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Editorial Note

IN THIS ISSUE: - From the Desk of the Administrator -3 -EARTHQUAKE SAFETY DRILL -4 - Farewell


- Walk - The - Talk




- International Women’s Day Celebration -9 - Youth For Social Transformation - Jesus Youth A New Core Team - 10 - Journalism For Social Action - 11 - Dr. Martin Kasper Visits His NAGA Children - 12 Pages:

“Time is one thing that can never be retrieved. One may lose and regain friends. One may lose and regain money. Opportunity once spurned, may never come again. But the hours that are lost in idleness can never be brought back to be used in gainful pursuits.” – Winston Churchill We all know time is a special gift given to all in abundance. But there are different results seen in the light of one’s success and achievements. We have seen around us people who really govern time and became great; at the same time there are people who flounder with their time and fail to achieve anything big. It is a well known fact that success and achievement never happen at the spur of the moment. They are always accompanied by one’s act of proper and correct usage of time. No matter what sector we are in, people who value time bring about a lot of changes in themselves and others as well. The success of one’s future depends on how one values time. Let this saying of Charles Burton always ring in our ears; “You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” Henceforth plan and make your own time then if you want to have a successful life. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

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Don Bosco College, Maram

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VOICE From the Desk of the Administrator WHERE DOES IT BEGIN

In the summer of 1986, two ships collided in the Black Sea, causing a tragic loss of life. The news of the disaster was further darkened when an investigation revealed the cause of the accident. The blame did not belong to defective radar or thick fog but to human stubbornness. Both captains were aware of the other ship’s presence and could have taken evasive action to avert the collision. But according to news reports, neither wanted to give way to each other. Each was too proud and stubborn to yield the right-of-way. The massive earth quake and the enormous tsunami waves that shook and swept respectively, the shores and beyond Japan, perhaps the most economically advanced land on the earth, I am sure has shocked every one of us. Events that are taking place in Egypt, Tunisia, Yamen, Bahrain, Jordan, Libiya, Syria, etc., are examples of stubbornness and pride of individuals who do not want to give way to others and for their rights. In the case of Japan we see that nature has brought upon it a great calamity, however, in the latter cases we find that the calamity is man-made, which could be averted. How many more such man-made calamities are required before humans learn to be humble and receptive? This careless attitude of humankind continues even in their outlook towards the earth. Earth is ill and it is in an advanced stage of exhaustion. Human beings have lost the connectedness with the nature. Here I am reminded of what William Wordsworth has expressed looking at nature and what human beings have made it:

To her fair works did Nature link The human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think What Man has made of Man.

Today most are talking about global warming, greenhouse effect, climate change, environmental pollution, etc. New words have found their place in the popular lexicon, smog, acid rain, toxic waste, etc. Pollution and global warming are much discussed and debated about in the world level. We too have started experiencing the effects of careless attitude towards our mother earth. Water scarcity earlier experienced only in certain pockets, is now a common phenomenon. Air pollution has become one of the biggest killers in urban areas, and it is catching up with the rural areas as well. Land productivity is on the decline. Deforestation is another alarming trend which has led to global warming. We are already experiencing lack of rain due to deforestation. Forests are very much essential to humans as they prevent soil erosion, absorb CO2 and release oxygen and keep the environment cool so that rain falls in season. Without forests, life cannot survive on earth. Human beings by destroying forests at an alarming rate, is bringing their own doom. Let us therefore, care about the others and their rights knowing that our careless and thoughtless actions are going to affect us, others and the entire planet earth. Let us become a little more responsible in our actions and let our actions make us more connected with nature, because it all begins with INDIVIDUALS. Fr. Roy Mannattel Sdb


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Don Bosco College, Maram

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Alarmed by the untold havoc created by the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit the city of Sendai in Japan, a mock drill was conducted in the college on March 14 after the first hour of the college . It was supervised by the college authority and the staffs. It took less than a couple of minutes for the students to dash out of their respective classrooms and finally all gathered in the assembly ground.


Prior to the drill, the Principal Rev. Fr. Benny James SDB, briefed the students about the present plight of Japan and suggested some dos and don’ts of action when earthquake takes place anytime, anywhere. Safety zones and exit points of the college were also identified and notified to the students, should the tremor happen during class hours. Lophro Kohusii

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Don Bosco College, Maram

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A grant farewell programme was organised by the Class XI students on behalf of the college to send off the class XII students. A number of items were presented by the Higher Secondary and the degree students. Inspiring messages and exhortations were given through the melodious hymns and skits. Gifts were given to all the outgoing students and refreshments were served for all. An outgoing student noted after the programme that their juniors had shown an unbelievable and outstanding performance. N. Rosa Cl. XI E


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Don Bosco College, Maram

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Very Rev. Sr. Therese Leena, the Superior General of the Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (SMMI) who paid a visit to the college on March 2 was interviewed by the special correspondents of our Digital Newsletter.  A hearty welcome Mother to our college. Well, this is your first visit to Maram. What is your impression about the place?  I am extremely happy to see the development taking place here. I can see the shaping of the future in this institution. I am very happy to see the contribution of the missionaries.  Given that your congregation has its presence in all the continents, the responsibilities on your shoulders are heavy. How do you manage your heavy schedule?  I don’t do the work alone. I have my Councillors at the centre and Provincials to whom the works are delegated. We don’t decentralize everything. I am here in North East for about six weeks or so and I know the work goes on. In my tenure of six years, I have to visit all the communities in the world once only. We do things together.  You have a good number of sisters working across the globe. Do you get vocations from North-East India?  Oh no! We are few in number. We are altogether about 2000 Sisters. However the growth of vocations is steady. Yes, we do get local vocations, some of whom are working abroad. 

What are the points of contrast between Indian and French culture?

 A lot of differences. Our decorations for example, the French don’t have much decoration like we do. They don’t spend money on jewelleries like the Indians. We Indians are sociable by nature while the French are not so. They love to read even while travelling and don’t easily get into conversation with others. I do really admire the honesty and hard work of the French. Pages:

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Don Bosco College, Maram

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What is the mission and vision of your congregation?

 We engage ourselves mainly in the empowerment of women especially those living in the fringe of the society and help them restore their God-given dignity. We do this through schools, social services, Self Help Groups, Family Counselling etc. We have a networking with civil authorities particularly the police while we rescue people from human trafficking which are quite common today. 

Any message for the Maram Bosconians please, mother?

 As I have said I’m extremely happy to see the development of this land and people. Well, my message: I would like that they don’t go for power competition but that they may utilise their God-given talents at the service of others.


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Don Bosco College, Maram

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Maram March 5: The district level debating competition on the topic ‘No ProActive Exclusion prevails in Manipur’ was organised in Don Bosco College, Maram, sponsored by the Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Humanism Policy (CSSEIP) under Manipur University. Rev. Sr. Rosemary Kazhiia, the Vice Principal and Convenor of the competition welcomed the guests and participants. Dr. Thathang Vaiphei (MU representative) during the inaugural function noted “I was blown off my feet not only by the wind but also by the scenery, the well maintained campus


and the education imparted here.” He also said that the main idea behind organising such a debate competition was to create “awareness in citizens of Manipur of what it means by Social Exclusion.” “Debate is not simply a quarrel but an expression of ideas which is convincing to the opponents,” said Rev. Fr. Benny James, the Principal of the host college. The competition participated by six students from two institutions viz. Don Bosco Higher Sec. School Science Maram and Don Bosco College Maram. The debate moderated by Rev. Fr. M.D. Varghese SDB lasted for four rounds during which each debater expressed his or her views within the stipulated time. Three intellectuals of the region – Adani Peter, Kanga Regina and Nehemiah judged the competition. The well presented debate ended at 1:30 p.m. Cash awards of Rs. 2000, 1500 and 1000 were given to the winners. The First Prize was bagged by Mausopam Kasar of English 2nd year, Second by Peter of BCA 2nd year and third by Paveinii Lanah of Sociology 3rd year, all from Don Bosco College, Maram. The first two winners will be prepared for the next round in the State Level. James Yepthomi

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Don Bosco College, Maram

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The women’s cell of Don Bosco College Maram organised the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2011 with the theme: “Equal Access to Education, Training and Science and Technology Pathway to Decent Work for Women.” Miss R.K Elizabeth, programme Manager of Rural Health Mission, Senapati District was the chief guest of the day. In her address she emphasized on improving the living condition of women in today’s world. She also added that it is ‘that human attitude’ which creates a large gap between men and women and it is the same which


bridges this gap. In her message to the women, she urged each of them to know their rights and contribute their share in building up a better society. Rev. Fr. Benny, the Principal, also highlighted the plight of the women in the past and the effect of which is still seen today in different parts of the world. The short programme also saw a good number of outstanding women personalities walking down the ramp. Yurthingla K. Shimray. BA 3 English Dept.

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Don Bosco College, Maram

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BEAUTY TIPS Here is a set of TIPS FOR YOU TO BE SMART AND BEAUTIFUL: For attractive lips speak kind words For lovely eyes see the good in others For good ears be compassionate to other For Beautiful hands do charity For a slim figure share your food with the poor For a pure heart, love your neighbours For a humble life be merciful to the needy For a bright face give your smile to others PHYSICAL BEAUTY HAS NO VALUE IF THIS BEAUTY TIPS ARE NOT THERE Heni Komuha (Source: Internet)

JESUS YOUTH A NEW CORE TEAM The newly constituted Core Team was formally installed during the prayer meeting on 17th February 2011 in the presence of Rev. Fr. Benny James, the Principal, Sr. Annie FCC, Bro. Jacob Prajosh, JYfulltimer and more than 40 Jesus Youths. Fr. Benny officially announced the team. Before praying Father exhorted the team to move ahead courageously in their mission. He said that the team must have clear vision and mission to keep the movement vibrant. “Gather enough materials and resources in the beginning to accomplish any work. Follow the rocket launching method,” he added. He then invited the congregation to join him in Pages:

prayer and then invoked God’s blessings upon them. After the prayer, Mr. Bosco Chongloi, the new coordinator thanked Father and the congregation for their prayers. He requested the cooperation and support of everyone in the movement in working for the Lord. He also thanked the outgoing core team members. It is worth noting that the first Core Team of JY Maram was formed on 11th Oct.2008. We wish the new team all the best in their ministry and pray for God’s choicest blessings on them. Samuel Baite BA 3 English Dept.

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Don Bosco College, Maram

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A three - day intensive journalism course with the theme “Journalism for Social Action” was conducted by the Campus Ministry of Don Bosco College from 24th -26th February 2011. Forty students of Don Bosco College Maram participated in the programme. Rev. Fr. Tarcisius Toppo SDB, Director of Mass Communication of the Salesian Province of Dimapur was the resource person. After giving general ideas on journalism he dealt mainly on the print media. He taught the students the art of news reporting, writing articles, features, etc. He said “A journalist is one who knows something of everything.” He further added that the youths are the pillars of the society who can voice their desires and aspirations for the people.


In the course of the training students were given the chance to move around the campus and interview the various departments of the college. They were also sent out to interview the neighbouring villages to get information on the various life situations of the people. The effect of the training was seen through the works of the students who prepared newspapers in their own creative ways. The young journalists in the making are also actively involved in the coming issues of the digital newsletter of the college launched in Nov. 2010. Jijo K. Xavier BSc 2 Botany Dept.

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Don Bosco College, Maram

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DR. MARTIN KASPER VISITS HIS NAGA CHILDREN On 15th of February 2011, Dr. M a r t i n Kasper from Germany visited the two year old AICUF unit of Don B o s c o Maram. Taking this privilege, the AICUF u n i t inaugurated the tuition for the year 2011 in the presence of Rev. Fr. Benny SDB, the Principal, Sr. Rosemary Kazhiia FMA, the Vice Principal and others. Dr. Kasper in his speech advised the students through the parable of the Balloon and noted, “The uneducated will fall to the ground.” He said: “Fill yourselves with knowledge

and learning experience to change your family and society.” He promised to support the students by providing Mobile Library to the villages for the upliftment of the students. He said, “change is possible.” Everyone present was inspired by his works and generosity. The progress of the activity was shown when one of the tutors commented that majority of the students came up with better results after attending the tuition. A power point presentation on the works accomplished by AICUF during 2009 – 2010 was presented. The students showed a warm gesture of appreciation and gratitude through a few items put up. Behind the cheerful smiles of the children were the words unconcealed, “Do not abandon us.” The function concluded with the distribution of exercise books, bags and uniforms to the students. Eiline Rose BA 3 English Dept.

Don Bosco College, Maram E-mail:, 03871-265204, 9612127655, 9436027982 Layout Design: Amit Kumar Pages:

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Don Bosco College, Maram

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