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The oldest secret of beauty.

ECO CONCEPT ORGANIQUE SPA ACADEMIE creates a unique and complete concept of professional cosmetics, based on healthy, natural ingredients, selected and composed with respect to Nature. This concept is founded on ancient tradition of different cultures form around the world. Most of active components used in our ceremonials are certified by ECOCERT 速, the rest are carefully choosen extracts, infusions and herbs composed in the most accurate way to protect their natural properties. Combining ambitions, passion and a constant sense of mission in our work, we want our cosmetics to be efficient and the most natural possible. Therapies and treatments offered by Organique are not only effective but safe and pleasant at the same time, even for the fragile and sensitive skin. We wish to create better cosmetics in the sense of responsibility for the world we live in. We believe that aware and demanding clients will appreaciate our efforts and high quality of our products.

Ludmiła Petrenko „I’ve been working many years on improving my skills, trying to find reasons of imperfections of the human body and knowledge of restoring our psycho-physical balance. Now I want to share with other therapists my experience in art of taking care of a customer”

In a search for new ideas of inspiring body therapies I have discovered a whole richness of possibilities for me as a therapist in ORGANIQUE SPA ACADEMIE. With satisfaction I realized that this is a polish company with a modern look on SPA therapies and conscience of goodness flowing from nature. Organique strategy is not only providing high quality cosmetics, but also to educate beauticians and masseur to their creative use and development of their own, unique therapies. Noble and sensual components hidden in unusual formulations let you discover a world of rare sensations, full of fine fragrances and their natural power. Organique products perfectly fit to my idea of attentive and subtle touch. They are friendly to our skin, silky and easy in absorption. They also let creating very complex and harmonized therapies becoming very unique ceremonies. The climate of these rituals gives to the therapist a possibility to touch up his customer, making of his work a real art of body care, based on professionalism, concern and achievement of results.

Ludmila is an expert of body care and in silhouette modeling. She has a long experience in practicing professional cosmetology. She is also a tai-chi trainer. She appreciates the most natural behaviors and harmony of people. Besides her everyday practice in beauty salon she creates the image of MEDICOR – Centre of Cosmetology and Esthetical Medicine of which she is co-founder. She is a recognized congress instructor. She runs Master Studies in professional body care – education of effective therapies and massage courses (her personal techniques also).

to hand over its inside richness. Hands just flow while massing and skin becomes shiny, firm and vital like never before; in touch velvet and ideally smooth.

With all my heart and conscience I recommend to use Organique cosmetics in home therapies as continuation of professional rituals in SPA. Among all products I just fall in love in line with goat milk and lychee extract. It inspired me to create my author Cleopatra Ritual. My customer perceive these fabulous results and their satisfaction make them come back and recommend these therapies to other people. This is what I adore the most in my work!

Ludmiła Petrenko

My work with these products is a magic and gives a great satisfaction. When I use an oil, balm or silky mask I feel inspiration


ORGANIQUE FOR SPA The concepts of SPA and WELLNESS were completely unknown in Poland and in many other countries not so long ago. Today, this sector of activity becomes more and more popular also in our country. In a present-day busy world, which is constantly on the go, more and more people search a method to care about their psychophysical condition, their body and physical well-being, the way to relax and relief. SPA is the perfect answer. The essence of business of the best SPA&WELLNESS holets and salons are: new forms of relaxation related to the recently popular trend of healthy way of living, purifying return to Nature, benefiting from natural medicine and oriental massages, combined with the cosmetic therapies based on knowledge and traditional ingredients, but also on new technologies. The core element of proper therapeutic and beauty treatments are professionally skilled, expert therapists, who constantly broaden and enrich their knowledge. What values most today is the combination of different therapies and massages into one complex but united ceremony, which in the end becomes a kind of ritual, the Wellness art of balanced living. WELLNESS is the art of balanced and harmonized life. This philosophy of beauty and health puts a great importance in plants, minerals and other natural ingredients with their characteristic fragrances and particular properties. These properties are carefully and skillfully utilized by ORGANIQUE. A fully coherent idea of the investment should be the starting point in any SPA creation. The choice of a proper localization, architecture, interior, work and space organization, the right choice of room equipment and cosmetics - all these elements are closely interconnected and should be treated as a whole.

A SPA complex included in a hotel service has already become a “MUST� quite a long time ago. Unfortunately, a great majority of hotel owners is still unexperienced in creating and running such a business. But still, wanting to bear smaller costs, they are afraid to take the opportunity of consulting a higly-qualified team of experts. Yet, the experience of a professional helps to avoid many mistakes, both in creating and designing interiors of the SPA complex and also in defining its character and scope of functionality. We are deeply convinced that the easiest way to succeed in this sector of activity is to be supported by a professional, highly-qualified consulting team. Our offer is dedicated to all SPA & WELLNESS hotels and salons which want to reach the highest standards and offer them to the customers. Our team is a group of international, dinamic and creative specialists, true enthusiasts of their professional field, who constantly work on introducing the highest standard of service on our market. They are highly-qualified experts who have long been operating in professional cosmetology business. Now, their aim is to help investors from the hotel and cosmetic branch in creating, developing or reorganizing their SPA&WELLNESS complexes and elite beauty salons. ORGANIQUE SPA ACADEMIE is the first and unique program offering a wide range of attractive and complex solutions for the future investors in Poland. We are offering you products, trainings and even a group of designers and consultants to help you in each and every step you take in your SPA creation. Join us for better results in your SPA business.


PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FOR SCHOOLS We invite all cosmetic schools and training facilities to join our finely crafted Organique Spa Academie partnership program. Our main goal is to broaden Spa knowledge among future generations of SPA specialists. Our SPA Academie program consists of: presentations W ramach programu firma oferuje: • presentations held in partnership facility about existing and newest products inside Organique product offer *; • great deals and discounts on training in use of our special SPA Treatments product lines and therapeutic techniques for attending students. • opportunity to receive Organique certificates of professional competence; • great discounts on product purchases; • marketing support in the form of necessary materials (posters, banners, diagrams zabiegowe, accessories and logo); Attention: Schools that bring to their facilities a full range of SPA Organique Academie products will join the Affiliate Program and are subject to a special promotion program inside Organique network. * The minimum number of participants in the show - 20 people. Training participation is paid a flat fee of 30,00 zł per person, each attendee receives a certificate of participation. Among participants of the show we will draw out set of prizes. Organique launches new trends on differents SPA markets worldwide for years now. By partnering with an prestigious consulting group and a group of architecture specialists we can help your students realize their dream of having own facility, without incurring unnecessary costs. We invite you to cooperate with us.


THERAPEUTIC RITUALS AND TRAININGS Referring to the symbolism of elements, we continually create new therapies which stay in harmony with the Nature’s eternal cycle, its interactions and evolution. In our cosmetics, we offer you the essence of Nature which, combined with the latest cosmetological achievements, allow us to create unique procedures which may be introduced in your SPA centre. Each of the procedures represents an exceptional and inviting ceremony affecting all senses. Inspired by the therapeutic tradition of the Far East, all our massages and rituals set new trends in Wellness therapy in Poland. The fundamental element of this therapy is a set of massages in which we make use of original accessories like: stone balls, crystal sticks, herbal stamps, royal bamboo, Tibetan bowls, etc. We offer a comprehensive training of the staff which includes: introduction to the know-how of our philosophy, description of therapies and the history of their particular elements (chromotherapy, aromatherapy, massage) and also the art of individual customer service. We will show you how to create or change your SPA centre into a unique and peaceful oasis. To meet our customers’ expectations, we have formulated a number of specified educational programs aimed at supplementing your staff’s skills. These programs focus on transforming your staff into a group of creative elite of the SPA branch of business and a dedicated team able to cooperate with the whole hotel or SPA centre sructure. On our investor request, we are able to create an exclusive and tailor-made ceremonies, fully adaptable to a specific location and interior of the SPA centre, inclusive of the elements of aromamarketing. We are constantly in search of new inspirations. We observe and follow the world trends and novelties to show you the easiest and the shortest way to the realization of your dreams. Want your place join the ELITE? Use our skills and experience.


TRAINING AND MASSAGES Within the framework of ORGANIQUE SPA ACADEMIE program, our cooperative hotels and beauty salons are offered a set of trainings, supplementing and improving the knowledge and skills of the staff. The therapeutic technics we successfully employ, prove to be an excellent supplement to our rituals and constitute an integral part of the ORGANIQUE ECO concept. You will be provided with the details by your SPA & WELLNESS MANAGER in the further conversation. Below, you will find some elements of our offer:

RELAX PROFILE – HEART OF NATURE Massage based on the best oriental technics. Unites relax, modeling et harmony effects of body and spirit. Slow, regular and deep movements bring to the state of full relaxation et let forget about tiredness and problems.

PRENATAL PROFILE Pregnancy period is an unusual time, the woman body changes and needs some special cares. A massage of pregnant women helps to go trough that period in health and better condition, physically and mentally. Let you avoid stretch marks, muscular pains and oedemas and for the future mother allows relax and joy of maternity.

DETOXIFYING PROFILE – WITH HONEY Honey for centuries has be used in body care for its unique nourishing and detoxifying properties. A special massage build on this product awakes your body to elimination of toxins, strongly regenerates the skin and thanks to very powerful sensations remains unforgettable to the customer.

LITOTHERAPY – STONE MASSAGE Body and face massage with hot basalt stones has a beneficial influence on all organism. Improves skin condition, relaxes muscle tensions and the level of stress. Soothing warmth rebalances energetically and psycho-physically the body and leads you to the state of blissful happiness.

MODELLING PROFILE An intensive massage used in body care for its slimming and anti-cellulite effect. Helps in elimination of toxins from cells, balance the structure of the skin and accelerates the metabolism. Perfectly amplifies the activity of firming and slimming treatments.

MASSAGE WITH HOT HERBAL STAMPS – STIMULATION AND RELAX Stimulating massage with warmed up stamps is the perfect union of aromatherapy and good properties of the massage itself. Filled with special mixtures those hot stamps gives your skin regenerating effect, to the tired body energy and to your senses unforgettable feelings.

Profile of drainage with glass balls A gentle massage with glass balls is a perfect proposition for sensitive, capillary and irritated skin. Massage with use of balls has also drainage and detoxifying properties. An attractive form of the treatment with acupressure elements assures a superb relaxing effect.

ORGANIQUE MASSAGE – WINGS of the BUTTERFLY A unique massage of body and face made with brushes of a gentle natural fibres, charms with its softness and lightness of these butterfly wings. The subtlety of sensations brings your thoughts to the most beautiful places and memories.

NEW! RITUAL “MAGIC OF THE TOUCH”: AROMATIC MASSAGE CANDLES An Extraordinary massage made with the warm oil coming from the aromatic melted candle. A noble composition cares your skin with richness of natural ingredients, assuring it the nourishment, firming and uncommon smoothness. The magic of this ritual rely on the junction of the fluid massage with aromatherapy and the feeling of absolute luxury. The ceremony of candle massage is made as a preliminary “welcome” treatment or as a closing procedure. Usually contains back, neck and hands. Our candle massage can be done also as separate ritual, in exclusive version full body massage.








Firming intensively body butter of a fresh guarana smell. Brings elasticity, smoothness and long lasting moisture. Based on nourishing qualities of cacao butter and shea butter strengthens and protects the skin against the external factors. Contains energizing guarana and irreplaceable in cosmetics laminaria algae known for its detoxifying and smoothing properties. Butter contains also ivy extract accelerating cellular metabolism supporting process of combustion of fatty tissue. Butter moistures and firms the skin texture, fights with cellulite and linear atrophy leaving it perfumed, full of vitality and shiny.



Revitalizing mask based on innovative formula from guarana fruit. Makes hair stronger and shiny even if they’re grey, tired and oily at the root. Thanks to sea algae mask is stimulating and nourishing completing deficit of precious micro-elements and minerals. Panthenol and silk mix moisturizes effectively, smoothes hair squama protecting it against the exterior conditions. Very easy in use creating silky, protecting hair dressing. Your hair becomes light, glossy and properly moisturized. Makes comb much easier.


ENERGIZING SHOWER JELLY: GUARANA 2015103 Nicely perfumed shower jelly with a strongly revitalizing effect. Has a neutral pH. Thanks to gentle washing agents doesn’t affect a normal skin activity with a guarantee of clean and comfortable surface and a high level of moisture. Guarana extract oxygens and improves a blood circulation, skin becomes full of vitality and shine. Guarana accelerates detoxifying process from our organism, supports slimming and anti-cellulite activity. Silk addition softens tiny irritations, protects the skin and makes it truly smooth.


REVITALIZING HAIR SHAMPOO: GUARANA & PAPAYA 2015101 Revitalizing shampoo of a new generation, designed for grey, mat and dry hair ends. A perfect response to hair loose and weakness. Their unique formulas are free of any chemical ingredients exchanged with natural ones, existing in nature with an equivalent property.. Shampoo is a very efficient one, making skin of your head moisturized, balanced, soft and smooth. The mixture of a stimulating guarana extract combined with papaya extract refreshes perfectly your scalp, makes it energized and accelerates regeneration of hair bulb. Thanks to sea algae extract, reconstructing ceramides and silk hair becomes smooth and full of a natural glance.
















The product of as silky texture, soft gel for your body wash, designed for a dry, very sensitive, delicate and allergic skin. Its natural composition, gentle fragrance and neutral pH make it perfect even for a care of baby and pregnant women skin. It creates a gentle foam and cleans your skin in a very soft way without braking its lipid barrier and drying. Hialuron acid and wheat germ extract guarantee a deep moisture and nourishing effect. Complex IRICALMIN soothes irritations, joined with asian centella strengthens the skin and accelerates healing of micro damages. Thanks to natural silk addition gel is acting also as smoothing, anti-irritating and protecting.





New generation reinforcing shampoo, recommended for care of thin and delicate hair. Free of chemical components, cleans your scalp giving to the hair a long lasting moisture, softness and silky smoothness. The unique formula of active vegetal ingredients as echinacea extract, wheat germ and asian centella extracts strengthens the hair roots improving their resistance to external factors. Soothing IRICALMIN and hialuron acid make your scalp attracting water particles and keeping it in deep layer for longer. Shampoo is calming the irritations and micro damages. The mixture of ceramides SK-influx and natural hydrolyzed silk reconstruct your hair shaft giving it shine and easier comb. For its real softness is recommended also to pregnant women.


Intensively nourishing body butter with moisturizing and regenerating properties, especially for a dry, sensitive and allergic skin. Based on shea butter properties brings a great moisture, oil and a real natural protection from UV radiation. IRICALMIN complex appeases irritations and calms even very sensitive skin. With wakame butter reinforces the skin structure, fights against linear atrophies. Silk and asian centella added accelerate regeneration and reconstruction of the skin. Hialuron acid assures a long lasting intensive moisture. Our butter is protective, accelerates healing of the skin damages, gives it a silky smoothness and a healthy look. Advised especially for pregnant women!



Intensively caring hair mask, of a rich content designed for dry hair, demanding reinforcement and regeneration. Based on innovative formula gives to the delicate and thin hair vitality and strength, without an effect of “over load�. Easy in application creates a soft, silky compress. Chosen natural ingredients like silk, wheat germ extract and asian centella extract accelerate renew and elasticity of the hair fibre. IRICALMIN complex softens irritations, glycerin, hialuron acid and a special HYDRAMAX assure raise of moisture level even of 45%. Hair becomes smooth, shiny and visibly healthier.






A new generation reconstructing shampoo created for colored and damaged hair (damages caused by hair dresser therapies, external factors as sun and frost ). The unique formula free of chemicals was filled with their natural equivalents. Shampoo cleans perfectly giving smoothness, youth and natural enhancement. B5-panthenol, becoming pro-vitamin, strengthens the hair root and stimulates it to growth. Argan oil and grape seed oil nourish and smooth your hair. Thanks to ceramides and natural silk added shampoo renews the hair structure protecting it against the environmental factors leaving it shine and smooth.



Regenerating body butter of a beautiful smell of juicy grapes was designed for an intensive care of dry and demanding for strengthening skin. Based on nourishing and improving elasticity shea butter, cacao butter and grape seed oil. It was enriched by a cosmetic gold - argan oil and a special complex COLHIBIN, which stimulates collagen synthesis within the skin slowing aeging process and improving the smoothness of the skin. Butter increases the protective barrier of the skin preserving it from external factors and free radicals activity. After use skin becomes much more elastic, smooth, visibly more beautiful, bearing a long lasting soft smell.



Silky, regenerating shower jelly for body wash. For dry, mature and flabby skin. Based on natural washing ingredients, creates a gentle foam and cleans softly your skin without violating its natural pH. Grape seed and argan oils added enrich this innovative product of nourishing and smoothing properties. Panthenol brings it relief and deep moisture. A unique rice protein complex slows down degradation of collagen within the skin, firms it and makes smoother. Rich in vitamins and minerals pearl extract highly regenerates and keeps your skin protected naturally. Skin after bath becomes moisturized, silky and beautifully scented.





Intensive hair care of a rich content and very nice smell, designed for colored and damaged hair. Based on innovative formula makes your hair shiny, stronger and protected without a feeling of overload. Creates on your hair regenerating, silky compress. Argan oil and grape seed oil nourish and smooth your hair roots and act as anti aeging agents. Thanks to synergy of silk and pearl extracts mask reconstructs and smoothes hair shafts, makes them shiny, soft with beautiful and healthy look. Rich in vitamins and microelements pearl acts as natural filter against UV protecting color and preserving hair from drying.





















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Refreshing shower gel of a sensual, masculine fragrance. Based on hydrolyzed silk has a neutral pH – cleans gently and effectively man skin. Does not irritate nor dry out. With the soft, natural washing agents refreshes and has antiseptic activity. Rosemary extract anti-bacterial property fights against inflammatory states of your skin. Normalizes sweat-gland activity. This unique washing product with its jelly consistency soothes irritations, smoothes the skin and makes it moisturized and nice in touch.






revolutionary product designed especially for demanding man skin. Silky, creamy consistency leaves on man’s face nice, mat layer without a feeling of “over-load”. A demulcent complex in its composition calms irritations by keeping skin temperature at constant, optimal level bringing relief to burning sensation after shaving. Connected to hialuron acid keeps your skin perfectly moisturized increasing its protective functions and making it nourished. Special balm of a double activity • soothing after shave lotion • cream for everyday face care







Normalizujący szampon na bazie naturalnego jedwabiu, stworzony z myślą o wymagającej skórze głowy mężczyzn. Pozbawiony chemicznych komponentów, naturalnie oczyszcza zapewniając uczucie świeżości przez cały dzień. Unikalna kompozycja składników ekstraktu z rozmarynu oraz kompleksu REGU®-SEB działa na skórę antyseptycznie zapobiegając powstawaniu stanów zapalnych, wzmacnia i odżywia cebulki włosów poprawiając ukrwienie skóry głowy. Dodatek odbudowujących ceramidów nadaje włosom zdrowy, pełen blasku wygląd.



BODY CARE 3007101

white and of algae extract (Laminaria Hyperbora). Product is of universal use; rejuvenating and revitalizing. Green tea is rich in alkaloids; teine, teobromine and vitamins C, E, K and mineral salts. It stimulates, accelerates micro-circulation of blood, selectively brakes pathogenic bacteria’s activity and protects against unhealthy external elements. White tea, as the green one, is a strong antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals protects the skin from ageing. It also brings alkaloids, polyphenols and flavonoids, among them reinforcing vessels rutine. It is also antiphlogistic and energizing for dry and tired skin. Algae extract completes activity of teas with alginic acid, proteins, iodine, free amino acids, vitamins and micro-elements. It eliminates toxins, firms and strengthens the skin leaving on its surface gentle protective layer. Supplement of panthenol and alantoine increases soothing and moisturizing properties of the product. Light, easily absorbing serum is irreplaceable and universal element in SPA treatments. Skin becomes full of energy and vitality.





Fresh, fruity fragrance of a tiny sweet note, improves your mood, gives energy, revitalizes and gets in a very pleasant, relaxing state, especially recommended for women



Soft fragrance of this candle, slightly spicy, relaxes, let loose and harmonizes senses, recommended for men.



Original, intriguing aroma of a white musk subtly stimulates senses and takes you into the state of serene relax, a perfect offer for both sexes


MASSAGE CANDLES Aromatic candles for a warm, deeply relaxing massage created with noble mixture of natural butters and oils of highest quality. Based on shea and illipe butters and appreciated in cosmetics oils, among them jojoba and soya oils. Whole thing completed by bees wax with its healing properties and rejuvenating vitamin E. Candles have an optimal melting temperature. Warmed oils get perfectly spread on the skin assuring protection and giving a unique scent. The mixture creating our candle caresses the skin with its richness of vitamins and regenerating ingredients delivering a long lasting softness, moisture and beautiful, young look. Your skin becomes nourished, supple and silky smooth. Thanks to virtues of butters used candle is strongly firming and supports the anti-cellulite and anti linear atrophy activity The inimitable fragrances of ORGANIQUE candles make of your massage an exceptional, unforgettable experience which will take you to the state of very sensual and deeply relaxing feelings.



Taking on consideration claims of our customers we have created natural mixtures of teas as a prelude to a complete therapeutical ceremony. Chosen teas types come from the controlled plantations far from cities and chemical contaminations of the air and soil. The green tea containing beneficent catechin acids, called EGSG, tonifies a whole organism decreasing a risk of cancers and breaking aeging processes in cells. EGCG is about 200 times stronger than vitamin E in neutralisation of free radicals, slows down efficiently than all aeging process too. Contains also vitamins A, B, B2, C, a lot of precious minerals and micro-elements. Flavonoids strengthen resistance and help against infections, but also preserve from narrowing of blood vessels. Polyphenols stimulate , accelerate transition of grease into energy. Perfectly complete than processes of detoxification and slimming. Thanks to natural caffeine help in concentration and thinking process in general. It was discovered that green tea has a very good influence on the skin in acne and androgenic alopecia. For Chinese drinking tea is a ritual leading to harmony and appeasement. Make a gift to your customers of this subtle entrance into the world of spa therapies.





MEvery man dreams about a long lasting healthy and young look. It’s natural, when we feel pretty our state of mind is better and our self-confidence bigger. These factors let us act efficiently and give energy to overcome any obstacles. This unique tea collected by hand in the spring time – in the period of explosion of life energy in Japan has a delicate, subtle aroma and slightly bitter taste. Minerals, vitamins and micro-elements it contains efficiently and naturally slow down aeging process. Recommended to diabetics and in obesity. Decreases sugar level in blood regulating bile release, facilitates digestion. Improves process of reduction of greasy tissue. INGREDIENTS: sencha green tea + chum mee, calendula, peach, apple, raspberry, aroma



This very special green tea produced in the Yunnan Province for more than 1700 years is dedicated to those who want to be active every single day. Natural caffeine and cloves inside give a pleasant stimulating boost to your mind and delicate rose and calendula aromas bring harmony in taste. Dried fruits of european rowan influence positively your digestion and urinary system preventing inflammatory states and oedemas in adenoid system. Yunnan is a tea which improves ones mood and fills each day with energy and joy..

activity makes it a perfect home beverage as well as one to be drank among friends. INGREDIENTS: Black masala tea, clove, cinnamon, red pepper, aroma



Yerba Mate is a fantastic offer to those who would like to exchange their usual coffee cup against something very special. Milled and dried leaves of paraguayan holly containing from 0,7 to 2,0% of natural caffeine were used for centuries by South America tribes, before Jesuits discovered and appreciated their virtues in XIIc.. Thanks to its properties yerba mate naturally relaxes body and mind, raises intellectual and physical agility. Loosens and eliminates symptoms of tiredness. Thanks to vit. B6 facilitates grease and hydrocarbons decomposition and iron content, as of natural carrier of oxygen, supports our organism in concentration improvement. A traditional receptacle for Yerba Mate infusion in South America is hollowed gourd called “mate”. Yerba Mate is drank usually with metal tube called “bombilla”.. INGREDIENTS: Yerba mate green lemon, orange peel, lemongrass, aroma

INGREDIENTS: green tea leaves+ chun mee, gunpowder, calendula, rose buds, european rowan, clove, aroma

INDIAN MASALA: ORIENTAL MAGIC 4004103 This extraordinary rituel comes form India and is the essence of what’s most beautiful and most sensual in this distant and exotic land for us. A perfect mixture freshly collected spicies as cinnamon, cloves, red pepper, added to carefully selected leafy tea creates a rare aromatic composition stimulating senses. Masala softly cleans our organism from toxins, supports digestion and improves a look of your skin. General tonic


MASK&WASH CREAM BODY CARE WITH GHASSOUL CLAY Mask&Wash creams are ready for use body masks based on unique virtues of marocan Ghassoul clay. Their activity was improved by specially chosen essential oils which make of these masks not only aromatherapeutical, but also medecinal character. Ghassoul clay has a wide potential in body care therapies. Can be used in variety of spa treatments. Removes toxins from the skin, cleans perfectly and oxygens our epidermis, improves also its moisture. Minerals contained in this clay, as magnesium, silicon, potassium and calcium change positively the look and texture of the skin. Ghassoul firms strongly and smoothes, preserves from linear atrophy. For a comfortable use and for optimal consistency of masks clay has been mixed with water and grape seed oil. This oil, with a high content of polyphenols, protects skin cells against free radicals – that way slows down aeging processes of the skin. Ghassoul clay has also extraordinary natural washing properties; masks can be used as very gentle and efficient body washing products of a subtle scent of natural oils. Skin becomes clean and refreshed, with a soft protective layer. Recommended for sensitive and allergic skin.



ROSE TREE regenerating and anti-inflammatory, pleasant soft flowerspicy perfume relaxes, for all skin types

TEA TREE refreshing, brightening, accelerating regeneration of epidermis, recommended for g oily and acne skin

LEMONGRASS invigorating smell energizes and stimulates, mask moisturizes and cleans the skin and eliminates unpleasant odors, for all skin types

GRAPEFRUIT anti-cellulite activity, stretches and firms the skin, for all skin types, especially with cellulite problems

LAVENDER+LEMON+PATCHOULI stretching and firming, detoxifies your skin, moderating small irritations, for all skin types

EUCALYPTUS+GINGER+JUNIPER disinfecting and cleaning, rebalancing especially greasy and grey skin ATTENTION: we suggest to try first with a small portion if the essential oils in a chosen mask type do not irritate your skin

USE: Ghassoul Mask&Wash cream put a tin layer on the skin, one can cover the body with the foil, than with a towel or a blanket. Leave for about 15-20 minutes, then clean with a warm water. As a wash cream apply on humid body and clean by massing softly, then wash away with warm water. After use skin becomes elastic, shiny and refreshed.



Coffee, that means fruits of the coffee bush Semen Coffea are frequently used in production of cosmetics mainly for their anticellulite and slimming properties. First of the reasons of these activities is caffeine. It improves micro-circulation and accelerates metabolism, helps in detoxifying process. The second ingredient of coffee beans is chlorogenic acid, from polyphenols group, neutralizing free radicals, responsible for the photo-ageing process of the skin. The property of counteraction against the urban stress has also added to serum NECTPURE PF. Coffee miraculously purifies and refreshes your skin and aromatic fragrance improves your well-being. The coffee extracts are also natural UV filters. Line is enriched with a complex PEPHACTIVE – extract from unicellular alga Dunaliela Salina which stimulates the production of ATP – increasing the cellular energy and its regeneration (delays ageing and improves clarity of the skin). Some of CAFE EVEIL products were also fortified with anti-cellulite ebony extract. After coffee ritual skin becomes tight, younger and lit up.




Sugar crystals with drops of aromatic coffee clean the surface of the skin from dead cells of epidermis and improve micro-circulation. Caffeine stimulates combustion of fatty tissue and accelerates metabolism. After use skin becomes moisturized, oily and elastic. The content of bees wax and shea butter soothes the skin and brings vitamins E and C giving healthy and young look. The natural coffee aroma is highly stimulating. Suggested to all skin types, especially tired and with low elasticity and cellulite.

Rich mask of juvenile and anti-cellulite activity, with high content of milled coffee beans and coffee extract. Detoxifying and smoothing, its caffeine improves micro-circulation, stimulates combustion of fat which can appear as temporary red skin effect. Coffee pieces peel off and refresh the skin, organic glycerin moisturizes it. Mask stimulates the skin thanks to PEPHA-CTIVE complex, made of algae strongly energizes cells and accelerates their reconstruction. This aromatic mask has also other micro and macro-elements. After use skin becomes tight, firm and strengthened. Product can be used in SPA devices in body wrap treatments.

CAFFEINE SERUM Active, coffee scented concentrate, energizing, slimming and anti-cellulite. Rich in coffee extract, stimulates microcirculation, accelerates lipolysis and acts as anti-ageing. The ebony extract increases anti-cellulite action. PEPHACTIVE complex made of algae strongly energizes cells and accelerates their reconstruction. Thanks to connection to NECTPURE PF (with Ecocert certificate) serum fights free radicals, urban stress and has detoxifying properties. The supplement of alantoine soothes and smoothes the skin. Serum has light and gelly texture, absorbs easily and moisturizes very well, skin becomes younger, firm and vital.

BODY BUTTER Firming and anti-cellulite, contains extract of coffee, accelerating metabolism and combustion of fat as well as detoxifying effect. Slims and models your body. These properties completes PEPHA-CTIVE complex, made of algae strongly energizes cells and accelerates their reconstruction. Vitamins E and C acting in synergy as anti-oxidants will decline ageing processes, shea butter brings needed lipids making your skin smooth and elastic. Glycerin will moisturize it. This aromatic coffee butter is for all skin types, especially for weak and flabby, needed to get firmer and brighter.


GOAT’S MILK & LYCHEE LAIT PEAU LISSE S.O.S. - SOOTHING AND REGENERATION An innovative series of cosmetics, unifying nourishing properties of goat milk with a riches of vitamins and minerals that contains extract of Lychee. The line has IRICALMIN complex, which soothes et refreshes irritated skin, without increasing its temperature. Goat’s milk proteins stimulate production of collagen making skin firm and elastic. They create on its surface a protective film and eliminate irritations, neutralize free radicals and decrease skin ageing process. This rare goat’s milk qualities were connected to the extract of exotic fruit of lychee, rich in proteins, carbohydrates, peptides and fats, mineral salts and vitamins. Vitamins B1 and B2 accelerate regeneration and presence of vitamin C reinforce blood vessels. The pearl extract added is antiphlogistic, moisturizing and revitalizing. It also improves healing and counteract damages of skin caused by bad radiation. Products from that LAIT PEAU LISSE line restore comfort, moisture and give young look to the skin. Recommended to sensitive skin, with inclination to irritations, also after exposition to UV.



SUGAR PEELING Build on natural vegetable oils of soya and almond reinforce dry skin. Peeling is rich in vitamins C, E and from B group. Bees wax soothes, sugar crystals during a treatment go smaller and smaller so we can control the strength of exfoliation by pressure executed by a therapist. This peeling is exclusive cosmetic for mature and sensitive skin, contains many important ingredients and vitamins of nourishing and regenerating activity. It not only cleans, but leaves the surface of the skin smooth and oily.

BODY SERUM NOURISHING & SOOTHING Body serum with proteins from goat’s milk and lychee extract. Nourishes strongly and soothes the skin. The content of canola oil is anti-oxidant and brakes processes of ageing. The pearl extract revitalizing and moisturizing, brings minerals and micro-elements to the skin. Serum slightly refreshes it also. IRICALMIN complex soothes the irritated skin and keeps its temperature constant. Recommended to dry, irritated skin, after sun exposure.

S.O.S BODY MASK NOURISHING & SOOTHING Soothing body mask with highly regenerating content and calming irritated skin active elements. Goat’s milk proteins nourish and regenerate the skin, contain also important for its well-being vitamins from B group. Lychee extract revitalizes, enlightens, the pearl extract accelerates healing of scratches, protects and smoothes by decreasing ageing process. Panthenol and alantoine reinforce the activity of aloe vera. Mask is highly moisturizing, smoothing, regenerating and pushes the skin to production of young collagen. Thanks to IRICALMIN complex heals irritated skin, normalizes its temperature and improves the comfort. It can be used as first aid product in case of over exposure to the sun.

BODY BUTTER SOOTHING Innovative formula of the butter unites the effectiveness of results with pleasure of use. Shea butter protects and soothes the skin, nourishes it and moisturizes, acts as natural UV filter. Bees wax seals epidermis against the waist of water and the pearl extract accelerates healing, protects and smoothes by decreasing ageing process. This wonderful cosmetic contains also lychee fruit extract rich in vitamins, especially in C. Goat’s milk proteins are the royal dose of youth recovery. The pearl extract accelerates healing of scratches, protects, smoothes. Aloe vera calms irritations and moisturizes dry skin. Butter is recommended to all skin types, particularly to dry and sensitive. After use skin becomes nourished, more elastic and silky in touch.


CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE BAIN DES SENSES - RELAXING & FIRMING Chocolate is an often given fragrance in cosmetics these days. In Organique however we have made one step forward and used a real butter from cacao fruit! This butter is of very wide use; contains zinc, magnesium, calcium and polyphenols (mainly flavonoids and phenolic acids ) of a strong anti-free radicals activity, retarding ageing processes of the skin. Chocolate, besides moisturizing and smoothing properties, is also anti-cellulite and slimming ingredient thanks to teobromine and caffeine. They are stimulating blood circulation – fat combustion and decrease swellings. That line is enriched with STIMU-TEX® complex. This complex soothes and calms irritations and reconstructs lipid barrier. The supplement of natural erythrulose chocolate treatment improves the color of the skin, bronzing it slightly and in uniform way, guarantees healthy look throughout the year. Sweet taste and aroma makes you instantly in better mood by stimulating endorphins production – called hormones of happiness. RESULT: perfectly looking healthy, firm skin and your good mood all day long.






It cleans, smoothes and prepares the skin to other steps of perfumed body care therapy. Sugar crystals eliminate callous epidermis, shea and cacao butters will make skin moisturized and elastic. STIMU-TEX® complex added soothes irritated and dry skin bringing refreshment and silky smooth texture. Peeling is a part of CHOCOLAT BAIN DES SENSES professional line.

Aroma of chocolate in this rich body butter calms your nerves and make easier relax after a hard day. Thanks to riches of natural ingredients it improves not only your mood, but also the physical skin condition. Contains shea butter and cacao butter which connected bring vitamins with moisturizing and oil effect, make skin more elastic. STIMU-TEX® complex added soothes and calms irritations. Cacao extract is firming and anti-cellulite, by bringing many important ingredients nourishes and keeps skin younger. The supplement of erythrulose gently improves the color of the skin. This chocolate butter takes beautifully care about your body. Recommended to all skin types, especially tired and weak one.

ENDORPHINE SERUM Highly concentrated product with cacao extract stimulates, nourishes and firms the skin, reduces also cellulite. Eco extract of echinacea (Ecocert certificate) protects and improves its resistance. STIMU-TEX® complex added soothes and calms irritations and reconstructs lipid barrier. Serum is absorbed easily and leaves the skin stronger, moisturized and firm. It is also a good base to be used before masks or massage oils.

BRONZING BODY MASK Professional soft body mask. It nourishes, firms and improves color of your skin. Makes it stronger by bringing many precious elements hidden in cacao beans. It stimulates and slims, cares intensively without loading greasy and mix skin. Cacao butter is easily assimilated, makes your skin more resistant to scratches, and shea butter reconstructs its protection coat. Chocolate aroma gets you into better mood and add the positive energy. The supplement of erythrulose in the mask is gently bronzing the skin, giving it healthy naturally looking tan all year long. It can be used every day as therapy for dehydrated skin!

MASSAGE MASK Professional, chocolate scented product for body massage, thanks to high content of cacao extract moisturizes, smoothes and regenerates your skin. Enriched in caffeine is strongly firming and anti-cellulite. In massage is modeling the silhouette, stimulates combustion of fats, improves blood flow and skin oxygenation, giving it shiny, healthy look. The chocolate mask contains d-panthenol which goes easily deep into the skin and becomes B5 vitamin – it is soothing and smoothing, retains water giving to the skin nice texture. Mask has so called „second skid” giving a real comfort during your massage.


CRANBERRY CANNEBERGE ANTI ÂGE REVITALIZING, PROTECTION & YOUNG SKIN EFFECT Cranberry line is a very special one – using unusual properties of these small berries. They have a lot of elements your skin needs, among them vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, E, P ), micro and macro-elements, flavonoids, tannins, carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids. ABI COMPLEX build on 3 alpine plants protects the skin and cellular DNA against damages. Products from the line CANNEBERGE ANTI AGE perfectly moisturize, light up and revitalize, recommended also to capillary skin. Unity of properties of many natural elements neutralizes free radicals, decreases ageing processes, stretches the skin and gives it natural vitamins and minerals. It has been proved that these products are antibacteriological and improve immunoresistance of the skin. Therapy with cranberry line is tasty adventure after which skin becomes younger, elastic and stronger than ever.


Sugar peeling


Professional sugar peeling with pieces of cranberry fruits cleans gently and prepares your skin to further steps of scented fruity body care. Cranberry brings many vitamins, especially C and E – makes blood vessels stronger, protects cells against aging. Vegetable oils, soya for example, gives a comfort of use, smoothes epidermis and make it more elastic. Peeling is revitalizing, refreshes and enlights tired skin.

This body mask is rejuvenating vitamin complex, makes skin more energetic and of younger look, good product for smokers. Rich in vitamin C from cranberry and vitamins A and E clearly makes stronger the skin, improving its color and general condition. Connection of vitamins with ABI COMPLEX neutralizes free radicals, decreases wrinkles and protects cellar DNA. Glycerin, urea hydrate and shea butter nourishes and regenerates giving a long lasting comfort and protection. Active ingredients have been connected to complete themselves and give a complex care to the skin. Mask has silky structure and fabulous fragrance of fresh, juicy cranberry. Perfect to capillary and varicose veins.

MULTIVITAMIN SeruM Active, multivitamin concentrate of a strong revitalizing and rejuvenating activity. Cranberry extract is a vitamin bomb, bringing to the skin a lot of vitamin C, which connected to vitamins A, E and panthenol creates a complex stimulating regeneration of cells and improving anti free radicals resistance. ABI COMPLEX protects cellar DNA against damages and improves immunological system of the skin. Ingredients of this serum stimulate collagen fibres production. The supplement of urea gives softness and right level of moisture. This light and easily absorbed serum leaves the skin hydrated, younger and bright.

BODY BUTTER Tasty smelling cranberry butter for body brings a lot of vitamins. Shea butter renew lipid barrier, moisture and makes skin elastic and thanks to ABI COMPLEX regenerates and decrease ageing processes. Supplement of urea reinforces moisture and has a keratolitic activity – discovers a new epidermis. Product improves a structure of the skin, its resistance to the external elements. Recommended for tired, mature and capillary skin and for smoking people. After use your skin becomes firm, healthier and younger and the fresh smell of cranberry stays long on its surface...


HONEY MIEL CÉRÉMONIE NOURISSANTE DETOXIFYING & NOURISHING For centuries honey has been used as natural cosmetic keeping young skin and hair. Thanks to its nourishing virtues enriches skin in biologically active elements such as glycogene which activates cells for energy production and faster regeneration. Honey contains fatty acids, mineral salts and vitamins. It nourishes, appease irritations, counteracts cornification of the skin, reinforces veins. It has also natural detoxifying properties. The line for therapeutic rituals of MIEL CEREMONIE NOURISSANTE is composed also of SK-INFLUX complex – mix of ceramides completing shortages of lipids in the skin, fortifying its structure. More, these products are enriched in soothing elements, vitamins and extract of bitter orange. The choice of active ingredients nourishes the skin, soothes it and helps to regain its natural shiny look.


Sugar peeling Honey has gentle exfoliating properties, with sugar crystals and bees wax creates a perfect complex eliminating dead cells from epidermis and nourishing the skin thanks to mix of ceramides. Build on natural she butter and canola oil cosmetic cares, protects and soothes the skin. Supplement of vitamin C and E decrease aging process and neutralizes free radicals.

NOURISHING SERUM Very nourishing serum meant to all skin types, recommended specially to grey, neglected skin, which needs to be moisturized. Honey extract brings a lot of vitamins, microelements and sacharides. It has also neutralizing toxins and free radicals properties. Serum is enriched in reconstructing SK-INFLUX complex – pure ceramides which renew damaged lipid barrier. Connection of d-panthenol, aloe vera and organic glycerin makes a smoothing irritations and moisturizing chapped skin complex. Aloe vera helps in creation of the new collagen on the skin. Supplement of the bitter orange extract stimulates it. Light formula of our serum covers your skin gently with moisture, rapidly absorbed leaves the skin smooth and bright.

BODY BUTTER Honey body butter thanks to canola oil and to, rich in vitamins A and E, shea butter nourishes and protects the skin, gives it smoothness, moisture and oil it. A fresh natural honey with d-panthenol soothes irritations, eliminates red skin reaction bringing it true relief. Vitamins C and E neutralize free radicals and SK-INFLUX complex completes shortage of lipids with mix of ceramides. Honey body butter is a perfect, tasty and sweet smelling cosmetic which stretches the skin and decreases ageing processes. Recommended to dry skin deprived of firmness.


HAND LINE Mains Soin Regenerant REJUVENATING & REGENERATING Hands are our visiting card. Sometimes our work, unfavorable atmospheric conditions or maybe just time passage make hand skin dry, tired and rough. That’s why we have created this exclusive MAINS SOIN REGENERANT line; to rescue the beauty and youth of our hands. This is a line of pro and retail products, combining subtle, elegant perfume of wild rose and properties of specific natural ingredients. We have used a COLHIBIN complex – strongly regenerating our damaged hands skin. It is rich in hydrolyzed rice proteins, has anti photo-ageing and anti civilization stress properties. Protects and brakes degradation of collagen caused by UV radiation, smoothes your epidermis. Supplement of pearl extract completes COLHIBIN action. Pearl makes skin shiny, accelerates its regeneration, planes our wounds and scratches. Bitter orange and natural silk extract moisturize intensively, leave skin silky smooth, gentle in touch and protected by a thin film.




Gentle sugar peeling of a silky structure, perfectly cleans and refreshes hands skin, preparing it to other parts of hand therapy. Contains natural oils and regenerating, rich in vitamins shea butter – they give a real comfort of use and effective hands care with this product. Bitter orange pieces gently peel off epidermis without irritation. They also bring vitamin C and rejuvenating bioflavonoids. Peeling of exclusive MAIN SOIN REGENERANT line has pearl extract as well, which regenerates and leaves hands refreshed, smooth and shiny.

Light, rapidly absorbed emulsion, rich in regenerating hands ingredients. One of actives is COLHIBIN, biological, rice-derived inhibitor of collagenase - protects skin cells from destruction of collagen and shortage of elasticity. Ceramides rebuild inter-cellular „cement” recovering firmness and lubrication to the skin. Serum contains vitamins A, C and E – anti wrinkle complex of anti-oxidants and silk extract reinforcing moisture and leaving a gentle film on the skin.

HAND CREAM Luxury, scented with wild rose fragrance, this hand cream is highly smoothing and regenerating. For professional and home use. Rich in rice proteins COLHIBIN brakes degradation of collagen and activates repair process. In duo with pearl extract accelerate regeneration and rejuvenation of tired, rough and dehydrated hands skin. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes intensively and keeps water in epidermis. Highest quality natural silk protects skin against external elements, velvet smooth and gentle in touch. Ideal product for those having problems with dry and irritated skin, thanks to its formula also to atopic skin.

REGENERATING HAND MASK Exclusive, silky mask with youth vitamins and d-panthenol – soothes, calms and strengthens tired hand skin. Pearl extract regenerates and smoothes, vitamins C and E neutralize free radicals. Shea butter and bees wax moisturize epidermis. The mask activates repairing processes and protects from damages caused by external elements. Skin becomes reinforced, younger and without rough impression. In spite of quickly absorbed formula the ingredients included in that serum form on the skin smoothing and scented protective film.


FOOT LINE Rituel Pieds Doux SOOTHING & REFRESHING RITUEL PIEDS DOUX is scented with lavender line created in the aim of soothing and refreshing tired foot skin. For professional manicure SPA treatments. Skin of feet needs a special care. Often dry, chapped or inclined to inflammatory state. Many people suffer from swelling and feeling of heavy, tired legs. Products for foot ORGANIQUE, thanks to integrated activity of natural ingredients and essential oils bring the improvement of the condition and relief to all. They contain necessary vitamins and microelements, act anti-flammatory, antiseptic and refreshing – thanks to thyme and sage oils. AHA acids and urea hydrate epidermis, drops of natural loofa and unique clays help in their purification. Water lily extract soothes and calms the skin of feet. Each cosmetic is designed in a way to provide step by step comfort and lightness to tired feet.





Clays are classed among peloids los-mud ) - existing naturally in n elements, created as result of nu cal and geological processes. Extracted from depth 20 to 70 m



Salt foot peeling cleans perfectly and refreshes. Dipped in oils sea salt crystals and blue loofa – natural vegetable sponge – are the scrubbing and cleaning elements, eliminating dead cells of epidermis. Bees wax and natural vegetable oils complete shortage in lipids and let relaxing peeling massage. The vitamins C and E contained in soya oil are anti-oxidants. Product is enriched in water lily extract - calming and soothing the skin.

Cooling and soothing gel, created for people having problems with achy and tired legs and persisting painful gravity feelings. Natural vegetal components and a soft cooling effect give immediate relief. The urea content softens and moisturizes the epidermis preventing from its desiccation. The sage extract stretches, acting as antiseptic and fortifies. The chestnut with arnica create a protective complex reducing permeability of blood vessels. This activity is completed by witch hazel, known for its soothing, healing and fortifying blood vessels qualities. That preparate can be used by people having varicose veins. The product activity is enhanced also by multifunctional Questice PLUS cooling agent. It creates a long lasting cooling feeling which combined with vegetal extracts gives a draining effect. For its properties the gel is recommended as a body care product for the summer period.

FOOT MASK Perfectly absorbing, light foot mask of a silky structure and fresh lavender scent. It is irreplaceable element of a professional pedicure treatment. Thanks to AHA acids and urea mask is softening epidermis helping in elimination of calluses and cornifications. Natural clay cleans without a physical abrasion. Zinc stretches and soothes. Sage extract disinfects, reinforces and refreshes. This mask makes feet stronger and more resistant, normalize their skin, leaving it soft, refreshed and moisturized.

FOOT CREAM Refreshing cream perfectly moisturizes and cares foot skin. Urea added hydrates and softens it. Menthol has refreshing and cooling properties, thyme and sage extracts have antiseptic and strengthening qualities. These herbs decrease also feet perspiration and that clearly improves our every day comfort Smelling fresh lavender foot cream ORGANIQUE efficiently cares and moisturizes our skin, it is not greasy, but has soothing, antiseptic and relaxing influence.

FOOT BALM with SHEA BUTTER Special balm for dry foot skin. Besides shea butter and bees wax contains menthol, eucalyptus, tea tree oils and also chestnut and oak bark extracts. Menthol soothes and acts as antiseptic, stimulates microcirculation enhancing other actives. It cools and relaxes bringing the fresh feeling for long time. Eucalyptus oil is a natural deodorant and tea tree essential oil is antibacterial, antimycotic, reduces foot sweating, just as chestnut and oak bark extracts. That balm has a wide use in professional treatments as a mask or as product for every day foot care.




(from Greek penature medicinal umerous biologi-

meters – why the



ARGILOTHERAPY DETOXIFYING & NOURISHING Clays are classed among peloids (from Greek pelos-mud ) - existing naturally in nature medicinal elements, created as result of numerous biological and geological processes. Extracted from depth 20 to 70 meters – why the curative method using clays is called argilotherapy (from Latin argi – earth ). Clays are rich in micro and macroelements necessary to the human health.




In Morocco, there is a soapy clay that has traditionally been used since centuries by all the North African populations and in parts of the `Middle-East. The Ghassoul products come from the only known deposits in the world, they are bordering the middle Atlas chain, in the Moulouya’s valley, 200km from the city of FES. This clay as the only one has natural saponifier, foamy properties, once mixed with water, the Ghassoul is in the form of mud which presents detersive and grease-removing characteristics due to the high surface reactivity of its cations. The Ghassoul only works by absorption; it does not cause any harshness to the hair, skin or mucus membranes. Thanks to its extraordinary properties Ghassoul clay is used by the best Thalassotherapy and SPA centers all over the world. The exfoliating body polish with Ghassoul results in a softer skin. Moreover, the Ghassoul detoxifies the skin, eliminates dead skin particles and impurities, leaving the skin smoother and radiant. It is used in its natural state for hair care, body care, face care, sensitive skin care. Ghassoul is totally hypoallergenic, produces a very soft cleansing without surfactants, as 100% natural product is recommended for all skin types It takes part in many professional treatments and it is hard to evaluate it beneficial influence on our health and beauty. Two independent american laboratories after their researches described following properties of Ghassoul clay: reduces dryness (79%), reduces desquamation (41%), cleans skin (68%), improves elasticity/firm (24%), improves structure/texture (106%)

Natural caolin clay. Very soft one, has a light, silky texture in mud, recommended for fragile, dry and sensitive skin. Normalizes also greasy and mixed skin. It can be used for mask preparation and baths. White Cosmetic clay (also known as Kaolin clay) is one of the most versatile clays, and is also the mildest of all cosmetic clays. It is commonly found in skincare preparations and cosmetics because of its gentle nature, mineral content, absorbent properties, and ability to ‘fix’ scents. White clay is made up of fine clay particles, and has a lightweight fluffy consistency. This clay is frequently found in powders, body packs, skin care products, deodorants, soaps, scrubs, poultices, facial masks, and toiletries. This clay will gently draw impurities from the skin without removing natural oils while simultaneously exfoliating, cleansing, and stimulating circulation. White clay is suitable for all skin types, whether it will be oily, blemish prone, normal, sensitive, dry, or mature skin.

RED CLAY Natural clay of red color, rich in iron and copper. It has also many other elements in the natural formula. Recommended to greasy and mixed skin, with regard of its properties absorbs suet and impurities, can be safely used for sensitive and capillary skin and even with acne rosacea.

BENTONITE CLAY Bentonite, also referred to as Montmorillonite, is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays used to treat both internal and external maladies. Bentonite can be used externally as a clay poultice, mud pack or in the bath and, in skin care recipes. It contains many important elements like silicon, sodium, sulphur, quartz, magnesium, iron, and calcium. Bentonite can be used externally, to treat skin problems and for detox baths. Some people have used bentonite lay to treat skin rashes with a lot of success. If you have skin eruptions such as acne, you should try applying Bentonite Clay on your skin, as it does a tremendous job of extracting/ removing all the toxic matter buried inside your skin.


NATURAL MASKS BODY & FACE CARE Unique formulas of natural eco clays, vegetable supplements and nourishing goat’s milk powder. Baths and masks made with clays, seeds, flowers and milk have a long history. Since ever have been healing and embellishing. ORGANIQUE masks are the natural and traditional way for beauty and healthy skin, in unity with nature. Extracted from the pure regions of the world clays offer us treasures of mother earth. They possess unique qualities and combined with seeds, flowers and milk get separate properties, they moisturize, slim or balance functions of the skin. Starch of amaranthus, lavender , calendula, mullein, lime, tapioca starch, oatmeals, goat’s milk are enriching those masks making of them very special healing products. They are a perfect proposal to many SPA treatments, not only embellishing, but also soothing and bringing closer to the very nature.


MASK WITH WHITE CLAY SENSITIVE AND DRY SKIN Based on white clay and natural components properties, like goat’s milk, lavender, oatmeals, amaranthus starch and petals. White clay is gentle and doesn’t irritate. It has stretching qualities, purifying of tiny impurities and sebum excess. Soothes irritations and accelerates skin healing. Recommended to dry and sensitive skin. Goat’s milk nourishes, regenerates and reinforces activity of lipid barrier. oatmeals soft the epidermis, make it smoother and amarantus soothes and makes other ingredients more efficient. The content of amaranthus seeds in the mask enriches the skin in minerals, vitamins and squalen braking ageing processes. Aromatic lavender adds softening and healing anti-septical properties. Skin becomes brighter, firmer and younger of a silky look.

MASK WITH BENTONITE CLAY OILY AND MIXED SKIN Bentonite clay, the main mask ingredient, purifies the skin from toxins, sebum excess and other impurities, heavy metals too. Normalizes the oily and mixed skin, accelerates healing of flammatory situations and smoothes it. This volcanic clay activity has been improved by goat’s milk, oatmeals and amaranthus starch, which enrich the skin in micro and macro-elements. The calendula protects and prevents irritations. Mask reminerlizes the skin, improves its protective functions and eliminates toxins and impurities leaving it refreshed and shiny.

MASK WITH GHASSOUL CLAY EVERY SKIN TYPE: IMPROVEMENT AND HEALING This unique mask quality relies on Ghassoul clay activity, natural vegetable additives and goat’s milk. As we know already Ghassoul clay has very special care and beauty properties. Eliminates toxins and impurities, smoothes, firms and reinforce the structure preventing striae atrophicae. This clay elevates moisture level, has anti-cellulite and slimming effect. Goat’s milk content brings the riches of vitamins and nourishing elements, oatmeals make skin silky and soft, and tapioka starch makes it stronger. Dry flowers of mullein are antiseptic and reinforcing blood vessels. Mask recommended to most skin types, especially mature and sensitive.

MASK WITH RED CLAY SENSITIVE AND CAPILLARY SKIN Red clay is a luxury natural product improving the skin condition. Its color comes from the presence of silicon, iron and sulphur. It improves elasticity and resistance, regenerates the skin, purifies and detoxifies it. It also perfects the skin ability to oxygen absorption. Red clay is protective element for veins, can be safely used to sensitive and capillary skin, even with acne rosacea. Goat’s milk and tapioka starch added reinforce nourishing and regenerating properties. Flowers of lime protect against infections, improve its resistance to external elements, heal irritations. It is a perfect care product for mixed, grey, mature and capillary skin.


BODY PLASTIC ALGAE FIRMING & REGENERATING Algae contain the riches of organic and nonorganic elements. They are easily absorbed by human tissues. Their activity on the skin is very wide; they nourish, moisturize, improve micro-circulation and most of all firm rapidly. According to the algae type masks differ in their action. Organique algae masks are the highest quality products, perfect for SPA treatments. Once mixed with water they become silky in structure with good setting time and high efficiency. They firm, detoxify and rejuvenate or slim. They are easy in use and their pull off doesn’t require a shower cabin. They stick to the skin perfectly making active components penetration easier. Depending to the skin type one can choose a normal cold lamiplast mask or warm argiplast. The second kind is really pleasant in customer perception relaxing very effectively.




Argiplast Orange Regenerating Mask is a new generation cosmetic of a highest quality. This unique peel-off used warm is very easy to prepare. Soft, velvet structure and gentle fragrance of orange connected with warm up cell effect are relaxing during application. The warmth is an extra element accelerating absorption of active elements. Kaolin clay brings necessary elements, smoothes, shines and moisturizes. High quality nourishing alginate has riches of minerals and vitamins. After its use skin becomes firm, stretched and beautifully smooth. Wheat added improves skin condition, strengthens it and rejuvenates, soothes the irritations. Another important element in this mask is vitamin E - called youth vitamin. It supports renew of hydrolipid film and fortifies protection functions – neutralizing free radicals. Scented mixture of lemon and bitter orange essential oils tones up and let you get better mood and energy. This regenerating body mask makes your skin become stretched, revitalized and fortified. Can be used for all body or just chosen areas.

The unique slimming-detoxifying algae mask exploiting green tea, laminaria algae and horstail properties. The base is the high quality alginate assuring the perfect consistency and efficiency, as well as remineralization, moisture and skin stretch. Coming from asian fields green tea is full of teofiline which with natural iodine – ingredient of algae laminaria, create a tandem accelerating lipolysis. Mask stimulates cells of epidermis, accelerates metabolism, reduces lipid concrements and intensively firms. By elimination of the excess of water from tissues improves the structure of the skin and visibly reduces cellulite. Both green tea and algae laminaria have anti-oxidant and detoxifying properties, that way counteract processes of aging. These attributes completes the horstail extract, appreciated for its tissue regenerating and skin conditioning activity. We added rosemary oil stimulating micro-circulation and metabolic processes. Mask is easy in application, has an optimum setting time and can be easily wash off without shower. Recommended to slimming and fortifying treatments.



Teaplast Mask Green is detoxifying modern body mask. Joins effectiveness of results with simplicity of use. Efficiency and velvet structure are the strong trump of that product. Thanks to warm application the treatment with a use of this mask is very pleasant to customer and relaxing; with the temperature rises the absorption of active elements from cosmetics. With the highest quality alginate and kaolin clay that mask brings mineral salts and calcium to the skin. The use of the green tea extract, having the caffeine and teine, revitalizes, detoxifies and fortifies the struggle with free radicals. The green tea possess the slimming properties. The iodine of laminaria algae added, known for their firming activity is making stronger this green tea property. This body argiplast mask improves micro-circulation, strongly rejuvenates leaving it moisturized and firm.

Stimulating and slimming algae mask for body, created for professional therapies supporting diets and elimination of toxins from the organism. Laminaria algae, with their high content in minerals, vitamins and organic iodine are perfect in treatments aiming to improve skin color. Their activity is connected with amazonian guarana extract creating a complex accelerating lipolysis and lipid concrements elimination., The caffeine from guarana improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolism and supports the fight with free radicals. The horstail extract fortifies and enhances functions of connective tissue. The rosemary oil added stimulates the micro-circulation and accelerates metabolic processes. This mask is indispensable in slimming, anti-cellulite and firming treatments, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. It can be used for all body besides face. Its stimulating activity can be felt as slight pins and needles. The cooling effect will nicely calm tired, swollen and painful legs and stimulate tissue drainage. This product is based on high quality alginate, has silky structure wile mixed with water, optimum setting time and easy to applicate.

MASK FIRMING-FORTIFYING BREAST& NECK SKIN This mask is recommended for cabinet care of breast and neck skin. Is based on high quality alginate with perfectly matching setting point. Its firming activity relies on ULVA AOSA algae. These small green algae besides proline and lisine contain a proteine similar the human elastyne – aosaine. It is easily assimilated by our skin vegetable substitute of elastyne, braking its disintegration in the skin by blocking elastase activity. More than that, it stimulates also fibroplasts to the higher production of new collagen reconstructing tissue skeleton. It strengthens the structure of the skin, stretches it and counteracts striae creation. Aosa regenerates and revitalizes, is rich in minerals, amino acids and proteins. High beta-carotene, iron and vitamin C content brakes aging process and accelerates the epidermis renew. Ulva aosa accelerates also cellar metabolism and softens acne problems. This mask is recommended to mature, weak, flabby skin, needing regeneration and with inclination to the striae creation. This can be a treatment for women planning pregnancy or just after the breast feeding.


ALGAE FACE MASKS INSTANT RESULTS Algae contain a richness indispensable to a normal function; amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and non organic elements. Are perfectly assimilated by a human tissue providing a proper moisture and regeneration. Alginate ORGANIQUE masks, enriched by specially chosen elements, are of a high quality and silky consistency. They reduce wrinkles and prevent from creation of new lines. The are anti-stress, soothes irritations, calm the skin by stretching it strongly, leave the skin shiny and bright.




Perfect to bacterial inflammatory states, antiseptic, stretches dilated pores, absorbs the excess of sebum, thanks to antiseptic tea tree oil cleans the skin; zinc regulates sebum metabolism, and natural salicylic acid decreases symptoms of acne. Mask normalizes and purifies keeping skin perfectly moisturized

For grey, tired and weak skin. This unique algae mask unites regenerating and exfoliating properties, thanks to papaine contained in papaya fruits, softens keratinized epithelium and exfoliation of dead cells; activates proline and arginine – amino acids accelerating cellar renew, skin become brighter, refreshed, regains firmness and radiant look.

CRANBERRY MASK For tired, dry and sensitive skin, with chapped capillaries, gives strong firming effect. Polyphenols from cranberry, being anti-oxidants, help skin in fight with free radicals, braking aging processes. Leaves on the skin soft, fruity perfume and a feeling of stretched and calm epidermis, enlightens, smoothes and moisturizes.

BLUEBERRY MASK for capillary and sensitive skin; mask has moisturizing, antiseptic and protecting property. Blueberry is also disinfecting and stretching pores; improves micro-circulation, fortifies capillary tubes, anti-oxidant braking aging process, after the mask skin is calm, velvet and naturally purified, firm and smooth.

EYE CONTOUR MASK Dedicated to fragile eye contour parts. Safe and efficient product. This silky mask based on vegetable extracts illuminates and lights up, rejuvenates and decreases bruises and swelling caused by fatigue. Connection of alginate and rice flour fortifies protective function of the skin, provides nutrition and softness. Marine collagen smoothes wrinkles and stretches, rose oil additive accelerates the regeneration of the skin. Mask is easy in use, effective and delicate consistency gives a pleasure of a cool soothing feeling.

OLIVE OIL MASK For mature, dried up skin. Mask stimulates original ability of the skin to regeneration making it more beautiful, skin becomes bright and nourished; the use of the mask reduces aging symptoms. Fatty acids content improves elasticity, vitamin E regenerates the epidermis, braking free radicals impact, after use skin remains moisturized and firm.




REMINERALIZATION Salts offered by ORGANIQUE are 100% natural and come from Jordan side of DEAD SEA. The production process of the salt takes place at the sea shore. To these salts ( packed hermetically ) no additives are given. Salts are enlisted by evaporation of the sea water under sun radiation in special saline shallow pools. In SPA we take advantage of the salts in many treatments; nourishing, regenerating, remineralizing, anti-acne, anti-cellulite, firming and reducing sebum and scurf excess.

SEA SALT Healing Karnalit Salt from Dead Sea a rare high quality product of unique content an of bitter-salty taste. Thanks to high content of kalium, magnesium, lime and many other elements that salt has a wide use in medical and cosmetic treatments. In therapies fight the stress and physical fatigue, also in healing many skin diseases as: mycosis, psoriasis, allergies and flammatory states. Karnelit salt is perfect for baths, at best with few drops of chosen essential oil.




DETOXIFICATION & STRENGHTENING This cosmetic mud is provided in Jordan on the south-west bank of the Dead Sea. This is the highest quality product, free of impurities (seeds under 1 micron) and free of chemical additives. Rarely we can find small salt crystals. After extraction it is sterilized so it can be used safely for treatments for whole body and face too. Mud therapies support healing of many diseases; rheumatic and dermatological, such as psoriasis, allergies or seborrhea.

BLACK MUD Mud possesses its natural smell and color, the minimum essential oil is added to improve a comfort of use. It is a natural product rich in precious minerals and elements of rare qualities to the skin. Highly concentrated in silicon, magnesium, kalium, lime, iron, iodine, bromine, sodium, fluorite, aluminium and many other necessary elements to the skin. Mud therapy detoxifies the organism, purifies the skin, eliminates toxins and dead cells of epidermis. Brings relief to the irritated skin, rejuvenates it, remineralizes it and improves blood circulation. Has also strong slimming and anti-cellulite property.



BASIC & CARRIER Natural, refined oils have been used in treatments for centuries. They are the base of many high quality care cosmetics. They have calming and soothing properties, keep skin stretched and firm, moisturizing and rejuvenating it. Oils are also a perfect base of massage therapies for whole body. Can be mixed with essential oils, clays, algae, and many other ingredients. They are similar in their content to the natural ingredients of our fatty layer – they improve than functions of protection barrier.

WHEAT GERM OIL Unsaturated oil with a high content of vitamin E, protecting against free radicals activity and UV radiation. Its composition is similar to the natural skin fatty layer and that is why it is tolerated by this layer. Perfect to dry and scratchy skin, recommended also to mature one and for massage of pregnant women – fortifies and prevent linear atrophy. This oil is the carrier for essential oils, ideally oils dry and with disposition for drying skin, deeply moisturize it and protects from water loss.

GRAPE SEED OIL Light natural oil. Contains polyphenols – anti-oxidants protecting cells from free radicals, reduces that way aging of the skin. Has moisturizing and smoothing properties. Eliminates tiredness signs, accelerates regeneration of epidermis, brightens the complexion and brakes aging process. That oil is also a carrier to essential oils, as a soft emollient perfectly moisturizes the skin. As a supplement brings unsaturated fatty acids to the skin, oils it and smoothes without leaving a heavy layer on its surface.


WITCH HAZEL MOISTURISING & CALMING Witch hazel belongs to the family of Hamamelidaceae. It is a bush or tree with yellow, glossy flowers, which appear in a late autumn or winter animating naked, bald branches. The healing and cosmetic parts are bark and leaves. Leaves of that plant contains a lot of tannins, among them ellagitannins and hamamelitannins, but also flavonoids, gallic acid, ellagic acid and saponins. It has been considerated by Indians as a gold and venerated for its special qualities. It has been also used in traditional medicine in Europe. In cosmetics witch hazel is used in production of creams, tonics, masks, especially for impure pores, for temperature sensitivity, allergic and capillary skin.

WITCH HAZEL WATER It is a hydrous extract from bark and leaves of witch hazel. It has a fresh, nice perfume, is colourless. The most efficient in a capillary skin care, acts as anti-flammatory and vasodilatory, softens the skin flush and moisturizes the epidermis. It is also regenerating, bactericidal and stretching, improves the skin blood flow. Recommended for all skin types, especially impure and with acne. During cosmetic therapies as dry, stretched and irritated skin cleaning agent, as well as tonifying product after peeling or mask.


AROMA OILS BATH&MASSAGE Oils for bath and massage are a mixture of cosmetic oils: soya, grape seed and sweet almond with aromatherapeutic essential oils. They care about every skin type, especially dried up and one that needs protection. According to the type of essential oil we obtain relaxing, tonifying, refreshing or stimulating effect on senses. We truly recommend these oils to massage, baths and nail care treatments.


Rose tree Tonifies whole organism, recommended for head aches and nauseas. Reduces physical and psychical tiredness, stimulates micro-circulation, warms up and is antiseptic. Fortifies anti-acne treatment and reduces sycosis. Recommended to all skin types, especially dried up, mature, mixed and impure.

BergamotTE & Lime Antiphlogistic oil, bleaching, anti-pruritus and antiseptic. Destroys viruses and bacteries, firms and reduces acne. Helps in herpes healing, accelerates tanning process. Recommended for all skin types, especially impure, oily, acne and atonic one.

Eucalyptus & Minth Very tonic mixture, is antiphlogistic and antiseptic (can be used in cold, flu, antronalgia, cough, wog), recommended for impure and oily skin.

Ceder & Lavender Fortifies the skin and its immune system, analgetic, antiphlogistic and antiseptic. Softens muscle tones, calms and is antidepressant. Recommended to skin that needs regeneration with predisposition to inflammatory states.

Orange Has antidepressive and balancing properties, nice and tonifying aroma, improves your mood and gives energy, perfect during a winter, helps in insomnia, nourishes and firms your skin.


STAMPS NATURE TREASURES ORGANIQUE massage stamps are made with the highest quality natural ingredients. Hand made, precisely finished guarantee a perfect work and results – customer satisfaction. Filled with herbs and spices and dipped in hot oil or water are used to increase blood circulation and cause greater stimulation of a client’s immune system. Thanks to special scents mixtures they have also aromatherapeutic properties. At best you have to dip for few minutes in tepid water before putting into the steamer or in tepid oil before dipping into hot one. We suggest different massages made with stamps, combined with shea butter or nourishing wheat germ oil. Stamp treatments rely on 3 main effects; termic, aromatic and direct active ingredients reaction. ORGANIQUE stamps can be purchased as ready for use set or as bulk mixture with accessories needed to preparation just before treatment. The packaging guarantees freshness and preservation of their properties.




Intensive scent, energizing thanks to milled coffee beans and guarana fruits (new on SPA market). They stimulate skin, accelerate slimming therapy. Caffeine and guarana improve blood circulation and detoxifies the skin. Its ingredients ameliorate one’s mood. Coffee is also a well known antioxidant, stamps are than anti-ageing too.

They have very refreshing, strong perfume of the ocean breeze. Mixture of mineral Dead Sea salt enriched by Fucus algae, calendula flowers, lavender and ginseng makes of these stamps rejuvenating, highly mineralizing product. They accelerate healing of the skin imperfections, soothe, regenerate and relax. Ginseng stimulates renewal of epidermis, rebalances physiologically and tones up. It is a very exclusive and expensive ingredient used only in very selective cosmetics. ATTENTION: MARINE STAMPS shouldn’t be dipped in tepid water or oil before heating, it could dilute sea salt which is one of its ingredients.

INDONESIAN STAMPS Wonderful mixture of few ingredients having refreshing and stimulating perfume – combination of lemongrass, ginger, cardamon and orange. After heating they liberate not only aromas, but antibacterial and relaxing qualities. Ginger warms up, energizes and relaxes muscles and has anti-oxidant activity. Cardamon is well known aphrodisiac, but also rejuvenating element, finally orange refreshes, calms nerves and muscular tensions.

CHINESE STAMPS Characteristic fragrance of green jasmine tea and rice makes us suddenly travel to China. After heating stamps discover their properties. Green tea leaves, rich in teophillin and polyphenol compounds is natural anti-oxidant, fights with free radicals, makes skin younger. Sweet jasmine petals symbolize purity and spiritual agility, decrease tensions, refresh and relax our body. Rice oil smoothes, moisturizes and is well absorbed by the skin – in Asia often used in massages.

MARROCAN STAMPS – NEW!!! An extraordinary mixture of active elements, compatible with Thai traditional stamp massage. Although we have added to 3 basic ingredients: sweet dry orange, lemon and cinnamon, an extraordinary GHASSOUL clay. Stamps have intensive, very pleasant spicy perfume reminding old oriental market. Rich in vitamin C they are anti-oxidant and smoothing to the skin. Cinnamon stimulates senses, it also has disinfecting, relieving and improving concentration skills properties. The unique GHASSOUL clay naturally cleans and detoxifies, giving silky, gentle touch and texture. ATTENTION: ghassoul clay combined with massage oil or shea butter can leave on the skin thin, brown film; it is natural reaction due to its mineral property.


BATH SACHET NATURAL BATH INFUSIONS Bath sachets are an amazing proposal of relax in a tab filled with a natural infusion composed of nature treasures. These sachets are filled with highly mineral sea salt and herbs, spices and flowers of a healing properties, specially chosen for this product. Aromatic mixtures being a content of our sachets are equivalent to these used by us in ORGANIQUE professional massage stamps. This can be than also an offer joining relaxing bath virtues and unusual massage in one filled with the same favourite scent ritual.



PERU sea salt, coffee, tea with guarana, flowers of acacia and calendula energizing, anti-aeging and detoxifying, supports slimming and anti free radicals therapies

INDONESIA sea salt, lemongrass, ginger, cardamom and orange muscles relax and stimulation of senses, young effect activity and slightly warming up

CHINA sea salt, jasmine, green tea anti free radicals, relaxing and calming, appeasing and balancing senses

MOROCCO sea salt, dried orange, lemon, cinnamon, ghassoul clay detoxifying, rebalancing, improving concentration, smoothing and nourishing activity

SEA sea salt, fucus algae, ginseng detoxification and mineralization of the skin, young skin effect, anti-aeging and stimulation of the healing activity

for the best use of properties of the herbal-spices mixtures we recommend to drop a sachet in 1 liter of the hot water for about 5 minutes, the infusion made pour it into the tab and get in there for a scented bath.


SAVON NOIR BLACK OLIVE SOAP Unique natural soap made with traditional method in Morocco of black lives marc and olive oil. Known all around the world for its magical natural care properties. Has a look of a black paste which after being mixed with water becomes velvet and creamy, with a light foaming quality. A traditional lightly aromatic gel soap. Derived from the hulls of the black olive which are cold pressed, the soap, rich in vitamin E is suitable for all skin types, but should not be used on damaged skin. Savon Noir purifies the epidermis and removes dead cells. It softens gently your skin leaving it silky smooth in touch. Results of its use can bee seen from the very first time. Recommended to very dry and sensitive skin, even for small children’s. Essential oils can be added while using. At the start of the hammam process Savon Noir is rubbed in the body prior to exfoliation. The body and hair are then washed with Ghassoul. Finally oil, especially Argan oil is massaged into the skin. No wonder it is the right of every Moroccan woman to visit the hammam on a weekly basis. INGREDIENTS Aqua, Olea europaea, Sodium Hydroxide, Water, black olive, and lye made from the ash of the laurel tree (a very ancient recipe) Benefits: Deep cleans, removing toxins and dead skin cells, making skin softer and more translucent. The exfoliation activates the capillaries and lymph circulation. Savon Noir is rich in vitamin E and has an anti-microbial action. Can be also used for laundry, especially in the allergy cases. Mixed with water cleans perfectly and without causing irritations to those who are applying it. The use of SAVON NOIR changes completely the meaning of SOAP, changing washing and bath into caring with nature ritual.


ATTENTION: SAVON NOIR is also available in naturally perfumed versions with flower water • Orange flower • Rosemary • Lavender • Rose

SAVON DOUX A L’OLIVE Union of glycerin soap with savon noir properties. Helps eliminating dead cells of epidermis and toxins, softens and nourishes your skin. Thanks to glycerin content every day use effectively protects lipid layer on the skin and prevents from water shortage. Savon doux a l’olive is a source of healthy, moisturized skin and your good feeling about yourself. Recommended to all skin types, sensitive and emending ones also.




Aleppo soaps are used in some of the finest Spa Houses & Turkish baths all over the world. Using only 100% natural ingredients our soaps contain no animal fats, or unnecessary chemical additives, they are just luxurious, mild & gentle soaps with incredible purity and moisturizing properties, ideal for sensitive skins. The ancient city of Aleppo is home to some of the finest Olive Oil Soap producers in the Middle East. Laurel & Olive Oil soap has been produced in Syria for approximately 1300 years. The traditional Large blocks of soap are made by hand using traditional methods, these soaps are cut into blocks and stamped with the mark of the producer, the soaps are then set out to dry for 6 to 9 months on racks in well aerated arches. In the course of drying, not only does the outside get harder, but the colour transforms from an olive green to a beautiful deep gold. Soap is delivered in about 220g bars in 2 versions: 5-8% of laurel oil 12-15% of laurel oil



FLOWER WATER FRAGRANCE HYDROLATES Flower water and floral water are descriptive, but now outdated terms, used to describe the condensate water that remains after the extraction of an essential oil by water or steam distillation. When essential oils are produced this way, not all of the aromatic and healing principles held within the plant are actually captured in the essential oil. Certain components are hydrophilic, which means they dissolve into water, and this produces what is variously known as a flower water, hydrosol or hydrolate. What ever you choose to call it, the resulting fragrant water contains the very essence of everything that was contained within the plant when it was still alive and growing.




The Natural Rose Water is obtained through steam distillation from Rosa Damascena. It is a gently cleansing and toning product for all skin types. Maintains the pH balance, stimulates regeneration processes, has a calming effect in acne and sunburns. As a result the skin texture becomes even and elastic. It stretches and reduces irritations. Improves capillary condition. Recommended use: for compresses in acne and skin irritation; for nourishing and hydrating facial skin and hair masks; for moisturizing the body after bath; for damp baths in dry skin; for frictions in dry and damaged hair. Application: warm compresses for 10 – 15 minutes; damp baths – once a week; frictions – after washing the hair; body moisturizing – mornings and evenings with wet cotton ball. Ingredients: aqua, alcohol, Rosa Damascena. Does not contain preservatives, artificial coloring and fragrance. It gives a soft perfume to your skin, reduces wrinkles and

Geranium is a soothing, calming conditioner for dry, sensitive skin. It has hydrating properties and a scent a tad stronger than most floral waters. Geranium is known as a ‘balancer’ or the ‘happy oil’. It’s uses are many to treat: bruises, poor circulation, muscles and joints, cellulitis, respiratory ailments, stress related conditions etc. Spritz or pat directly on the skin. Our floral waters are made with 100% pure essentials oils and distilled water. They are 100% pure and free from any preservatives, alcohols or emulsifying agents. Enjoyed for the wonderful aroma, flower waters are medicinal and also provide hydrating and refreshing benefits to the skin. They can be misted onto the body and face, misted on linens; used as a deodorant, as a cooling agent, applied directly to the skin as a light fragrance or massage or poured into a bath. In summer tonifies and refreshes, in winter reduces central heating influence on our skin. It calms and rebalance your inner peace.

moisturizes. Acts also as antidepressant product.

ORANGE FLOWER Made in distillation of orange flower buds to obtain „neroli” essential oil. This hydrolate is highly moisturizing and refreshing. Contains many important to our skin elements, such provitamin A – deferring aging process, D-limonene which keeps elastyne fibres in a good shape. It also has many antioxidants. The sweet aroma of orange blossom makes this a delightful toner that smoothes fine lines and improves the appearance of thread veins. The toner removes cleanser residue and refines pores without being drying. It is therefore excellent for dry or mature skin. Perfect for greasy and mixed one too. Is antiphlogistic

LaVENDER Lavender floral water is known for its therapeutic properties, promoting relaxation and tranquility. This is one of the more relaxing and balancing hydrosols from our collection of flower waters. It is ideal for all skin types, especially oily and combination skin, and is an excellent coolant for minor burns, rashes, and hot sores. Mentally refreshing and marvelous on the emotions! Suitable for food and cosmetic use. Having a pH value very close to the natural value. it is cooling and healing, and can be used before and/or after shaving. A true His & Hers product. Refrigerate, or store in a cool place. Perfect for warm days as deodorant and UV protection.


SHEA BUTTER BODY BALM VELVET SMOOTHNESS The formulation of this natural balm is based on shea butter (KARITE) and its unique properties. Its use gives a long lasting moisture and oil effect on the dry skin. Shea butter improves protection of the skin against wind, low temperatures and UV radiation. The content of A, E, F vitamins and riches of fatty acids stimulates cells against ageing process. Reduces discoloration and wrinkles, regenerates epidermis proofing it from irritations. We added bees wax, essential oils for its nourishing and aromatherapeutic properties. They soothes and calm your skin.





Lemongrass essential oil is full of vitamin C. Tonifies the skin, strengthens dry epidermis and preserve it from cracking. Refreshes the skin and leave it clean, smooth and moisturized. Its intensive fragrance gives you energy for whole day.

Not banal, interesting aroma of white musk known and appreciated for thousands years. Balm cares beautifully and stimulates senses and covers your body with aura of sensuality.



Fresh and appetizing, with a a juicy guava fragrance balm reminds a small island full of sun and good emotions. Skin after it becomes smooth, shiny and scented and moisturized for a long time

Shea butter based balm with green tea is an offer for all lovers of revitalizing smells. Cares and moisturizes skin, supports a fight with free radicals and gives you energy for whole day



A real feast for coco lovers. Nourishing coco balm is a perfect body care for a dry and chapped skin, after it skin becomes silky and soft and covered for hours with aroma of fresh coco milk

Interesting match of orange sweetness with spicy chilli and body care properties of the balm, this one is really original with a note of zest, skin becomes smooth and intriguingly scented

VANILLA Mix of intensive care activity with aromatherapeutic property of the sweet vanilla. Vanilla known for its relaxing and anti-depressive virtues improves your mood and gets you into a blissful state leaving skin cradled with a perfect sweetness.

ORANGE Revitalizing balm for all skin type, gives you energy and better mood, thanks to a freshly squeezed orange smell. Skin is not only moisturized and elastic, but also radiant and scented with a orange grove

RASPBERRY Balm smelling raspberry fruits, smoothes and moisturizes the skin bringing a lot of vitamins. Fresh raspberry aroma gets you better and energized, skin gets vital and healthier

MILK Softly smelling fresh milk balm has a strong regenerating and nourishing properties. Recommended for dry, sensitive and allergic skins. A perfect complement to therapies with goat milk




Salt peelings, based on balneological salt mixed with natural oils, butters, bees wax and fragrances. They strongly clean and nourish leaving the skin with a protective film. Sea salt gently removes dead cells, stimulates micro-circulation and brings important elements to the skin. Oils, going deep in the skin, gives it vitamins and active elements essential for its health. After use skin becomes highly moisturized and elastic. These peelings support also the fight with cellulite by an intensive massage of risky parts of the body. The important thing is a double action – purifying and nourishing that we can get from these cosmetics.



The body whip is a very gentle product recommended to all skin types. Moisturizing intensively and caring ( thanks to 30% organic glycerin) and nice scents will stay for long on the clean, smooth skin They exist in several kinds: milk&jasmine, lemon&lime, flax, spicy, chocolate, mango, vanilla, Africa


CREAMY WHIP are avaliable aromatic compositions: • mILK and JASMIN 2010103 • LEMON & LIME 2010104 • cHOCOLATE 2010102 • mango 2010105 • VANILLA 2010106 • AfrICa 2010108 • epice 2010101 • lINEn

MILK with goat’s milk and jasmine, recommended to the skin demanding an intensive care – sensitive and dry. Firms and relax

BERGAMOTTE & LIME this connection of care with purifying effect, that peeling stimulates senses, refreshes the skin and revitalizes it by improving blood circulation.

SPICY perfect for men; activity of the spicy mixture leaves on the skin pleasant, fresh and reliefing scent.

ORANGE freshly smelling peeling cleans the skin, brings the vitamins and makes bright the tired skin

GHASSOUL CLAY thanks to its unique properties ghassoul clay with the salt perfectly detoxify and smooth, prepare the skin to other SPA treatments to be made

GREEK nicely scented with juicy grapes peeling smoothes and fortifies the skin, gives it nourishing elements and vitality

AFRICA remarkable aroma of African flowers caress senses and relax, make us travel deep in the hot continent


BATH SALT RELAX & AROMATHERAPY Unique and natural bath salts with herbs, spices, olive oil and essential oils change your bath from an ordinary activity into a special treatment and a source of many pleasant sensations.

Thanks to high quality ingredients bath taken with these aromatic salts has healthy influence on our organism. Salt itself contains many bio-elements, essential to a proper functions of our body. The micro-elements content in the salt is similar to that of our cellar fluid – it is easily assimilated. These micro-elements are for example: magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, silicon, potassium, selenium and others. Mixed with essential oils bath becomes a relaxing moment; reduces muscle and joints pains, relaxes and improves blood microcirculation. Skin after bath becomes brighter and silky delicate.




A trully royal bath. Apart from nourishing properties of goat milk, the salt contains also the marigold flower and grapefruit oil. The goat milk has invaluable care properties, it is rich in vitamins, proteins and lipids, it has a rejuvenating effect on skin. The marigold flower adds an anti-inflammatory and protective properties, it accelerates the regeneration of epidermis. Grapefruit oil has anti-cellulite properties, it refreshes the composition with a fresh and nice aroma.

The lavender oil can be used for many different purposes. A bath with lavender flowers and lavender oil has analgesic, relaxing and calming properties. It inhales and cleans the respiratory tracts. Its soothing, antiseptic a d anti-inflammatory properties make it very effective in different skin problems treatment, acne as well. An aromatic lavender bath is a perfect escape for tired and stressed out people.

ROSE SALT Rose tree oil and rose leaves have a noble, classical scent, transforming a bath into a luxury and sensual experience. A rose flower has been valued and appreciated since ever, and its oil perfectly regenerates and calms your senses. Salt with this exclusive oil has care properties, it relaxes and acts as an anti-depressant. The rose bath is an unforgetable aromatherapeutic sensation.

MANGO SALT The combination of a natural bath salt with a mouth-watering juicy mango fruit aroma, is an offer of a vitamin bath improving your mood. The sea salt provides the skin with the essential minerals, and the mango extract nourishes and revitalizes it. Exotic, fruity aroma transfers your mind to a fantastic beach with tropical white sand.


GHASSOUL CLAY SALT This unique ghassoul clay, with its natural cosmetic properties has been used since antiquity. A bath with a ghassoul clay salt is a purifying, firming and intesively smoothing ritual. It supports the struggle against cellulite and striaes, accelerates the the eliminations of toxins. Its herbal aroma will perfectly relaxes.

ALGAE SALT Algae contains all the natural resources of the sea. FUCUS VESICULOSUS, which is one of algae salt components, is rich in iodine and many other essential elements. A bath with this salt is a SPA sea travel, recommended especially for sensitive skin, demanding firming and nourishing. The synergy of sea salt and algae regenerates and fortifies; it also accelerates the slimming process.

SPICY (EPICE) SALT – ‘MEN LINE’ Recommended especially to men for its masculine spicy scent. Fresh aroma ideally matches SPA treatments for men. Sea salt remineralizes and fortifies the skin, relaxes muscles and reduces the feeling of fatigue.

Many other aromatic combinations are available on client’s request.

A bath with a mixture of mint leaves and lime oil is a real refreshing adventure. It stimulates and tones up the body and its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it perfect for greasy skin. This salt is also recommended in the treatment of colds and sore throat as it perfectly cleans the respiratory tracts.


BATH POWDER SCENTED RELAXATION A unique formula of a gentle bath powder guarantees nutrition, lubrication, protection and skin care. Starch, which is one of its components, perfectly soothes irritations. Witch-hazel tones up and accelerates healing and regeneration of skin. The natural oil components and their aromatherapeutic effects relax and calm your senses. Bath powders are recommended for all skin types, especially dry and weak, and demanding to be nourished and more elastic. A bath with the selected Organique bath powder reduces tiredness, unwinds, and makes your skin look bright, smooth, shiny and covered with a natural scent for hours. Bath powders may be used before professional treatments of manicure and pedicure as a preparing bath for hands and feet.




goat milk perfectly nourishes and strenghtens your skin providing it with essential vitamins; a soft aroma of jasmine completes the delicate composition.

softens and soothes your skin, has an anti-inflammatory influence, makes you feel relaxed and calmed down.

Lime & LEMON energizes and revitalizes the skin, provides it with vitamin C; marigold flower extract protects the skin.

EPICE a sensual, spicy aroma calms and relaxes; perfect for men.

MANGO perfectly nourishing, provides your skin with essential elements, exotic fragrance improves your mood.

GREEK revitalization and vitamin power; fresh aroma of juicy grapes.



nourishing; strong mouth-watering aroma raises the level of endorfins and improves your mood.

rich in vitamin C, tones up, regenerates and nourishes; cinnamon captivates your senses.



relaxes and soothes your senses, leaving your body shrouded in a mist of sweet and captivating aroma.

a vitamin bomb, revitalizing and regenerating.

FLAX cares and protects even the most demanding skin.

BAMBOO tones up and makes your skin look more flexible; its soft and pleasant aroma helps to balance body and senses.



a warm aroma of African flowers appeals to your senses and deeply relieves; it transfers your mind into the centre of Black Land.

contains the Dead Sea salt which has certain healing and inhaling properties; a fresh ocean breeze aroma.

MAGNOLIA smoothes and nourishes the skin, the mysterious aroma of ideally beautiful flowers captivates your senses.

ROSE regenerates and softens, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent; the royal fragrance of rose has antidepressive properties.

HONEY softens, cares and makes the skin more flexible; perfect for sensitive and dry skin, ylang-ylang oil produces the aromatherapeutic effect.


BATH BOMBS HAND MADE & NATURAL An attractive and original product, highly appreciated as a gift, used both in home and in professional SPA. Beautiful fragrances, colourful bombs and a crazy fizzing body care effect will make every day unique. Bath bombs change your bath into a undiscovered sensual experience, your skin becomes properly moisturized and oily. Aromatherapeutic effects of essential oils, enriched with herbs, flowers and grains. Organique bath bombs are both attractive and practical - every bomb may be divided into two separate bath portions, which you may also use in special linen bags, available with our products. Bath bombs leave your skin perfumed and silky smooth.




goat milk perfectly nourishes and strenghtens your skin providing it with essential vitamins; a soft aroma of jasmine completes the delicate composition.

softens and soothes your skin, has an anti-inflammatory influence, makes you feel relaxed and calmed down.

Lime & LEMON energizes and revitalizes the skin, provides it with vitamin C; marigold flower extract protects the skin.

EPICE a sensual, spicy aroma calms and relaxes; perfect for men.

MANGO perfectly nourishing, provides your skin with essential elements, exotic fragrance improves your mood.

GREEK revitalization and vitamin power; fresh aroma of juicy grapes.



nourishing; strong mouth-watering aroma raises the level of endorfins and improves your mood.

rich in vitamin C, tones up, regenerates and nourishes; cinnamon captivates your senses.



relaxes and soothes your senses, leaving your body shrouded in a mist of sweet and captivating aroma.

a vitamin bomb, revitalizing and regenerating.

FLAX cares and protects even the most demanding skin.

BAMBOO tones up and makes your skin look more flexible; its soft and pleasant aroma helps to balance body and senses.



a warm aroma of African flowers appeals to your senses and deeply relieves; it transfers your mind into the centre of Black Land.

contains the Dead Sea salt which has certain healing and inhaling properties; a fresh ocean breeze aroma.

MAGNOLIA smoothes and nourishes the skin, the mysterious aroma of ideally beautiful flowers captivates your senses.

ROSE regenerates and softens, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent; the royal fragrance of rose has antidepressive properties.

HONEY softens, cares and makes the skin more flexible; perfect for sensitive and dry skin, ylang-ylang oil produces the aromatherapeutic effect.


ORGANIC CLICERINE SOAPS Composed of the highest quality organic glycerine, plant extracts, oils and herbal elements. A wide colour range and plenty of natural elements, lets you choose the most approppriate, perfectly moisturizing soap, which does not cause the feeling of irritation on any type of skin. Available variants: ROSE TREE LEMONGRASS TEA TREE PACHOULI&LAVENDER&LEMON GINGER&JUNIPER&EUCALYPTUS CEDER&GRAPEFRUIT GRAPEFRUIT


ORGANIC SPA SOAPS Deeply moisturizing, soft glycerine soaps, natural components, without aromatic oils. Available variants: OLIVE OIL gentle care for eternally young skin GHASSOUL CLAY for capillary, acne and sensitive skin GOAT’S MILK provitamin A, natural nourishing SHEA BUTTER moisturizing, dry skin care BENTONITE CLAY microelements for oily/greasy skin


BATH FOAM PEARL BENEFITS The soft bath foam is a perfect care product for the professional as well as for the home SPA. Rich foam, combined with nourishing elements, essential oils and moisturizing effects of glycerine, guarantees the unforgettable character of a bath. A dash of pearl extract makes the skin look rejuvenated and revitalized; your skin looks silky smooth and bright. A bath with the selected Organique bath foam gently cleans and smoothes your skin, leaving a light mist of unique aroma. Available variants: CHOCOLATE relaxing, strenghtening for the skin MILK regenerating, nourishing EPICE (SPICES) spicy, refreshing, for men GREEK grapy, moisturising ORANGE refreshing, revitalizing AFRICA moisturizing, aromatherapy


Wszystkie Państwa zapytania dotyczące współpracy, programów partnerskich dla gabinetów, hoteli SPA oraz szkół prosimy kierować: +48 666 895 706 Manager ds. SPA & Wellness

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