Radna sveska za prve korake u učenju engleskog jezika za decu predškolskog uzrasta
Easy English 1 prva je od dve radne sveske za učenje engleskog jezika namenjene deci predškolskog uzrasta.
Kroz 15 leksičkih tema postupno se uvode i izvežbavaju osnovne reči i gramatičke strukture engleskog jezika, a još 12 stranica upoznaju decu sa glasovima i slovima engleske abecede.
Kroz kratke i jednostavne dijaloge i zadatke, naši drugari maca Kiti, meda Bruno, lisica Fiona, žabac Fredi i njihovi pomagači bube, na zabavan način pomažu deci da započnu učenje engleskog jezika.
Knjiga nudi pregršt zabavnih aktivnosti kroz koje će deca paralelno razvijati sve jezičke veštine (govor, razumevanje, pisanje i čitanje).
Te aktivnosti uključuju crtanje, bojenje, spajanje, trejsovanje, pisanje, lepljenje stikera itd.
Easy English 1 is the first of two activity books for children starting English at pre-school level.
The book includes 15 topic-based units which gradually introduce children to the basic vocabulary and structures of the English language. The book also includes 12 pages covering sounds and letters of the English alphabet. Through short and simple dialogues and tasks, our animal friends Kitty, Bruno, Fiona and Freddy, as well as their little helpers, the bugs, help children start their journey of learning English. The book offers plenty of practice through challenging and fun activities which develop all language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). The activities include drawing, colouring, matching, tracing, writing, sticker pasting etc.
Na sajtu www.kreativnicentar.rs, na
stranici knjige Easy English (u delu
Preuzmi dokument), nalazi se uputstvo kako da koristite ovu knjigu. Uputstvo sadrži prateće audio-fajlove, ideje za kreativne aktivnosti u okviru svake od tema i radne listove za dodatno vežbanje. Uputstvo možete preuzeti i skeniranjem QR koda istaknutog na stranici knjige.
Instructions on how to use the book are available online for download on our web page www.kreativnicentar.rs under Easy English/Preuzmi dokument
Here you will find teaching tips for each unit of the book, as well as audio files, project ideas for each topic, and extra worksheets for additional practice. You can also download the instructions by scanning the QR Code found on this page.
Look! This is my car. It’s green.
This is my doll. It’s yellow.
This is my teddy. It’s blue.
teddy car
yellow blue green
Can I have a balloon?
Here you are. Thank you.
robot balloon blocks
Trace. Say.
4. Draw. Write.
r e d green yellow blue
red blue green yellow orange
The sun is yellow. The sk y is blue.
Let ’s prac tice!
I like . What colour do you like? pi n k
The grass is green. I’m green! What colour are the clouds?
They ’re white.
No, they aren’t. They ’re grey! Look!
pink I like .
purple white black brown grey
Yellow and blue make green.
yellow blue green
red yellow orange
white red pink
blue red purple
black white grey
It’s yellow.
4 Tell
And how many stars can you see?
Radna sveska za prve korake u učenju engleskog jezika za decu predškolskog uzrasta
Prvo izdanje © Креативни центар, 2023
Autori: Neda Nedić i Dušan Pavlić
Ilustracije i dizajn: Dušan Pavlić i Neda Nedić
Urednica: Slavica Marković
Lektura: Novica Petrović
Priprema za štampu: Tatjana Valjarević
Izdavač: Kreativni centar, Beograd, Gradištanska 8 Tel.: 011 / 30 88 446 www.kreativnicentar.rs · e–mail: info@kreativnicentar.rs
Za izdavača: mr Ljiljana Marinković, direktorka
Štampa Grafostil, Kragujevac
Godina štampe 2023
Tiraž 3000
CIP – Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 37.016:811.111-028.31
НЕДИЋ, Неда, 1972
Easy English 1 : activity book for learning English at pre-primary level / Neda Nedić and Dušan Pavlić. – Beograd : Креативни центар, 2023 (Kragujevac : Grafostil). – [48] str., [4] lista s nalepnicama : ilustr. ; 38 x 27 cm
Тираж 3.000.
ISBN 978-86-529-1169-1
1. Павлић, Душан, 1968 [аутор]
COBISS.SR-ID 115139081
Each unit of Easy English 1 explores a topic introducing new words and language.
Simple dialogues introduce new vocabulary and language. Short sentences develop early reading skills.
Audio recordings of vocabulary and dialogues. A question which encourages children to speak.
Tasks on page 2 practice vocabulary and language introduced on page 1. They include drawing, colouring, tracing, matching, writing, reading, listening and speaking activities.
The title clearly states the topic.
Further vocabulary is often included in the central illustration.
Page 1 brings a colourful scene involving our animal friends.
Vocabulary is presented in sidebars to the left and to the right of the page.
The reward sticker – a reward after all the activities have been completed.
Each letters and sounds page introduces children to two or three new letters/sounds and includes activities such as tracing, sticker pasting, drawing and colouring. Children learn to identify and form each letter, and say aloud the letter sound and words beginning with the target letter/sound.
Sticker activity to learn key words beginning with the target letter/sound.
Capital and lower-case letter big enough to trace with a finger, pencil or marker.
Sticker activity – You will find all the stickers in the middle of the book.
Words begining with the target letter/sound to be pronounced.
Drawing and colouring activity to make the learning fun.
Simple tracing activity to develop pre-writing skills.
Radna sveska za prve korake u učenju engleskog jezika za decu predškolskog uzrasta
Engleski je lak sa našim drugarima: macom Kiti, medom Brunom, lisicom Fionom, žapcem Fredijem i njihovim pomoćnicima, bubama.
Za sve roditelje koji žele aktivno da učestvuju u učenju svoga deteta i tako ga motivišu za učenje engleskog jezika.
Za sve vaspitače i profesore engleskog jezika koji rade sa decom predškolskog uzrasta.
English is easy with our animal friends: Kitty the cat, Bruno the bear, Fiona the fox, Freddy the frog and their little helpers - the bugs.
Easy English offers a fun and playful way for parents to take an active role in their child’s learning and motivate their child for learning English.
The activity book can also be used as a supplementary book by English language teachers working with pre-school children to complement any course.