Defining my community of practice represented a first step to achieve my personal contribution to the art and science world by opening up a conversation and creating a safe space to play, experiment and try to understand dark matter. As part of the process, I defined different profiles that could be relevant to this specific research either for their own knowledge of dark matter or because of their contribution to the art and science real. I aimed to ask some brief questions that could help me define the proper tone/wording for my installation and at the same time being accurate to the science behind it.
Tansu Daylan
Dr. Markus Nordberg
Cosmologist at MIT
Head of Resources Development at CERN
“Adjectives that relate to dark matter: Gas-like, transparent, elusive”.
“Creating fascination, generating curiosity in the viewer. Success”.
“Make Jello and put raisins in it. Dark matter is like the Jello holding the raisin in place.”
“Mixing actual scientific - artistic represenstation- some properties to relate to factual and abstract”.
Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine Cosmologist at Harvard
Vivian Trakinski Dark Universe EP (AMNH)