1 minute read


Although the amount of flour used in this recipe is only halfas much as for shortcrust pastry, it is sufficient to cover an 8'12 inch/22 cm tart tin or dish.

This pastry is particularly good made with a mixture of granary and white flour.

Relatively accurate metric equivalents rather than convenient approximations are given here as precise proportions are important.


2 oz/60 g granary nour and

2 oz/60 g plain white flour or

4 oz/125 g wholemeal flour, plus extra for dusting


1/4 pint/142 ml double cream

2 oz/50 g butter straight from the refrigerator

Rolllng�pin (or clean milk or beer bottle)

Board or surface for roiling out

81/2 Inchl22 cm tart tin or pie dish


Blend the flour(s) and salt. Make a well in the middle and pour in the cream. Form into a ball, wrap in foodwrap and chill for 20--30 minutes in the refrigerator.

2 Cut the butter into 8 thin slices. Generously dust the rollingpin and board or surface with flour. Roll the dough into a thick oblong. Sprinkle with flour, place 2 slices of butter on one half of it and fold into a square. Roll out and repeat 3 times until all the butter has been incorporated.

3 Set the tart tin or pie dish conveniently to hand. Flour the pin and board, then roll out the pastry as described for shortcrust (see page 52), gathering it up and re-rolling if it sticks to the board or breaks. Line the tart tin.

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