1 minute read


Red Chilli

Dried Chilli

I have given this recipe before but am repeating it because it is a classic favourite and also because as well as serving it with pasta you can use it to add zest to other dishes.

It is very easy to make but calls for quite a lot of basil, and also pine nuts, which I am fully aware are expensive, although you do not need many.

You can use walnuts instead, but the result is quite different, since in this case the basil and cheese bring out the flavour of the nuts rather than the nuts enhancing the basil; nonetheless it is excellent in its own way. (Use only walnuts - other nuts do not work so well.)

I have given quantities for 2-3, because you may have only a small basil plant and not want to pick too many leaves. Take those from near the bottom of the stems rather than the top. For 2-3. . - INGREDIENTS -

2-3 fat sprigs parsley

About 16 basil leaves

I oz/25 g Parmesan cheese

I medium clove garlic

I oz/25 g pine nuts

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt Pepper


Trim off the parsley stems; pull the basil leaves from the stalks if necessary. Wash, blot dry with kitchen paper and roughly chop. Finely grate the cheese.

2 Peel and roughly chop the garlic and crush in a pestle and mortar. Add the chopped herbs, the nuts and I tablespoon of the oil (ifyou add all the oil at this stage, it will splatter). Pound to a thick paste.

3 Stir in the cheese, the remaining tablespoon of oil, a very little salt and slightly more pepper. The pesto is now ready to serve.

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