2 minute read
Easy Journey to Other Planets
what is now future, tomorrow will be present. But this past, present and future are the past, present and future of the body. We do not belong to the category of the past, present and future. We belong to the category of eternity. Therefore oneshould be concerned with how to attain or how to be elevated to the platform of eternity. The developed consciousness of the human being should be utilized not in the animal propensities of eating, sleeping, mating and defending but in searching out the valuable path which will help him get that life of eternity. It is said that the sun is taking away our duration of life-every minute, every hour, every day-but if we engage ourselves in the topics of Uttama-sloka, the topics of the Lord, that time cannot betakenaway. ThetimeonedevotesinaKr�I).aconsciousness temple cannot be taken away. It is an asset-a plus, not a minus. The duration of life, so farasthe bodyisconcerned, maybetaken; however one tries to keep it intact, no one can do it. But the spiritual education we receive in Kr�Qa consciousness cannot be taken away by the sun. It becomes a solid asset.
Chanting Hare Kr�Qa, Hare Kr�Qa, Kr�Qa Kr�Qa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Riima, Hare Hare is a very easy thing to do. Time spent chanting cannot be taken away like time pertaining to the body. Fifty years ago I was a young man, but that time has been taken and cannot be returned. ThespiritualknowledgeIreceivedfrommyspiritual master, however, cannot be taken away, but will go with me. Even after I quit this body, it will go with me; and if it is perfect in this life, then it will take rrie to the eternal abode.
Both the material and spiritual worlds belong to Kr�Qa. We are not proprietors of anything. It is all the property of the Supreme Lord, just as everything in the state belongs to the government, either in the prison house or outside the prison house. Conditioned life is just like life in a prison house in this material world. A prisoner cannot freely change from one cell to another. In free life one can go from one home to another home, but in prison life one cannot do that but must stay in his cell. All these planets are like cells. We are trying to go to the moon, but it is not practical by mechanical means. Whether we are American, Indian, Chinese or Russian, we have been given this planet to live on. We cannot leave-although there are millions and billions of planets and although we have machines by which we can-because we are conditioned by the laws of nature, God's laws. A man who is put into a certain cell cannot change at will without superior authority. Kr�Qa says in the Bhagavad-gita that one shm.dd not try to change from one cell to another. That will not make anyone happy. If a prisoner thinks, "I am in this cell-let me request the warden to change my cell, and I will be happy," that is a mistaken idea. One cannot be happy so long as he is within the prison walls. We are trying to be happy by changing cells-from capitalism to communism. The aim should be to become free from this "ism" and that "ism." One has to change completely from this "ism" of materialism; then he