1 minute read



8 oz/250 g grapes (seedless are quicker to prepare)

4 firm tomatoes or 8 oz/250 g cherry tomatoes

I ordinary or rosy grapefruit

2 kiwi fruit

2 bananas

1 apple

A few drops lemon iuice

1'12 Ib1750 g plain cottage cheese

Salt Pepper

2 passion fruit


1 Wash the grapes and blot dry with kitchen paper; halve them and take out the pips if necessary. Wash or peel the tomatoes and remove stalks.

2 Peel the grapefruit: to remove all the pith, do not pull offthe skin but use a sharp knife. Chop or slice the flesh, discarding the pips, and put a quarter of it in a neat �eap on the side of each of 4 plates. Peel the kiwi fruit (again using the knife), trim the stalk end and slice; arrange on the side of each plate opposite the grapefruit. Peel and slice the bananas and place between the grapefruit and kiwi fruit. Wash, quarter, core and chop the apple, sprinkle with a little lemon juice to prevent it from going brown and set next to the banana. Arrange the grapes and tomatoes in the gaps between the other fruit so that all but an emptyspace in the middle ofeach plate is filled.

3 Season the cottage cheese with salt and pepper to taste. Wash and halve the passion fruit. place a half in the centre of each plate. Surround with the cheese and serve.

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