1 minute read



I Wash the courgettes, pare off any brownish streaks or damaged patches of skin and trim the ends. Cut into slices

1f2 inch/l cm thick. Sprinkle with fine salt and leave in a colander for 30 minutes-I hour to sweat. Rinse under the cold tap and set on a plate lined with kitchen paper to dry.

2 Peel and roughly chop I clove of garlic. Wash the basil, blot dry with kitchen paper, pull off the leaves and tear them into pieces. Chop the butter into small dice. Put the chopped garlic into a mortar and crush. Add the butter and basil, season with a little salt (very little if the butter is salted) and slightly more pepper. Pound to a paste.

3 Peel and finely chop the rest of the garlic.

4 Make sure that the courgettes are dry (otherwise, the oil may spit when you put them into the pan). If necessary, wipe them with more kitchen paper. Place a large plate lined with fresh paper by the frying-pan. Put I tablespoon oil into the pan, warm ita little and add as many ofthe courgette slices aswill fit over the bottom in one layer (you will probably have to fry them in two sessions). Season with very iittle salt but slightly more pepper and fry over medium to brisk heat for 2-3 minutes or until golden on each side. Set each slice when ready on the paper-lined plate to drain off surplus oil. Add more oil to the pan if necessary.

5 When all the slices are fried, pour just a little more oil into the pan, put in all the remaininggarlic (unless some peopleare adding prawns) and allow it to fry until just starting to colour, shaking the pan so that it cooks evenly. Remove the pan from the stove and lower the heat. Put in all the courgette slices, set over lowish heat and turn gently for 1-2 minutes or until hot and crisp. Stir in the basil butter and serve as soon as it has melted.

Anyone who is adding prawns should reserve their share of uncooked garlic, fried courgette and butter, and fry the prawns in the pan with the garlic. Cooking is then finished as above.

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