Fun with geometry puzzles

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Age 5–7

Fun of D L R O W y Geometr


Fun of D L R O W y r t e m o e G

Age 5–7

Puzzles Mirjana Radovanović

This book offers yet another opportunity for adults and children to engage in fun and useful activities. Together, you can open the door into the fun world of geometry. Solving one problem at a time, your child will:  Get to know various figures assembled using equal triangles, equal squares and other equal shapes;  Get to know the problem of covering parts of a plane;  Create various shapes and get to know their properties;  Practice perception and preciseness;  Develop motor skills;  Practice persistence and working independently;  Develop research skills and creativity;  Successfully prepare to start school. You will read out the instructions to your child and encourage them to complete the tasks independently. You will explain to them how to organise the figures when covering and assembling the shapes in question. Filling a shape with other shapes requires assembling the shapes so there are no empty spaces in the object that’s being filled. Also, the shapes should not cover each other or go outside the lines of the shape in question. Even though this book was intended for children aged 5 to 7, you should keep in mind that developmental characteristics vary among children, so you shouldn’t be discouraged if some tasks prove to be too difficult for your child. Do not insist on solving them – you will see how exciting it will be when your child is more successful at a later attempt.


At the end of the book, you will find enclosed the shapes needed to solve the problems. They can also be used to create new shapes. However, they can easily get misplaced or mixed up. This is why we suggest taking them out and placing them in separate envelopes. You can mark the envelopes by drawing or sticking the matching shape on it. For example: Purple triangles

Blue triangles

Multi-coloured triangles

Multi-coloured squared

Multi-coloured hexagons

Red shapes

Green shapes


Multi-coloured figures



Purple triangles ual sides. The picture shows a triangle with eq closed You will find models of this triangle en at the end of the book. ngle, By connecting entire edges of the tria we can make various shapes. only Using two or three triangles, you can For example: make one shape.

assemble Using four, five, six or more, you can

various kinds of shapes.

For example:

Assemble these shapes from the triangles enclosed in this book.



Covering various shapes with purple triangles r or fill out various shapes. ve co to les ng tria e rpl pu use n ca We with seven triangles. e tur pic the in t jec ob the fill n ca e W For example:

Cover this object using triangles enclosed in this book.



Cover more shapes using triangles with equal sides.



Assembling various shapes These pictures show scaled images of some of the shapes assembled using triangles enclosed in this book. Assemble them using:  six triangles

 seven triangles

 nine triangles

 eight triangles

 nine triangles

Using the triangles enclosed in this book, assemble the following shapes.



Blue triangles o equal sides. The picture shows a triangle with tw closed at the You will find models of this triangle en end of the book. se triangles and We will connect the equal sides of the will connect assemble various figures that way. We entire edges. , tures show shapes made using three pic ing low fol he T le: mp exa r Fo them. four, as well as five triangles. Assemble

ee Using two triangles, you can make thr

different shapes. Assemble them.

Assemble an additional shape each using three and four triangles, and one more using five triangles. 11


Covering various shapes with blue triangles ture with eight triangles.

are shown in this pic squ the r ve co n ca We le: mp exa r Fo

Fill the following shapes with triangles. How many triangles do you need for each shape?





Assembling various shapes using blue triangles Try to complete the following tasks quickly:  Assemble a square using two triangles.  Assemble a triangle using two triangles.  Assemble a square using four triangles.  Assemble a triangle using four triangles  Assemble a square using eight triangles.  Assemble a triangle using nine triangles. This grid can help you assemble the shapes.



Using blue triangles enclosed in this book, assemble the shapes following the models shown in this picture. Use five triangles for the first figure, four triangles for the second one, ten triangles each for the third and the fourth one, and twelve for the fifth and the sixth one.

Which of these shapes can you assemble using eight triangles? 15


Multi-coloured triangles Using four triangles like these, assemble the figures as shown in the picture.

Assemble the figures as shown in the picture using triangles like the one on the right.



Using triangles enclosed in this book, assemble the figures as shown in the picture.



Multi-coloured squares Using four squares enclosed in this book, assemble the squares as shown in the picture.

Assemble the shapes a shown in the picture. Use the shapes enclosed in this book.



Multi-coloured hexagons Using the shapes enclosed in this book, assemble the figures as shown in the picture.

Using the shapes enclosed in this book, assemble the figures as shown in the picture.



Shapes made with three squares We will get to know shapes assembled using three equal squares that are connected with their edges. Using three, four, five or more squares, you can make various shapes. Using at three squares, we can only make two shapes. You will find models of these shapes the end of the book. Each shape is placed in the square grid by aligning the edges of the shape with the lines in the grid. The shape can assume various positions. grid. For example: the first shape can take two different positions within the square

How many different positions can the other three-square shape have in the square grid? Draw them.



We covered the square grids in the pictures by using and


Fill out the square grid by using the figures enclosed in this book. How many figures do you need?



Filling out the grid with different figures


Fill out the square grid by using one

figure and two


Fill out the square grid by using two

figures and two



Filling out the grid with same figures Fill out the square grid with figures like this: How many figures do you need?




Assembling shapes using various figures Assemble the shapes as shown in the picture by using and



Assemble the smallest square possible by using these figures: How many do you need? Assemble the shapes as shown in the picture by using one and two


Assemble a square using two 24


figures and one



Assemble the shapes using two

figures and two

Assemble the following shapes using four


Assemble the smallest square possible using these figures: How many do you need? Assemble the following shapes using four and two figures.





Books from the Fun World of Geometry edition are designed to develop mathematical skills, independence and persistence in children, but also teach them how to be precise and notice patterns. These books will improve their confidence in problem solving and help them successfully prepare to start school.

Oд 5 до 7 година

Oд 5 до 7 година

Oд 5 до 7 година

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