TYI_20121027 Knowledge-based Yoga - what is Yoga ? - how is Yoga ? - why Yoga ?
1. Yogic Concepts 2. Yogic Methods/Techniques 3. Yogic Effects/Benefits
by Hiroshi Aikata
Why YOGA is YOGA ?
1. Yogic Concepts 2. Yogic Methods/Techniques 3. Yogic Effects/Benefits
Yama & Niyama (Life Style)
Asana (Posture)
Pranayama (Breathing)
Samadhi • Pratyahara • Dharana • Dhyana
(Lock & Hold) by Hiroshi Aikata
Yama & Niyama
Concept sthira sukha /stable & comfortable Methods/Techniques - special pattern of postures, not exercises - less effortt, more relaxing, more awareness 1. for meditating / sitting 2. for conditioning/ lying/ sitting/ standing 3. for relaxing/ lying Effects/Benefits 1. sthilyam / stability, confidence, focusing 2. arogyam / health, free from disease 3. angalaghavam / lightness, coordination of body movements by Hiroshi Aikata
Yama & Niyama Asana
Concept modification of breathing process svasprasvas gativiccheda / (conscious control + stoppage) Methods/Techniques - natural breathing controlled breathing - 1:1 1:2 1:2:2 1:4:2 - place, time, number + long(slow) & very soft - nadisuddhi (anuloma-viloma) + 8 varieties
1. suryavedana 2. ujjyai 3. sitkari 4. sitali 5. brahmari 6. bhastrika 7. (murccha) 8. (plavini)
Effects/Benefits (nadisuddhi) 1. kayasya krsata / slimness of body 2. kantistatha / beauty, loveliness, desirous outlook 3. vayuh dharanam / holding breath easily,self-control 4. analasya pradipanam / stimulating (digestive) fire, vitality 5. arogyam / health, free from disease 6. nada abhivyaktir / manifestation of nada, experience beyond senses by Hiroshi Aikata
Yama & Niyama Asana
Pranayama Kriya
Concept (shodana kriya) - cleansing, detoxification - balancing humors (tri dosa: vata, pitta, kapha) - re-conditioning, strengthening Effects/Benefits - compliment nadi suddhi practice - remove excess fat & mucus, etc. - facititate pranayama practice - increase adaptability of the tissues - raise the threshold of reactivity - better voluntary control on reflexes
Mudra/Bandha Methods/Techniques (shat-karma) - 6 groups of cleansing techniques 1. dhauti (upper digestive track) 2. basti (lower digestive track) 3. neti (nosal cavity) 4. trataka (eyes) 5. nauli (abdominal region) 6. kapalabhati (respiratory track) - kapalabhati - jala neti / sutra neti - voman dhauti - agnisara (dhauti) - trataka
Yama & Niyama
Asana Kriya
Concept (gesture & lock) - mu + da = that which gives sensory joy - locking + holding of semi-voluntary/involuntary muscles - bandha = mudra used in pranayama practice (for kundalini)
-10 mudras in Hathapradipika - common techniques jalandhara bandha (neck) uddhiyana bandha (diaphragm) mula bandha (pelvic floor) + viparitakarani mudra(inverted position)
- decongest the vital organs - improve circulation and nutrition - general health & emotional stability - bandhas are part of pranayama binding & channelizing a particular nervous activity in a particular place or direction( prana to susumuna, awakening kundgalini)
by Hiroshi Aikata
by Hiroshi Aikata