 483, +381 11 24 40 659 • • print Grafostil • copies 3,000 • year of print 2016 • copyright ©Креативни центар 2016

Hedgehog’s School Age 3-4

Bear’s School Age 4-5

Elephant’s School Age 5-6

Enc o

ity v i u r ag t ea r e childre c d n n’s development a






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Child’s development from the first to second year SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DEVELOPMENT


Speech development

Speech development

At the beginning of the second year, a child begins to express their feelings and wishes through movement, crying, cuddling and voice. They then start using oneword sentences or a word combined with gesture (mama – mummy, ba – bottle), and later two-word sentences (Mo mi! – More milk!).

Understand what your child is saying and respond in the correct way.

With the begging of the latter half of the second year, your child beings to combine nouns and verbs. They know how to ask to eat and drink using words and do basic tasks (take, drink). By the end of the second year, your child will start using more short sentences, up to three words, but also plural word forms. In this period, their vocabulary may expand to up to 200 words.

Name objects and pictures: Look… This is… Ask your child questions or have them do simple tasks: Where is?… Show me… Give me… Put it… What is this?... Who is this?... Bring me… Show pictures and picture books to your child and describe them with words. Encourage your child to understand and remember simple verses and melodic syllables and words. Encourage your child to request or ask for something, call for or greet someone using words, but also to express their feelings and current state.

Cognitive development (critical thinking)

Cognitive development (critical thinking)

By the time they are 18 months old, your child will know how to point to an object from their immediate environment and some of their body parts (nose, eye, head, ear). Furthermore, they start mimicking actions and behaviours of adults (feeding their doll, making lunch, drinking coffee).

Hide and seek games.

By the end of the second year, your child will already be able to single out the requested item from a group, influence one object using another and group two objects that are the same.

Games that illustrate cause and consequence: sound boxes, toy telephones, xylophones. Encourage your child to: - Interact with one object to affect the other - Build objects out of blocks - Explore object in a box – Put objects in a box Encourage your child to mimic the adults (pretendsleeping, drink out of an empty glass). Encourage your child to seek solutions independently.


Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills

By the beginning of the second year, child mimics writing movements and leaves traces with a pencil. By the end of the second year, they know how to group traced lines in one spot, usually in the middle of the drawing surface. They also know how to draw spirals.

Draw basic images for your child and describe them. Provide instructions to your child on how to use pencil, paper and colours. Encourage your child to play by using rattles, rollers, ropes and fingers to paint.

Familiarising with their surroundings By the begging of the age of two, your child reacts to hearing their own name. They mimic simple everyday behaviours of adults in their household. By the time they are 18 months old, children begin to show increasing interest in other toddlers and approach them with curiosity. They understand words and gestures made by adults. By the end of the second year, your child will react to adults expressing feeling and show empathy. They play with other toddlers and will sometimes show or give them their toys. At this stage, children also show interest in playing within a group.

Senses and perception By the beginning of the age of two, your child knows how to recognise characters and objects from pictures (dog, cat). By the end of the second year, they are able to differentiate between basic colours and name one. They can recognise shapes such as square, circle, triangle and can pair up objects according to their shape. At this stage, they are only able to look through picture books. Additionally, they like to communicate with people closest to them and enjoy listening to music, birds tweeting, cats meowing and dogs barking.

Familiarising with their surroundings Encourage your child to mimic basic adult tasks and include them in joint activities, like letting them finish a task an adult started. Play hide and seek, make believe games, completing tasks, role play, games in front of a mirror, traditional games. Encourage your child to get to know their body parts.

Senses and perception Flip through picture books together and talk about their content. Name objects and encourage your child to point to images that respond to them. Demonstrate the opposites: big-small, sit-stand, happysad, have-not have. Encourage your child to point to objects of basic colours. Have your child group objects according to their size, shape and colour with constant support and guidance (same block, bucket, ball). Encourage your child to point to their parts of the face in front of a mirror, as well as an adult’s. Find out more about this subject in the following books from our editions: Heidi Murkoff, Sharon Mazel: What to Expect the First Year Heidi Murkoff, Sharon Mazel: What to Expect the Second Year Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi Murkoff, Sharon Mazel, Sandee E. Hathaway: What to Expect the Toddler Years Ivan Ivić et al: Razvojna mapa Mara Šain et al: Korak po korak 1 Mara Šain et al: Korak po korak 2 Mara Šain, Slavica Čarapić: Korak po korak 3 Mara Šain, Slavica Čarapić: Korak po korak 4 Chip Wood: Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14


Hello! I am Puppy. What’s your name?

Where is Puppy’s eye? Point to it. How about the other eye? Where is Puppy’s tail? Point to Puppy’s ball.

My ball is colourful, Come and see. Who will be the first To play with me?


Puppy is playing with her friend.

Puppy is big and her friend is small. The puppy has a big ball and her friend has a small ball. They love to play together. Point to the big ball. Point to the little ball.

Let’s play a game, We will throw a ball. Such great fun For us all!


Breakfast time!

Puppy is hungry. Puppy, Mummy and Daddy are having breakfast. Puppy loves to eat porridge: Yum! Yum! Puppy loves to drink milk. Daddy loves jam on toast. Mummy loves cereal. Puppy loves to eat breakfast with her Mummy and Daddy. Where is Mummy? Point to her. Where is Daddy? Point to him. Where is Puppy’s porridge? Point to it. Where is Puppy’s cup of milk? Point to it.

Who loves their breakfast? I think I know of some. Puppy loves her porridge, Yummy, yummy, yum!


Find out g everythcinan do, your chiled learning encourageativity, and cr he world discoveratve fun! and h

This serie s of picture b o oks aimed children a at g e d help paren one to six can reading wi ts spark love fo from theirth their little oner encourage earliest days – t s o the imaginatiiro perception, nd curiositny a .

gether is o t s k o o b Reading along with them an ing s you c ou g n i and playh h t t s e y b one of t uer child. This is hocwome do for ycoourage them to beerson, will en and confident p things a happy ll the important er in because ain childhood – latt. happen , they only repea life

Encourage children’s development and creativity Bunny’s School Age 1

Puppy’s School Age 1-2

Kitty’s School Age 2-3 PUPPY’S SCHOOL • first edition • authors Simeon Marinković and Slavica Marković • illustrated by Evelina Daneva Rajninger • designed by Dušan Pavlić • editor Slavica Marković • proof reader Violeta Babić • prepress Nebojša Mitić • publisher Kreativni centar, Belgrade, 8 Gradištanska • phone/fax: +381 11 38 20 464, +381 11 38 20 483, +381 11 24 40 659 • • print Grafostil • copies 3,000 • year of print 2016 • copyright ©Креативни центар 2016

Hedgehog’s School Age 3-4

Bear’s School Age 4-5

Elephant’s School Age 5-6

Enc o

ity v i u r ag t ea r e childre c d n n’s development a




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