Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

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Copyright 2013 Philippine Carabao Center Š All rights reserved Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, stored in a computerized system or published in any form or in any manner, including electronic, mechanical, reprographic or photographic, without prior written permission from the publisher, Philippine Carabao Center, Science City of Muùoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines Printed in the Philippines


Part I. Overview of Biotechnology in the Philippines Background


The Basis, Evolution and Scope of Biotechnology


Biotechnology in the Philippines


Biotechnology Framework: Policies, Programs, Agencies


The Biotechnology Agencies/Groups


The DA Biotechnology Program


Challenges and Constraints


Part II. The Livestock Biotechnology Road Map Introduction


The Biotechnology Situation in the Livestock Sector


Relevance of Biotechnology in the Livestock Sector


Biotechnology in the Livestock Agencies


Formulating the Road Map


The Road Map


Goal and Objectives


The Components of the Road Map


Program Implementation Arrangements


Phasing of Implementation of the R & D Component


On-going Biotechnology Initiatives


Impact of Specific Biotechnologies


Biotechnology in the Livestock Value Chain


Biotechnology and the National Livestock Development Program


Schedule of Activities


Budgetary Requirements


Recapitulation and Recommendation


Initial Activities for the Roadmap



LIST OF TABLES A Listing of Biotechnology Products in the Philippines


A Listing of Commercializable Biotechnologies by BIOTECH


Types of Biotechnology R&D Projects (1980 – 1999)


Administrative Orders on Biotechnology


Memorandum Circulars on Biotechnology


DA Special Orders on Biotechnology


Selected Technical and Cost Parameters in Hog Production


Selected Technical and Cost Parameters in Broiler Production


Selected Technical Parameters in Egg Production


Issues Discussed in Livestock Biotechnology Workshop, May 2012


Biotechnologies; Targets and Milestones


Impact of Identified Livestock Biotechnologies


Schedule of Activities


Summary of R&D Coverage and Budget for Years 1-5


Budgetary Requirements (‘000 pesos)


LIST OF FIGURES Biotechniques in Genetic Improvement


Process in Implementation of a Biotechnology


Phasing of Biotechnology Development


Biotechnology in the Livestock Value Chain


ANNEXES Manpower, Equipment and Budgetary Requirements for Biotechnology R&D


Resource Persons




Foreword Critical ground works have already been laid out to establish a strategic direction that will pave the way toward a competent implementation of the national livestock biotechnology program. These efforts were translated to tangible and practicable outputs that are detailed out in this material titled “Livestock Biotechnology Roadmap�. This publication is an output of the project that was commissioned by the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), of which, Prof. Pedro O. Ocampo was the team leader. The formulation of the Livestock Biotechnology Roadmap was conceived in 2012 after a workshop that was attended by representatives from different livestock agencies, PCAARRD, DOST, UPLB-CA Biotech, swine industry and cattle associations, and other related stakeholders. Being an authority in the industry, with relevant and extensive experience on his cap to boot as the former

program director of the Agrikulturang Makamasa Livestock Program, and former executive director of the Livestock Development Council, Prof. Ocampo has put together in crisp writing the relevant issues, action points, and strategic directions that were tackled during the workshops and consultations. He also incorporated the priority livestock biotechnologies, plans, and requirements, as crafted by the PCC. With this publication, the readers and the industry players are presented with an overall framework of the livestock biotechnology program that spans from its current situation and relevance, goal and objectives, components, program implementation arrangements, phasing of implementation, impacts, and recommendations. Thru this initiative, readers are expected to gain a vantage view of how the program will achieve its goals of not simply creating biotechnologies but also in ensuring that these benefit the livestock industry without posing risks to the society and the environment.

Part I

Overview of Biotechnology in the Philippines Background There are many definitions of Biotechnology. “Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use” (UN Convention on Biological Diversity) “The use of biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve the quality of human life” (Nanotechnology Glossary) “The use of living organisms or their products to modify human health and the human environment” (Peters, 1993) “The use of biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve the quality of human life” ( The use of microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeasts, or biological substances, such as enzymes, to perform specific industrial or manufacturing processes” (American Heritage Dictionary)” “Generally, any technique that is used to make or modify the products of living organisms in order to improve plants or animals, or to develop useful microorganisms” (McGrawHill Science and Technology Encyclopedia)


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

“The application of science and technology to living organisms, as well as parts, products, and models thereof, to alter living or non-living materials for the production of knowledge, goods, and services” (Philippines National Academy of Science and Technology) Common to the many definitions of biotechnology is the use of living organisms by humans to serve human purposes. This commonality will serve as the perspective in this report. Agricultural biotechnology is the area of biotechnology involving applications of biotechnology in agriculture to modify and improve plants, animals, and microorganisms to enhance their value (Wieczorek, 2003). Biotechnology could serve to modernize agriculture. Its methods and tools could increase production and productivity and reduce production costs. Among others, biotechnology could bring about more productive, more disease- and pest-resistant crops and livestock; reduce generation intervals; help reduce pollution and assist in more efficient waste disposal; and make vaccines and enzymes for use in crop and livestock enterprises.

The Basis, Evolution, and Scope of Biotechnology Biotechnology draws on the pure biological sciences (genetics, microbiology, animal cell culture, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology, and cell biology) and in many instances it is also dependent on knowledge and methods from outside the sphere of biology (chemical engineering, bioprocess engineering, information technology, biorobotics). Conversely, modern biological sciences (including even concepts such as molecular ecology) are intimately entwined and dependent on the methods developed through biotechnology and what is commonly thought of as the life sciences industry (Wikipedia). In a sense, biotechnology evolved from what is considered as “Traditional” into what is now referred to as “Modern”. Traditional biotechnology refers to ways of using living organisms to make new products or modify existing ones. It has been around for a long time and can be traced back to human’s transition from hunter-gatherer to farmer. In crops, farmers collected wild plants and cultivated them and the best-yielding strains were selected for growing the following seasons. In animals, farmers applied the same breeding techniques to obtain desired traits among animals over generations. Later, people accidentally discovered how to make use of natural processes that occur all the time within living cells. They discovered, for example, that food

matures in a way that changes its taste and content, and makes it less perishable. Hence, through a process later called fermentation, flour dough becomes leavened in the making of bread; grape juice becomes wine; and milk stored in bags made from camels’ stomachs turns into cheese. Examples of traditional biotechnology techniques include selective breeding, hybridization, and fermentation. Modern biotechnology involves the intentional manipulation of genes, cells, and living tissue in a predictable and controlled manner to generate changes in the genetic make-up of an organism or produce new tissue. Modern biotechnology began with the 1953 discovery of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the way genetic information is passed from generation to generation. This laid the groundwork for the transition from traditional to modern biotechnology. They made

Biotechnology could serve to modernize agriculture. Its methods and tools could increase production and productivity and reduce production costs. 5

it possible to produce desired changes in an organism through the direct manipulation of its genes in a controlled and less time-consuming fashion in comparison to traditional biotechnology techniques. Examples of these techniques include recombinant DNA techniques (rDNA or genetic engineering), tissue culture, and mutagenesis. Both traditional and modern biotechnology share the same foundation, i.e., the use of living organisms to enhance crops, fuels, medical treatments, and a host of other tools that can help humans (Bio Basic, 2012).

Biotechnology in the Philippines History. De la Cruz (2000) provided a succinct history of biotechnology in the Philippines. The Philippines started its biotechnology programs in 1980 with the formal creation of the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH) at the University of the Philippines at Los Ba単os (UPLB). In 1995, three other biotechnology institutes were established within the University of the Philippines System. They are located in the UP Diliman campus to focus on industrial biotechnology, UP Manila to focus on human health biotechnology, and UP Visayas to focus on marine biotechnology. The biotechnology institute in UP Los Ba単os continues to provide leadership in agricultural, forestry, industrial, and environmental biotechnology. Other research institutes at UPLB are also doing biotechnology research. Among


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

these are the Institute of Plant Breeding, Institute of Biological Sciences, Institute of Animal Sciences, Institute of Food Science and Technology, and the College of Forestry and Natural Resources. Outside UPLB, other research institutes and centers such as the Philippine Rice Research Institute, Philippine Coconut Authority, Cotton Research and Development Institute, Bureau of Plant Industry, the Bureau of Animal Industry, and the Industrial Technology and Development Institute are also involved in biotechnology R&D. The type of research undertaken in the Philippines from 1980 to 1999 is mainly conventional biotechnology, with the exception of a small amount of work on molecular markers and the development of genetically improved organisms (GIOs) with useful traits. In 1997, the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) became a law. The main objective of AFMA is to modernize agriculture, including infrastructure, facilities, and R&D. The AFMA recognized biotechnology as a major strategy to increase agricultural productivity. The law states that AFMA will provide a budget of four percent of the total R&D budget per year for biotechnology during the next seven years. This allocation provides an annual budget for biotechnology of almost US$20 million. Before AFMA, the annual budget for biotechnology averaged less than US$1 million. The AFMA operates through the National Research, Development, and Extension (RDE) network systems of 13 commodities and five disciplines. The 13 commodity networks are rice, corn, root crops, coconut, plantation crops, fiber crops, vegetables/spices, ornamentals, fruit/nuts, capture fisheries, aquaculture, livestock and poultry, and legumes. All of these commodities include

biotechnology in their RDE agenda. The five disciplineoriented RDE networks are fishery postharvest and marketing, soil and water resources, agricultural and fisheries engineering, postharvest, food and nutrition, social science and policy, and biotechnology. As a discipline, biotechnology focuses on upstream basic research, which includes work in molecular biology. The commodity networks focus on downstream (application) research. The main goal of biotechnology R&D under AFMA is to harness the potential of this cutting edge technology to increase productivity of all the commodities in the agriculture and fishery sectors. Biotechnology will therefore play a major role in the selection and breeding of new varieties of plants and animals. It will also provide the inputs required such as biofertilizers and biocontrol of harmful pest and diseases. Biotechnology will also be tapped to produce genetically improved crops with resistance to harmful pests and diseases, for accurate diagnosis and control of diseases in plants and animals, for bioremediation of the environment, and for bioprospecting. The AFMA envisions that the benefits derived from biotechnology will reach the small farmers and fishermen. In consultations made, the shortage of biotechnology experts/researches was emphasized as a problem. High-level quality manpower is critical to the success of biotechnology initiatives. The Philippines does not have the critical human resources required for biotechnology R&D. As of 1999, there were about 250 scientists qualified to do high-level biotechnology R&D. Most of the researchers are affiliated with universities, particularly UPLB.

Adequate laboratory facilities and equipment for upstream biotechnological research exist at a number of institutions in the Philippines, including BIOTECH based at UPLB and UP Diliman, the Institute of Biological Sciences, Institute of Plant Breeding, Philippine Rice Research Institute, and the Philippine Carabao Center. There is a need, however, to upgrade most of the laboratories. Some Biotechnologies. Biotechnology is not quite common in the Philippines. However, some initiatives have already been undertaken. As of 2002, a listing of biotechnologies in the Philippines was drawn (Mendoza and Dalmacio, 2002) (Table 1).

Biotechnology will also be tapped to produce genetically improved crops with resistance to harmful pests and diseases, for accurate diagnosis and control of diseases in plants and animals, for bioremediation of the environment, and for bioprospecting. 7

Table 1. A Listing of Biotechnology Products in the Philippines Human and Animal Health

Existing Products

1. Vaccines

Only a few animal vaccines are locally manufactured by conventional methods; the rest are imported; Riverdale Biological Laboratories has commercialized several animal vaccines including Hemo-Vac against septicemia. BIOTECH has developed vaccines against pasteurelloses, hemmorhagic septicemia.

2. Diagnostics

Mostly imported; locally developed diagnostics for mycotoxins and red tide toxins await commercialization

3. Bioactive Protein

Insulin, alpha interferon, hepatitis-B surface antigen-based vaccine, erythroprotein, filgrastim are all imported

Other Products

Blood and blood products, monoclonals, bioactive peptides, effective biotech drug delivery systems are all imported Agriculture

1. Improved crop varieties

Have been developed by various government research institutions and private companies; GM crops for selected traits are emerging technologies

2. Biopesticides

BIOCON for control of nematode pests, propagation of Bt

3. Tissue-culture raised planting materials and cut flowers

Tissue-cultured orchids, banana and pineapple; makapuno coconut; sugarcane

4. Biofertilizers

Rhizodium, Mychorrhiza, Azozpirillium, Bio-N, Nitroplus, Cocogroe, Cocorich

5. Diagnostics for plant diseases

Immo-based DNA/PCR-based diagnostics for various diseases

6. Animal Improvement

Embryo Transfer

Industrial and Others 1. Industrial Enzymes

Technologies developed for production of alpha-amylase, proteases cellulases, glucomylase, lipase, pectibase, xylanase, ligninase

2. Amino Acid production

Amino acids (mostly imported)

3. Specialty bimolecular chemicals

Beta-monoglycerides, biopolymers such as nata de coco, applications of high strength biodegradable membrane

4. Recovery of value-added products from wastes

Chemical fertilizer substitute, composts, organic fertilizer formulations; soil amendments or supplements

5. Bioremediation

Microbial inoculum formulation commercially available imports; micro-organisms for degradation of recalcitrant organics e.g. pesticides etc.

Source: Mendoza and Dalmacio (2002)

While limited, there are on-going and active initiatives to develop biotechnology products locally. BIOTECH,


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

for instance has developed technologies which are mature and commercializable (Table 2).

Table 2. A Listing of Commercializable Biotechnologies by BIOTECH


Specific Technologies/Products


BIO N, Biogroe, Biofix and Bioiquick Brown Magic, Nitroplus, Mykogroe

Promotes/enhances growth of plants i.e. rice, corn, horticultural crops, trees


Immunize young cows, carabaos, for pasteurellosis, hemorrhagic septicemia


Protect poultry against infectious coryza


Protect chicken and ducks against fowl cholera

Plant Diagnostic Kit

Rapidly detect specific plant diseases caused by viruses e.e. papaya ring spot, and citrus tristeza

Diagnostic Kits

Detect red tide toxin from mussels/other shell fish and mycotoxins in foods, feeds

Diagnostic Kits

Detect bacterial pathogens such as salmonella, E. coli and staphylococcus in food, water and feeds

Animal Probiotics

For animal health and nutrition

Probiotics and Bacteriocin

Improve safety and quality of fermented products


Feed additive in poultry and livestock, used in extraction and ethanol production


Hydrolyzes coconut oil to produce high-value beta-monoglyceride


Improve bread, enhance feed digestibility and maximize coconut oil extraction


NPV Microbial Pesticide BT OFF

Control common cutworm in onion Control of oriental fruit flies



Control of mosquito larvae

Biofertilizers/Innoculants Vaccines

Diagnostic Kits

Probiotics Food Enzymes


Control of caterpillars



Therapeutic agent and growth promotant in animals


Microbial rennet

Milk coagulant, substitute for animal rennet

Source: BIOTECH, 2012


Dela Cruz (2000) also provided a listing of types of biotechnology R&D undertaken between 1980 and 1999 (Table 3). Table3. Types of Biotechnology R & D projects (1980-1999)

Source: Dela Cruz (2000)

In the lists drawn above, studies on livestock biotechnologies were not common. Animal reproduction R&D projects specifically were rare. Since that time, many more projects had been undertaken particularly at the Philippine Carabao Center. Cruz (2011) listed and described livestock biotechnologies being undertaken and recommended for application in the Philippines. These biotechnologies are those on Reproductive Biotechnology; Animal Genetic Resource Banking; Animal Health and Transgenic Animals. Reproductive biotechnologies are on (1) Artificial


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Insemination; (2) Embryo transfer (ET) complemented by In-Vitro Embryo Production (IVEP) and Ovum Pick-up (OPU); (3) Cryopreservation of oocytes; (4) Somatic cell nuclear transfer; and (5) Genetic markers on markerassisted selection (MAS) for important production traits. Animal Genetic Resource Banking implies the conservation and characterization of indigenous livestock species. Efforts in animal health biotechniques are limited mainly to minimizing impact of mastitis in dairy cattle. However, future efforts should include deveolping practical DNAbased test kits for other economically important diseases in livestock and poultry.

Biotechnology Framework: Policies, Programs, Agencies In 1987, when there was little knowledge about the impact of GMOs on human health and the environment, scientists from UPLB and IRRI organized themselves into an AdHoc Committee on Biosafety to ask the government to formulate a national policy on biosafety and create a technical body to formulate guidelines to ensure that GMOs do not pose unacceptable risks to humans and the environment. Through the efforts of these scientists, the Philippines established the first biotechnology regulatory system in the ASEAN region. On October 15, 1990, Executive Order No. 430 was issued creating the National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines (NCBP), a multidisciplinary, interagency, technical, and scientific committee tasked with undertaking the study and evaluation of existing laws, policies, and regulations on biotechnology and recommend measures for its effective utilization and prevention of possible pernicious effects on the environment. The NCBP was to be the principal regulatory body for biotechnology in the Philippines. It is composed of representatives from the Departments of Science and Technology, Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources and Health; a biological scientist, a physical scientist, an environmental scientist and a social scientist; and two community representatives. All except the representatives from the departments are appointed by the President. The USEC from DOST chairs the Committee. The NCBP is mandated to: • Identify and evaluate potential hazards in genetic engineering experiments and recommend measures to minimize the risk. • Formulate and review policies and guidelines on

biosafety and risk assessment on biotechnology work. • Develop working arrangements with government quarantine services and institutions in the monitoring, review and evaluation of projects vis-à-vis adherence to national policies and guidelines. • Assist in the development of technical expertise, facilities and other resources for quarantine services and risk assessment. • Recommend the development and promotion of research programs to establish risk assessment protocols and assessment of long-term environment effects of GMOs. On February 2, 1995, Proclamation No. 526 was issued constituting the various biotechnology institutes within the University of the Philippines System as the network of the national institutes of biotechnology, and designating the said network as a National Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. In May 1995, Executive Order (EO) 247 was issued “Prescribing guidelines and establishing a Regulatory Framework for the prospecting of biological and genetic resources, their by-product and derivatives for scientific and commercial purposes and for other purposes.” The EO re-articulated the policy that “The State shall promote the safe and responsible use of modern biotechnology and its products as one of the several means to achieve and sustain food security, equitable access to health services, sustainable and safe environment, and industry development.”


Among others, the EO was designed to: • Strengthen the existing science-based determination of biosafety to ensure the safe and responsible use of modern biotechnology so that the Philippines and its citizens can benefit from its application while avoiding or minimizing the risks associated with it; • Enhance the decision-making system on the application of products of modern biotechnology to make it more efficient, predictable, effective, balanced, culturally appropriate, ethical, transparent, and participatory; • Serve as guidelines for implementing international obligations on biosafety; and • Re-emphasize the mandates of the DOST, DENR, DA, and DOH in ensuring biosafety. In July 2001, the Philippine National Policy Statement on Modern Biotechnology was issued. The Statement articulated the government’s policy on promoting the safe and responsible use of modern biotechnology and its products as one of the means to achieve food security, equal access to health services, a sustainable and safe environment, and industry development. The policy statements include: We shall promote the safe and responsible use of modern biotechnology and its products as one of several means to achieve and sustain food security, equitable access to health services, sustainable and safe environment, and industry development. We shall ensure that all technologies that we promote, including modern biotechnology, will provide farmers and fisherfolks the opportunity to increase their over-all productivity and income; enhance the welfare of consumers; promote efficiency, competitiveness, and improved quality standards of local industries – all within the paramount objective of attaining


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

safely and sustainable development, including its human, social and environmental aspects. The roles of the Departments of Agriculture, Science and Technology, Health, Environment and Natural Resources, Trade and Industry, and other concerned agencies were: to address the current issues associated with the local and global dimensions and trends of modern biotechnology, including its potential health, environmental and social impacts. Towards this end, they shall conduct public consultations with representatives from civil society, government and business; formulate departmental directives and regulations on the access to and use of the products of modern biotechnology, coordinate activities and programs on research, development and application; and allocate appropriate resources for the upgrading of capacities and capabilities to effectively regulate the technology and its products, including but not limited to product testing and labeling. In March 2006, Executive Order No. 514 was issued: Establishing the National Biosafety Framework prescribing guidelines for its implementation, strengthening the NCBP, and for other purposes. The EO 514 also tasked the NCBP to coordinate and harmonize inter-agency and multi-sector efforts in developing biosafety policies, setting scientific, technical, and procedural standards on biosafety, oversee the implementation of the National Biosafety Framework, and act as a clearing house for biosafety matters. To implement the policies, several Administrative Orders were issued (Table 4).

Table 4. Administrative Orders on Biotechnology


The Administrative Orders were complemented by Memorandum Circulars (Table 5). Table 5. Memorandum Circulars on Biotechnology


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

At the DA’s end, Special Orders (Table 6) were issued to help operationalize the Administrative Orders and Memorandum Circulars. Table 6. DA Special Orders on Biotechnology


While the NCBP has broad responsibilities, it has no regulatory function and relies on the individual mandates of its regulatory agency members. Thus, its decisions are recommendatory and it relies on its member-Departments (DA, DENR, and DOH) to approve the recommendation of the Committee. The DA is responsible for monitoring the movement and effects of GMOs or PHES approved for release; the DENR monitors the environmental effects of the planned release; while the DOH monitors the effects of such release to human health. The NCBP is also assisted by the Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs), which evaluate and monitor the biosafety aspects of their respective institution’s biological research and recommend projects or activities for approval of the NCBP. The IBC has five members, three from the concerned organization with the capability to assess the safety of research, in general, and of the specific area of specialization, in particular, and two, who are not affiliated with the organization but shall represent the interest of surrounding community with respect to health and the environment.

Some are advocacy groups which promote clearer understanding and greater appreciation for biotechnology. Among these are the BCP and other members of the Biotechnology Media and Advocacy Resource Center (BMARC). Some are groups opposing biotechnology particularly GMOs, the most notable of which is Greenpeace Philippines. National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH). The Institute is one of the four units comprising the network of National Institutes of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology within the University of the Philippines System. Its principal concern is on agriculture biotechnology. The BIOTECH was established in 1979 to “develop alternative solutions to the energy problem as well as to develop globally competitive and environment friendly products and services for the country’s agro-industrialization and people empowerment” (BIOTECH Annual Report, 2012).

The Biotechnology Agencies/Groups1

The BIOTECH’s general objective is “to develop costeffective and environment-friendly technologies for the production of goods and services that are comparable or better alternatives to conventional products for their use in the following sectors: agriculture, forestry, environment, energy and industry” (BIOTECH Annual Report, 2012).

There are groups, agencies, and organizations involved in agriculture biotechnology.

Among the Programs of BIOTECH, the following bear more direct relevance to livestock biotechnology:

Some are directly involved in R&D like the BIOTECH in UP Los Baños, state colleges and universities, agencies 1


under the Department of Agriculture, and private industry. There are agencies which provide policy, directional, and financial support, notably PCAARRD and BAR.

The biotechnology programs of the DA Livestock Agencies are discussed in a separate chapter

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Foods, Feeds and Specialty Products Biotechnology. Transforms raw materials into high-value products. This includes the

The DA is responsible for monitoring the movement and effects of GMOs or PHES approved for release; the DENR monitors the environmental effects of the planned release; while the DOH monitors the effects of such release to human health.

development of detection kits for food, feed and waterborne pathogens, tailored fats and oils, food enzymes, biopreservatives, and bioprocessing of agricultural and industrial byproducts into animal feeds. •

Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery. Focuses on the discovery of antimicrobial compounds from Philippine streptomyces and to develop plant cell culture systems as sources of highvalue therapeutic drugs. The program includes animal vaccine production. Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology. Develops biotechnologies and strategies to solve environmental problems. Among the areas addressed, waste management is most relevant to the livestock enterprise.

The BIOTECH also maintains service laboratories to support biotechnology programs and activities: •

Philippine National Collection of Microorganisms (PNCM), which is the national repository of microbial strains in the country. The lab offers microbiological identification and analyses and offers long-term preservation of cultures and safety deposits. Central Analytical Services Laboratory undertakes routine chemical analyses, tests, modifies, and standardizes methods for application to specific samples, and develops new analytical techniques. Electron Microscopy Services Laboratory, which houses both the transmission electron and the scanning electron microscope to support researches on ultra-structure analysis

vital to the understanding of biological, physical, and chemical processes. •

Fermentation Engineering and Services Laboratory, which maintains the BIOTECH Pilot Plant. The Plant aims to translate the biotechnologies developed into commercial and viable scale.

Immunology Laboratory. This provides rapid detection services for plant, food, and feed pathogens and mycotoxins. It also serves as a training facility for personnel engaged in disease management and control.

The BIOTECH has successfully produced and commercialized biotechnology projects mainly biofertilizers, vaccines, enzymes, diagnostic kits, probiotics, insecticides, and antibiotics. In an interview with the Director of BIOTECH last July, the following observations were made: • •

Prioritization of research areas is determined by the donor (donor-driven priorities). The Livestock Road Map should have a short and a long-term dimension segmented according to commodity/species and discipline. Livestock biotechnology, except for vaccine production, is not quite emphasized in the BIOTECH programs, one reason being the cost of livestock biotechnology research especially on reproductive biotechnology. A problem observed is how to retain expert manpower in the institution with several of them leaving BIOTECH because of lack of facilities/equipment and also salary consideration.


University of the Philippines-College of Agriculture-Animal and Dairy Sciences Cluster (UPCA-ADSC). The Animal and Dairy Sciences Cluster (ADSC) was formally created on October 1, 2004. Its vision is to serve as a center of excellence in the art, science, and business of producing high quality meat, milk, eggs and other animal products through high standards of instruction, research, development and extension.

• •

Some suggested priorities for research activities are: •

The ADSC consists of what used to be the Institute of Animal Science (IAS) and the Dairy Training and Research Institute (DTRI). •

The IAS and DTRI were both academic units of the UPCA in UP Los Baños with a long involvement in promoting the interest of the livestock sector through instruction, research, training, and extension. The institutes offered undergraduate and graduate degree courses on the different fields of animal science. They were actively engaged in research in the various areas of livestock and provided training and extension services to different client groups concerned with the industry. At the ADSC, these roles and activities are carried on as before but this time under a “cluster” arrangement. A dialogue on livestock biotechnology was held with ADSC officers to solicit inputs to the Road Map. The following are some of their observations: •


There are no distinct policies on biotechnology at the University or college levels but there are biotechnology researches being undertaken. Research conducted is often determined by the researchers themselves or the funding agency.

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

There are biotechnology facilities for research but there is a need to provide new ones. The Philippines wealth of biodiversity could be a rich source of biotechnology resources, e.g., antibiotics and probiotics.

• • • •

Identify biotechnologies that cannot be imported. While importation of technologies is unavoidable, there is a need to determine or produce technologies which are truly local. A holistic approach to biotechnology research, e.g., multi and interdisciplinary is needed. Maximize utilization of indigenous resources. Study and work on the genomes of native animals, e.g., native pigs, ducks, and chicken. Work on traceability (from farm to fork) as a priority considering food safety. Set up biocontainment facilities for chemical wastes. Explore genetic engineering.

University of the Philippines Los Baños College of Veterinary Medicine (UPLB-CVM). The CVM is one of UPLB’s 11 degree-granting units and is also the country’s first veterinary school. The CVM is engaged in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, undertakes research in various fields of veterinary medicine, including animal production and veterinary public health, and provides client-oriented veterinary services in urban and rural areas. The UPCVM, in collaboration with Univet Agricultural Products, Inc., maintains a Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory which provides diagnostic services to veterinarians and animal raisers, grants training to students and animal raisers on diagnostic laboratory techniques, and assists students and faculty in the conduct of researches on animal diseases.

A dialogue with the UPCVM staff brought up the following observations: •

The CVM does not have specific policies governing Biotechnology R&D nor do they have a Biotechnology Program. They do undertake biotechnology researches. One is on the “Preparation of Diagnostic Kits for Diseases”, concerning poultry in the CALABARZON zone. The main objective is to produce prototype diagnostic kits. The study focused on poultry because the poultry sub-sector was perceived to be left behind compared with the swine subsector. The CVM emphasized the need for more diagnostic laboratories and a National Reference Laboratory. While concededly these are expensive, they feel they are necessary and recommended their inclusion in the Road Map. Currently, the BAI’s Philippine Animal Health Center serves as the National Reference Laboratory. The CVM suggests more close collaboration with the BAI in terms of collection of samples and disease diagnosis and further suggests improving the capability of the BAI to truly serve as a National Reference laboratory. An area for biotechnology research is on screening native animals, e.g., pigs and poultry for productive traits. Distinct traits of local animals like early maturity and resistance to diseases could be identified for use in future biotechnology breeding work. Another role of biotechnology would be in medication, particularly in probiotics as alternative to antibiotics. It was also observed that more biotech researches are focused on Animal Breeding and Animal Genetics and less on Animal Diseases. While CVM has a laboratory, they suggest a separate lab to characterize and identify organisms. They also suggest separate

laboratories for poultry and swine to avoid cross contamination. They foresee bright prospects for biotechnology. They observed, however, that the payoff in poultry and swine is faster compared with large ruminants.

Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines (BCP). The BCP is a broad-based multi-sectoral coalition of advocates for the safe and responsible use and advancement of modern biotechnology in the Philippines. Its members are representatives from the academe, the science community, farmers’ organizations, industries, church, media, and other civil society organizations. It is a non-stock, nonprofit membership association duly registered with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission. The BCP was officially launched in April 2001. It started off as the Biotechnology Association of the Philippines, Incorporated (BAPI). The BAPI was organized in 1997 under the auspices of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to improve the commercial capacity of biotechnologybased products. The BAPI has collaborated with the DTI for several biotechnology advocacies including a productivity mission on biotechnology to Singapore, an international technomart to facilitate biotechnology transfer to the Philippines, and conduct of six local symposia on biotechnology. In the early part of year 2001, the BAPI officers and members discussed the need to expand the Association to include and give significance to membership from the agricultural biotechnology sector. Thus, the BCP was born. It had since been actively involved in biotechnology advocacy work. It has established institutional linkages with virtually all groups and agencies involved in biotechnology work. It maintains a web page 19

which contains news and continuing updates on the latest developments on biotechnology. It is actively involved in many of the DA’s biotechnology activities. Greenpeace Philippines. Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment, and to promote peace. Greenpeace Philippines carries on the campaign locally. It actively expresses its opposition to GMOs based on fears about their impact on health and the environment. It also expresses its doubts about regulatory system for the approval and release of GMOs. A June 5, 2012 press release cited the views of Greenpeace on the matter as follow: “…flawed regulatory system that has allowed the unhampered proliferation of dangerous GMO in the country… bias(ed) towards GMO approvals rather than public interest which does not provide for adequate public participation and consultation and does not ensure that thorough and independent risk assessments are in place.”

The DA Biotechnology Program2 The Department of Agriculture has been implementing a Biotechnology Program designed to “modernize the Philippine agriculture through the optimal use of biotechnology. The Program aims to utilize the tools of biotechnology as an alternative means to improving the



(2010 DA Biotech Program)

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

productivity of local agriculture towards food security and sustainable development.” A more specific direction under the Road Map was “….increasing national capabilities to judiciously utilize modern and conventional biotechnology to produce natural ingredients capable of hitting the international market.” Secretary Alcala (2011) describes the DA program as a potent tool to raise farmer’s income and achieve food security, which are top priorities of the Department especially now that there are challenges from climate change and a greater freedom in global trade. (Alcala, 2010 DA Biotech Program). DA Undersecretary Serrano (2011), who chairs the DA Biotechnology Steering committee, articulated the specific thrusts of the Program as follows: • Provide the needed support in terms of studies that will establish a policy and regulatory framework for the use and application of biotechnology products. • Enhance the institutional capability of DA and other regulatory agencies to conduct technical requirements such as risk analysis in connection with the use and application of biotechnology. • Promote applications of DNA-based technology and support other research and development activities that are time-bound, well-focused, and have immediate impact. • Support commercialization of biotechnology foods products and study economic incentives and granting Intellectual property rights for such. • Strengthen capability of researchers and staff of DA, its regulatory agencies and cooperating centers under the Program.

The program consists of: o




Policy Research and Advocacy • To provide support to the analysis and formulation of national policy directions and thrust on agri-biotechnology including policy research studies that will facilitate policy and priority setting. Institutional Capacity Enhancement • To assist in the development of the infrastructure of government agencies and support research service institutions to regulate and monitor agri-biotech research, development, and commercialization. • To strengthen capacity of government institutions involved in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication (as related to biosafety, environment safety and food/feed safety) of agri-biotechnologies Information, Education and Communication • To assist in the development of capacities in communication and education towards public awareness and acceptance of agribiotechnology Applied Biotechnology Research • To support modern biotechnologies (applied) R&D projects/studies that showcase the applications of biotechnology in agriculture and fisheries

The DA had also initiated the organization of centers and programs to support its biotechnology concerns: •

The Agricultural Biotechnology Center (ABC), launched in 2005, consists of the laboratories of Philrice for crop biotechnology; PCC for livestock; and NFRDI and SEAFDEC for fisheries. The center will serve to more effectively tap the laboratory and other resources of these institutions in agriculture biotechnology work.

The Intellectual Property Rights Center (IPRC) is designed “to protect Filipino scientific inventions and help the private sector commercialize biotechnology products.” The DA Biotechnology Business Incubation Center serves as “a facility for technology developers to pilot developers to pilot commercial scale operation until the process is perfected and the resulting product passes the standards of the target market.” It is a critical element in the commercialization of technologies. The Biotechnology Research Fellowship Program (BRFP) will develop biotechnology scientists through fellowship grants for deserving graduate students and researches to undertake specific studies/ projects on biotechnology. The Biotechnology Media and Advocacy Resource Center (BMARC) is a consortium of the Department of Agriculture-Biotechnology Program (DA-BP, DOST-PCARRD), DOST-PCARRD, SEARCA-Biotechnology Information Center (SEARCA-BIC), and Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines (BCP) that promotes greater understanding and appreciation for biotechnology.

The DA Biotechnology Program is implemented through committees with specific areas of concern: Overall is the Steering Committee chaired by the DA USEC for Policy, Planning, Program Development and R&D. The members are from BAR, UP Diliman, UP Los Baños, NAST, PCAARRD, BCP, and two farmerrepresentatives.


There are technical committees on the Program components which include the following: • Policy Research and Advocacy • Applied Biotech Research • Institutional Capacity Enhancement • Information, Education, and Communications There are Project Leaders for projects under each of the above components. The members of the committees and the Project Leaders come from different public and private institutions: UPLB including its different colleges and institutes; UP Manila and UP Diliman; PCAARRD and PCASTRD; DA agencies, offices and regional field units; and private companies and foundations concerned with biotechnology. Directly undertaking the program implementation is the DA Biotechnology Program Implementation Unit headed by a Program Director. The Livestock Biotechnology Road Map will be contextualized within, consistent with, and be a part of the DA Biotechnology Program.

Challenges and Constraints Challenges. Biotechnology has created great expectations. It had been heralded as the instrument that can help combat hunger as it could significantly increase the production of crops and substantially reduce cost of production of crops and livestock.


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Its practice in the Philippines, however, is not quite extensive. The major challenge is, therefore, to promote the greater adoption of biotechnology in agriculture. Biotechnologies that could increase productivity, are globally competitive, and are safe and acceptable to society at large must be developed. Specifically, what technologies are “best” under Philippine conditions must be determined. The matter is not simply creation of biotechnologies. It is ensuring that the technologies are promoted, adopted, provide benefit, and do not pose risks to the society and the environment. The regulatory framework must consist of guidelines to regulate commercialization of GMOs, the establishment of support laboratories and infrastructure, and the training of people for these regulatory bodies. Trade related issues, i.e., the importation of GMOs must be addressed to create public awareness of the benefits and risks of any new product and assist acceptance of new technologies by consumers, where these are beneficial. Intellectual Property Protection for the process, products, and genetic materials used in biotechnology R&D must be addressed. It is necessary to strengthen IPR laws to provide protection to researchers, discoverers, and investors. Constraints. The primary constraint or issue is the limited capacity to undertake Biotechnology R&D. This would cover limitations in manpower, facilities and equipment, and funding. Biotechnology R&D requires high level manpower: scientists in biology, microbiology, molecular biotechnology, other branches of natural science, and

even in the social sciences. The matter is not simply the availability. It is also the need to keep them and be constantly updated on recent developments considering how rapidly developments in the biotechnology field occur. There is also the matter of keeping the qualified staff in the same organization. Drop-outs and transfers to other institution occur quite often with highly qualified manpower. Facilities and equipment. The right facilities and equipment must be provided and constantly updated since newer and newer equipment are being manufactured such that equipment quickly becomes outmoded and less efficient. Biotechnology R&D generally entails high costs. Private sector investments appear to be limited. It would prefer to import the technologies instead of investing on them e.g., enzymes, probiotics, additives, antibiotics, and even embryo transfer (ET). The government would have to invest and support the initiatives. Funds for biotechnology R&D would have to compete with other programs of more immediate and realizable outputs. Biotechnology outputs often require some time before results are realized.

fundamentally responsible for this concern. There is a need to continuously update and upgrade its institutional capacity to regulate biotechnology. Another constraint is that, today, there is still poor public appreciation or misconceptions about biotechnology. There are perceived risks with biotechnologies particularly with GMOs. While indeed the risks are minimal, the perceptions on risks to food safety, human health and the environment linger on. This is further aggravated by the active opposition to GMOs by a local group linked to a foreign institution vigorously working against GMOs. The need is to create an environment that ensures the safety of biotechnologies while showcasing their distinctive benefits to farmers and the general public. Biosafety guidelines are not really a constraint but an issue. The Philippines has one of the strictest biosafety guidelines in the world to undertake R&D and field testing. Yet, it is perceived to be inadequate by opponents of biotechnology. Apparently, some improvements are needed in this regard.

Related to this is sustaining the funding support. Quite often, funds to sustain programs and projects (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses ) are not adequate. Capacity to update on global developments, on current trends, technologies, facilities and equipment, appear to be limited. Related to the capacity to create biotechnologies is the need to continuously upgrade the capacity of institutions to regulate the production, pilot testing, and commercialization of biotechnologies. The NCBP is

The matter is not simply creation of biotechnologies. It is ensuring that the technologies are promoted, adopted, provide benefit, and do not pose risks to the society and the environment. 23

Part II

The Livestock Biotechnology Road Map Introduction There is an urgent need to accelerate livestock food production to meet the needs of a growing population, the demand for more and for other livestock products, and the necessity of enhancing the nutritional condition of the people. There is a continuing need to provide a means to increase farmers’ income, increase production, and enhance productivity. There is also a need to find more effective methods to respond to changes in climate and overall environment which impact on the dynamics in livestock enterprise. Livestock Biotechnology could provide an effective means to meet these demands.

The Biotechnology Situation in the Livestock Sector Traditional biotechnology has long been practiced in the livestock industry. In the swine and poultry sub-sectors, the use of probiotics, enzymes, growth promotants, and deodorizing agents are established practices. These are usually mixed with the feeds. While most of these are imported, there are cases 24

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

when local formulations are made from imported base materials. In fact, as early as 20 years, ago, a farmer had successfully formulated a growth promotant through the mixing of two types of bacteria. Another farmer had successfully formulated a deodorizing agent, which not only removed foul odor but successfully converted manure into fertilizer and soil conditioner. Artificial insemination (AI) is a long-established practice in swine farms. In the large ruminants group, AI is also the most common practice – albeit, success rates in terms of coverage or diffusion need to be improved. There are efforts in embryo transfer (ET) but success had been limited. The cattle sector expressed desire to push through with this program. In particular, the Federation of Cattle Raisers Association of the Philippines (FCRAP) is planning to import embryos from Brazil, bring in the technician from the source of the embryo to do the actual transfer, and train local staff on the practice (Badilla, personal communication, October 2012). In the small ruminant sub-sector, limited quality genetics is recognized as a problem. The AI is also the practice being pursued. There are still issues which affect the broader coverage of AI in goats and in other livestock species for that matter, which include inadequate semen tanks and liquid nitrogen supplies, drop-outs among trained AI technicians, among others. A group of goat and sheep raisers is keen on embryo transfer and has initial explorations on the matter. Issues such as difficulty in surgical extraction of embryos, cryopreservation of embryos, and logistics remain unresolved. However, a goat breeder which has top quality

genetics had expressed a desire to share the genetics with other farmers through AI or ET. In the industrial feed sector, the reliance on importations to meet local demand is acknowledged. The major feed ingredients – corn, soya, feed wheat - are mostly imported. It is very likely that these feed ingredients are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Additives to feeds such as enzymes and probiotics are also generally imported (Miranda, personal communication, October 2012) In the drug industry, the Philippine Veterinary Drug Association (PVDA) acknowledges that almost all drugs used locally are imported. And it is very likely that this will continue to be the direction in the future. There is a place for biotechnology in the production of biologics, e.g., vaccines for hog cholera and for hemorrhagic septicemia and in the repacking of vaccines and enzymes. Another option is the importation of base material in bulk then repacking locally. Still another area is the development of test kits to detect drug residues in meat (Frontuna, personal communication, October 2012). In dairy processing, cheese and yoghurt production utilizes biotechnology products e.g., starter cultures and microbial rennet. Modern biotechnology is not yet common in the industry.

Relevance of Biotechnology in the Livestock Sector The role of livestock biotechnology must be viewed within the context of the over-all situation of the Philippine Livestock Industry. This implies that biotechnology should be used to determine and respond to the needs of the livestock sector and how the tools of biotechnology could address those needs. Micro-level. In identifying where livestock biotechnology could best contribute, the production coefficients at the micro-level should be looked at. This refers to farm production performance of the local herd, which lags behind its Asian counterparts. In the hog industry, for instance, Philippine farms sell fewer pigs per sow per year; the pigs require more feeds to produce a kilo of pork and have lower average weight gain per day; and the pigs produce less litter at birth and have lower carcass recovery. It also costs substantially more to produce kilo of pork in the Philippines. This is in comparison with Thai farms which seem to be the best performer among five Asian countries (Table 7).

Table 7. Selected Technical and Cost Parameters in Hog Production

Source: UAP, SIKAP/STRIVE 2010


In the broiler sub-sector, Philippine farms appear to be less efficient than their Asian counterparts in terms of feed conversion efficiency, average live weight of bird sold, livability, length of growing cycle, and cost (Table 8).

to this matter is the reality that almost all, i.e., 98%-99% of all cattle, carabao, and goats are in smallholder farms. As mentioned earlier, biotechnology could help increase the numbers (and quality) of stock. Also, a program that

Table 8. Selected Technical and Cost Parameters in Broiler Production

Source: UAP, SIKAP/STRIVE 2010

In the egg sub-sector, Philippine farms are able to produce eggs at a lower cost than their Asian counterparts despite them having exhibited lower coefficients in feed conversion ratio (FCR), laying percentage, and egg recovery percentage (Table 9).

is effectively managed could bring these benefits to the smallholder-farmers. It is clear from the enumeration above that there is a need to improve production and productivity of the local stock.

Table 9. Selected Technical Parameters in Egg Production

Source: UAP, SIKAP/STRIVE 2010

In the ruminant sector – cattle, carabaos, goats, and sheep - the matter is principally the limited numbers and the quality of stock. In the dairy sub-sector for instance, the total number of “dairy” type cattle and carabao is less than 30,000 head. The great majority are “native” stock, which presumably would not perform as well as their Western counterparts in terms of production coefficients. Related 26

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Tools in biotechnology could help improve production parameters by improving genetics, multiplying more desirable traits, increasing feed conversion efficiencies, and protecting animal health. Improvement at the micro-level or in the farms would translate to improvements at the macro or national level. The specifications of production and reproduction coefficients that could be improved using

biotechnology techniques could be specified in livestock programs that could be drawn based on the directions under this Road Map. Macro-level. The second consideration is at the macro level. The different sub-sectors of the livestock industry have different levels of development. Based on the levels of sufficiency or import dependence, the dairy industry is the most underdeveloped with our almost absolute reliance (>99 %) on imports to meet the local milk demand. For the local dairy industry - cattle, carabao and goat – the more major constraint is the limited number of dairy animals. Concededly, the local herds are not of the dairy type, hence, the need for programs to produce dairy animals from the local herd through artificial and natural breeding programs. However, despite the decades-old implementation of these programs, dairy-type cows are still quite limited in numbers. Importation of dairy stock had been a continuing program. In recent days, the cost had substantially risen, almost prohibitive. There really is an urgent need to rely more on local initiatives to produce the dairy stock. The National Dairy Authority (NDA) is actively pursuing this initiative. The beef sector’s dependence on imports is at 18%. This was less than 10% in the 1980s. The inventory of beef cattle had remained almost unchanging – 2.5 million+ - over the past decade. As with the dairy program, programs to increase the numbers and improve the quality of animals had been implemented: artificial insemination, bull selection, and stock dispersal. Still, the herd had not increased. But efforts in this regard are pursued principally by the Bureau of Animal Industry, the DA’s Regional Field units and the local government units. In the carabao sector, import dependence for carabeef had risen from virtually zero in the 1980s to more than

30% in 2000s. There is an active Carabao Development Program being implemented by the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC). One of its major thrusts is the production of quality crossbred buffaloes utilizing superior genetics of purebred riverine buffalos. It is noteworthy that the PCC is actively pursuing biotechnology initiatives in its programs to improve the quality and increase the numbers of water buffaloes. Goat production is an emerging industry. The greater interest in goat started only in the mid-1990s but had since invited private participants and major investors. As with cattle and carabao, there is a gross shortage of quality animals, hence, a considerable number had been imported. The hog, broiler, and egg sectors are relatively more developed. Import dependence is only about 4%–6% and volume had substantially increased over the years. These sectors though are relying on importation of genetics for their operations. Relatedly, there is also a major reliance on the importation of feed ingredients, i.e., soya, feed wheat, and corn for their operations. They also rely on imported feed additives, probiotics, antibiotics, enzymes, vaccines, and even drugs. Biotechnology could contribute in the production of these materials. The duck sub-sector which is basically the “balut” industry had not progressed much over the years. Production levels have hardly increased. There is also hardly any concerted effort to increase the numbers or improve the breed. At the macro-level, biotechnology can contribute significantly in accomplishing the twin objectives of producing the numbers and the quality of animals for dairy and beef cattle, carabaos, and goats. This implies improvements in quality and numbers which could then impact on the improvements in production and productivity leading to increased livestock products sufficiency.


The next consideration is to identify which biotechnologies could respond to the above concerns.

Genetic markers and marker-assisted selection

Transgenic animals whose hereditary DNA has been augmented by addition of DNA from a source other than parental germplasm through recombinant DNA techniques

Characterization of animal genetic resources

Conservation of animal genetic resources

A review of the livestock biotechnologies (Rege, 1994) available indicates the following and their possible applications: In reproductive physiology, the technologies include: •

Artificial insemination

Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET)

Hormone use

Embryo sexing and cloning

Artificial Insemination (AI) has been around for decades. It is widely accepted in swine but is not extensively practiced in cattle and carabao. It is estimated that less than 10% of breedable cattle and carabaos are covered by AI. The issue is not about the technology but the infrastructure in its delivery system, e.g., supplies of semen and liquid nitrogen, skills of farmers in detecting heat, and skills of technicians in insemination work. Embryo transfer is practiced on a limited scale and has not really taken off from a sort of “pilot” scale operations. Semen sexing and cloning are undertaken on an even more limited scale with the PCC as the only agency working on these technologies. In animal genetics and breeding, the following biotechnologies are being practiced: •


Determination of indicator traits or characteristics, which are genetically correlated to traits of economic importance and are easier to measure than the latter

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

These technologies are both basic and applied (Rege, 1996). The MOET technologies make possible the accelerated production of quality offsprings by way of producing and harvesting significantly more ova from selected top quality dams. The ova are then fertilized in vitro with semen from superior bulls. The embryo is then implanted into surrogate dams. The genetic values of the superior dam and bull are transferred to significantly more animals or offspring. Traits to indicate economic performance, e.g., weight gain, milk production, and resistance to specific diseases, have been identified and correlated with certain genes. The characterization of animal genetic resources forms the basis for studies of more practical or immediate applications, e.g., MAS, identification of gene-bound economic traits, among others. The conservation of genetic resources represents an investment to protect and preserve biodiversity, which could be sources of yet unknown genes of economic value in the future. This may have applications with “native” or animals in the wild which may have distinct genes particular to our local strain. Such traits would include resistance to diseases, early sexual maturity, ability to digest local feed materials, among others. The conservation and characterization of their genes would be

useful for future breeding work. In animal health, biotechnologies are useful in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In diagnostics, biotechnology has made possible the production of test kits to more accurately determine causal organisms of diseases with a high level of precision. In therapeutics, the availability of new anti-infective, anti-parasitic agents and immunomodulatory therapeutic agents demonstrates the value of biotechnology in the field of animal health. New diagnostic techniques, vaccines and therapeutic substances are the most immediate applications of knowledge which may, in the future, extend to the development of transgenic animals of revised genetic potential, which will be more resistant to diseases and more productive. The ultimate aim of biotechnology as applied to animal health and animal production is to protect human health, preserve the environment and ensure the health and wellbeing of animals (Desmettre, 1993). This has applications in all livestock species.

In animal nutrition, Tamminga (1990) cites the value of biotechnology as follows: •

Bacterial inoculants are applicable in feed conservation.

Yeasts, bacteria or fungi may be useful to stabilize and enhance rumen fermentation.

Bacteria may also play a role in stabilizing intestinal digestion (probiotics).

Microbes could serve as suppliers of enzymes, hormones, and other useful products like proteins, amino acids, and organic acids.

Cell wall degrading enzymes together with lactic acid producing bacteria may have potential for

forage conservation. •

Cell wall degrading enzymes may also become important for destroying the cell wall structures as well as the viscous properties of non-starch polysaccharides in feeds for pigs and poultry.

Proteolytic enzymes have potential to eliminate antinutritional factors (ANF) present in many legume seeds while microbial phytase has potential to improve the availability of phosphorus.

Microbes may also become important for the production of biologically active agents, which modify rumen fermentation, intestinal wall, or intermediary metabolism.

Improvement of animal nutrition by application of modern feed biotechnology for efficient use of crop residues, ensiled feeds and forages and oil cakes.

Production of genetically modified feeds of higher nutritive value and digestibility.

Biotechnology is also very useful in waste management. Livestock farms produce large volumes of waste such as manure, urine, excess forage and other feedstuffs, and waste water, which must be properly managed to prevent negative effects on the environment. Biotechnology provides tools to manage these wastes, e.g., manure management systems to produce energy (biogas digesters) and to convert manure to fertilizers, enzymes to deodorize the smell of wastes, biodegrade pollutants in the livestock farms, among others. In summary, livestock biotechnology could and should improve farm production performance efficiencies


specifically through: • • • •

Improved genetics and reproductive performance More efficient diagnosis and therapeutics Increased efficiency in utilization of feeds Efficient waste management

Biotechnology in the Livestock Agencies Philippine Carabao Center (PCC). Among the livestock agencies, it is the PCC which is most actively involved in modern biotechnology. It had been designated by the DA as the lead entity in the Department of Agriculture network to hasten the Genetic Improvement Program (GIP) in ruminants using reproductive and gene-based biotechniques. This new mandate recognizes PCC’s capability in livestock biotechnology, having the basic facilities and the technical expertise for such an undertaking. The designation merely legitimized what had been a long standing involvement of PCC in biotechnology. The PCC Web Page provides an overview of what the PCC is doing and had done in reproductive biotechnology. These are summarized below. Initial efforts of PCC in reproductive biotechnology were on upgrading the native buffaloes primarily through the


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

use of AI. The PCC continues to sustain and had even in recent years, expanded the program. During the past several decades, the PCC pursued many other more modern biotechniques. One set was oriented towards harnessing superior female germplasm. These techniques include Multiple/Single Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET and SOET), In Vitro Embryo Production (IVEP), and Embryo Cryopreservation, which generated successful pregnancies and live births. Another biotechnique undertaken was cloning by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT), also aimed at enhancing the propagation of genetically outstanding dairy animals. However, the effort was not successful and a great deal of research is still needed to make this technique practical and applicable in livestock production. More recent reproductive technology applied in buffalo reproduction is the Ultrasound-Guided Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval, also known as Ovum Pick-Up (OPU). This is normally used in tandem with in-vitro embryo production system which includes In Vitro Maturation of the OPU-derived oocytes, and In Vitro Fertilization and Culture (IVM/IVF/IVC). Cryopreservation of embryos is a component-technique of IVEP. The two main methods employed by the laboratory for embryo freezing are the conventional slow freezing and vitrification, and each has its specific application. The OPU-derived buffalo embryos are commonly cryopreserved for synchronized transfer later. Cryopreservation of oocytes, which is widely known to be more difficult, is seriously being pursued with initial focus on developing an efficient protocol for buffalo oocyte freezing.

Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) involves the mechanical injection of single sperm into the oocyte, usually done manually or with the aid of a Piezo machine. Sex-sorted buffalo semen is also being pursued. The sexed-semen can be used in synergy with the various reproductive in vitro techniques for embryo production or can be used directly for AI to produce female animals for dairy. To date, the PCC continues to harness the potential of reproductive biotechnologies in accelerating genetic improvement towards increased productivity of water buffaloes.

Enhanced In-Vitro Maturation of Buffalo Oocytes. Successful methods have been developed for producing buffalo embryo in vitro. However, the overall efficiency remains low. The technique developed by PCC focused on enhancing in vitromaturational capacity by the supplementation with hormones and growth factors in the in vitro-maturation medium. The technique developed herein constitutes a system that guarantees improvement in the efficiency of in vitro embryo production in water buffaloes.

Production of Buffalo Clone Embryos thru Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Initial research efforts along this line were focused on the establishment of procedures for the production of buffalo clone embryos in vitro. The technique of nuclear transfer involves two major aspects: the preparation of the recipient cytoplasts and the preparation of the donor nuclei.

Among the Reproductive Biotechnologies already developed by the PCC are: •

In Vitro Embryo Production and Embryo Transfer. This is a multi-step procedure, which involves first the in vitro maturation of slaughterhouse- and OPU-derived oocytes, followed by in vitro maturation for 22-24 hours, then by in vitro fertilization with frozen-thawed semen from superior bulls. Sixteen to 18 hours after the presumptive zygotes are cultured in vitro and evaluated for subsequent development in vitro for six to seven days. Quality embryos at blastocyst stage are transferred to recipient animals whose estrus cycle is synchronized with the age of the embryos cultured in vitro. Culture and Cryopreservation of Buffalo Somatic Cells. The cryopreservation of cells and tissues has been part of biodiversity conservation and animal reproduction strategies. The PCC had developed a technique for freezing buffalo’s ear skin cells which will serve as the source of donor cell for nuclear transfer.

Optimized Collection and Handling of Buffalo Ovaries. The major source of buffalo oocytes for in vitro embryo production is local abattoirs. However, availability of enough ovarian samples is more often a main concern. Considering the limited availability of buffalo ovaries, proper management of ovarian samples during collection is imperative. The PCC had developed a technique that ensures the quality of buffalo oocytes retrieved from collected ovaries. • Cryopreservation of Buffalo Oocytes by Vitrification. Carabaos have relatively lower number of retrievable oocytes. It is necessary, therefore, to preserve whatever oocytes are retrieved. The PCC had developed a protocol for freezing buffalo oocytes more efficiently through Minimum Volume Cooling Methods namely the Solid Surface Vitrification (SSV) and the use of Cryotop. •


The application of biotechniques in genetic improvement had been conceptually drawn by Cruz (2012) (Figure 1).

including a Molecular Genetics Laboratory. It had and continuously built up its manpower on biotechnology. Likewise, it had established local and international linkages to build up its resources, upgrade its manpower, and undertake joint researches.

Figure 1. Biotechniques in Genetic Improvement

In 2008, a molecular genetics laboratory became operational. The laboratory is presently exploring various techniques or protocols that can be used as tools for selection or identifying superior animals for breeding. These molecular genetic tools will complement the conventional quantitative genetics approach in animal breeding. The PCC has many initiatives in reproductive biotechnology. As described above, it had undertaken researches on specific livestock biotechnologies and had built up its biotechnology laboratories and facilities


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI). Biotechnology has direct relevance in BAI’s concerns in genetic improvement, disease control, and eradication and regulations over feeds and drugs. The genetic improvement concern is through the Livestock Development Division (LDD), which had long undertaken programs designed to improve genetics of local animals. This includes the AI Program, mainly for cattle and carabao, implemented for several decades now but apparently requires further improvements to increase outreach to more and more animals. The AI in small

ruminants is also being initiated and some exploration into ET is being done. In disease control, two of the BAI’s units are directly involved: the Animal Health Division (AHD) and the Philippine Animal Health Center (PAHC). The AHD is directly concerned with the prevention, control and eradication of diseases. Its task is to provide technical supervision and evaluation of disease control and prevention activities. This involves treatment, immunization, quarantine, inspection of and surveillance, meat and dairy products. Biotechnology is important in many of these activities. The PAHC was created in 1988 “to establish an animal disease research institution and reference center that will generate relevant knowledge on animal health problems and enable the formulation of appropriate strategies, programs and policies which will lead to improved livestock production.” Among others, it conducts researches on diseases, offers diagnostic services, conducts epidemiological studies, and undertakes monitoring and surveillance. It is the head of the national network of diagnostic laboratories, both government and nongovernment. It has established linkages with international animal diagnostic and research institutions and aims to work for the standardization and harmoni-zation of tests used in the region. It provides technical supervision over the Diagnostic Laboratories in the different regions. Biotechnology is important in the conduct of many of these activities. It is also important to emphasize that PAHC was conceived as the Animal Disease Reference Center. The BAI has an Animal Feeds Standardization Division (AFSD), which is responsible for regulating the manufacture, importation, distribution, and sale of feeds,

The general objective of the Road Map is to support the growth of biotechnology in the Philippines and promote the adoption and practice of biotechnologies in livestock enterprises in order to increase production and productivity of the enterprise. feeds ingredients, and additives. The division registers products and licenses feeds establishments. There is also the Laboratory Services Division which has regulatory powers over the production, importation and distribution of drugs and biologics. In these functions, biotechnology tools are necessary. The Division undertakes laboratory tests including proximate analysis, antinutrients (inhibitors), mineral and vitamin assay, and other tests. The BAI has a Biotechnology Core Team responsible for risk analysis of feeds and feed ingredients, e.g., soybean, corn, and feed wheat. The Team is composed of representatives from its LDD, PAHC, and the AFSD. An important concern is to test for GMO in the importation of feeds and feed ingredients. The actual tests are done at the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) since they have the laboratory facilities and are the focal agency for DA’s biotechnology concerns. The BAI, however, is involved for products intended for feeds. National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS). Biotechnology has relevance in operationalizing the basic mandate of the NMIS to monitor and ensure the quality and safety of locally produced or imported meat and processed meat products. This monitoring of meat quality is undertaken by its Laboratory Services Division, which maintains a Biotechnology Section and a Microbiology Section. It performs analytical procedures in detecting biological, physical, and chemical contaminants in meat and meat products.


The NMIS utilizes conventional methods for the detection of pathogenic microorganisms in meat. It is in the process of establishing a reference laboratory for the testing of pathogenic microorganisms in meat samples using molecular-based detection methods. Molecular- or PCR-based detection methods are the direction which the NMIS is pursuing. It envisions a strong Biotechnology Laboratory capable of performing and sustaining bacterial identification in meat and meat products examination, improving meat species identification, and applying and performing laboratory standards required locally and by exporting countries. Currently, the National Office maintains a Central Biotechnology Lab. It has 15 other regional labs but none has any biotechnology facility. While the NMIS does not necessarily suggest regional labs, it recommends the strengthening of the National Reference Lab. This would require additional equipment and facilities, human resource development (higher degree training in biotechnology and microbiology), and mechanism to recruit and retain competent personnel to run the Reference Lab. In 2008–2010, the NMIS collaborated with the UPLB Biotech in the formulation of a local primer or kit for testing pathogens in meat. The primer has been validated and has been proven useful. The primer, however, is yet to be certified or approved by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). National Dairy Authority. The relevance of biotechnology is in genetic improvement mainly through AI. In dairy processing, the relevance is in the production of cheese and yoghurt by the cooperatives. But the methods of manufacture are well established. Some explorations into embryo transfer are being undertaken.


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Livestock Development Council has no direct biotechnology involvement. However, it is tasked with policy formulation for the sector. The Council has plans to formulate policies specifically for biotechnology concerns.

Formulating the Road Map Workshop. The formulation of the Livestock Biotechnology Roadmap formally started with a workshop convened by the PCC on May 10-11, 2012 at the SEAMEOINNOTECH in Quezon City. The workshop involved the different livestock stakeholders and succeeded in surfacing relevant issues and broad directions to address perceived needs, which biotechnology could address. Table 10 presents a summary of the issues discussed and action points. These were considered in the formulation of the Road Map. The workshop was attended by representatives from the livestock agencies, PCAARRD, DOST, UPLB-CA Biotech, swine, industry and cattle associations, and other stakeholders.

Table 10. Issues Discussed in Livestock Biotechnology Workshop, May 2012


Consultations. The workshop was followed with a series of individual and group consultations with relevant stakeholders. Among those consulted included the academe, industry associations, livestock agencies, biotechnology associations, and individuals associated with or experts in biotechnology. Additionally, secondary data on livestock biotechnology were derived from published reports and documents. The internet was a very useful source of data.

• • •

A draft Road Map was then prepared and presented to PCC management for comments and suggestions.

Consequently, another draft was prepared and submitted. It is suggested that this report be discussed further with relevant stakeholders.

The Road Map Goal and Objectives The goal of the Road Map is to help modernize Philippine livestock industry and improve its productivity towards food security, increased farmers incomes’, and sustainable livestock production systems. The general objective of the Road Map is to support the growth of biotechnology in the Philippines and promote the adoption and practice of biotechnologies in livestock enterprises in order to increase production and productivity of the enterprise. The specific objectives are: 36

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Provide the over-all policy framework for livestock biotechnology R&D including establishing directions, setting priorities, and organizing institutional cooperation among biotech-involved agencies; Promote better understanding and appreciation for livestock biotechnology; Promote the adoption of applicable biotechnologies in livestock enterprises; Support the enhancement of the institutional capability of the DA and other agencies to undertake livestock biotechnology R&D; Support the continuing biotechnology R&D programs including support to specific research and development projects; and Identify and support specific biotechnology projects responsive to identified needs of the different livestock sub-sectors

The Components of the Road Map Information, Education, and Communication (IEC). The objective of IEC for Livestock Biotechnology is to promote a better understanding and heightened appreciation for livestock biotechnology from the general public. Livestock biotechnology particularly modern biotechnology is relatively new. Furthermore, there are certain misconceptions about it. Additionally, there are certain groups actively opposing some of biotechnology’s practices. It is necessary to solicit the public’s trust and confidence on biotechnology. This would require dissemination of information on the principle, the practice, benefits and safety of

biotechnologies. This would also require tapping the media and the production, distribution of leaflets posters, and other information materials. The idea is to promote the social acceptability of livestock biotechnology. The Livestock Biotechnology IEC would be built in with the DA Biotechnology Program’s campaign. It shall utilize the Biotech Media and Advocacy Resource Center (BMARC) as the major conduit in its information campaign. It shall build upon the DA’S efforts including those in publications (Biolife), awards (Jose G. Burgos Journalism Award), support to the National Biotechnology Week, media releases, seminars and workshops. The assistance of groups already engaged in these efforts, e.g., Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines (BCP) and SEARCA-Biotechnology Information Center would be enlisted. The DA effort to develop a “culture of science” among high school and elementary students through the distribution of relevant information materials would be supported. Also, there are efforts to integrate biotechnology in the high school curriculum. However, a strategic IEC plan distinctly on livestock would also be designed. This would complement the over-all efforts with messages distinct to livestock biotechnologies. The IEC shall be implemented on a continuing basis within the Road Map period but would particularly be intensive during its initial stages as misconceptions are corrected, the benefits of biotechnologies are emphasized, and the overall appreciation of the public on biotechnology is solicited and enhanced. A generalized timeline for the implementation of the IEC Component would consist of:

Consultations with relevant stakeholders on what, when, where, and how of the IEC elements (first six months); • The design of the IEC Plan (about six months); • The implementation of the Plan (continuing); and • Review and update of the Plan based on feedback (periodic). Policy Advocacy. This component is designed to influence public policy and resource allocation decisions to give priority to and support to livestock biotechnology. This could take the form of anactment of enabling policies and laws. Government can further help develop a favorable policy environment by giving incentives to private industry and groups that engage or invest in the development and application of biotechnology projects. Livestock biotechnology is relatively new. Its outputs, particularly those from reproduction and genetics, take time to be realized. In the decision to provide assistance or funds, support to biotechnology may have less priority compared with other programs with more immediate results. The need is to influence public policy. This would require many activities. A major one would be to actually engage in lobbying with legislators to generate funds and other support for biotechnology. Media campaign, issuance of fact sheets and position papers, workshops, and conferences would also help in the advocacy efforts. Advocacy efforts would be complemented by policy researches to guide the formulation of policy directions and priorities on livestock biotechnology. The BCP and similar advocacy groups would be critical participants in this effort. Since its inception in 2002, the BCP has been a very active promoter of agricultural


biotechnologies undertaking information campaigns, conducting seminars and conferences, and issuing press statements counteracting claims by groups opposing biotechnology. Part of the initial efforts under the Road Map is the design and implementation of a comprehensive Advocacy Plan for Livestock Biotechnology. The Plan would guide all future directions in advocacy work. As with the IEC Component, a generalized timeline for advocacy work would be: •

Consultations with relevant stakeholders on policy issues to be addressed; the directions, emphasis, and methods of advocacy work (six months); • The design of the Advocacy Plan (about six months); • The implementation of the Plan (continuing); and • Review and update of the Plan based on feedback (periodic). Research and Development (R&D). The objective of this component is to support the creation, production, development, and/or testing of livestock biotechnologies and their dissemination to relevant stakeholders. A priority activity is the conduct of a global and domestic scan of available biotechnologies. From the scan, applicable biotechnologies shall be chosen and prioritized based on whether or not they address specific needs of the industry and on the practicality of their application. A decision could also be made on whether to simply import or work on a given technology. The R&D areas to be addressed will be categorized according to: •


Reproductive Biotechnologies including Genetics oriented to characterization, selection,

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

• •

conservation, and improvement of genetic livestock resources; Animal Health oriented towards diagnostics and therapeutics including the molecular characterization of pathogens, diagnostic kits, vaccines, antibiotics and probiotics; Feeds and Nutrition oriented towards increasing conversion efficiency of feeds, forages, crop residues, nutrient recycling, and waste management; and Meat safety and quality oriented towards development of biotechnology-based tests for rapid and more exacting assessments. Product Development designed to develop new or improve existing products. Waste Management for environmental considerations and to enhance utilization or degradation/conversion of waste into useful products.

Technologies in each of these categories would be consolidated to provide a total overview of what is available and where they could be applied. Biotechnologies will be classified into whether they are “new”, for development or refinements, for testing, or for commercialization. This will define the directions to be pursued under the R&D Component. To provide the context for the R&D component, the phases in the implementation of a given biotechnology will be described. The process would consist of three phases: the development phase, the testing and validation phase, and, finally, the application or utilization phase. The process could start off with a scan on what biotechnologies are available and applicable from which a selection could be made on whether to pursue or not the development or its application.

The development phase involves the establishment of protocols in the creation or production of the biotechnique including the methods and materials, the standards for evaluating the efficiency and economy of production, as well as the efficacy of the product. These are done in the laboratory. Should the technology prove true under these laboratory conditions, it shall be “pilot or field tested” or tried out in the field in a limited scale. The pilot test will be done in the livestock programs of the livestock agencies or DA regional offices and other selected participants.regional offices and other selected participants. Technologies which passed the pilot test will be applied or utilized. This constitutes the “commercialization” of the product. A logical end of the process is the integration of the technologies into the livestock programs. For instance, the practice of embryo transfer becomes part of the beef program adopted by beef farmers; vaccines produced become part of the animal health program. Moreover, the private sector also utilizes the technologies developed. Throughout the process, a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system shall be attached to assess methods, costs, effects, safety, and other parameters. An ex ante evaluation would also be done at the beginning of the process (Figure 2).

The R&D component of the Program shall cover all of the above phases in biotechnology development. Structure for the R&D Component.The lead agency for the Livestock Biotechnology R&D program will be the PCC. It has the necessary facilities to undertake development work and already undertaken many initiatives along this line. As described above, it had undertaken researches on specific livestock biotechnologies, had built-up its biotechnology laboratories and facilities including a Molecular Genetics Laboratory, continuously builds up human resources on biotechnology, and had established local and international linkages to build up its resources, upgrade its manpower, and undertake joint researches. It is currently setting up a Biotechnology Complex which includes a modern Biotechnology Laboratory well equipped with facilities and equipment for biotechnology work. The PCC will assume the lead in biotechnology development. Meanwhile, the BAI,3 NMIS, and NDA shall be involved in the testing, validation, and application of the technologies. They will be the users of the technologies. They can readily do these since they have the programs and the client

Figure 2. Process in Implementation of Biotechnology


The BAI will continue to serve as the National Reference Center for Diseases.


groups to utilize and benefit from the technologies. Biotechnologies on genetic improvements, for example, would be integrated with the genetic improvement programs on beef and dairy cattle; vaccines would be valuable in animal health programs; enzymes could help improve nutrition of feed conversion efficiencies; more advanced molecular tests could assist the NMIS in more rapid and exacting determination of meat quality and safety, Another group within the DA family that would be involved would be the DA-RFUs primarily in the utilization or application of the technologies. The RFUs have their own livestock programs and concerns. Linkages. The network or linkage among the livestock agencies will further be strengthened in biotechnology work. This implies regular dialogues, sharing of information and resources, discussions of strategies of development and implementation of the technologies, feedback gathering and continuously identifying areas where biotechnology could meet livestock industry needs. Linkages with other DA agencies and units or institutions will also be pursued. For animal health, linkage with the different regional diagnostic laboratories would be necessary while for feeds, a linkage with the regional feed laboratories is a must. The PCC, of course, maintains linkages with its different regional centers nationwide. These DA units are needed both in identifying areas for R&D, pilot testing technologies, and providing over-all feedback useful in the R&D effort. Linkages with the SCUs would be undertaken. Of particular importance would be UPLB’s BIOTECH, CVM, and ASDC. They could be generators and validators of livestock biotechnologies.


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

The possible role of the private sector is recognized. Its specific participation in R&D, as well as other relevant groups, will be identified as the Program is implemented. Thrusts. The thrusts would be on biotechnologies with more immediate impact. In reproductive biotechnology, many of those developed by the PCC are ready for pilot testing or commercialization. Many other initiatives are in-place and would be supported. However, even long term-requirements would be addressed. The further characterization of genomes as basis for selection of desirable traits, for instance, will be pursued particularly with the native or wild species. In animal health, the local production of vaccines will be continued with emphasis on microbes or disease-causing organisms which are distinct to the Philippines. The production of diagnostic kits, antibiotics and probiotics will be supported. (In the consultations made, research on probiotics was strongly recommended by an expert). Many of the biotechnologies in feeds and nutrition and waste management are mature and would actively be promoted under the Program. Additional areas would be identified during Program implementation. Tests on food safety and quality are well established. The matter is ensuring that NMIS is fully equipped to undertake this activity. There is also a need to identify tests that could capture certain particularities distinct to the Philippine situation, e.g., local strains of microbes and biological agents. Inventory/Consolidation of Resources. An inventory of resources and facilities devoted to livestock biotechnology research will be undertaken. Where possible, resource sharing shall be done. Also, based on the inventory, the

laboratories will be upgraded to equip them to better undertake the specific roles assigned to them under the program. The participation of livestock in the Biotechnology Fellowship Program shall be expanded to address more urgent issues which research could resolve. If necessary, an active recruitment program could be instituted to ensure high caliber participants in the program. Host institutions could be expanded to include even foreign institutions. Institutional Development. The objective of this component is to capacitate institutions engaged in livestock biotechnology and enable them to more effectively undertake all program components particularly R&D work. In the promotion of livestock biotechnology, several institutions or groups are involved. The more major ones are those which create or produce the technologies (researchers) and those which regulate the tests and commercialization of the technologies (regulators). Both must be actively supported and developed.

Relevant scholarships and training programs – both local and abroad - for researchers, scientists and technicians must be designed and implemented. This should be complemented by an incentive scheme to ensure that duly trained personnel are retained by their mother units after the scholarship or training program. International linkages must also be established to enable the bringing in of experts who can work with local researchers with the view of training the local counterparts and addressing some research areas. For those involved in regulatory work, their skills and knowledge in risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication must be strengthened. They are responsible for ensuring biosafety in the use of biotechnology products. Regulatory staff shall be provided short term-training and opportunities to participate in seminars or workshops on biotechnology principles, tools and applications to equip them continuously with the needed knowledge and skills to enable them to perform their tasks more efficiently.

An immediate activity under the Road Map is the inventory of resources – manpower, facilities, equipment - of these different institutions, requirements shall be identified in order to more fully equip them to undertake livestock biotechnology work considering their envisioned role under the Program.

The human resource development thrust must ensure that skilled personnel are available at all phases of biotechnology, i.e., from development through testing and validation, application, regulation, and monitoring and evaluation.

Biotechnology is utilizing the sciences of biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computers, and information technology to develop tools and products that hold great promise (Biotechnology Institute, 2012).

In consultations made while formulating the road map, human resource development was emphasized as a key – if not the most critical – component in biotechnology development work (Cruz and Halos, personal communication, October 2012).

This implies that high-level human resources must be developed in each of these sciences. This requires a broad range of human resource development programs.

The build-up of laboratories, facilities, and equipment must be based on the expected role these agencies are


to perform in the Program, i.e., whether as developers, validators, utilizers or regulators. All the institutions and agencies currently involved in biotechnology work have some equipment and facilities, in varying levels of adequacy. It is evident, however, that more are needed. The build-up of the facilities will be according to the role the agencies will perform under the Program. Hence, the PCC will be built-up primarily as a developer of biotechnology. This implies continuously pursuing the directions it is now pursuing, i.e., international linkages on facilities and human resource development. The BAI shall be built up primarily in its animal health activities particularly the upgrading of its human resource and facilities to serve as the National Disease Reference Laboratory and as regulators of feeds and drugs. The NMIS shall be built-up, particularly its Biotechnology Laboratory, to enable it to undertake many more rapid and exacting tests on meat safety and quality. The BAI and NMIS as well as the NDA and RFUs shall be supported to better perform their roles as field testers and users of biotechnologies developed. Laboratory facilities used in regulatory work must also be built up. Furthermore, because of the rapid developments in the biotechnology field, there is a need to continuously upgrade human resource and these facilities.


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

There is also need to support other agencies which undertake livestock biotechnology work. These include UPLB’s BIOTECH, CVM, Dairy and Animal Science Cluster, and other state colleges and universities (SCUs) according to roles they will be expected to perform under the Road Map. A lesson on “how” can be learned from the PCC model. The PCC had managed to build up its laboratory facilities and equipment through its effective linkages with international groups and funding agencies. It also had managed to solicit local funds through effective lobbying with resource providers. The PCC was able to accomplish this since it was able to effectively sell the importance and relevance of biotechnology with the concerned institutions. A generalized timeline could be drawn for Institutional Development - similar to IEC and advocacy work: • Consultations with livestock and biotechnology

agencies to assess the status and identify the requirements in relation to projected roles under the Road Map; • The design of the over-all Institutional Development Plan including human resource and facility requirements (about six months); • The implementation of the Plan (continuing); and • Review and update of the Plan based on feedback (periodic).

Program Implementation Arrangements The Livestock Biotechnology Road Map shall be part of the DA Biotechnology Program. The Program components are the same: • Policy Research and Advocacy • Applied Biotech Research • Institutional Capacity Enhancement • Information, Education, and Communication The thrusts under each component would, however, be distinctly on livestock. The Steering Committee and the Technical Committees in each of the program component are the same. It is suggested, however, that a representative from the livestock agencies be nominated as member in each of the committees.

Program Coordination. A Program Coordinating Committee shall be organized. This shall be composed of the Assistant Secretary (ASEC) for Livestock as Chair and the Heads of the Livestock Agencies and the ASEC for Regional Operations as members. The Committee shall meet regularly to assess the status of the Program, identify areas of concern, and define general areas for action. In sum, it shall coordinate the entire efforts on Livestock Biotechnology.

Phasing of Implementation of the R & D Component A 30-year Road Map shall be prepared.

In terms of the Project Leaders, it is recommended that in all of the components, representatives from the livestock sector are included. This implies that where livestock projects are concerned, the leadership should be vested on a livestock person. The DA Biotech Program Implementation Unit (PIU) would be the same. However, it is suggested that a Livestock Biotechnology Program Office (as a sub-office of the PIU) shall be established at the PCC to more directly coordinate livestock related-activities, projects, and concerns.

The implementation of biotechnologies under the Road Map will follow the same process described above. It shall start off with a scan, go through a development process, testing and validation, and finally, utilization or commercialization phase. It would be difficult at this point to specify what technologies to start with and their various stages of development. Furthermore, there is need to identify other technologies which could only be determined with a scan of the biotechnology world.

The PCC is the lead agency in the Livestock Biotechnology Program.


For practical purposes, the technologies are classified into the following:

Some would take shorter or longer than others. Some would be “dropped” off along the way.

• New technologies or those where no work had been done locally yet but had been identified as useful for the industry. In this case, it will go through the whole process of scan, select, develop, lab test, field test, and commercialize. • Available technologies are those already in-place – domestically or abroad but need to be refined and tested in the lab and in the field before their promotion for adoption. • Technologies for refinements are those where work had been started but more laboratory work needs to be done. • Technologies for field tests have gone through and had passed laboratory tests and are ready for limited adoption in the field. • Finally, mature technologies, which have successfully passed the field trials and could now be recommended for commercialization or integration into livestock programs. This is the application phase.

Also, the exact number of technologies to be covered for the duration of the Road Map would be difficult to specify. The biotechnology field is so dynamic that technologies keep on emerging. Furthermore, the needs of the industry – to which biotechnology could respond to – is just as dynamic with new challenges continually emerging,

The exact time frame for technologies to pass through these different stages would be difficult to establish.

What is important to emphasize is that all throughout the 30-year Road Map period, there would be continuing scanning, selection, refinements, testing, and institutionalization of livestock technologies. It is also important to emphasize that there will be continuing monitoring and evaluation of the entire process as well as clear specifications of milestones for each given technology. In fact, an ex-ante evaluation is proposed to be done before a given biotechnology is actively pursued. The conceptual phasing of biotechnology development under the Road Map is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Phasing of Biotechnology Development Technology Set New Technologies

2013-2014 Development in Laboratory

Available Technologies Scan Technologies for Adaptation


Laboratory Refinements

Laboratory Adaptation

Field Test

Technologies for Field Testing


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Field Test

Application/ Utilization Application/ Utilization


Field Test Mature Technologies for Application/Utilization

Application/ Utilization

Field Testing


On-going Biotechnology Initiatives4 In the meantime, there are on-going biotechnology initiatives – mainly by the PCC. These are described below: Reproductive biotechnologies, breeding, and genetics directly support genetic improvement programs in all species of animals. Many of these are already being applied. These include AI, estrus synchronization, superovulation, semen cryopreservation, ovum pick-up, and embryo cryopreservation. Sexing of semen had passed the development stage and is now in the testing phase. Technologies currently under the development and/or testing stages are those on oocyte preservation, cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and transgenesis. Biotechnologies on microsatellite markers for breed identification, parentage verification or genetic traceability and markers to assist in the selection for economic traits are at different stages across the development, testing and application phases considering the number of markers that are being studied. These are also applicable in all animal species and could significantly hasten genetic improvement and shorten time in the selection process. In animal health biotechnologies, numerous DNA-based diagnostic tools have been developed. These include LAMP, PCR, and RFLP, which provide faster and more

4 The sections on On-going Biotechnologies, their impact and milestones were based on inputs provided by the PCC Technical staff.

accurate ways to diagnose. The development of other tools for other diseases continues, hence, this process will be undertaken on a continuing basis. The same is true with the development of recombinant DNA vaccines. At the testing and application stages are those on markerassisted screening or selection for genetic diseases and disease resistance, and technologies with high impact if more widely used. There are three other areas also being looked at: ethnoveterinary drugs or therapeutics based on natural ingredients; transgenesis or genetically engineered livestock boosting immune response; and drug resistance, e.g., pathogen-carrying, drug-resistant gene, or antibioticresistant pathogens. In feeds and nutrition, work is on-going in rumen manipulation, probiotics, or direct-fed microbial and rumen-derived enzymes. Rumen manipulation is designed to enhance the digestibility of lignocellulosic materials for improved nutrition. Many of the specific technologies under these categories are already in the application stage but the development and testing work continues. In product development, probiotics or enzymes for meat and dairy products and the production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials are under development and testing stages. For products safety, efforts are on the development of markers for product traceability. In waste management, efforts are on development of inoculants to enhance biodegradation of waste, and enzymes to serve as deodorants. Milestone have been determined for these biotechnologies. The above listing does not, in any way, indicate the totality of the technologies to be covered in the Road Map. At best, they represent the “what is� today. These technologies are in different stages of development and will constitute the initial list of researches to be supported under the Road


Map. Necessarily, within the 30-year period, other needs of the industry would or could be identified for which biotechnology could effectively respond to. Furthermore, there will be continuous scanning of the global and

domestic environment to identify technologies for possible applications in the domestic livestock industry. Table 11 presents a more detailed description of these researches, their scope and specific targets or milestones.

Table 11. Biotechnologies, Targets and Milestones


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map



Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Impact of Specific Biotechnologies Biotechnologies must be assessed for the extent of their application, economic implications or contributions, environmental impact, and sustainability. This assessment was made to the biotechnologies already identified, tested, and applied. A three-point scale was drawn: High (H), Medium (M), and Low (L). Application means the extent by which the technology could be applied or utilized – across species and users - with “H” referring to wide applicability; economic implication refers to the cost-benefit, with “H” implying high benefits over cost; environmental implication refers to the effect of the technology on the environment, with “H” implying high negative impact.; sustainability is the extent by which the technology could be implemented on a continuing basis by the users, with “H” implying high sustainability. In reproduction and breeding, AI with its support technologies on semen cryopreservation, has high applicability, economic contribution, and sustainability. Embryo cryopreservation and marker-assisted selection for economic traits have high applicability and economic impact. Technologies considered of medium application include estrus synchronization, sexed semen, and microsatellite markers. Of low applicability are technologies on superovulation, ovum pick-up, embryo transfer, oocyte cryopreservation, cloning by somatic nuclear transfer, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and transgenesis (at the international level). It will be noted

that except for transgenesis, all of these technologies are in a sense “support components” to the AI technology. Transgenesis is, of course, high cost and is of low success. Biotechnologies in animal health are generally of medium application since they cater only to disease situations (before, during, and after occurrence). Diagnostic tools and vaccines are critical elements in disease control programs. Marker-assisted selection for genetic defects, while being implemented on a small scale now, would have very high impact if used routinely in swine and ruminants. In feeds and nutrition, high applicability and economic and environmental impact are true with rumen studies and probiotics. These technologies are basically designed to improve nutrition through increased efficiency in digestion. On product development, application, and economic and environmental impacts are generally at the medium level only. A matrix of the ratings on the impact of identified livestock biotechnologies is in Table 12.


Table12. Impact of Identified Livestock Biotechnologies


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

The same set of criteria shall be used to assess other biotechnologies that would be developed within the Road Map period.

Biotechnology in the Livestock Value Chain The practical importance of biotechnology could be viewed in relation to its role in the livestock value chain. Biotechnology is designed to influence production traits to attain certain purposes. These traits have been broadly classified into input and output traits (Bremer, 2001). Input traits are those that will impact the cost of doing business for the producer by reducing costs associated with production. This would include traits that reduce veterinary and drug costs by increasing resistance to diseases, those that would increase feed utilization efficiency, or those that reduce animal waste handling and disposal problems. Output traits are those that increase the output of a normal food product, add value to the product, or create an entirely new product. This would include those that increase productivity (e.g., higher milk production and more efficient weight gains), provide new consumer products (e.g., new yoghurts and cheese varieties), and diversify agricultural products providing new economic opportunities. The above traits underpin the value chain of livestock biotechnology.

Biotechnology provides products, which serve as inputs to the value chain and provides tools or processes that are applied in many segments of the chain. Pre-Input and Input Segment. Biotechnology R&D precedes the input supply in the value chain. For instance, reproductive biotechnology techniques are designed to produce quality genetic materials to be used in the farm. The products of semen, embryos, and clones – the base materials for farm breeding activities – are results of biotechniques like semen collection, processing, and preservation, MOET, in-vitro maturation oocytes, semen sexing, cloning, and others. In feeds, the biotechnology products to be used as inputs to the farms are results of biotechnology in feed production including genetic modification, bioprocessing, and biopreservation. In veterinary health, the biotechnologies are in the production of vaccines, antibiotics, probiotics, and ethnoveterinary drugs. In waste management, the biotechniques are in the production of microbes or enzymes capable of degrading farm wastes and byproducts, neutralizing odors, and converting wastes into useful products, such as fertilizer and biogas. Production. The biotechnology products or outputs are now inputs to the production process. The genetic materials are now used in the breeding activities of the farm. Semen, embryos, and clones are utilized using biotechnology techniques, e.g. insemination, transplantation, and cloning. A useful biotechnique in breeding is Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS), which could be used in selection for economic traits and breed identification.


In feeding, the biotechnology-processed feeds and feed ingredients are now supplied to the animals. A relevant biotechnique is rumen manipulation, which promotes the production of enzymes by the rumen microbes to enhance feed digestibility. In animal health, the useful veterinary tools are also MAS for genetic defects, and use of diagnostic or detection kits. In waste management, biodegrading enzymes could convert wastes to useful products, (e.g., fertilizer and biogas), eliminate offensive odors, and promote efficient disposal of farm wastes and by-products. Processing. Biotechnology had its earlier role in processing, e.g., beer, cheese, and fermented products manufacture. In the livestock sector, this continues to be

its function. Moreover, it is now complemented by the use of biopreservatives and, more importantly, it is being used in the application of DNA-based quality and safety tests of products. Marketing. Traceability is a concern in all phases of the production process. However, the process could be started at the marketing end and traced backwards through all the segments of the value chain. DNA technology promises to make food traceability more precise and reliable and boosts consumer confidence. Figure 4 illustrates the role of biotechnology in the livestock value chain. As Bremer had claimed, “the greatest impact of genetic influence is at the level of the producer and to a lesser

Figure 4. Biotechnology in the Livestock Value Chain


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

extent at the processor”. The analysis above confirms this observation.

Biotechnology and the National Livestock Development Program The R&D efforts under the Road Map should serve the National Livestock Program. In fact, it should be part of the Program. The Program should have articulated the goals, objectives and targets for livestock development in terms of production and reproduction, nutrition and health, economics and such other parameters. All the R&D activities under the Road Map are oriented towards creation of tools and products that would serve to achieve the ends of the Livestock Program. Otherwise, the efforts would be simply research or confined within laboratories.

due to the technology but to the logistical requirements in implementing the technology on a large or wide scale. Therefore, while AI is indeed for commercialization, its successful implementation is contingent on factors beyond the technology. And it is recognized that AI is the most practical way of extensively improving the genetics of local stock. Complementary tools to genetic improvement are multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET). These tools are designed to accelerate the production of high quality and increased numbers of ova, impregnate them with top quality semen, and implant them in surrogate dams and hence produce substantially more genetically improved stock. These technologies are in the refinement stage. They could serve as the effective instrument to produce superior sires that could be fed into the national program as source of semen for AI or as superior bulls in the government’s bull dispersal program. In short, these technologies by themselves are not of any or much use unless they are applied in actual breeding work.

This relationship could be illustrated in reproductive biotechnologies in relation to the National Genetic Improvement Program.

The same is true with other reproductive biotechnologies, e.g., IVEP, OPU, sexed semen, cryopreservation, and others. They enhance efficiency of the production, collection, and preservation of ova, increase possibilities of producing more females, and similar other benefits but these tools find meaning only when applied in the program to improve genetics and, consequently, performance of the local herd.

Artificial insemination (AI) is a “mature” biotechnology designed to improve the genetics of local stock through the introduction of superior quality genetics in the local herd. It is a technology that has been around for more than five decades. However, its outreach is limited not

In fact, all the biotechnologies described above support, directly or indirectly, the Livestock Development Program. In short, biotechnologies find meaning only if they are eventually applied, utilized, and served the ends of livestock programs.


Schedule of Activities

Table 13 presents a general schedule of proposed activities for the Road Map.

Table13. Schedule of Activities Particulars Mobilization Establishment/Development of Linkages Information, Education, Communication Consultations with Stakeholders Design of the IEC Plan/Program Implementation of the IEC Program Review and Update of Program Advocacy Consultations with Stakeholders Design of the Advocacy Plan/Program Implementation of the Advocacy Program Review and Update of Program Institutional Development Consultations with Livestock and Biotechnology Agencies Design of Institutional Development Program Implementation of the Institutional Development Program Review and Update of Program Research and Development Consultations with Industry, Producers, other Stakeholders; UPLB, other SUCs, Livestock Agencies Global and Domestic Scan Classification of Technologies i.e. applicability, stage of development Inventory of R&D Resources e.g. manpower, equipment and facilities Design of Biotechnology R&D agenda (medium and long term) Implementation of Research Projects


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map


Year 1






Mobilization. This will start off the implementation process. The necessary Administrative Orders and Memorandum Circulars shall be issued formally organizing the structure and institutional arrangements for implementing the Road Map. They shall define the program implementation structure, the organizations or agencies involved and their roles, functions, and relationships. Establishment of Linkages. Linkages are to be established with local and foreign institutions or organizations. The program shall link with local institutions, e.g., SUCs, biotechnology institutions (both private and public), and industry. These linkages will be important in the planning and implementation of the different projects under the Road Map. Linkages with international biotechnology organizations will be sought. As the PCC experience has shown, much support could be secured from them in terms of joint researches, human resource development, and provision of experts and equipment or facilities. Consultations. The implementation of the different program components will start with detailed consultations with the relevant stakeholders. For the IEC component, the more relevant stakeholders are media people, media organizations, e.g., BMARC, biotechnology practitioners, users of biotechnology products, and representatives of the general public. For the Advocacy component, the more relevant are biotechnology advocacy groups, e.g., BCP, policy makers, and program implementers.

For the Institutional Development component, dialogues will be held with the livestock agencies, biotechnology institutions, and selected SUCs who will participate in the different programs under the Road Map. The current capability of these institutions in terms of human resources, laboratory facilities, and equipment will be assed for possible support under the Road Map. For the R&D component, consultations will be with farmers, industry, PCAARRD, BAR, SUCs (e.g., UPLB), and livestock agencies. The dialogues constitute a research needs assessment from the point of view of users and generators or promoters of biotechnologies. The consultations shall be the basis for the design of strategic programs for these components. The programs will then be implemented, periodically reviewed, and updated and, where necessary, changes will be made. The R&D Program. The Program shall also be based on the consultations made. Additionally, the global and domestic scan for available and promising biotechnologies will be done. The list drawn shall then be classified as to applicability or relevance to local conditions and stage of their development. Corollary to this, an inventory of R&D resources, i.e., manpower, facilities, and equipment will be undertaken. A strategic R&D Medium and Long-Term Plan shall then be formulated and the corresponding programs under the Plan implemented. Meantime, support to on-going biotechnology initiatives shall continue.


Budgetary Requirements The budget required to implement the Road Map in the first five years would consist of: • R&D funds to support specific studies already in the pipe line (please see Table 10). A budget for this purpose is provided in this proposal. Moreover, in the first five years of implementation of the Road Map, other R&D concerns will be identified and provided with the needed support.

The broad categories or research are reproductive biotechnologies, breeding and genetics; nutrition biotechnologies; animal health; product development; product safety and quality; and general application. This would require Php2.167 billion in years 1-5. A total of 24 studies in various R&D areas will be covered. The number and budget requirement are summarized in Table 14.

Table14. Summary of R & D Coverage and Budget for Years 1-5


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

A major component to be supported is human resource development in these institutions. This will be in the form of scholarships for degree courses, short, and long-term training programs. As described earlier, the upgrading of the capability of the staff is a critical determinant of success in biotechnology work.

Institutional development funds to support building up the capability of institutions to undertake biotechnology research and development activities. This would include grants for laboratory equipment and facilities for livestock agencies, SCUs, and other biotechnology institutions to be involved in livestock biotechnology R&D and related activities. Specifically, support for equipment and facilities will be given to: (1) PCC’s Biotechnology Complex (2) BAI’s PAHC to better serve as the National Disease Reference Center; National Feed Laboratory, and six Regional Diagnostic Laboratories (3) NMIS’s National Meat Laboratory and its regional meat laboratories (4) UPLB including BIOTECH and other UPLB units (5) Other State Colleges and Universities The equipment support would basically complement existing facilities of these institutions for them to better undertake biotechnology tests or procedures.

This would require Php424 million in years 1-5. •

Funds for Advocacy and IEC work. This would support seminars, workshops, conferences, conventions, and multi-media campaign to promote awareness, understanding and appreciation and generate support for biotechnology. Advocacy work would need Php20.5 million, while IEC would require Php18 million.

Program management support as overhead for the PCC in managing the overall livestock biotechnology program. This would require Php25 million.

On the whole, a total of Php2.654 billion would be required for the first five years of the implementation of the Road Map. Table 15 presents the details of budgetary requirements.


Table15. Budgetary Requirements (‘000 pesos)

Annex 1 provided a more detailed schedule for the R&D component indicating manpower,


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

equipment, and budget requirements.

Recapitulation and Recommendation This draft Road Map for the Livestock Biotechnology Program: (1) describes the general biotechnology situation in the Philippines and the biotechnology status and practices in the livestock sector and among agencies; (2) establishes biotechnology’s relevance to certain needs of the livestock enterprise; and (3) proposes general directions which should be pursued to actively engage livestock biotechnology techniques in and improve performance of livestock farms. The biotechnology program components are proposed to be Information, Education and Communication; Policy Advocacy; Research and Development; and Institutional Development. The general categories of biotechnologies to be used are those on reproductive physiology, breeding and genetics, animal health, and animal nutrition. The biotechnologies were classified as those in the development stage, i.e., requiring the establishment of protocols including materials, methods, effect of the technology, those under pilot or field tests, and those mature enough to be applied or utilized. The document proposes that the PCC be the lead agency for the Road Map and be responsible for the development of biotechnologies. The BAI, NMIS, NDA could serve to pilot or field test the technologies and if proving true, integrate them in their respective programs. The latter is the utilization phase of the technologies.

A Livestock Biotechnology Office (as sub-office of the DA-PIU) will be set up at PCC to lead and coordinate efforts in livestock biotechnology. A Program Coordinating Committee will also be organized to assess the status of the Program, identify areas of concern, and define general areas for action. While these agencies are the principal participants, other groups and agencies will also participate in the Program. For practical purposes, the technologies are classified into the following: New technologies; Available technologies or those already in place but not yet tested in the Philippines; Technologies for refinements; technologies for field tests; and, finally, mature technologies, which could be recommended for adoption. The exact time frame for, and the exact number of technologies to be covered for the duration of the road map would be difficult to specify. What is important to emphasize is that all throughout the 30-year Road Map period, there will be continuing scanning, selection, refinement, testing, and institutionalization of livestock technologies. Meantime, specific biotechnologies currently being applied, tested, or developed have been identified and classified according to the scope of their applications, economic contribution, environmental impact, and sustainability. Funds to support these initiatives are proposed. However, as other R & D concerns are identified in the first years of implementing the Road Map, additional support will be provided to them. Funds to support the other components of the Biotechnology Road Map are also proposed. Specific biotechnologies currently being applied, tested, or


developed have been identified and classified according to the scope of their application, economic contribution, environmental impact, and sustainability.

More detailed classification of technologies whether mature, for pilot testing, or for laboratory work.

Finally, it is emphasized that the tools and products developed by biotechnology are relevant to and find meaning only in their application, utilization, and service to the livestock development programs.

Inventory/Assessment of biotechnology resources – human resources, facilities, equipment - in different institutions or agencies involved in biotechnology R&D.

Initiate the establishment of formal linkages among the different institutions involved in the Livestock Biotechnology Program. • Seek out international linkages to support the R&D agenda and the Institutional Development efforts. •

Initial Activities for the Road Map Meantime, the initial activities for the implementation of the Road Map are: • Mobilization. The necessary Administrative Orders must be issued to start off the process. This will formalize the structure, implementation arrangements, institutional linkages, and other elements necessary to implement the Road Map.


Detailed consultations. Initiate arrangements for the consultation process on IEC, Advocacy, and Institutional Development with concerned stakeholders. Undertake the consultation if feasible.

Global/Domestic Scan for available and applicable biotechnologies.

Selection of available biotechnologies and matching them with the needs or demands of the industry and prioritizing them according to importance.

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

• Prepare strategic plans for R&D, IEC,

Advocacy, and Institutional Development. •

Continue on and support on-going biotechnology efforts.

Annex 1 Manpower, Equipment and Budgetary Requirements for Biotechnology R & D

Technologies Artificial Insemination A. Reproductive Biotechnologies, Breeding and Genetics

Manpower Requirement Reproductive Physiologist Veterinarians AI Technicians Research analyst

Semen Cryopreservation Reproductive Biotechnologist Biochemist Cryobiologist Research assistant

Budgetary Requirements (Million Php)

Equipment/Facility Requirements • LN2 mother tanks (30)

Year 10





















Year 3

Year 5


• LN2 field tanks (50)

Year 7

• AI guns (100) • LN2 Depo (1)

• Vehicles for LN2 distribution

(12) • Motor cycles (15) • Artificial vagina (100

• Cold handling cabinet (1)

Freezing machine (1) • CASA machine (2) • Spectrophotometer (1) • LN2 tanks (12) • Computers (6) • Laser Printer (3) • Water distiller (2) • Refrigerators (2) • Water bath (2) •

Estrus/Ovulation synchronization

Reproductive Physiologist

Superovulation, Ovum Pick Up and Embryo Transfer

Reproductive Biotechnologist

Sexed semen

Reproductive biotechnologist

• Semen sex sorting machine


(Flow cytometer) • AC voltage regulators (6) • Autoclave (2)

• Mobile IVF/ ET van (fully

furnished with lab equipment) • Power Generators (2) • Millipore water system (2) • Ultralow freezer (2) • Clean bench (3) • Air conditioning units • Service vehicles (2) • OPU machine (2)

Ultrasound (2) • Weighing scale (2) • Con focal microscope (1) • Fluorescent microscope (1) • Stereo microscopes •

Research assistant

Research analyst



Embryo and Oocyte Cryopreservation

Manpower Requirement

Molecular Biologist Cryobiologist

Equipment/Facility Requirements •

Glass Media cabinet (3)

Budgetary Requirements (Million Php) Year 10




























Year 3

Year 5


Year 7

• PCR machine (2)

Electrophoresis system (2) Refrigerated centrifuge (2) • Microcentrifuge (2) • Weighing balance (3) • Hot plate (4) • Magnetic Stirrers (3) • LN2 mother tanks (6) • •

Reproductive biotechnologist Research assistant

Cloning by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

Biochemist Reproductive Biotechnologist

• Inverted microscope (1) • Micromanipulator system (1) •

Cell Fusion machine (1) Osmometer (2)

Inverted microscope (1)

Molecular Biotechnologist Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Reproductive Biotechnologist Molecular Biotechnologist Research assistant

Microsatellite markers for breed ID, parentage verification or genetic traceability

Molecular Biologist Biologist Veterinarian Microbiologist Geneticist

• Piezo machine (1) • CO2 incubators (2-gas) (3)

• CO2 incubators, (3-gas) (4) •

Drying oven big (3)

PCR/real time PCR Capillary Electrophoresis Automated DNA extractor PAGE set up Microassay/chip DNA Sequencer

• • • • •

Marker-assisted selection for economic traits

Molecular Biologist Biologist Veterinarian Microbiologist Geneticist

• PCR/real time PCR • • • • •

Capillary Electrophoresis Automated DNA extractor PAGE set up Microassay/chip DNA Sequence

SUBTOTAL B. Nutrition Rumen manipulation to Biotechnologies enhance degradability of lignocellulosic materials for improving nutrition


Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Microbiologist, Biochemist Nutritionist

Instrument room Reagent/weighing room • Working area • Metabolism facility • NRI unit • Spectrophotometer • Respiration calorimeter • Anaerobic Gas pack system • TMR machine • Machine for production of wrap silage •










Technologies Probiotics/ Direct feed microbial production

Manpower Requirement Microbiologist, Biochemist Nutritionist

Equipment/Facility Requirements • • • • • • •

Rumen-derived enzymes

C. Animal Health Biotechnologies

DNA-based diagnostic tools

Microbiologist, Biochemist Nutritionist Enzymologist

Molecular Biologist Veterinarian Microbiologist

• • •

Budgetary Requirements (Million Php) Year 3

Year 5

Year 7

Year 10


Gas Liquid Chromatography Ultra low temp incubator Shaking incubator Fermenter Inverted microscope with camera RTPCR Gel electrophoresis Ultra-low centrifuge Low temp deep freezer HPLC











PCR/real time PCR

• Luciferase assay machine

ELISA reader and washer Vertical and horizontal electrophoresis chamber • Spectrophotometer • GelDoc • BSL 3 • PCR / real time PCR • ELISA reader and washer • Vertical and horizontal electrophoresis chamber • Spectrophotometer • GelDoc • BSL 3 • Bioinformatics program • Computers • Exchange chromatography • Bioinformatics program • Computers




































• •

Recombinant DNA Vaccine

Marker assisted screening / selection for genetic defects and disease resistance Ethnoveterinary drugs and therapeutic development Drug Resistance – pathogen carrying drug resistant gene (mutation), antibiotic resistant pathogen Transgenesis – knock down gene, genetic engineered livestock boosting immune response

Microbiologist Veterinarian Immunologist Molecular Biologist Statisticians Molecular Biologist Microbiologist Veterinarian Bioinformatics Statistician Microbiologist, Biochemist Veterinarian Enzymologist Bioinformatics Molecular Biologist Veterinarian

Molecular Biologist Veterinarian Geneticist




D. Product Development

Probiotics or Enzymes for Meat and Dairy Products

Manpower Requirement

Microbiologist Chemist Enzymologist

Equipment/Facility Requirements

E. Animal-Derived Product Safety and Quality

F. General Application


Molecular Markers for Product Traceability

Microbiologist Chemist

Molecular Biologist Biologist Veterinarian Microbiologist Geneticist

Inoculants for enhancing biodegradation of waste

Microbiologist Chemist


Chemist Microbiologist Investor

Livestock Biotechnology Road Map

Year 10





















Enzyme Purification equipment/facility Fermenter Inoculation/Isolation Equipment/Facility






Plant extract bank Decoction machine Packaging equipment


















Year 3

Year 5

Enzyme Purification Equipment/facility Fermenter Inoculation/Isolation Equipment/facility



Fermenter Inoculation/Isolation Equipment/facility





PCR/Real Time PCR Capillary Electrophoresis • Automated DNA Extractor • PAGE set up • DNA Sequencer SUBTOTAL

• • •

Bioethanol from Inoculated Lignocellulosic Materials

Budgetary Requirements (Million Php)

• •

Year 7

• • •

• • •

Annex 2 Resource Persons No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Name Abenes, Maria Ariifi lo, Marilou Esterlina Contreras, Adela Cresencio, Rubina Legaspi, Cristina Limson, Paul Lopez, Emerlita Halos, Saturnina B Ebora, Reynaldo Adalla, Aida Badilla, Billy Padolina, William Molina, Jose Jarmin, Manuel Prado, Friedo Valenzuela, Felix Bayawa, Sulpicio Cenas, Grace Lagamayo, Gabriel Embestro , Evelyn Bigay, Rayne Miranda, Ely Baguio, Synan Villar, Edwin Atabay, Eufrocina Cruz, Libertado Duran, Peregrino Palacpac, Eric Fortunato, Arnold Angeles, Amado Bautista, Jose Arceo Capitan, Severino Oliveros, Cynthia Salces, Agapita Sevilla, Cesar Vera, Renato Yebron, Medino Jr. Bernardo, Andrew De Luna, Marua Catalan De Ocampo, Grace Molina, Helen Olarve, Joseph Padilla, Mildred Federation of Goat and Sheep Raisers Philippine College of Swine Practitioners (Technical Team)



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WEB PAGES: DA DA Biotechnology Program BAI NMIS NDA PCC PCAARRD BAR Green Peace Philippines SEARCA BIC LDC


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