FeelGood Revealed

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Kristin and Talis

One Billion

FeelGood 101: The Basics

It all starts with a student and a grilled cheese.

College students offer grilled cheese sandwiches in exchange for DOLLARS and a DIALOGUE to end world hunger.

The DOLLARS are invested in organizaCons with a proven track record of hunger eradicaCon.

The DIALOGUE raises awareness, and builds consensus for a new approach to foreign aid.

And the STUDENTS become changemakers.

Let’s go over that one more time.

A grilled cheese…

A grilled cheese Generates dollars and dialogue for the end of hunger

A grilled cheese Generates dollars and dialogue for the end of hunger Builds a new consensus to transform foreign aid

A grilled cheese Generates dollars and dialogue for the end of hunger Builds a new consensus to transform foreign aid And creates a new generaCon of changemakers.

FeelGood 102: Under the Hood

Students engage in a peer-­‐driven educaConal program called “The Journey.”

Journeys earn Cheese Points, which become investment capital for their chapter.

And it all happens in the online environment of Cheese World.

FeelGood 103: Results!

FeelGood is acCve on 23 official college chapters, 19 start-­‐up chapters, and growing!

Over the last 6 years FeelGood students have…

That’s what we call getting real bang for your cheese.


“Rounding it up” with THE MELT

Our 2014 (Melt Infused) FeelGood Vision! Something to feel cheesy about.


1. New Partnerships Partnering with underserved American youth Graduate from college + Foster an entrepreneurial & loving spirit

2. Influencing Education Open-­‐Source Curriculum + Cheese World for all!

3. Our Impact by 2014

Round It Up

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