5 minute read
Lesson 1 TEST
1. Tell about one of the pollution types using the plan below.
a) What type of pollution; b) Cause and effect of pollution; c) Why it happened; d) How this pollution can be controlled.
Model Answer:
I live in _____ (say the name of your city) and this city has several issues related to environmental pollution. The main reason for these pollutions issues is _____. The reason for the water pollution is _____. Air pollution is also very concerning in this city _____. Sound pollution is produced by the _____. The most important way to reduce pollution in our city is to _____.
2. What is the order of a letter? Number 1-6.
__Introduction (what you’re writing about) __Expressing the dissatisfaction __Salutation __Saying what you want __Explaining the problem __Closing phrases
3. Fill in the blank spaces in the letter with these useful phrases.
a) secondly b) firstly c) unfortunately d) to sum up e) however f) is not what i expected from g) an alternative h) we can solve this problem i) to make matters worse j) thank you for your time k) I have a few ideas to solve this problem and make our school more environmentally friendly l) I must express my own, and other students m) I am writing to draw your attention to
To the Principal of CCEL,
1)___ the large amount of food that is wasted every day in your school. This habit is uneconomical and bad for the environment.
Each day in the lunchroom, students are throwing away too much food. This behavior is 2)____ a great school like ours. 3)___ frustration as we see students wasting so much food.4)_____, this wastes students' money and the school’s money because the school needs to buy bin bags. 5)_____ this is very bad for the environment because all of the wasted food goes to landfills. 6)____. 7)_____, I know that we can’t expect students to always finish all of their food. 8)_____, we can give them 9)_____ to throwing their food away. Leftover food can be used to make compost (mixture of unused food that can be made into compost). If we had a compost bin in the lunchroom, students could put not only unwanted food in it, but also banana skins, apple cores, etc. This could then be made into compost which we could use in a garden! 10)_____, students need to be educated about food waste and composting. Without education, students will not know what to do. Teachers should make lessons about the environment and composting so students know how important it is. 11)_____, food waste is a big economical and environmental problem at our school. By putting a compost bin in the lunchroom and educating students about the environment, 12)____ . 13 ____.
Best regards, the Class 4. Write a letter of complaint to the environment officer in your area complaining about the garbage problem in your neighborhood and say the following.
– What is causing the problem. – Why it is bothering you. – Suggest a solution to rectify the problem.
5. Read the sentence and choose the one option a-c which best fits the space.
1) ______which is partly caused by exhaust fumes from cars, is a very big problem in many big cities across the world. a) Smoke b) Smell c) Smog 2) _______occurs when pollution in the air is absorbed by water droplets in clouds. a) Acid rain b) Fossil c) Pollution 3) Everyone should learn to______energy. Using lights/lamps only when needed is a good way to do this. a) concern b) converse c) conserve 4) Animal species that no longer exist are called______. a) endangered b) extinct c) dead 5) Scientists say that before we_____oil we will have moved to alternative fuels. a) run out of b) use up c) cut down 6) She buys too many things. She_____all her money long before her next pay. a) will be spending b) will have spent c) will have been spending 7) At the current rate, temperatures ______by 3 or 4 degrees by 2050. a) will have increased b) will increase c) will be increasing 8) I ______my homework when my father comes home. a) will be doing b) am going to do c) am doing 9) If you mix water and electricity, you_____a shock. a) will get b) get c)will be getting 10) I hope I ______all the irregular verbs before the exam. a) will learn b) are going to c) will have learnt 11) World leaders World leaders ______in Geneva tomorrow to discuss the issue of over popullation. a) meet b) are meeting c) will meet 12) Unless we _____our emmisions to almost zero, the global temperature ____to rise. a) don't reduce, will continue b) will reduce, will countinue c) reduce, will continue
6. Fill in the text with missing words.
Spring in Ukraine begins with the melting of 1)_____ and ice and is symbolized 2) ____ multiple streams of meltwater. In most regions of Ukraine, the spring 3)_____ are accompanied by strong and gusty 4)_____. It should be emphasized that at this time there is average precipitation 5)_____ on land. At the 6)_____of March and early April the first plants begin to 7)______. Also it is the time of a reverse migration of birds from the 8)________ regions. Despite the temperature 9)______ up to 15-20 degrees, nights might be cold 10)_____ to May.
All the summer months in Ukraine are characterized by primarily hot 11)_____. The average day temperature 12)______ 30 degrees. Southern regions of the country with subtropical 13)____ have an incredible number of sunny days. In addition, in Ukraine there are a lot of 14)_____ towns, which attract tourists from all over the world 15)____late May 16)_____ mid-September.
Ukrainian autumn is characterized by a significant 17)______. The rainiest months are October and November. September is quite warm — the air 18)_______ is 20-25 degrees. It is also interesting that in the middle or at the end of September comes the so-called “Indian 19)_____” — a short period of sharp warming.
Winters in Ukraine are very 20)____ and bitter. Sometimes, the temperature drops to 30 degrees 21)_____ zero. The snowfall is average, only in the mountainous areas is there an excessive amount of snow, which has led to spring 22)_____and landslides in recent years.
Generally, Ukraine can be divided into four different climatic regions: cool snow forest climate, steppe climate, Mediterranean climate and mountain tundra climate.