SOULED OUT : March 2016 Issue

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because when you bare your everything you offer will sell out.

Magic is real.

Money is sacred.

Marketing is sweet. MARCH ISSUE 2016

CONTENTS Magic is real. Money is sacred. Marketing is sweet. Jessica Wilde shares how to overcome writer ' s block . Story on p . 20

COVER PHOTO CREDIT :: RACHEL SARAH THURSTON PHOTOGRAPHY MONTHLY MANTRA by Ruth Wishengrad, 3 INTERVIEW: VINCE CHAFIN A snippet from the ShapeshifterRenaissance Man Series 5 EMPRESS ACTIVATION Activate your 8th Chakra and connect Earth with the Heavenly Realms 8 RECLAIM YOUR PLEASURE, RECLAIM YOUR POWER Six-week immersion with Rebecca Kane and Kris Oster, Ph.D 9 ARTWORK :: MEGANNE FORBES Quote by Kris Oster, Ph.D 10 POWER OF THREE: MAGICAL PROPERTIES OF COFFEE, CHOCOLATE + TEA by Cynthia Cano, The Magical Barista 11


I ' m a MerAngel - inspired mentor here to conjure business + marketing wisdom for a more magical world .

LIT UP LIFE SOUL SUMMIT with Maria Carbonell, begins April 11. 15 LET'S CONNECT 16 SOULED OUT MAGAZINE



monthly mantra


ABOUT RUTH WISHENGRAD Want to positively change your child’s brain circuitry and enjoy a lifetime of benefits? Ruth is a vibrant singer and songwriter. She’s passionate about the benefits of positive thinking and helping others feel positive and empowered. Ruth shares this through her songs. Ruth holds a Masters in Education and has been teaching, training and mentoring individuals for over 25 years. She is dedicated to the study of personal development, and has been trained and mentored by some of the greatest leaders in the field: Bob Proctor, Mary Morrissey, Gay Hendricks and Peggy McColl. Ruth is a firm believer that changes occur rapidly when focus is directed towards positive feelings in the body, because when you feel success in your body, you feel it in your life! “Thanks for the songs, they are simple and fun for kids but powerful enough for adults. When I listened to the first song, it gave me energy and affirmation to go on with my daily challenges.” ~Dora L., who lives with Parkinson’s Visit to get a free song download and experience Ruth's profound work!


VINCE CHAFIN Vince, you’re a musician that plays a wide range of instruments from bass to Native American flutes and mandolin. You’re a healer (of humans and nonhumans, like horses). Ritual and ceremony center holder and a leader for the Mankind Project. Such a unique and intriguing blend of passions. Well, I feel have been blessed in so many ways and have had the benefit of living in and exploring many chapters of my life so far. I believe we are SOULED OUT

multidimensional, multitalented beings. Not unlike a kaleidoscope, I believe my life, and yours, is like a beautiful mandala. So many beautiful colors, shapes, experiences and talents coming together in Divine Unison. I am a musician, healer, partner, leader, teacher, mentor, gardener, farmer, fly-fishing guide, lover, story teller, executive, writer, drum maker, photographer, father, alchemist, artist, jewelry maker, community builder, coach, spiritual and emotional sherpa,

What I say looking in the mirror... ~ You are Loved ~ You are Safe ~ You are Needed ~ You have gifts to share ~ How can you be of service today? VINCE CHAFIN | 5

photo by Vince Chafin

carpenter, grandfather, fire keeper, ceremony leader, space holder, inspirationalist…Just a few of the labels for different aspects of my expression as a spiritual being having this human experience. How are you able to best honor and express these different sides of yourself? By surrendering to the flow of what’s needing to be called forth. What’s wanting to be birthed right now? What is my soul yearning for? How can I be of service? What part of me needs to be online right now? I LOVE variety, truly one of my core human needs, so I suppose I have nurtured all these different aspects of myself. You have a great working knowledge of archetypes and use them as a major part of your process in the MKP. Can you tell us about how the archetypes have helped you grow and heal? That’s a really great and intimidating question! Well, let me say that I am on a journey of self exploration and understanding and am no expert on anything. Yes, archetypal energies are explored in MKP for sure and I have found them very useful in my own journey. Reading Joseph Campbell; Robert Bly, Sam Keen, Robert A Johnson, Robert Moore, Jung and many others has greatly broadened my male mythopoetic horizons and attempting to see my life as a mythic journey is a practice I am working on. In some of the coaching and facilitation work I do, I find a grasp of the core archetypes a great roadmap, a kind of compass rose that gives me an idea of where a client may want or need to explore. For myself, there are situations where I need to bring up and or hold different energies. For example, I can get nervous speaking in front of crowds so as I prepare, and especially right before I go on, I call up the Sovereign. Doing ceremony or creative pursuits, I call on my Magician and as a leader, I often have to bounce between my Lover, Warrior, Magician and King in a flash. Knowing these and the many others that reside between my ears and my body helps me to navigate the terrain of my psyche, which in turn helps me be a better human in service to something greater than myself.


What is your big dream for the future? That Women will rise above the fear, intimidation and indoctrination and put an end to 2000 years of male domination. That boys will be deeply loved and nurtured by their Mothers and/or caregivers. That they will be taught healthy ways to express their feelings and the skills necessary to resolve conflict peacefully. That we humans will find a way to love each other, all sentient beings and our Mother Earth more than we love money and power.

Talk to me about the Shadow from what you’ve learned through your own experiences. Shadow; what I hide, repress and deny. Taking a flashlight in to the dark. We all want to be loved, but when that is threatened in someway, we will do just about anything to get that love flowing again, including shutting parts of our selves down that “they” don’t like. In Robert Bly’s little book on the human shadow, he talks about how we are born perfectly whole human BEings. We come in to this world ready to fully embody ALL that we are and know no limitations on our emotional expressions. Then, in reaction to our family of origin, environmental and societal pressures, over our lifetimes we begin to put away little parts of our selves that don’t quite fit in or if expressed, cause others to react in a way that we don’t like. I also love Debbie Fords work on shadow and it helped me to really understand that my gifts, my talents, my intuition and my desire to make a difference in this world has come from my childhood traumas. Those wounds, the emotional scarring is like a road map to my Super Powers and through the work, I have learned to use those powers for good. But it wasn’t always that way. READ ALL OF VINCE'S WORDS AND GET INSPIRED - CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE ON MY BLOG.


Qualities of The EMPRESS:


Brand Essence: For you there is almost no difference between the spiritual and physical worlds because you connect both with ease. Fertility and creativity are also second nature, as you grow and nurture your business into a paradisiacal Garden of Delights. Masses of the weary, struggling and tired come to drink from your bottomless well and eat from your limitless cornucopia. You are the consummate receiver and give freely from the overflow. You are Beauty personified and bring harmony to the world through your creations. Get ready for more abundance, sensuality and beauty to soak into your business! You have called in all that you desire and the Universe feels your receptivity. Lucky breaks flow like waterfalls everywhere. Your generosity knows no bounds, yet you are the Queen of self-care and always fill your well to the brim before giving your precious energy to others. Celebrate your achievements and spread your effervescent joy to others. Magical Archetypal Activation Center: Chakra 8. (located 8-12 inches above your head) Color: Violet w/ Green bands of light Clearing Phrase: "I Connect." Magical Incantation: “I am the bridge, the direct pathway, that opens Earth to Heaven and Heaven to Earth. I pour forth blessings you’ve not yet even imagined.”


RECLAIM YOUR PLEASURE, RECLAIM YOUR POWER a six - week journey through Psyche ' s initiation story with Rebecca Kane and Kris Oster , Pd . D

Reclaim Your Pleasure, Reclaim Your Power begins May 2, 2016. Join Us!! VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR ALL OF THE DETAILS! CLICK HERE!


nce upon a time, Rebecca from the West coast of the UK and Kris from the West coast of the US found each other and became fast friends. Both are mothers, healers, mischief makers and word witches who have a deep love + respect for myths, stories, moon cycles, rituals and all things MAGICAL! SOULED OUT

Now, they have come together to create a unique and spellbinding adventure for you to dive into: an epic journey through the myth of Psyche + Eros. In Greek, the word psyche denotes the eternal soul … and also means “butterfly,” which is the symbol of transformation throughout many cultures. Like Psyche, who

started off as a mortal princess in the legend, you are in a state of becoming your true self.

Because underneath it all, we know that when a woman is fully in her PLEASURE–feeling radiant, relaxed, sexy, and magnetic–she is most fully in her POWER. | 9


POWER OF THREE by Magical Barista, Cynthia Cano What is the Power of Three? The number three has been seen as spiritually important for millennia, representing: past-present-future birth-life-death beginning-middle-end mind-body-spirit the Triple Goddess God-Jesus-Holy Spirit Threes can be found pretty much anywhere. It can symbolise creation, manifestation, expression, cycles and working with others. In a coffee-shop, we find the holy trinity in the form of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.


Together they make up the Caffeine family, and caffeine is good for action. It is why, when people get together to chat, to work, to collaborate, to create, and to celebrate, they go to a café. It is why Coffee has been seen as the elixir of the enlightenment – and why it was banned by those who did not want Joe Public to rebel (though the bans were usually lifted by some “divine intervention”); why Chocolate was used as a sacred drink during initiations and journeys into other worlds; why Tea has always balanced and soothed, and been the drink of the Emperor and the Gods. The caffeine in these drinks can act as an entheogen, meaning that they generate the divine within. But the levels of caffeine, and other vitamins and minerals these potions carry, can vary between drinks and you might find that your interactions with them are totally different to your friends’. | 11

When it comes to coffee, we all know it to be the type of drink that wakes us up and keeps us focused. It was the drink of rebellion and the enlightenment – you could probably make a case that coffee woke people out of the Dark Ages of drunken stupor into the knowledge and wisdom of the Renaissance, without which the The Age of Enlightenment and Reason could not have come about. I find this fascinating because this awakening of the mind, of the strength of human thinking and potential, is exactly the essence of Coffee. Coffee is the potion for the mind, for inspiration, for direct action, for clarity and clear thinking. It is linear and methodical, and resonates with a masculine energy at its core. It is focused, fast and deliberate. If you are a business owner, you could consciously work with coffee as a way of directing your creativity with intent and purpose, of delivering something that packs a punch, or getting to the crux of a situation.

It is wild, dirty, fun and flirty. It is feminine energy, and its action is receptive. It allows us to open ourselves up to experience life. If you are looking to entice, to dance, to earth and ground in reality, to excite, to tempt or to sensually affect anything, you are looking to chocolate. If you want to rekindle or grow friendships, or develop self love, Mama Cacao is your guru. Interestingly though, the indigenous people of Central America revered a cacao God rather than Goddess, and mostly men were involved in the ceremonies. I do wonder if the energies have shapeshifted over time to suit our current age or if, maybe, cacao has always been feminine in essence and simply required a polar opposite to dance with and stimulate it. For the magically minded, Chocolate is like Rose Quartz – its power is receptive, it is soft and yielding. It is love in both a physical and spiritual sense, and it broadens our awareness of how love interacts between us and the world. Where Coffee sends out, Chocolate awaits and beckons.

For the magically minded, Coffee is like Clear Quartz – an amplifier. Do you need to do a speech and get the message across? Are you looking to make the best connections? Have you got research to do and don’t know where to start? Coffee can help.

Tea: Imagine sipping tea in the middle of a busy afternoon – it’s your break time and tea brings you to an awareness of the self in the situation.

Chocolate: Every time I think of chocolate, I want to sexydance. There is something raw and primal about chocolate, and I believe this is why it seems sinful to eat it – the truth is that it’s not chocolate that packs on the pounds but the sugar and milk (solids) that add the fat.

I had a hard time figuring this one out because deep inside, I never understood the truth behind gentle action. Action needed to be fierce, direct, impulsive… tea is nothing like that.

Chocolate feels sinful because it awakens the earthy, tribal heartbeat within us and asks us to seduce our senses with the world around us.


It is the energy of gentle action.

A friend of mine is a tea addict. Her calm demeanor is usually mistaken for weakness. I personally would never want to cross with her. While she wouldn’t do anything hastily, she has the ability to choose the right words, the right time, and be in right relation with everything | 12

around her. If she has something to say, she will say it. If there is something to fix, it will be done. There is a zen-like quality to the tea personality. It is perfect for dealing with meetings that require mediation and a calming influence while also doing what needs to be done. Tea is not feminine or masculine in energy. It is fluid, like the womb cradling the Coffee and Chocolate twins. It can ground us in a way that Coffee and Chocolate can’t. If Chocolate brings us deep into the realm of self and physicality, and Coffee brings us into the upper realms of the mind, then Tea is of the middle world and of mindfulness, of being in the present moment. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON MY BLOG.

After years of working in two large coffee chains, she decided to break free from the mold. She has always been impassioned by the magical and enchanted, and exotic flavours and delicious textures, so she did what any normal person would do and bridged to two: a sensuous way of bringing sacredness to the everyday. Are you looking to get more out of your daily cuppa?

a l barist a c i g a m e cano, th a i h t n y c

Head on to, and find out how spellbinding your daily grind can be.


Shaun Oster is an artisan coffee roaster ‌ you can now order fresh, hand-roasted single sourced coffee beans to arrive on your doorstep. Mmmmmmmm!



I would love to connect! Let me know how you enjoyed this Magical March edition of SOULED OUT. May your luscious entrepreneurial journey bring you bliss and pleasures you have yet to IMAGINE! xoxo, Kris


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