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Сторінка Вправа 4: Доповніть речення своїми словами.

Grammar book. Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022

Сторінка 28:

Вправа 4: Виправте помилки та запишіть речення.

2. There isn't any milk in the bottle. 3. There is some salad in the fridge. 4. There aren't any apples on that tree. 5. Are there any onions in the bag? 6. Is there any oil in the bottle? Вправа 5: Роздивіться картинку та запишіть, що є на столі чи в тарілці, в пляшці чи пакеті. There are some salad on the plate. There is some cheese on the table. There is some sugar in the bag. There are three bottle with juice on the table. There are two oranges on the table. Сторінка 30: Вправа 1: Поставте слова в дужках у форму Past Simple. 2. Mike called me last night. 3. Jack didn't work yesterday. 4. Kim and Ann weren't here two days ago. 5. Sophie danced with Tim at the party. 6. We didn't study last Monday. Вправа 2: Доповніть параграф словами з рамки у формі Past Simple. There were so many things to do before Dad's birthday last night! First, I cleaned the living room and my mum washed the kitchen. After that, she cooked a lot of food and I walked the dog. We didn't need to make a cake because my grandma baked it. We invited all of Dad's friends to our house, and he was so happy to see everybody when the party started! Вправа 3: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося питання. Потім дайте свою відповідь. 1. Were you at school yesterday? – Yes, I was. 2. Was your mum happy last evening? – Yes, she was. 3. Were your friend in the classroom 10 minutes ago? – No, he wasn't. 4. Was your teacher with you last Monday? – Yes, she was. Сторінка 31: Вправа 4: Роздивіться картинку та запишіть, що Джим робив учора. Використайте слова з рамки. 2. Jim washed the floor yesterday. 3. Jim cooked with his mother yesterday. shkola.in.ua 4. Jim had dinner with his family yesterday. 5. Jim talked with his friend on the phone yesterday. 6. Jim watched TV yesterday.

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