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46 Easy Journey to Other Planets

all-attractive Personality of Godhead, Sri KrfffJa. Although one may not be aware of this, there is definite information of the creator given in Vedic literatures such as the Bhagavad-gftd and especially the Srfmad-Bhdgavatam.

Whenasatelliteisthrownintoouterspace,achild may not understand that there are scientific brains behindit,butanintelligentadultrealizesthatscientific brains on earth are controlling the satellite. Similarly,lessintelligentpersonsdonothaveinformation of the creator and His eternal abode in the spiritual world, which is far beyond our range of visibility,butinactualitythereisaspiritualsky,and spiritual planets which are more spacious and greater in number thanplanetsin the material sky. Fromthe Bhagavad-gftd wereceiveinformationthat the material universe only constitutes a fraction (onefourth) ofthecreation. Suchinformationisextensivelyavailableinthe Srfmad-Bhdgavatam andin other Vedicliteratures.

Iflivingenergycanbegeneratedinthescientist's laboratory by "the interaction of certain physical andchemicalcombinations," thenwhyhaven'tthe boastful material scientists been able to manufacturelife? Theyshouldknow definitelythatspiritual forceisdistinctfrommatterandthatsuchenergyis not possible to produce by any amount of material adjustment. AtpresentRussiansandAmericansare undoubtedly very much advanced in many departmentsoftechnologicalscience,buttheyarestillignorant of the spiritual science. They will have to learnfrom superior intelligence in order tomake a perfect and progressive human society.

The Russians are unaware that in the SrimadBhagavatam the socialist philosophy is most perfectly described. The Bhagavatam instructs that whatever wealth exists-all natural resources (agricultural, mining, etc.)-is created by the ultimate creator, and therefore every living being has a right to take part of them. It is further said that a man should only possess as much wealth as is sufficient to maintain his body, and that if he desires more than that, or if he takes more than his share, he is subject to punishment. It is also stated that animals should be treated as one's own children.

We believe that no nation on earth can describe socialism as well as the Srimad-Bhdgavatam. Living beings other than humans can be treated as brothers and children only when one has a full conception of the creator and the actual constitution of the living being.

Man's desire to be deathless is realized only in the spiritual world. As stated at the beginning of this essay, a desire for eternal life is a sign of dormant spiritual life. The aim of human civilization should be targeted to that end. It is possible for every human being to transfer himself to that spiritual realm by the process of bhakti-yoga, as described herein. It is a great science, and India has produced many scientific literatures by which the perfection of life may be realized.

Bhakti-yoga is the eternal religion of man. At a time when material science predominates all subjects-including the tenets of religion-it would be

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