EP profile_ FK South to South program AIESEC Kenya

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EP Profile South to South Fredskorpset Project AIESEC Kenya Fredskorpset Requirements; Age 21 – 30 years Nationality No requirements. Language Skills  Fluent in English Time availability  Available from January 2nd (needs to arrive in Uganda January 3rd) for a 2 weeks preparation seminar  Available to go on exchange for 6 months, from 3rd of January - 1st of July  Available for 2 months information work, to be finished latest 3 months after the internship ends Academic Background  Bachelor student, Master student or graduate  Business Background/Knowledge (preferred)  Social sciences (not a requirement)  Have experience in the volunteering sector Motivation  Personal development  Looks for a challenge  Interested in improving the social economy of their country  Learn about a new country and culture  Wants to have an adventurous experience

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Entrepreneurial or innovative Seeks to have a positive impact on a local community and on others

General characteristics  Positive  Responsible  Flexibility (in terms of culture differences and project they will be working in)  Open minded (open to different scenarios and challenges)  Solution-oriented  Independent Competencies [the most important ones]  Self-awareness  Awareness of others  Resilience  Effective communication

OTHER REQUIREMENTS PERSONAL QUALIFICATIONS Professional qualifications required are specific to each partnership, and depend on the project content. In addition, experience shows that some personal qualities are significant when identifying a successful participant. The following list is not complete, but may provide an idea of what to look for: WILLINGNESS TO LEARN AS WELL AS TO TEACH Reciprocity is a core value within FK partnerships: participants should be willing and able to share their knowledge as well as to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. The successful candidate has a “volunteer” rather than a “consultant” approach MOTIVATION Check out the motivation for applying for the posting:   

is it too ambitious? (“I want to save the world”), is it too selfish? (“this is good for my career”, “this will be a good opportunity to have someone pay for my extended holiday abroad” or “this might be a good incomegeneration program”) is the candidate trying to escape a difficult situation at home?

COMMITMENT The participants should have no other professional commitments during the exchange.

FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY Things tend to turn out differently from what you expect. How willing and able is the candidate to adapt to new situations, and to accept unexpected changes instead of feeling that “the world is falling apart”? Work regulations, hierarchy and other local practices may be very different from home, and may be a challenge to many. In some partnerships, participants must be willing to live under modest local conditions.

PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY When you feel confident as a professional, you are probably more open to alternative solutions and less dependent on well-known or state-of-the-art technology MENTAL STABILITY For many FK participants the exchange is their first visit outside their home country. Though they may have travelled before, the exchange may expose them to new cultural contexts which may result in a “culture shock” Some participants will suffer from homesickness and feel lonely at times. How serious this becomes will depend on the preparation beforehand but also on individual strength. PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS When you are looking for solutions rather than problems, you are more likely to succeed. MODESTY AND HUMILITY A person who meets you with respect and a sense of humility is usually met with a warmer welcome than the person who behaves like a world champion. SENSE OF HUMOUR This is always a useful quality. If you don’t take yourself too seriously, you’re more likely to avoid awkward and embarrassing episodes POSITIVE THINKING An optimistic approach is always more helpful in difficult situations than a more pessimistic attitude!

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