SOULED OUT: May 2016

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when you bare your SOUL everything you offer will sell out.

Magic is real. Money is sacred. MAY ISSUE 2016

Marketing is sweet.

CONTENTS Magic is real. Money is sacred. Marketing is sweet. Jessica Wilde shares how to overcome writer ' s block . Story on p . 20

MONTHLY MANTRA by Anne Ribley 3 DEEPLY Stream of consciousness writing by Kris Oster 4 BREATHLESS A Retreat for Deep Heart Listening + Diving into Your Passions. It’s a luscious blend of creativity, magic, movement, painting and writing! 5 ONCE UPON A TIME, SNOW WHITE: BEAUTIFUL + BORED by Rebecca Kane 6 PLEASURE POWER SALON, JUNE 8TH Real, raw +riveting conversations on pleasure, vulnerability and power with Rebecca Kane, Janet Hastings Morrison and Kris Oster 9 SAYING YES Poem rerun by Sama Morningstar 10


I ' m a MerAngel - inspired mentor here to conjure business + marketing wisdom for a more magical world .

GO AHEAD, TOUCH MY VENUS A ritual to embody abundance, love and pleasure by Kris Oster, Ph.D 12 INDULGE YOURSELF 13




monthly mantra


Click here to visit Anne's website and sign up for her Worldly Worth FREE virtual workshop series, perfect for entrepreneurs to get in touch with the soul of their businesses!

deeply. This is my prayer to God. May I LOVE … deeply. May I PRAY … deeply. May I TRUST … deeply. Deeply. To penetrate the depths and the darkness without fear or courage, but rather with FAITH. Knowing deeply. To swim in the vast oceans of infinite bliss. Feeling deeply.

To live in my temple each day, moving it with delight and sweating my prayers. Breathing deeply. Deeply. As pure as the snowy peak. As raw as a lover’s orgasm. As fragrant as a rose blooming in my secret places. I pleasure deeply. Exposing too much of myself in vulnerable delight. Watching your eyes grow wide. We smile, deeply.


A Retreat For Deep Heart Listening Listen to the beat of your heart . Dance to the rhythm of your soul . Write your passions to life . CLICK HERE For the BREATHLESS Retreat Details: June 3-5, 2016 Cerridwyn Studio, Davis, CA


oin Terre and I for a luscious blend of creativity, magic, movement, drumming, painting and writing! You’ll get a lovely goody canvas bag with some magical gifts inside, including my book, Return to Enchantment. This will be an intimate gathering with no more than 10 women. Come and make heartpumping passionate MAGIC and ART with us!

Your BREATHLESS Itinerary: Fri , June 3: 7-9pm : Firepit ceremony. We’ll meet in circle, drum and engage lively discussions about our sensuality, magic and dreams. Sat June 4: 10am-3pm (1 hour lunch break) : Morning Stretch : Magical Activation Ritual working with the first 8 chakras and corresponding archetypes

: Dance the Emotions + Story of Your Heart : Passion Painting w/Terre : Heart Rhythm Body Prayers : Wild Heart Writing w/Kris Sun June 5 : Optional trip to Yuba river for connecting to nature. We’ll help arrange carpooling with anyone who wishes to go.

We want you to leave the retreat BREATHLESS, and ready to confidently step into your passionate life!










The Following Story Really Happened, No Names Have Been Changed To Protect The Innocent Or Otherwise... It was just another day at my practice, I had a diary full of clients looking for answers, and I was ready to work my magic as I had been doing for decades, but somehow today felt more magical than usual. When I first saw my client Ms S. White, I was instantly struck by her beauty. She was breath-taking, but as I looked closer, I could see a deep sadness in her eyes. She appeared to glide into my room, and she gracefully sat down, crossing her ankles in such a way, it looked as if she was posing for a magazine shoot.

‘Rebecca’ she said in such a gentle and melodious voice, that I imagined she could summon the birds and animals, ‘I’ve come to see you because I feel like something is missing from my life, I feel like I want more, but I can’t really put it into words’.

well’ she giggled ‘…you know… It was amazing.’

She goes on to explain that when she was a young woman, she was kicked out of her home by her family and left to fend for herself. And that during this time she was very nearly killed.

‘But after a few years, it... Well... I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but it started to become boring.'

‘I know how terribly clichéd this must sound, but I was rescued by a handsome prince, yes he really was a prince.’ ‘We instantly fell in love, he made me feel like the centre of the universe. I felt safe with him.’ ‘We got married and initially it was wonderful, we’d spend all of our time together. Taking long walks on the beach and through the forest, we’d talk for hours, have picnics that

‘There were parties, holidays, weekends away, great clothes, gorgeous shoes, oh the shoes’, she swooned, ‘I wanted for nothing’.

'The same people, the same parties, the same conversations… and I never thought I'd say this... But there really are only so many pairs of shoes you can have’, she thought for a moment and said, ‘well maybe not, but you get what I mean?’ ‘I’m getting older, and for so long I've been judged on my looks, that was fine when I was younger, I actually rather liked it. But the truth is, I'm more than my creamy, clear skin, my full, red-rose lips and my dark luscious locks.’

A T T I C I |have J A N more U A R Y 2to 0 1offer?’ 6 ‘Surely

‘I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I'm bored.’ ‘I never imagined I'd be a stay at home wife, but then I never really considered my options either.’ ‘My childhood seemed idyllic, then it suddenly changed and next thing I knew I was waking up from a coma...’ ‘Recently I've been dreaming of becoming a teacher, but then realised that's all it is, just a dream, I could never do something like that, not me.’ ‘That's not what my family does. In fact no-one in my family or my husband’s family has ever had a real job. And when I told my husband, the Prince, he just smiled at me, and thinks it's just another phase, but I'm not so sure...’ ‘I can't tell you why, but it just feels different. It's always on my mind’ ‘Oh I don't know... My friend Red recommended you, you're my only hope, can you help?’

19 My Notes: For Ms S White we had to clear energetic block around the 'Fear of not being good enough'.

She had found herself constantly striving and trying to please other people because she was subconsciously afraid of not fitting in and being rejected by her husband and new family, the same way that she had experienced previously in her life. She had spent so long doing what she thought she should do, that she had lost touch with who she was and what she truly wanted from life. Her desires had started to make themselves known. She wants to become a teacher, but she didn’t know how to trust this information, or know if it was just a fanciful dream. Follow Up: Ms S. White came in to my room and looked like a new woman. She was still stunningly beautiful, but she walked taller, she was smiling, and the sadness had left her eyes and had been replaced with a flirty, twinkle.

‘You’re in the right place’, I respond, ‘Last resorts and only hopes are my speciality, jump on the couch and let's get started...’

She told me that she had gone home and spoken with her husband, The Prince, and explained that she wanted to enrol on a teaching class. And much to her surprise, and delight, he had agreed to fully support her.

During our session together there were laughter and tears, but as she left I could see that a sense of hope had returned.

She was so excited, she still wasn’t sure if she had what it took to complete the training, but she was willing to try her hardest to find out.

As she left, she handed me a note and told me it was from her husband. I opened it and it simply said: Thank you for giving me back my wife. Rebecca Kane is a magical healer and guide for women adventuring through their Shero's journey. You can learn more about Rebecca and her programs at

PLEASURE POWER SALON Coming June 8th Real, raw and riveting conversations around pleasure, vulnerability, visibility and empowerment.

Featuring Rebecca Kane, Janet Hastings Morrison and Kris Oster




There is a night Every month When I pull the plug On all I have been holding inside This tub of warm wetness on legs The sloshing and swirling can become so turbulent I lose hold of my tongue Throat begins to groan Sides heave with the waves Tides that follow their own rules Gaze at any type of moon at all And howl Writhing in the flow I have a choice To suffer the pain of one less egg Eying the brown-red inner scabs Washing down the drain Weeping at all I have lost And still long for Or Let the moaning build Brace my feet against the earth Shake with each wave As it crashes through me Bearing down on this emptiness Until it enters me fully And I cry out Yes! Yes! Yeeeeees! As all pain drains from my bones And the doorway to the brightness Of new life Swallows me whole



LAST MONTH I DIDN ' T INCLUDE SAMA ' S WHOLE POEM ON ACCIDENT . I HAD TO RERUN IT IN ITS CORRECT FORM SO YOU COULD GET THE FULL EFFECT OF HER MAGICAL WORDS . Sama has a new program called Coming Home to Yourself, designed for those who are recovering from crisis, or coming home from a life changing experience. She can help you identify and integrate the gifts from the experience and nurture yourself back to center. I've personally worked with Sama for over 3 years and highly recommend her coaching and teachings.


“All acts of love + pleasure are my rituals.” - DOREEN VALIENTE, THE CHARGE OF THE STAR GODDESS

GO AHEAD, TOUCH MY VENUS A simple ritual to embody abundant love pleasure in your life.


Start by choosing one of your senses – sight, smell, taste, hearing or touch – or any number of them that feels easy to stimulate in a short timeframe. What does the sense symbolize about your pleasure? Touch and taste could be nurturing or stimulating your self-love; sight could be how you see pleasure and love in the world, all around you; hearing = the music or sounds to answer your questions about bringing in love and pleasure; smell = invoking Aphrodite or Lakshmi to take residence in your heart. Second, light a candle to symbolize your inner fire. Send out the feelings of comfort, love and pleasure your senses are experiencing through your body, into your space and out beyond any boundaries of space or time. Spend time in your sense/s, luxuriating in your NOMADIC | 24 own radiance. Do this ritual often.

INDULGEÂ YOURSELF get your business bliss kit!

This soul-centered digital experience will help you: Figure out pricing, charge what you know you are worth and raise your prices Stay radiantly healthy and in top physical, mental and emotional shape Keep from feeling overwhelmed Brand yourself authentically Take action and BE an implementation star Tap into your power as a Business GOD/DESS


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