2 minute read
Easy Journey to Other Planets
can become happy. That is the program of Kr!?Qa consciousness.
We are taking advice from the Supreme Person. He says, "My dear Arjuna, you may be elevated to the highest planetary system, which is called Brahmaloka and is desirable because life there is very long." We cannot calculate even a half-day there. It is beyond our mathematical calculations. But even in Brahmaloka there is death. Therefore Kr!?Qa says, "Do not waste your time trying to elevate yourself or transfer yourself from this planet to that planet."
The people I have seen in America are very restless. They go from one apartment to another apartment or from one country to another country. That restlessness is there because we are searching after our real home. To go from this place to that place will not give eternal life. Eternal life is with Kr!?Qa. Therefore Kr!?Qa says, "Everything belongs to Me, and I have the superexcellent abode, whicb is called Goloka Vrndavana." If one wants to go there, he must simply become Kr!?Qa conscious and try to understand how Kr!?Qa appears and disappears, what His constitutional position is, what our constitutional position is, what our relationship with Him is, and how to live. Simply try to understand these ideas scientifically. Everything in Kr!?Qa consciousness is scientific. It is not bogus, whimsical, sentimental, fanatical or imaginary. It is truth, fact, reality. One must understand Kr!?Qa in truth. We have to give up this body, willingly or unwillingly. The day will come when we will have to submit to the laws of nature and give up this body. Even President Kennedy in his procession had to submit to nature's law and change his body for another body. He could not say, "Oh, I am the President; I am Mr. Kennedy. I cannot do that." He was forced to do it. That is the way nature works.
The purpose of our developed human consciousness is to understand how nature works. Aside from human consciousness, there is consciousness in dogs, cats, worms, trees, birds, beasts and all other species. But we are not meant to live in that consciousness. The Srimad-Bhagavatam says that after many, many births we have attained the human form of body. Now we should not misuse it. Please utilize this human life to develop KnnJ.a consciousness and be happy.
Apara prakrti-lnferior or material energy.
A$!dliga-yoga-The materialistic art of controlling the airs of the body for transferal to any planet desired.
Bhagavan-The opulent one, the living being who is the fountainhead of all energies.
Bhakti-yoga-Loving devotional service unto Kr�Q.a-the activity of superior energy.
Bhava-Attachment, the stage prior to love of Godhead.
Brahma-The first living being in the created material world, the presiding deity of this universe.
Brahman-Effulgence emanating from the transcendental body of Lord Kr�Q.a.
Brahm({jyoti-The spiritual bodily �ffulgence of Kr�Q.a.
Brahma-pada-Occupation of the post of Brahma.
Brahma-randhra-Hole on the topmost part of the skull. By lifting the vital force to the brahmarandhra, a yogi can leave the gross and subtle bodies and reach the transcendental VaikuQ.!ha planets.
Dhuma-Dark, moonless fortnight. Those who die during this opportune period for death may rise up to higher planets, only to return again, after death, to the earthly planet.
Gw:tas-The modes of nature.
Hare-A form of address to the energy of the Lord.