Girton Grammar Junior School
WELCOME Welcome to Girton Grammar Junior School. Starting or changing school is a milestone event in anyone’s life. The purpose of this booklet is to provide parents of our school with useful, relevant information about their child’s education. It outlines the Junior School curriculum framework as well as practical information about the day to day operations of our school.
2018 Term Dates Term One: Wednesday 31st January – Thursday 29th March Term Two: Monday 16th April – Friday 22nd June Term Three: Wednesday 18th July – Friday 21st September Term Four: Monday 8th October – Thursday 6th December 2019 Term Dates Term One: Thursday 31st January – Friday 5th April Term Two: Tuesday 23rd April – Friday 21st June Term Three: Wednesday 17th July – Friday 20th September Term Four: Monday 7th October – Thursday 5th December
CONTENTS Foreword from the Head of Junior School
Girton Grammar School 03 5441 3114
Brief History of Girton Grammar School
Junior School Reception 03 4408 5919
The School House System
Absentee line 03 4408 5992 or email
Junior School Staff
Curriculum 8 Assessment & Reporting
Special Education
Co-Curriculum 10 RULER Emotional Intelligence program
Parent Participation
Uniform and Grooming
Parental involvement
Administration information
Developing Stars
Girton Grammar Junior School
ABOUT OUR JUNIOR SCHOOL The Girton Grammar Junior School provides students with the opportunity to explore and develop their strengths and passions as they explore the world around them and are exposed to new and wondrous things. Children are encouraged to try a broad range of learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. This is achieved through a programme that is balanced with academic and co-curricular activities that are designed and led by talented and dedicated staff.
Students have the opportunity to pursue and develop special skills through participation in the vast range of co-curricular and sporting activities on offer. Some of these include instrumental tuition, chess, drama, football, cricket, netball, athletics and swimming. This list differs each term to accommodate various seasons and as students develop interests in new and different activities. The School aims to produce students who are informed, confident and socially adept. Our students are encouraged to think for themselves and to be able to express themselves in writing and in public. All students in the Junior School are provided with the opportunity to speak in public and to write for a wide readership. The Girton Grammar Junior School is a place of learning and growth where every child is accepted for who they are, and where we celebrate the interests and the capabilities of every child. I welcome you to our school community and look forward to getting to know your child. Mr Donald Thompson Head of Junior School
The academic programme is based on the learning of sound basic skills in numeracy and literacy. Students are encouraged to be active learners by teaching them to learn for themselves. The acquisition of research skills and the capability of independent thought are high priorities. The studies of Japanese, French, Art, Library, Music, Physical Education and Drama are delivered by specialist staff from Prep onwards and Science in Years Four, Five and Six is also taught by specialist staff in our wonderful Junior School science laboratories. Students with learning challenges are assisted by the teachers in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC). The LRC staff work in partnership with the class teachers to identify and assist students with specific learning difficulties. Individual programmes designed by the teachers are implemented in the classroom and at home. Parents are encouraged to assist with the programme and are given strategies which can be used at home to develop areas of difficulty.
“In the Junior School a range of wellbeing initiatives compliment the RULER approach and create a safe, supportive and respectful culture. From prefect buddies, friendship photos and the prep transition programme to wellbeing assemblies and the camps programme, there is a place for every child to fit in and have fun.� Mrs Viv Bath Deputy Head of Junior School and Teacher of Year 6M
Girton Grammar Junior School
Mr Michael Robertson Teacher of Preparatory
Mrs Josie Beks Teacher of Preparatory
Mrs Kerry Thompson Teacher of Year One
Mrs Tabatha Peter Teacher of Year One / Head of Junior School Curriculum
Mrs Georgiana Rice Teacher of Year Two
Mrs Kendra Burge Teacher of Year Two / Head of Early Years
Mrs Rachelle Fisher Teacher of Year Three / Head of Community Service
Mr Jamie Turner Teacher of Year Three
Mr Dean Norris Teacher of Year Three
Mr Paul Flanagan Teacher of Year Four / Head of Emotional Intelligence Programs
Mrs Linda Gibson Teacher of Year Four
Ms Michelle Rey Teacher of Year Four
Ms Vanessa Jeurgens Teacher of Year Five
Mrs Jenny Geyer Teacher of Year Five
Mrs Samantha Naunton Teacher of Year Five
Mr David Ruddick Teacher of Year Five
Mr Mark Di Fede Teacher of Year Six
Mrs Erin Moss Teacher of Year Six / Assistant Head of Transition
Mrs Viv Bath Deputy Head of Junior School / Teacher of Year Six
Mr John Gibbs Teacher of Year Six
Mrs Prue Milner Relief Teacher of Year Two (for Mrs Burge) and Year Six (for Mrs Bath)
Developing Stars
Girton Grammar Junior School
Specialist Subject Teachers
Mrs Nic James Teacher of Art
Mrs Mandy Ellison Teacher of Drama
Mrs Christabelle Ryan Teacher of French
Mrs Liz Blanks Teacher of Japanese
Mrs Mardi Polidano Library
Mrs Dianne Kolenaty Library
Mrs Laura Dusseljee Head of Junior School Music
Mrs Betty Higgs Music - MiC Piano / Tutor
Miss Rachel London Music - Violin Tutor
Mrs Trish Timmins Music - MiC of Strings / Tutor
Mrs Jacqui Vine Music - MiC of Brass / Tutor
Dr Michael Lichnovsky Music - MiC of Woodwind / Tutor
Mr David Turpie Music - MiC of Percussion / Tutor
Mr Graham Crickmore Outdoor Education Co-ordinator / Head of Camps
Mrs Carmel Hamilton Physical Education
Mr John Doherty Physical Education
Mrs Sally Monichino Physical Education
Mr Ben Furphy Physical Education
Mrs Kristie Woodward Teacher of Science
Mrs Belinda Vernon Head of Learning Resource Centre
Mrs Carolyn Flood LRC Staff
Mrs Collette Derrick LRC Staff
Mr Dennis Garoni LRC Staff
Mrs Heather Keig LRC Staff
Ms Anita McLean LRC Staff
Mrs Carly Barnes LRC Staff
Mrs Annette Homes Arrowsmith Staff
Ms Meaghan Ketterer Arrowsmith Staff
Girton Grammar Junior School
A BRIEF HISTORY OF GIRTON Girton Grammar School first opened in 1884 and was known as Girton College, a private school for senior girls, guided by founders Mrs Marian Aherne and Miss Alice Hill. In 1904 the College became a Church of England Girls’ Grammar School. At the beginning of 1916, Girton moved to its present site in MacKenzie Street, Bendigo where the School remained for the next seventy years. In 1986 the Junior School and Boarders moved to a new site in Strathdale. The remainder of the school followed in 1987. Owing to several reasons, Girton College ceased to operate in 1992.
First assembly 1993. Day 1 of Girton Grammar School
Over the Summer of 1992/1993 a dedicated band of parents and supporters fought and worked tirelessly to establish Girton Grammar School and in January 1993 the School was reborn back at the MacKenzie Street site. Today, Girton Grammar School is a coeducational school with over 1100 students from Preparatory to Year Twelve. The Junior School is a close knit community of just over 380 students in nineteen classes. Each class is limited to twenty five, a ratio which helps ensure a highly effective learning environment.
per aspera ad astra The School’s motto “per aspera ad astra” is said to have come from an old Persian proverb. The Greeks had the same idea in their legend of Pegasus. “Per aspera ad astra” means through hardship to the stars!
Developing Stars
Girton Grammar Junior School
Junior School House leaders at the Swimming Carnival 2018
Girton Grammar School has a proud tradition of following a House system. For the first seventy-two years there were only two Houses - Aherne and Frew. Riley House was established in 1956. Then Millward House in 2001, Jenkin in 2003 and Jones in 2011. Students in the Junior School are allocated to a House so that each House’s numbers are roughly equal. Family members are placed in the same House so that House tradition is perpetuated.
Each House is led by two Year 6 House Captains and two Vice-Captains who lead their Houses at School sporting events. House leaders also host Junior School assemblies on a rotating basis. The House system is celebrated and enjoyed in the Junior School, fostering a place of belonging and fun for every student.
Girton Grammar Junior School
In the Junior School, we strive to be innovative and creative in our curriculum, to challenge young minds, and to equip our students with the skills and knowledge they will need for their future. We hold high but reasonable expectations for all of our students and celebrate the personal achievements and successes of individuals. The Junior School Curriculum offers a comprehensive, contemporary and interesting range of academic subjects, designed to capture a student’s curiosity and develop a life-long love of learning. The curriculum is largely informed by the Australian Curriculum. Our curriculum also takes into consideration many other influences such as National Benchmarks and regional influences.
“The Junior School offers a broad range of learning opportunities that foster excellence while educating the mind, body and spirit.The Junior School curriculum is focused on stimulating creativity and curiosity and building a solid foundation in academic skills, especially numeracy and literacy” Mrs Tabatha Peter Head of Junior School Curriculum
The Junior School Curriculum is designed to reflect the latest educational trends in teaching and learning practices to ensure that our students achieve their highest potential in their personal, academic, social and co-curricular lives. Teaching based on this approach allows us to bring out the best in every child, for friendships to flourish and for personalities to develop. Mrs Tabatha Peter Head of Junior School Curriculum
Developing Stars
Girton Grammar Junior School
ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING Assessment and reporting procedures are vital in ascertaining the skills and knowledge of a student, providing feedback to teachers, parents and importantly, to the student themself. Assessment techniques range from observation, anecdotal records, checklists, assessment of work books and projects and informal tests. Reporting comes in two forms. The first is by formal written reports which are given to parents at the completion of each semester. These reports are detailed and provide excellent feedback to the parent on the progress of his or her child. There are also progress reports at the end of Term One and Term Three.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Learning Resource Centre – Junior School The Early Learning Resource Centre is a multi purpose room which contains a wide variety of literacy and numeracy resources. These are frequently used by the staff and students from Preparatory to Year Six. The Centre also provides facilities for working with individuals or small groups who may require extra assistance in aspects of Literacy or Numeracy. Students with specific academic needs are referred to specialist Learning Resource Staff who test the children, make suggestions to the teaching staff regarding suitable teaching strategies and see students on an individual or group basis. The Specialist Learning Resource Centre Staff work closely with classroom teachers to establish and implement worthwhile recovery programmes.
The second method of reporting takes place through Parent Teacher Interviews held in Term One and Term Three. At these interviews, parents have the opportunity to meet with the class teacher to discuss the progress of their child and seek council on any queries. Parents are also encouraged to make an appointment to meet with the classroom teacher or the Head of Junior School when the need arises.
NAPLAN Students in Year Three and Year Five are assessed using the National Assesment Programme, Literacy and Numeracy in May. Results are available to parents in September.
Girton Grammar Junior School
GOALS OF THE COCURRICULUM By participating in the Junior School Cocurriculum, students are encouraged to develop: •
Positive attitudes
Personal Courage
Ethical Behaviour
Appropriate humility and modesty
Appropriate competitiveness
Generosity of Spirit
Physical fitness
Appreciation of Art, Music, Drama and Cultural Endeavour
CO-CURRICULUM Co-curricular activities are a great way for classmates to mix outside the classroom, develop social skills, promote a healthy lifestyle and broaden their range of experiences.
Although participation in co-curricular activities is not compulsory in the Junior School, it is highly encouraged. A range of co-curricular activities are offered in the Arts, Sports and academic fields.
A comprehensive list of co-curricular activities is available from Junior School Reception.
STUDENT WELLBEING Care and education for young children cannot be separated. At Girton Grammar School this is a guiding principle through Junior School, and especially in the early years from Prep to Grade 2. Our Junior School is a place of learning and growth where all children are accepted for who they are, and where we cherish this brief and unique period of life. Every child in the Girton Grammar Junior School will be known, not only by their classroom teacher, but also by their specialist subject teachers, co-curriculum teachers and the administration staff. The primary care of students is through a child’s classroom teacher, but each child will be in one of our much loved Houses, giving them a chance to be a part of a different group of children who, together, are all part of a bigger community.
Developing Stars
Girton Grammar Junior School
R.U.L.E.R. Teachers and students experience a wide range of emotions throughout the day that can either support or hinder their learning. The RULER Approach is a whole school programme aimed at developing both students’ and educators’ social and Emotional Literacy. The programme was developed by the Department of Psychology at Yale University and was adopted by the School in 2012. Students from Preparatory to Year Six are taught the skills of how to Recognise, Understand, Label, Express and Regulate their emotions. The RULER Approach consists of four Anchor tools that assist students to develop the skills of Emotional Literacy. The Charter, the Mood Meter, Meta Moments and Blueprints. The Junior School classrooms teachers are fully trained to instruct their students in the four anchors of emotional literacy.
Emotional Literacy provides a foundation for successful cognitive, social, emotional and behaviour development. Through our work on Emotional Literacy, we are making a genuine commitment to supporting the holistic development of students and staff. The RULER acronym represents the following. Recognising emotions What am I feeling? Understanding emotions Why am I feeling this way? Labelling Emotions Which word best describes how I am feeling? Expressing emotions How am I expressing this emotion? What is my body language? Which words am I using? Regulating emotions What strategies am I going to use to either maintain or change this emotion?
Girton Grammar Junior School
UNIFORM & GROOMING There are over 130 years of rich history woven into the fabric of the Girton College and Girton Grammar school uniforms. A refreshed uniform was introduced in 2017 with a three year sunset period, allowing for a gradual transition to the new uniform items which will become compulsory at the commencement of the 2020 school year. Girton students have always taken great pride in wearing their uniform, which has always provided students with a sense of unity, common belonging and School spirit.
Developing Stars
Girton Grammar Junior School
PARENT PARTICIPATION There are many opportunities to become involved in the Girton Grammar community. In the lower year levels, parents are invited to help in the Early Learning Programmes in Literacy and Numeracy. This assistance can take place within the classroom or at home.
Girton Parents’ and Friends’ Association
Parents may wish to become involved in other ways, including joining the Girton Grammar Parents and Friends Association. Through Girton Grammar Parents and Friends Association or Friends of Junior School, a range of activities and tasks are undertaken by parents. These include fundraising, Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day, the School Fair and social gatherings. Please contact the your classroom teacher or Mrs Kim Henery for further information. Your involvement is most welcome and greatly appreciated.
Friends Of Junior School
The Friends of Junior School is a group of Class Represenetatives (parents) and teachers who meet once a month to help the Junior School maintain a good sense of community and culture. This is important because Junior School is only a small part of the much larger Girton Grammar community. The role of the parent Class Representative is the key to this group maintaining a successful presence, as well as fostering relations amongst the parents in each year level. Although there is a Class Representative committee in place, the meetings are very informal and are directed by the President who is guided by an agenda to which any Class Representative may contribute.
Girton Grammar Junior School
ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION Below is useful information about the day to day operation of the Junior School such as student absences and lost property. If you have further queries, please feel free to contact Junior School reception on 03 4408 5919.
Junior School Administration Staff
Mrs Kim Henery Executive Assistant to the Head of Junior School
Mrs Vickie Holland Junior School Administration
Mrs Noelle Leader Junior School Administration
If your child becomes ill at school you will be contacted. Any child who is ill should be kept at home to avoid prolonging the illness and infecting others. If you child will be absent, please notify the school by contacting the Absentee Line (03 4408 5992 / absentees@ gir Please also provide a note explaining the reason for absence when your child returns to school. Any planned time away from school must be directed in writing to the Headmaster or Head of Junior School.
Students are asked to place any money for school events or written notes for teachers in a named envelope on their teacher’s desk before 8.45am.
Canteen The Junior School Canteen operates each school day. Students should write their order on a named envelope and place this with the required money in their classroom Lunch Order Box at the beginning of the day. Lunches are returned to the classroom at lunchtime. Students in Preparatory Class to Year Five are not permitted to go to the Canteen to purchase items. Students in Year Six have the privilege of going to the Canteen between 12:25pm to 12:40pm to purchase snacks. A menu and prices can be located on the Girton Grammar School Website.
Birthdays Bir thdays are a day of celebration in your child’s life. We recommend not distributing par ty invitations at school if possible, especially if not all children are invited to attend. You may drop your invitations in to Junior School reception in named and stamped envelopes for them to be addressed and posted. Please see your child’s class teacher with any queries. If desired, a bir thday cake or treats may be brought to school to share with classmates. Please be mindful of food allergies. Please contact your child’s teacher to arrange an appropriate time to bring in items.
Lost Property The Junior School Lost Property Box is located at Junior School Reception.
Developing Stars
Girton Grammar Junior School
Student Organiser
Compulsory School Events
The Student Organiser contains comprehensive information on a broad range of school life at Gir ton Grammar School, including homework, Student Rights and Responsibilities, Discipline Policy, School Rules, School Map, amongst other information on the day to day operations of the school.
Each year there are several compulsory school activities. Some are held outside normal school hours. These include the Foundation Day Service, Carols Service, Speech Night and the Year Level Camps.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the organiser is signed each school night. This forms a vital communication link between home and the classroom. Parents are invited to write any notes you wish in the Student Organiser. These will be checked regularly.
The Junior School After School Care Programme is available each weeknight from 3:15pm to 6:00pm. Students are supervised in a fun, safe environment at the school and may par take in many activities including watching videos, playing spor t and games. Our After School Care Programme is provided by Camp Australia. Bookings can be made through the Camp Australia at:
Discipline The Junior School places emphasis on student rights and responsibilities under an approach of ‘Firm, Fair, Friendly’. By Year Six, students should understand the impor tance of taking responsibility and ownership for their actions and understand that actions have a consequence. Every child has the right to feel happy and safe in the classroom and the playground. No child has the right to make someone feel unhappy or unsafe in the classroom and the playground. Each year we distribute the Gir ton Grammar School Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy to all Students.
After School Care Programme
Comments, questions of further information If you have any questions regarding any item mentioned in this booklet, please contact either your classroom teacher, Mr Donald Thompson (Head of Junior School) or your classroom teacher. Further information on curriculum or schooling matters may be found using the Girton Grammar School Website:
Outdoor Education Camps Our Junior School conducts an excellent Outdoor Education programme. This programme commences with an extended stay at School in the Preparatory Year and progresses sequentially to culminate in a five day camp in Year Six. Camps promote peer relations, personal skills and enhance students’ appreciation of our environment. (Refer separate ‘Camps Happen Here’ brochure for more information).
Excursions All year levels par ticipate in local excursions over the course of the year. Educational excursions are used to complement and enhance academic content studied in the classroom. All Junior School students par ticipate in Gymnastics and Swimming Programmes held at local facilities.
Girton Grammar Junior School
Girton Grammar School 105 MacKenzie Street Bendigo VIC 3550 03 5441 3114