1 minute read


Forthis, use I ozJ25 g walnut pieces instead of pine nutsand 3 not 2 tablespoons oil; otherwise, the recipe is as on page 39.


The spinach takes 6-7 minutes to boil and can be cooked ahead of time (the day before if necessary); otherwise the sauce can be made in only about 5 minutes.

As its flavour depends on it, use real spinach (ideally pulled up by the roots), rather than Swiss chard or sea-kale beet, which have large, dark leaves and thick white stems and, although good in theirown way, would be disappointing in this recipe.

Do not use skim-milksoftcheeseas it may curdle when heated. Serve with spaghetti or tagliatelle and grated Parmesan. For 3-4.


I Ib/500 9 spinach


2 oz/50 9 Parmesan Cheese

6 oz/190 9 medium-fat soft cheese

4 large cloves garlic

I tablespoon olive oil

1/2 oZ/15 9 butter

Large saucepan with a lid


If the spinach was bought with roots, pull them off. Pick over, throwing away anyweeds ordamaged leaves, and wash. twice if necessary. Pack into the saucepan with I tablespoon waterand 112 teaspoon salt. put on the lid and cook over medium heatfor 5-6 minutes or until the spinach is submerged in juice and tender; stir once after about 4 minutes. Turn into a sieve or colander set over a bowl and press out as much liquid as possible with the back of a spoon. Chop fairly finely. Add the cooking liquor to the water in which you boil the pasta. If you have cooked the spinach in advance, allow to cool, cover and store in the refrigerator until you need it; do the same with the cooking liquid if you have room (it is not, however, vital to the dish).

2 Grate the Parmesan. To ensure that it is not stiff, mash the soft cheese with a fork. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Warm the oil and butter over brisk heat in a frying-pan, add the garlic and shake fora moment ortwo until it has flavoured the oil and is beginning tochange colour. Remove from the heatand stir in the spinach. Return to the heat very briefly, stirring continuously; remove, add and stir in the soft cheese, and very briefly heat again (if the cheese becomes too hot, it may tum stringy). Tum off the heat, stir in the Parmesan and serve immediately.

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