1 minute read
Сторінка b) Напишіть про свою звичку, звичку твоїх друзів та родини.
Grammar book. Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022
Сторінка 35:
Вправа 3: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося питання. Потім дайте свою відповідь.
1. Were you happy yesterday? – Yes, I was. 2. Were your friends with you last Sunday? – No, they weren't. 3. Did your family go to the beach last year? – Yes, it did. 4. Did your teacher meet you ten minutes ago? – Yes, he did. 5. Was the weather good last weekend? – No, it wasn't. 6. Did you play any games an hour ago? – No, I didn't. 7. Was your last English Lesson interesting? – Yes, it was. 8. Did your parents work yesterday? – Yes, they did. 9. Was your mother sad last evening? – No, she wasn't. 10. Did you celebrate your last Christmas at home? – Yes, I did. shkola.in.ua