The Cheesy News, issue 1
February 2011
The Beginnings
What do you want to know? 2
Earn Cheese Points
Our Constitution
Shout outs
Why we are here In the middle of fall quart the UW chapter of Feel Good had one of our big meetings, the Vision, Action and Commitment meeting. At this meeting the few of us that were there had a few thoughts about why we wanted to start this movement here in Seattle. Although ranging from, the website is cute, to wanting to fill up free time, to wanting to actually making a difference, we all came together to start something amazing.
Winter quarter goals
We are still in the very beginning stages of making this chapter the best it can be. This newsletter is to keep everyone informed as to what’s going on! In this newsletter you can find websites to find out more about Feel Good and how you can get involved.
Cheese Points Don’t forget to check out the website and rack up your cheese points! These points can give us the cash we need to keep going. Page three has a stepby-step on how to earn points
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lorem ipsum dolor The Cheesy News
issue, 2011 date February
Cheese Points How they work Cheese points are an easy way to earn money for out chapter. You have to be a member of Feel Good to be able to get points for your chapter. Once you are a member it’s easy to get points. Below is a step-by-step guide to getting your points:
Step 1: click the heading that says ‘for chapters’. Then click the subheading that ‘chapter resources.’
Step 3: Choose a challenge. You
may need to read a few until you find one, or more, to accept! When you
Step 2: From the many green tabs, choose the one that says ‘cheese world.’
Step 4: The same screen will show up but this time you will click ‘complete challenge’
Step 5: Once you click complete the challenge, you have to post the challenge. Sometimes it’s a short writing challenge or uploading a picture. To up load it can be a little tricky. Here are two helpful hints: - name your photo and save it on your desktop.
find this symbol to upload picks
Once you have done this you upload and submit and watch your cheese points rack up for your chapter!
lorem ipsum News dolor The Cheesy
February issue, 2011 date
Our Constitution In order to become an official chapter we needed to create a constitution to lay out our plans and actually make sure we knew what we were getting into. A few of our members sat down and completed this so we can get started. It’s long, but it’s worth checking out! November 16, 2010 FeelGood Chapter Constitution Article 1 Name of Organization: FeelGood Article 2 Purpose, Goals, and Vision Section 1. The Purpose of FeelGood is to be an innovative, non-profit food service, apparel, and event planning business working towards a world free from suffering, hunger, and gender discrimination by raising money for The Hunger Project and Choice Humanitarian. We believe that proven, altruistic business practices and the inherent goodness in people, when combined, provide the needed synergy to make this world a better place. Section 2. Major Goals: · Raise over $2,000 annually for The Hunger Project and Choice Humanitarian on the University of Washington campus. · Provide a simple opportunity for students and faculty to give back and to create an awareness of social responsibility in a friendly atmosphere. Section 3. Vision Statement: When college students across the nation have the option to buy their delicious, healthy lunch from an organization which exists to make this world a better place rather than just making a profit, FeelGood will have arrived. Business can do a lot of good and FeelGood wants to help prove that. Article 3 Expectations of Members – FeelGood will create an environment that makes its members passionate about what they are doing and help them to feel instrumental in making a difference in this world. FeelGood strives to not be stressful but rather empowering. The passion of its members will be the driving motivation for holding members responsible. Section 1. Dues – Members do not have to, but are encouraged to purchase a FeelGood t-shirt for $15. There are no membership renewal fees so long as current members bring in a new member for each new school year. Section 2. Events – Members must attend all events unless discussed with the President. Section 3. Meetings – Members must attend monthly general meetings. Section 4. Grilled Cheese Stand – Members must volunteer once each quarter. Article 4 Officers – FeelGood must have a President and Treasurer to operate. Other officers such as Vice President, Deli Manager, Secretary, Public Relations, Historian, Membership Coordinator, and Activities Coordinator are highly recommended for effective management and operations. Section 1. President – The president shall be the organizational director of FeelGood. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: holding meetings, directing strategic management initiatives, and fulfilling responsibilities to the ASUW on behalf of FeelGood. The president is expected to be intimately involved in FeelGood at all levels from planning to daily operations. Section 2. Treasurer – The treasurer shall be responsible for the management of all financial transactions occurring within the FeelGood Gourmet, Apparel, and Events departments. Article 5 Meeting and Quorum Section 1. General Meetings – General meetings should be held monthly. Section 2. 2/3rd of members are needed to conduct business to have Quorum.
lorem ipsum dolor The Cheesy News
issue, date February 2011
Constitution Continued Article 6 General Provisions
sandwiches. Sandwiches are to be sold for a donation.
Shout out to Mitchell Cuevas! Mitchell posted a blog in the Salty Waffle about FeelGood. Check it out at /ending-world-hunger-witha-grilled-cheese-and-aside-of-socialmedia/?awesm=fbshare.m e_AWngs
Congrats to our UW chapter for making it into the FeelGood newsletter! See what they have to say at: http://hosted.verticalrespon /1245012917/4bdab0617d/
Section1.The Hunger Project & Choice Humanitarian- All proceeds of money raised by FeelGood, whether through the grilled cheese stand, t-shirts, or events, must go to The Hunger Project and Choice Humanitarian. If there is a local or other charity the members are inspired to support, they must appeal to the FeelGood Headquarters. Section 2. Non-Discrimination Clause for Membership- FeelGood will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religious beliefs, etc. Section 3. UW Rules and RegulationsFeelGood will abide by the rules and regulations of UW as a condition to initial and continued registered status. Article 7 Amendments Section 1. Amendments to FeelGood’s Constitution should be made by writing a request to FeelGood’s Headquarters. The specific requests should reflect the consensus from all members. Article 8 Removal of Officers Section 1. In the case that FeelGood
Shout out to Amanda Tran for making one of our first specialty grilled cheese with mushrooms and pesto!!
Section 2. Quality of Product FeelGood gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches are guaranteed to be delicious and high quality. Sandwiches must be made with care and creativity. Section 2. Main Service - Our main service is providing a simple opportunity for students and faculty to give back and to create an awareness of social responsibility in a friendly atmosphere. Section 3. Events - FeelGood organizes activities such as music concerts, fun runs, movie nights, etc… to raise money for The Hunger Project and Choice Humanitarian. It gives FeelGood members the opportunity be creative about ways to raise money and create spaces for building awareness of our causes in a recreational setting. Section 4. Spreading the philosophy and principles of The Hunger Project – Part of the FeelGood mission is to raise awareness about the issues surrounding world hunger. The Hunger Project and Choice Humanitarian’s philosophy of seeing hungry people as the solution and author of their own sustainable life, rather than the problem should be
officers are not acting in the best interest of the FeelGood, by a 2/3rd vote of our members we may remove him/her from the position and replace them with another club member by election. In such a case, FeelGood Headquarters must be notified.
communicated to FeelGood customers in a creative effective way. Members also must stand for the key principles of The Hunger Project and Choice Humanitarian, which are that of gender equality, socioeconomic equality, and sustainability. The Hunger Project and Choice Humanitarian’s
Article 9 By-Laws
philosophies and principles are key to unleashing the human spirit, which
Section 1. Main Product – Our main product is gourmet grilled cheese
is what FeelGood is working for.
The Cheesy News
February 2011
Our Next Steps For winter quarter we have many goals we want to reach to get this FeelGood movement in action. For one we need to get donors whether for food or for money. This is one of the most important tasks, without this there would be no sandwiches to make! Our major goals, past getting funding, is to get our name out. A few of our ideas are to attend basketball games, have a grilled cheese contest and throw a keggar! These are just a few of our ideas but to keep up with updates join our facebook group and sign up with our e-mail list during meetings! In March’s issue you will see who our officers are, a new cheese point challenge, and more details on upcoming events! So stay tuned for more cheesy news!
February’s Featured Cheese Point Challenge