SOULED OUT : April 2016 Issue

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because when you bare your everything you offer will sell out.

Magic is real.

Money is sacred.

Marketing is sweet. APRIL ISSUE 2016

CONTENTS Magic is real. Money is sacred. Marketing is sweet. Jessica Wilde shares how to overcome writer ' s block . Story on p . 20

MONTHLY MANTRA by Kris Oster, Ph.D 3 RAW: Radically Authentic Words Stripped Bare What is your Achilles Heel? by Kris Oster, Ph.D 4 OCCUPY BEAUTY A Free retreat for women in Santa Barbara, CA 5 SAYING YES! A luscious poem by Sama Morningstar 6 LIT UP LIFE SOUL SUMMIT with Maria Carbonell, continues until May 1st. 7 BREATHLESS A Retreat for Deep Heart Listening + Diving into Your Passions. It’s a luscious blend of creativity, magic, movement, painting and writing! 8 APRIL 2016 TAROTCAST For entrepreneurs by Kris Oster, Ph.D 9


I ' m a MerAngel - inspired mentor here to conjure business + marketing wisdom for a more magical world .

HOW TO DRAFT A COCKTAIL LINE that's non-sleazy and f*#king interesting! by Kris Oster, Ph.D 12 INDULGE YOURSELF 13 SOULED OUT MAGAZINE



monthly mantra


(Achilles was the so-called invincible Greek demigod who only had one vulnerable spot on his body, his heel, so that’s where he gets shot and finally succumbs. His mother the goddess Thetis dipped him in the River Styx to make him immortal but the place where her thumb was grasping his ankle didn’t get dipped.) So often when we talk about marketing and entrepreneurship the heroic metaphors of battle are used like, “tactics,” “strategy,” “launching” … you name it. It’s no wonder we are afraid to talk about our weaknesses – for fear that we’ll be shot down and killed. I’ll start. My BIG achilles heel is my need to be liked by mostly everyone. It has pushed me to do things that have caused me embarrassment or to not speak something that felt true. It has caused me to hold back from shining, being “too great” or thinking “too big.” There’s an unconscious part of me that’s waiting to be shot down, or abandoned and rejected when I reveal my true self. So there you have it. My vulnerable spot. My theory is that if we have a place to safely share our vulnerable spots, we can transcend our limitations and feel more FREE. And, when I feel more free I feel deep pleasure. Mmmm hmmmm. WHAT IS YOUR ACHILLES HEEL?


free event for women!

OCCUPY BEAUTY As a culture of women, we have too often forgotten our own divinely beautiful nature. It’s time to remember and to wake back up! I know you may not fully see or feel it yourself yet, but I believe down to my bones that there is a deeply radiant, BEAUTIFUL, uniquely you essence that is in YOU and waiting to be awakened, embodied and expressed! If you are READY to reawaken this inside yourself, I would love for you to join me on May 14th live in Santa Barbara for a revolutionary FREE event called OCCUPY Beauty, created by my friend and colleague Melanie Elkin founder of Yoga’licious! It’s a mini-retreat just for you with yoga, inspiring speakers (including me!), a day of nourishing connection, and so much more!


SAYING YES! SAMA MORNINGSTAR There is a night Every month When I pull the plug On all I have been holding inside This tub of warm wetness on legs The sloshing and swirling can become so turbulent I lose hold of my tongue Throat begins to groan Sides heave with the waves Tides that follow their own rules Gaze at any type of moon at all And howl Writhing in the flow I have a choice To suffer the pain of one less egg Eying the brown-red inner scabs Washing down the drain Weeping at all I have lost And still long for

LUNAWAVE MOON RITES + FREE NEWSLETTER Check out Sama's LunaWave Moon Rites offerings where you can purchase various Moon Rites kits as well as sign up for her upcoming LunaWave Womb Awakening Newsletter, plus receive the first Womb Awakening Meditation for free!



BREATHLESS RETREAT Come and make heart - pumping passionate MAGIC and ART with us !

Artwork by Terre Busse


eloved Enchanted One,

desires because we are afraid of being judged, ridiculed or attacked.

I want to live in a world where it’s easy to listen to the stirrings of our hearts and follow the magical signs straight into the center of our passions!

I want you to feel alive, listen to your heart’s whispers, follow the beat of your own wild-weird-wacky drum and create from the center of your SOUL!

I’m disheartened by how often we don’t move forward with our hearts’

So, my gorgeous friend Terre and I have created a heartstirring weekend retreat for you!

BREATHLESS Retreat Details: June 3-5, 2016 Cerridwyn Studio, Davis, CA (exact address given upon registration) $200 early bird (on or before April 25, 2016) $250 Regular CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

APRIL 2016

TAROTCAST FOR ENTREPRENEURS by Kris Oster, Ph.D Card 1: Overall Theme :: 3 of Wands This is a time of potent and abundant movement. There are many opportunities for you to seize and perhaps you may feel decision-making paralysis. Whatever you do, be brave and bold and DECISIVE. We have a special super new moon in Aries coming up this week and you can’t absorb this amount of transformative MOJO if you sit around on your arse hiding behind your computer! You have a chance to be a true trailblazer and can be the sort of leader who inspires others to also blaze their own trail. You will have moments of fear and self-doubt … but not as much as you’ve had in the past. Last month’s eclipses helped move out old crap that has been weighing on you or holding you back. Even if you have a community, a small group of friends or a partner that is supporting you 1000%, you will still feel like you’re walking through a dense, and magical forest, with only your own wits and intuition to guide you. You’re moving through the uncharted territory of your own soul and this takes COJONES! And I know you’ve got ‘em. Think EXPANSION for this month. In fact “expand” can be your mantra!

Card 2: Challenges :: Judgement You’ve just awakened to a profound truth, or have experienced a rebirth. You feel vulnerable and a little shaky on your new ground. Whatever transformations you went through last month have shaken you to the core. And this is fabulous AND scary at the same time. But this is not the end, it’s only the beginning. More change, more growth and more expansion are on the horizon. Now, more than ever you know what your calling is and you have a responsibility to see it through. You can no longer ignore that voice – it’s your heart talking after all. And I imagine there could be consequences if you don’t follow your inner guidance. And sometimes this is simply placing one foot in front of the other. Slowly. Intentionally and steadily. Day by day, and “bird by bird” (if you’ve never read Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird, this would be a prime month to do so.) Card 3: Support :: Knight of Wands This is not a card to tell you to think things through carefully – The Knight is impulsive, spontaneous and soooooo passionate! He is confident and courageous and bold. BE DECISIVE. Card 4: Fears :: 3 of Pentacles Do you have the means, the skills; have you set aside the space and time; and said no to the shiz you shouldn’t be doing anymore in order to create this THING that your heart is shouting at you to make/do/have/be? Your Heart is just like that Knight of Wands, it’s fearless.

It takes no mind to what realities you have to deal with to get its desires fulfilled. It’s pure courage. The good news with this card is that all the work you’ve been doing to bring your dreams into the physical realm is paying off – now you’re moving up to the next level. This is a card about teamwork and getting assistance to get to the finish line. Card 5: Action :: King of Pentacles YES! Here we have one of the most powerful and grounded cards of the tarot. The King of Pentacles (Earth) is asking you to rise to greatness. Be the lion. Be the leader. And help others get there too. This King is uber successful because he has helped so many others fulfill their own dreams during his rise to fame and fortune. You have so many gifts to share, and when you share of yourself your abundance will grow exponentially. Be the sovereign of your life and you bring others up out of the muddy trenches. Card 6: Outcome :: The Empress Beloved, this is your month to continue doing your best work and reap the rewards. Abundance is hovering all around you, along with so much magic. You are pregnant with potential and fertile with lots of ripe creative “babies.” The Empress is the great Earth Mother. She is surrounding you in love, nourishment and protection. You have a bright star over you, showering the blessings of Heaven all over you! This nurturing is through all of your senses. Invoke Venus. Indulge in sensuality. Fall in love with LOVE. Express your love to those you hold dearest, and again, expand your love to encompass humanity.



HOW TO DRAFT A NON-SLEAZY AND TOTALLY F*!@KING INTERESTING COCKTAIL LINE Here's an example of a formula you can use to get people to want to buy whatever you're selling. Hi, I’m Shelley Stockwell, a Certified Wellness coach who empowers women facing challenging life transitions to live fearlessly on their own terms. After battling diabetes, I believe that no matter how hard life can be, everyone has a comeback story that can transform their lives. These days I’m beginning a new life of my own by launching my new wellness blog and getting ready to star in a local inspirational TV show. What’s your comeback story?

If Shelley just said, "I'm a wellness coach that helps women transform their lives" that would be the end of the conversation. The structure of this cocktail intro is that it features you but focuses on the problem your ideal client wants solved. Plug n’ Play Template: Now it's your turn! Create your own cocktail line to lure in new clients proudly and confidently.

Hi, I’m [your name], a [your official job title], who empowers /assists /helps /teaches [describe your ideal client] to [how you help ideal client]. After [an experience that connects you to your ideal clients], I believe [a belief that you may share with your ideal clients]. These days I’m [mention projects that you are currently passionate about]. [End cocktail line with a question that will engage your prospect; should be related to the problem you’re solving for your ideal client.]


get your business bliss kit! This soul-centered digital experience will help you: Figure out pricing, charge what you know you are worth and raise your prices Stay radiantly healthy and in top physical, mental and emotional shape Keep from feeling overwhelmed Brand yourself authentically Take action and BE an implementation star Tap into your power as a Business GOD/DESS


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