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#600 km of illegal fences in Finnmark

# Reindeerherders can put up temporary fences # They need to take them down after use

# Fences & powerlines kill more birds than hunters

# The most efficient hunters don’t buy hunting licences # Sabotage of reindeer fences by using snowmobiles, because of disagreement over grazing areas # 2000 grouse birds each week # 500 km of reindeer fences in Kautokeino Municipality # 4 grouse birds each kilometer X 500 km = 2000 grouse birds worth 90 kr each = almost 500.000 No-Kr

# some of the fences are only used for a few hours or days in the year

#Grouse bird hunting numbers for Finnmark are decreasing

# reindeer fences threaten outdoor activities

# Reindeer fence leftovers & more erosion after ATV

# Finish farmer on the Norwegian border considers shooting reindeer

# Animals get stuck in the fence and are vulnerable against predators.

# Almost no grouse bird i Kautokeino Municipality found when it was counted

Space is a product of multitude of histories, The government built fences and corrals designed to keep reindeer on designated pasture areas, and also created borders to divide pasture areas from within. The outcome, unfortunately, was overgrazing along the fence lines. The fences hinder the reindeer’s movement, especially during the summer when they are given more freedom to wander.

Erosion creates an edge effect in the landscape

Location: 69°23`22.27” N 22°23`13.87” E

Erosion near corrals

Doreen Massey Fences are built mostly in a straight line through the landscape, without knowledge of how the animal uses it. This may result in overgrazing. Where reindeer grazing is confined either by fences or topography, for example peaty and miniral soils begin to erode on slopes as low as 4 degrees. In open landscape erosion occur on slopes steeper than 7 degrees with peaty hollows, or 13 degrees where it is miniral based

Erosion created by vehicles

Erosion near corrals

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