The Cheesy News Issue 2

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The Cheesy News, issue 2

March 2011

Times they are a changing...

What do you want to know? 2

Our Cheesy Officers


Our Partnership: The Hunger Project



My Story by Amanda Tran You Might Be Interested In:


Upcoming events

Off and Running

We are now coming to a close to Winter quarter and have accomplished many things. Several of them are simply logistical but still very important to keep this movement running. So far we have selected officers, planned events, earned cheese points recruited new members, and talked to a few of our inspirational leaders.

Our first event we participated in was the Social Justice Fair at Hillel. During the Fair, we had many people express interest in becoming involved with FeelGood. In addition we were able to talk to many of the other RSOs that may also be able to partner with us! The Hunger Banquet was a very eye opening and interesting experience. Check out The Dailey or online for more information on the Hunger Banquet and Social Justice Fair. And if nothing else check out what FeelGood UW has been up to the last month!

Cheese Points Don’t forget to check out the website and rack up your cheese points! These points can give us the cash we need to keep going. The website is always changing so ask for help if you need it!

lorem ipsum dolor The Cheesy News

issue, date March 2011

2011 Officers Last month we voted on our officers to lead us through this amazing adventure. They might not know what they are getting into being officers but what have they got to loose? Check out who they are and what their roles are. And of course feel free to contact them with questions or if you want to help out! President

Finance Chair

Paige Edmiston

Greg Elting

As president Paige coordinates meetings, is our main spokeswoman and motivator to keep this cheese operation working. Without her I think we would be a little lost!

With all of this money we have to keep track of, eventually, we need a person like Greg to make sure it’s going to all of the right places. Greg keeps in contact with anyone that’s bringing in money, either from cheese points or donors and makes sure the money gets used properly.

Vice President and Membership Coordinator Amanda Tran

Public Relations and Deli Op

As vice president Amanda assists the president in anything that needs to be done. As membership coordinator, well she’s the one to get us more volunteers! And you know with out volunteers this project would not go very far. But she doesn’t have to do it alone! Spread the news to everyone and encourage your friends to join.

Justina Trusevich In order for our FeelGood chapter to function, Justina talks to companies and any one else outside our chapter and UW to try and help us in our goals. Whether it’s getting food, money, or simply a partnership, Justina is there to talk with her professional yet bubbly personality.

Historian Cheese Point Chancellor Dani Boross As cheese point chancellor, Dani encourages our members to accomplish as many cheese point challenges as we can. We are all busy with school, work, and social life, but Dani helps us keep on track with earning cheese points and money!

Helen Cho If we didn’t have our wonderful historian Helen, nobody would know what UW FeelGood is up to. Helen takes pictures of all of our events and shares them with everyone she knows. This way she gives people a taste of what they could be a part of.


lorem ipsum News dolor The Cheesy

issue, 2011 date March

Activities Coordinator


Justin Choi

Rachel Mangan

As activities coordinator Justin organizes events by figuring out dates, times, and locations. Without Justin it would be very difficult to get our name out to as many people as we can. We would rely only on word of mouth (Although not bad, it’s important to have big events!).

As secretary, Rachel takes notes at every meeting. This may not seem important, but with the many things we talk about (food, money, movies, keggers...) it can get very confusing and all jumbled up. With notes and a monthly newsletter, FeelGood is able to keep on track with events and news.

Campus Liaison Salyna Sek Salyna has the very much-needed position of talking to important people on campus that really make this organization exist. For example, we are now an official Registered Student Organization (RSO) on the UW campus! This means we have the ability to show ourselves on campus a lot easier and with some authority!

Do you want a major (or minor) role? If you would like to be in midst of all this awesomeness send any one of us an email. Or if you are interested in any of these topics specifically, we are always in need of help! Paige Edmiston:

Helen Cho:

Amanda Tran:

Justin Choi:

Dani Boross:

Salyna Sek:

Greg Elting:

Rachel Mangan:

Justina Trusevich:

Be Cheesy! Get involved!


lorem ipsum dolor The Cheesy News

Shout outs Shout out to all of our amazing officers! FeelGood wouldn’t be able to function without you!

Thank you to all that showed interest and signed up during the Social Justice Fair on Thursday March 3rd.

issue, date March 2011

Our Partnership: The Hunger Project The votes are in! Feelgood UW is officially partnering with The Hunger Project! THP is an excellent organization centered on "empowering women and men to end their own hunger". This organization exemplifies partnership, NOT charity. THP works in Bangladesh, India, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and in countries throughout Africa. Take a minute to check out their key initiatives! The more educated we are as a chapter, the better the conversation we can start on campus! But here’s just a sneak peak of what they’re about:

If you know of anyone who has gone above and beyond our expectations or even a small good deed, send it in!


lorem ipsum dolor The Cheesy News

issue, date March 2011

My Story: Amanda Tran What's up fellow FeelGooders!? Your V\P/Membership Coordinator here, just giving a little shout out before finals week! So if you guys have not yet heard, I will be representing the FeelGood at UW chapter at the CGIU this April 1-3 at the University of California San Diego. What is a CGIU you ask? It is the Clinton Global Initiative University; a conference for collegiate aged students that are working for important global issues (i.e. poverty, nutrition, sustainability, energy conservation, etc.). Before being accepted, all applicants were asked to write up a Commitment Action Plan (I posted it on our Facebook page, so go check it out!) that focused on a practical goal that was meaningful and measureable. At the conference, I will be able to attend workshops and work with other students, leaders, and FeelGooders across the nation/world on improving our chapter, our goals, and making it the best it can be! (It is even rumored that I might get to meet Bill Clinton!?) With that said, I am honored to be representing FeelGood at UW, and if you guys have any ideas you would like me to bring to the conference, please do not hesitate to share!

Here's the CGIU site (I encourage everyone to look into this and consider it for next year!):

Peace and Cheese, Amanda Tran

Have a go at this word search if you need a break from all your studying! Even better when you find words think about how you can spread them to anyone you know! After all we want to be changemakers and create a dialogue about ending world hunger! Enjoy ď Š


The Cheesy News

March 2011

You Might Be Interested In: Upcoming Focus Groups in CHID 496C This course will be a community-building space for participants to share skills and stories around student activism. We hope to explore the dynamics of student organizing as a set of nested relationships, looking at the interactions within and between organizations and their connections with the institutions in which they are embedded. Part of this conversation will happen through a series of panels with student activists whose perspectives will help us to engage these ideas in envisioning a student-powered food system through future collaborations between the UW farm and UW student food co-op. Just close your eyes and think: spring days, deep discussions, a potluck here and there, and a warm gathering of friends!* Students not involved in either project are welcome and encouraged to register—we hope this space will bring new ideas and strategies to the partnership. Feel free to contact me or amalia tonsor ( with any questions about the class, and please try to spread the word! Take care! anna

Cheese of the Month: Extra Sharp Cheddar This cheese is especially delicious with a fresh baguette. Last week at the UW farmers market I decided to pair these two together and I was very satisfied. I would highly recommend the extra sharp cheddar from Mt. Townsend Creamery. They operate all year except occasionally July through September. A small block of this wonderful cheese is about $6-7. For the bread, me favorite go to place is the Preston Hill Bakery. One baguette is less than $5, and these guys are at the UW Farmers Market all year long! If you have a favorite cheese and something to pair it with let us know! (Email Rachel at


The Cheesy News

March 2011

Upcoming Events

During spring quarter expect to see our name around every corner! Here are a few things we’ve got lined up: - ‘Fresh’ documentary showing - Kegger - Grilled cheese stand in Red Square These are three for sure events but we’ve got many more up our sleeves. If you would like to get involved in planning or operating our grilled cheese stands let us know!

Western Kentucky Herald

March’s Featured Cheese Point Challenge

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