The reclamation of a birthright

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Between the books of Malachi and Matthew, considered the 400 years of silence, there was not a prophetic word from the Lord.

In the Apocrypha, considered dubious in authenticity, and included in the Septuagint and Vulgate, but not in the Canon of inspired scripture which was esteemed as God breathed, is first and second Maccabees. The historical account is born out in other records of Jewish history. There is the remarkable manner in which God used the Maccabees to defend the honor of His name and the superiority of His Word. He took a small rag tag group of homemade soldiers and conquered the king of Syria by refusing to accept customs violating the word of God. It was very clear Antiochus Epiphanes was living up to the moniker given him of a “madman”. He certainly hated God and those who worshipped Him, because he wanted to saturate his kingdom with Hellenism. The worship of God stood in the way and the penalty for such fidelity was death. Antiochus Epiphanes is what is called a “penultimate paroxysm”, part of a dual fulfillment, meaning presently fulfilled and with an ultimate fulfillment in the future. Daniel in 603 B.C. gave the prophecy of this event, but it was given in reference to the anti-Christ, however, Antiochus fit the prophecy to the letter. Everything the anti-Christ would be and do, so would he, but this was 170 B.C. More details came in chapter 8 around 553 B.C., then it takes a quantum leap in Dan.11:39 to the anti-Christ of the end times. Antiochus stopped the sacrifices to God,

desecrated the temple on the Sabbath, brought 22,000 massacring men, women and children. He changed the holy days and replaced them with Greek holidays, possessing a Torah was a death penalty. Antiochus tried to desecrate the temple in every way he could, he even offered a pig on the altar. The temple of God was transformed into an altar of Jupiter whom the Greeks called Zeus. Eventually Jews starting worshipping Greek gods, mainly Zeus synonymous with Belus from bel which is Cush, father of Nimrod. They started to wear Greek clothes and Greek hats to show their allegiance and solidarity to thwart persecution. They convinced other Jews to join, to accept Greek customs and culture in total violation to what God required of them. It was to acquiesce, to surrender the ordinances of God and accept pagan rule, to forsake and deny covenant purpose.

Jews became assimilated into Greek culture, even to bear Greek names. Bear in mind, this is called the “400 years of silence,� there is no prophetic word, no open

vision, no demands by God, just the fidelity of righteousness, the seasons that try the profession of men. Did you make the correlation, between what happen then, right before Jesus came and today on the eve of His return, how much Christians are falling for pagan culture and habits, excusing the world, reproving the church for offending the world for preaching the truth, (Jas.4:4). Compare the manner in which the Christian world has assimilated into contemporary culture, notice the Christians world takes pride in their own mirrored image of secularity.

One old man named Mattathias had five sons, Judas, Jonathan, John, Simon and Eleazar. He took offense to all of this. He absolutely refused to turn on what he knew was God. He also knew it was at the cost of his life and the life of his sons, but his commitment to God was unwavering. He was an orthodox Rabbi who called on the faithful Jews to take a stand with he and his sons, to join the insurgency and expect

God to help them. When the old man died, his son Judas took up the fight, a testament to the strength and integrity of what his father believed. The king sent one regiment after them and they defeated them, which angered the king greatly, so he sent another larger regiment and they defeated them.

They then took the city where they were able to restore the temple, relit the lamps in the Holy of Holies, which is celebrated as the Feast of Light and Hanukkah. They cleansed the area, rebuilt the walls, and erected a new altar dedicated to the Almighty. It was Because this remnant refused to cave to idolatry and pagans, God moved them against all odds and supported His word.

First Maccabees, in giving account of this

episode, is told from the position of what became the Pharisees. The second book is from the position of the Sadducees, not highlighting the power, will and covenant of God. Look at what they became when the only important thing was their religious attitudes of hypocrisy in what we learn of them later in the gospel. How important they were, loving the praise of the men. How lofty was their pride and arrogance? I mentioned the church is the only institution that kill its wounded, there is a reason for that. It is to destroy evidence, then there is no indictment and no prosecution. If the wounded linger and are not healed or delivered, it is evidence there is no power, and the church is left with no choice but to invest in illusions of grandeur and celebration. This is why the Jews were so easily able to convert to Greek way of life and as always, the church is better at idolatry and serving idols than the pagans. The answer always came in the form of power, often by the “POWER OF ONE,� moved by God, adhering to a COVENANT PURPOSE, as a result, the power of God moved upon the individual in a miraculous way. Yet, there is a mysterious development

that always occurs in extracting the element of cause, it always seems to revolve around the principal character’s personal desire in our portrayal and preaching, apart from Divine intent. What God was out to accomplished does not matter, as long as He serves our motives and what elevates us. Now it should be easy to understand where the we are “little gods” theory came from. It did help us in identifying who the culprits were, because everyone in the cliché started saying the same thing almost simultaneously. It was as if they were given orders to repeat this as the message, even though the audience nervously said amen. In the narrative of the Maccabees, it was not what personally Mattathias was experiencing that moved him, but how the irreverent, profane the contempt for God was so publicly displayed. It boldly defied His deity, totally disregarded His person, thus challenging His authority and power as God. This is what provoked God to move with such a small insignificant group of people, because He is best able to demonstrate His OMNIPOTENCE (all powerful) against the back drop of weakness and failure, (1 Cor.1:27). The Covenant was at stake and His WORD at risk. It all helps to form the coalition of common purpose and inspired a small weak group of people against the threat of death. Some people don’t see how a little co-mingling could possibly hurt. That’s one of the reasons we can’t tell in church today, whether we are in church or at a “biker gang” convention, tattooed and all, with the same furor and emotional frenzy, where everybody looks as if they need a bath. Gospel concerts sound like a rock concert, sounds like Kiss or Rolling Stones. Just mentioning Jesus somewhere in the lines means it is gospel. The language is indistinguishable, with the pyrotechnics, smoke that is supposed to be reminiscent of the Holy Spirit and the power of God. Of course, the black church always follows in tow, because it is the marketing strategy and the hope that some crumbs will fall from the master’s table in the form of a program. It is

not discerned that this was the strategy with every empire and generational shift. It is the ignorance of each new generation, lacking the fidelity and reverence for the wisdom of our elders, that satan sows leaven that is not just poisonous, but converts every existing particle it touches to itself. The church world does not understand the forces and strategy orchestrated to destroy the protestant movement or how well their ranks have been infiltrated and financed. Therefore it has grown to despise almost anything that disagrees with this flow of truth. Black men are dying at an alarming rate every 48 hours at the hands of police, not to mention those we are killing ourselves and our concern is Beyonce’ panties and Kim Kardashian’s butt. And the church concern seems to be “church organizations” of building the largest fellowship and mimicking Catholicism, which it plans to take over Protestantism, “by any means necessary.” Major religious figures have already been recruited and made alliances with the Catholic church, which meant many restrictions and barriers had to be relaxed. If it sounds familiar, it is because it is, the same restrictions relaxed concerning the “gay rights movement.” Now hardly a statement or sermon can be mentioned without saying something about gay people are the same. Think it is not important listen to Dr. King or Rev. Shuttlesworth’s messages and see if this inclusion was ever made, it was about black people! Though Judas Maccabee was as strong as three men, reputed to swing a hammer hitting an anvil like thunder, he depended on God, not his own strength. What violated God and His word is what drove Judas Maccabee, under the threat of death to correct, not a personal blessing or to save their lives. What honored God, He defend and strengthened, so it made no difference how many were against the COVENANT, this is where God dispatched supernatural assistance from above. Hellenism was Alexander’s

founding out of the Greek culture, which fell to his four generals, which made up the conquest of Egypt, Syria, Greece and Turkey. Daniel explains in the 8th chapter, the anti-Christ rises up out of one of these four divisions, which is Syria, the same governing power Antiochus comes from, therefore in predicting the end times, Daniel gives us insight and more details on what the antiChrist will look like in Antiochus. If Judas Maccabees was able to defeat him with a rag tag group of men, called an army, it makes plain the strategy that moves heaven. Contrary to what the church world thinks today, it has nothing to do with Madison Avenue marketing, the appetite of a crowd or Greek philosophical thought, just his love for God. Alexander, a pupil of Aristotle brought him along to Egypt, where what was given to Egypt under intuitive, spiritual enlightenment, he molded to fit what he crafted as “REASON.” Egypt libraries succumbed to this treachery, to give to Aristotle and his pupils the credit by “REASON,” what “other worldly initiative and enterprise” gave birth to. The demotic is learned by everyone, while that which is called “sacred” (hieratic) is understood only by the priest, who learned it from their fathers, all the way back to Ethiopia from which they sprang.

(B OF PART 3) The Reason why further development of what Egypt invented was next to impossible, was because the creative genius capable of tapping another realm as Hamitic people were accustomed, the Greeks didn’t possess. The Greeks took credit for what Egypt crafted out of pure inherent inclination from spiritual propensity, predisposed to navigating the spirit world. The Greeks materialistic tendencies stripped those inventions of their religious, idealistic founding and made owing to reason and philosophy. This of course demand that the true origin could never be exposed,

moreover, to never be turned loose on the world, the creative genius from which it sprang. So the world missed out on what Hamitic people could have contributed out of their intuitive gifting and the world took advantage under their own name what Hamitic people invented. Especially since it was not a commodity readily available to anybody, the people from which it sprang also had to be cast as thoroughly incapable of producing anything remotely akin to this kind of wonder and extraordinary genius. In point of fact, to insure it was never even explored as Hamitic, cast them as dangerous, ignorant, nonhuman and only meant to serve as beasts. Dr. George G.M. James says, “what was called philosophy by the Greeks began as an attempt to incorporate the mystery system of the Egyptians into Hellenic culture.” The same materialistic tendencies, is what was introduced to the church world as, “THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL OF BLESSINGS,” and as always the black church followed. When this trend started around the late 1950’s it changed the nature of the gospel message in the black church, which originally was very family oriented. It was the message that kept black men, strengthened the black family, where only 18% of black homes had one parent, as opposed to over 70% today. The gospel of blessings, positive mental attitude, and the prosperity message didn’t have much appeal to black men and we lost them. It was from that strong black church in the 50’s we spun the civil rights warriors, a message that was very challenging, geared toward empowering the black man, not the multicultural, pluralistic diversity that has weakened and diluted the strength of black people. We lost black men when the message of the church, they held in such high esteem, started misdirecting them with disinformation, but the emotional nature drew multiplied throngs of black women. It gave the impression the church was strong by

sheer numbers, but it was unhealthy in essence, by the 1980’s warriors were missing “IN ACTION!” Materialistic tendencies born of European aristocracy and philosophers, whose historical track record always eclipsed God in their lust for power and the glory of His Son Jesus Christ, gave “POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE (PMA) a makeover and presented as “FAITH,” and the church was all over it. This message started to permeate in the church disguised as, “FAITH,” then phrases, formalities and thematic conferences took on the shape of motivational seminars. It was a winning formula, guaranteed to attract crowds and people took on the adorning titles, satan was preached as somebody who was out to take favorable things from you and of course, the God we knew was not having it. Remedial word was designed to restore whatever materialistic things satan took from you. It had not occurred to anyone yet, God had a purpose in the “ETERNAL NOW” before any of us arrived, we were all subsequent to that purpose. It was however, a very unique and deceptive way of making God an innocuous, mystic genie, who was more an aesthetic, deistic and a celebratory figure than anything near sovereignty with an independent will. We have given Greek philosophy such hierarchy, that atheistic scholarship has found a home for launching every impious, irreverent attack on God and His Son Jesus Christ without shame or impunity. Historian Herodotus says the Syrians and Assyrians were the Greek and barbarian designation of the same people. In Daniel the leopard symbolizes the Grecian empire, showing that the kingdom of the anti-Christ will be Grecian in policy and character, exactly what it stole from Egypt. The spirit out of the abyss, is a supernatural spirit and is the prince of Grecia, that Gabriel fought for 21 days, as Daniel records and is a “demon,” that was defeated and sentence to the abyss until the end time. Notice the

battle that imprisoned this demon, had nothing to do with “BLESSINGS OR PERSONAL GRATIFICATION.” It was a TURNING POINT revealing all the subsequent kingdoms that had to be defeated for COVENANT sake. It was when the idolatrous nations allowed to inflict suffering on Israel for their disobedience and when the those nations had reached their point of saturation in what God would allow them to do, met at and brought about a TURNING POINT. This is very important to understand black suffering, which is at its 400 year mark in America, where civilizations decline and a new one is in labor to be born, says Dee Hock founder of Visa Card. Four hundred years would put us back at 1616, 4 years from officially arriving in America. It is in this TURNING POINT where the prophetic in the Hamitic stands and speaks UNCOMPROMISING TRUTH, this is why God allowed the isolation, to be ORPHAN, after the chastening, because Hamitic people owe nobody, but God. We emerge not bitter, angry maybe, but that is just energizing fuel and embrace the purpose of God, unafraid to tell the truth, un-bossed, unbought, for none had pity on us! Greek philosophy cannot compete with this prophetic spirit, neither can religiosity or church liturgy, which is why church is being reduced to just this, “a form of godliness but denying the power thereof,” (2 Tim.3:5). This is where and why the instinctual, inherent, connate make up of Hamitic people are able to navigate the spirit realm as was original intended come in. This intrinsic nature can’t be duplicated, its purpose is not materialistic, but spiritual. In it, is the second coming of the Civil Rights Movement, it is the prophetic program of JESUS CHRIST’S SECOND COMING which sets the platform for the articles of its constitution. By embracing the ancient, original, intended purpose, we recapture original intended covenant blessings and the power to accomplish God’s will. Since the prophetic program of Christ for the end time will be done and nothing can defeat it or change it, Hamitic people assuming their appointed position, their assignment will be successful. It

is the conciliatory language designed for crowd pleasing, that always deceive black people, without the power structures ever having to change. Though no other people can imitate Hamitic people, they can lose it by imitating every other people. We can see a supernatural element has entered this contest, so the unique gifting of Hamitic people is essential. Do we dare think any other people would say this of black people, when all of history has consistently written black people out, with such brutality, barbaric and inhumane treatment. There is no more “Civil Rights Movement” everybody is just scared to pronounce it dead, with what would we replace it. There is only the spiritual purpose of God, encompassing spiritual power, that is capable of contending with forces unleashed upon the world. Bayard Rustin an openly professed homosexual, one of the architects of the 1963 March On Washington, declared “there will be no more Civil Rights Movement,” it will be replaced with the “gay rights movement.” It is quite strange bible predicting the rise of the influence of Greek culture in the last days, that we are confronted with the proliferation of gay culture. The Greek Alexander the Great was homosexual and his father (Phillip) was assassinated by his ex-boyfriend. Rev. Al Sharpton made the statement that it was Bayard Rustin who gave him the money to start his organization, now we’re learning the color suits the wolf wears (rainbow). Of course this was all planned, in 1972 Henry Kissinger told president Richard Nixon, to depopulate the black race, introduce homosexuality among them and let their leaders be the ones to do it. One by one we have seen them do it, infiltrate the churches, exploit the weaknesses, then expose them to public humiliation. Now every vulnerable preacher is apologizing for Christianity’s so-called “homophobia” in the name of “love” and there is no such thing! The mistake was in coming down from repairing the breach, building the old waste places, raise the

foundation of many generation, to start justifying whether bible is right, (Neh.6:3). But we do have a mixture going on of black liberation and homosexual amalgamation, to the chagrin of the black community, because homosexuality was never a black thing. The Greeks or Ionian as they are called in the bible, called Javan, the fourth son of Japheth, the forefather were the Hellenists. The prophet Daniel tells of each kingdom that was to rise, right down to the return of Jesus Christ, the Greco-Roman culture still held the influence of that Grecian spirit. It is very telling that the wise men came at Christ birth the beginning, but it was the Greeks who came at His end, clear indication of the rise and role of the “prince of Grecia” at the end times. The spirit of the abyss is the prince of Grecia, which includes the Roman Empire, which includes Pergamos, which is where “satan’s seat is,” (Rev.2:13). If the Greeks stole it from Egypt, they stole it while Egypt was under judgment, to reinterpret what Egypt developed out of spiritual intuitiveness and portrayed as “Greek Reasoning,” no one but “Hamitic Giftedness” could or would unveil the hidden agenda or the deceptive specious intent. The white Christian world would never say these things and will enter into an endless attempt to discredit this rendering. All of this presents Hamitic people with a great opportunity to declare the “PROPHETIC TRUTH OF GOD,” where greed, power, pride and selfishness, dares to rival the “OMNIPOTENCE” of God! Neither can Afrocentric pride assume the position either, it is the reason for the first mistake and sin, regardless of the greatness, it must be about humbling ourselves as tools of His Greatness, for uncompromising truth! In an oft quoted scripture, it says, “It is He (God) that giveth thee power to get WEALTH, that He may establish His COVENANT that He SWARE unto thy FATHERS, as it is this day, (Dt. 8:18).

The part that is not often preached, as part of the PROSPERITY MESSAGE, is “THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH HIS COVENANT,” because that stops it from being a selfcentered message and about us. It is Jesus who comes back to fight the nations and defeat the anti-Christ, by destroying them with the “SPIRIT OF HIS MOUTH,” (Rev. 19:15). That means the same WORD that was spoken, out of the same mouth, when HE walked the earth, that spoke the worlds into being is what shall be done according to COVENANT, is what shall revive Hamitic people as they embrace COVENANT! Therefore, it is not a trivial thing to take lightly the word of God or compromise it because it has become popular to do so. Black scholarship has been able to wrestle from the academic world its alien ideology concerning black people and we have seen why European culture cannot and will not change. It is an exercise in futility to keep insisting on a campaign of the brotherhood of man, that’s not where the real decisions are really made, it simply keeps us chasing our tail. When bible clearly shows the role of Japheth in end time prophecy, will be empowering Muslim nations as the real power behind their throne to fight against Jesus Christ upon His return. Then Muslims can be blame for the role of establishing world empire and to fight against American and Jewish interest at the expense of American lives and finance. Many people can’t see this because there are saved white people, whose honest interest is Jesus Christ, but that is the exception, however, it is the rule that will make the decisions. Nothing has been able to change the condition of black people since Africa lost its prominence, because of the blinding focus on race, which was planned that way, as opposed to the demonic forces, designed to take God’s seat. End times will be what it will be because of a Grecian spirit which will rise out of the abyss, then what power is able to contend with that force, who have aligned itself with its ideologies and satanic religious cult veneration to the point of any form of murder. The only solution black

people have is to assume God’s original intent for Hamitic people and that is to portray the pristine image of Christ as the Son Of The Most High God, without the religious filters. No religious rituals or worship in form and celebration is prepared to do battle with this kind of hellish dedication and commitment. The proof, is in our willingness to kill our wounded, because the evidence of guilt, our impotence must be destroyed! The church had to be rendered powerless in order for the next move to take place, otherwise it would have confronted the devil head on.

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