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Issue # 12 August-September 2015







Welcome to 12th issue of On the Brink Magazine. As we strive to keep you informed while up to date on what’s next in the world of marketing and business we looked around and noticed the world of business getting smaller through Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As).

Kahlil Harris Chief Editor

Christopher Goulbourne Co-Editor



Most deals made in the early 2000s were done to dominate a sector and others to spread their wings into new areas of the market place. These days deals seem to be done more so out of survival. However, deals such as the AT&T merger with Direct TV and the massive takeover of Time Warner by Charter Communications seems to be anticipating the invasion of the internet, and this is their attempt at a push back. This must be the explanation given to the Federal Trade Commission who would never have allowed these deals ten to fifteen years ago based upon the magnitude of each company and the market share they commanded. We are also seeing a number of pharmaceutical companies including CVS acquiring OmniCare and Phizer making their bid in the open market to expand their reach globally in the wake of ‘Obama Care’ and a revolution in medical care to come. In Jamaica we have our own powerhouse M&As with Campari gobbling up Wray and Nephew leading to a number of companies such as FP and Agri Chemicals being sold in short order. Sagicor taking over RBC Bank and becoming a force in the financial sector which made the other two giants turn their heads. Never before with all the changes from the Union Bank or with RBTT changing over to RBC Bank, did the top two flinch but now we can clearly see changes being implanted to combat what’s to come. The most anticipated of them all seems to be the Lime acquisition of Flow which not only changes the telecoms’ landscape but clears the way for the renewal of a company which could never shake the C&W sentiment. The new Flow seems to have done the trick. While one watches on and story tellers stand on the sideline in anticipation of these great marketing battles to come, the rivals are not backing down but adding to their arsenal with the acquisitions of TeleStar Cable and SportsMax by Digicel. Also seen with NCB and Scotia improving their 24 hour banking platforms to increase customer interactions. We are enjoying every minute as we all think…this is what makes business so much fun.

Features: • • • • • • • • • •


Email Marketing Asked to describe ‘We Are Mail’ in three High email deliverability words, General Manager at Monumental Partners responded with “High-Quality, Gears traffic towards your website Connectivity and an Engaging Experience”. Easy to use customizable templates The email platform has implied thus far it will Ongoing technical support be a game changer on the market. Feedback and report In an increasingly virtual age, email marketing is Time saving still one of the fastest way of informing people of Cost efficient your product, brand, promotion or simply a news alert. With the market rapidly changing and a new Emails won’t get spammed must have social media app flying on the market in Partner benefits available the blink of an eye email marketing stands firm as an effective means to market.

The ‘Why’ for email marketing is no longer a question, it’s now about the how and to whom. ‘We Are Mail’ answers both questions. By providing this platform that ensures your target market is reached, informed and engaged.


Graphic Design Kristopher Kerr Contributors Anu Antunes Da Silva Kristopher Kerr Marcus Peterson Grandville Newell Roland Debois Win Venter Jason Kelwin Dunn Photography JDash Photography Copyright 2015 Monumental Partners Limited ................................................ Facebook: OnTheBrink Twitter: @OntheBrinkJa Instagram: OnTheBrinkMag Website:


Publishers Monumental Partners Ltd. 9 McKenzie Close Kingston 8, St. Andrew Tel: (876) 969-2646 E: W: ................................................ Managing Editors Kahlil Harris Christopher Goulbourne Tanya Sue Brice ................................................ Editor Jheanelle Maturah



…to say the least. Big changes are taking place not surprisingly in our technological sphere. No doubt the age of the Internet emerged as a slow poison to companies such as the local newspapers. As the years went by, more and more gadgets and apps came on the scene bringing with them competition for the more archaic ways of our lifestyles. This includes the way and when we watched TV shows, our access to news, our education and keeping up with trends. Furthermore these gadgets and apps paved the way for the “DIYers” of our time to take full control. Here and now in 2015 it feels like the final chapter for these companies. Today we can have a gym and trainer wrapped around our wrists. Going by the name ‘FitBit’ and totally annihilating the need to have a trainer giving you tips, monitoring your progress or that hefty sum of money to fork over each month. Indeed technological advancements have won over the industrial revolution in the 18th to 19th century. Companies and jobs are quick to become obsolete if they are unable to keep up with the times. The response from the soon to be former companies has been mergers and acquisitions coming from all ends. Whether its companies barely existing in a dying age trying to fen for survival or advanced companies hungry for a larger piece of the pie, mergers seem to be taking place left, right & center. This issue considers a few of the corporate giants who have turned to mergers for their solutions to acquiring and exercising greater influence in the market. The outcome of these mergers may reveal a humbling defeat for their major competitors. Additionally the result could be an unmatched merger in the long run and in some cases may lead to severe disruption in the operation. The greater concern for us though, will always remain to be – how will this affect our service and the cost. Have a good read! Jheanelle Maturah


global business



It was the talk of all the morning shows, the lunchroom, cocktail hours, and even the newsrooms; local number portability had arrived....



Career Choices Having Graduated with first class honors from one the most prestegious University with a bachelor of science in Computer Sciences...






15 Apps to Enhance your Productivity Whatever you do in whichever career the most important attribute to any company is productivity. TURN YOUR FREE WIFI INTO A MARKETING TOOL


The Strain Of Loyalty The government has placed The Consumer Affairs as....


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8 Tips for Successful Business Meetings 8 Ways to Fund a New Business MERGERS: Pros & Cons 10 tips to avoid pit pit fall




Google Transit, an application through which commuters will be able to access Jamaica Urban Transit Company ( JUTC) Route and Scheduling information by smart phone...


What Is Your Personal

Brand At Work? By: Anu Antunes Da Silva

We all have a brand image. What does yours say about you? Put simply, a brand is more than just a name; it is what people associate with a company, organization, product or person. A personal brand is no different; it is about what others would say if they had to describe you. Think of a brand. Any brand. Now think of a few more. What did you come up with? Was it Nike and the little tick? Or maybe it was Google? These are examples of well-known and recognizable brands. There is now a new top brand in town, you! Regardless of what your job is, you can create an individual brand for yourself.

1 5 ways To build 2 Your brand At work 3 4

Values: Your personal brand is a collection of everything you value. For example, if it is knowledge, it is about how you acquire and share it. Think about what you really value in the work place. Make a list. Break it down to your 3 top values. Make sure they really do mean something to you, as they will be what you stand for. Uniqueness Ask yourself, what makes you stand out? How are you different as an individual? What makes you unique? Just like a product has a Unique Selling Point you do too.

Pitch: Develop and perfect your elevator pitch. This will be a short and succinct description of who you are, what you do and how you're different. Keep practicing it until it no longer sounds rehearsed when you say it.

Some brand names such as Hoover become known as products. When someone says your name, what unique brand do you want to create for yourself? What do you want to be known for at work?


Perception: Your brand is about how you are perceived. You may already have been branded as the loud mouth or the quiet one. Regardless, you can determine your own brand. Decide what you want to be known for and take action to achieve it. Say you want to be known as the best public speaker, make sure you create and take on every opportunity to address an audience.

Marketing: Every business and product needs to have a marketing plan and you are no exception. Bring together all the elements from the previous points and write it down in one sentence that grabs your emotions (your mission statement). It needs to be unique and memorable. It also needs to get your clients to focus on you. For example, John Smith closes deals. Set yourself targets and goals and go advertise your brand.


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THINGS 8 Tips for Successful Business Meetings

PREP YOUR AGENDA Having an appropriate agenda is probably the most important of all tips for successful business meetings. An agenda is a list of topics that you want covered during a meeting and it gives direction to the meeting. The agenda should be distributed in advance to allow the meeting participants to come prepared, do their own research and think of any questions they may want to ask. ADVANCE NOTICE Many people can be caught off-guard when sudden meetings are announced. Such urgency may also induce nervousness in those individuals who are presenting something during the meeting. An advance warning will also help other individuals come prepared and take an active part in the meeting. STICK TO THE TIME Start and end on time. We all have gone through those terrible meetings that seem to go on without any end in sight. Knowing this going in, parties won’t be

very attentive or excited. Furthermore in this world where life moves at a fast pace, every one of us has something to do. An added advantage of sticking to your scheduled plan is that everyone will stay focused on the discussions, will not be bothered about when they’ll be allowed to leave and will concentrate on taking an active part in the meeting.


MAINTAIN THE FOCUS When meetings veer off the agenda/off topic, it can be hard to bring them back on track. As a result, there is not enough time to discuss the important points of the meeting and so the meeting fails to achieve its goals. The best thing to do when meetings are drifting off track is to speak up and ask the participants politely to get back to business.


Maintain the Focus When meetings veer off the agenda/off topic, it can be hard to bring them back on track.


REMAIN CALM & POLITE This crucial rule to follow requires you to be in control of your emotions. You are a professional and despite some of the feedback or body language you may be facing in your meeting, you must remain confident and calm. Pay keen attention to your own body language even if it means practicing at home.

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CAPTURE & ASSIGN ACTIONS Some meetings are held purely to convey information or announce some small changes. At other times, your meetings will result in a need for action where duties will have to be assigned to different individuals.


CLOSING End on a positive note and ensure everyone is comfortable with their tasks assigned. Thank everyone for attending the meeting and participating in discussions.

FLEXIBILITY Yes, you have to stick to the agenda, but you also need to keep the goal of the meeting in mind. Some items might be able to be pushed off and others are too important to be skipped. Always have an eye on the meeting’s goals.

On The Brink Magazine



@Twitter Takes Off to New Levels SOCIAL MEDIA INSIDE Twitter fans can now celebrate as the social media giant announced its official drop for the 140-characters at least for their direct messages. Twitter is phasing in the changes across Android, iOS and webbased platforms so users can enjoy up to 10,000 characters. No more condensing, users can now chat and chat and chat some more and is still likely to have room for more after that. Unfortunately though, the 140-character limit still applies to the regular tweets.

With the direct messages playing second fiddle to tweets, Twitter has made efforts to enable more direct messaging by users. This move not only makes the direct message feature more appealing, it ensures Twitter is in the race alongside Whatsapp Chat and Facebook Messenger.

On The Brink Magazine




8 Ways to Fund a New Business

Many successful businesses have started out of pocket. Starting out with minimal costs and continually dumping profits back in to grow the business incrementally. It is one of the classic ways to fund your business though its important to remember savings have to not only cover start up expenses but your living expenses until you start making a living wage.

Business Loans

Business loans aren’t always the easiest to secure but with the right amount of research and organization this is a great way to fund a new business. Look for banks and companies that actively advertise they support new businesses. You will also need a business plan and a great pitch to support your application. Essentially you’re selling your business idea to the loan officer.

Personal Loans

There are different ways to go about seeking personal loans. You can obtain a reasonable amount of cash with a personal loan application if you claim its use is for home improvements or a car – remember to factor in interest and that you can afford the repayments. You can also turn to family and friends that will give you a much better interest rate to work with. This takes careful thought – do not accept your granny’s pension because even if you think you have a surefire business proposition, it can still fail. Do not borrow more than you could reasonably afford to pay back should your business not be successful and you have to go back into employment.


Bootstrapping is basically keeping your expenses as low as they can possibly be in the early stages of your business. It’s about using all your creativity and ingenuity to keep expenses in check and start up costs low. Buy equipment tools second hand, work from home if possible and barter your services.

Grants and Donations

If you could find the perfect answer to how to find funds for a new business it would be grants or donations – basically money with no strings attached.

Government Assistance

Some governments have schemes to support new and fledging businesses. It might be government backed loan investors or government grants. The best way to find out is to Google “small business funds” or go directly on government sites to find info.

Angel Investors

If you are willing to give away equity (part ownership) of your new company you may be able to attract ‘angel investors’ – who are wealthy individuals or venture capitalists willing to invest and support start up businesses. Please note these types of investors are usually looking for something they consider high growth – such as technology– but if you have a cracking idea and a sound business plan they might be interested.

Crowd funding

Crowdfunding is a way of financing your business through donations of money from the public. This is usually done through a crowdfunding website. Persons post their business idea as a ‘campaign idea’ onto the crowdfunding website with a description of the project and often the total amount of money required to get the business up and running. Interested parties will contribute a certain amount and are considered ‘backers’. Often times you can reward backers by sending a branded keepsake item such as a t-shirt or mention the backers’ company on your own website.

On The Brink Magazine



Samsung Comes Full Circle with Introduction of Samsung Gear S2 for those who are on-the-go and have an admiration for minimal and modern design. Users can stay connected with at-a-glance notifications to check calendars, e-mails, news and can even send important texts directly from their wrist. Users can choose the Gear S2 with 3G connectivity, which incorporates the first-ever e-SIM with voice capability, to perform quick functions without being closely tethered to their phone. New fitness functions on the Samsung Gear S2 will encourage consumers to stay healthy and active. The 24-hour activity log lets users view daily activity progress and patterns at Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. has a glance. It will also send reminder updates announced the Samsung Gear S2 smartwatch, to motivate users to stay on track with their the company’s latest offering as a result of fitness goals. many years of progressive innovation in the All of these connected features will be wearables category. supported by a battery that can last up to 2-3 The Samsung Gear S2 comes in a versatile, days, allowing consumers to stay connected circular design with an intuitive, custom UX without the hassle of constantly having and advanced features that enable users to to recharge. To charge, simply place the enhance, personalize and bring more fun to Samsung Gear S2 on the wireless charging dock right out of the box. their mobile experience. The Samsung Gear S2 reflects Samsung’s commitment to openly collaborate with developers and partners to bring increased customization and applications to its devices. Users can easily change the band with one click, and change the watch face for Introduced in two different options – the Gear a more personalized and sophisticated Gear S2 and the Gear S2 classic – Samsung designed experience depending on the time, place or the Gear S2 to appeal to two distinct consumer occasion. preferences. The Gear S2 classic is made for users who prefer a more timeless watch design, Samsung is continuing to enrich its wearable offering an elegant Black finish with a matching ecosystem and provide users with a more genuine leather band. The Gear S2 is ideal optimized and unique smart wearable experience. The Gear S2’s unique rotating bezel, along with the Home and Back buttons, ensures users will have a quicker, more precise method to comfortably access notifications and applications.

Taking a look at your business through a gobal eye

On The Brink Magazine



A GUIDE TO MERGERS By: Marcus Peterson

Mergers and acquisitions are common terms used to refer to the amalgamation of companies. A merger results when two companies come together to form a single company. Mergers are similar to acquisitions, excluding that in mergers, existing stockholders of both companies maintain a shared interest in the new enlarged entity. The shareholding pattern may vary, depending on the valuation of companies concerned. When one company buys out the controlling or considerable portion of another company’s stock, it is termed as acquisitions. The buyer company takes over the other company. It creates an uneven balance of ownership. No new company is formed in the case of acquisitions.

Mergers and acquisitions may be undertaken for several reasons, some of which are advantageous to shareholders while some are not. At times, such deals may be undertaken to save on taxes. The accumulated losses of the target company could be set off against profits of the company that is taking over, resulting in significant tax savings. Another reason for a merger or acquisition is that such deals often help to expand market share. Most large corporations use this strategy to improve business. Mergers and acquisitions may also be undertaken to combine two companies that make different, but complementary, products.

“a shared interest in the new enlarged entity”

Plans and negotiations for mergers and acquisitions are generally kept confidential until the deal is almost finalized. Generally, investment bankers, consultants and lawyers specializing in this field, process such deals. Frequently, the services of other types of specialists known as ‘interim managers’ may be utilized also, to smooth out the process. All mergers and acquisitions are believed to be done for the benefit of the stockholders of both companies. Actually this may not be always true. Those who have stocks are advised to cautiously study proposals for mergers and acquisitions before accepting the deal. Merger and acquisition processes will undoubtedly change in the near future, as dynamic technologies permit for development of a more efficient marketplace. This manages to protect the privacy of companies involved in the deal while at the same time linking up perfect candidates for mergers and acquisition.

On The Brink Magazine



MERGERS: Pros & Cons The essence, nature, conduct and consequences of mergers, all make for a good debate. However, to retain focus, let us talk about the benefits and challenges that a merger brings with it. These positive and negative aspects of a merger remain consistent irrespective of the aforementioned factors.

A primary advantage of mergers, which both parties will agree on, is the ease with which it can be carried out. It is not legally exhausting, thus simplifying the transaction. With mergers, comes the marriage of assets, whether tangible or intangible. This could mean smooth and efficient functioning and of course, resultant increase in their exposure and access to the shared resources. It is a strategic business move that enables a seamless exchange of ideas and tactics that could together help keep the competition at bay. This will also strengthen the research and development initiatives taken up by the new organization. It leads to an honest analysis of the performance and business conducted by each party. Overall, it will help them penetrate the market better, thus opening many new doors. Regulation of the merged entity will be easier in case of a public organization. The perceived reliability factor of the two entities together can be high leading to an increase in the loyalty of customers. However, as far as the employees are concerned, the scale can tip either way. Where two organizations merge, two cultures combine. Employees that are now used to a particular system and style of working are faced with the challenge of adapting to the new resultant culture. Especially in cases where the merger is unmatched, with disparate hierarchical structures and traditions, employees are often most affected. It can also result in abrupt termination and job losses for employees. Besides that, business mergers can lead to a disruption, sometimes severe, in the activities of each organization. Operations can turn unmanageable, schedules - erratic and profits - sour. While the legality might be under check, the process itself could take a turn for the worse. Technicalities are magnified and it may be difficult to reach a consensus on every matter. This could lengthen the process of the merger, thus leading to issues of disinterest, tardiness and overall disappointment to creep in. A merger could leave the organizations grappling with another issue dis-economies of scale. What this means is that the size of an organization decides its functioning and costs of production and a larger organization will eventually cause a lack of alignment in the economies of scale. All of this lays ample importance on the intelligence applied by the organizations during a merger and the desirability factor attached to the same. A thorough, painstaking analysis of the positive and negative sides to the merger should be undertaken before any decision is taken.

By: Jason Kelwin Dunn

On The Brink Magazine



Mergers & Acquisitions Execution

10 Tips

By: Win Venter

on Pitfalls to Avoid

Companies often follow a merger and acquisition route as an exit strategy. This is the most crucial stage in determining the ultimate success and financial wellbeing of entrepreneurs. Unfortunately things do not always go smooth in the execution thereof and it can even go horribly wrong. The following tips act as a guideline on how to avoid potential pitfalls during the execution of a merger and acquisition:

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Ensure that there is a proper fit between the companies. Warning signals that need to be recognized, solved and managed is where different cultures and strategies exist. Do not sell or merge your business for the wrong reasons. There needs to be synergy and a win-win situation for both parties. Timing is also crucial.


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Spend enough effort to ensure that various systems (especially IT and accounting practices) can be integrated successfully.


Always try to underpromise and over perform. The opposite situation will create tension and there will normally be penalties that are incurred.

Be totally transparent. Dishonesty will come back and haunt you.


Various expectations need to be managed. This includes the expectations of management and staff.

Ensure that the financial performance of the merged entity stays on par with the projected performance.

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Manage the risks. This includes business, financial, operational and personnel risks.

Get proper support and guidance during negotiations. All consulting services should give assistance in an objective way. Ensure that all contracts are 100% correct and acceptable.

It is crucial that current business activities are not neglected during the merger & acquisition process.

On The Brink Magazine


COVER THE STRAIN OF LOYALTY STORY - The Government Letdown By: Roland Debois The government has placed The Consumer Affairs as the watchdog for consumers and the Ministry of Investment and Commerce as the enforcers to ensure competition remains ripe within the Jamaican landscape. However, the question must be asked, is our government being too loose in allowing Mergers and Acquisitions of conglomerates and major stakeholders within their sector? Does the merger of these companies pose a threat to competition, thus creating a non competitive market place or even more dangerous, monopolizing their sectors and creating burdensome markets for consumers one such example would be the Jamaica Public Service and their high costing energy. Has the government allowed these M&A’s to cloud their judgement by posing under the guise of new jobs and foreign investment to then later unleash their harsh price regime upon consumers? We saw the turn of events which occurred when Flow was allowed to acquire most of the popular cable companies across Jamaica and as such had the monopoly on cable television.

This instantaneously led to increased prices each year and a lack of customer service with the move of their call centre to Trinidad and Tobago. The move must have been to ensure they stayed out of touch with their customers with phones ringing unanswered or cut off mid conversation, client representatives not understanding the Jamaican lingo and the lag in technical support actually fixing or even assessing issues. In Dr. Kevin Harriott’s recent article in the Gleaner on April 22nd 2015, he stated that The Structure-ConductPerformance (SCP) paradigm was developed by economists specialising in industrial organisation. It shows that the structure of the market influences the conduct of actual and potential suppliers, which in turn influences the performance - that is, competitiveness - of the market. Since M&As alter the structure of the market, competition authorities must be given the opportunity to assess whether the structural changes are sufficient to significantly lessen the incentives and opportunity for suppliers to engage in precompetitive conduct. If the proposed transaction is likely to substantially

lessen the incentives, then the competition authority should block the merger outright, or approve the merger subject to remedial structural changes which would be sufficient to restore the incentives. Is this guideline being followed especially with a government which has always been susceptible to “the promise of jobs for its people”. Previously, this has always been a great promotional tool for the government in power to use on its latest campaign trail. However, most of these large M&As have had adverse effects on the country and its people / consumers. Our government -whose job is to approve these super mergers- should also note that if there were five companies paying for licences and taxes, this figure would shrink as a result of an M&A. Therefore, the amount of funds that reaches the government will be decreased. It should also be made clear that consumers are left with no choice due to the removal of the competition needed to help ensure the market is self-regulated. While I am all for M&A’s and believe it is the easiest and sometimes smartest way to expand one’s business while hedging against the risk., I believe the government needs to play their

role in regulating companies who may become monopolies in a needed sector and ensure a competitive market place is kept for consumers to enjoy and not have the burden being laid upon its people under the guise of “PROGRESS”.

On The Brink Magazine



Why Apply When You Can Acquire? – The Mergers and Acquisition bypass The business landscape in Jamaica is rapidly changing and when the dust clears who knows what it will look like. Mergers and Acquisition have become the order of the day but the major question is, are these M&A being done to improve market share or are they a means to survive. They say necessity is the inventor of creativity, and one such necessity was the merger of Lime and Flow. The recent merger of RJR Group and the Gleaner Group of Companies from an outsider’s perspective looks as if it’s a desperate move to stop the bleeding of a dying brand. Although others might argue that RJR is getting a great addition to their radio arsenal with Power 106, others would argue they should have bid to purchase Power 106 alone, but maybe they received a deal that they couldn’t refuse. Despite these two Hail Mary mergers which had to be done, Mergers and Acquisitions seem to be common place and promises to become the way forward for companies to expand their business and increase market share while diversifying their portfolio. This is seen with several companies such as Sagicor’s Acquisition of RBC Bank, which moved Sagicor from the world of Insurance to owning their own commercial bank. This allowed them to bypass having to get a commercial bank licence, one which many companies namely JNBS and JMMB have been trying to acquire for quite some time. Sagicor have showed them that it’s better to acquire than to apply.

Companies have long gone this route and in countries such as North America, they have often been blocked with antitrust laws, However in Jamaica’ most times it’s a means to an end of gaining a market share which the company doesn’t have, as with Sagicor bank, and the recent acquisition of Sports Max by Digicel which gave them a needed entry into the cable market. We only hope that for the consumer’s sake entrepreneurs and investors locally and worldwide will see these M&As as a welcoming sign that there is a open space to become a new competitor in a shrinking space and view the market as ripe for investment. However, the lesson seems to be that if a company wants to get into a new area of business which requires licensing or regulatory approval, why go through the red tape which comes with applying, just go out and find the right M&A.

On The Brink Magazine




oogle Transit, an application through which commuters will be able to access Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) Route and Scheduling information by smart phone , tablets or computers, was launched today, August 25. Google Transit was launched at the Half Way Tree Transport Centre (HWTTC) jointly by the JUTC and the University of the West Indies, Mona (UWI) where the application was developed by Oswald Smith, a third year student in the university’s Department of Computing.

Contributed by Grandville Newel . Communication Specialist, JUTC

The main speaker at the launch ceremony, Dr. Morais Guy, Minister without Portfolio Ministry of Transport Works and Housing, said that Google Transit will assist the JUTC immensely to overcome challenges with information about scheduling on various routes. “This project is good news for people who complain that they don’t know the bus routes. Now they are able to access bus routes, fare and scheduled times on their smart phones, PCs and tablets. Increased accessibility means increased economic activity.”

Representing the UWI, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Principal, Professor Archibald McDonald said that the Google Transit application will revolutionise the way JUTC commuters travel. He said the UWI was grateful to the JUTC for recognising the potential in the plan by student Smith when he put it to the bus company and for working with him to put into operation. Representing the Department of Computing, its head, Professor Ezra Mugisa said the department was pleased and proud to be contributing to the advancement of public transportation in Jamaica. Professor Mugisa said without the cooperation of the JUTC, Mr Smith’s idea would have remained that, just an idea. JUTC Chairman, Dr. Garnett Roper, in expressing thanks to Mr Smith and the University of the West Indies for Google Transit said, “Good scholarship and innovative thinking is having the effect of revolutionising the way Jamaicans travel.” JUTC Managing Director Colin in his address said that Google Transit fell right in line with the company’s greater focus on its customers and the efforts to improve customer service in every way. “There is nothing as special as

bringing our customers closer to us through the use of technology. This project initiated by a student of our university must be celebrated and we congratulate him on breaking new ground in the transportation sector,” Mr. Campbell said. He said it was the JUTC’s intention to provide a public transportation system second to none in service and how it is delivered. As the person responsible for the developing the application, Mr. Smith said that Google Transit represents a great advance in the provision of various kinds of information pertaining to JUTC routes and schedules. “Some of the benefits to the commuters are that they can access detailed route and scheduling information online; they can type in their destination and discover the routes going there at the time of their search,” Mr. Smith explained. He said Google Transit could also tell the commuters standing at the bus stop the bus they needed to take to get to their destination and the time it should be pulling up at that bus stop. Currently, 61 out of 114 JUTC routes are available on Google Transit with the company’s Premium and Express services to be added next.

On The Brink Magazine




Social WiFi seems to be the new craze, despite being around for quite some time now. It’s one of those things that you give a new name to and suddenly everyone identifies with it and is ready to buy into it. So what is Social WiFi’? It’s WiFi with a twist. You own or run your business and provide free WiFi when customers are there as an added feature. This could be a Mall, Restaurant or even a Bill Payments entity. The common characteristic is customers have to come in to your business and tend to be there for some time. And with this WiFi obsession it makes sense to provide this service to them.

media engagement to a wider network. One important note here is social media marketing is only effective if it’s engaging and interactive. Using Social WiFi to get more followers on social media is only step 1, and step 2 involves keeping them logged on.

Social WiFi will make it more effective and efficient when executing marketing campaigns, not to mention more targeted campaigns. With this info marketers can launch email and mobile campaigns to their customers.

Benefits of Social WiFi, may include: • Building large customer databases in seconds (or very short periods) • Reduce the cost to incentivize guests to join your mailing and mobile marketing lists • No more printing of sign-up forms that usually get ignored by customers, become lost or leave staff puzzled when reading bad handwriting Social WiFi is simply a tool to collect useful • Eliminate wasted time & money! marketing information from customers as the first step to FREE WiFi. This can be a web mini-registration page that pops up and requires you to provide your email address and name or if you are more interested in social media, it may ask you to “like” a Facebook Page or “Follow Us” on Twitter in order to access your free WiFi. And for free WiFi this is no biggie for those who are net hungry. Accessing Social WiFi offers immediate social You’re restaurant is setup and customers are satisfied with the food and service. Your food is as good as the next restaurant’s only, over here, there’s one distinct feature - you provide FREE WiFi; chances are customers will be more interested in dining at your restaurant. For those who want more than mere happy customers, Social WiFi is for you.

Things You Shouldn’t Waste Your Money On In honour of ‘Back to School’ shopping, we present 9 items you shouldn’t waste your money on: 1. MECHANICAL PENCILS Yes they are much cooler than your average pencil, but kids lose them at the same rate as lead pencils and they cost 10 times more. Better save to yourself the heartache. 2. CLIPBOARDS Think back over the years and ask yourself when have you ever seen your child (or teen) do anything that required the use of a clipboard. If you can, then make your purchase. If not then erase it from your list. 3. FOLDER LEAF PAPER This one is for the High School students. As we move into a more digital environment, handing in your assignments on folder leaf paper will have fewer and fewer reported instances. Furthermore with notebooks having perforated sheets, buying a two-in-one will save you the money for the few times your child would need a folder-leaf paper. 4. FANCY VERSIONS OF TOOLS It’s cheaper to go with the regular folders than the ‘Avengers folder’ or glitter pens than won’t be very useful in the long run.

On The Brink Magazine




This time here are four items your child will need that are commonly left off the shopping list:

Hand Sanitizer It’s never a bad idea to have some hand sanitizer safely stowed in your kids’ backpacks. Keep your little germaphobe sanitary. Deodorant Your growing teen is going through a time where body odor spikes up and down. Deodorant is another good must-have for when the unexpected happens. Tampons/Sanitary Napkins This is especially important if your child is yet to experience her first period. No two girls are the same and you can’t predict when this is going to happen. Now is the time to put together a special kit to have on hand always. Mouthwash For after your lunch special. This is also a positive grooming trait to teach your kids from early on.


Apps to Enhance your Productivity

Whatever you do in whichever career the most important attribute to any company is productivity. Although productivity can be measured in many different ways, the best way to be most productive would be to refine ones tools to make get more done in as less time as possible. While the world changes, its hard pressed to not find a app for any career known today. I am giving you 15 of my favourite apps that are guaranteed to boost your productivity, efficiency which should lead to your success:

1. Asana

While there are tons of different projectmanagement apps out there,Asana is by far one of my favorites. Once set up, this app helps you reduce internal email, delegate tasks and check the status of your projects from one central dashboard.

2. Pages Manager

This is a favourite of mine and especially if your are the field of Marketing and Social Media Management. This app allows you monitor and post to several Facebook accounts with the click of a button. If you need to send payments quickly and securely, this is your app. With no forms to fill out and no fees for payment, Venmo is a great alternative to solutions such as Paypal.

3. Andro Money

Track your personal budget anytime by logging your daily expense and watch how much you spend monthly. Whether you are earning millions monthly or thousands daily, this app allows you to track every dollar while your reports detail the areas your spending your money. The best thing about this app its free.

4. Focus@Will

Distraction is a huge challenge facing most business owners, but it’s one that can be avoided. If you like to listen to music while you work, check out Focus@Will, an app that provides special playlists designed to improve focus and bolster creativity.

5. UberConference

Conference calls on the go can be hit and miss, but not withUberConference. This app lets you to see participants’ LinkedIn profiles and record your meetings so you don’t lose an important point.

6. Evernote

One of the most versatile note-taking and storage apps available,Evernote is accessible from any device. The cloud-based app allows you to store, edit and tag documents for effortless organization.

7. Producteev

Delegation is an important part of business success, whether your team is large or small. Producteev, a powerful task management program, allows you to easily assign tasks to other team members, as well as hold

them accountable.

8. Gleaner

Staying up to date on news and industry changes is easy with Gleaner App. This app keeps you up to date in what’s happening in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

9. Contactually

Keeping in touch with members of your network is important, andContactually makes it easy. Allowing you to segment your contacts and assign follow-up cycles to each category, this app makes sure you never lose touch with your team or your prospects.

10. Refresh

Ever shown up to a meeting, only to be embarrassed by your lack of knowledge about the person you’re connecting with? With Refresh -- which syncs with Facebook, LinkedIn and other services -- you’ll have all the information about the person you’re meeting and your past interactions at your fingertips.

11. Invoice2Go

Never forget to invoice a customer again! This app enables you to send professional-looking invoices quickly, no matter where you are, ending overlooked billing and forgotten amounts due.

12. Skitch

Skit ch makes it effortless to add markup or annotations to existing content. If your job involves providing frequent feedback, this app makes it easy to give and simple to understand!

13. EchoSign

Never find yourself scrambling for a scanner again! EchoSign lets you to sign vital business documents electronically and records your document history, making future document audits painless.

14. Hootsuite

Save time on your social media marketing efforts by managing all of your social profiles in a single app with Hootsuite. It’s an easy way to take the pain out of maintaining and updating multiple accounts.

15. Box

Box is a cloud storage system that helps you track your projects in real-time -an essential feature if you work with a remote team. Even better, the program’s responsive design allows Box to be effective no matter what device you use. On The Brink Magazine




It was the talk of all the morning shows, the lunchroom, cocktail hours, and even the newsrooms; local number portability had arrived. Finally years after commitment to your 7-digits and our assumed frustrations on your part with your network, mobile and fixed line users were able to switch to their “#1 network”. And before the gates even opened, the people arrived. The drumming noises were those of betrayal…who has come out on top, no one truly knows. With both Digicel & Lime as major mobile competitors, claiming satisfactory results and a reported “steady” flow on incoming customers, one thing is certain this new development in Jamaica was a long Implemented by the Ministry of Science, time coming and a move in a positive Technology, Energy and Mining, number direction. portability is the opportunity to switch between operators while retaining Within the first two weeks, newspapers your number. This opportunity creates reported, according to Digicel, 2,533 consumer power over the provider new customers crossed over from Lime all while free of charge and sparking while they themselves had to wave goodbye to 1,744 of their customers. greater competition. With all networks standing by a “new network, same number, quality service and more savings” campaign, number portability presented a true test of loyalty and acted as the best “customer feedback form” either could have written up.

On The Brink Magazine





he Carib5 cinema was the place to be as Capri-Sun rolled out the yellow carpet for the highly anticipated Minions movie exclusive screening. Over 500 patrons were invited out to come and enjoy the animated comedy “Minions,” a prequel to the “Despicable Me” movies.

Capri-Sun’s PR & Marketing agency -Monumental Partners Ltd- executed the event and promotion in fine style as patrons entered the venue and were greeted by the Capri-Sun brand upped the stakes for the Minions screening with a number of big stars coming out and a series of activities for patrons to enjoy. As patrons entered the venue they were greeted by Capri-Sun’s Minions inspired hostesses and were invited to have their photos taken with Kevin, the Minions mascot brought down for the event. The event’s first photo op station was kicked off with a Minions themed entrance to the cinema. Patrons motioned through the entrance on a 40feet Minions’ yellow carpet leading to the cinema

doors. Along the yellow carpet were pit stops for patrons with a photo booth to take snapshots with friends and family along with a face painting station where Minions’ three tiny villainous creatures Kevin, Stuart and Bob were crafted on patrons’ faces. Vibrant media personality Jenny Jenny was on the scene as the host, providing entertainment and interacting with the crowd during the hour-long pre-movie activities.

Grow’s smoothies created from their yogurt, m&m character stands stocked with Snickers, Twixx, m&ms and Bounty chocolates and Nestle’s, Nesquik, Trix and Cookie Crisp’s sampling. Assassin, Ms. Kitty, Regina Beavers, Bugle, ZJ Bambino and their respective kids were some of the many stars who walked the yellow carpet, mingled with patrons and enjoyed the festivities. The movie that tells the story of lozengeshaped, yellow characters whose goal is to serve the most despicable master they can find, is but one event that is a major celebration of fans put on by the CapriSun team each year. With previous movie executions including Rio2 and Smurfs2, Capri-Sun has recognized their fans’ loyal support with projects like these. With the pre-movie entertainment over, patrons entered one of two theatres but not before collecting their Capri-Sun Minions movie trays packed with popcorn, CapriSuns, Popcorn chicken provided by KFC, Twix candy bars and a Frito Lay snack.

As patrons entered the cinema they were welcomed into a second phase of activities including event hosts’ Capri-Sun’s bar which was stocked with the limited edition “Bapple” flavour, coined by the Minions language for apple as well as the six other Capri-Sun As intermission came around, patrons were flavours, and exclusive catering for guests. served in their seats additional popcorn Plasma screens teased patrons with a sneak and Capri-Suns while Jenny Jenny took over preview of the Capri-Sun and Minions’ the intermission activities. Patrons enjoyed activities that awaited patrons inside the the movie and all received one last token cinema. Capri-Sun Minions’ hostesses, from the Capri-Sun team which was packed wearing outfits inspired by Kevin, Bob and with goodies including a vintage Capri-Sun Stuart paraded around the event with Minions lunch kit. selfie sticks to engage with patrons and participate in the “Gram to Screen” activity. Asked how she felt about the event, Capri“Gram to Screen” had patrons contributing Sun’s Brand Manager Candice Minott simply to live updates of all activities taking place stated “Capri-Sun and the Minions are such throughout the venue on a huge screen, a perfect fit, both are about family and little by posting pictures on instagram with the adventures and when Minions want to have hashtag #CapriSunMinions. Patrons also fun they go all out, hence what we have done enjoyed the Tostitos Snack Bar, Good 2 here today.”

On The Brink Magazine



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The dynamic Sol team at an event promoting its wide range of high quality Shell Lubricants with a focus on the fully synthetic Shell Helix Ultra with PurePlus technology.

L-R - Stacy Francis, Loncey Earle, Wendy Wallace & Karoline Smith. On The Brink Magazine




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CAREER CHOICES You find yourself graduating with first class honors from one of the most prestigious Universities - a BSc in Computer Science. You’re standing around at your graduation ceremony, glancing over at your family members who are beaming with pride. Against all odds, you’ve achieved what no one else before you in your family has; today the sun shines the brightest as you collect your diploma. Since that day, 6 months and five more days have passed. In that time you’ve landed 2 job interviews yet no job to show for yourself. In the coming 15 days, payment #1 of your student loan is officially overdue. A defeated attitude slowly begins to surface; unfortunately you have just spent four years studying and are blind to the reality that awaited. In a moment of determination, you start to derive a strategy for your life. Beginning with all the areas where you may have gone wrong, you come up with: • Failure to improve on skills you were exposed to while at the University • Opting not to do an internship and instead focus on studies for the upcoming semester • A lack of interest an understanding in networking This was once my story. Living while learning life lessons still is the longer road to take but can turn out to be the more rewarding approach. To prevent a few hiccups along the journey of career selection to studies to finally acquiring the perfect job, here are 10 tips to follow on finding your ideal career path: • Find a job that you enjoy doing • Acquire as much skills to perform in your chosen profession through studies and volunteering outside of school hours • Research the job market thoroughly to ensure it is suited for you • Never stop dreaming and pushing despite your circumstances • Don’t stay in a job that makes you miserable; create your own job if you believe that your skills will be put to better use doing something fresh and new • Always jump at an opportunity to network • Aggressively pursue opportunities • Generate a portfolio no matter the field you are in • Try to secure as many internship experiences as possible • Build your personal brand from Day One

On The Brink Magazine


TOP 4 EXCUSES TO USE IN AN INTERVIEW WHEN THERE’S A GAP ON YOUR RESUME You’ve got a stellar resume, tons of experience and one major gap in your employment history… Most professionals hit a point in their lives where life takes a detour and for a minute have no idea what the next turn should be. You just walked out on a job that truly wasn’t working for you and decided to take a hiatus from responsibility altogether. After lounging on the couch for a few months and not doing anything to make your future brighter, you wake up one day freaking the hell out! What happens next in life? Eventually you start applying for jobs and you land an interview. Now they ask the dreadful question: what have you been doing the past eight months you’ve been unemployed? Ahhhh…. Have an answer ready. Interviewers will want to know why there is a gap in your employment history. Here are the top responses: FREELANCING Even when you don’t have many clients, the willingness to further your professional

development in the absence of a job demonstrates that you’re hard working and committed to excellence. VOLUNTEERING Volunteering is great gap filler on your resume. Chances are if you really think about it, you’ve been doing many things that fall under “volunteering”. That event planning company your friend has and that wedding you helped execute that sounds a lot like volunteering your “event coordinator services.” The bottom line is that by continuing to work, whether as a volunteer or a freelancer, your potential employee knows your skills are upto-date and you managed to expand your network while doing so. TRAVELLING Share your travels with your prospective employer and find an intellectual way that ties in your experiences with the job you’re interviewing for. While your recent cruise to Mexico was more for pleasure your tour of the Jose Cuervo distillery will be just perfect when interviewing for the local distributors in your area. CV LISTING Revise your resume to read only years and not months. It will make it easier for the reader to ballpark the length of time you stay at the job without highlighting the two or so months in between.

ASK CHRISTOPHER GOULBOURNE. HOW DO YOU DETERMINE IF YOU HAVE TRUE FANS ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Social media has emerged as the free, easy access opportunity to reach the target market. With that comes a scurry of followers and the ultimate goal to convert followers into sales. Outside of the typical stats/metrics, my answer is simply by dropping a targeted campaign. Take a campaign solely to instagram whether it's the announcement of a massive sale, new product or a mass call out and test your followers with this marketing message. A campaign that proves effective will in the long run show you may not need to take a full page ad out in the newspaper as your social media has now shown its purpose. Giving it the necessary attention as with many other marketing mediums can be worth the time.

ASK KAHLIL HARRIS. WHEN WE COMPETE ON PRICE, ARE WE REVEALING A LACK OF FAITH IN THE VALUE OUR PRODUCTS DELIVER TO CUSTOMERS? Yes & no! It’s most important to know the price value of your product. This will determine it you are even able to compete on product, based on your cost of production. On the other side of things, if you know it’s valued at a price you keep it there. Based on the worth and market availability, you truly you're your own right to determine the appropriate cost. However price is the best measure of getting customers in and that must be factored in your decision.

On The Brink Magazine


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