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The Knoll Song To the tune of: “Mine Eyes have seen the Glory…”

Thank God for Dinthill’s Legend She’s the mother of us all Her graduates are serving in Endeavours bold and small They are toiling and are moulding From the shores far and near Their deeds are fair and true Refrain Facta Non Verba is our pledge (Repeat two times) A promise proud and blessed The founding fathers vision of Jamaica land we love Of Agriculture, Engineering, Home Ec and Business Our pledge to heritage we must For future sake and growth The tradition of our school Written by Dennis M Clarke Principal 2011

Mission Statement

To enrich the lives of the Dinthill Technical High School Community by fostering lifelong relationships and encouraging an unwavering support that will advance the objectives of our Alma Matter and to engage all Alumni Chapters to the benefit the school.

Vision Statement

To be the coveted Alumni Networking Association which espouses a compelling appeal to ALL Dinthill Technical High School graduates, and closely aligned with the mission.

Message from the Mayor.......................................................... 7 Message of Member of Parliament.......................................... 9 Message from the Minister of Education.................................11 Message from the Chairman, Board Management.................13 The President’s Report.....................................................15-16 Principal’s Message ...............................................................19 Board Of Directors..................................................................21 Messages from The Chapters...........................................23-24 Programme and Menu .....................................................28-29 Event and Planning Commitee Message..............................35 Special Recognition of the 50s & 60s...................................41

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


Mayor’s Message May I offer sincere congratulations to the Magazine Committee for the production of this year’s magazine. As a graduate of the Dinthill Technical High School (1975-79?), I am very proud to acknowledge the school`s contribution to the community and national development. Effective educational institutions all across the world seek to expand their vision and to communicate and build communities with a sense of deeply shared purpose. Since its inception, my alma mater has lived by its motto “Facta non Verba” – Deeds not Words! In addition to its consistency in track & field, the academic performance of students has seen steady improvement throughout the years, thus maintaining relevance. Dinthill Technical High is indeed the premier secondary technical institution in our parish and continues to deliver inspiration, build skill competence and provide students with opportunities to explore the world around them and learn to apply knowledge. In doing so they will ask questions, seek answers, make choices and learn to live with the consequences of their decisions. Indeed this is education at its best - equipping our youths to face the future with confidence and fortitude.



I wish for you continued success in all your endeavors. His Worship the Mayor Cllr. Norman Scott


Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


Member of Parliament Message

Natalie Neita Headley, MP Minister with Responsibility for Sport The Dinthill Technical High School has excelled over the years by graduating students of the highest calibre and distinction.

The superior standard of excellence set by the leadership, teachers and other members of staff has allowed this institution to remain a beacon for extraordinary academic and vocational success that has augured well for many who have come to study within its walls. As Member of Parliament, I congratulate this remarkable institution and its equally remarkable alumni for the outstanding contribution you make to nation building. I am proud to have this exemplary institution within my constituency and pledge to continue to give my full support to its sustained growth and success.

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


Message From The Minster of Education

Message from the Honourable Minister of Education for the Dinthill Technical High School Past Students’ Association Fundraising Dinner Programme It gives me great pleasure to bring greetings to the Dinthill Technical High School Past Student’s Association, from the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education is encouraged by the meaningful purpose to which you have committed yourselves and applauds this annual event of benevolence. Continue to be encouraged by the spirit of goodwill of your members, and the determination and love for our children, remembering at all times that achievement and success come through dedication, hard work and perseverance. I wish for your Alumni Association’s dinner and dance, an evening of fun, fellowship and fundraising and every success in the further growth and impact of your organization. It is my fervent hope that excellence continues to be the benchmark that drives your Alma Mater’s Ambassadors. May God grant you the opportunity to continue your laudable efforts. Best wishes for an extraordinary and enjoyable evening.

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


Message from the Chairman, Board of Management I am pleased to bring this message on behalf of the Board of Management of the Dinthill Technical High School. I wish to express my heartiest congratulations to the newly revived Jamaica Body of Alumni. The renewed relationship between the school and the Alumni Association is most welcomed and I sincerely look forward to a long lasting partnership. Let me briefly share with you a few important happenings at our school.

Dinthill continues to achieve significant improvements in the area of academics, ranking first in English and second in Math in the CSEC passes among Technical High Schools last year. We have sustained a 100% passes in Agriculture for a number of years and continue to attain significant improvements in CAPE passes over the last 2 years. Our success at the JCDC Performing Arts Festival has brought us gold and silver medals. Of note also is our boys’ outstanding performance which took us to the semi-finals of the DaCosta Football competition last season. A most important development emanating from the Ministry of Education is the plan to implement the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program in the school which would transform the school into a STEM Academy. Very soon we will be having consultations with our stakeholders of which the Alumni will be pivotal.

It is my belief that no school can fully achieve its potential in training and shaping young minds that are well prepared to meet the challenges of society and make invaluable contribution without good leadership in school administration inclusive of the Board of Management, a strong Parent Teachers’ Association, an active and vibrant Alumni and good community support. It is within this context that we will be implementing a specific structured program designed for greater participation of the Alumni in the life of the school beginning in the next school year.

The success of a large number of past students who have and continue to distinguish themselves in the fields of business, medicine, engineering, agriculture, finance and others indubitably provides a platform for the students to benefit from the experience, expertise, and financial, as well as practical, support of the alumni. With the harnessing of the expertise our Alumni, Dinthill will certainly reap rich rewards which will renown to the benefit of students and the society at large.

The Board of Management would like to thank all members of the Alumni Association, especially those members who were instrumental in its revival and the publication of this magazine; and encourages all past students to become members of the Association. I would also like to thank all members of the Overseas Chapters who have continuously given their tremendous support over the years to the school. You are all truly living examples of “Facta Non Verba”— “Deeds, Not Words”; and I trust that you will continue to provide support for both the students and administration of the Dinthill Technical High School in all aspects of our development. Be assured that the Board of Management stands ready to give our full support to your endeavors.

Congratulations and best wishes.

Glendon Johnson

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica



After more than a decade of inactivity the Dinthill Technical High School Past Students’ Association, Jamaica, was reinstated in July, 2014. A concerted effort was made in the latter part of 2013 by a select team of DTHS past students to revive it. Special thanks are therefore in order for the Interim Team comprising Marcia Kirby, Carol Russell, Linval Freeman, Leslie Nembhard, Coleen Barnett, Carron Hilton, Maxine Newell, Joan Francis and myself. A General Meeting of the entire past student body was held in July, 2014 and the following persons were selected to take on portfolio responsibilities: President - Orett Parker Vice president Finance & Accounting


Joyce West-Johnson


Linval Freeman

Membership - Joan Francis Entertainment & Event Planning


Carron Hilton, Lincoln Russell, Fredrick Sutherland

Marketing & Public Relations


Maxine Newell

Secretary - Marcia Kirby School Affairs


George Reid

Director - Leslie Nembhard I am honoured to have had the opportunity to serve as the President of the Dinthill Technical High School Past Student Association, Jamaica. I am even more honoured to serve in this capacity with a diverse and well-respected team of committed and dedicated executive members who are determined to ensure the revival and advancement of the Jamaica Chapter. At our first meeting of the Executive Committee we decided to focus on the following and they became agenda items at our meeting: v Trust Fund revival v Finances & Accounting v Membership Recruitment v Review of the Association’s Constitution v School Affairs v Entertainment, Event Planning, Annual Dinner & Dance v Marketing & Public Relations The committee met once per month at the Development Bank of Jamaica. We want to thank the Development Bank of Jamaica and especially Marcia Kirby for allowing the use of their facilities. Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


We are pleased to advise all Past Students that our Trust Fund is again vibrant. After meetings and conference calls with the different Presidents from the various Alumni Associations, a new Board of Trustees was appointed and it is a very dedicated team of individuals they have not only seen increases to the Fund via contributions but are also assisting our local association in whatever ways they can. At the time the new Executive Team took control in July, 2014, our bank account was merely Forty Thousand dollars. Now, we are pleased to advise that we have increased that sum to over five Hundred Thousand dollars ($500,000.00). We would like to thank Oliver Samuels (1968 graduate) for providing two benefit shows from his last two plays. In November, 2014, the Entertainment and Event Planning Committee along with the Public Relations Team planned and executed our most successful event at The Deck night club, billed as “Back in Time Session”. We intend to make this an annual event. At the outset our Membership Director was given the mandate to start an aggressive recruitment drive to get our Past Student list to an acceptable level. We are pleased to advise that the membership has increased to over Two Hundred Thousand even though only a small number remains as paid up members. Our annual membership fee is only JA$2,000.00, and therefore I encourage all Past Students to get involved so that we can assist our Alma Mater in more substantial ways. I feel that we as an alumni group have a most urgent task to actively seek and recruit outstanding Dinthill past students to join the association. We must provide for our current students positive role models, proper professional development and financial support. I also believe we have a responsibility to encourage all students to perform to their full potential by taking advantage of all academic resources provided. In order to seize these opportunities, both local and overseas alumni are working to develop effective programmes that foster solidarity and have a positive impact among our young brothers and sisters Members of the Association’s Executive made a “Fact Finding” trip to Dinthill in February, 2015 and 32 items were identified which need urgent attention. The Presidents of thevarious Alumni Association were advised as well as the chairman of the school Board. We are therefore on a drive to assist and we intend to contribute a portion of the proceeds of profits from our Dinner/Dance to help. The other Alumni Associations have also promised to assist. With help from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and one other member, along with the Principal, we intend to establish a Secretariat for the Past Students Association at the school before the end of this year’s summer term. Our constitution was reviewed by a legal officer. Thanks to our Director of Finance Mr. Linval Freeman for soliciting that service which was free of cost. We are pleased to advise that the new constitution will be presented at our next Annual general meeting for ratification. We are also working on a Protocol Document which will guide us for the future and which we intend to share with the other Alumni Associations for their input. This is expected to be ready for release before the next Annual General Meeting. We also developed our Mission & Vision Statements. As we celebrate this year’s Fund Raising Event (Dinner & Dance), I wish to commend the Executive and Planning Committees and to thank them for their support over the months and for assisting in the staging of this event. We wish to thank all our sponsors for their contributions in assisting to make the occasion possible. Special thanks to companies owned and operated by Past Students who have made sponsorship donations. We are cognizant of the fact that without your input and input from our Executive such undertaking would be virtually impossible. My heartiest congratulation to the honorees who will be recognized at the event this year. Best Regards, Orett Parker President

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


Principal’s Message It gives me great pleasure to write this message for this commemorative Magazine of this 2015 Alumni Dinner and Dance event. Dinthill is one of the leading providers of Technical Education in the Jamaica and since 2015 has become one of seven schools invited to serve as a STEM Academy. As such, we aim to give every student in our care the very best possible education in order to prepare them for life beyond school. We have and will continue to encourage members of staff, students, parents and alumni to involve themselves fully in all aspects of school life and to identify themselves with its core values of Collegiality, Confidence, High Expectation, and Open Communication. Our Academic Staff complement is committed to provide a broad and differentiated curriculum that caters for varied interests and abilities of our students. Dinthill has a very strong and supportive Board of Management consisting of several Alumni that ensures that the school continues to excel in everything we do. Additionally, we have structured our Administrative team so that every Year Group has a Coordinator and an Assistant Coordinator to manage every individual student and assist them in their sojourn through high school. Our educational programme is wide and varied and our record of success in the Regional Examinations, administered by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) is outstanding. Students find they can pursue their interests and strengths to the best of their ability, and are encouraged to achieve their personal goal. We are proud of our record and of our success in helping students achieve their dreams once they leave school. At the same time, our vision of education extends far beyond the classroom. We encourage our students to involve themselves in the broad co-curricular programmes supported by members of our Alumni Association. As a result of this partnership, students have the opportunity to participate fully on the sporting fields or courts, on the debating and quiz platforms, on the music and performing stages, in addition to their involvement in leadership activities. We expect high standards in all that we do at Dinthill. We encourage our students to aim high in their studies, to work hard and to be sensitive to the rights and needs of others. Of course, this message cannot take the place of a visit to our campus; I warmly welcome you to visit our school, and discover firsthand what makes a Dinthill Technical High School education so special. Finally, on behalf of the school’s family, I extend commendation to the editorial team that chronicles the glory and success of this institution, Facta Non Verba “Deeds not Words.” Lloyd T. Fearon Principal

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


Board of Directors


First Vice President






Events Director

Membership Director

Marketing Director


Chairman Trust Fund

Orett Parker

George Reid

Joan Francis

Joyce West-Johnson Fred Sutherland

Linval Freeman

Maxine Newell

Marcia Kirby

Leslie Nembhard

Lincoln Russell

Carron Hylton

Wayne Standbury

Director Trust Fund

Derrick Thompson Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica



It is an honor and pleasure for me as the President of the Dinthill Technical Alumni Association, New York Chapter, to bring you greetings on behalf of our officers and members. This evening, as you celebrate your event, I would like to commend you for your vision and commitment to our alma mater. I also urge you to continue to be vigilant in your endeavors to safe guard the educational and social development of our youths at Dinthill. We all have an obligation to provide a path for our youths and it is through the joint efforts of the chapters of our Alumni Association, that we will keep the path lit for Dinthill and its students.  It is imperative that the Alumni chapters continue to find ways to unite and maximize our membership count, so that we will be better able to harness the potential within our past-student body. We would be able to solicit from them new ways to expand our efforts and they can be exposed to our tradition of giving back. When we work as one, with one goal, we will be better able to achieve great success. In the end, we are all in this to uplift our beloved Alma Mater to make it a beacon for the society, reflecting our motto, “FACTA non VERBA ” (“DEEDS not WORDS”). So on behalf of the New York Chapter, I greet you again from the North East, with warmest wishes for a successful event.

MR. CHARLTON CHANCE, PRESIDENT FLORIDA CHAPTER On behalf of the Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association of Florida, it is an honor to bring greetings and congratulations to you, your many friends and devoted supporters on hosting your banquet. Facta Non Verba - Deeds Not Words, in keeping the motto to assist the enhancement of the amazing institution we would like to recognize the individuals who served and those who continue to assist our distinguished alma mater. The needs of our school are countless; our challenge is to try to assist through financial contributions, mentoring and support. This will assist current student to enjoy their Dinthill experience. We hope the Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association will prosper in growth and development. We hope this event will be a remarkable success and we look forward to continue working with you.

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


MESSAGES MESSAGE FROM DIANE (HENRY) FRANS PRESIDENT OF THE DINTHILL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL (ONTARIO) CHAPTER On behalf of the Dinthill Alumni Association (Ontario) Chapter, it is with pleasure and enthusiasm that I extend greetings and congratulations on your 2015 Dinner and Dance. Your commitment and determination is inspiring and is reflective of the strength and character of Dinthill’s past alumni globally. As past students of Dinthill Technical High School, we share the same pride in knowing that the contributions of our members are seen in the daily activities, progress and education of the current students. We know that it is the dedication of the many who serve tirelessly within our organizations to make the challenging efforts of fundraising successful. I encourage you to continue your excellent work in supporting and promoting the students of Dinthill as they strive for excellence. I applaud the efforts of your team and I know your hard work is a labour of love for your alma mater. I am proud to be associated with this organization and I especially look forward to sharing the evening with you in sunny Jamaica. Best wishes for a successful event.

TRIBUTE TO THE LATE OMRIE AUGUSTUS BURNETT Most of us, upon exiting High School, wittingly or unwittingly sever contact with our Alma Mater. A relatively few may maintain passing interactions by supporting the occasional school affiliated events, or even become active members of their respective Alumni Association. But there is still a significantly smaller group, who are deeply committed and dedicated to the well being and success of their old school. Omrie Augustus Burnett, among others, stands atop of this latter group. Through Alumni Associations, first in Jamaica and finally in Florida, he dedicated his life to serving his Alma Mater. He worked passionately and relentlessly at his assumed responsibilities, even up to the day of his sudden affliction, and subsequent transition days after. To the very end, he truly epitomized the motto of our Alma Mater, ‘Facta Non Verba’. But, Omrie had another passion, not far removed from the first. He was deeply committed to his batch mates; Class of 1974. Single handedly, he established and maintained an impressive data base of all batch mates who could be found, locally and in the diaspora. Communication among batch mates was frequent, fast and furious. Birthday wishes were regular subjects of the almost daily emails, but we also shared each other’s grief on somber occasions, like sickness and death. Whether in celebration or commiseration, we stuck together. And, Omrie was the glue that held us. His untimely passing on March 1, 2015 dealt a devastating blow to all of us. But we have vowed to stay together as a family in his loving memory. The Class of ‘74 Salutes Omrie Burnett.

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica


Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica




31 December 2014 & 2013 ________________________________________________________________________________

Dec 2014

Dec 2013

J$ J$

CASH AND DEPOSITS: Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited





CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank Limited









Sagicor Financial Services Limited Scotia Investments Limited

=========== ===========

FINANCED BY: Contributions at beginning of year









Net income earned



Linval Peart Fund



Contributions during the year:

Scholarship Fund







=========== ===========

________________________________________________ Prepared and certified by Linval Freeman FCA; FCCA; JP

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica



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EVENT AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MESSAGE Planning for this year’s events has proven to be quite a trip – one that consumes totally and demands unwavering focus. This exercise proved to be quite intrusive and as a result, have competed and won attention over some other priorities. Fitting in numerous meetings into our already demanding regular schedules was no easy feat, but our commitment and dedication propelled us. Commitment and dedication are indeed the most apt description that I can use for my small team of our ultra conservative director of the exchequer, Fred Sutherland and the more subtly flamboyant Lincoln (Pero) Russell. These stalwarts sandwiched me and we made a great team, whose primary role was initiating, co-ordinating and steering the planning and execution of the fund-raising and other social activities. I hasten to add, that by no means could this committee operate alone or achieve any successful outcome without the significant input of the entire executive committee named in the magazine - what with the hype and demands of our President, Orett Parker, the calming forces of Madam Vice-President, Joyce West-Johnson and ‘President emeritus’ Linval Freeman, the unpredictable Public Relations Director, Maxine Newell, who gets the job done, even if just in time. They, along with every other member have buckled together to secure funding through magazine advertisements and ticket sales, amidst time constraints and many negative responses to our numerous requests for sponsorship through a variety of means. This is indeed the result of a great team effort of a great team. There are others, too many to mention, whose input have impacted this effort in a positive way. Thank you all so much. Reflected in this magazine are all our corporate and individual sponsors, without whom, we would suffer severe deficiency. This committee is sincerely grateful and appreciative of the contributions of all our sponsors and pray that you will enjoy exponential profitability and success in your respective endeavours. For any of our sponsors who came on board in the closing moments and after our magazine had gone to print, we say a hearty thank you and we will be sure to acknowledge you from the podium. This committee is proud to have been able to move, in a material way, our account balance through proceeds from our earlier fundraisers – plays involving our own member, Oliver Samuels and from our Oldies Party. Speaking of the Oldies Party, the overwhelming request is that it becomes an annual event. Again, thanks to you our patrons. It is our hope that this - Dinner and Dance – our major event, will add significantly to our coffer. So to everyone of you, whose presence at this evening’s event contributes both socially and financially to the ultimate success of this our major event for the year, thank you. We encourage all you past students of this noble institution to stay in touch with the Alumni Association and play your part in the welfare of our alma mater by constantly embracing our motto “Facta non Verba” . Carron Hylton Director Event & Planning

Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica




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Dinthill Alumni For Special Recognition





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