The game of growing up

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of growing up

Ivana Lukić

p U g n i w o r G f o Nine Levels to Victory IVANA LUKIĆ Consultant Jelena Blažević Illustrated by Aleksandar Stojšić and Duško Bjeljac

Dedication I thank the students of XIV Belgrade Gymnasium for their trust, honesty and inspiration

The age-old game of GROWING UP is before you. This game has been played (truth be told, more or less successfully) by the whole mankind, and the game continues to this day. The game comes as a gift with LIFE and everybody has to play it at least once in their lifetime. YOU are the main PLAYER. You can be ten or twenty two years old; live in a city or in the country; listen to folk or house; be rich or not; love school or hate it. The fact of the matter is, you are the main and most important player, and you are in for many obstacles. The game is not an easy one. It requires thinking, planning and questioning, stamina and plenty of time. It brings many challenges, twists and turns, hidden obstacles, but it also brings thrill, fun (if not for you, then for the other players), luck, and, naturally, relief and fulfillment once it’s successfully finished. The useful advice for managing and progressing through levels more easily are waiting for you on the following pages.

Read instructions that follow carefully and start playing your game. 9


The condition for starting this game is that you are 10 or older. The game should be over in about ten years (although some need fifteen years or more). The duration of playing the game depends on you, your co-players, the choice of country you’re playing in, and, of course, luck. The game is over when you see these words:


PLACE The peculiarity of the game is that it can be played wherever you are (or, more often, where your thoughts are), starting from your room, school (schoolyard and Latin classes, Logic, or Constitution) to the coffee shop, beach, family dinner, gym, class with your math tutor and, of course, bathroom (a mirror is a must).


You can play it whenever you want – from 0.00 to 24.00.

GOAL AND LEVELS There are nine levels to pass in the GROW-UP game. You get a certain number of MATURITY points on each level. What is particularly interesting in this game is that the levels need not be passed in order - skipping some of them is possible, as well as returning to previous levels, and even giving up. Naturally, the goal is to win as many points as possible and pass all the levels. Some players play on more levels at the same time. Some often combine levels 1, 2 and 5 (for example, My teeth are horrible, I’m too embarrassed to smile, How do I make the move?), or 3, 6 and 7 (for example, My dad is boring me to death with his talk about studying, My chemistry teacher hates me, and All I really want to do is chill out). On each level, there are several tasks you should complete, or rather, give something the cold shoulder; skip, smash, reject, accept, start, stop something; put something together or take something apart; saw something, cook something... 11


LEVEL 2: I AM...



• H ow to fit in with others

• What to do with emotions and how to overcome them





• H ow to deal with your looks

• H ow to stand school


• H ow to deal with yourself

• How to fulfill your plans and desires


• H ow to survive parents and other (not so dear) members of your household

• How to find fun

• H ow to choose a future occupation

PLAYERS Beside YOU as the main PLAYER, following players, CO-PLAYERS appear: • PARENTS; • CROWD (your friend, ex-best friend, friend from practice, dude from the hood, Jennie next door, school janitor, pal from elementary school...); • BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND; • TEACHERS; • FAMILY (a broad category of co-players in which sisters, brothers and grandparents take priority over other members such as uncle, cousin, aunt and great aunt from Germany).


On certain levels you will encounter some of the following characters: • EXPERTS (various experts fall into this category, such as psychologist, educational advisor, gynecologist, school principal, general practitioner, cosmetologist, dentist, coach...); • PETS (parrot Fred, cat Leo, dog Coco, rabbit Tony and tortoise Mudface can appear on all levels as someone who is there for you, but who also needs to be taken care of). A co-player may present a friend or an enemy, depending on the level which is being played. On levels 1, 2 and 4, parents may act as helpers, friends and support-givers, but on levels 3 and 7 they can present a dangerous enemy.

HINTS You will get a little bit of help on each level. You will be provided some advice on what you SHOULD do, for instance: • to call a friend if you are bored, • to go to bed early if you are taking a university entrance exam tomorrow, • to shake off your mother’s remark: You just can’t do anything right! There are also instructions about what you SHOULD NOT DO, for example: • to call a friend if you have to practice math for tomorrow,


• t o go to bed early because you think you are too skinny or too fat, and you don’t want to go out with your friends for that reason, • to shake off your mothers remark: At least tidy up your room, guests are coming!

BONUS You get extra points if you pass a level extra fast, work extra hard for the grade, take criticism extra well, get interested for speleology course extra easily, react extra calmly when your friend blames you for something, simply – succeed in accepting yourself as a perfectimperfect being!

HELP If none of the given advice is enough, there is extra help. Before you consider stopping or decide to take a long pause, ask for additional information at the end of the book.

BEST SCORES There is, of course, the best scores list, but we’ll get to that at the end of the game.


MUSIC OFF/ON You can turn music on/off during the game. Some of the songs that can be heard are: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, I WILL SURVIVE, SATISFACTION, WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD… You get 30 bonus points for music, dance and optimism, and another 5 points for each of the se songs you know.


ck to The best of lu to other o ls a t u b , U YO ! CO-PLAYERS .) :) (You’ll need it





Although this is the first level, it is not easy at all, because you get acquainted with the rules, everything is new to you; you are supposed to fit into a new setting and master the commands. You are entering the territory of ADOLESCENCE, but before that, you have to pass the border crossing – PUBERTY. In it, you witness big changes in your physical appearance. You look at yourself in the mirror and can’t recognize yourself. Your reflection is:

• m uch bigger, heftier, higher, heavier, hairier, there are more pimples on your face, and your head seems bigger... • much higher, hairier, with bigger hips, conspicuous breasts or inconspicuous breasts... To put it simple, you look more awkward and imperfect than you did before. This is the result of a series of physiological, hormonal changes in your organism. The skeleton and the secondary sexual characteristics are being developed, the secretion of sexual hormones is enhanced, and girls get their period.


TASK: ACCEPT YOUR NEW LOOK All of the above requires you to adj ust to your new, altered look. Things aren’t easy for you. Especially if you hear some comments on your new look:

’s nose Cleopatra a e v a h You ’t , you don y a w e h t se (by at her no h w w o n t even k ut it mus b , e k li d looke n awful), have bee

Your ears are like air brakes (whoever knows what those look like?!); You have a face like a mouse; Your face is like a minefield; Hey, four-eyes, your glasses are fogged up...

, ces, cellulite If we add bra e it iness or wh pimples, hair the horror is complexion, even bigger. 21

HINTS First of all, none of the players are completely satisfied with their body. You might be worried by your big knees, the mole on your neck, wide nose or eyebrows gone wild, but what if you had ugly little toenails, piggy eyes, large breasts, flat bottom, narrow shoulders or, God forbid, big feet or sticking-out teeth. First and foremost, you need to understand that a mirror is just an object found in bathrooms, antechambers, or in some pockets, purses, and rarely in school toilets. A mirror can be deceptive – there are distorting mirrors which make fat persons appear thin and thin persons fat, and make dwarfs look like giants and giants dwarfs. Furthermore, a mirror doesn’t render a complete image of a person, i.e. what you see in it is the total of your outward features, but not what’s beneath them. What would Mick Jagger, Jack Nicholson, Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean), or Oprah Winfrey say if they looked themselves in the mirror and saw their lips, nose, eyebrows, curves and the like? Not to mention your class teacher from elementary school, the mustached convenience store saleswoman, your beardless brother or the bow-legged coach?! Each of them has some qualities which make his or her worthy. Try to describe yourself by listing some of the characteristics that are not outward, physical. For instance, I am: communicative, irresponsible, composed, sensible, lightly forgetful,

or I am: honest, clever, withdrawn, sociable… and forget, even for a brief moment, about your outward imperfections. 22

If you want to embellish yourself with a permanent decoration such as a tattoo or a piercing, keep in mind that you are not going to be able to remove it quite so easily. Tattoos and piercings are fashionable and IN at the moment, but... Imagine: •h ow your piercing will match your wedding dress, or, how your Carpe diem tattoo will look like as you walk through a busy market, carrying full shopping bags; • What effect nine holes on you right ear will have at a business meeting, or, how your Live fast tattoo will appear as you take your grandchildren for a walk. Before you get tattooed or have a piercing, think about the message you want to communicate. If you are: • absolutely sure that you can’t do without a tattoo of a butterfly, light bulb or chysanthemum or • convinced that you can’t do without a tattoo of a lizard, dragon or motorcycle, at least try to keep it moderate and subtle. When it comes to this matter, parents can present a serious opponent, but more about how to deal with them will be said on level 3. 23

You think you haven’t grown enough, that your shoulders are narrow, your sexual organ is small, and your face is covered with pimples... All this might be true, but it is only for the time being, because your body is still developing, growing and hormones are in imbalance. And until it all comes into harmony, eat healthy, be active, take up some sport, cycle, play basketball, try hockey or aikido. One of the problems may be your impression that your body is too big, your thighs, bottom, arms are huge... Bear in mind that from another angle, your body may not be so big at all. In any case – avoid dieting, eat moderately, be more active and exercise! Involve yourself in a sport, cycle, rollerblade, go skating or horseback riding. The lack of curves, tiny breasts, bony shoulders and knees can be another problem. Don’t gorge yourself to add a few pounds and buy yourself a bra which will make you feel better. Important co-players on this level, those who can help you, are various experts such as a dermatologist, personal trainer, cosmetologist and nutritionist. But for the time being, avoid adding a plastic surgeon to this lot. And don’t forget – physical appearance is important, but it’s not crucial. The most important thing is how you feel in it. Being content with who you are is important. If you accept and love yourself, the others, too, will follow. 24

BONUS • I f you and your mates compare your “tool” every third day – 5 points. • If, in spite of acne, you go to school every day – 5 poena . • If you’ve avoided anorexia – 20 poena . • If you know what anorexia is – another 5 poena . In case you don’t know, you lose 5 poena (look up the meaning in the HELP section). • If you ta ke care of your

hygiene regula rly (no skip­ ping of brush ing your te­ eth, using deo dorants and showers! ) – 10 p o e n a . Tastes differ, so me people like thin person s, some find big noses attrac tive, and so­ me even have a thing for ha­ iry people. But remember – nobody likes sm elly persons!



PSImH O L O G I J A o f g r o w in g u p


Nine Levels to Victory In this book, the rules of the age-old game called GROWING UP are explained in a fun and humorous way using the language of computer games which is close to you. The game of GROWING UP consists of nine levels which have to be passed, and they relate to what is most important to you at this moment – your appearance, emotional life, parents, friends, fun, school, etc. There are tasks, hints, bonuses, as well as help, and you should earn a certain number of MATURITY points. You will have fun reading this book, but you will also learn a lot of things important for growing up.

ISBN 978-86-529-0150-0

9 788652 901500

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