How our roles relate activity guide

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ACTIVITY GUIDE: HOW OUR ROLES RELATE NOTE: To complete this activity, leaders fulfilling the five essential roles FeelGood has identified should have completed their respective position orientation on Cheese World. This activity is designed to help your chapter leadership team articulate everyone’s role - and how they intersect. Remember the activity’s value comes in large part from the process you undergo and the conversations you have rather than the finished visual product! WHO: TIME: MATERIALS:

Chapter Leadership Team 30 min 1 sheet of large paper per person*, markers, tape (optional) OR Whiteboard & dry erase markers in various colors (1 per person is ideal) FeelGood Leadership Positions Guide (for reference)

*If your leadership structure has shared positions (i.e. Co-Presidents) they can work together, but it’s recommended each person use a different color to take notes on the specific responsibilities they’ve taken on in the division of labor.

OPTION A: USING PAPER STEP ONE: Knowing & Sharing Your Role (5 min) • Everyone draw three concentric circles (see Figure I) o In the centermost one, write your title/role o In the middle one, write at least three skills you bring to the team o In the outermost, write your various position responsibilities § EXAMPLE: Deli Manager = “deli donations” or “food safety certification”




Figure I.

Figure II.

STEP TWO: Mapping How Your Roles are Connected (5 min) • Draw lines out from the circle’s edge to create as many sections as there are other leaders (Figure II) o EXAMPLE: If your team is seven people total, your paper would look like this - a circle in the center for you and six sections around its perimeter. o Add the other leadership position titles to your paper - one each in their own section o In each section to write how you collaborate with or rely on each of the other people/roles STEP THREE: Sharing & Clarifying (10 to 20 min) • One at a time, share what you’ve written down, keeping it to no more than 2 min each o Key responsibilities in your role o Tasks, projects, or initiatives where there is collaboration and with whom • As each person shares, exactly how the group works together should become clearer • Be sure as a team to ask: is there anything missing? Help each other fill in the gaps.

OPTION B: USING A WHITEBOARD STEP ONE: Knowing & Sharing Your Role (3 min) • Everyone draw three concentric circles somewhere on the whiteboard (see Figure I) o In the centermost one, write your title/role o In the middle one, write at least three skills you bring to the team o In the outermost, write your various position responsibilities § EXAMPLE: Deli Manager - “deli donations” or “food safety certification” STEP TWO: Mapping How Your Roles are Connected (2 min) • Without talking about it just yet, draw a line from your circle to the circle of each leadership position you work with on any projects, reports, initiatives, or tasks - and write a word or phrase along the line about what you collaborate on. The board should look something like this:

STEP THREE: Sharing & Clarifying • One at a time, share what you’ve written, keeping it to no more than 2 min each o Key responsibilities in your role o Tasks, projects, or initiatives where there is collaboration and with whom • As each person shares, exactly how the group works together should become clearer • Be sure as a team to ask: is there anything missing? Help each other fill in the gaps. • Be sure to snap a picture of it before you leave and send it to the group for future reference!

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