Westender News and views from the world’s largest retail destination Bond Street ‘In Conversation With’
Kylie lights up Oxford Street
Regent Street What’s On?
The vote to leave the European Union has heralded a period of political and economic uncertainty which will have an impact on West End retailers and property owners. But one thing we have learnt over many years is that the West End has a resilient ability to adapt and prosper whatever new challenges it faces. Please turn to page 2 to hear from New West End Company’s Chief Executive, Jace Tyrrell.
Marks and Spencer joins Strategic Board This spring, Chairman, Sir Peter Rogers announced that the Board of New West End Company confirmed Jace Tyrrell as Chief Executive of New West End Company. He joins the Strategic Board alongside a new West End retailer... (Turn to page 8)
Improving air quality with the new Mayor With new Mayor Sadiq Khan formally in station (inside this issue), we look back over the last 12 months engagement with all the mayoral candidates and the journey we have taken with them throughout the West End. The new
Mayor has publically acknowledged the need to improve air quality in the West End, and is dedicated to a radical reduction in pollution. We will support the new Mayor and represent member interests.
Jace Tyrrell - New West End Company Chief Executive and Sadiq Khan - Mayor of London
Brexit – A New Era for Britain
Improving Air Quality in the West End “ N ew West End Company and its business members are working together to improve air quality to make the West End an even more pleasant place to live, visit and work. New West End Company understands the importance of having a clean, safe environment to attract and keep visitors, and ensure everyone; workers, visitors and residents have a better experience in the West End.
From Jace Tyrrell, Chief Executive, New West End Company (Continued from front page)
do not want to downplay the potential problems businesses will face as the country adjusts to the new environment. Consumers, investors, tourists and employees will all react to the uncertainty that has been created. We know these could be tough times and the New West End Company will play a central and critical role in protecting and promoting the interests of the West End’s retail district. We will work tirelessly in partnership with our business members and those public and private bodies that care about the future prosperity of the West End including Westminster City Council, the Mayor and Transport for London. We will seek to minimise any downsides and exploit the full potential of any new opportunities, for example the possible growth in valuable international tourism. New West End Company, strengthened by our recent property owner BID, already has a clear programme
for promoting investment and improving the trading environment as we prepare for the opening of the Elizabeth Line and the estimated 60 million new visits this will bring to our area from 2018. We will now build on this firm foundation to respond to the challenges of leaving the European Union. We will establish with the existing and new government the importance of the West End to the economies of both London and the UK. We know that the West End’s Gross Value Added (GVA) is £51 billion each year, more than the City’s £43.9 billion and virtually as much as the whole of Wales (£52 billion). We will stress the need to deliver our district’s full and real potential as an economic powerhouse to counterbalance those other areas of the economy that may be badly hit by withdrawal from the single market. This means continuing our campaigns for investment in transport and public realm as part of the West End Partnership. It adds weight to our campaign to minimise
the impact of the proposed business rates revaluation on London and the West End. And, with international tourism being a key economic sector, we will continue to argue for improvements to the visa system, greater promotion in valuable new markets and relaxation of Sunday trading regulations in London’s designated International Shopping Centres. But now we need to do more. Over the following months we will work with our retailers and property owners to identify the key issues of concern and the real prospects for growth in areas such as consumer confidence, tourism, investment and employment. No businesses like uncertainty and clearly there is concern about the short and long term impact of leaving the European Union. But New West End Company will dedicate its resources and skills to making sure that the West End is in the strongest possible position to adapt to and benefit from this new era for Britain.”
Westminster City Council, Alex Williams, Acting Managing Director of Planning at Transport for London and Ben Rogers, Director of Centre for London who chaired the event. The Air Quality Strategy aims to deliver a significant reduction in air pollution between 2016 and 2020. This business-led action, facilitated by New West End Company, will help to deliver cleaner air for visitors, residents and workers. It complements the action that will
simultaneously be undertaken by pubic authorities, including Westminster City Council and Transport for London. The Air Quality strategy was launched at the Air Quality Summit on 28 June. For more information, visit:
...working together to improve air quality to make the West End an even more pleasant place to live, visit and work.
UK China Visa Alliance
Looking back – engaging with the Mayoral candidates O ver the last 12 months, New West End Company and its board of directors engaged with all the mayoral candidates to ensure the priorities of the West End were communicated. Working in partnership with Centre for London, New West End Company sponsored both the Labour and Conservative hustings and free events open to the public. In early 2016, New West End Company co-sponsored the Evening Standard’s first hustings of the year with all 6 main candidates. West End air quality sparked a 10-minute debate amongst the candidates, which resulted in a pledge from
Certainly no-one should suffer adverse impacts upon their health. On 28 June, New West End Company launched its Air Quality Strategy to over 65 businesses and partners at the Regent Street Cinema. Guests were able to hear from a panel of experts that included Val Shawcross CBE, Deputy Mayor for Transport & Deputy Chair of Transport for London, Cllr Heather Acton, Cabinet Member for Sustainability and Parking at
all the parties to tackle pollution and congestion. Now that Sadiq Khan has been elected the new Mayor of London, we have written to him outlining New West End Company’s key priorities – see page 10, which states our 2020 vision and key steps to keep ahead in the 21st Century. The mayoral appointment comes at a key time in the capital’s future. London’s economic success is centered on the retail anchors of Bond Street, Oxford Street and Regent Street and is vital to the UK; the jobs, the investment and the tourists attracted to the West End are what keep the capital strong.
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We look forward to working with the new Mayor and his administration to drive the West End forward
We look forward to working with the new Mayor, his administration and the West End Partnership to drive the West End forward.
Air Quality Strategy panel of experts with Steven Medway, Managing Director Trading Environment, New West End Company (far right).
New West End Company’s landslide WIN “ I n December, New West End Company won its ballot to become one of the first UK Property Owner Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). With a resounding YES vote of 96%, it is set to go from strengthto-strength after this historic vote by the district’s property owners, joining forces with retailers to create the UK’s largest retail-led BID.
Launched in January 2016, the new Property Owner BID complements New West End Company’s existing Retail BID, bringing a £16m boost for the West End’s retail district. New West End Company now formally represents West End landlords and retailers across local, national and international issues – shaping policy decisions, securing greater funding,
increasing commercial returns and encouraging new business investment into the area across Bond, Oxford and Regent Streets. One of the first priorities is the Bond Street public realm improvement plan due to be delivered ahead of the Elizabeth line (Crossrail) opening at the end of 2018.
...bringing a £16m boost for the West End’s retail district...
ast year 120 million Chinese people took a foreign holiday, twice the population of Britain, but staggeringly still only equating to 1% of its population. Globally, the Chinese are some of the biggest spenders having overtaken the Americans as the top spending international tourists. However, Britain lags behind its major European competitors in the number of Chinese visitors it attracts; in 2015 the UK issued 404,000 visitor visas compared to France’s 733,000 and Italy’s 524,000. New West End Company is a founding partner of the UK China Visa Alliance (UKCVA) and works with The Home Office to try and improve the current visa application process. The Government’s new two year visitor visa and the commitment to a 10 year visa is a major step forward. The Government has been very positive and proactive in exploring new ideas. But recent changes, particularly the introduction of biometric visas by Schengen states, have now made it even more onerous to obtain the two visas needed to include the UK on a multicountry European tour, and this is hitting Chinese visitor numbers. In response to Brexit, New West End Company with UKCVA, is now proposing new initiatives to government to ensure that the UK does not lose-out on attracting these valuable Chinese tourists.
West End Insights in the News
Global Destination Retail Index 2016
New West End Company released key research report to the retail market and media.
In March, New West End Company released the Global Retail Destination Index 2016 compiled by Savills. This one report received international pick up at MIPIM with coverage worth over £130,000.
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LONDON’S WEST END RANKED TOP RETAIL DESTINATION IN EUROPE Luptas simus derum recuptatur? Qui consectem aceatem ad quos quiatur asi blandae dignam qui bersperae molum,
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Publications:,, Move Hut, Retail Focus,
ommissioned with one of the leading global real estate service providers, Savills, the report ranks London’s West End and its three main shopping streets; Bond, Oxford and Regent Streets against comparable shopping destinations in six other major global cities, to determine its attractiveness from both a visitor and a retailer perspective. The report demonstrates how dynamic the West End market is, throwing light on the reasons behind its significant growth against other world cities, and the exceptional economic potential it adds to London. The report shows that this unique offer is an added draw for international visitors, as London topped Mastercard’s Global Destination Cities Index again in 2015, attracting 18.8 million
overseas visitors spending a total of £13.2 billion (US$20.2 billion). The evidence concludes that London’s West End is the leading retail destination in Europe, second only to New York on a global stage. However, the gap in retail sales between the two cities is set to narrow over time, with the growth in London’s retail sales forecast to outpace that of New York with an average growth of 2.9% per annum through to the end of 2020, compared to 2.7% per annum forecast for New York. Investment in the public realm is a further major challenge for London’s West End retail district. The responses from the location surveys saw it rank ahead of Paris and Milan in regards the overall quality of its facilities and amenities, albeit
scored far behind the other Global Cities of; Dubai, Hong Kong, New York and Singapore. This is largely due to its lower rated public realm features including pedestrian walkways, rubbish collection, WiFi, seating and public toilets. This relative underperformance is even more pronounced when compared against the top three facility and amenity scoring cities of Dubai, New York and Hong Kong although its public transport accessibility and street lighting is rated highly.
London is forecast to see retail sales growth of 2.9% per annum over the next five years, outperforming the 2.7% forecast for New York. Source: Savills Global Retail Destination Index 2016
West End Annual Turnover £11.25bn by 2020 T
he findings of the commissioned Harper Dennis Hobbs (HDH) report, estimates the arrival of the Elizabeth line (Crossrail) will bring an annual £2.45 billion boost to the West End by 2020 and anticipates an additional 60 million visits into the area each year on top of the current 200 million visits per annum. Jonathan De Mello, head of retail consultancy at HDH, said the boost in revenue will “put the West End a considerable way ahead of other global retail hubs such as New York, Paris and Hong Kong; cementing its position as the world’s preeminent retail centre”. The survey found that new Crossrail stations at Bond Street and Tottenham Court Road will lead to a jump in footfall of 20 per cent and 14 per cent respectively, with 150,000 to 220,000 passengers exiting every day from Bond Street alone.
The West End catchment area will increase by:
West End retail sales forecast to increase by 27.8% to £11.25 billion ($16.3bn) by 2020. Visitors number to increase by 30% when Crossrail opens. Source: Savills Global Retail Destination Index 2016
The equivalent of 1.5 million extra shoppers.
Source: HDH Crossrail Visitor Impact Study
West End in Cannes Creating Jobs for Westminster Residents
This spring, New West End Company attended the annual property conference MIPIM in Cannes to promote the West End’s retail district to delegates and media, launching the ‘Global Retail Destination Index 2016’ report in collaboration with Savills (see page 4).
(From left to right) Jace Tyrrell – Chief Executive, New West End Company, Richard Blakeway - The former Deputy Mayor of London for Housing, Land and Property, Nick McKeogh - Director of Pipers and CEO of NLA and David Shaw OBE at New West End Company’s MIPIM stand
Sir Eddie Lister and Richard Blakeway at the New West End Company Stand
avid Shaw OBE and Jace Tyrrell had the pleasure of guiding former Deputy Mayor of London Sir Eddie Lister, Richard Blakeway, the former Deputy Mayor of London for Housing, Land and
The Westminster Lunch
ew West End Company co-hosted a lunch in partnership with Westminster Property Association and Levy, which brought together 50 of London’s Leaders for an al fresco lunch at the Majestic Hotel. Neil Thompson, Chairman of Westminster Property
Association (WPA) gave the welcome and opening remarks, there were speeches from New West End Company Property Group Chairman, David Shaw OBE and Cllr Robert Davis MBE DL, Deputy Leader of Westminster City Council and Cabinet Member for the Built Environment.
There was a dynamic and high profile list of attendees, from the Cabinet Office, LandAid, and Greater London Authority to London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), New London Architecture and Westminster City Council.
Property and Nick McKeogh, Director of Pipers around New West End Company’s stand which showcased the services offered to its 600 member businesses across the district.
Recruit London has been working in partnership with CityWest Homes to ensure jobs are reaching more of its residents in the housing renewal areas. The initial pilot, set up in November 2015, has resulted in 15 residents gaining employment. This includes Diellza Uka and Edona Berisha (pictured) who now work for the New Look flagship store in the West End. Isabelle holds screening sessions with candidates to assess their suitability for particular posts such as in retail and hospitality. Once this has taken place, candidates are sent for interview techniques and retail focussed workshops also held by Isabelle. This
total process provides skills to confidently pass interviews. Candidates are also given the chance to meet Isabelle’s employers which has led to great job start conversion numbers. For more information or to use the Recruit West End service please contact:
Recruit London Case Study Referral partner engagement – CityWest Homes Recruit London Case Study Recruit West 15 Community outreach pilot Nov – Feb 16 End is a free
Referral partner engagement – CityWest Homes recruitment Community outreach pilot Nov 15 – Feb 16 service
New West End Company and Property Week Dinner
roperty Week held its inaugural editor’s dinner on the end of the second day at MIPIM. New West End Company, along with James Andrew International sponsored the dinner at the Hotel Gray d’Albion, which brought together a diverse mix of guests from different corners of the real estate industry. The conversation at dinner was
ecruit West End is a free recruitment service, supported and part funded by New West End Company, The Crown Estate, Cross River Partnership and Westminster City Council. It provides specialist experience of sourcing, screening, training and mentoring of Westminster residents for West End Retailers and Hotels to fill vacancies within their businesses. Now in its fourth year the scheme has successfully placed 430 young people into work. Recruit West End, led by Isabelle Benard, is now the preferred supplier for a number of retailers and hoteliers in the West End. Here is one case study about the service…
equally wide ranging, touching on London’s attraction for people and businesses and the state of the market among other issues. New West End Company’s presence at MIPIM 2016 generated some excellent coverage with articles in Property EU, Estates Gazette, Property Week and the Times among others.
Please see New West End Company LinkedIn page which includes MIPIM highlights:
(From left to right) Jace Tyrrell - Chief Executive, New West End Company, Liz Peace – Chairman LandAid, Susan Freeman - Partner at Mischon de Reya, Cllr Robert Davis MBE DL, Deputy Leader Westminster City Council and Cabinet Member for the Built Environment
Diellza Uka and Edona Berisha started work this year with New Look in its flagship West End store
Edona’s joy in her new role can be clearly seen!
Monica Hussein, CityWest Homesthe Advisor, explains t Monica Hussein, CityWest Homes Advisor, explains process
Welcoming our new CEO and new Board Member
West End CCTV update O ver the last two years New West End Company has been in discussions with Westminster City Council, Metropolitan Police, MOPAC (The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime) and neighbouring BIDs on the future investment and funding of CCTV across the West End. As no agreement on future funding was established, Westminster City Council announced at the beginning of June proposals to decommission the CCTV system that covers the borough.
The system currently comprises 75 cameras, of which 22 are within the Bond Street, Oxford Street and Regent Street area. New West End Company has been assured by the relevant authorities that its area will still have sufficient coverage from a combination of Transport for London and private sector cameras. New West End Company has committed to undertake a full audit of all remaining CCTV cameras across the district to ensure that the West End is still able to use a camera network to
Night Tube
Jace Tyrrell - Chief Executive, New West End Company
Jace Tyrrell, new Chief Executive at New West End Company.
ace has guided our organisation through significant political and economic change, and will now officially take on the role he has been performing on an interim basis over recent months. Under his leadership, New West End Company has become the UK’s largest retailled Business Improvement District (BID) and one of the first UK Property Owner BIDs – a development voted for by a resounding 96% of property members in December 2015. Jace has been instrumental in building on our organisation’s core values supporting you, our members, driving trade and representing your interests to all levels of Government. Through key political developments such as business rates campaigning for an extension to Sunday trading hours, we have remained both an authoritative and
reassuring voice. As New West End Company celebrates 10 years in the West End I look forward to what we can achieve in the next decade with Jace at the helm. He will continue to establish and deliver a clear vision for the future of London’s retail heartland and working with the West End Partnership, will be a key goal for his tenure. Alongside the board, he will also support West End businesses as the area undergoes a £1 billion regeneration and prepares to welcome the Elizabeth line (Crossrail) in 2018 with 60 million more visits a year, and will continue to work to secure jobs, income and inward investment.”
Sir Peter Rogers - Chairman, New West End Company
Sacha Berendji from Marks & Spencer joins Strategic Board.
acha Berendji undertook various retail appointments across the country including General Manager of the Marble Arch Store and Regional Manager for London. In 2007 Sacha joined the Property Group as Head of Property Planning & Store Development where he was responsible for both new space development and the store modernisation programme, before being appointed Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive in 2009. Following this Sacha joined the General Merchandise division as Director of Merchandising before taking up his current position as Director of Retail for UK & Ireland and now joins New West End Company’s strategic board.
“ ”
New West End Company has committed to undertake a full audit of all remaining CCTV cameras...
Our Commercial Vehicle Reduction Scheme on Bond Street The Vision: “To make Bond Street the best place in the world, to enjoy luxury fashion, watches, jewellery and fine art.”
he start of Night Tube services on the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines will follow in two separate phases later in the autumn as new Tube drivers complete their training and final preparations are made. Around 200 part-time drivers are currently taking part in a 14week training programme. To meet the expected demand for Night Tube services, there will be six trains per hour through central London on all Night Tube lines between 0030 and 0530. This will rise to eight trains per hour on the Northern line to meet demand at busy stations between Leicester Square and Camden Town. Travelling on the Night Tube will be charged at the standard off-peak rate. Demand for night-time travel is on the rise. Late night Tube usage is increasing at double the rate of daytime trips and demand for travel on night buses has risen by over 170 per cent since 2000.
The Night Tube will mean 24-hour weekend services for the first time in London’s history, helping to cut night-time journeys by an average of 20 minutes, with some cut by more than an hour. The Night Tube will play a vital role in opening up London’s night-time economy to a host of new opportunities, supporting around 2,000 permanent jobs and boosting London’s economy by £360m. It will help late-night revellers and shift-workers who currently have to rely on night buses or mini-cabs to get back to outer London after the Tube shuts down. Independent research into the economic benefits of the Night Tube has found that the new service will help maintain London’s status as a vibrant and exciting place to live in, work in and visit. A copy of the document is available at: http://content.tfl.
From 19 August 2016
Sacha Berendji who joins us from Marks and Spencer
Should your business receive any media calls on the proposals, please contact our media advisors at Bell Pottinger: Julia Hipkiss on 07827 896 036
To discuss CCTV in the West End and any future operational requirements please contact Steven Medway, Managing Director Trading Environment at New West End Company:
On 23 May, the Mayor announced that that the first all-night Tube services will run from 19 August on the Central and Victoria lines.
Lines to follow:
00:30 - 05:30am Sir Peter Rogers CHAIRMAN
help keep it a safe and enjoyable environment for shoppers, workers, residents and visitors. In terms of crime detection, the Police confirms that only 2% of crime across the entire borough is identified through CCTV in some way.
he Commercial Vehicle Reduction Scheme forms part of New West End Company’s Bond Street Development Plan; to improve the streetscape in London’s most exclusive shopping destination. There are two phases to the scheme:Phase One, introduced in February 2015 Objective: To consolidate waste, which is now almost complete, and where the benefits to participating businesses include:
• • •
25% of annual waste removal and recycling costs saved on average 75% reduction of waste vehicles 40% less bags left on the street
Phase Two, introduced in May 2016 Objective: To reduce the number of vans loading and unloading on Bond Street. This programme of works has been customised for each business to ensure loading and unloading times are kept to a minimum during core trading hours. This will significantly improve air quality and provide a better shopping environment on Bond Street.
The Benefits of the scheme are:
Better client experience
Increased dwell time
Improved footfall & sales
Improved safety & security
Improved facilities
Commercial vehicle reduction
Keeping the West End ahead in the 21st Century Jace Tyrrell, Chief Executive of New West End Company outlines the strategy and key targets for 2020.
Our 2020 strategy An influential business voice 01.
Champion West End retail sector to all levels of Government 02. Maximise stakeholder support for policy changes to improve commercial performance
Drive retail trade 03. Lead campaigns that drive global competitiveness and prosperity; business rates reform, extended Sunday trading hours and remove barriers for tourism spend 04. Improve air quality by delivering freight and waste consolidation 05. Deliver world quality street management and shoppers services 06. Implement an integrated destination marketing and commercial revenue plan
West End Retail 2020 Vision
ir Peter Rogers reminded everyone that the West End including Bond Street, Oxford Street and Regent Street, is one of the most desirable spots on earth for retail, leisure, commerce, property and transport. Most people in the UK shop in the area at LEAST once a year
and 75,000 people are attracted each day – that’s the equivalent of Glasgow’s entire population coming to Bond, Oxford and Regent Streets every day! 150,000 people work here, which is the same as the City of Oxford working in or around Oxford Street. It is BIG, it is BUSY and it is GLOBALLY IMPORTANT. The West End is a major gateway attracting millions and millions of people who are planning a holiday, shopping trip and even maybe some property investment. Shoppers in New York, Shanghai, Dubai and all points across the globe have the West End on their ‘to-do’ list. Of course many people, many businesses, many factors have gone into building this success.” Sir Peter Rogers explained the importance of every member with a bricks and mortar analogy whereby each individual brick can be big or small, strong or less so, some are new, some are old but together they add up to much more than the sum of the
individual parts. Sir Peter mentioned that this is where New West End Company comes in – as the mortar in this construction. He continued to explain; The New West End Company’s job is to be a strong, effective, flexible bond between all our interests. Providing leadership, helping find our collective voice, acting together and making true the adage that we are stronger, much, much stronger – together. In the decade since we began working together in this way, we’ve helped us all achieve together far more than any of us could achieve as separate elements. As the biggest Business Improvement District in the Europe we’ve applied the force and intelligence of all our 600 members to solve key issues, lobby for big changes and to shout louder for what you are, and what you do. Most recently, of course, we’ve successfully extended the BID
Working with our businesses and partners, we have ten key milestone targets to achieve in the next five years:
50% vehicle reduction in the core West End
£10m Bond Street improvement plan delivered
10% sales uplift from major events and campaigns
£100m in media coverage
85% member satisfaction
£4.5m commercial income raised annually to match retail BID levy
£3m direct spend generated a year from ‘By Appointment’ service
£500m capital investment and 10 new global retail openings
Increase visitor dwell time by 30 minutes
2,000 new West End jobs created with Recruit London and local apprenticeships
New West End Company website:
Enhance asset values 07.
From New West End Company Chairman, Sir Peter Rogers A warm welcome was given to members on the evening of 26 May, in the cinema of The May Fair Hotel, by Sir Peter Rogers, Chairman of New West End Company, to mark the first decade of working together.
10 key targets for 2020
not only to include retailers, hotels and other occupiers – but also to include property-owners and developers. To make a really powerful new alliance. Improving London’s busiest shopping district, boosting commercial returns, and encouraging further investment. That togetherness means we’re even stronger as we campaign for improvements in traffic and air-quality, more control over the way the rates are spent. For upgrades to the public realm, easier visa processes for markets like China, and much more. One of the big achievements is Crossrail, the single biggest step-change in London’s connectivity in a generation. And one that gifts the West End with TWO Crossrail stations, at Bond Street and Tottenham Court Road and will lift visits by a third or by 60 million visits each year over the next decade. That’s a total transformation of access that will put Shenfield and Shanghai into direct contact
Campaign for policies that create jobs and long-term economic growth 08. Improve the public realm of key shopping streets; including traffic reduction, upgrade of public spaces and improved pedestrianisation access 09. Maximise the benefits of the Elizabeth line 10. Promote the West End to investors and occupiers, enhancing the area’s reputation and investment opportunity globally
with our stores and our offices – right under our feet. Crossrail has been a building site below and above ground since 2009. Now the real benefits will manifest themselves, from 2018 onwards when the trains roll. And the West End, your West End, will be able to reap those benefits right through the 21st century.” Sir Peter Rogers explained that New West End Company’s work is not without its challenges as retailers well know but mentioned that the future for the West End is bright.
10 Year Anniversary Reception
ollowing the presentation of New West End Company’s 2020 Vision, key stakeholders joined members in the Crystal Ballroom at The May Fair Hotel, to celebrate the first decade of New West End Company. Sir Peter Rogers and Jace Tyrrell hosted the evening where Champagne, canapés and bespoke branded New West End Company bite size cakes were served.
The West End... It is BIG, it is BUSY and it is GLOBALLY IMPORTANT
(From left to right) Cllr Robert Davis MBE DL, Jace Tyrrell and Sir Peter Rogers
A toast was also raised to the goal of securing the West End as the Number One retail destination globally.
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...goal of securing the West End as the Number One retail destination globally.
The Queen’s 90th birthday H
90 West End ways to celebrate
er Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, was born on Bruton Street in the heart of London’s West End and so to celebrate her 90th year, New West End Company, along with Grosvenor, Heart of London Business Alliance, Shaftesbury PLC and West End Partners launched a Guide to ‘90 West End ways to Celebrate HM The Queen’s 90th’. The Guide showcases the cream of the crop of special experiences,
limited-edition products, events and sights to be enjoyed across London’s West End in honour of Queen Elizabeth II, throughout this special year. An international press launch was held at John Lewis roof top on 2 June 2016. The Guide’s launch coincided with the installation of hundreds of stunning Union Flags and festive red, white and blue bunting throughout the West End, including Bond Street, Oxford
Street and Regent Street as well as Conduit Street, South Molton Street and throughout Carnaby Street, Seven Dials, Mount Street and Duke Street, many of which will be displayed through to October 2016. The launch was kicked off with a photo shoot with fashion royalty, Alice Temperley, who joined the West End partners to toast Her Majesty’s big birthday year.
HM The Queen’s 90th #WestEnd90
90 West End ways to celebrate HM The Queen’s 90th birthday
” Front cover of the guide
British Fashion Royalty, Alice Temperley - toasts HM The Queen’s 90th birthday
West End LIVE celebrates its 12th year West End LIVE in partnership with MasterCard, and supported by Oxford Street, attracted more than 500,000 people to Trafalgar Square, the largest event of its type in the world.
aturday 18 and Sunday 19 June marked the return of London’s biggest open air musical festival West End LIVE. In association with MasterCard, the annual free festival at Trafalgar Square attracted theatre fans in their thousands to enjoy a weekend of world-class musical productions, open air dancing and sing-alongs to some of the world’s most talented singers and dancers.
Flying the flag for fashion and beauty, Oxford Street was on site offering complimentary theatre-inspired make-overs by make-up master of stage and catwalk Illamasqua. Event goers were also invited to snap their new looks in the on-site funky photo booth for the chance to win a £500 Oxford Street gift card. The activation proved incredibly popular with event goers queuing throughout the weekend for their makeovers – resulting in the acquisition of 600 new subscribers.
West End LIVE is a wonderful event which we’re proud to sponsor
Oxford Street tent attracts large crowds
Makeup team with event goers
London Luxury Quarter London Luxury Quarter comprises more than 65 streets in and around Mayfair, Piccadilly and St James’s.
ondon Luxury Quarter is a marketing and networking initiative established by Heart of London Business Alliance and New West End Company in 2010, to bring together the district’s luxury brands and businesses and to promote the area as the world’s Number One luxury retail and leisure destination. The programme also provides a narrative for property agents to use to inspire potential investors. Over 50 London Luxury Quarter members and partners gathered for the second London Luxury Quarter networking event on 23 March held at stunning Piccadilly book store Maison Assouline. The introduction was given by London Luxury Quarter Chairman, Mark Henderson, who unveiled the launch of the ‘Beacon of Excellence’ report, which showcases the district as being at the very heart of London’s luxury economy and as the leading global destination for luxury.
On 10 May a further 60 London Luxury Quarter members met to listen to an inspirational breakfast panel discussion on ‘When luxury meets culture’ led by BBC Writer and Arts Director, Will Gompertz. Will was joined by a strong panel from the luxury world of Ahlya Fateh, Managing Director of Amanda Wakely, Tom Meggle, Managing Director of Louis Vuitton UK and Ireland and Charles Saumarez Smith CBE, Secretary and Chief Executive of the Royal Academy of Arts who discussed and debated topics, including ‘Understanding the relationship and opportunity of culture and luxury’ and ‘Art and luxury fashion – one and the same or is fashion following art / art following fashion?’
For more on London Luxury Quarter please contact: Or visit:
Beacon of Excellence publication is available to download at: beaconofexcellence Ceiling detail, The Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly
Fortnum & Mason, Piccadilly
London Luxury Quarter ‘By Appointment’ ‘By Appointment’ is a bespoke concierge service offering high-end clients tailor made itineraries, individually crafted to create the ultimate London experience in London’s Luxury Quarter.
he programme has gone from strength to strength, and has welcomed over 100 guests with a combined spend in excess of £800,000, over the past six months. In April the ‘By Appointment’ service was launched in the Middle East at the Arabian Travel Market, Dubai with the aim of raising the profile of the destination prior to
Ramadan. Since then the team has attended the International Luxury Travel Market in Shanghai and LE Miami to strengthen their relationships with the Global travel trade. If you would like to find out more about the programme and how to get involved, please contact Lucy Bell: ‘By Appointment’ team at Arabian Travel Market
Bond Street Development Plan Earlier this year, New West End Company shared the emerging proposals to revitalise Bond Street’s public realm at a public exhibition hosted by Bonhams Auction House.
ond Street businesses, residents and property owners were encouraged to share their feedback on the scheme through the preconsultation phase of the Bond Street Development Plan. Over 120 businesses and stakeholders attended the exhibition, which closed with a private reception where the guest speaker was Cllr Robert Davis MBE DL, Deputy Leader Westminster City Council and Cabinet Member for the Built Environment.
Find out more at: bondstreet2018
Roksanda Ilincic and Gianluca Longo
(From left to right) Gianluca Longo, Jace Tyrrell and Roland Mouret
‘In Conversation With’ series
N Paul Dimond - Chairman, Bond Street Management Group
Pre-consultation exhibition at Bonhams
ew West End Company in collaboration with worldrenowned fashion commentator Gianluca Longo, Contributing European Editor of W Magazine as well as Contributing Editor to Conde Nast Traveller US and Harper’s Bazaar UK AND a member of the
British Fashion Council Press Committee, jointly hosted a series of events exclusive to New West End Company’s Bond Street Members. Hosted at stunning venues including Claridge’s hotel, The Connaught and Browns, Gianluca joined iconic footwear designer Rupert Sanderson,
luxury fashion designers Roland Mouret and Roksanda Ilincic to hear their personal stories of how they got to where they are today and discuss their love of and personal relationship with Bond Street and where they find inspiration for their designs. Attendees have heard stories such as Roksanda’s
incredible journey from studying Architecture in her home country of Serbia to studying Fashion design in London, which eventually led her to open her flagship store on Mount Street, in the heart of Mayfair.
Bond Street Public Realm
ond Street is unique, with an unmatched reputation for high end retail and direct connection to Mayfair’s complementary arts, cultural and fine dining offer. However its public realm does not currently match its reputation. Over time the street has become tired, with patchwork carriageway, cracked paving, poor signage and outdated street furniture. At the same time there is the opportunity to improve the management of commercial
Proposed Bond Street improvement 2018
Proposed Bond Street improvement 2018
vehicles operating on the street. New West End Company is working with Westminster City Council, Transport for London and the West End Partnership to raise awareness of the proposals to rejuvenate Bond Street, ensuring a better experience for customers and visitors. The proposed scheme will deilver a place which people want to visit, businesses want to locate to and where residents can spend time and enjoy their environment.
Further information about the Development Plan is available at: bondstreet2018
“ ”
Bond Street is unique with an unmatched reputation for high end retail
A Kylie Christmas Oxford Street Christmas Lights
unday 1 November 2015 saw Oxford Street host its first Sunday trafficfree Christmas lights switch-on event. The show was hosted by jewellery brand Pandora in partnership with Capital FM and was headlined by global superstar Kylie Minogue, attracting an audience of over 10,000 spectators. With media coverage value estimated at over £6 million (+43% YOY), the event generated the most national and international coverage ever achieved on Oxford Street. The introduction of digital applications Periscope and TINT enabled the show to be broadcast via social media around the world, resulting in an unprecedented digital reach of over 80 million and the acquisition of 5,669 new followers.
St Christopher’s Place St Christopher’s Place Spring Event
The Queen’s Mural at St Christopher’s Place
o mark the arrival of Spring; St Christopher’s Place joined forces with renowned artist Rebecca Lee Law to produce London’s first ever outdoor fresh floral installation. The campaign delivered print coverage in Time Out, The Evening Standard and Metro generating a total media value of £180k and a 200% increase across digital engagement.
St Christopher’s Place Spring Garden
Cleaning up Oxford Street
OXFORD STREET New West End Company took action as part of the ‘Chewing Gum Action Group’ campaign to change behaviour towards chewing gum disposal last Autumn. 11.6 football pitches of chewing gum cleared from Oxford Street during 2015
artnering with The Chewing Gum Action Group (CGAG), an organisation chaired by Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) and funded by the chewing gum industry to tackle gum litter in the UK, New West End Company transformed the grey pavements of Oxford Street with brightly-coloured circles to highlight the sheer level of gum that is dropped every day. Find out more at: gumbusters
Oxford Street Online
o celebrate Her Majesty’s 90th birthday, St Christopher’s Place commissioned muralist Frederick Wimsett to create an unprecedented mural of The Queen. Adorning the iconic St Christopher’s Place wall, this bespoke piece of art acts as a visual focal point allowing visitors from around the world to celebrate and congratulate the Queen on her milestone birthday while discovering something truly British. This must-see attraction was covered by a host of media titles including The Evening Standard, The Metro and The Huffington Post and has generated a media value of almost £165k.
xford Street’s online results exceeded annual targets in 2015. Digitallyled campaigns, high profile influential ambassadors and compelling content resulted in more than 1.65 million website hits, 29,000 new subscribers and over 26,4000 new social media followers. New West End Company is investing in its online assets in 2016 with a new website being launched this Autumn and paid social media spend.
Mural of ‘Our Queen’
The Clean Team
Tackling Gum Litter: Helen Bingham, Keep Britain Tidy Communications & PR Manager and Steven Medway, Managing Director Trading Environment, New West End Company
RIBA Regent Street Windows Project
Summer Streets
ummer Streets returns this July with four traffic-free Sundays when Regent Street will be transformed into a greener environment and a street full of entertainment and exclusive retail offers. Each Sunday will have its own identity:
highly anticipated project on the architecture and design calendar, RIBA Regent Street Windows returns for its seventh year this September. The project pairs exceptional RIBA architects with Regent Street retailers to create captivating architectural installations in store windows along and around London’s historic shopping street. Delivered in partnership with The Crown Estate and The Regent Street Association, the internationally renowned project has grown in strength year-on-year. For 2016 the installations will be on display from 5 - 25 September to coincide with partner events, London Design Festival and London Fashion Week. Participating brands include Armani Exchange, Charles Tyrwhitt, kate spade new york, 7 For All Mankind, Kiehl’s, Molton Brown, Kiko Milano, Liberty London, RIBA Portland Place and Uniqlo. This is a unique opportunity for RIBA Chartered Practices and Members to demonstrate the innovative ways in which they work while allowing for a direct interaction with London’s public and visitors on its most iconic retail destination, attracting a footfall of over 1.2million people per week.
Sunday 3 July – Transported by Design, supported by Transport for London, and featuring the past, present and future of transport. Sunday 10 July – Health & Lifestyle. Participate in a fitness session, talk to fitness experts, enjoy lifestyle experiences at Regent Street’s very own Sports Day. Come early to cheer runners in the British 10K. Sunday 17 July – Garden Party. The very best of the British Garden Party with bandstand, music and green spaces to relax and enjoy the party.
egent Street is not just the world’s first shopping street; it is a world class visitor destination providing the true London shopping experience. In 2015 Regent Street was the first British street to adopt Dropit, the same day delivery service from store to your door. This bag free
For more information, contact Meneesha Kellay, Project Manager, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA):
David Bowie: Fame, Fashion, Photography Unseen images of David Bowie from three iconic British photographers: Chalkie Davies, Tony McGee and Denis O’Regan featured in a very special public exhibition this June at The Hub, Heddon Street, London.
avid Bowie: Fame, Fashion, Photography honoured the extraordinary career of music’s biggest star with iconic images captured on stage, in the studio and on tour. Many of the images had not been exhibited before or seen outside the photographers’ studios. The free-entry exhibition, supported by Regent Street, took place on the very street where David Bowie was photographed for the cover of The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars, released in
June 1972. His Ziggy Stardust plaque is on display opposite The Hub. The exhibition raised £50,000 for Cancer Research UK through sales of a limited edition, hand
numbered exhibition catalogue and a silent online auction of framed images, signed by the photographers.
Latest News Regent Street Website:
Regent Street welcomes: the crisp colours, graphic prints and playful sophistication of kate spade new york; the distinctly British style and elegance of Jo Malone London and a highly-anticipated move to a new store for the worldrenowned, award winning designer of luxury accessories and ready-to-wear collections, Michael Kors. New PR Company: The Communications Store has been appointed by The Crown Estate as the retained communications agency for one of London’s most iconic retail, business
initiative removes the burden of shopping bags by providing the consumer with unlimited deliveries from different shops consolidated into one convenient and affordable delivery to their home or hotel - effectively an online experience in the offline world. By adding Dropit to the customer experience, retailers
and lifestyle destinations, Regent Street. Founded in 1995, The Communications Store is a privately owned strategic brand development and communications company for the world’s best brands and most exciting emerging talents. David Shaw OBE, Head of Regent Street Portfolio comments, “The Communications Store has established a market leading reputation for its experience and expertise across the retail and lifestyle sectors and will make a valuable contribution to ensuring that Regent Street remains ahead of the curve
Sunday 24 July – Fashion, sponsored by Magnum. Enjoy a fashion focused day on Regent Street complete with the street’s very own catwalk. Magnum will also be promoting its new advertising campaign, Release the Beast. Dare to go double and distributing thousands of Magnums throughout the day. To get involved contact Regent Street Association Event Manager, Parmy Japper:
“ ”
Four traffic-free Sundays in July
can leverage their customers shopping experience, reward best customers, enjoy repeat business and increase revenue. Interest in Dropit is increasing across the West End. To find out more contact:
and continues to lead the way as a world class shopping and lifestyle destination.” Contact: Out Now: the updated Regent Street Guide. Printed in English, Arabic and Chinese and featuring a map of Regent Street and the calendar of events, the Regent Street Guide is available from Street Ambassadors. If you would like copies for your own distribution. Please contact:
New West End Company B2B Retail App
etail Members can use the New West End Company App (pictured) which provides real time intelligence about events, activities, footfall and sales data for Oxford Street, Bond Street and Regent Street. For further information please contact Danielle Purnell:
“ ”Savills Global Retail Destination Index 2016 App provides real time intelligence
ew West End Company commissioned Savills to undertake a piece of international research to benchmark London against similar retail destinations in comparable cities across the world. This process identified New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai as suitable comparator cities. Milan was also included due to its ‘fashion capital’ reputation.
The Findings • • •
London’s West End ranked number 2 in the World, second only to New York, but numbered 1 in Europe 96% of retailers stated that they would recommend London as a place to trade London is forecast to see retail sales increase by +2.9% per annum over the next five years, outperforming the 2.7% for New York
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Overseas visitors will increase by +3.9% per annum to the end of 2020 Chinese visitors accounted for 20% of all tax free spend in 2015, with average transaction spend of over £1,600 (US $2,400) on Bond Street London’s West End retail sales forecast to increase by 27.8% to £11.25 billion (US $16.3 billion) by 2020 due to arrival of Crossrail
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London’s West End reported a 55.3% increase in Chinese visitors during the first nine months of 2015 alone All top 10 luxury brands in the world are in the West End (Millward Brown Audit)
UPCOMING EVENTSEvents Upcoming Jun To End July (Oxford Street & Bond Street) Queen’s 90th Celebratory Flags To Mid June (Regent Street) Queen’s 90th Celebratory Flags 14, 15 June London Real Estate Forum Berkeley Square Mayfair
Sundays 3, 10, 17, 24 July Summer Streets on Regent Street
August Intelligent Street Launch on Bird Street
7 July Community Partners Summer Reception
17, 18, 19 August Grosvenor Film Festival Brown Hart Gardens Mayfair
7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 July Grosvenor Film Festival Grosvenor Square Mayfair
25 June London Pride
20 July Bond Street: Gianluca Longo ‘In Conversation With Vanessa Kingori, MBE’
28 June 8.00-10.00am Invitation Only Air Quality Summit Regent Street Cinema
21 July London Luxury Quarter Social The National Gallery Trafalgar Square
10, 11 September Grosvenor Film Festival Belgrave Square Garden Mayfair
27 October London Luxury Quarter Conference BAFTA Piccadilly
11 September Tour of Britain - Traffic Free event Regent Street 23 September Grosvenor Film Festival Brown Hart Gardens Mayfair
Nov 5 November Regent Street Motor Show RSA - Traffic Free Event
6 November Christmas Lights Oxford Street 10 November Bond Street Illuminations Date TBC Christmas Lights Regent Street
Key Contacts: Jace Tyrrell Chief Executive
Steven Medway Managing Director Trading Environment
Allyson Andrews Interim Director of Communications
Lucy Bell Marketing Manager Bond Street
Luciana Magliocco Marketing Manager Oxford Street
Dee Corsi Director of Finance and Performance
Danielle Purnell Business Communications Executive
Kristin Sauva Events & Communications Manager
Jen Chassels Marketing Manager West End
Nabila Richardson Marketing & Events Executive