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Сторінка Вправа 1: a) Відмітьте правильні речення.

Grammar book. Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022

Сторінка 33:

Вправа 1: Обведіть правильне слово.

2. Kelly put on a nice costume. 3. I didn't get a present from Dave. 4. Ned was at the party last night. 5. We sang a birthday song to Ann. 6. Tim and Mia didn't make a cake yesterday. Вправа 2: Поставте слова в дужках у форму Past Simple. 2. James met Helen two hours ago. 3. They didn't eat any sweets at the party. 4. Christina went trick-or-treating with me. 5. Bob and Ben drank some juice at the cafe. 6. You didn't make your mask last Halloween. Вправа 3: Напишіть питання до відповідей. 2. Did Rick bring any biscuits? 3. Did you give Ted any nice presents? 4. Did Casey buy a dress yesterday? 5. Did Ed bring a cake for his cousin? 6. Did Leo and Pam meet you last Saturday? Вправа 4: Розкажіть однокласникам, як ти святкував свій минулий день народження. My last birthday I celebrated with my friends. We went to the cinema to see a new film. After that we eat a cake at the cafe. Сторінка 34: Вправа 1: a) Відмітьте правильні речення. 2 – V 5 – V 7 – V 9 – V 10 – V b) Виправте не правильні речення та запишіть їх. 1. I went to the concert last weekend. 3. You were late for the dance yesterday. 4. Ricky didn't begin her plan for Christmas. 6. They did something special for Nina last night. 8. Dina and Vic didn't wash the dishes after the party. Вправа 2: Поставте слова в дужках у форму Past Simple. 2. We played some games at Kate's party. 3. Chuck was excited about the dance last night. 4. Josh didn't learn any new songs last month. 5. Chris sent a birthday card three days ago. 6. They saw a famous singer at the cafe yesterday. 7. Ann invited all her friends to her party last Friday. shkola.in.ua 8. David and Lilly weren't in New York at Easter. 9. You celebrated New Year's Day with your family. 10. Joe and Nick ate all the cake a day ago. 11. My sister didn't study at school last week. 12. Vic made some biscuits for Bill an hour ago.

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