Partnering to inspire academic curiosity, impeccable character, and Christian leadership grounded in Biblical truth.
Students who live with purpose and lead with intent for God’s glory alone.
A Paladin was a Christian knight who devoted his life to serving and helping others.
God has revealed all that we as Christians need for a life committed to Jesus in His perfect and Holy Word. We hold the 66 books of the Bible as authoritative and relevant to our lives and the lives of our students. We teach biblical truth both explicitly and implicitly across all divisions and disciplines and believe that seeing the world through the lens of a biblical worldview is the only way to understand it.
Foundational to our belief as Christians and educators is relationship. The God of the Bible is a relational God as is evidenced in His Trinitarian nature (an example of perfect community) and in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As educators, we know that the best and most impactful teaching happens within the context of relationships.
At Fellowship, we believe it is our responsibility to steward all our resources well. We steward physical and financial resources, the hearts and minds entrusted to us, as well as opportunities and relationships.
We know God has a purpose for everything He created and every story He has written. Because of His intentionality, we believe it is our responsibility to be like Him in that way. Whether it is the curriculum we choose, the employee we hire, the program we develop, the space we build, or the furniture we put in it, we believe we need a reason to make that decision.
We believe that we are called by God to imitate Jesus and those who imitate Him. That begins with character. If our vision for our students is for them to be Godly men and women, then that starts with their being inspired to impeccable character... character like Christ’s.
As you and your family embark on this new school journey with new friendships, teachers, and experiences, we offer this family guide as a handy companion, ready to address common questions that may arise as you settle into a new school. From essential dates and contacts to engagement with other parents and Fellowship vernacular, we've compiled a comprehensive resource to assist you along the way, equipping you to start the year feeling prepared and confident.
This guide will introduce you to some of the unique and enriching experiences we proudly offer our students and families. We hope you see that we have thoughtfully and intentionally prepared for your Fellowship experience. We look forward to partnering with you, supporting your child's educational journey, and fostering treasured memories for years to come.
Thank you for choosing Fellowship! We eagerly anticipate the bright future ahead with you as part of our community.
* Dates are subject to change.
Please refer to the School Calendar and Official School Communications for updates.
New Family Head of School Welcome
Thursday, August 8, 2024, 7:00 pm
Monday, August 12, 2024
*Meet & Greet (ES)
*Orientation (MS & HS)
You will receive division emails with specific times.
First Day of School (1/2 Day for ES & MS)
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Back to School Bash (All School Tailgate)
Friday, August 23, 2024
Before the football game in the parking lot.
MS Parent Info Night
Monday, August 26, 2024
Annual Fund 10-Day Rally
Wednesday, September 4Friday, September 13, 2024
ES Parent Info Night
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
HS Parent Info Night
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Friday, September 20, 2024
* All dates are subject to change. In the occurrence of a pandemic, extreme weather, or other incident that requires school closure, Fellowship reserves the right to take appropriate action to ensure the health and safety of our students, including the act of rescheduling or cancelling events. In the event that such an action is necessary, Fellowship will communicate changes in a timely fashion.
The school was established in 1986 as a ministry of Fellowship Bible Church. Originally named Fellowship Christian Academy, what began as a small elementary school with 48 students quickly grew to include a middle school, and Fellowship Christian High School was established in 1993.
As God continued to bless and expand the school, in 2001 the school incorporated as Fellowship Christian School and separated from the church, creating its own board and joining the elementary, middle, and high divisions under one administration. Since then the school has grown to more than 1,064 students and become one of the premier PreK-12 covenant Christian schools in the metro Atlanta area.
With the goal of becoming one family on one campus, a fundraising campaign was launched in 2015 to build a state-of-the-art high school building and renovate the former middle school/high school building to accommodate moving the elementary students from the Fellowship Bible Church building onto the Fellowship Christian School campus. At the start of school in August 2017, all three divisions were together on ONE campus. As we look to the future, we are dedicated to our mission, educating students and expanding God’s Kingdom.
Aspires to live a life that impacts the kingdom of God by reflecting Christ’s love and character.
– MATTHEW 28:19-20
Humbly values the interests of others above self and seeks to collaborate and inspire.
– MARK 10:13-15
Exhibits a thirst for learning, desires wisdom and discernment, and pursues truth while filtering knowledge through a Biblical lens.
Champions the uniqueness of others and supports harmony by extending love, compassion, and empathy.
– ROMANS 12:18
Embraces, with confidence, the assurance and self-awareness of being created uniquely in God’s image for His purpose.
Expresses an insatiable curiosity and strives to create positive change by contributing original solutions to challenges and opportunities.
As we pursue our Vision of inspiring students who live with purpose and lead with intent for God's glory alone, we have established our Portrait of a Graduate. This aspirational model helps guide our efforts as we seek to be a place where followers become leaders.
To ensure you stay informed about all Fellowship happenings, look for the following email communication:
• Weekly Paladin Post with division updates
• Teacher emails (weekly in ES, as needed in MS and HS)
• Room Mom and GLC emails (as necessary to communicate community events and information)
The Fellowship Portal is a password-protected area created for our school community to provide easy access to the Parent/Student Handbook, All-School Calendar, news and events, division-specific information, important forms, and much more.
To access the portal online -
• Visit the Fellowship homepage: FellowshipChristianSchool.org
• Click Fellowship Portal on the main navigation bar to take you to the Login page.
• Enter the passkey: gopaladins
• *The password and login information to the portal will change in the Summer of 2024. Please check your email for more information.
Fellowship App
Coming FALL 2024!
Scan the QR code to access the Dress Code.
ES students are required to wear a branded navy polo on all field trips. ES field trip shirts are available through Lands' End.
1. Visit www.landsend.com.
2. Hover over School in the navigation bar and select Find Your School in the dropdown menu.
3. On the Find Your School page, click Enter School Number and enter 900036468.
4. Follow the prompts on the screen to order your approved, branded field trip shirt.
Visit Fellowship's online storefront by scanning the QR code.
We are pleased to offer an easy online shopping experience through our spirit wear partner, BSN. Access popular items from Nike, Under Armour, North Face, TravisMathew, and more. Follow these simple steps to customize your purchase and show your Paladin pride:
1. Select the item you'd like to purchase.
2. Choose your size and item color.
3. Click Other Designs Available in the white box under Add to Cart.
4. Once the pop-up box opens, select your preferred logo under Your Logos or design under Fan Gear.
Visit the Spirit Wear tent at all school events, including JumpStart, the Back-to-School Bash, and more, to grab some great gear! Additional sales are held throughout the year and will be announced in the Paladin Post and the App. *Pieces sold in person differ from online offerings.
Proceeds from Spirit Wear sales benefit the Fellowship Booster Club and Fellowship Athletics
7:30 – 8:00am (M, T, TH, F)
8:30 – 9:00am (W)
Please enter and exit from the Fellowship Bible Church entrances on Woodstock Road or Crossville Road and follow the route displayed below. Faculty, staff, and the 5th Grade Safety Patrol will be present to help your children exit cars and make their way to Gym 2.
If you have middle school siblings, please drop your children off together via the elementary carpool route. Elementary students will walk to Gym 2 for the ES Morning Room, and middle school students will report to Gym 1 for MS Morning Room.
If you have high school siblings, you may either drop them off at the entrance to Gym 1 or proceed back towards the Woodstock Road entrance and follow the high school route along Bob Lord Field. High school siblings dropped off at Gym 1 have access to sidewalks and monitored crosswalks, providing them a safe route to the high school.
PreK - Half Day Kindergarten pick up 12:00pm
Please pick up your child at the Elementary School main office entrance via the Jones Road entrance.
Full Day Kindergarten - 5th grade pick up 2:40pm
Please follow the same route as drop off to pick up. You may also park in the lower Church parking lot and walk up to the benches.
If you pick up middle school siblings, please proceed through the ES pickup and then either park in the church parking lot and wait for your middle school children to walk up after 3:10pm dismissal, or proceed to the Jones Road entrance to enter the middle school carpool line by the ES office.
If you pick up high school siblings, please proceed through the ES pickup and then either park in the church parking lot to wait for your high school children to walk up after the 3:15pm dismissal or proceed to the Bob Lord Field entrance to enter the high school carpool line.
If your child(ren) will be riding home with a friend or family member who does not have a carpool tag, please email each child's teacher and Peggy Yates in the ES Office. Family members without carpool tags should be on the approved carpool list in your FACTS family record and will be required to show identification. Please request extra or replacement carpool tags from Peggy Yates.
Carpool, Bus Routes, and Security Gate Policy
7:30 – 8:00am (M, T, TH, F)
8:30 – 9:00am (W)
If you only drop off middle schoolers, please use the Jones Road entrance when entering and exiting campus. They will enter near the Elementary School office, go down the stairs immediately to the right, and follow the hall to Gym 1 for MS Morning Room.
If you drop off elementary school siblings, please drop your children off together via the elementary carpool route. Elementary students will walk to Gym 2 for the ES Morning Room, and middle school students will report to Gym 1 for MS Morning Room.
If you drop off high school siblings, you may drop your children off together via the Jones Road entrance at the ES Elementary office. Your high school students will have access to sidewalks and monitored crosswalks, providing them with a safe route to the high school. Alternatively, you may drop your middle school student off via the Jones Road entrance and then proceed along Paladin Parkway to enter the HS carpool line.
If you only pick up middle schoolers, please follow the morning route, to the MS carpool line at the Elementary School's main office via the Jones Road entrance.
If you pick up elementary and middle schoolers, please pick up your elementary children first at 2:40pm and then either park in the church parking lot to wait for your middle school children to walk up after the 3:05pm dismissal or proceed to the MS carpool line at the Elementary School's main office entrance via the Jones Road entrance. Please communicate plans clearly with your children.
If you pick up high school siblings, after picking up elementary and middle schoolers, either proceed back towards the Woodstock Road entrance and follow the high school carpool route or wait for your high school students to walk up to the church parking lot.
Carpool, Bus Routes, and Security Gate Policy
7:30 – 8:00am (M, T, TH, F)
8:30 – 9:00am (W)
If you only drop off a high schooler, please enter from Woodstock Road and follow the route below to drop off in front of the high school, then exit from either the Jones Road or Woodstock Road entrances.
If you drop off middle school siblings, you may drop your children off together in the middle school carpool line at the Elementary School's main office via the Jones Road entrance. Your high school students will have access to sidewalks and monitored crosswalks, providing them with a safe route to the high school. Alternatively, you may drop your middle school student off in middle school carpool and proceed along Paladin Parkway to enter the HS carpool line.
If you drop off elementary and/or middle school siblings, please drop your children off together via the elementary carpool route. Elementary students will walk to Gym 2 for the ES Morning Room, and middle school students will report to Gym 1 for MS Morning Room. High school siblings dropped off at Gym 1 have access to sidewalks and monitored crosswalks, providing them a safe route to the high school. Alternatively, you may proceed back towards the Woodstock Road entrance to enter the HS carpool line.
If you only pick up high schoolers, please enter from Woodstock Road and follow the route below to pick up in front of the high school, then exit from either the Jones Road or Woodstock Road entrances.
If you pick up elementary and/or middle school siblings, please follow the pickup routes for your younger child’s carpool. Then, either park in the church parking lot and wait for your high school children to walk up after the 3:15pm dismissal or proceed back towards the Woodstock Road entrance to enter the HS carpool line. Please communicate plans clearly with your children.
Fellowship provides morning bus transportation for an additional fee. You must complete the Bus Commitment Form to register your child for morning transportation.
Click the QR code below for more information and to complete the Bus Commitment Form.
The bus departs from the following locations –
• Eastside Baptist Church at 7:00am
• Johnson Ferry Baptist Church at 7:10am (Pick up behind JFBC in the South Lot near the curved detention pond across from Dickerson Middle School.)
• Mavis Tire at 6:55am (Pick up behind the store at the corner of State Bridge and Kimball Bridge.)
• 285 S. Main Street at 7:15am (Pick up in the parking lot of the now-closed McDonald's in front of Amana Academy.)
• Birmingham United Methodist Church at 7:00am (Pick up in the gravel parking lot.)
• Providence Baptist Church at 7:15am
Wednesday morning pick-ups are one hour later due to the 9:00am school late start time.
"For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life." Ephesians 2:10 RSV
The mission of Fellowship Christian School's Fine Arts program is to awaken, nurture, and affirm the artisan soul within every student through creative expression. We embrace the arts as an essential element of a well-rounded education. Our extensive K4-12 award-winning program includes studies in music, music theory/composition, performing arts, and visual arts (both traditional and digital).
Fellowship students have the opportunity to explore their artistic interests and showcase their talents in a variety of ways, including:
Beginning in PreK, elementary school students have music and art classes weekly. Through the Spark & Ignite program, 4th and 5th grade students can further explore their passion for dance, chorus, worship, and drama. There are also performance opportunities in the Christmas and Spring concerts and at weekly chapels. Middle and high school Performing Arts students will be featured in choral, dance, and music theory performances at the Fall and Spring Concerts, various chapels, and ACSI competitions. Beginning in high school, Performing Arts students also have the option to participate in Chapel Band, Concert Band, or Drumline.
High School Literary Arts students use their design talents and creative writing skills to publish the school's literary magazine. The magazine showcases all Fellowship arts and is submitted to regional competitions.
Through various electives offered in classes such as Portfolio and Photo Journalism, middle school students explore the creative process, design, layout, video editing, reporting, art history, art criticism, and artistic perception. High school students interested in the Visual Arts can participate in AP art courses and display their work at competitions and venues throughout the school year. These include, but are not limited to, ACSI art competitions, Scholastic Art Awards, and various other Georgia art shows.
*Performing Arts and Literary Arts students will compete in the annual GHSA Literary Competition.
The Fellowship Arts Alliance exists to support and promote our students' expressions of creativity in all areas of fine arts: visual, performing, literary, and musical. Membership in the FAA contributes to our mission to encourage and develop our young artists and foster an environment of creativity, culture, and community for all of our Fellowship families.
Use the QR code to join the FAA.
The playing field is a powerful place to build character, deepen faith, and learn life's lessons.
At Fellowship, the physical and mental challenges and rewards of playing sports complement, not contrast, classroom learning. Whether team or individual, intramural or club, our athletic programs value and teach Biblebased principles: Teamwork, Sportsmanship, Leadership, Responsibility, Humility, and Respect. In athletics, as in all we do, our talents, skills, and strengths are testaments to God's love and work.
David Lowery, Athletic Director (david.lowery@fcspaladins.org)
Andy Trevers, Associate Athletic Director - Internal and External Operations (andy.trevers@fcspaladins.org)
Holly Quinn, Associate Athletic Director - Administration and Student-Athlete Support (holly.quinn@fcspaladins.org)
Darryl Johnson, Associate Athletic Director - Middle School (darryl.johnson@fcspaladins.org)
Baseball: MS, JV, & Varsity
Basketball: MS, JV & Varsity (Boys and Varsity Girls)
Cheerleading: MS, JV, & Varsity
Cross Country: MS, JV, & Varsity (Boys and Girls)
Fishing: Varsity
Football: MS Developmental Team, JV, & Varsity
Golf: MS & Varsity & JV Boys & Varsity Girls
Lacrosse: MS, JV & Varsity (Boys and Varsity Girls)
Soccer: MS Boys and Girls & MS Boys and Girls Developmental Teams, JV & Varsity (Boys and Girls)
Softball: MS
Tennis: MS & Varsity (Boys and Girls)
Track & Field: MS & Varsity (Boys and Girls)
Volleyball: MS, JV, & Varsity
Wrestling: MS, JV, & Varsity
We are proud to have multi-sport student-athletes. Like many private Christian schools, Fellowship has a policy requiring athletes to complete one sport's season before moving to the next.
In partnership with Metz Culinary Management, Fellowship is excited to provide full lunch service to students.
Metz is a family-owned company that has been providing onsite dining and support services to independent schools for more than 25 years. With Metz, it's all about the food. Their menus offer tailored, fresh, and nutritious options designed to encourage healthy eating and promote nutrition education.
To sign up for dining, download the MySchoolBucks app, view the Menu, and access the Food Allergies & Sensitivities Form and Online Order Form (for PreK, TK, and Kindergarten students), click "Dining" on the menu bar of the Fellowship homepage or scan the QR code below.
Once you download the MySchoolBucks app, you can load money into your child's account. This declining balance account allows your child access to hot or cold lunch options daily.
Students in grades 1st through 12th will walk through the serving lines in the concession area and pick up their lunch. At the check-out kiosk managed by Metz personnel, students provide their badge, last name, or 4-digit account number. Students then proceed to Gym 2 to eat.
Please note: Metz will deliver lunches daily to PreK, TK, and Kindergarten students' classrooms. Parents are required to pre-order lunch for students in these grades.
Lunch service is optional. You may send a packed lunch if preferred.
Fellowship is thankful to have two campus security officers:
Dwayne Gooden (dwayne.gooden@fcspaladins.org)
Greg Cooper (greg.cooper@fcspaladins.org)
Officers Gooden and Cooper are on campus Monday through Friday. A Security officer or a member of the Roswell Police Department is present at almost all extracurricular activities.
The Jones Road Gate will be open from:
• 6:30 – 8:10am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
• 6:30 – 9:10am Wednesday (Late Start)
• 2:30 – 9:00pm M-F
The BLF (Crosses) Gate will be open from:
• 7:00 – 8:10am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
• 7:00 – 9:10am Wednesday (Late Start)
• 2:30 – 5:00pm M-F
The Church Gate* will be open from:
• 7:00 – 8:01am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
• 7:00 – 9:01am Wednesday (Late Start)
• 2:30 – 5:00pm M-F
*ES Parents: If you are arriving for morning carpool AFTER 8:01am (9:01am on Wednesday), you must exit campus via Woodstock Road, re-enter at the Jones Road entrance, and walk your child into the ES office for check-in. For your child's safety and security, do not drop your ES children off once the carpool is over and faculty and staff are no longer monitoring.
Visitors needing access during school hours must enter from the Jones Road entrance and use the call box for entry.
When entering campus, please refrain from following others through open gates. The gates pause before closing, and we ask that you stop as you approach to ensure the gate does not close on your vehicle.
Note: If you proceed through an open gate and it starts to close, STOP IMMEDIATELY. The gate will bump your car but should not cause damage. Stopping will trigger the gate to reopen. Cars and gates may be damaged if the vehicle continues moving.
All guests on campus must present a driver's license to check in via the RAPTOR system. Guests include parents, vendors, maintenance personnel, etc. Fellowship staff will question anyone not wearing proper identification and advise them to proceed to the front desk to sign in. Fellowship staff will also contact the security officer to notify them of a visitor's presence.
All exterior doors are locked, and visitors must be buzzed into the building. (Middle school visitors may enter the atrium but then must be buzzed into the front office and classroom corridors.)
Canceling school is a complicated decision that impacts students, staff, and families. The decision is further complicated because our school families reside in multiple counties throughout North Georgia. With the understanding that canceling school may cause hardship for some families, exceptional consideration is given to this decision, and Fellowship does everything possible to keep the school open.
The primary criteria considered when making a decision include:
1. The safety and well-being of students and staff
2. The severity of the weather
3. Timing of the weather
4. The road conditions being suitable for buses and cars to travel safely
Fellowship relies on cutting-edge technology provided by Perry Weather to monitor weather conditions. New this year, a weather tower has been installed atop the high school building. This tower is outfitted with an annunciator and strobe to alert those on campus of inclement or severe weather. For example, if lightning strikes within 10 miles, a horn will sound, and a strobe will be visible to all on campus.
Via this system, a team of meteorologists provides tailored, up-to-the-moment, detailed weather data. The system also monitors heat advisory and global wet bulb humidity so that coaches can easily comply with GHSA standards and make informed decisions about the safety of proceeding with practices and games.
Perry Weather is a full weather station designed to provide severe weather alerts via siren and online updates. Alerts may include: lightning detected within 10 miles, high heat/humidity, and other severe weather for which an alert would be necessary to instruct anyone in the vicinity to seek shelter.
If you are on campus during an inclement weather event, you can scan the Perry Weather QR code posted around campus for up-to-the-minute details about the weather alert. You can also save the Perry Weather link to your phone by scanning the QR code to access updated weather information from anywhere:
In the case of inclement weather, a decision about a delayed start, early dismissal, or school closing will be made by 6:00am on the day in question. While the Head of School will decide for the school, each family has the right and responsibility to determine what is in their best interest. Since our school families are in many different geographic areas, families who determine they cannot get to school safely for any reason on any day should not attempt it. They will not be penalized for making this decision. It will be considered an excused absence.
If inclement weather causes a delayed start, early dismissal, or school closing, parents will be contacted via text.
*To ensure you receive all communications, please update your contact information in FACTS.
The Fellowship Booster Club’s mission is to support and promote the advancement of all athletic programs at Fellowship Christian School. The booster club provides financial and volunteer support for all sports teams, student-athletes, Athletic Directors, and coaches to help increase our student-athlete participation. Funds raised through membership, spirit wear sales, and the annual Booster Club golf tournament help us support every athlete in every sport at every level.
Our members are integral in helping us execute great game day experiences, fundraisers, and improvement projects. The Booster Club is critical to the success of the overall athletic program, and membership is open to anyone interested in supporting Fellowship athletics and Paladin student-athletes. Join the Fellowship Booster Club to Support Fellowship Athletics by scanning the QR code above.
The PTF exists to promote a vibrant, engaging experience of Christ-centered community fellowship between our parents, students, faculty, and staff. ALL parents are members of the PTF. There are many opportunities to volunteer throughout the year, ranging from school-wide events to specific gradelevel events.
You can volunteer at your comfort level. Room Moms (ES) and Grade Level Coordinators (MS/HS) will notify you of volunteer opportunities.
Some of the PTF events and initiatives during the school year include the following:
New Family Mentor Program, Teacher Appreciation Events, Student Life Events (i.e., assisting with Homecoming activities and blessing the students), Prayer and Care Initiative, Grandparents Day, Seasonal School Decorating, Mom’s Fellowship Opportunities, Men's Paladin Roundtable, and Flourish (formerly known as Ladies R&R).
We engage in passive and community-centered fundraising to support these events and do not collect dues.
• Moms-in-Prayer
Matthew 18:20 encourages us: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Join other Fellowship moms at the Paladin Pavilion on Tuesdays from 8:00 – 8:45am.
• Flourish
Formerly known as “Fellowship Ladies R&R”, Flourish is a quarterly event that connects moms across all three divisions through intentional fellowship and encouragement. Each event features a speaker and table conversation.
• Paladin Roundtable
PR exists to "Connect, Encourage, and Equip Fellowship Dads." The Paladin men meet monthly during the school year, typically the first or second Friday, from 7:30 – 9:00am in room 169 at Fellowship Bible Church. While this is a year-long series, it is designed so you may attend as your schedule permits.
PTF President: Meg Geshay (fellowshipptf@gmail.com)
ES PTF Advisor: Gina Tomberlin (gina.tomberlin@fcspaladins.org)
MS PTF Advisor: Lori Deason (lori.deason@fcspaladins.org)
HS PTF Advisor: Amy Harriton (amy.harriton@fcspaladins.org)
Instagram: @fellowship_ptf
Facebook Private Group (Fellowship PTF): Open to current Fellowship parents, faculty, staff, and our alum community. Please email fellowshipptf@gmail.com for an invitation to the group.
We are so grateful for our incredibly generous community, whose gifts enrich our students' educational experiences. We hope each family will prayerfully consider supporting our community to the extent they feel led.
The Annual Fund is our most significant yearly fundraising effort. It supplements the operating budget and provides enhancements not funded through tuition. These funds have provided additional technology, furniture, security enhancements, classroom renovations, etc., supporting Fellowship as we create a place for students to learn about God, the world He created, and themselves.
We encourage participation by Every Family Every Year for two reasons:
1. To meet the yearly Annual Fund goal and be able to provide the enhancements not funded through tuition.
– AND –
2. To show that our families actively invest in the future of Fellowship, which places our school in a favorable position to approach philanthropic foundations to raise additional money.
You can invest in the future of Fellowship! A gift to our Endowment, like the Annual Fund, supports the operating budget and helps minimize tuition increases. Gifts made to the Endowment are invested and left in the fund so that the resulting investment income can be used to sustain Fellowship, providing resources for financial aid, campus maintenance and improvements, and faculty salary and benefit support.
The Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program offers an opportunity to redirect your Georgia tax dollars to Fellowship Christian School to provide financial aid assistance to Fellowship students. During the 2023/2024 school year, Fellowship had 44 students on GOAL Scholarship! That means families redirected the tax dollars they were required to pay anyway to Fellowship, helping to provide a covenant Christian education for students who may not have otherwise been able to afford it.
Everyone! Parents, grandparents, alums, parents of alums, faculty, staff, board members, and other friends of Fellowship are encouraged to participate each year.
Fellowship accepts cash, credit cards, stock gifts, checks, and matching gifts. Use the QR code below to give or access more information on our website.
Principal: Sherri McLeroy (sherri.mcleroy@fcspaladins.org)
Assistant Principal: Gina Tomberlin (gina.tomberlin@fcspaladins.org)
Administrative Assistant to the Principal: Danielle Reeves (danielle.reeves@fcspaladins.org)
Receptionist: Peggy Yates (peggy.yates@fcspaladins.org)
Nurse: Danielle Hansen (danielle.hansen@fcspaladins.org)
ES Phone: (770) 641-6815
School Hours: 8:00am – 2:40pm 9:00am late start each Wednesday
Please refer to the Student Handbook in the portal for division-specific dress code information.
If your child will be absent –
Please email your child's teacher and copy Peggy Yates.
If you plan to take a family trip that requires your child to be absent from school, please notify your child's teacher, Peggy Yates, and Sherri McLeroy in advance so that the absence can be excused. Parents are discouraged from planning family or other non-school-related trips at times that do not correspond to Fellowship-designated Breaks. If extraordinary circumstances require an absence, parents must submit a written request to the principal at least one week before the days are missed. Students must complete all pre-assigned classwork and homework on the day they return to school. Parents or students should also make arrangements with the teacher so that students can make up missed tests on the day they return. The full Absence Policy can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook on the Fellowship Portal.
Please check the Fellowship Portal for information on summer work and school supplies. The elementary school partners with EduKit to make purchasing summer supplies easy! If you miss the deadline for purchasing through EduKit, you may access a list of school supplies via the portal.
ES Chapel is in Gym 1 weekly. Parents are welcome to attend chapel in the gym and are asked to sit in the bleachers. For safety reasons, we prefer that students sit with their homeroom class during chapel. The homeroom classes are seated in chairs on the gym floor. Chapels may also be held in the classroom periodically. Check the ES Newsletter for the chapel schedule and Spiritual Life updates.
Each week, in addition to the core curriculum, students visit the library and participate in Spanish, Music, Art, Computer, and PE. Students in 4th and 5th grade participate in Spark & Ignite.
Students in 5th grade may volunteer to serve during morning and afternoon carpool. These students assist teachers with the carpool line and escort younger students to and from their cars. Janet Milton, ES PE Director, will email 5th-grade parents with more information.
4th and 5th grade students participate in choice-driven Spark and Ignite elective classes. Some examples of past class offerings include Worship Collective, Performing Arts, STEM, Advanced Art, Yearbook, Digital Design, Artisan Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Game On, and Survival Skills. These classes are revised year-to-year.
Winterfest is an onsite retreat that takes place over two days before Christmas break. Faculty and students take time off from core academic classes to focus on spiritual development. The days are filled with worship, messages, service projects, small group time, fun, and fellowship.
Students have many opportunities throughout the year to break from standard dress code attire and show their school spirit and creativity! Homecoming Spirit Week, Read Across America Day, various PJ days, and other celebrations allow students to be festive and have fun with their wardrobe.
Participation is always optional but highly encouraged. At the elementary school level, most of our students actively participate on these special days.
Students participate in multiple field trips throughout the year to augment classroom instruction and to experience the great cultural and educational programs offered in the metro Atlanta area and beyond.
In past years, field trips have included Chattahoochee Nature Center, Zoo Atlanta, Bulloch Hall, Chick-fil-A's headquarters, Tellus Museum, a 5thgrade overnight trip to Rock Eagle, Art Barn, and Funk Heritage Museum.
At the end of the school year, each grade level has an awards day to celebrate student accomplishments. Students may wear dress code or more formal attire for the end-of-year awards day.
PAC serves Fellowship Elementary School families by providing students with a nurturing, safe, comfortable, and fun environment before and after school. This innovative and exciting program allows students in grades PreK-5 to balance learning and fun through various experiences, including homework help and playtime.
The before-school option is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7:00 to 8:00am and Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30am. It offers the children a supervised place to play and a variety of activities to enjoy.
The after-school option is available on full school days for registered students in grades PreK-5. From 2:30 to 6:00pm, the PAC offers a fun place for children to play, complete homework, enjoy a snack from home, and participate in various educational opportunities. After-school care is NOT available on half days.
The afternoon PAC is available from 2:30 to 6:00pm Monday through Friday.
For PAC hours, to register, or for more information scan the QR code:
Principal: Tony Tacquard (tony.tacquard@fcspaladins.org)
Assistant Principal: Lori Deason (lori.deason@fcspaladins.org)
Administrative Assistant to the
Principal: Annette Jacobs (annette.jacobs@fcspaladins.org)
Nurse: Danielle Hansen (danielle.hansen@fcspaladins.org)
MS Phone: (770) 641-6855
School Hours: 8:00am – 3:05pm 9:00am late start each Wednesday
Please refer to the Student Handbook in the portal for division-specific dress code information.
Absences from school must be communicated to the office by email (msattendance@fcspaladins.org) before the start of the school day on the day of the absence and state the specific reason. Teachers will be given an absentee list at the beginning of the day, notifying them of all student absences. Please inform the office via email of an absence before the start of school to avoid the absence being unexcused. Excuses by phone or handwritten notes are not accepted.
Absences (including late arrivals and early dismissals) are excused for the following reasons ONLY:
• Illness
• Medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours
• Serious illness or death of an immediate family member
• School-sponsored activities
• Religious observances
• Pre-planned family obligations will be reviewed and handled on a case-by-case basis
Student absences from school for any reason not listed above will be considered unexcused. Following a student’s unexcused absence, the student will receive a morning detention.
If a student is arriving late to school or leaving early, the parent should email (msattendance@fcspaladins.org) before the start of the school day with a specific excuse and an estimated time of late arrival or early departure time. Phone calls or handwritten notes are not accepted.
If an athletic or extracurricular event ends at 10:00pm or later, the student participating in the event may have a delayed start the following day, arriving no later than 10:00am.
Students arriving after the tardy bell must check in at the middle school office to receive a note admitting them to class.
• 4th Class Tardy: Morning Detention
• 6th Class Tardy: Morning or Afternoon Detention
• 8th Class Tardy: Saturday School
*Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for more information on preplanned absences, unplanned absences due to illness or major life event, etc.
School supply lists and reading assignments will be posted in the Fellowship portal in June. Math packets are emailed to parents in early June. Please contact the middle school office for a copy of the math packet. The required math packet, summer reading, and additional summer assignments are due on the first day of school. Please remember that summer work does count as a grade and may require a fair amount of time to complete.
Annette Jacobs will email all MS students and parents in August when schedules are published and ready to view. Please note: Schedules are subject to change and are only final once Mrs. Jacobs notifies you.
Official communication and messages will be sent to students via their school email address: s.firstname.lastname@fcsweb.org.
The academic emphasis at Fellowship is to prepare middle school students for their high school experience and equip them with everything they need to have a successful high school experience. Students are challenged to accept increasing responsibility in a rigorous yet nurturing environment. Study skills, discipline, and character development are integrated into the curriculum consistently as students prepare for success in a college-preparatory high school.
A distinctive of Fellowship academics is the purposeful integration of Biblical thought and values with the content in all fields of study. Our teachers are committed Christians who intentionally incorporate this Biblical worldview into their teaching. They are passionate about what they teach, and more than half of our middle school faculty hold a Master's Degree in their field. Middle school course offerings include Bible, mathematics, science, history, english, physical education, art, computer, speech, and music.
Middle School electives include classes such as 3D Exploration, Portfolio, Home Ec, Chorus, Yearbook, Chapel Praise Team, MS Band, Boys' Sports Skills, Girls' and Boys' Lifetime Fitness, Robotics, Strategic Games, and Study Hall. (Students sign up for elective choices in June or as they are enrolled before the first day of school.) For a current list of electives, contact the middle school office.
Homework is necessary to provide enrichment, reinforce principles learned in class, incorporate good work habits and time-management skills, supplement classroom learning, and offer practice in needed skills. Fellowship recognizes the tension in family life as you attempt to balance family time, church, ministry, extracurricular activity, recreation, rest, and school work.
We also recognize our accountability in preparing each student for the future. If a student consistently experiences difficulty completing assignments if in in an acceptable time frame (e.g., 60 minutes maximum each night for a 6th grader, 70 minutes max for a 7th grader, etc.), the teacher and parents should consider the following possible causes: too many assignments, insufficient time management, student fatigue or illness, amount of time spent in extracurricular activities, and/or learning challenges. Students are encouraged to use time efficiently.
If the student workload appears excessive, please contact the appropriate teachers to address concerns. Homework and class assignments are posted in Google Classroom.
To ensure a balanced workload, students will not be required to take more than two tests, one test and two quizzes, or four quizzes in a single day.
A weekly test calendar will be posted on the grade-level Google Classroom every Friday for the following week.
Test dates announced before a student's absence are to be made up on the day of the student's return. If a student signs in late and misses a test, they must be prepared to make up the test after school that same day.
Students in 6th – 8th grade take examinations in most subjects at the end of each semester. Each exam period is 75 minutes long.
Chapel is held weekly. All parents are welcome to attend the division-wide chapels. Please note: Students meet in small groups monthly. Check the MS weekly news for the chapel schedule and Spiritual Life updates.
Parents will receive information about auditions and performances from Fellowship Drama/Music teachers.
MS Field Day is a fun-filled, sports-centered day held in May. It is a studentonly event.
Our Middle School retreat is a unique experience held early in the fall of the school year. Each grade spends 24 hours alone at camp with Fellowship and camp staff. They experience worship, messages, team-building, fun, water activities, and more. *Students in 8th grade enjoy an extra day at camp.
During this Fall trip, we will focus on:
• The 7 C's as found in the Creation Museum (Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation)
• The evidence of a worldwide flood
• How the Bible supports dinosaurs
• God's handiwork in creating Earth's magnificent structures
In the Spring, students experience firsthand everything they have been learning about in science class throughout the year at Jekyll Island. Students will visit Georgia's coastline to search for sea life, observe the fresh and saltwater marshes, explore natural forests with some of the largest oak trees on the island, and visit one of the largest sea turtle refuge centers in the south. While exploring God's creation, students worship together, work as a team, and strengthen relationships with their classmates.
The 8th-grade mission trip offers the opportunity for emotional and spiritual growth. Students engage in meaningful service and deepen their faith through hands-on experiences and interactions with diverse communities. Locations vary each year.
The purpose of all electronic resources is to support the school's educational mission. Applying information and technology skills is an integral part of teaching and learning. Students are expected to follow the Honor Code and the Code of Conduct requirements regarding technology use. (Refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for the Honor Code and Code of Conduct on the Fellowship Portal.)
All MS students will be issued a Chromebook device for academic purposes. Devices should be brought to school fully charged every day. Using technology in the classroom is up to the teacher's discretion. Cell phone use during school hours is prohibited unless a teacher gives permission. Please contact the front office if you need to communicate with your child during school hours. Once the school day commences and students enter the building, student-owned devices may only be used if given specific permission by the teacher for educational purposes. This includes smartphones, smart watches, etc. Smartphones and devices are to be turned off and remain in backpacks during school hours, including between classes and at lunch.
All lost articles will be collected and placed in the MS lost and found cabinet at the end of the hallway near Gym 2. The student will be notified if clothing articles are appropriately labeled with their name. Clothing, shoes, and other items not claimed after four weeks will be donated to a local charitable organization. Lost textbooks should be turned in at the office, and Lost Chromebooks should be turned in at the technology helpdesk.
Principal: Ari Durham (ari.durham@fcspaladins.org)
Assistant Principal: Amy Harriton (amy.harriton@fcspaladins.org)
Administrative Assistant to the Principal: Tess Fancher (tess.fancher@fcspaladins.org)
Nurse: Laura Tribble (laura.tribble@fcspaladins.org)
HS Phone: (770) 993-1650
School Hours: 8:00am – 3:15pm 9:00am late start each Wednesday
Please refer to the Student Handbook in the portal for division-specific dress code information.
Absences from school must be communicated to the office by email (attendance@fcspaladins.org) before the start of the school day on the day of the absence and state the specific reason. Teachers will be given an absentee list at the beginning of the day, notifying them of all student absences. Please inform the office via email of an absence before the start of school to avoid the absence being unexcused. Excuses by phone or handwritten notes are not accepted.
Absences (including late arrivals and early dismissals) are excused for the following reasons ONLY:
• Illness
• Medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours*
• Court appearance
• College visits (see 'College Visits' in the Parent/Student Handbook)
• School-sponsored activities
• Religious observances
• Driver's License appointment (half day only)
• Other reasons may be approved by the HS Administration
Student absences from school for any reason not listed above will be considered unexcused. Consequences for unexcused absences are as follows:
• 1-3 classes missed: 1 detention
• 4+ classes missed: 2 detentions
The Principal or Assistant Principal will handle any unexcused absences after the fourth as a behavioral issue to determine an appropriate course of action. Any classwork missed (assignment/project/quiz/test) due to an unexcused absence must be made up within 24 hours.
If a student is arriving late to school or leaving early, the parent should email (attendance@fcspaladins.org) before the start of the school day with a specific excuse and an estimated time of late arrival or early departure time. Phone calls or handwritten notes are not accepted.
Athletes who finish a game/match after 10:45pm or do not arrive home until after midnight (assuming the student goes straight home) may have until the end of the first period the next day to report to school.
Students arriving after the start of school must check in at the office to receive a note admitting them to class. A student is allowed five morning tardies per semester without consequences. At the sixth tardy, the student will receive a morning detention (45 minutes) and a $5.00 fine. A Saturday School detention (3 hours) and a $30.00 fine will be assigned for each additional three morning tardies. Students with a medical excuse will not receive a tardy. Students missing more than half of a class period are no longer considered tardy but absent from that class.
Teachers keep track of tardies. Three class tardies per class equate to one absence for Exam Exemption purposes. Six class tardies equate to a detention. After the initial consequence, every three detentions will result in a Saturday School detention. Habitual tardiness, as determined by the administration, will be handled by the Principal or Assistant Principal as a behavioral issue to determine an appropriate course of action.
*Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for more information on preplanned absences, unplanned absences due to illness or major life event, etc.
The summer newsletter, sent out in June includes information on summer assignments, the dates and times for Chromebook pick-up, locker set-up, and yearbook pictures. If you do not receive the newsletter, please email Tess Fancher at tess.fancher@fcspaladins.org.
The high school does not publish a supply list, as supplies for each class will be listed in the class syllabi distributed during the first week of school.
Our Concentrations cover a wide range of core high school courses while offering options that allow students to explore areas of interest.
The three Concentrations are:
• College Prep & Scholar's Concentration
• STEM Concentration
• Artisan Concentration
A student must complete a minimum of 24 credits, including four credits in Mathematics, three credits in Social Studies, four credits in Science, four credits in English, four credits in Bible, two credits in World Language, two semesters of Fine Arts or Technology, one semester of Physical Education; one semester of Health, and one additional elective.
A student must complete a minimum of 26 credits, including those on the College Prep Concentration list, as well as one additional elective and one additional credit of the same World Language. Three courses must be AP level, and the final cumulative average must be 80.0 or higher.
Enrollment in the STEM Concentration is available for all rising 9th and 10thgrade students. Students accepted will engage in a demanding program of study focusing on STEM-related competencies and hands-on experience. There are five Pathways to accommodate our students' different interests, talents, and goals. Each Pathway requires a combination of on-level, honors, dual enrollment, and AP courses.
• Engineering Sciences
• Engineering Technology
• Computer Science
• Architecture/Industrial Design
• Digital Technology
For more information, email STEM Director drew.lawes@fcspaladins.org.
The Artisan Concentration allows students to pursue God passionately and prepares them for collegiate success. The four pathways will prepare students for more focused exploration, provide quality mentoring, and build confidence in their given discipline. All pathways offer students real-life applications in their respective fields and provide a valuable academic experience that, typically, students are exposed to in their second or third year in college.
• Performing Arts
• Language Arts
• Visual Arts
• Hybrid...
For more information, email Director of Arts at trip.hughes@fcspaladins.org.
Academic Information (course offerings, etc.) is available through the Fellowship Portal on the Academic Hub; links to the Hub will be included in the HS Newsletter distributed in June and August. Please email the HS Assistant Principal at amy.harriton@fcspaladins.org for immediate access.
During the summer, all HS students and parents will receive an email when schedules are published and ready to view. You will also receive a separate email if there are any schedule conflicts with a specific course. Erin Sellers (erin.sellers@fcspaladins.org.) is the academic counselor for 9th-10th grade students, Lindsey Dean (lindsey.dean@fcspaladins.org), and Brian Chapman (brian.chapman@fcspaladins.org) serve as college counselors for 11th and 12th-grade students.
Course drop/add requests for on-level and honors courses may only be made during the first two full academic weeks of the school year. If the request is granted, the instructor must specify a completion date for all work for the new course.
Drop/add requests for AP courses may only be made through the first three full academic weeks of the school year. All fees are non-refundable if courses are changed. Dropping a class does incur the risk that the desired alternative course may not be open. If the drop/add request is granted, all work for the new course must be completed by a date specified by the instructor. Drop/ add for a second-semester course needs approval by the principal and is only available for elective courses and 11th and 12th-grade Bible.
Students who withdraw from a course after the drop request deadline will receive a "W" for (withdrawal). The administration will determine how this grade is calculated. This policy applies to all courses in the student's approved academic schedule.
A college preparatory diploma requires hard work, time, and discipline. Fellowship recognizes the tension in family life as families attempt to balance family time, church, ministry, extracurricular activity, recreation, rest, and school work. Homework provides for intentional reinforcement, readiness, research, reading, and enrichment, which supplements classroom learning and practice in needed skills. Students are encouraged to use their study hall time efficiently. Please contact the appropriate teacher to address the issue if the student workload appears excessive. Homework assignments may be accessed online through Google Classroom.
9th and 10th grade students are not required to take more than two tests daily. 11th and 12th-grade students are not required to take more than three tests daily. Please note that this rule does not apply to quizzes. There is no restriction on the number of quizzes given in a day. Making arrangements to complete missed work is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher.
Students take course assessments at the end of each semester. As stated in the course syllabus, these assessments count as a percentage of the course grade.
Students who cannot take their exams at the appointed time due to illness or a death in the immediate family should notify the office immediately. A doctor's note may be required if an illness prevents the student from taking an exam. Students will not be permitted to take an exam earlier than scheduled. Parents should not make vacation and travel plans that conflict with the exam schedule.
Students are not required to take more than two exams per day. After completing their exams for the day, students are excused from campus. Transportation should be arranged accordingly.
Students at Fellowship are prepared for their next steps beyond high school by the College and Academic Counseling team. Each year, beginning in 8th grade, students interact with their college and academic counselors as they work towards their college and career goals. Utilizing an age-specific curriculum, the team hosts in-class student lessons, parent events, college application workshops, individual family meetings, lunch and learn workshops, standardized testing, college recruiter visits, and senior celebratory events. The counseling team helps students and parents understand the how and why of college admissions as they seek the best fit for their dreams beyond graduation.
For more information about college admissions programming, please contact the Lead College Counselor at lindsey.dean@fcspaladins.org
Faith formation occurs in various intentional and direct ways: daily in Bible Classes, weekly in chapels, regularly in our small group experience, CREW, and yearly at our HS retreats.
Chapel is held weekly. All parents are welcome to attend.
The high school retreat is held at Sharptop Cove Camp in late August or early September. This time away allows students to bond in a new way through shared experiences and worship. Parent chaperones are appreciated.
This High School program prioritizes serving others throughout the school year. This is something Christ has called us to as believers and it is ultimately our way to honor Christ, by serving his creation, which he loves. GO and let your light shine so that they may see your good works. Matthew 5:16
Because of this commitment, Students are required to serve 20 hours in the community each school year that they are enrolled in the high school, culminating in 80 total hours of service for a student who has been enrolled freshmen to senior year. Students often go well above these required hours, with upwards for 800+ service hours over the course of their time at Fellowship. We encourage parents to research and present service opportunities to be considered for our school.
Winterim takes place within the first two weeks of January when students return for the spring semester. These two weeks focus on academic and spiritual development outside the classroom. 11th and 12th graders participate in off-campus internships to explore potential career interests. 9th and 10th graders may choose from various unique short-term course offerings on campus, off-campus learning excursions, or mission trips. There are also international educational trips.
The HS administration grants senior privileges toward the beginning of the first semester. Senior privileges correspond to study halls and are limited to two study hall periods and lunchtime, and involve the permission to be off campus during study hall(s) and/or lunch or on campus in designated areas. (If a student is failing a class, their senior privileges will be revoked until they once again have a passing grade.) Parents approve all privileges, which may be subject to change at their parental discretion. Late arrival, inappropriate conduct, and/or failing grades will result in losing these privileges for a designated time.
Seniors must scan in and out at the office when leaving campus for senior privileges.
Seniors may leave for lunch if their parents have submitted the appropriate approval form. Students are not permitted to ride with other students to lunch off campus. We are a closed campus; therefore, friends from other schools are not allowed to visit during lunchtime.
Students who drive to school must have a valid driver's license, an e-signed parking permit application on file, and be in good disciplinary standing. All student drivers must display a parking permit in their car window and park in their assigned space.
Parents visiting campus should park in the marked "Visitor" spaces in front of the high school. Unless you have a Fellowship parking permit, please refrain from parking in the numbered spaces, as they are all assigned to faculty, staff, and students.
The speed limit on campus is 10 mph. (Please watch for young children in the elementary school area and near the turf field.) Students will receive one warning for violating the speed limit or driving recklessly or improperly on campus. The subsequent violation will result in a one-week suspension of parking privileges and a parent conference. Further violations may result in parking privilege revocation for the remainder of the semester.
Other than when arriving and departing from school, students are not allowed in the parking lot during the academic day without express permission from the office. Students are not allowed to go to their cars during the school day. (Students may not use cars as lockers or storage areas and may not retrieve books, lunches, or personal belongings during the school day.)
Under no circumstances are students permitted to leave campus in their cars before the end of the class day without specific permission from the office. Car audio should be kept at low volume until the student leaves campus.
All students, parents, faculty, and visitors park their cars on campus at their own risk. The school assumes no responsibility for damage due to theft, vandalism, accidental or malicious actions of others, acts of nature, etc.
Students who can drive are expected to do so carefully, respectfully, and legally and obey the guidelines set forth by the school. Speeding or hazardous driving, inappropriate parking, or playing music too loudly while driving on campus will result in a warning and possible loss of driving privileges, depending on the level of violation. Campus Security and the high school administration will attend to driving and parking violations. Students may lose their parking privileges on campus, and seniors may lose their senior privileges.
With the growing need for communication, the high school is adopting a tiered approach to train students to interact and not abandon interpersonal "soft skills" in a culture with high attachment to personal devices. Unless specifically allowed by a teacher, students should not be on their cell phones during class from "bell to bell."
Inappropriate cell phone use, including unapproved and improper cell phone photography during school hours, will result in device confiscation.
All lost articles will be collected and placed in one of the lost and found cabinets. The student will be notified if clothing articles are labeled with a student's name. Articles of clothing, shoes, and other items not claimed at the end of the semester will be donated to a local charitable organization. Lost textbooks will be turned in at the office. Lost Chromebooks will be turned in at the technology help desk. Please check with the high school office for lost valuables such as jewelry, eyeglasses, keys, etc.
• Atlanta Christian Schools Association (ACSA) – ACSA aims to promote fellowship, encourage networking, provide staff and student development opportunities, and share successful programmatic strategies for metro Atlanta schools with a Christ-centered mission and biblical worldview. Fellowship is an ACSA member.
• Cognia – Cognia works with schools and systems of all types and sizes worldwide to assess their quality and help them meet the needs of every student. Cognia provides an explicit set of standards and criteria for accreditation and certification. Meeting and exceeding those standards results in a valuable recognition of excellence. Fellowship is Cognia accredited.
• Council on Educational Standards & Accountability (CESA) –ACSA aims to promote fellowship, encourage networking, provide staff and student development opportunities, and share successful programmatic strategies for metro Atlanta schools with a Christ-centered mission and biblical worldview. Fellowship is an ACSA member.
• Educational Records Bureau (ERB) – ERB is an independent educational advisory organization whose products and services assess and enhance academic ability, social maturity, and emotional awareness. Fellowship is an ERB member school.
• Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) –ECFA enhances trust in Christ-centered churches and ministries through its annual accreditation of organizations based on Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, drawn from Scripture. Fellowship is ECFA accredited.
• Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) – The mission of SAIS is to strengthen member schools by providing high-quality accreditation processes, comprehensive professional growth opportunities, and visionary leadership development programs. Fellowship is an accredited member school.
While tuition covers 100% of Fellowship's operating expenses, the Annual Fund provides for additional initiatives to enhance the experience of our students. The Annual Fund is our single largest school fundraiser, and our goal is to have 100% of families participating each year. With Every Family contributing to the Annual Fund Every Year, the funds raised provide for special projects that directly impact our students. Past projects have included building the concession area to accommodate dining, purchasing new LED screens and sound equipment to enhance the chapel and fine arts experience in Gym 1, technology enhancements, and security upgrades.
Bob Lord Field, located inside the stadium and directly across from the HS building, is the competitive playing field for our Paladin football, soccer, track and field, and lacrosse athletes.
Fellowship begins each school year with a special gathering known as convocation. In a typical year, faculty, staff, students, and parents attend. During this time of worship, the Head of School and division principals speak, dedicating the year to God's glory.
Crew is the HS small group experience. On the weeks when the HS does not meet for a division-wide chapel, students meet with their Crew, which is assigned by grade and gender and led by a teacher or staff member.
FACTS (formerly RenWeb) is a comprehensive system utilized by Fellowship for tuition management, extracurricular fees, payment administration and processing, online admissions/enrollment solutions, etc. It contains classspecific information for each student, such as daily assignments, homework, grades (for MS/HS), and reference documents posted by their teachers. It also includes a directory of families, faculty, staff, and students.
Note: Fellowship does not distribute phone/address directories. You may access FACTS/RENWEB from the home page of our website or purchase the FACTS Family App for $4.99 annually. The district code for Fellowship is FCS-GA.
The FAA exists to support and promote students' expressions of creativity in all areas of Fine Arts: visual, performing, literary, and musical. Membership in the FAA contributes to the mission of encouraging and developing young artists and fostering an environment of creativity, culture, and community for all families.
The mission of the Booster Club is to support and promote the advancement of all Fellowship athletic programs. It provides financial and volunteer support for all sports teams, student-athletes, the Athletic Director, and coaches to help increase student-athlete participation. With community support through membership, spirit wear purchases, and participation in the annual golf tournament, the Booster Club aims to support every athlete in every sport at every level.
Formerly known as “Fellowship Ladies R&R”, Flourish is a quarterly PTF sponsored event that connects moms across all three divisions through intentional fellowship and encouragement. Each event features a speaker and table conversation.
The Fellowship Portal is a password-protected area on the website created for our school community. It provides easy access to news and events, division-specific information, FAQs, contacts, quick links, resources, calendars, and more.
Scan the QR code to access the Fellowship Portal. FELLOWSHIP PORTAL
Recess component of the MS lunch period.
The objective of the GHSA shall be to promote mental, physical, and moral education in Georgia, standardize and encourage athletic participation, and promote sportsmanship and an appreciation for and study of music, speech, and other fine arts through regional and state competitions. Fellowship is a GHSA member.
GLC's are parents who serve in MS and HS and are nominated and coordinated through the PTF. They are a conduit between the PTF and parents to communicate important information about community and grade-specific events.
G1 is located on the lower level of the ES/MS building. It is the main competitive gym and performance space on campus. The entrance is immediately to the right of the middle school office. Volleyball matches, basketball games, school plays, chapel, and other large group gatherings are held here.
G2 is located on the lower level of the ES/MS building. It can be accessed externally by following the path to the left of the middle school office entrance or internally through the middle school hallways. This auxiliary gym is used for middle and high school practices and ES PE and is converted daily for lunch service.
Before the first day of school, in conjunction with orientations and meetand-greet sessions, JumpStart is designed to foster connections with other families, provide an opportunity to learn about volunteering, purchase spirit wear, join the Booster Club and FAA, and more.
Fellowship's lunch service provider. To sign your child up for lunch, scan the QR code link.
A New Family Mentor (NFM) is a current parent trained to serve and mentor our new families, warmly welcoming them into the Fellowship community. Mentors are matched with new families based on grade level and gender of children.
PAC serves Fellowship Elementary School families by providing students with a nurturing environment before and after school that is safe, comfortable, and fun. This innovative and exciting program allows students in grades PreK-5th the opportunity to balance learning and fun through various experiences, including homework help and playtime.
Scan the QR code for PAC hours, to register, or for more information.
The Paladin Center, located at 735 W. Crossville Road in Roswell, is Fellowship's athletic training facility. It houses the weight room, athletic meeting space, coaches' offices, and equipment storage.
Paladin Park, located on Fellowship's main campus just inside the Jones Road entrance, is home to Winchester Field (baseball), the Paladin Pavilion, a playground, the softball field, a hitting facility, and tennis courts.
Paladin Roundtable is a monthly PTF sponsored event which exists to "Connect, Encourage, and Equip Fellowship Dads." The Paladin men meet monthly during the school year, typically the first or second Friday, from 7:30 – 9:00am. While this is a year-long series, it is designed so you may attend as your schedule permits.
The PTF exists to promote a vibrant, engaging experience of Christ-centered community fellowship between our parents, students, faculty, and staff. ALL parents are members of the PTF. There is no membership fee or monthly meetings.
A limited number of Visitor spaces are available on campus for parent and guest use. Additional visitor and event parking is available in the Fellowship Bible Church parking lot. Please do not park in any numbered student space, spaces labeled faculty/staff, or unloading.
RAPTOR is the visitor registration system. All campus visitors must check in and present a driver's license to receive a name tag.
Room Moms are selected and invited by teachers to serve as liaisons between teachers and parents, helping communicate important information and organize special class events (as directed by the teacher).
4th and 5th-grade students participate in choice-driven Spark and Ignite elective classes. Some examples of past class offerings include Worship Collective, Performing Arts, STEM, Advanced Art, Yearbook, Digital Design, Artisan Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Game On, and Survival Skills. These classes are revised year-to-year.
Spiritual Emphasis Day is an opportunity for middle school students to take a break from their regular academic schedule and campus routine, dedicating time to spiritual growth through engaging with speakers, participating in musical worship, fostering fellowship with friends, and enjoying various fun activities.
SAS is designed to help PreK – 12th grade students reach their full academic potential. To close learning gaps, our elementary-aged students identified with academic needs may receive testing accommodations, classroom accommodations, and learning lab support. Middle and high school students with learning challenges, such as attention issues, a learning disability, or executive functioning difficulties, identified through an independent educational-psychological evaluation are given learning support through the implementation of academic accommodations.
This meeting space is located on the third floor of the high school building.
Fellowship offers a variety of on-campus summer camps for students of all ages. Camps are open to Fellowship and nonFellowship families.
Scan the QR code for more information.
Middle school Wheel Classes are the rotation of required courses, each lasting nine weeks.
Located in Paladin Park, Winchester Field is the home of the Paladin baseball program.
Winterfest is an elementary school onsite retreat that takes place over two days before Christmas break. Faculty and students take time off from core academic classes to focus on spiritual development. The days are filled with worship, messages, service projects, small group time, fun, and fellowship.
Winterim is for high school students and takes place within the first two weeks of January when students return for the spring semester. These two weeks focus on academic and spiritual development outside the classroom. 11th and 12th graders participate in off-campus internships to explore potential career interests. 9th and 10th graders may choose from various unique short-term course offerings on campus, off-campus learning excursions, or mission trips. There are also international educational trips.
A New Family Mentor (NFM) is a current parent who has been trained to serve as a mentor to our new families. The NFM warmly welcomes new families to Fellowship and helps them get acclimated to our amazing FCS community. Your NFM has a child in the same grade level and of the same gender as your child(ren). Your NFM will contact you prior to the start of school to arrange social opportunities for you, your child and your family to meet other families and children in your child’s grade level.
This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to make connections prior to the start of school. During the school year, your NFM will continue to aid you in navigating the amazing activities and opportunities available for you and your child.
In addition, after the start of school, MS/HS Grade Level Coordinators (GLC‘s) and ES Room Moms will be assigned and serve as an additional resource for you regarding school-wide and division-specific information and events.
New Family Mentor Is:
"For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light."