Precioustones Aug 2018

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END TIMES Tales of mad stoke from


around the globe

ELDER CARL HEARN~SPOTLIGHT Where to next? A search


for new travels

EDITOR'S NOTE SCRIPTURE FOR THOUGHTS PSALMS 71:5-8 5 For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth.

START UPS How Black Women Are


Building Start Ups Without Investors

6 By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee. 7 I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. 8 Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.


END TIMES .Eschatology is considered the subject of the end times or last things, though there are various views on the subject, which we will not concern ourselves with that here. It is the popular and most regarded view from which we take our position, the premillennial. Throughout the subject of this work, I have taken the position of the Hamitic or black people being appointed as the Prophetic, as such have an assignments that assist the intent of God throughout the gentile reign unto the rapture of the church or believers. I contend it was the intent of God from the beginning of appointments to each one of Noah’s sons as progenitors of the human family. They each represented the composition of the synthesis by which God incorporate His purpose in the earth. Three stands for the number of entirety, completion, real, solid, substantial in bible and denotes “Divine Perfection.” That was the number of Noah’s sons, denoting Prophet, Priest and King, which encompasses the entirety of Israel’s make up and history. It is also the constitutional make up of Christ, which would encompass the entirety of the “whole” human family or world for which He died. In each person of this make up (prophet, priest and king) Christ fulfilled and unveiled Himself to the world, however it was the prophetic, through which He was identified.

It was to the prophecies He constantly pointed, to confirm it was He, of whom the scriptures spoke. It was this same office, the “prophetic,” that had insight from the beginning to the millennial reign of Christ in the “End Time.” For it was through the prophets, that we even have a view of what the end time is supposed to look like or identify it. The role of the end time players, the participating nations, the antiChrist, the false prophet, the Great Whore etc., is through the realm of the prophetic. However, the specificity, I contend in its particulars requires a sui generis (being in a class by itself: uniquely its own), as a distinction by its very nature through the Holy Spirit is able to give a view no one else can. It is the “conative utterances” of the prophetic in the Hamitic that will also initialize the restorative work of black men, as it inaugurate a nation being called back to holiness. Health, wholeness and holiness and the number three (3) also have the same root, the reunification, preservation and restoration of the black family and the nation has its roots in the same origination. Which is why satan needed the office of the prophetic to advance his cause, the prophetic in bible is “light, illumination, understanding.” Exactly what satan represents himself as to the world. Therefore from the beginning the problem was not “racism” but the unique gift and appointment of black people, in whom the world would never unveil, so contempt, loathing and hatred was a must. We assumed it was because of the color of our skin, it started a quest to prove we’re as good.


According to Wikipedia, there are two slightly different meanings of safety. For example, home safety may indicate a building's ability to protect against external harm events (such as weather, home invasion, etc.), or may indicate that its internal installations (such as appliances, stairs, etc.) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its inhabitants. Not only by religious experience do they abhor the practices satan is introducing, but “by nature” black people despise and detest the cultural habits he is suggesting. Only one in four black men become homosexuals, which does not take into account the ones who are converted to Jesus Christ, for satan that is a very slow and unsuccessful process. However, if leading black men and black church leaders support the effort, it can give the appearance of having accepted it and throw out statistics which their advocates and sympathizers control. This is the same method through which End Time preaching and teaching is changed to support unscriptural liberal views through technological *techniques. However, this did not escape God, in point of fact much of what He prophesied will come to pass, could only happen with the discovery of advance technological development. Though many in the Christian world will have some understanding of this insidious façade, it will be the prophetic insight of the Hamitic that will be able to see through that narrow field of vision.

This end time mandate will awaken the prodigal sons of the coming of their time, with a vision and beat of the Father’s heart. They will also occasion the others who slept in the pig-pen with him, they will also recognize and expose the spirit that only pretends to have the Father’s interest at heart. Because of their worldly understanding, prodigals will return very thick skinned, not looking to be pampered Their enemies will find them a very formidable foe, not just because they are tough, but because they have found their secret weapon, the ability to assess their unique aptitude for navigating the realm of the Spirit. That is where black people always missed it, they always knew they had something different. But they always modeled it after other ethnic groups or sought to integrate with them under being Christian. However, it never encouraged these groups to do the same or comfortable with black people feeling their own. It required a faith which was not commonly taught in Christian circles, a self-sacrificing faith that only had a desire to serve and an uncompromising commitment to the purpose of Christ first and foremost. The war itself sifted the great pretenders from among the crew, they were early casualties, still immersed in the cosmetics of the gospel, never making it through the battles to the war. The End Times sneaks us into a peak at the secret preparations of satanic angels of antiquity.

C L TO R TO SMITH Decided to apply for a senatorial slot. Is she finally leaving her Celebrity Life?

COLBY TWINS Diana and Harry Colby's Twins survived after a car accident in LA

ANGELA CARLE talks about her growing relationship with Mark Dizon


C L TO R TO SMITH Decided to apply for a senatorial slot. Is she finally leaving her Celebrity Life?


ANGELA CARLE talks about her growing relationship with Mark Dizon


Diana and Harry Colby's Twins survived after a car accident in LA


C L TO R TO SMITH Decided to apply for a senatorial slot. Is she finally leaving her Celebrity Life?

COLBY TWINS Diana and Harry Colby's Twins survived after a car accident in LA

ANGELA CARLE talks about her growing relationship with Mark Dizon


C L TO R TO SMITH Decided to apply for a senatorial slot. Is she finally leaving her Celebrity Life?

COLBY TWINS Diana and Harry Colby's Twins survived after a car accident in LA

ANGELA CARLE talks about her growing relationship with Mark Dizon






LIFE TALK WEALTH BUILDING FOR FAMILY'S Trips to visit grandkids, travel

But you do have to live and

adventures, and family

plan today with that goal in

celebrations hosted at your


paid-for home. That’s the kind

Building wealth starts with

of retirement many Americans

proper planning at every stage

dream about.

of your life. Here’s a decade-

You don’t have to earn six

by-decade look at what you

figures to turn this dream into

can do to maximize your

a reality.

savings potential.

A recent government study found that it takes $235,000 to raise a child from infancy to age 17. If that’s not the last thing an expectant parent wants to read, we don’t know what is. Except for maybe this: That big number doesn’t include college, extracurricular activities or family vacations. Take Care of Your Own Future First Yes, it sounds counterintuitive to begin by talking about you. But here’s the thing: Making sure that you and your spouse are taken care of is the best way to set your baby up for success. You can do this with a few simple steps.

3. Save for retirement. If you’re debt-free except for your house and have three to six months of expenses in savings, your next step should be to invest 15% of your household income into Roth IRAs and pretax retirement plans—not your baby’s college fund. By taking care of your retirement now, you ultimately free your little one from the financial burden of caring for you in your old age. Get expert investing advice from a professional in your area.

Dave encourages anyone over the age of 18 to file a will. If you’ve got a spouse and a baby on the way and don’t have a will—or haven’t updated it in a while—this should be your first priority. You can do this quickly and inexpensively through an online legal service.

Then Take Care of Your Baby’s Future When—and only when—you’ve taken care of the tasks above, you’ll be ready to move forward with every parent’s dream: providing the best for their baby. It’s important to talk regularly about what that looks like for your family. You can start by addressing the areas listed below.

2. Get term life insurance.

1. Save for baby’s college.

Just like the will, getting term life insurance is an expression of love for your family. Term life insurance doesn’t cost much compared to the peace of mind it provides. Be sure to get term life insurance on both you and your spouse, equal to 10 times your income. Get a quote now from Zander Insurance.

Be sure to use tax-favored plans, starting with an Education Savings Account (ESA). An ESA allows you to invest up to $2,000 per year. This amount must be invested after taxes are taken out, but it grows tax free. That means if you invest the top amount at an average growth of 12% from the time your baby is born until age 18, it will grow to $126,000—and you only put in $36,000!

1. File a will.

If you’d like to save more than $2,000 per year, or if your income disqualifies you from participating in an ESA, you can save for your baby’s college in a 529 plan. Dave says to take caution with 529 plans, as some of them restrict your options. Make sure you are allowed total control of the mutual funds at all times. These are often called “flexible” plans. Never use life insurance—like whole life, universal life or variable life—to save for college. You should also avoid savings bonds and prepaid tuition. None of these is a worthwhile investment over the long haul. Get expert investing advice from a professional in your area. Save for baby’s life experiences. While college is a privilege that no doubt prepares students for a great career, life experiences are also wonderful teachers. By no means are we advocating that you spoil that sweet baby rotten. We’re simply acknowledging the fact that every parent has something they want their little one to see or do as they grow up. Maybe it’s regular camping trips, the pursuit of hobbies, a vacation abroad or even a lovely wedding once they’ve found that special someone. There are also things you’ll want or need to say no to. Decide together what’s important for your family and then begin to dream. To make those dreams a reality, simply build them into your budget as you are able. By providing for your baby’s future the right way, you’re teaching a valuable lesson: Responsibility is the best path for a life that’s full of opportunity and full of fun. We will get into the health of wealthy living in our next issue.


I attended the Black and Gold Brunch hosted by Vancouver Curlfriends, where they were kind enough to ask me to speak about myself, my blog, and my photography project; #ProjectNatural. Growing up in a city with a severe lack of a “black community”, I am grateful to have met a group of women of colour who are dedicated to creating one. In everyday life, I am an introvert. It is overall hard to convince me to step out of my house–to step away from writing, reading, or a Netflix binge. But when the opportunity to network with other women arises, I’ll do what I can to be there. They also work to connect with brands, and encourage the people behind them to grow. Women’s Empowerment was a key phrase at Sunday’s event, and discussions were had around what it meant to those of us in attendance.

When Chynna defined what “women empowering women” meant to her, she stressed the importance of sharing what it is that we are passionate about with one another, and the importance of showing up to support. Whether it is showing up to play badminton for someone who wants to create a team, or buying from someone’s business, there are so many ways that we can encourage one another .So are you a Naturalista in the lower mainland of British Columbia? Are you a woman of colour looking to find yourself a community in Vancouver? Make sure you keep tabs on Vancouver Curlfriends, because this is a group of women with initiative, who are on their way to creating big things. (And if you are from elsewhere in the world, keep tabs on them anyways, because they have already spread through North America.)

Vancouver Curlfriends – Black and Gold Brunch up-do / curled / straightened hair full face makeup airbrush foundation


End Times Continued

Every repressed emotion would find a release It is not only God who is taking the world back

through the same channel, because with every

to the future, where it all began before sin, but it

discovery came a more perverted urge that

is the plan of satan as well. It is his hope to

crave gratification. The new world order is not

recreate the world he engineered when the sons driven by a passion for peace, harmony and a of God (fallen angels) fell among the daughters

satiated biosphere, but by a vigorous, robust

of men. When every imagination of man’s heart

spirit of rebellion and a growing appetite for

was continually evil, wickedness that didn’t

grotesques aberrant behavior. The Apostle

come from this realm, nor was man’s

Paul said, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly

imagination capable of fathoming such

that in the latter times, some shall depart from

innovation. But to war against God, satan would

the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and

endow man with the prowess necessary and let

doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy;

man praise himself as chief architect.

having their conscience seared with a hot iron, (I Tim. 4:1).


End time faith must contend with the eschatological program, that means power we

This is apostasy within the church, reserved

can’t make up. Jude in his short book of one

for the last days, mixed with the “mystery of

chapter, third verse warns us, “to earnestly

iniquity,” some things which would only

contend for the faith that was once delivered

unfold for this age. So a coming out of

unto the saints.” He said he wanted to write

ministers, pastors, theologians who want to

about the more joyful subject of salvation, but

admit they really didn’t believe the things

felt compelled by the seriousness of the situation

they preached and leaving the church is

to admonish them. Contend (struggle, strive,

consistent with end time predictions.

fight for, compete) for the faith the church used

Positions that were chosen as a profession,

to have, but because of the false brethren who

not a commitment to Christ and with just as

have slipped in among you, it must be

much self-concern, leave with a denunciation


denigrating Christ and Christians. This is the feverish pitch that those who lust after the

He says certain men have crept in unawares,

herd need to feed upon, it is the spirit

ungodly men who were of old ordained to this

necessary to bring about what the bible

condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace

predicts for the last days. The End Times is not

of Lord into lasciviousness, and denying the only

so much about the wickedness of the world,

Lord God, our Lord Jesus Christ. It is essential to

as it is about the weakness of the church.

remember, it is Jude who mixes this end time flavor with the wickedness of antiquity when the

The church, among black people, is in the

angels came down among the daughters of

hands of the same people we say forgot who

men. He stresses a different kind of faith to deal

they were, abandoned their inheritance and

with that brand of wickedness and goes on to

legacy, who the statistics are really about and

speak about the depths of its depravity. He

unashamedly crafting a new Christianity. The

didn’t assume just because they were believers,

new creeds in our communities could have

whatever their state of faith was sufficient, he

never taken place, without new creeds in our

didn’t seem to care that they might not like his

churches, whether we like admit to them or

preaching. But clearly indicated they weren’t

not. New and different standards run our

prepared to do war with that rank of demons.

churches, but it is never us we look at and say the end time clock is running a little fast, just the world. But the bible says, “judgment will begin at the house of the Lord.” Why because that’s where the light was, people don’t find their way by darkness, they get a light, if they can find one. Evil people know this, therefore they shoot the light out first, we in the church are busy preaching the evil that’s in the world.


More on this topic in next issue.



HOW BLACK WOMEN ARE BUILDING STARTUPS WITHOUT INVESTORS As a woman of color, Janine Truitt was intrigued when she met an investor last winter whose “whole schtick” was to help underrepresented minorities raise money for their companies. But she was skeptical. The owner of Talent Think Innovations, a consulting firm she founded in 2013, Truitt had bootstrapped her business and wasn’t initially convinced that venture capital was the best way to grow it. “I was thinking about my business as a legacy that I would build and pass down,” she tells Fast Company, “and that is not something investors love. They want to know if it’s a solid idea, [that] there’s a need for it in the market, and how quickly you can get out of it and pay [them].” Many black and Latinx entrepreneurs feel more congenial about venture capital than Truitt does, but most have disproportionate trouble accessing it all the same. Those who struggle to get funded typically need to find other ways to innovate and grow. Here’s how. Bootstrap is a situation in which an entrepreneur starts a company with little capital. An individual is said to be bootstrapping when he or she attempts to found and build a company from personal finances or from the operating revenues of the new company. Women entrepreneurs launched some 3.5 million new businesses over the past decade, according to the most recent “State of Women-Owned Businesses” report, with as many as 78% of them owned by women of color. By 2016, an estimated 1.9 million firms owned by black women employed some 376,500 workers, generating $51.4 billion in revenue .According to Nicaila Matthews Okome, founder of the Side Hustle Pro podcast and consulting firm, many female entrepreneurs take themselves out of the running before they even get to the stage Truitt did. “It’s more from the lens of wanting to understand the landscape before they go in and set their expectations,” Matthews Okome explains. But sometimes the effort to set realistic expectations can destroy the confidence needed to seek funding for a company with great potential. “It’s hard to push through that narrative that anchors and frames all our conversations.”

When it comes to her own business, Matthews Okome says she’s sticking with bootstrapping, as is her husband, a fellow entrepreneur. “He believes the pathway to wealth for African-Americans is to create our own ventures,” she says. UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM Women start companies at twice the rate of men, yet women comprise only 16% of tech founders. According to a study by First Round Capital, founding teams including a woman outperform their all-male peers by 63%, but female CEOs get only 2.7% of all venture funding, while women of color get virtually none: 0.2%. The fact that black women are educated and entrepreneurial yet so underfunded is a confluence of broadening thoughts of diversity, use of technology, and economic policy. The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 increased limits for tax write-offs for startups, such as the ability to deduct cell phone bills and depreciation, and health care costs. This was great news for black women, who tend to be younger when they found their companies, have more debt, and less access to capital. Black women have greater difficulty receiving funding from investors and creditors, and difficulty securing lending due to racial bias. But tax write-offs don’t make up for the funding gap. When black women are funded, they get the short end of the stick, with the average raise round totaling just $36,000. Compare that figure to the composite of the average white male startup founder, who banks an average of $1.3 million in funding. The secondary problem with not receiving mainstream large VC funding? Scaling. There is a compounding problem with not receiving venture capital funding from heavy hitters. Certain venture capital firms can turn products, and their founders, into stars. Backing from a big VC firm can bring increased media attention. That creates a buzz that ensures any advertising generates more interest, as the public has heard of the product, founder, or both. WORKING AROUND THE PROBLEM AND SOLVING IT FOR THE FUTURE On the off chance a black woman founder is funded, the money comes from within her community. In recent years, several black-owned VC funds and firms have opened their doors, with a focus on funding black-owned businesses that wouldn’t find funding elsewhere. Some key funders include Magic Johnson Enterprises, with director of investment Ryan L. Smith heading up funding opportunities including Jopwell, ShotTracker, Walker & Co, and Uncharted Play; Erik Moore at Base Ventures; former Hollywood agent and entertainment VC Charles King at Macro Ventures; Monique Woodard at 500 Startups, focusing on black and brown founders; and Arlan Hamilton at Backstage Capital. Considering that the nation will be majority minority by 2044, blacks are the largest and most engaged group of early tech adopters, black spending power is at $1.25 trillion, and Hispanic buying power is at $1.3 trillion (which includes those identifying as Afro-Latinos), it would be wise to invest in these businesses for the good probability of return on investment. .

the good



One Reason Black Founders Don’t Get Enough Funding? Black VCs Don’t, Either These African-American venture capitalists say it can be a struggle to get investors to fund the minority-led companies they’re excited about. BY BÄRÍ A. WILLIAMS The fact that African-American founders have limited access to investment has been well documented, but you might not know that that problem is replicated in the venture capital world, too. In recent years, several black-owned or -directed VC funds and firms have opened their doors, with a focus on minority- and womenowned businesses. But as it turns out, many VCs are hitting the same obstacle as the founders they’re trying to invest in: access to capital. According to Pitchbook, American VC funds raised $40.6 billion in 2016, with this year on course to make 2017 the fourth consecutive year with more than $40 billion raised. But with less than 3% of VC funds employing black and Latinx investment professionals, only a small fraction of that sum will find its way to businesses owned or run by people of color. Here’s what several VC partners and fund managers say is at the root of that problem, and what they’re doing to adapt to it. “DIVERSITY” INVESTING, OR JUST GOOD INVESTING? To increase diversity in the startup world, some VC firms raise new funds or allocate a portion of their current funds to investing only in people of color; others hire diverse fund managers. But that’s not always a panacea. VCs frequently have trouble convincing investors, typically in the form of limited partners (LPs), to spend their money this way. Marlon Nichols, founding partner at Cross Culture Ventures, has found that “there are well-intentioned LPs out there that haven’t quite figured it out yet, and I want to believe they’re working to figure it out.” In the meantime, Nichols says, “I’d like to see LPs legitimately put more capital into funds started by qualified, diverse fund managers.” Monique Woodard has also had difficulty getting capital from investors to put into the types of companies she’s excited about–and that’s despite being a venture partner at 500 Startups, a name-brand firm. “Even after seeing the data, many LPs don’t understand this investment focus or see the opportunity for returns,” she says. “They think of it as ‘diversity’ and then decide they aren’t interested in investing with a diversity lens, and ignore the very real market shift and its ability to deliver returns.” For Woodard, this isn’t just frustrating, it’s illogical. According to U.S. government data, black women in particular are one of the best-educated and most entrepreneurial groups in the nation; failing to invest in their businesses is simply bad investing. In Woodard’s view, LPs who overlook those founders “are skating to where the puck is, instead of where the puck is going to be, as we see a new multicultural majority in the U.S.” Read more Here: Related: These Four VCs Share How They Find Diverse Founders To Invest In

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