Kroonpress Sustainability Report 2015

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s u s ta i n a b i l i t y report 2015



Regards from the CEO


The Most Environmentally Friendly Company in Tartu


The Beauty and the Beast Donation Postcards


Car-Free Day


Sharing and Caring


Kindergartens go Paper-Crazy – Again!


The Greenline Print Carbon Label Report


Carbon footprint


Environmental Policy


Energy and resource consumption

16 -17 18

Paper waste & wastewater Visual Summary of the Report

regards from the


dear reader

2014 was officially the hottest year on on Earth since recordkeeping began in 1891. Estonia didn’t experience any of this heat as we welcomed snowfall in the middle of June last year, with temperatures falling as low as 0ºC! Meanwhile, in February, the famous Tartu Ski Marathon was cancelled because there was no snow! These are just some of the telltale signs of climate change, an issue that the world is slowly coming together to tackle. Kroonpress continues to believe in and endorse the principles of sustainability and a low carbon economy. As proof, our efforts earned us the „Environmentally Friendly Production Process 2014” award by the Tartu City Council. Additionally, we continued supporting the local community with our ever-popular kindergarten paper-run, increasing

our employees’ sustainability awareness through cycling events and, for the first time, celebrating The International Car-Free Day in September. We were also honoured to help Estonian Fund for Nature print and launch a campaign for protecting a en endemic butterfly species that has only been found on Saaremaa island in Estonia. Low carbon, sustainable printing makes us feel optimistic about the future and we hope you feel these vibes when working with us. Happy reading!

andres kull

CEO and member of the board

t h e m o s t E n v i r o n m e n ta l ly

F R I E N D L y company in tartu

Kroonpress received acclaim and recognition for its environmental efforts in October at the annual gala for the most successful companies of the city of Tartu, where we were handed the „Environmentally Friendly Production Process 2014” award.

The council commended our efforts in reducing our carbon footprint and environmental impact through the following measures: •

100% renewably sourced electricity

Rainwater reclamation, reducing grid water consumption by 15%

Delivery vehicle powered by natural gas – 9% less CO2 and 30% less soot

Widespread adoption of LED-lighting adoption – 2% less electricity consumed

Vegetable-based inks in sheet-fed printing department

the beauty and the beast

D O N A T I O N postcards

There is a species of butterfly, currently still called by its Latin name Scythris Penicillata, whose only current living habitat is on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia. The species was first described in the French Alps in 1900 but has since disappeared due to global warming and human activity. The Estonian Fund for Nature is now helping take care of its survival and research, a noble cause for which a donation postcard was created with the unpaid help of Kroonpress who printed the cards with vegetable-based inks on low-carbon paper, receiving a Greenline Print „A-class” label along with the Nordic Ecolabel.

A new batch of postcards for helping endangered risla, whose habitats in Estonia have greatly suffered, were also printed with regards (and ecolabels) by Kroonpress. Coincidentally, the beautiful designs for both postcards were volunteer-made by Kroonpress reprographics specialist Maria Karolin.

c a r - f r e e d ay

September 22th was the annual International Car Free Day, which, for the first time, was officially celebrated at Kroonpress with indoor TV blasting encouraging messages prior to the event and incentivising all employees to leave their car at home for just one day by oering organic smoothies as treats for everyone who came by bicycle, foot or public transport. Overall, about 25 people retrieved their treats, which is an encouraging start, and one that hopefully will grow a lot bigger!

sharing and

caring F S C F r i d ay

FSC Friday, the annual global sustainable forestry awareness day promoted by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) took Estonian celebrations to Tartu where Kroonpress sponsored the event with certified paper for childrens paper workshops and wooden pallets for creating FSC-labelled log-boards around the city.

F e s t i va l o f O p i n i o n C u lt u r e

Kroonpress was invited by the Estonian Fund for Nature to take the stage in the Festival of Opinion Culture, an event encouraging free speech, open thoughts and novel ideas. A discussion and open debate was held on green marketing and sustainable production alongside environmental experts and industry professionals. A common understanding was that transparency, honesty and simplicity is what drives consumer behaviour and public opinion, as far as corporate responsibility and green marketing is concerned.

Scientists’ Night

At Kroonpress, in collaboration with FSC Friday and the annual „Scientists’ Night”, the doors of our plant were opened for a free presentation and tour to all those interested about sustainably sourced paper and modern environmentally conscious printing.

kindergartens go

p a p e r - c r a z y — again!

81 kindergartens receive 453 reels of paper

Our traditional paper donation campaign right before Christmas witnessed even more requests for paper than on previous years, with 81 kindergartens receiving a total of 453 reels of discarded paper. A whopping 60 of these kindergartens had parents or employees across the nation pick up their fair share of paper, while 21 local kindergartens had theirs delivered on behalf of Kroonpress.

As usually, all children were in high spirits and promised to use up all of the paper for handicraft and drawing by next Christmas. We will see them then!


G R E E N L I N E P R I N T Carbon Label Report

50 million low-carbon prints 489 unique labels issued

A steady trend of growth was observed in 2014, with 25% more unique labels calculated vs the previous year. Total circulation of labelled prints increased upwards of 50 million copies compared to 30 million the year before. Publishers in Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania were the main Greenline Print logo users, with Finnish, Norwegian and Dutch publishers testing the waters. We know there are new Dutch and Swedish publishers jumping on board in 2015, so these stats are surely bound to change! The average labelled printrun was 53 000 copies

489 carbon footprints were calculated in 2014, up 25% from 367 labels in 2013. The average carbon footprint (311 labels) fell within the A-class (0-1000 kg CO2/t), where products are essentially carbon-negative, storing more carbon within the paper fibre than is released during production! Largest labelled order: 487 000 Smallest labelled run: 1650 copies



The carbon footprint of Kroonpress, including direct emissions from the plant and indirect emissions from energy consumption, amounted to a total of 3665 tonnes of CO2 in 2014. That’s 1% or 37 tonnes more than the previous year due to a slightly colder winter than the record-breakingly warm winter of 2013. Electricity footprint was slightly higher due to larger consumption of peak electricity which is not certified as renewable. Natural gas and electricity aside, our carbon footprint dropped in district heating due to more biomass used in the heating plant and in transportation thanks to a newer and more efficient fleet. We expect a big dip in our carbon footprint in 2015 with a new electricity contract that covers both peak and baseline electricity with 100% renewably sourced electricity. Also, our long-awaited excess heat harvesting project should significantly decrease the footprint of district heating.






5041 0787 Kroonpress

Kroonpress strives to increase stakeholder value by being more resource-efficient, generating as little harmful waste as possible and endorsing a life cycle perspective in printing to increase transparency of the print industry, while providing our clients with sustainable solutions to their printing needs. Our primary environmental responsibility is to monitor and minimize the impact of our own operations. We do this by following strict EU and national regulations on waste generation. Our secondary responsibility is voluntary obligation to various stricter limitations and norms. We currently hold the

ISO 14001 environmental management certificate, ISO 9001 quality management certificate, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) chain of custody certificates and the Nordic Ecolabelling license. In late 2014, Kroonpress submitted its application for the EU Ecolabel, being the first printing company in Estonia to do so.

energy and

r e s o u r c e Consumption

Electricity consumption has been creeping upwards due to increased production volumes and so has gas but there is an added factor of weather variation included in gas consumption as about 10-15% of it is used to power additional heaters during colder periods in production areas where district heating is insufficient.


w a s t e and wastewater

The graph shows percentage of paper used for each print run that ends up as paper waste. Newspapers nad magazines didn’t quite have a successful year in terms of generating paper waste, whereas waste paper from sheet-fed printing fell slightly and is now at a mere 1.77%.

biological oxygen demand and dissolved solids

phosphorus and nitrogen

s u m m a r y of the report

Kroonpress prized with „Environmentally Friendly Production Process 2014“ award.

Greenline Print carbon label grows to over 50 million issues labelled per year.

81 kindergartens receive 453 reels of paper.

Endangered risla and butterflies postcards printed and labelled for Estonian Fund for Nature

First-time celebration of International Car-Free Day.

Production volume up 0.5% and carbon emissions up 1%.


sustainability report 2015


Amber Graphic 140


Heidelberg SM 102-9P5+LX


Ipi Ilves & Mihkel Loomus


Taevakaamera OĂœ


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