Kristy Zhang Design Portfolio

Page 1

teerts gnippohS

tcetihcra DRON + EBOC tiderc erutcip esaB

ot ecalp a osla tub ,spohs gnitsixe eht lla gnidivorp ylno ton si teerts gnippohs desoporp wen ehT a dna aera lanoitaercer ,muesum sniatnoc teerts gnippohs desoporp wen sihT ,emit nuf a rof og eht dna teerts gnippohs fo noitanibmoc ehT .gnippohs era stnerap elihw yalp ot sdik rof krap inim esoprup lanoitacude dna sdeen yliad elpoep lacol rof tsuj ylno ton ,rehtegot skrow tnemele egatireh ni htworg cimonoce eht spleh osla tub larutluc eht tisiv srellevart rof noitanibmoc siht gnidivorp tub .uohzgnauG

gnahZ ytsirK : yB nayR leahciM ,neirbO niveK ,rieW naI :srosivrepuS

-noc elibommi ylevitaler dna thgit a sefiingis ecalp sa gnol sA “ -noc lliw ti neht etis a dna elpoep fo spuorg a neewteb noitcen -eb ohw elpoep ( ’su‘ fo noitcurtsnoc eht ni detacilpmi yltnats ”.)ton od ohw elpoep( ’meht‘ dna )ecalp a ni gnol ,noissucsid s’yevraH

concept diagram

Examplar studies Project:Piscina des Marés Architect: Alvaro Siza The pool das Mares is one of the first works as an architect Alvaro Siza done independently. The Atlantic Ocean can be in many cases angry and hostile can become a danger to swimmers, especially for children. That is why the Câmara Municipal de Matochinhos commissioned these pools of saltwater waterfront architect Alvaro Siza, so that bathers could enjoy their thing in a safe and controlled environment, especially on days when the sea is more lively and strong currents and big waves make it almost impossible to get near the water.major architectural landmarks of Oporto. Source:és

Differnt scales of structures provide different types of connection ecaps gnivil laitnediser wen ehT

NILO tiderc erutcip esaB

-ilicaf noitaercer ,serutaef retaw gnidulcni stnemnorivne gnivil liatnediser wen ehT ”sniatnuom“ emoceb lliw erutcurtsarfni/sgnidliub eht ,aera ytic inim eht nihtiW .seit a fo ytilauq eht htiw epacsdnal enabru wen eht tuo gnirb ot ”retaw“ eht dna -yojne tub gnivil eht rof tsuj emoc ton dluow elpopeP .TPECnoC ”ECAlP DooG“ .ecaps lanoitaercer sti rof gni


conceptural section

探之 索旅




niatnuom erutcurtsarfni gnidliub

ytic renni+llaw ytic ytic

ossom beach site.(refer to site plan)

retaw retaw

refuge at little boat harbour site.

V ,decalper si gnidliub ehT noitcnuf eht sa desu dna .niatnuom fo

wledge ctice maybe once or twice a year.

regnol on si niatnuom ehT rof esab a sa dedeen .ecalp doog a gnitaerc

laicos ,erutluc ,emit ,ecaps fo sreyal ni tliub si ytixelpmoc s’msinabru epacsdnal ehT -noc ot sdeen tub tneserp no desab ylerup eb tonnac ngiseD .seitivitca namuh dna .nam dna erutan fo segnahc elbatciderpnu eht redis

-gnahc ,revir/retaw eht morF ot stnemele retaw otni gni .ECALP DOOG eht eunitnoc

nsebility ve more interaction

srewot lanoitcnuf-itlum wen ehT

. ping, etc. y and wind.

-ne ,gnigagne ,evitavonni ,evitcnitsid a sa uohzgnauG gnigats tuoba si tcejorp sihT taht dlrow eht wohs ot sa llew sA .dlrow eht ot tnicerp larutluc a dna gniniatret sreffo tub ,esnes cimonoce na ni ytic gniworg tsaf a ylno ton si ,uohzgnauG ,anihC desoporp wen ehT .noitingocer sevresed taht ytivitaerc dna erutluc fo ecnadnuba na -etarts ediwytic ot etubirtnoc dluohs ytic renni uohzgnauG nihtiw tcnicerp larutluc .ytilativ larutluc s’uohzgnauG eht gnitomorp htiw detaicossa snoitca dna seig

Site photos plant species sgnidliub

srewot lanoitcnuf-itlum wen ehT





srewot lanoitcnuf-itlum wen ehT

htiw dnalkrap wen ehT erutcurtsarfni retaw

htiw dnalkrap wen ehT erutcurtsarfni retaw

etis egatireh larutluc ehT ytsanyd gniQ morf egalloc ehT htiw dnalkrap wen ehT erutcurtsarfni retaw


B noitces

aera gnivil laitnediser wen ehT

aera gnivil laitnediser wen ehT

revo tcennoc ot egaknil wen ehT

Site photos little boat harbour

srewot lanoitcnuf-itlum wen ehT

srewot lanoitcnuf-itlum wen ehT

revo tcennoc ot egaknil wen ehT noitcnuf lanoitaercer htiw

site characteristics


-tfos htiw muesum yararbil dlo epac

N. v.s. N connections

conceptural collage

n a large context is the key to start. s, making sure it is fire rating materials.

I Designed by K.Z. Page 4 @ A1

at as an object. it will help people escape the fire hazed when bushfire happens. ters on site. on the site. and tourisms. night time.

retaw htiw dnalkrap wen ehT erutcurtsarfni


A noitces

conceptural elevation diagram





Project: ICEBERG Montréal Architect: ATOMIC3 Location: Montréal, Canada Function: The wildly colorful ICEBERG installation is the latest architectonic spectacle commissioned by Montréal’s Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, which brings cultural enrichment to the city’s prominent urban spaces. ATOMIC3s installation is formed by series of angled archways that can be passed through, triggering an interactive light and sound show. The dynamic groupings of archways recall icebergs fragmenting from larger ice sheets, starting with passages large enough for adults and gradually shrinking to accomodate children alone.

perment refuge

Site photos view from rocks


Welcome To BNE proposal


Defines: site selection reasons, for this site, it can be seen 360 degrees from sourroundings.

Site analysis



Project: ICEBERG Montréal Architect: ATOMIC3 Location: Montréal, Canada Function: The wildly colorful ICEBERG installation is the latest architectonic spectacle commissioned by Montréal’s Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, which brings cultural enrichment to the city’s prominent urban spaces. ATOMIC3s installation is formed by series of angled archways that can be passed through, triggering an interactive light and sound show. The dynamic groupings of archways recall icebergs fragmenting from larger ice sheets, starting with passages large enough for adults and gradually shrinking to accomodate children alone.





Project:Auditorium Forecourt Fountain Architect: Lawrence Halprin The project is not over 40 years old but it remains one of the most important and well loved modern water features in America. In June 1970, Ada Louise Huxtable of the NYT’s wrote, “On Tuesday, Portland will start the water flowing in the fountains of what may be one of the most important urban spaces since the Renaissance. The word ‘fountains’ requires a little clarification. ‘Waterfalls” would be a more accurate description.” I think today we would refer to it as a ‘water feature’ or a ‘waterscape’ or maybe a ‘water park’. The word ‘fountain’ is too singular to express this kind of immersive environment or world. It is a place where kids and adults can play together. It is also a place where active and passive experiences can co-exist right next to one another.

The key is to understand bio-landscape as well as cultural landscape in a large context.

: providing more actives, attract more tourism. Such as: 4*4 wheels drive, fishing, hiking, camping, etc. : maximize natural energy, such as solar energy and


-Community : protecting land/landscape is everyone’s responsebility : refuge as a normal community center will have more

Project:Piscina des Marés Architect: Alvaro Siza The pool das Mares is one of the first works as an architect Alvaro Siza done independently. The Atlantic Ocean can be in many cases angry and hostile can become a danger to swimmers, especially for children. That is why the Câmara Municipal de Matochinhos commissioned these pools of saltwater waterfront architect Alvaro Siza, so that bathers could enjoy their thing in a safe and controlled environment, especially on days when the sea is more lively and strong currents and big waves make it almost impossible to get near the water. major architectural landmarks of Oporto.

-EDUCATION: educating people on bushfire knowledge : educating people on first aid training : educating people on landscape ecology knowledge : educating people on escape the fire, and practice maybe once or twice a year.



KrisTy ZhaNg & amaNda hyuN






Site photos view from beach

“a fu reo


Examplar analysis


monorail route PUB/RESTUARANT

monorail Stops

Designed by K.Z. Page 5 @ A1

N. v.s. N connections

1. monorail link

ferry link routes

,enil eht neewteb ni krad dna worran era emos ,sepacs tnereffid ni secaps seires a sedivorp bmoc ngised wen ehT gnignirb si gnidnfi gnihcaorppa fo yaw wen ehT .epacsdnal nepo eht htiw tsartnoc ni emoceb dna llams era emos -dus a ni ,secaps worran eht ot ni gniklaw elihW .yaw nwo sti ni ytic eht nitarbelec dna efil yliad eht otni nuf eht EHT rEVoCSID .setis egatireh eht rof seilppa osla siht ,gnirevocid fo esnes a gnitaerc ecaps nepo eht gniees ned .uoHZGnAuG Fo EGATIrEH lAruTluC


ipotco oiduts tiderc erutcip esaB


-To provide a bushfire refuge for the local community so that it will help people escape the fire hazed when bushfire happens. -To maximum the site potential, highlight the special characters on site. -To solve the water and wind erosion issues that happening on the site. -To provide more entertainment and recreational space for local community and tourisms. -To provide a safety space for all. -To solve the current road structure issue. -To make Fitzgerald Bioregion reorganized by people.

epacsdnal + egatireh + gnidliuB

-Government: Bushfire management Landscape maintained


Defines: one way in and one way out structure planning problems.

Layered vegetation

Site analysis

water catchment


kcab eht ta niatuom ev .iuhs gnef fo selpicnirp ereht fi ,sgniht lla fo efil revir eht ni sebirt lla tso .tpada ot y taht sroloc suoirac eht kcalb ,larutluc dna tra e ,erfi ,retaw fo stnemele esenihc ni roloc fo esu ehT .retaw eht tsiniaga si deR .desu gnieb reta -noc ,htrae htiw gnidno seilpmi ,gnaY dna niY s anihC lairepmI ni ruoloc osla tI .anihC tneicna fo

2. ferry link


new car park

II egaknil erutcurtsarfnI



tranSportation SyStemS III

2. proGramminG

2. Community enGaGement

Chinese community Where concept come from and where / how i use my concept as key for the design. How the busy works. Chinese laneway is low rise high dense and people would just put chairs out in the laneway. Current chinese laneway - un-order 2050 – linear laneway... instead of it being just horizontal, the direction of the lanewy goes up, therefore changing the source of food plantations. No more developments of laneways, however if its a historical significance, then they will keep it. Narrow the source of food available. The changing from horizontal laneway to vertical laneway will reduce the footprint for building requirements. Traditional laneway is very narrow, however this does not detract the spirit of users. Translate this into the vertical farm Chinese community as key in the lane way and how the current sky tower is a reflection of that quality.




kraP s’elpoeP ehT

DA985 eht morf tliuber ,ytic eht ni krap cilbup tsrfi eht si ti ,1291 ni dehsilbatsE a sti dna .ytic uohzgnauG fo yrotsih lfilluf sniatnoc krap eht ,ecalap s’neW rorepmE .kramdnal elbakramer



Concept Vertical farm= farming humans life quality. How do I achieve communities within my community - i provide basically all the functions in my tower. Therefore no need to go out, source things from within the building. The thoroughfare which is symbolic as arms and legs then become a core element in the future tower. Self governing, self educating therefor self reliant. However still within the building people still interact as a community, celebrating the spaces. The central hub provides a familial characteristic. As a recreational space which provides and meets the diversity of needs of people such as, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. Therefore meeting the needs of the people, professions such as personal trainers, psychologists, doctors will need to reside in the building. This benefiting the sense of community throughout the tower as when celebrations are conducted, further inter-relational relationships are deepened.

muesum lairomem nredoM

dna ytic nredom eht tliub ohw rebmer ot muesum A .elpoep eht rof are eht etaerc ot





hcruhc ts1 ehT

.larutluc nretsew emos ni gnirb ot retnec nwot ytic eht ni hcruhc ts1ehT



wen ehT .s.v dlo ehT

wen eht htiw revo tfel ytic dlo eht :mrof saw ytic eht woh rebmer ot muesum A .weiver ot elpoep rof ecirepxe noitanibmoc taerg a smrof ,teerts gnippohs


Green SyStemS

srewot ehT

.ytic eht ni tliub elpmet ts1 ehT

,htworg noitalupop htiW -uqer secaps gnivil wen wen eht revewoH ,deir yawa gnikat era srewot eht dna epacsdnal eht .ecaps nepo detimil

fo evitcepsrep s’noigiler eht sniamer ot retnec nwot ytic eht ni elpmet ts1ehT .uohzgnauG

ta noillim 87.21 morf -niamer eht htiw ,45 /elpoep 807,1 won si tsom eht ot erapmoc t seod ti ,mk qs/000,24 )weiver noi



gnitniaP retaw dna niatnuoM

,syad dlo eht ni kcab ekil ecaps eht saw woh sserpxe dna drocer ot yaw lanoitidnart a si gnitniap kni dna retaW hcihw ,kcab eht ta niatuom dna ,meht dednuorrus epacsdnal ,meht fo tnorf ni retaw htiw ,esuoh eht ni gnivil elpoeP .tnemnorivne gnivil ecin dna ecalp doog fo strips eht htiw delbmuh



1. water StaGe - 2100

STRUCTURAL DIAGRAM Green community spaces Central District

Quality Maximum use is in public area however still provide private individual spaces. Chinese community elaborate – tight knit, functions in it’s dysfunctional, most public spaces are communal spaces ( most public areas in china are public spaces).




.elpoep yb deganam saw ecaps eht woh dnatsrednu ot pleh sgniward ehT .stcepsa eseht lla .emoh fo esnes eht ,ecaps fo ytilauq ehT saw dna ,CB412 ni tliub saw ytic eht taht mialc sdrocer lacirotsih ,sraey 0002 revo kcab gnitad yrotsih a sah uohzgnauG saw tub ,detacol saw uynaP hcihw ni erutceferp eht ot refer ot desu saw uohzgnauG eman ehT .uynaP sa nwonk yllaitini .werg ti sa flesti ytic eht rof detpoda

-lwonkca htiw uohzg .niaTnuoM+RETaW = nabru fo gnisae .emit hguorht yrotsi



ecaps lanumoC .S.V aera laitnediser rewoL

,laem retfa teerts eht no klat ot ekil lepoep ,erutluc esenihC nI .secaps eht lla revo nekat sah tnempoleved wen eht revewoh

ConCeptual proGramminG

Physical tower Each level is offset from the one below twist a at a 15 degrees, the ceiling /roof of the tower does not directly cover the tower, which provides sky gardens for each level. The building is raised up with ten meters using glass and steel poles as supporting structures. This provides the below spaces as recreational functions . Because it is raised up it provides (maybe through influence) other building level rises in the future.

1. eDGe

pohswaP ehT

ytic eht fo etag eht ot txen detacol si ti ,ytsanyd gniQ ecnis pohswap dnoces ehT evah lliw hcihw doog s’elpoep eht lla tcelloc ot taht ecalp na si ti ,ytsanyd gniM ni .ytic eht nihtiw sregnarts htiw noitcaretni na


1. ConCeptual DiaGramminG

Green belt built edges

lanoitan rof esab yralpmexe na sa cilbup eht etacude ot cilbup eht ot nepo ,4591 ni tliub saW gnodgnauG fo sciler larutluc eht tcetoerp ot dna msiruot etomorp ot ,noitacude msitoirtap .ecnivorp



Sub City Central District

Hotel nodes mixed use residential

yretemeC srytraM gnisirpU

Cultural nodes transportation nodes CbD



revo elpoep rof noitcennoc ysae na ekam ot si ytic eht nihtiw erutcurtsarfni desoporp wen ehT sah tahw ees ot seye rieht nepo dna pots dluow elpoep ,esac siht ni ,syaw evird rac enil thgie edam saw ”nIATuoM“ eht ,erutcurtsarfni tliub wen siht htiW .larutluc ni hcir os uohzgnauG edam .”ecalP dooG“ a sa uohzgnauG ees ot





ecaps egatireH .S.V erauqs cilbuP

llaW ytic dlo ehT

.ytic eht ni tfel llaw noitcetorp lanigiro eht fo trap ylno eht si siht ,tnempoleved nabru eht nihtiW .flesti uohZgnauG woh yerots eht sllet ti ,snoitacirbaf lairetam eht hguorhT

,sa hcus ,eb dluohs yeht tahw sa gninoitcnuf ton si erauqs cilbup ehT on si ereht diov os si ti esuaceB .erutcutsarfni dna aera gniyalp on si ereht .ytic eht fo strap rehto htiw detcennoc eb ot erehw

aera gnivil laitnediser ehT

.sesab yliad no erom deriuqer si ecaps gnivil eht ,htworg noitalupop ot euD gnivil ohw elpoep eht rof ylno si ti tub ,won dedivorp si nedrag pot foor hguoht nevE .ecaps laicos evah ton seod ytinummoc eht lareneg ni ,sgnidliub eht nihtiw

2. water StaGe - 2100

Salt water brackish water fresh water

3. water SyStem

major pressure points flow direction

4. water preSSure


Hactures Analysis

WHAT TO MAKE/DO? WHY DO WE NEED IT? -To provide a bushfire refuge for the local community so that as an object. it will help people escape the fire hazed when bushfire happens. -To maximum the site potential, highlight the special characters on site. -To solve the water and wind erosion issues that happening on the site. -To provide more entertainment space for local community and tourisms. -To provide a safety space for all. Especially the lighting for night time. Road Structure -To solve the current road structure issue. Understanding bio-landscape as well as cultural landscape in a large context is the key to start. The building material is refer to FIREFLY company products, making sure it is fire rating materials.

concept diagram

Differnt scales of structures provide different types of connection

conceptural collage

HOW TO IMMOVATE CONTEXTICALLY BOTH IMMEDIATELY AND OVER LONG TERM? Design in stages First Stage To build the permanent multi-function bushfire refuge at blossom beach site.(refer to site plan) Second Stage To link the blossom beach and little boat harbour. Third Stage To build another minor permanent multi-function bushfire refuge at little boat harbour site.

strcture 1

Pro Arc The inde can Câm wat a sa live nea Sou

conceptural section

strcture 11


Site area -EDUCATION: educating people on bushfire knowledge

: educating people on first aid training : educating people on landscape ecology knowledge : educating people on escape the fire, and practice maybe once or twice a year. strcture 111

-Community : protecting land/landscape is everyone’s responsebility : refuge as a normal community center will have more interaction -Economy

: providing more actives, attract more tourism. Such as: 4*4 wheels drive, fishing, hiking, camping, etc. : maximize natural energy, such as solar energy and wind.

Site location

Conceptural Plan 1:500 @A1

Site issues 1

ching sand blows into the

tic cliff faces with erosion toneHogarth “All objects can be analysed in terms of the lines which areducomposed. The line which gives otrusion of thethey more the greatest aesthetic pleasure, he asserts, is the waving structures that remained

or serpentine line.” [ the analysis of beauty 1753, 1971, Site issues 11 pp. 33-39) 1. Aesthetic model: inconspicuous or assertive 2. Social model: community design, participatory process 3. Environmental model: nature conservation, ecology design 4. Aesthetico-social 5. Enviro-aesthetic 6. Socio-environmental 7. Uneven trivalent 8. Even trivalent 9. Optimal trivalent Site solution


-Government: Bushfire management Landscape maintained

DLB510 Project 2 Lecture: Ian Weir N7182007 Kristy Zhang

YSIS ship between wind, botaogy are clear to see when landscapes of Bremer Bay. dwarf and wind swept

Difeerent structure and scales


DLB510 Project 2 Lecture: Ian Weir N7182007 Kristy Zhang




strcture 1111

WHAT TO MAKE/DO? WHY DO WE NEED IT? -To provide a bushfire refuge for the local community so that as an object. it will help people escape the fire hazed when bushfire happens. -To maximum the site potential, highlight the special characters on site. -To solve the water and wind erosion issues that happening on the site. -To provide more entertainment space for local community and tourisms. -To provide a safety space for all. Especially the lighting for night time. -To solve the current road structure issue. Understanding bio-landscape as well as cultural landscape in a large context is the key to start. The building material is refer to FIREFLY company products, making sure it is fire rating materials. HOW TO IMMOVATE CONTEXTICALLY BOTH IMMEDIATELY AND OVER LONG TERM? ffixed to site Design in stages First Stage To build the permanent multi-function bushfire refuge at blossom beach site.(refer to site plan) Second Stage To link the blossom beach and little boat harbour. Third Stage To build another minor permanent multi-function bushfire refuge at little boat harbour site. SYSTEMATIC APPROACH -EDUCATION: educating people on bushfire knowledge : educating people on first aid training : educating people on landscape ecology knowledge : educating people on escape the fire, and practice maybe once or twice a year.

section 1

conceptural elevation diagram perment refuge

water catchment

-Community : protecting land/landscape is everyone’s responsebility : refuge as a normal community center will have more interaction -Economy

: providing more actives, attract more tourism. Such as: 4*4 wheels drive, fishing, hiking, camping, etc. : maximize natural energy, such as solar energy and wind.

section 11

-Government: Bushfire management Landscape maintained

Layered vegetation

section 111

Conceptural Plan 1:500 @A1

conceptural collage

Pro Arc Fun ic s ship ATO pass grou star acco


Site Analysis

typical site quality A

typical site quality B

typical site quality C

typical site quality D

Strong Lower wind swept vegetation

typical site quality E

DLB510 Project 2 Lecture: Ian Weir N7182007 Kristy Zhang


Site Analysis

IS : s north west east

typical site quality E communtiy group

mes naturally erode on bends, vegetation is cleared, they can ble causing extensive erosion dway and the build up of sediwly washed downstream. (water mission, 1999)

tation of the Bremer River near

Land use on site

he weeds and slight disturbance rey

the soil disturbance, lack of nay and presence of weeds.

the erosion, lace of vegetation, presence of salt tolerant plant samphire and saltbush

Site characters

N. v.s. N.


Nature v.s. Non Nature

A place for people gathering@Blossm Beach

Stage 1

Stage 2a

Stage 2b

The community centre is to provide a community and Integrated technology centre. It’s a place making and an icon in the region and by providing a community centre it connects the people together while the integrated technology centre connects the community to the rest of the world. The installation of the demountable structure has two main purposes for users. The first purpose is to allow users to detect it as a visual point as a sense of exact location as well as it being a demountable structure as a shelter for bushfires. The potential erosion affects the soil quality leaving the soil infertile. However positively it creates a natural water catchment. The new driveways won’t erode due to the mini retaining wall that stops it from entering the roadway.

The mini platform is a place of rest and a lookout among the rocks. The platform is directly built on the existing site without any demolition, allowing the construction process on the site undisturbed. By also doing this, users can directly connect to the site physically, visually and emotionally

Shown in height elevation, rocks are placed in-between the existing rocks to reduce height difference and to create a smother pathway for users.

Stage 2c The handrail leads people to walk along the coastline as well as providing safety and legibility

Stage 3

The mini hub is a smaller version of stage one on Little Boat Harbour due to the long distance from the Central hub to the end of the walkway making it double time for users to get back. Therefore creating a mini hub allows users to rest, clean, eat and sleep.

DESIGN STRATEGY STRATEGY DESIGN DESIGN STRATEGY The key key isis to to understand understand bio-landscape bio-landscape as as well well as as cultural cultural landscape landscape in in aa The large context. bio-landscape as well as cultural landscape in a context. The key key isis large to understand understand The to bio-landscape as well as cultural landscape in a large context. context. large

WHAT TO TO MAKE/DO? MAKE/DO? WHY WHY DO DO WE WE NEED NEED IT? IT? WHAT -To provide aa bushfire bushfire refuge forNEED the local local community so so that that itit will will help help WHAT TO TO MAKE/DO? WHY DO DO WE IT?community -To provide refuge for the WHAT MAKE/DO? WHY WE NEED IT? people escape escape the the fire fire hazed hazed when when bushfire bushfire happens. happens. people -To provide a bushfire refuge for the local community so that itit will will help help -To provide a bushfire refuge for the local community so that -To maximum maximum the the site site potential, potential, highlight highlight the the special characters on site. -To people escape escape the fire fire hazed hazed when when bushfire happens. happens. special characters on site. people bushfire -To the solve the the water water and and wind wind erosion issues issues that that happening happening on on the the site. site. -To solve erosion -To maximum maximum the the site site potential, potential, highlight highlight the the special characters characters on on site. site. -To -To provide provide more entertainment entertainment and andspecial recreational space space for for local local commu-To more recreational -To solve solve the the water and and wind erosion erosion issues issues that that happening on on the the site. site. commu-To water wind happening nity and tourisms. tourisms. nity and -To provide provide more entertainment and and recreational recreational space space for for local local commucommu-To more entertainment -To provide safety space space for for all. all. -To provide aa safety nity and and tourisms. tourisms. nity -To solve solve the the current current road road structure structure issue. issue. -To -To provide provide aa safety safety space space for for all. all. -To -To make make Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Bioregion reorganized reorganized by by people. people. -To Bioregion -To solve solve the the current current road road structure structure issue. issue. -To -To make make Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Bioregion Bioregion reorganized reorganized by by people. people. -To


Site photos photos view view from from beach beach Site Site photos view from beach Examplar analysis analysis Examplar Examplar analysis Project:Piscina des Marés

Project:Piscina des Marés Architect: Alvaro Alvaro Siza Siza Architect: Project:Piscina des Marés Marés The pool das das Mares Mares one of of the the first first works works as as an an architect architect Alvaro Alvaro Siza Siza done done independently. independently. Project:Piscina des The pool isis one Architect: Alvaro Siza The Atlantic OceanSiza can be be in in many many cases cases angry angry and and hostile hostile can can become become aa danger danger to to swimswimArchitect: Alvaro The Atlantic Ocean can The pool pool das Mares Mares one of ofThat the first first works as an an architect architect Alvaro Siza done done independently. independently. mers, especially for children. children. why the Câmara Câmara Municipal de Matochinhos Matochinhos commisThe das isis one the works as Alvaro Siza mers, especially for That isis why the Municipal de commisThe Atlantic Atlantic Oceanofcan can be in in many many casesarchitect angry and and hostile can become danger toenjoy swimsioned these pools pools saltwater waterfront Alvaro Siza, sobecome that bathers bathers couldto The Ocean be cases angry hostile can aa danger swimsioned these of saltwater waterfront architect Alvaro Siza, so that could enjoy mers,thing especially forand children. Thatenvironment, why the the Câmara Câmara Municipal de Matochinhos commistheir in aa safe safe controlled especially on days daysde when the sea sea isis more more mers, especially for children. That isis why Municipal Matochinhos commistheir thing in and controlled environment, especially on when the sioned these pools of saltwater saltwater waterfront architect Alvaro Siza, so so that bathers could enjoy enjoy lively and strong currents and big big waves make make almost impossible tothat get near near the water. water. sioned these pools of waterfront architect Alvaro Siza, bathers could lively and strong currents and waves itit almost impossible to get the their thing thing in aa safe safelandmarks and controlled controlled environment, especially especially on on days days when when the the sea sea isis more more major architectural landmarks of Oporto. Oporto. their in and environment, major architectural of lively and strong currents and big waves make it almost impossible to get near the water. lively and strong currents and big waves make it almost impossible to get near the water. major architectural architectural landmarks landmarks of of Oporto. Oporto. major

-EDUCATION: educating educating people people on on bushfire bushfire knowledge knowledge -EDUCATION: educating people people on on first first aid aid training training :: educating -EDUCATION: educating educating people on on bushfire bushfire knowledge -EDUCATION: people knowledge educating people on landscape landscape ecology knowledge :: educating people on educating people on first first aid training trainingecology knowledge :: educating people on aid :: educating educating people on escape the fire, and and practice practice people on escapeecology the fire, educating people on landscape knowledge :: educating maybe once once or twice twicepeople a year. year. on landscape ecology knowledge maybe or apeople educating on escape escape the the fire, fire, and and practice practice :: educating people on maybe once once or or twice twice: aaprotecting year. maybe year. -Community land/landscape isis everyone’s everyone’s responsebility responsebility -Community : protecting land/landscape refuge as as aa normal normal community community center center will will have have more more :: refuge -Community protecting land/landscape land/landscape isis everyone’s everyone’s responsebility responsebility interaction -Community :: protecting interaction refuge as as aa normal normal community community center center will will have have more more :: refuge interaction -Economy :: providing providing more more actives, actives, attract attract more more tourism. tourism. interaction -Economy Such as: as: 4*4 4*4 wheels wheels drive, drive, fishing, fishing, hiking, hiking, camping, camping, etc. etc. Such -Economy :: providing providing more natural actives,energy, attract such moreas tourism. maximize natural energy, such as solar energy energy and and -Economy more actives, attract more tourism. :: maximize solar Such as: as: 4*4 4*4 wheels wheels drive, drive, fishing, fishing, hiking, hiking, camping, camping, etc. etc. wind. Such wind. maximize natural natural energy, energy, such such as as solar solar energy energy and and :: maximize -Government: Bushfire Bushfire management management wind. -Government: wind. Landscape maintained maintained Landscape -Government: Bushfire Bushfire management management -Government: Landscape maintained maintained Landscape

Project:Auditorium Forecourt Forecourt Fountain Fountain Project:Auditorium Architect: Lawrence Lawrence Halprin Halprin Architect: The project isis not not over over 40 years years old old but itit remains remains one one of of the the most most important important and and well well loved loved Project:Auditorium Forecourt Fountain The project 40 but Project:Auditorium Forecourt Fountain modern water featuresHalprin in America. America. In In June June 1970, 1970, Ada Ada Louise Louise Huxtable Huxtable of of the the NYT’s NYT’s wrote, wrote, Architect: Lawrence modern water features in Architect: Lawrence Halprin “On Tuesday, Portland will start the water flowing inone the fountains fountains ofimportant what may may be be one of loved The project project isisPortland not over overwill 40 years yearsthe oldwater but ititflowing remains of the most most and well “On Tuesday, start in the of what one of The not 40 old but remains one of the important and well loved the most important important urban spaces since the Renaissance. The word ‘fountains’ requires litmodern water features inspaces America. Inthe June 1970, Ada Ada The Louise Huxtable of the the NYT’s wrote, the most urban since Renaissance. word ‘fountains’ requires aa litmodern water features in America. June 1970, Louise Huxtable of NYT’s wrote, tle clarification. ‘Waterfalls” would beIn a more moreflowing accurateindescription. description. ” II think think today webe would tle clarification. ‘Waterfalls” would be a accurate ” today we would “On Tuesday, Portland will start the water the fountains of what may one of of “On Tuesday, Portland will start the water flowing in the fountains of what may‘fountain’ be one refer to itit as as aa ‘water ‘water feature’ feature’ or aa ‘waterscape’ ‘waterscape’ or maybe maybe ‘water park’.. The word word refer to or or aa ‘water park’ The ‘fountain’ the most most important urban spaces spaces since the the Renaissance. Renaissance. The word word ‘fountains’ requires a litthe important urban since The ‘fountains’ requires too singular singular to to express express this this kind kind of of immersive immersive environment environment or or world. world. ItIt isis aa place wherea litisis tletoo clarification. ‘Waterfalls” would be a more more accurate accurate description. ” II think thinkplace todaywhere we would would tle clarification. ‘Waterfalls” would be a description. ” today we kids and and adults adults can can play play together. together. ItIt isis also also aa place place where where active and and passive passive experiences experiences kids refer to to itit as as aa ‘water ‘water feature’ or or aa ‘waterscape’ ‘waterscape’ or maybe maybe aaactive ‘water park’ park’..  The The word word ‘fountain’ ‘fountain’ refer feature’ or ‘water can co-exist right next to one another. can co-exist right to one is too too singular tonext express thisanother. kind of of immersive immersive environment environment or or world. world. ItIt isis aa place place where where isSource: singular to express this kind Source: kids and and adults adults can can play play together. together. ItIt isis also also aa place place where where active active and and passive passive experiences experiences kids can co-exist co-exist right right next next to to one one another. another. can Source: Source: Project: ICEBERG Montréal Montréal Project: ICEBERG Architect: ATOMIC3 ATOMIC3 Architect: Location: Montréal, Montréal, Canada Canada Location: Project: ICEBERG ICEBERG Montréal Function: The wildly wildly colorful ICEBERG ICEBERG installation installation isis the the latest latest architectonic architectonic spectacle spectacle comcomProject: Montréal Function: The colorful Architect: ATOMIC3 ATOMIC3 missioned by Montréal’s Montréal’s Quartier Quartier des des Spectacles Spectacles Partnership, Partnership, which which brings brings cultural cultural enrichenrichArchitect: missioned by Location: Montréal, Canadaurban spaces. ATOMIC3s installation is formed by series of anment to the the city’s prominent prominent Location: Montréal, Canada ment to city’s urban spaces. ATOMIC3s installation is formed by series of anFunction: Thethat wildly colorful ICEBERG installation the latest latest architectonic architectonic spectacle comgled archways cancolorful bepassed passed through,triggering triggering anisisinteractive interactive light andsound sound show.The The Function: The wildly ICEBERG installation the spectacle comgled archways that can be through, an light and show. missioned by Montréal’s Montréal’s Quartier desicebergs Spectacles Partnership, which brings cultural enrichdynamic groupings of archways archways recall icebergs fragmenting from largerbrings ice sheets, sheets, starting missioned by Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, which cultural enrichdynamic groupings of recall fragmenting from larger ice starting mentpassages to the the city’s city’s prominent urban spaces. ATOMIC3s installation formed by series series of ananwith passages largeprominent enough for forurban adultsspaces. and gradually gradually shrinking to accomodate accomodate children alone. ment to ATOMIC3s installation isis formed by of with large enough adults and shrinking to children alone. Source: gledarchways archways thatcan canbe bepassed passedthrough, through,triggering triggeringan aninteractive interactivelight lightand andsound soundshow. show.The The Source: gled that dynamic groupings of archways recall icebergs fragmenting from larger ice sheets, starting dynamic groupings of archways recall icebergs fragmenting from larger ice sheets, starting with passages passages large large enough enough for for adults adults and and gradually gradually shrinking shrinking to to accomodate accomodate children children alone. alone. with

Site analysis analysis Site analysis analysis Site Site Defines: site site selection selection reasons, reasons, for for this this site, site, itit can can Defines: one one way way in in and and one one way way out out structure structure Defines: Defines: planning problems. problems. be seen seen 360 360 degrees degrees from from sourroundings. sourroundings. planning be Site analysis Site analysis Defines: site selection reasons, for this site, it can

Defines: one one way way in in and and one one way way out out structure structure Defines: planning problems. problems. planning

Defines: site selection reasons, for this site, it can be seen seen 360 360 degrees degrees from from sourroundings. sourroundings. be

Source: Source:

Site photos photos view view from from rocks rocks Site

Site photos view from rocks

Site photos little boat harbour

Site photos photos plant plant species species Site

Site photos plant species

N. v.s. N connections N. v.s. N connections Designed by by K.Z. K.Z. Page Page 44 @ @ A1 A1 Designed

Designed by by K.Z. K.Z. Page Page 44 @ @ A1 A1 Designed

site site site characteristics characteristics site characteristics characteristics

Site photos photos little little boat boat harbour harbour Site

N. N.v.s. v.s.NNconnections connections Designed by by K.Z. K.Z. Page Page 55 @ @ A1 A1 Designed Designed by by K.Z. K.Z. Page Page 55 @ @ A1 A1 Designed

Fire Park

Thesis: PARK proposes a new urban identity for Toowong as a model for the development of futureproblem, suburb. FIRE PARK BeforeFIRE we face the we is a new urban typology that answers the needs of modern Australia, its economy, social structures and ecological need to recognise the current plans for. situation. We need to use this gift of awareness wisely and we must re-establish the scenarios As a reactive healing force, this city could renew urban zones we predict. We need toweakrecognise in decline by filling voids and dead space with functioning, thriving neighborhoods. Most importantly, this new typology would our creative capacities for the rich have the capacity to maximize green space and solve infrastructural issues while creating an efficient, accessible circulation system for transit. FIRE PARKand realizes thisseek urban typology in the con- for nesspublic they are hope text of Toowong, a prime location for sustainable innovation at a large scale. Toowong faces problems incurred by current population the children density, loss of greenof publicour space, andfuture decreasing viablegeneraland. Fire Park challenges these issues by changing Toowong’s building typoland open up more open space for the community. The proposal tions.ogy burns a part of the residential and commercial area to open up the space for public. Antithesis: By literally expressing distinct functions for its citizens, FIRE PARK relates strongly to the human while simultaneously decreasing The essence ofscale the overlay density and increasing green space at the urban scale. FIRE PARK addresses four crucial aspects of sustainability. In the realm of social mapping my sustainability,method, the anonymous feeling presents of immense cities is challenged by interconnecting typically isolated diverse zones. In the economical sense, increase green space invigorates the morale of Toowong’s personal experiences with reladense society. tions to place as a part of reflexive sustainability assessment. By producing overlap- ping maps of the park, the relationships between me, the people and the



site analysis/condition scale @ 1:5000 on A4


Before we face the problem, we need to recognise the current situation. We need to use this gift of awareness wisely and we must re-establish the scenarios we predict. We need to recognise our creative capacities for the richness they are and seek hope for the children of our future generations.




Toowong local history

TOOWONG HAD ITS BEGINNINGS IN THE 1850s. By 1842 the Moreton Bay Convict settlement had been disbanded and Moreton Bay was open to free settlement.





In 1850 the area now known as Toowong was surveyed and divided into several large estates owned by families such as the Cribbs, Kelletts, Markwells and Maynes whose names have become familiar to local residents. The first recorded use of the name Toowong was in 1851 when J.C. Burnett marked Toowong Creek on his survey of lots for sale. The name was then used in 1852 as a boundary descriptor in Land Purchase Certificates for these lots. (credit from

The reducing of green open space

oses a new urban identity for Toowong as velopment of future suburb. FIRE PARK pology that answers the needs of modeconomy, social structures and ecological

The lost of green open space due to the growth of population, however green space is a place that holding everyone together as a community, when the open space is closed to other purpose, it will lost the connection/ interaction between people and place.

Current Vegetation @ 2012

Existing Vegetation @ 1934

Current topography @ 2012

The increasing of residential & commerical use`d land

force, this city could renew weak urban zones oids and dead space with functioning, thrivMost importantly, this new typology would maximize green space and solve infrastructural an efficient, accessible circulation system for PARK realizes this urban typology in the conrime location for sustainable innovation at a aces problems incurred by current population public space, and decreasing viable land. Fire issues by changing Toowong’s building typole open space for the community. The proposal sidential and commercial area to open up the

distinct functions for its citizens, FIRE PARK human scale while simultaneously decreasing g green space at the urban scale. FIRE PARK aspects of sustainability. In the realm of social nymous feeling of immense cities is challenged pically isolated diverse zones. In the economieen space invigorates the morale of Toowong’s

The increase of land used for residential and commercial is destroying the human experiences that linked people and places. The urban planning has left no place for people to appreciate natural surroundings. There is no other places that can pleased us, human beings, and in this case, we starting loosing the whole experiences and landscape narratives.

wind and topography perspectives factors

1.Wind (below 50km/h): negatively influences the speed at which a fire spreads direction in which a fire travels and the size of the fire front intensity of a fire – wind provides more oxygen likelihood of spotting – (embers) create ‘spot fires’ to ignite. 2. Slope/ Topography : Sharples (2007) states that topography can induce measurable changes in wind direction and behaviour.

Kristy xinwen Zhang/N7182007/DLB510/Project1/PG1

Fire Park FIRE PARK proposes a new urban identity for Toowong as a model for the development of future suburb. FIRE PARK is a new urban typology that answers the needs of modern Australia, its economy, social structures and ecological plans for.

As a reactive healing force, this city could renew weak urban zones in decline by filling voids and dead space with functioning, thriving neighborhoods. Most importantly, this new typology would have the capacity to maximize green space and solve infrastructural issues while creating an efficient, accessible circulation system for public transit. FIRE PARK realizes this urban typology in the context of Toowong, a prime location for sustainable innovation at a large scale. Toowong faces problems incurred by current population density, loss of green public space, and decreasing viable land. Fire Park challenges these issues by changing Toowong’s building typology and open up more open space for the community. The proposal burns a part of the residential and commercial area to open up the space for public. By literally expressing distinct functions for its citizens, FIRE PARK relates strongly to the human scale while simultaneously decreasing density and increasing green space at the urban scale. FIRE PARK addresses four crucial aspects of sustainability. In the realm of social sustainability, the anonymous feeling of immense cities is challenged by interconnecting typically isolated diverse zones. In the economical sense, increase green space invigorates the morale of Toowong’s dense society.

Current commerical zoning

Current residential zoning

Wind rose with fire direction

Creating theAntithesis new country. Imagine a city of a unique new typology that meets the needs of its inhabitants while maximizing the quality of work, play and relax. This typology would embrace com- munities and ecovering from fire their citizens as a flexible framework which adapts to environmental and economic chanes. The essence of the overlay mapping method, presents my personal experiences with relations to place as a part of reflexive sustainability assessment. By producing overlapping maps of the park, the relationships between me, the people and the place can be acknoledged.

Water element We came from the water; our bodies are largely water; and water plays a fundamental role in our psychology. We need constant access to water, all around us; and we can not have it without reverence for water in all its forms. But everywhere in cities water is out of reach. There is no other way to build up an adequate texture of water in cities: we need pools for swimming, ornamental and natural pools, streams of rain water, fountains, falls, natural brooks and streams running through towns, tiny garden pools, and reservoirs we can get to and appreciate. Preserve natural wet water parkland and make paths for people to walk along them and footbridges to cross them. Let the streams form natural barriers in the city, with traffic crossing them only infrequently on bridges. Whenever possible, collect rainwater in open gutters and allow it to flow above ground, along pedestrian paths and in front of houses. In places without natural running water create fountains in the streets. Toowong, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Public space Without common land no social system can survive. The common land has two specific social functions. 1. The land makes it possible for people to feel comfortable outside their buildings and their private territory, and therefore allows them to feel connected to the larger social system-though not necessarily to any specific neighbor. 2. Common land acts as a meeting place for people.

Parkland From the research, If children don’t play enough with other children during the first five years of life, there is a great chance that they will have some kind of mental illness later in their lives. To provide a space for all ages is important for modern days, a space that will provide a meeting space within urban setting. There are very few spots along the streets of modern towns where people can hang out, comfortably, for hours at a time. An outdoor room is needed for Brisbane City a partly enclosed place, with some roof, columns, without walls, perhaps with a trellis; place it beside an important path and within view of many buildings and landscape.

Existing town

Reference: Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S. & Silverstein, M., 1977. A pattern language : towns, buildings, construction, New York: Oxford University Press.

Beiling Park, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

New town

water element Create new Toowong scale@1:2500 Kristy xinwen Zhang/N7182007/DLB510/Project1/PG2

Burning the area scale@1:2500 on A2



Southbank South will become an inner city lifestyle destination with high quality recreational opportunities healthy natural ecosytems and safe that connects the community cultural and convention experience in a unique sub-tropocal parkland

2. water StaGe - 2100

4. water preSSure

3. water SyStem

5. areation

major pressure points flow direction

Salt water brackish water fresh water


water flow StaGeS

blue heart

water SyStemS

Green SyStemS

kristy zhang n7182007

“a future vision for reordering urban patterns” The concept that has been developed is called ‘Blue Heart’, a future vision for reordering urban patterns. The name of blue heart relates back to its living core function of regenerating and sustaining the urban fabric as it adapts the environment changes throughout time. Not only will it sustain but the new urban system will strengthen the ecosystems and allow the system or organically merge with it’s living conditions for both humans and living organisms. The main essence of the urban landscape is it’s radical transformation

Green community spaces Central District

4. water preSSure

3. water SyStem

“a future vision for reordering major pressure points Salt water flow direction brackish water urban patterns” fresh water The concept that has been developed is called ‘Blue Heart’, a future vision for reordering urban patterns. Green SyStemS The name of blue heart relates back to its living core function of regenerating and sustaining the urban fabric as it adapts the environment changes throughout time. Not only will it sustain but the new urban system will strengthen the ecosystems and allow the system or organically merge with it’s living conditions for both humans and living organisms. The main essence of the urban landscape is it’s radical transformation

Green Spaces land 1. ConCeptual DiaGramminG

2. proGramminG Cultural nodes transportation nodes CbD

Sub City Central District

tranSportation SyStemS

Hotel nodes mixed use residential

1. eDGe Green belt built edges

2. Community enGaGement

1. monorail link

2. ferry link ferry link routes

watervision SyStemS for “a future reorderiNg urBaN patterns”

3. infraStruCture ConneCtivity

ferry link routes

bridges pedestrian walkway

water SyStemS

“a future vision for reorderiNg urBaN patterns” 1. water StaGe - 2100

2. water StaGe - 2100

3. water SyStem

ConCeptual proGramminG

4. water preSSure major pressure points flow direction

Salt water brackish water fresh water

1. water StaGe - 2100

3. infraStruCture ConneCtivity bridges pedestrian walkway

water flow StaGeS

2. ferry link

1. monorail link monorail Stops monorail route

3. builtform Green Spaces land

Green community spaces Central District

tranSportation SyStemS

monorail Stops monorail route

water flow StaGeS

5. areation areation

3. builtform

2. Community enGaGement

Green belt built edges

Hotel nodes mixed use residential

2. water StaGe - 2100

ConCeptual proGramminG

1. eDGe

2. proGramminG Cultural nodes transportation nodes CbD

blue heart kristy zhang n7182007

1. water StaGe - 2100

2. water StaGe - 2100

3. water SyStem

ConCeptual proGramminG

4. wa

major pressure p flow direction

Salt water brackish water fresh water

Green SyStemS

5. areation areation

Green SyStemS 1. ConCeptual DiaGramminG Sub City Central District

2. proGramminG Cultural nodes transportation nodes CbD

Hotel nodes mixed use residential

1. eDGe Green belt built edges

2. Commu

Green commun Central District

tranSportation SyStemS

1. ConCeptual DiaGramminG Sub City Central District

2. proGramminG Cultural nodes transportation nodes CbD

Hotel nodes mixed use residential

1. eDGe Green belt built edges

tranSportation SyStemS

2. Community enGaGement Green community spaces Central District

3. builtform Green Spaces land

1. monorail link monorail Stops monorail route


ferry link rout

overflow, the water will follows the new water ways and creating a new water front living environment.



masterplan Community Green SpaCe The open green spaces allows to be used by the public in any matter. Seating is provided for smaller group and the community for meetings and social activities can use the larger open spaces. Close promximity to water allows it to be used for large group gathering and social events all season.


Community Green SpaCe The open green spaces allows to be used by the public in any matter. Seating is provided for smaller group and the community for meetings and social activities can use the larger open spaces. Close promximity to water allows it to be used for large group gathering and social events all season.

Salt water tributarieS Tributaries surfaces are constructed along the waterways to allow maximum ability to create relationSHipthebetween built + water eDGe oxygen for the water.eDGe Salt water tributaries provide additional water saturation to the site and allow for dense vegetation to occur within these areas. The dense vegetation provides seclusion and intimate zones for users.

Medium high rise commercial built form as part of new landform. adding acceleration into new water flow to allow platform the water to circulate faster

Mixed use buildings in suburbs to create unique sense of community and culture. access to small canels in residential areas.

Salt water tributarieS Tributaries surfaces are constructed along the waterways to allow maximum ability to create the oxygen for the water. Salt water tributaries provide additional water saturation to the site and allow for dense vegetation to occur within these areas. The dense vegetation provides seclusion and intimate zones for users.

Public gardens for community to share in mixed and residential areas.

raiSeD platformS elevated gardens engaged monorail platform and provide additional levels of social interaction within the built infrastructures. The raised platforms are also required for the scenario of sea level rise.

mixeD uSe Canal SeCtion

raiSeD platformS elevated gardens engaged monorail and provide additional levels of social interaction within the built infrastructures. The raised platforms are also required for the 7 levelS scenario of sea level rise.


freSH + Salt water DiviDer excess water captured in the Tweed river is discharged into salt mash. When sea level rise, the new landscape form is adaptable for overflow, the water will follows the new water ways and creating a new water front living environment.

freSH + Salt water DiviDer Mixedisuse towers adaptable to excess water captured in the Tweed river sea level rise. allowing water discharged into salt mash. When sea level flow in ground level. rise, the new landscape form is adaptable for overflow, the water will follows the new water ways and creating a new water front living environment. 5 levelS new livinG Style The new urban infrastructure provides a cosy and humble living condition with live water residential towers, engaging flow around the neighbourhoods. Withinwater thorugh platforms. A the increased population and limited land, the new built form encaged people to be in the public spaces, the cultural and social interaction will change through time. 4 levelS

Walkways on the edge of canels to engage with water

Wider walkways for social interaction harbour for tourists attraction as well state events. Monorail used for city connection, opening up views for users and adaptable for sea level rise

new livinG Style The new urban infrastructure provides a cosy and humble living condition with live water flow around the neighbourhoods. Within the increased population and limited land, the new built form encaged people to be in the public spaces, the cultural and social interaction will change through time.



new livinG Style The new urban infrastructure provides a cosy and humble living condition with live water flow around the neighbourhoods. Within the increased population and limited land, the new built form encaged people to be in the public spaces, the cultural and social interaction will change through time.

Ferry buses within city areas, providing faster connectivity within central city.

On The basis Of seriOus warnings (The 2007 iPCC – rePOrTs, The sTern rePOrTs, eTC.) COnCerning The dePleTiOn Of resOurCes, VasTly diminishing biOdiVersiTy, glObal warming and rising sea leVels, iT Can be argued ThaT in The lOng run Our mOdern maTerialisTiC and hedOnisTiC lifesTyles are simPly unTenable.


CbD river SeCtion



relationSHip between built eDGe + water eDGe SeCtionS

Mixed use buildings in suburbs to create unique sense of community and culture.

relationSHip between built eDGe + water eDGe

Medium high rise commercial built form as part of new landform. adding acceleration into new water flow to allow the water to circulate faster

access to small canels in residential areas. Walkways on the edge of canels to engage with water

Medium high rise commercial built form as part of new landform. adding acceleration into new water flow to allow the water to circulate faster

Public gardens for community to share in mixed and residential areas.

7 levelS

mixeD uSe Canal SeCtion

CbD river SeCtion

Wider walkways for social interaction harbour for tourists attraction as well state events. Monorail used for city connection, opening up views for users and adaptable for sea level rise

5 levelS

Ferry buses within city areas, providing faster connectivity within central city.

5 levelS

TWEED HEADS Mixed use towers adaptable to sea level rise. allowing water flow in ground level.

7 levelS

Mixed use towers adaptable to sea level rise. allowing water flow in ground level.



residential towers, engaging water thorugh platforms.

residential towers, engaging water thorugh platforms.

4 levelS



@ScALE 1:5000

4 levelS




Mixed use buildings in suburbs to create unique sense of community and culture. access to small canels in residential areas. Walkways on the edge of canels to engage with water

PUMPING STATION Mixed use buildings in suburbs to create unique sense of community and culture.



access to small canels in residential areas. Walkways on the edge of canels to engage with water Public gardens for community to share in mixed and residential areas.


之探 旅索

The landscape urbanism’s complexity is built in layers of space, time, culture, social and human activities. Design cannot be purely based on present but needs to consider the unpredictable changes of nature and man.

section A

section B


This project is about staging Guangzhou as a distinctive, innovative, engaging, entertaining and a cultural precint to the world. As well as to show the world that China, Guangzhou, is not only a fast growing city in an economic sense, but offers an abundance of culture and creativity that deserves recognition. The new proposed cultural precinct within Guangzhou inner city should contribute to citywide strategies and actions associated with promoting the Guangzhou’s cultural vitality.


之 旅

The new multi-functional towers

The new residential living area

The landscape urbanism’s complexity is built in layers of space, time, culture, social and human activities. Design cannot be purely IVbased on present but needs to consider the Heritage + Recreational space unpredictable changes of nature and man.

The new residential living area

The new parkland with water infrastructure

The landscape urbanism’s complexity is built in layers of space, time, culture, social The new parkland with water and human activities. Design cannot be purely based on present infrastructure but needs to consider the unpredictable changes of nature and man.

The cultural heritage site The collage from Qing dynasty

The new linkage to connect over

The new parkland with water infrastructure

This project is about staging Guangzhou as a distinctive, innovative, engaging, entertaining and a cultural precint to the world. As well as to show the world that China, Guangzhou, is not only a fast growing city in an economic sense, but offers an abundance of culture and creativity that deserves recognition. The new proposed cultural precinct within Guangzhou inner city should contribute to citywide strategies and actions associated with promoting the Guangzhou’s cultural vitality.

Base picture credit studio octopi

With the new proposed recreational space, it creates a sense of relaxing and chillness. Along with the museum, it will not only educating people the history of the city but also gethering people together to create a stronger community.

The landscape urbanism’s and human activities. Desi The new sider the unpredictable cha

The new multi-functional towers

This project is about staging Guangzhou as a distinctive, innovative, engaging, entertaining and a cultural precint to the world. As well as to show the world that China, Guangzhou, is not only a fast growing city IV in an economic sense, but offers an abunHeritage + Recreational space dance ofit creates culture creativity that deserves With the new proposed recreational space, a sense of relaxingand and chillness. Along with the museum, it will not only educating people the history of the city but also recognition. new proposed cultural gethering people together to create a stronger community. The precinct within Guangzhou inner city should contribute to citywide strategies and actions associated with promoting the Guangzhou’s WATEr cultural vitality.

The new residential living area

好地方=山+水 好地方=山+水 好地方=山+水

The new residential living area

The new parkland with water infrastructure

This project is about stagin

tertaining and a cultural p The cultural heritage site The collage from Qing dynasty China, Guangzhou, is not o

The new linkage to connect over

The new parkland with water infrastructure

an abundance of culture an cultural precinct within Gu

The new parkland with giesinfrastructure and actions associate water

Base picture credit studio octopi

GooD PlACE = MounTAIn + WATEr


Building + heritage + landscape

Heritage + Recreational space Base picture credit studio octopi

Base picture credit studio octopi

With the new proposed recreational space, it creates a sense of relaxing and chillness. Along with the museum, it will not only educating people the history of the city but also gethering people together to create a stronger community.

The new design comb provides a series spaces in different scapes, some are narrow and dark in between the line, some are small and become in contrast with the open landscape. The new way of approaching finding is bringing the fun into the daily life and celebratin the city in its own way. While walking in to the narrow spaces, in a sudden seeing the open space creating a sense of dicovering, this also applies for the heritage sites. DISCoVEr THE CulTurAl HErITAGE oF GuAnGZHou.



By: Kristy Zhang

Supervisors: Ian Weir, Kevin Obrien, Michael Ryan

“ As long as place signifies a tight and relatively immobile connection between a groups of people and a site then it will constantly implicated in the construction of ‘us’ ( people who belong in a place) and ‘them’ (people who do not).”

GooD PlACE = MounTAIn + WATEr


Harvey’s discussion,

In Chinese Culture, people believes good location is the one that have moutain at the back WATEr

and have water flow in the front, and this is one of the most basic principles of feng shui. Mountain is the skeleton of the earth, the waters are the source of life of all things, if there is no water, people can not survive. archaeological discoveries almost all tribes in the river terraces, which at the time of hunting and fishing, picking economy to adapt.

people over e what has n” was made


red, qing(blue+green), white and yellow are correspond to the five elements of water, fire, wood, metal and earth.


RED and YELLOW were choosen for the present analysis due because of color in chinese culture has its meaning. Red, correspinding with fire, which is againist the water. The present city lost the idea of good place because of lacking of water being used. Red is used for the spatial quality of water element lost. Yellow, corresponding with earth, considered the most beautiful and prestigious color. Yellow generates Yin and Yang, implies In Chinese Culture, locationYellow is the was one that have moutain at the back China that yellowpeople is the believes center ofgood everything. the emperor’s colour in Imperial and haveand water flow as in the front, and color this isofone thelegendary most basic principles feng shui. is held symbolic theoffive emperors of of ancient China. It also Mountainrepresents is the skeleton of thefrom earth, the waters freedom worldly cares.are the source of life of all things, if there is no water, people can not survive. archaeological discoveries almost all tribes in the river terraces, which at the time of hunting and fishing, picking economy to adapt.


Mountain and water Painting

Water and ink painting is a tranditional way to record and express how was the space like back in the old days, People living in the house, with water in front of them, landscape surrounded them, and moutain at the back, which humbled with the spirts of good place and nice living environment.

RED and YELLOW were choosen for the present analysis due because of color in chinese culture has its meaning. Red, correspinding with fire, which is againist the water. The Guangzhou’s population in 2013 has now reached 14 million, up from 12.78 million at present city lost the idea of good place because of lacking of water being used. Red is the 2010 census. The urban population of Guangzhou is 11,070,654, with the remainused for the spatial quality of water element lost. Yellow, corresponding with earth, conder living in the rural areas of the city. The density of Guangzhou is now 1,708 people/ sidered the most beautiful and prestigious color. Yellow generates Yin and Yang, implies km2, or 4,425 people per square mile. While this certainly doesn’t compare to the most that yellow is the center of everything. Yellow was the emperor’s colour in Imperial China densely populated cities in the world, some of which reach over 42,000/sq km, it does and is held as the symbolic color of the five legendary emperors of ancient China. It also leave room for additional growth in the years to come. (world population review) represents freedom from worldly cares.

In Chinese Culture, people believes good location is the one that have moutain at the back

Heritage + Recreational space

With the new proposed recreational space, it creates a sense of relaxing and chillness.

Guangzhou’s population in 2013 has now reached 14 million, up from 12.78 million at the 2010 census. The urban population of Guangzhou is 11,070,654, with the remainder living in the rural areas of the city. The density of GuangzhouThe is now people/ 1st1,708 church km2, or 4,425 people per square mile. While this certainly doesn’t compare to the most The1st church in the city town center to bring in some western cultural. densely populated cities in the world, some of which reach over 42,000/sq km, it does leave room for additional growth in the years to come. (world population review)



The cross which is now connecting the old historical side of Guangzhou with acknowledging the conept of good people in China, which is GooD PLaCE= WaTER+MounTain. The two culture strip that now are linked together, within the increasing of urban growth, the strip will be stay and tide to carrry out Guangzhou’s history through time.

A museum to rember who built the modern city and to create the era for the people.



6 The residential living area


Modern memorial museum


3. 4.



Mountain and water Painting





The old v.s. The new


The 1st temple built in the city.

The1st temple in the city town center to remains the religion’s perspective of Guangzhou.



terraces, which at the time of hunting and fishing, picking economy to adapt. growth, the strip will be stay and tide to carrry out Guangzhou’s history through time.


A in Chinese culture refers to the carious colors that In relation to mountain and water, color are considered auspocopious or inauspicious. In traditional Chinese art and cultural, black red, qing(blue+green), white and yellow are correspond to the five elements of water, fire, wood, metal and earth.

RED and YELLOW were choosen for the present analysis due because of color in chinese culture has its meaning. Red, correspinding with fire, which is againist the water. The present city lost the idea of good place because of lacking of water being used. Red is Lower residential area V.S. Comunal space used for the spatial quality of water element lost. Yellow, corresponding with earth, consideredlike the to most prestigious color. Yellow generates Yin and Yang, implies In Chinese culture, peopel talkbeautiful on theand street after meal, that yellow is the center of everything. Yellow was the emperor’s colour in Imperial China however the new development has taken over all the spaces. and is held as the symbolic color of the five legendary emperors of ancient China. It also represents freedom from worldly cares.

The public square is not functioning as what they should be, such as, there is no playing area and infrastucture. Because it is so void there is no where to be connected with other parts of the city.


Within the urban development, this is the only part of the original protection wall left in the city. Guangzhou’s population itintells 2013the hasstorey now reached 14 million, up from Through the material fabrications, how GuangZhou itself.12.78 million at the 2010 census. The urban population of Guangzhou is 11,070,654, with the remainder living in the rural areas of the city. The density of Guangzhou is now 1,708 people/ km2, or 4,425 people per square mile. While this certainly doesn’t compare to the most densely populated cities in the world, some of which reach over 42,000/sq km, it does leave room for additional growth in the years to come. (world population review)

4 1

The cross which is now connecting the old historical side of Guangzhou with acknowledging the conept of good people in China, which is GooD PLaCE= WaTER+MounTain. The two culture strip that now are linked together, within the increasing of urban growth, the strip will be stay and tide to carrry out Guangzhou’s history through time.

Water and ink painting is a tranditional way to record and express how was the space like back in the old days, People living in the house, with water in front of them, landscape surrounded them, and moutain at the back, which humbled with the spirts of good place and nice living environment.


The residential living area


Due to population growth, the living space is required more on daily bases. Even though roof top garden is provided now, but it is only for the people who living within the buildings, in general the community does not have social space.


6 3

The 1st temple built in the city.


Base picture credit LEA Invent & Burcak Pekin




2. A museum to rember who built the modern city and to create the era for the people.




Established in 1921, it is the first public park in the city, rebuilt from the 589AD Emperor Wen’s palace, the park contains fullfil history of Guangzhou city. and its a remarkable landmark.




Lower residential area V.S. Comunal space




The 1st temple built in the city.


A museum to rember how the city was form: the old city left over with the new shopping street, forms a great combination experice for people to review.




The 1st church

The1st church in the city town center to bring in some western cultural. The old v.s. The new

A museum to rember how the city was form: the old city left over with the new shopping street, forms a great combination experice for people to review.

The1st temple in the city town center to remains the religion’s perspective of Guangzhou. II







Lower residential area V.S. Comunal space



In Chinese culture, peopel like to talk on the street after meal, however the new development has taken over all the spaces.


The old v.s. The new


A museum A to rember who built the modern city and to create the era for the people.


The 1st church

The1st church in the city town center to bring in some western cultural.

8 Modern memorial museum

A museum to rember who built the modern city and to create the era for the people.

Public square V.S. Heritage space

The public square is not functioning as what they should be, such as, there is no playing area and infrastucture. Because it is so void there is no where to be connected with other parts of the city.





The People’s Park

Established in 1921, it is the first public park in the city, rebuilt from the 589AD Emperor Wen’s palace, the park contains fullfil history of Guangzhou city. and its a remarkable landmark.

6 9

The old city Wall

Within the urban development, this is the only part of the original protection wall left in the city. Through the material fabrications, it tells the storey how GuangZhou itself.





The People’s Park

Modern memorial museum

In Chinese culture, peopel like to talk on the street after meal, however the new development has taken over all the spaces.

Established in 1921, it is the first public park in the city, rebuilt from the 589AD Emperor Wen’s palace, the park contains fullfil history of Guangzhou city. and its a remarkable landmark.

9. III


The People’s Park


Modern memorial museum

The1st temple in the city town center to remains the religion’s perspective of Guangzhou.

The new proposed infrastructure within the city is to make an easy connection for people over eight line car drive ways, in this case, people would stop and open their eyes to see what has made Guangzhou so rich in cultural. With this new built infrastructure, the “MouTAIn” was made to see Guangzhou as a “Good Place”.


The old city Wall

Within the urban development, this is the only part of the original protection wall left in the city. Through the material fabrications, it tells the storey how GuangZhou itself.



B Was built in 1954, open to the public to educate the public as an exemplary base for national patriotism education, to promote tourism and to preotect the cultural relics of Guangdong


Infrastructure linkage

The drawings help to understand how the space was managed by people. The quality of space, the sense of home. all these aspects. Guangzhou has a history dating back over 2000 years, historical records claim that the city was built in 214BC, and was initially known as Panyu. The name Guangzhou was used to refer to the prefecture in which Panyu was located, but was adopted for the city itself as it grew.


Uprising Martyrs Cemetery


With population growth, new living spaces requried, However the new towers are taking away the landscape and the limited open space.

The1st church in the city town center to bring in some western cultural.



The towers

Public square V.S. Heritage space

The public square is not functioning as what they should be, such as, there is no playing area and infrastucture. Because it is so void there is no where to be connected with other parts of the city.

II Base picture credit LEA Invent & Burcak Pekin

Mountain and water Painting

The old city Wall

The new parkland with water infrastructure The new linkage to connect over



The new proposed infrastructure within the city is to make an easy connection for people over province. eight line car drive ways, in this case, people would stop and open their eyes to see what has made Guangzhou so rich in cultural. With this new built infrastructure, the “MouTAIn” was made to see Guangzhou as a “Good Place”.


The 1st church


Infrastructure linkage




Public square V.S. Heritage space


The drawings help to understand how the space was managed by people. The quality of space, the sense of home. all these aspects. Guangzhou has a history dating back over 2000 years, historical records claim that the city was built in 214BC, and was initially known as Panyu. Guangzhou was used to refer to the prefecture in which Panyu was located, but was TheThe 1stname church adopted for the city itself as it grew. The1st church in the city town center to bring in some western cultural.

Water and ink painting is a tranditional way to record and express how was the space like back in the old days, People living in the house, with water in front of them, landscape surrounded them, and moutain at the back, which humbled with the spirts of good place and nice living environment.

Guangzhou’s population in 2013 has now reached 14 million, up from Lower 12.78 residential million at area V.S. Comunal space In Chinese culture, peopel like to talk on the street after meal, the 2010 census. The urban population of Guangzhou is 11,070,654, with theMounTAIn remainhowever new development has taken over all the spaces. der living in the rural areas of the city. The density of Guangzhou is now 1,708thepeople/ km2, or 4,425 people per square mile. While this certainly doesn’t compare to the most densely populated cities in the world, some of which reach over 42,000/sq km, it does leave room for additional growth in the years to come. (world population review)


The new residential living area

The new parkland with water infrastructure

The second pawshop since Qing dynasty, it is located next to the gate of the city in Ming dynasty, it is an place that to collect all the people’s good which will have an interaction with strangers within the city.

The cross which is now connecting the old historical side of Guangzhou with InacknowlChinese Culture, people believes good location is the one that have moutain at the back A museum to rember how the city was form: the old city left over with the new and have water flow in the front, and this is one of the most basic principles of feng shui. edging the conept of good people in China, which is GooD PLaCE= WaTER+MounTain. Mountain is the skeleton of the earth, the waters are the source of life of all things, if there shopping street, forms a great combination experice for people to review. The two culture strip that now are linked together, within the increasing of urban is no water, people can not survive. archaeological discoveries almost all tribes in the river

Due to population growth, the living space is required more on daily bases. Even though roof top garden is provided now, but it is only for the people who living within the buildings, in general the community does not have social space.

Due to population growth, the living space is required more on daily bases. Even though roof top garden is provided now, but it is only for the people who living within the buildings, in general the community does not have social space.


I GooD PlACE = MounTAIn + WATEr


The new multi-functional towers The new residential living area






The Pawshop


Base picture credit studio octopi

with thein museum, it will not only B educating people the history of the city but also RED and YELLOW were choosen for the present analysis due because ofAlong color chinese gethering people together linkage to create a stronger community. Infrastructure culture has its meaning. Red, correspinding with fire, which is againist the water. The The newused. proposed within the city is to make an easy connection for people over present city lost the idea of good place because of lacking of water being Redinfrastructure is eightwith line car drive conways, in this case, people would stop and open their eyes to see what has used for the spatial quality of water element lost. Yellow, corresponding earth, made Guangzhou so rich in cultural. With this new built infrastructure, the “MouTAIn” was made sidered the most beautiful and prestigious color. Yellow generates Yintoand Yang, implies see Guangzhou as a “Good Place”. that yellow is the center ofmanaged everything. was the emperor’s colour in Imperial China The drawings help to understand how the space was byYellow people. Theemperors People’s Park China. It also and isofheld as all thethese symbolic color of the five legendary of ancient The quality of space, the sense home. aspects. freedom worldly cares. Established Guangzhou has a history dating backrepresents over 2000 years, historicalfrom records claim that the city was built in 214BC, and wasin 1921, it is the first public park in the city, rebuilt from the 589AD initially known as Panyu. The name Guangzhou was used to refer to the prefecture in which Panyu was located, but was Emperor Wen’s palace, the park contains fullfil history of Guangzhou city. and its a adopted for the city itself as it grew. remarkable landmark. Base picture credit LEA Invent & Burcak Pekin

This project is about staging Guangzhou as a distinctive, innovative, engaging, entertaining and a cultural precint to the world. As well as to show the world that China, Guangzhou, is not only a fast growing city in an economic sense, but offers an abundance of culture and creativity that deserves recognition. The new proposed cultural precinct within Guangzhou inner city should contribute to citywide strategies and actions associated with promoting the Guangzhou’s cultural vitality.








2. 10.

red, qing(blue+green), white and yellow are correspond to the five elementsIVof water, fire, wood, metal and earth.

Water and ink painting is a tranditional way to record and express how was the space like back in the old days, People living in the house, with water in front of them, landscape surrounded them, and moutain at the back, which humbled with the spirts of good place and nice living environment.

The residential living area

The landscape urbanism’s complexity is built in layers of space, time, culture, social and human activities. Design cannot be purely based on present but needs to consider the unpredictable changes of nature and man.

Base picture credit LEA Invent & Burcak Pekin

The new proposed infrastructure within the city is to make an easy connection for people over eight line car drive ways, in this case, people would stop and open their eyes to see what has made Guangzhou so rich in cultural. With this new built infrastructure, the “MouTAIn” was made to see Guangzhou as a “Good Place”.

Vto the carious colors that In relation to mountain and water, color in Chinese culture refers IIIblack are considered auspocopious or inauspicious. In traditional Chinese art and cultural,

Mountain and water Painting


II Infrastructure linkage

The drawings help to understand how the space was managed by people. andthe have water in all thethese front,aspects. and this is one of the most basic principles of feng shui. The quality of space, sense of flow home. is the skeleton of therecords earth,claim the waters arewas thebuiltsource of life Guangzhou has a history Mountain dating back over 2000 years, historical that the city in 214BC, and of wasall things, if there is no water, peoplewascan survive. almost all tribes in the river initially known as Panyu. The name Guangzhou usednot to refer to thearchaeological prefecture in whichdiscoveries Panyu was located, but was adopted for the city itself terraces, as it grew. which at the time of hunting and fishing, picking economy to adapt.

The new re ties. Within and the “w “GooD Pl ing for its r

之探 旅索





3. PrESEnT


The new






In relation to mountain and water, color in Chinese culture refers to the carious colors that are considered auspocopious or inauspicious. In traditional Chinese art and cultural, black red, qing(blue+green), white and yellow are correspond to the five elements of water, fire, wood, metal and earth.

The cross which is now connecting the old historical side of Guangzhou with acknowledging the conept of good people in China, which is GooD PLaCE= WaTER+MounTain. The two culture strip that now are linked together, within the increasing of urban growth, the strip will be stay and tide to carrry out Guangzhou’s history through time.


GooD PlACE = MounTAIn + WATEr

In relation to mountain and water, color in Chinese culture refers to the carious colors that MounTAIn are considered auspocopious or inauspicious. In traditional Chinese art and cultural, black

The 1st temple built in the city.

The1st temple in the city town center to remains the religion’s perspective of

The 1st temp

The1st temple i Guangzhou.

The old v.s. The new

A museum to rember how th shopping street, forms a grea

Shopping street Base picture credit COBE + NORD architect

The new proposed shopping street is not only providing all the existing shops, but also a place to go for a fun time, This new proposed shopping street contains museum, recreational area and a mini park for kids to play while parents are shopping. The combination of shopping street and the heritage element works together, not only just for local people daily needs and educational purpose but providing this combination for travellers visit the cultural but also helps the economic growth in Guangzhou.


The new residential living space Base picture credit OLIN

The new residentail living environments including water features, recreation facilities. Within the mini city area, the buildings/infrastructure will become “mountains” and the “water” to bring out the new urbane landscape with the quality of a “GooD PlACE” ConCEPT. Pepople would not come just for the living but enjoying for its recreational space.


之探 旅索


building infrastructure mountain

city wall+inner city city

water water

V The mountain is no longer needed as a base for creating a good place.

The building is replaced, and used as the function of mountain.

The landscape urbanism’s complexity is built in layers of space, time, culture, social and human activities. Design cannot be purely based on present but needs to consider the unpredictable changes of nature and man. This project is about staging Guangzhou as a distinctive, innovative, engaging, entertaining and a cultural precint to the world. As well as to show the world that China, Guangzhou, is not only a fast growing city in an economic sense, but offers an abundance of culture and creativity that deserves recognition. The new proposed cultural precinct within Guangzhou inner city should contribute to citywide strategies and actions associated with promoting the Guangzhou’s cultural vitality.

From the water/river, changing into water elements to continue the GOOD PLACE.

The new multi-functional towers






The new multi-functional towers water

The new multi-functional towers The new residential living area

The new residential living area

The new parkland with water infrastructure

The new parkland with water infrastructure The new linkage to connect over

The new multi-functional towers

The cultural heritage site The collage from Qing dynasty

The new linkage to connect over with recreational function old libraray museum with softcape

The new multi-functional towers

The new parkland with water infrastructure

The new parkland with water infrastructure

section A

section B

THE WALLFLOWER Trapped underneath the clutter and chaos of today lay hidden the silent secrets of the past, waiting to be discovered. Perhaps at first you may not see them, disguised as a wooden peg in a sandstone wall or a large metal box inconveniently placed on the footpath, but it is these overlooked objects that are the true Brisbane. The project aims to encourage people to open their eyes, get lost in the world of Brisbane’s wallflowers, and become more aware of their surroundings. We want to generate a movement that recognises the historical beauty within the Brisbane CBD.

The central hub provides a fa versity of needs of people su of the people, professions suc ing. This benefiting the sense further inter-relational relatio


Chinese community Where concept come from an How the busy works. Chinese laneway is low rise h Current chinese laneway - un 2050 – linear laneway... instea changing the source of food significance, then they will ke Narrow the source of food av The changing from horizonta ments. Traditional laneway is very na Translate this into the vertica Chinese community as key in


Concept Vertical farm= farming humans life quality. How do I achieve communities within my community - i provide basically all the functions in my tower. Therefore no need to go out, source things from within the building. The thoroughfare which is symbolic as arms and legs then become a core element in the future tower. Self governing, self educating therefor self reliant. However still within the building people still interact as a community, celebrating the spaces. The central hub provides a familial characteristic. As a recreational space which provides and meets the diversity of needs of people such as, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. Therefore meeting the needs of the people, professions such as personal trainers, psychologists, doctors will need to reside in the building. This benefiting the sense of community throughout the tower as when celebrations are conducted, further inter-relational relationships are deepened.


Quality Maximum use is in public are Chinese community elaborat spaces ( most public areas in

Physical tower Each level is offset from the o rectly cover the tower, which The building is raised up with vides the below spaces as rec ence) other building levelZO rise

Chinese community Where concept come from and where / how i use my concept as key for the design. How the busy works. Chinese laneway is low rise high dense and people would just put chairs out in the laneway. Current chinese laneway - un-order 2050 – linear laneway... instead of it being just horizontal, the direction of the lanewy goes up, therefore changing the source of food plantations. No more developments of laneways, however if its a historical significance, then they will keep it. Narrow the source of food available. The changing from horizontal laneway to vertical laneway will reduce the footprint for building requirements. Traditional laneway is very narrow, however this does not detract the spirit of users. Translate this into the vertical farm Chinese community as key in the lane way and how the current sky tower is a reflection of that quality.

Quality Maximum use is in public area however still provide private individual spaces. Chinese community elaborate – tight knit, functions in it’s dysfunctional, most public spaces are communal spaces ( most public areas in china are public spaces).

The connection in between the column and concrete slab


The connection in between glass wall and concrete slab


Physical tower Each level is offset from the one below twist a at a 15 degrees, the ceiling /roof of the tower does not directly cover the tower, which provides sky gardens for each level. The building is raised up with ten meters using glass and steel poles as supporting structures. This provides the below spaces as recreational functions . Because it is raised up it provides (maybe through influence) other building level rises in the future.














community, celebrating the spaces. The thoroughfare which is symbolic as arms and legs then become a core element in the future tower. The The central central hub hub provides provides aa familial familial characteristic. characteristic. As As aa recreational recreational space space which which provides provides and and meets meets the the didiSelf governing, self educating therefor self reliant. However still within the building people still interact as a versity and versity of of needs needs of of people people such such as, as, spiritual, spiritual, physical, physical, emotional emotional and mental. mental. Therefore Therefore meeting meeting the the needs needs Quality of reside celebrating the spaces. of the the people, people, professions professions such such as as personal personal trainers, trainers, psychologists, psychologists, doctors doctors will will need need to tocommunity, reside in in the the buildbuilding. tower are conducted, use is inThe public areaprovides however stillcharacteristic. provide private individual spaces. central hub a familial As a recreational space which provides and meets the diing. This This benefiting benefiting the the sense sense of of community community throughout throughout the theMaximum tower as as when when celebrations celebrations are conducted, further versity of needs of–people as,functions spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. most Therefore meeting the needs further inter-relational inter-relational relationships relationships are are deepened. deepened. Chinese community elaborate tightsuch knit, in it’s dysfunctional, public spaces are

of the people, professions such as personal trainers, psychologists, doctors will need to reside in the build-

spaces ( most public areas in china are public spaces). ing. This benefiting the sense of community throughout the tower as when celebrations are conducted,

Chinese Chinese community community




Where Where concept concept come come from from and and where where // how how ii use use my my concept concept as as key key for for the the design. design. further inter-relational relationships are deepened. PUB/RESTUARANT OFFICE How How the the busy busy works. works.


Chinese put Chinese laneway laneway is is low low rise rise high high dense dense and and people people would would just just put chairs chairs out out in in the the laneway. laneway. Physical tower Current Chinese community Current chinese chinese laneway laneway -- un-order un-order Each level offset from the one twist a i15 ceiling /roof of the tower does not di2050 direction of goes up, Where concept comebelow from and wherea /at how usedegrees, my conceptthe as key for the design. 2050 –– linear linear laneway... laneway... instead instead of of itit being being just just horizontal, horizontal, the the direction of the theislanewy lanewy goes up, therefore therefore Concept changing of ifif its historical How busy works. changing the the source source of of food food plantations. plantations. No No more more developments developments of laneways, laneways, however its aathe historical rectly cover however the tower, which provides sky gardens for each level. significance, then they will keep it. Vertical farm= farming life quality. significance, then they will keep it. Chinese laneway is lowhumans rise high dense people would just put chairs out in the laneway. Narrow the source of food available. The building is raised withlaneway ten meters usingand glass and steel asbasically supporting proNarrow the source of food available. Current chinese communities - un-order How do I up achieve within my community - ipoles provide all thestructures. functions inThis my tower. The changing from horizontal laneway to vertical laneway will reduce the footprint for building requireThe changing from horizontal laneway to vertical laneway will reducethe the footprint forspaces building requirevides below asneed recreational . Because itthe is the raised up it lanewy provides (maybe through influ2050 – linear laneway... of it being just horizontal, direction of the goes up, therefore Therefore no to goinstead out,functions source things from within building. ments. ments. source food plantations. moreand developments laneways, however if its a historical Traditional the spirit ence) building leveltherises inofthe The changing thoroughfare which is future. symbolic asNo arms legs then of become a core element in the future tower. Traditional laneway laneway is is very very narrow, narrow, however however this this does does not not detract detract theother spirit of of users. users. Translate significance, then they will keep it. Translate this this into into the the vertical vertical farm farm Self governing, self educating therefor self reliant. However still within the building people still interact as a Chinese of the source of food available. Chinese community community as as key key in in the the lane lane way way and and how how the the current current sky sky tower tower is is aa reflection reflectionNarrow of that that quality. quality.


Concept Vertical farm= farming humans life quality. How do I achieve communities within my community - i provide basically all the functions in my tower. Therefore no need to go out, source things from within the building. The thoroughfare which is symbolic as arms and legs then become a core element in the future tower. Self governing, self educating therefor self reliant. However still within the building people still interact as a community, celebrating the spaces. The central hub provides a familial characteristic. As a recreational space which provides and meets the diversity of needs of people such as, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. Therefore meeting the needs The The connection connection in in between between the the column column and and concrete concrete slab slab of the people, professions such as personal trainers, psychologists, doctors will need to reside in the building. This benefiting the sense of community throughout the tower as when celebrations are conducted, further inter-relational relationships are deepened.

community, celebrating the spaces. The changing from horizontal laneway to vertical laneway will reduce the footprint for building require-


Quality Quality The ments. central hub provides a familial characteristic. As a recreational space which provides and meets the diMaximum Maximum use use is is in in public public area area however however still still provide provide private private individual individual spaces. spaces. Traditional laneway is very narrow, however thisphysical, does not detract the spirit users. Therefore meeting the needs versity ofareneeds of people such as, spiritual, emotional andofmental. Chinese Chinese community community elaborate elaborate –– tight tight knit, knit, functions functions in in it’s it’s dysfunctional, dysfunctional, most most public public spaces spaces are communal communal Translate thisprofessions into the vertical farm spaces of the people, such as personal trainers, psychologists, doctors will need to reside in the buildspaces (( most most public public areas areas in in china china are are public public spaces). spaces).


Chinese community as key in the lane way and how the current sky tower is a reflection of that quality.

ing. This benefiting the sense of community throughout the tower as when celebrations are conducted,

Physical Physical tower tower further inter-relational relationships are deepened. Each does Quality Each level level is is offset offset from from the the one one below below twist twist aa at at aa 15 15 degrees, degrees, the the ceiling ceiling /roof /roof of of the the tower tower does not not didirectly Maximum use is in public area however still provide private individual spaces. rectly cover cover the the tower, tower, which which provides provides sky sky gardens gardens for for each each level. level. The structures. This proThe building building is is raised raised up up with with ten ten meters meters using using glass glass and and steel steel poles poles as as supporting supporting structures. This proChinese community elaborate – tight knit, functions in it’s dysfunctional, most public spaces are communal Chinese community vides the below spaces as recreational functions . Because it is raised up it provides (maybe through influvides the below spaces as recreational functions . Because it is raised up it provides (maybe through influspaces ( most public areas china are public spaces). Where concept come frominand where / how i use my concept as key for the design. ence) ence) other other building building level level rises rises in in the the future. future.



Chinese community Where concept come from and where / how i use my concept as key for the design. How the busy works. Chinese laneway is low rise high dense and people would just put chairs out in the laneway. Current chinese laneway - un-order 2050 – linear laneway... instead of it being just horizontal, the direction of the lanewy goes up, therefore changing the source of food plantations. No more developments of laneways, however if its a historical significance, then they will keep it. Narrow the source of food available. The changing from horizontal laneway to vertical laneway will reduce the footprint for building requirements. Traditional laneway is very narrow, however this does not detract the spirit of users. Translate this into the vertical farm Chinese community as key in the lane way and how the current sky tower is a reflection of that quality.

The connection in between the column and co


How the busy works. Physical tower Chinese laneway is low highbelow dense and would just put/roof chairs outtower in the laneway. Each level is offset fromrise the one twist a atpeople a 15 degrees, the ceiling of the does not diZONING DIAGRAM Current - un-order rectlychinese cover thelaneway tower, which provides sky gardens for each level. building is raised upinstead with tenof meters using glass and steel poles as supporting structures. This pro-up, therefore 2050The – linear laneway... it being just horizontal, the direction of the lanewy goes vides the below spaces as recreational functions . Because it is raised up itof provides (maybe throughifinfluchanging the source of food plantations. No more developments laneways, however its a historical FVL BULIDING NETWORK ence) other building level rises in the future. significance, then they will keep it. Narrow the source of food available. The changing from horizontal laneway to vertical laneway will reduce the footprint for building requirements. Traditional laneway is very narrow, however this does not detract the spirit of users. Translate this into the vertical farm Chinese community as key in the lane way and how the current sky tower is a reflection of that quality.


The The connection connection in in between between glass glass wall wall and and concrete concrete slab slab


Quality Maximum use is in public area however still provide private individual spaces. Chinese community elaborate – tight knit, functions in it’s dysfunctional, most public spaces are communal spaces ( most public areas in china are public spaces).

Quality Maximum use is in public area however still provide private individual spaces. Chinese community elaborate – tight knit, functions in it’s dysfunctional, most public spaces are communal spaces ( most public areas in china are public spaces).



Physical tower Each level is offset from the one below twist a at a 15 degrees, the ceiling /roof of the tower does not directly cover the tower, which provides sky gardens for each level. The building is raised up with ten meters using glass and steel poles as supporting structures. This provides the below spaces as recreational functions . Because it is raised up it provides (maybe through influence) other building level rises in the future.


Physical tower Each level is offset from the one below twist a at a 15 degrees, the ceiling /roof of the tower does not directly cover the tower, which provides sky gardens for each level. The building is raised up with ten meters using glass and steel poles as supporting structures. This provides the below spaces as recreationalSUN functions . Because it is raised up it provides (maybe through influPATH DIAGRAM SUN PATH DIAGRAM ence) other building level rises in the future.
































sTagE 1 - loCaliTy

Welcome To BNE proposal

dyNamiC CEiliNg dEsigN lightweight ceiling features to create a sense of interest to the space as well as to create artificial warm natural lighting.

sTagE 1: creating a ‘Welcoming’ area to the centre of the buidling to activate a sense of introduction and awareness of where the traveller/visitor is by proposing an interactive area with infomatics and graphics.

KrisTy ZhaNg & amaNda hyuN

Won the 1st prize The competition to improve the face of Brisbane’s domestic terminal with BCA. BriEfiNg To investigate simple yet effective design solutions and ideas to transform the domestic terminal face to create a subtropical feeling, specifically focusing on the taxi rank waiting area and pick up zones

1. locAliTy

RULE 1. ALL PAssEngERs ARE thE sAmE BNE’s first priority is to meet the universal needs of all passengers – efficiency, reliability and safety. Flawless Delivery of these is essential and non-negotiable.

iNformaTioN KioKs dEsigN

RULE 2. ALL PAssEngERs ARE diffEREnt

Kioks that promote Brisbane city’s and provides information for visitors

BNE’s incredibly diverse passenger base will only increase as neighbour economies continue to boom. Brisbane Airport must work hard to anticipate the needs of varied passenger groups – and then exceed them

Taxi raNK arEa

Design accessibility in for all walks of life and ensure that everything, from food choices to bathroom facilities and signage, accomodates different cultural mores.



Taxi raNK fEaTurE CEiliNg dETail: The feature ceiling detail for the waiting area that shows the landscaping contours of the inner city and highlighting ‘iconic place’ such as southbank, kangaroo point, Brisbane city etc, to create a sense of interest as well as to light up the area with warm lED lighting so the space isn’t so dull.

Grey area is where ceiling feature design will be placed. so both waiting areas will have be able to see the different areas of BNE bceoming a feature point.

fEaTurE CEiliNg dEsigN

3D perspective of ceiling design

contour map of BNE as a design ceiling feature with lED lighting highlighting ‘iconic’ areas of BNE.

lEd BlaCK haNdrails lED black handrails will emphasise the taxi rank space. The lighting will compliment the lED lighting on the ceiling which will visually connect the ground and ceiling together

floor graphiCs

floor plaN: Taxi raNK arEa

The ceiling will have lED lighting highlighting ‘iconic’ areas of BNE. it becomes not just a light feautre but an infomatic area.

Handrailing will have graphics on to promote QR code of the proposed website and website address.


Graphic paint on the floor to differentiate space and to indicate direction flow of waiting in line.


sTagE 2 - lifEsTylE sTagE 2: Activate lifestyle in how “Brisbanites” live and enjoy the climate and outdoors. so this was to create more enjoyable spaces, outdoor cafes that really portray the locals and BNE’s socio-culture.


Banners emphasising cultural events seasonally.

Kioks can be placed later on around the airport so give people opportunity to have a play and look at what BNE can offer


RULE 4. BE distictivE introducing Brisbane’s upcoming and popular eateries

BNE is smaller in size than its sibling cities – but not in personality. BNE will incorporate this hallmark irreverence and informality by being the first to try new ideas and nurturing innovation. (Only-in-Brisbane initiatives, whether a customdesigned bench hewn from local timber or market-style food offerings, will mark

RULE 5. BE thE PLAcE BnE wAnts to BEcomE BNE should embody the city’s entrepreneurial spirit, the cosmopolitan –yet – community – mindedness; the craft skill; the economic engine. (show Brisbane and the world the best of itself – beautifully curated local retail, a vibrant food culture, world-beating architecture and little-known cultural treasures.)


Map of Brisbane showing ‘iconic’ places.

iNformaTiCs: a VirTual CoNNECTioN


sTagE 3- CulTurE (produCT)

images retrieved from:

Promoting a Website with information of our city should be provided. This would really enhance the visitors experience and will become an advertising mechanism for Brisbane city. Potentially it could Kioks can be placed be used for our locals to gain access to upcoming later on around the events and popular restaurants. As a leading airport, airport so give peoplewe are in a informatics age where peopel rely on opportunity to have avirtual connectivity.

play and look at what BNE can offer

sTagE 3: There are many businesses that are quite small but very popular among the local community. it is important to promote our local businesses and really show off to the rest of the world how unique we are and what quality products we can produce. some of these examples are ‘Noosa chocolate Factory’, ‘Bunker coffee’ who roast Banners their own coffee beans and distribute them, paw paw emphasising ointment and many more that have originated from Queensland. cultural events


troducing Brisbane’s pcoming and popular ateries

ap of Brisbane howing ‘iconic’ aces.

Brisbane styled, pop up cafes that reflect back on our outdoor socio-lifestyle


ion of our city ally enhance the e an advertising ntially it could ess to upcoming s a leading airport, peopel rely on

anners mphasising ultural events easonally.

ouTdoor pop-up CafEs


loCal arTisTs

Kioks can be placed later on around the airport so give people opportunity to have a play and look at what BNE can offer

use of local BNE artists to showcae BNE talent and relfects back on our cultural roots and creativity. (Woodblock Artist: Jason Fitzgerald)

introducing Brisbane’s upcoming and popular eateries


RULE 7. chAmPion BRisBAnE to thE woRLd As the first or last experience of Brisbane, BNE should proudly showcase the very best Map and of Brisbane it has to offer, sending passenger home with indelible memories fresh insights. ‘iconic’ (From naturally ventilated architecture, to the perfect flat whiteshowing from a local vendor, to cutting edge digital installations, the airport curates the city’s places. gems.

RULE 8. gEt cLosER to thE city Instead of being a satellite on the periphery of the city, BNE should invite the city in, and take the airport to the city, to engage more deeply with the local community and encourage a sense of co-ownership. (Think pop-up city centre versions of BNE – unique retail concepts, on airport events, and food and shipping destinations to entice locals to get involved.).) images retrieved from:



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