AN INVITATION TO ENDORSE THE COMITMENT 2030 FUND FeelGood is a college youth movement that, over the last 10 years, has raised more than $1.6 million for organizations sustainably eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. Now, in response to the emergence of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, FeelGood is expanding the number of programs it supports by creating and investing in the Commitment 2030 Fund: A select group of organizations that taken together fulfill the spirit and intent of the post-2015 development goals. Because of your organization’s reputation in addressing global hunger and poverty, we are inviting you to become an endorsing member of the Commitment 2030 Fund. As an endorsing member, you will: • • • •
have the option to nominate and review Fund members; receive prominent placement of your logo on the Commitment 2030 Fund website; have the option to promote two opportunities/actions per year to our community of over 2500 engaged youth, ages 18-25; and, most importantly, lend credibility to the Fund for increased contributions and, consequently, an accelerated end to extreme hunger and poverty.
Below are the current and prospective fund members. HOW TO BECOME AN ENDORSING FUND MEMBER If you would like to become an endorsing member of the Commitment 2030 Fund, please send us an email to that effect, along with a high-res version of our organization’s logo. If you have questions about the Fund or about becoming an endorsing member, please contact me at the email or number below. Kristin Walter Co-Founder and Executive Director 703.225.8670
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT Kristin Walter Co-Founder and Executive Director 703.225.8670