bushfore refuege design

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Road Structure

Difeerent structure and scales

strcture 1

strcture 11

Site area

strcture 111

Site location

strcture 1111

DLB510 Project 2 Lecture: Ian Weir N7182007 Kristy Zhang


Hactures Analysis

ffixed to site

SITE ANALYSIS The relationship between wind, botany and geology are clear to see when viewing the landscapes of Bremer Bay. - Unique dwarf and wind swept vegetation - Encroaching sand blows into the landscape - Dramatic cliff faces with erosion of soft limestone - The protrusion of the more durable earth structures that remained prominent

Site issues 1

section 1

section 11 Site issues 11

section 111

Site solution

Site Analysis

typical site quality A

typical site quality B

typical site quality C

typical site quality D

Strong Lower wind swept vegetation

typical site quality E

DLB510 Project 2 Lecture: Ian Weir N7182007 Kristy Zhang


Site Analysis

SITE ANALYSIS Wind direction: Summer wind is north west Winter wind is east

typical site quality E

Water erosion Banks sometimes naturally erode on bends, however when vegetation is cleared, they can become unstable causing extensive erosion along the floodway and the build up of sediment that is slowly washed downstream. (water and rivers commission, 1999) A Grade, vegetation of the Bremer River near pristine

communtiy group

Land use on site

B Grade, note the weeds and slight disturbance in the understorey C Grade, note the soil disturbance, lack of native understorey and presence of weeds. D Grade, note the erosion, lace of vegetation, visible salt and presence of salt tolerant plant species such as samphire and saltbush

Site characters

DLB510 Project 2 Lecture: Ian Weir N7182007 Kristy Zhang


Master plan 1:5000 @ A1

BIOPHICIC CITIES The extent to which humans are hard-wired to need connection with nature and forms of life. For this project, we have been given the site, and people, how do we connect them? What is the connection between people and place? To maxmize the quality of the site to find a way how people and object could connect. Biophicic Cities is a complex of learning rules, it helps for building up the human and environment interaction as a theory. DESIGN is art optimized to meet objectives.

Lighting design

The Visuable connection

DLB510 Project 2 Lecture: Ian Weir N7182007 Kristy Zhang


concept diagram

DESIGN STRATEGY WHAT TO MAKE/DO? WHY DO WE NEED IT? -To provide a bushfire refuge for the local community so that as an object. it will help people escape the fire hazed when bushfire happens. -To maximum the site potential, highlight the special characters on site. -To solve the water and wind erosion issues that happening on the site. -To provide more entertainment space for local community and tourisms. -To provide a safety space for all. Especially the lighting for night time. -To solve the current road structure issue. Understanding bio-landscape as well as cultural landscape in a large context is the key to start. The building material is refer to FIREFLY company products, making sure it is fire rating materials.

Differnt scales of structures provide different types of connection

conceptural collage

HOW TO IMMOVATE CONTEXTICALLY BOTH IMMEDIATELY AND OVER LONG TERM? Design in stages First Stage To build the permanent multi-function bushfire refuge at blossom beach site.(refer to site plan) Second Stage To link the blossom beach and little boat harbour. Third Stage To build another minor permanent multi-function bushfire refuge at little boat harbour site. SYSTEMATIC APPROACH -EDUCATION: educating people on bushfire knowledge : educating people on first aid training : educating people on landscape ecology knowledge : educating people on escape the fire, and practice maybe once or twice a year. -Community : protecting land/landscape is everyone’s responsebility : refuge as a normal community center will have more interaction -Economy

: providing more actives, attract more tourism. Such as: 4*4 wheels drive, fishing, hiking, camping, etc. : maximize natural energy, such as solar energy and wind.

-Government: Bushfire management Landscape maintained

Conceptural Plan 1:500 @A1

conceptural elevation diagram perment refuge

water catchment

Layered vegetation

To have Coherence to build Complexity To have Legibility to build Mystery From living in the landscape towards an aesthetic of enviroment From land to landscape: Evolution, Design and Control From Public space and enlargement/engagement of town

SOURCE : Water and Rivers Commission. 1999, Planning and Management: Foreshore Condition Assessment in Farming of South-West Western Australia. Water and Rivers Commission River Restoration Report No.RP3

Project:Piscina des Marés Architect: Alvaro Siza The pool das Mares is one of the first works as an architect Alvaro Siza done independently. The Atlantic Ocean can be in many cases angry and hostile can become a danger to swimmers, especially for children. That is why the Câmara Municipal de Matochinhos commissioned these pools of saltwater waterfront architect Alvaro Siza, so that bathers could enjoy their thing in a safe and controlled environment, especially on days when the sea is more lively and strong currents and big waves make it almost impossible to get near the water.major architectural landmarks of Oporto. Source: http://en.wikiarquitectura.com/index.php/Piscina_des_Marés

conceptural section

Hogarth “All objects can be analysed in terms of the lines which they are composed. The line which gives the greatest aesthetic pleasure, he asserts, is the waving or serpentine line.” [ the analysis of beauty 1753, 1971, pp. 33-39) 1. Aesthetic model: inconspicuous or assertive 2. Social model: community design, participatory process 3. Environmental model: nature conservation, ecology design 4. Aesthetico-social 5. Enviro-aesthetic 6. Socio-environmental 7. Uneven trivalent 8. Even trivalent 9. Optimal trivalent

Examplar studies

new car park

Project: ICEBERG Montréal Architect: ATOMIC3 Location: Montréal, Canada Function: The wildly colorful ICEBERG installation is the latest architectonic spectacle commissioned by Montréal’s Quartier des Spectacles Partnership, which brings cultural enrichment to the city’s prominent urban spaces. ATOMIC3s installation is formed by series of angled archways that can be passed through, triggering an interactive light and sound show. The dynamic groupings of archways recall icebergs fragmenting from larger ice sheets, starting with passages large enough for adults and gradually shrinking to accomodate children alone. source: http://www.architizer.com/en_us/blog/dyn/tag/urban-design/#.UX0Av-BNphe

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