Vladimir Putin
Northern Sea Route:Preparation-Enviroment-Future
Russian Search & Rescue Bases 2013-2015 and infrastructure
Oil & Gas license in the Arctic
LEO low earth orbit
AISSat-1 nano satellite was launched 2010. It is used to observe ship-traffics in Norwegian and international waters.
Ten new Russian satellites expected in 2014/2015. They will follow Molniya orbits, which means frequent overflies of the polar regions. HEO orbits the poles. Satellite radio use HEO
Russian mini-submarine plants a titanium capsule with the Russian flag during a dive in the Arctic Ocean, staking the country’s claim.
North West Passage
Mining Military base
Future Trans Arctic Route Northern Sea Route
Ships transit statistics
CHNL arranged a workshop on April 29th 2010 in Kirkenes with the title “Opening the Northern Sea Route for oil, gas and dry bulk transportation between Europe and Asia, shipment of iron ore from Kirkenes to China”.
Northern Sea Route VS SUEZ
From Source to Market The Northern Sea Route is used most by Arctic mining, oil & gas companies. In 2012, 46 ships went through NSR and 26 ships had cargo in form of liquid and 6 in form of
Northern Sea Route Rotterdam-Dalian *35 Days
bulk, which is unpacked cargo like iron ore. Suez Canal Rotterdam-Dalian *48 Days
Icebreakers & ships with icebreaking capability built or bought from year 2000-.......... Canada :2020x1 Finland :2011x1 Norway :2001x1 Sweden :2000x2,2001x1 Russia :2000x1,2003x2 ,2005x1,2006x7,2007x1, 2008x3, 2009x1,2012x3, 2013x1,2014x1,2015x1
:2014x1 China Japan :2008x1 S Korea :2009x1 Estonia :2012x1 Kazakhstan :2002x1 UK :2011x1 S Africa :2012x1
Arctic Ice 2012
Ship Traffic 2012 GEO orbit equatorial line. The theoretical limit of coverage for GEO systems is 81.3°N
First-year ice April
Full year ship traffic observations, made through the satellite spatial location of a vessel at a given time.
Continuous Permafrost (90-100%)
Multi year ice September
Protected Areas IUCN Class I-VI
Atlantic Cod
*Strict Nature Reserve
*Wilderness Area *National Park
*Natural Monument or Feature
Spawning areas
*Habitat/Species Management Area *Protected Landscape/ Seascape
Distribution areas
*Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources
Arctic Oil & Gas Resources
Ballast water
” increase the risk that harmful species brought to foreign waters could establish themselves and eventually compete with native species”
Increasing Arctic Storms 1950-1972
Climate Change
White snow and ice at the poles reflects sunlight, but dark ocean absorbs it.
85% 7%
*Ice reflect 85% *Ocean reflect 7%
Projected winter surface temperature increase around 2090 +12° +9° +6° +3°
Multi-Year Ice melt 2100 2030 2050 2100
0° Atlantic Cod Going Northward (+3°C temperature increase)
Increase No change Decrease Collapse
Future Trans Arctic Route Could be open by the year 2030/40. Longyearbyen can play a role as transhipment hub for ice strenghtened cargo ships
UMKA Project will house up to 5,000 residents, primarily *soldiers *scientists *oil & gas industry workers
Ice Free Ports
Ice strengthened vessels will go through the ice and release the cargo in the nearest ice free port, because they are not built to sail for too long on open sea.
New Arctic Typology *Offshore pipelines *Floating Container Port
*Offshore loading and unloading unit *Arctic-ice resistant platforms
Source:* http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/russia-moves-to-promote-northeast-passage-through-arctic-ocean-a-917824.html* http://barentsobserver.com/en/arctic/2013/04/millions-new-harbor-svalbard-15-04*portal.inter-map.com/* http://greenlandtoday.com/gb/category/danish-debate-regarding-greenlandic-mining-income-374/* http://eyeonthearctic.rcinet.ca/norwegian-company-looks-to-alaska-for-arctic-shipping-port/?lang=en* http://phys.org/news202057114.html* the far north:Philippe Rekacewicz,LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE* http://barentsobserver.com/en/energy/2013/04/construction-sabetta-port-start-summer-17-04* http://barentsobserver.com/en/arctic/2013/12/fifty-percent-increase-northern-sea-route-03-12* http://www.sintef.no/home/MARINTEK/Projects/Maritime/What-is-the-problem-with-communication-in-the-Arctic/* https://medium.com/war-is-boring/fd8ee6480240* http://www.arctic-lio.com/nsr_transits*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_icebreakers* http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1165318/Global-warming-sparks-new-ice-cold-war-Russia-plans-elite-army-unit-race-Arctic-resources.html* http://www.chnl.no/?news=47&history=search* http://www.arkgis.org/#*The Response of Atlantic Cod to Future Climate Change(Bjerknes centre)* http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_quality/gpap_pacategories/* http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/essay_serreze.html*Fram Forum 2013 page 17* http://www.redorbit.com/ news/science/1112993291/hitchhiking-marine-species-invading-the-arctic-110413/* http://www.grida.no/graphicslib/detail/temperature-increase-in-the-arctic-2090-scenario_ea96* http://www.wunderground.com/climate/SeaIce.asp?MR=1* http://www.thearcticinstitute.org/2011/10/5654-umka-domed-city-in-russian-arctic.html* http://worldmaritimenews.com/archives/47415/* http://barentsobserver.com/en/node/19603* http://www.fundraisingkongress.at/Portals/0/save%20the%20arctic.GIF* http://www.maritime-executive.com/article/FishInspired-Vessel-Joins-Brazil-Offshore-Oil-Boom-2013-08-08/* http://www.buoyant-energy.com/charakteristik/kombinierte-nutzung.html* interview/Lecture with Dr. Bjørn Gunnarsson