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CONFERENCE DIRECTORS REPORT Western North Carolina Conference

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David A. Williams WNCC CED Director’s Report This has been a very fruitful and active year for the Christian Education Department of the Western North Carolina Conference. We are tremendously grateful to God and give Him all the praise for prospering the work we set our hands to do this conference year. I am indeed humbled to serve the WNCC in this capacity under the appointment and leadership of Bishop George E. Battle, Jr. Special thanks goes out to the Board of Christian Education and District Directors for successfully undergirding each ideal and program for the Christian Education Department this year. Conference Year Overview This year’s main focus was the Beautillion. The purpose of the Beautillion program was designed to address societies stereotypes upon young African American males ages 12 to 18 with an innovative program that would nurture and stimulate spiritual growth, educational development, and responsibility. Through the Beautillion, we will be able to build character by focusing on self-­‐ esteem, integrity, education, and job skills. We were able to reach young men in the communities of the six districts of the Western North Carolina Conference. The young men were placed into two categories -­‐ Joshua’s (12-­‐ 15) Troop and Gideon’s Army (16-­‐18). We had several planning meetings in preparation for this extravagant event. The young men of the Western North Carolina Conference stepped out in style at St. Stephen’s AME Zion Church. They demonstrated Christian


character, many talents, academic achievements and revealed plans of future goals. I have to commend the District Directors, Pastors, and parents for their hard work. Many thanks are also extended to Lele Davis, Angelica Sweat, Malaya Curry, and Karen Williams for their diligence in producing the commemorative booklet for the event. Also to Mr. Eric Davis for his diligence in working with the young men again this year as their mentor and step instructor. I was afforded the opportunity to be one of the representatives to the National Council of Churches, USA (Unity Gathering) in Washington, D.C. May 18th-­‐20th. Rev. Dr. Raymon Hunt and Dr. Mary Love of the Western North Carolina Conference were also in attendance. The meeting was informative and plans were made to begin united efforts across the US to provide awareness for and to eradicate mass incarceration. Information is in motion for dissemination to various communions for support and participation. Continuously we are called upon to teach workshops and conduct seminars in education across the country. The survival of the Sunday school and Faith Formation has been two major components of my conversation. Current trends, demographics, training of teachers, interest of students, and facility usage continue to present challenges for churches regardless of their denominational structure and beliefs. I want to stimulate a conversation across the United States and especially in Western North Carolina encouraging leaders to make a greater impact and investment in spiritual training and development.


I call this move the “TURNABOUT”. I envision a leadership team traveling to all 6 districts for a special training session to help implement the new Quadrennial theme: Fortfying our Faith While Focusing on Our Future: Worship, Leadership, Discipleship, Stewardship. We have better opportunity to reach more directors, teachers, and students because the event is going to be localized. More details will need to be developed to ensure the program’s success; but I believe it is possible to grow our church with this kind of intentional instruction being accomplished. The Sunday school department is still regarded as one of the foundational teaching arms of the church. In order to maintain a healthy Sunday school department, periodically an assessment must be administered to determine areas of growth and decline. Through an assessment the Sunday School Superintendent, Christian Education Director and Pastor can utilize the data to develop new programs to strengthen foundational elements, launch new and innovative programming as well as make necessary improvements. A simple assessment checklist has been included for you to use in your local Christian Education Departments and Sunday school. Please utilize this tool and feel free to add, delete, or rearrange any of the information included. If you use the data it will facilitate healthy discussions and even create the opportunity for collaboration with churches on your district as well as your community. We look forward to hearing and receiving feedback at pthrdg@ aol.com or by calling 704-­‐865-­‐0593.


Closing Words Included are the reports from the District Directors and the Assembly of Christian Educators. Again, thanks to Mr. Gilbert McCray for your consistent work complying and updating our ACE membership. I am also appreciative for the support from my Elder, Dr. George H. McNeely and Mrs. Mary McNeely, Mrs. Lillian P. Williams, the Lincolnton District, Pleasant Ridge church family and, the administrative team – Malaya Curry and Antina Avery-­‐ you are “all awesome”. Last but not least thanks to my wife Karen, and my Children – Karian and David II for all of your support. I also want to mention my latest innovation,” entitled “Jacob Goes to Church”. It is a children’s book designed for the youthful reader. It is the first in a series of children’s material that we are working to complete. The new apple commercial says,” Write Your Verse.” I believe that my verse begins with “It can be”……… and ends with “We believe”. Christian Education can be informative and innovative and we believe its impact can continue to be world wide. Humbly submitted, David Williams WNCC Director


DIRECTOR’S REPORT Lincolnton District Report Ms. Lillian P. Williams We the members of the Christian Education Department of the Lincolnton District are completing a very busy year. Out year began as usual with the Director’s Workshop hosted at Rudisill Chapel AME Zion Church, Cherryville, NC. This year we had the privilege of being trained by Dr. Mary Love, Editor of the Department of Church School Literature, who explained and expounded upon the Quadrennial theme, “Rebuilding the Community.” In October, we had our first mass meeting at Humphreys Chapel in Dallas, NC. In addition, we had district representation at the WNCC Sunday School Symposium held at Little Rock AME Zion Church, Charlotte, NC. In December we traveled to Texas for the Winter Meeting for Christian Education. I am pleased to say that we had seventeen persons to participate this year. As Director, I have attended at least 20 winter meetings and by far this Truthville 2014 was the most memorable. In January, we held our second mass meeting at St. Stephens AME Zion Church, Gastonia, NC. During this meeting we devoted teaching to the Deaconess. The department then shifted gears as we hosted several practices and workshops for the Western North Carolina Beautillion. In addition, we had the privilege to host the Beautillion at St. Stephens AME Zion Church, Gastonia, NC. This year we had nine Young Men of Zion represent the Lincolnton


District. Congratulations to Mr. Jeremiah Ervin of the Lincolnton District who was the overall winner for the Young Warriors of Zion Joshua’s Generation. In April, the department had nine individuals to attend the Southeastern Regional Meeting in Lancaster, SC. During the month of May we convened with our Sunday School Convention at Neely’s Grove AME Zion Church, Gastonia, NC. We had eleven churches to report. This convention centered on outreach and youth in the next conference year. All departments are functioning well. The YACM department continues to meet. There annual revival was a success; the Reverend Trishaun Kendall brought forth the Word. What a wonderful service. We will saluted the Graduates of 2014 on May, 2014. We look forward to the campaigning season for the children and Annual Conference. We are continually grateful for the directors and members of the Department of Christian Education. This year we have utilized technology with a Facebook page, email blast and newsletter by our own Angellica Sweat. Thanks to Mrs. Brenda Friday, Ms. Leonadras Davis, Reverend Amanda Anderson, Ms. Nerissa Ijames, Mrs. Parthenia Friday, Mrs. Africa Otis, Mr. Winston Bagley and Reverend Anarah Henderson, Mrs. Mildred Sadler and our backbone, Rev. Dr. George H. McNeely. As we close this conference year, I want to thank the Lincolnton District for the privilege to serve.


In His Service, Lillian P. Williams Lincolnton District Director of Christian Education Reverend Alesia Jones District Director North Charlotte District Christian Education Department 2013-­‐2014 Annual Report To the Right Reverend George E. Battle, Jr., Presiding Prelate of the Western North Carolina Conference, Mrs. Iris M. Battle, Missionary Supervisor, Reverend Dr. James M. Sloan, Presiding Elder, First Lady of the District Dr. Janice Sloan, General Officers, Conference Officers, District Officers, Pastors, Ministers, Local Church Christian Education Directors, Laity and distinguished Friends assembled. I, Reverend Alesia Jones, humbly give account of my stewardship this conference year. I participated in telephone conferences lead by Reverend David William, WNCC CED Director and conducted CED District meetings. I attended Reverend Dr. James M. Sloan, Presiding Elder District Executive Board Meetings, Organizational Meeting, Checkup Meetings, 5th Sunday Fellowship, WHOMS Mass Meetings, and other events/activities across the district and conference.


1st Place Winner Noah Ihekaire a member of Greenville Memorial A.M.E. Zion and the North Charlotte District Christian 2014 GRADUATES Caldwell Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church Myya Lapourche Davis

Myers Tabernacle A.M.E. Zion Church High School: Jamil Metcalf, Breondra Newman, Chris Reeder

Greenville Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church High School: Christian Huntley, Julius McDowell, Jr., Nahizm Reid, Jamal Grady, Raphael Montgomery, Cayla Peterson College: Tabitha Jackson, Michael Gatewood, Thomas Cooley, Trina Matthews-­‐ Seabrooks, High Point University, Master Degree in Non-­‐Profit Organization Management

Reeves Temple A.M.E. Zion Church Reverend Dr. Debra Hall, United Theological Seminary, Alicia McGriff

Hopewell A.M.E. Zion Church High School: TeSara Boyd College: Ashley Long, Markel Reid

Rockwell A.M.E. Zion Church High School: Dameon Broome, Lacey Daniel both from North Mecklenburg College: Courtney D. Herriott, UNCC

Little Rock A.M.E. Zion Church High School: Symone Burt, Jalleah Cherry, Autumn Clark, William Davis, Lawrence Pittman, Rachel Porter, Montreal Rice, TheaImani Scott, Sean Thomas,

Watkins Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church College: Allante Jennings, Jalen Kennerly, Rodgerica Torrence


Little Rock A.M.E. Zion Church RoyeLynn Wallace, Kiera Weathers, Phillip White College: Antwan Alexander, Christal Caldwell, Darius Christian, Elizabeth Davis, Chelsey Isler, Nayo Tabron, RitaTillman, Daivene Walker College Graduates (gradschool): Tressa Blake, Colena Corbett, Kareem Cesar Puranda, Stephanie Tenai Staley

Zion Wesley College: Josh Cuthbertson, Hampton University Mowing Glade A.M.E. Zion Church High School: Shartavius Dunn, Rock High, Jared Gaston, Rocky River

Education Department VCYC Parliamentarian. Jamil S. a member of Little Rock A.M.E. Zion Church was honored in 2nd Place. 2013-­‐2014 HIGHLIGHTS v Mr. Gilbert McRae, District Director of Adults continues to serve as the ACE coordinator for the WNCC CED secured 57 new ACE (Assembly of Christian Educators) stoles and plans to attend the 23rd Quadrennial Convention on Christian Education of the A.M.E. Zion Church on July 26 – 31, 2014 in Greensboro, North Carolina.


v Ms. Mary, District Director of YACM participated for ensuring that the VICYC President is place for any and all CED events and activities. Attended telephone conferences conducted by the WNCC CED Director and transported the District Director and VICYC President to meetings. Witnessed Sister Danielle Phifer Trail Sermon. v Ms. Sharon Plummer, District Director of Children assisted the host district Children’s Director throughout the Annual Conference CED Day. Twenty-­‐four of the North Charlotte District children were in attendance during camp week at Dorothy Walls Conference and Retreat Center in Black Mountain and she served as a group leader. v Ms. Almerth McLemore, District Director of Girl Scouts was elated with A.M.E. Zion troops at Jonahville, Little Rock, Rockwell and Greenville Memorial as they participated in a Thinking Day program and uplifted countries of Egypt, France and England. Their community service projects involved Mom and Me Tea Party, Loaves and Fishes, v Salvation Army’s Center of Hope, Investiture and Rededication Ceremony, Relay for Life, and Valentine cards to a Child’s Place. v Reverend Dr. Debra Hall, District Director of Youth provided CED information through the use of various media to the entire district and was able to achieve a Doctorate from United Theological Seminary. v Brother C. (Christen) Rashard Alexander, District Director of Boy Scouts, volunteered during camp week at Dorothy Walls Conference and Retreat Center in Black Mountain. Brother Alexander served at Camp John J. Barnhardt in New London, North Carolina as Program Director and leader over 1,100 Boy Scouts and Scout Master. He also established a scouting unit and Brother Isidore E. Sharp, Jr. became a new leader under his guidance.


v Manquel Thompson, VICYC President of the North Charlotte District Christian Education Department was able to travel to the Winter Meeting in Dallas, Texas due to the support of the North Charlotte District in December. Manquel was able to receive a VICYC leadership Certificate and participated in the CR Thompson Mass Choir including the “Glow in the Dark” program. The North Charlotte District Christian Education Department and District VICYC officers Manquel Thompson, President, Autumn Clark, Corresponding Secretary, Amber Graham, Chaplain, and Noah Ihekaire, Parliamentarian thank Bishop George E. Battle, Jr. for his love offering to them when they attended the Winter Meeting in Dallas, Texas. It was truly a honor to be present at our former Christian Education Department District VICYC President Sister Danielle Phifer Trial Sermon at Greenville Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church. A special note of thanks must be given to all District Directors, Pastors, Local Directors, laity and parents for their continue assistance to ensure that our district is always ready to be counted in the Western North Carolina Conference. I am thankful to Sharon Plummer, Mary Crowder and Dr. Debra Hall who continue to always support me and pray for several of my family members as their health declines. To Presiding Elder, Reverend Dr. James M. and Janice Sloan who have encourage me in everything to never give up and always remember to lift my family up in prayer. To my husband and best friend in the entire world Mr. Bill Jones, thank you for your love and kindness I will never ever stop loving you.


Respectfully Submitted, Alesia Jones Ms. Willie Boyd Salisbury District Director To: The Right Reverend George E. Battle, Jr., Senior Bishop and Presiding Prelate of the Western North Carolina Conference, Piedmont Episcopal Area; Mrs. Iris M. Battle, Missionary Supervisor; Reverend Herbert Warren, Presiding Elder of the Salisbury District; our First Lady, Mrs. Carrie Warren; General Officers; Presiding Elders; Pastors; Ministers; Conference and District Offers; and Christian Educators, I thank God that once again it is with humility and thanks that I have an opportunity to present the labors of the Salisbury District Christian Education Department.


This report highlights activities of the department during the 2013 -­‐ 2014 conference year. In August the Directors and I met at White Rock A.M.E. Zion Church to review and discuss the district calendar and set goals for the year. We continued meeting each month with all directors to implement the goals and provide opportunities for adults, young adults, youth and children. At these meetings we also continued sharing and analyzing information. At the first meeting we begin planning for our first event. We decided to change our event this year and we highlighted the senior ladies of the district. We chose ladies that were fifty-­‐five and older to participate in this event. We called it “The Divas of the Salisbury District.” These ladies blessed us with their talents and were a sight to behold as they modeled and presented themselves to the District. Mrs. Fannie Butler, member of Moore’s Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church was crowned “Mrs. Diamond Diva of the Salisbury District.” Tonya Cornelius continues working with all of the children of the District. She continues teaching throughout the year. She and the other district directors meet with the local directors of each church to provide leadership and share many things that they have obtained by attending the Christian Education Meetings. All of the Directors attended the Conference and District Director’s Meetings that are held during the year. Tonya is forever seeking ways to teach these young minds and she provides them with many opportunities to learn about being a Christian and she also teaches them the importance of setting high goals for themselves and working to achieve those goals.


Jeanette Rankin, our Youth Director, continues meeting with the local directors as well as the youth of the district. She teaches and trains them so that they are able to conduct their own meetings with her guidance. She and the youth sponsored a one night revival that was held at South Iredell A.M.E. Zion Church. The revival was well attended by many youth and adults. Ernestine Cornelius is our Adult Director. She meets with the adults of each church and they plan the year. She teaches them from the A.M.E. Zion Literature. She supports everything that is done on the District. Mary Marlin is our YACM Director. She meets with the local directors and makes sure they are organized within the local churches. She also teaches at the meetings she has with the directors. Donna Cuthbertson and Terry Jackson work with our Boy and Girl Scouts. They are attempting to get more churches on the district to organize more scout troops. Mr. Jackson was just appointed this conference year and has done a wonderful job. He jumped right in working. He also preached his trail sermon this year. God bless you Mr. Jackson. The Salisbury District had many to attend the Winter Meeting in Dallas, Texas in December. We learned a lot and we presented some of the information to the district at different meetings. The Salisbury District had eight young men to participate in the Western North Carolina Beautillion held this year.


Our Church School Convention will convene at Sills Creek on May 31, 2014. Rev. Kathy Brown, General Secretary/Treasurer of the Christian Education Department of the A.M.E. Zion Church. After the convention, we will have a fellowship picnic for the district. Tonya, thank you so much for all that you do to help me on this District. Mrs. Wendy Jackson, thank you for keeping us well informed with all of the beautiful minutes of every meeting. Mr. Ernestine Cornelius, we know that the money is always right and going to exactly what it is supposed to go. Elder Warren, you are truly a blessing. I thank God for you. Thank you for the love, encouragement, concern and support you have given me since I became the District Director. To all of the Pastors of the District, Thank you for all of your support. I humbly submit this report for the to 2013 -­‐ 2014 conference year. Willie S. Boyd Salisbury District Christian Educator Director


Winston-­‐Salem CED District Director Report Marie M. Jamerson Dr. Calvin Miller, Presiding Elder To: Rev. David Williams, WNCC Director of Christian education July 8th -­‐ 12, 2013 Children’s camp week @ DWCRC, Black Mountain, NC, 35 children and 4 adult chaperones were in attendance. August 10, 2013 “Back to School Readiness Rally,” Goler Metropolitan AME Zion Church, Rev. Johnny L. Ruff, host Pastor, 125 participants supplied and Mrs. Mertice Williams, Educator presenter. September 21, 2013 First Mass Meeting, Bethania African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Rev. Dr. Karen Roberts Miller, host Pastor. This years’ theme, departmental meetings and calendar introduced. October 26, 2013 “The Master Chef Cook Off” @ Goler Memorial AME @ 12:30 pm. Rev. Dr. George C. Banks, host Pastor. Sixteen churches participated, very successful Fundraiser. December 27 -­‐30th Winter Meeting, Sheraton Hotel Dallas, Texas, 42 participants attended. February 22, 2014


Second Mass Meeting, Goler Metropolitan AME Zion Church, Rev. Johnny Ruff, host Pastor. We held a Black History Program, all Departments; “Connecting the Dream; Past, Present and Future.” April 18, 2014 Easter Program and egg hunt, Bethlehem A M E Zion, 10:00 am, Rev. Beverly McMillian, host Pastor. Program presented by host Pastor, “Colors of Easter”. Egg hunt, 120 plus, children, youth, young adults, and young at heart adults attended. April 5, 2014 Western North Carolina Conference Beautillion, St. Stephens AME Zion Church, Nine young gentlemen participated. June 1, 2014 Graduates Celebration, Mainville A M E Zion @ 3:00 pm, Rev. Dorothy Kelley, host Pastor. We recognized W-­‐S District Graduates from High School to Graduate degrees. In His Service, Marie M. Jamerson W-­‐S District Director


Statesville CED Report Ms. Cynthia Bailey-­‐ District Director Rev. Dr. David R. Baker, Presiding Elder To the Right Reverend George E. Battle, Jr., Senior Bishop and Presiding Prelate of the Western North Carolina Conference, Mrs. Iris M. Battle, Missionary Supervisor, to our Presiding Elder of the Statesville District, Rev. Dr. David R. Baker and all other Presiding Elders, Pastor David A. Williams, WNCC CED Director, Conference and District officers, Ministers, and all Christian Educators, I greet you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Many things have taken place on the Statesville District and the WNCC that we have been blessed to be a part of this 2013-­‐ 2014 Conference year and to God we give all the Glory. In July, thirty five eager and excited children attended an exciting week of camping fun at Camp Dorothy Walls Conference and Retreat Center. We shared our week at camp with campers from the Greensboro District. We had lots of fun playing games in the gym, going swimming, cooking out, singing around the camp fire, roasting marshmellows, having movie night, eating lots of delicious foods, hiking around the lake, and playing kickball. We also had fun in arts and crafts, music, and celebrating at the big birthday party. We learned a lot and enjoyed our Bible Study classes that focused on the “Power of Prayer.” A special thanks goes out to Rev. Emmanuel Bonaparte who teamed up with me to teach. Bible study for the week. We were so grateful to the volunteers from the Statesville District who joined in to help make our camping experience a week to remember. (Rev. Erica Farmer, Mrs. Margaret


Nelson, Ms. Cheryl McCombs, Mr. Bill Shuford, Ms. Jackie Clemment, Rev. Emmanuel Bonaparte, Ms. Kaylin Dawkins, Rev. and Mrs. Marcus Farmer.) We also would like to thank Presiding Elder Baker for joining us at our Thursday night closing program and Rev. Dewayne Tutt for helping to secure our bus transportation to camp. This year we had three Directors’ Assembly Meetings to discuss CED events/activities, and plan for our Second Saturday Mass Meetings. At our August Second Saturday Mass Meeting, our newly appointed district officers were presented. We gave special recognition to our 2013 District Graduates and Rev. Darian L. Potts, Valedictorian of Livingstone College Class of 2013, shared words of inspiration. On October 26, 2013 the Statesville District CED Department hosted “A FABALOUS FALL BALL” at Clinton Tabernacle as our special effort for the year. Cost of admission was $15.00, dress attire was “Clean, Classy, Christian.” Heavy horsd’oeuvres were donated, a jazz band played, and everyone enjoyed the food, fun, and fellowship. At our November Directors’ Assembly Ms. Janice Thompson presented a workshop entitled, “Getting To Know Your Church. She shared information about the Christian Education Department and the A. M. E. Zion Church. Dr. Bertha Pittman was our workshop presenter at our November Second Saturday Mass Meeting. She shared experiences, strategies, ideas, and research that she was successful in using while doing her thesis project on Rebuilding the Community.. This workshop was sponsored by


Brother Warren Campbell and the Adult Department. Veterans from across the Statesville District were also honored in a pinning ceremony for their dedicated service to our country. In December, the Statesville District proudly hosted a Cluster Beautillion Meeting at Shiloh A. M. E. Zion Church for the Salisbury, Winston Salem, and Statesville Districts. The purpose of the meeting was to inform parents and interested persons about the 2014 Beautillion. Mrs. Delora Steele, Ms. Cheryl McCombs, Ms. Cameron Loritts, Bro. Warren Campbell, and the District Director, attended the 2014 Winter Meeting in Dallas, Texas In January, the Statesville District CED Department joined with the Missionary Buds of Promise for the “Knots of Love Blanket Project. Mt. Vernon A. M. E. Zion Church hosted the event and Mrs. Janice Tutt was the project coordinator. Blankets were made for children in the hospital in Winston Salem. In February, we celebrated Black History Month by having each District Director and their department do a presentation at our Second Saturday Mass Meeting. Our theme was, “Black is …Success to Significance.” Bro. Michael Gillespie, Young Adult District Director, presented to the the Adult and Young Adult Departments. Ms. Cheryl McCombs did a presentation on Rosa Parks. Mrs. Delora Steele presented on behalf of the Youth Department. During the Easter break, Mrs. Delora Steele and the Youth Department hosted a very successful and well attended two day


youth revival. The theme was,”My set back is a set up for my comeback.” Rev. Daril Scott, from the Winston Salem District and Mr. Vincent Smith, a retired professional football player from Statesville, were the motivational speakers. This year, we had two youth to represent the Statesville District in the 2014 Beautillion. These youth were Nicholas Lackey who attends Shiloh A. M. E. Zion Church and Tevin Seymore who attends Mt. Pleasant A. M. E. Zion Church. Tyquan Scott from Piney Grove A. M. E. Zion Church presented two musical selections as talent from the Statesville District. Rev. Reginal Keitt served as master of ceremony. Rev. Marcus Farmer and Lionell Pruitt helped with parking and supervised our participants.. Justice Robinson, Maya Keitt, and Morgan Keitt served as hostesses. The Statesville and Salisbury Districts provided snack when Beautillion rehearsal was held at Mt. Pleasant A. M. E. Zion Church in Statesville. I served on the 2014 Beautillion Photo Committee. Cheryl McCombs, Bee Aberthany, Nicholas Lackey, Jamil Lizardi, Cameron Loritts, Anna Mayes, Alexis Williams, Reuje Hayden and I, went to the Southeastern Regional in Lancaster, SC. Mrs. Delora Steele, Youth Director, planned the trip, but was unable to attend because of the death of her mother. We are truly grateful to Mr. Russell Lackey for adjusting his schedule to transport us in the van. Our Sunday School Convention 2014 was held at Smyre’s Chapel A. M. E. Zion Church in Catawba, North Carolina on May 10, 2014. Rev. John Phifer was the host pastor.


The Statesville District is proud to celebrate their 2014 Graduates -­‐twenty-­‐two High School Graduates and eleven College Graduates one of which is a Doctorial Candidate and one is a Master’s Degree Candidate. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THE GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE! To Mrs. Bettye M. Lackey, thank you so much for all of the help, love, support, encouragement, feedback, and guidance you have given me not only this year, but through the years that I have been blessed to serve as CED Director for the Statesville District. THANKS FOR BEING A GREAT MENTOR! To Presiding Elder Baker, Mrs. L. Tate and the CED Board, Pastors, District Officers, Local Directors, members of the Statesville District, and every one who helped to make this a successful conference year, thanks for your support, and as always, thanks for all you do for CED. Humbly submitted, Cynthia Bailey Statesville District CED Director


Charlotte District Christian Education Department Report of Stewardship to the Western North Carolina Annual Conference-­‐ Rev. Cathy Henderson To The Right Reverend Bishop George E. Battle, Jr., Presiding Prelate, Missionary Supervisor Mrs. Iris M. Battle, Presiding Elders, General Officers, Pastors, Ministers, District Officers, Delegates and all assembled: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.” 1 Peter 1:3-­‐ 4a I begin this report with praise and thanksgiving. I am appreciative of the opportunity to serve the Charlotte District and I am grateful for the leadership and support of our Presiding Elder, Rev. Dr. Benjamin L. Morrow. I am eternally grateful for the recognition and encouragement Elder Morrow regularly gives to those of us working in the body of Christ. We have had a productive year on the Charlotte District. Christian Education District Directors have been active and available to consult with churches. Local churches and CED directors have been participatory in district events and most churches report that they are thriving. Year Highlights Camp week 2013 was a roaring success! We had 12 children to attend. Our own Rev. Lakeshia McCoy served as the Bible teacher for the week in addition to serving as a chaperone along with her husband. We also had Ms. Sandra Williams and Ms. Janice Morris (China Grove) serving as chaperones. Our first Christian Education Mass meeting led by the Adult


Department which featured a spiritual gifts workshop facilitated by Rev. Dr. Elvin Sadler. (Moore’s Sanctuary, Host Church) In November, our Christian Education Liturgical Calendar Tea served as our feature program for the year. (Weeping Willow, Host Church) This was a splendid and informative event. In April, the Western North Carolina Conference 2014 Beautillion was a splendid event and we had three young men representing our district: v Chase McCullough – Walls Memorial AME Zion v Jordan Harrington – Hood Memorial AME Zion v Robert Jackson, Weeping Willow AME Zion These young men represented us well and we appreciate the investment of time and resources that they, their parents and supporters made. Labors Churches visited by this director .......................................................... 4 Meetings held with local directors ..................................................... 3 Workshops conducted for district churches ................................... 2 Workshops conducted within WNCC ................................................. 5 I cannot close this report without recognizing our District team. I am grateful for their support, encouragement and their work. TEAM…. Together Everyone Accomplishes More. Ms. Sandra Williams, Mr. Bernard Elmore, Mrs. Lynette Simms and Ms. Marcia Black ….THANK YOU…without you, we would not have accomplished all that we did.


It is with both joy and tender emotions that I relinquish my position as the Charlotte District Christian Education Director. I have enjoyed serving as a Charlotte District CED officer for 1o years and the district director for the last 6 years. It has been an honor to serve the Lord in this way. I issue a heartfelt thank you to the Bishops that appointed me, to the Conference board of Christian Educators, to each of the district directors, the Pastors and churches of the Charlotte District and to the pastors, churches and Christian educators of the Western North Carolina Conference….thank you all for 10 years of support and giving me many opportunities to share with you as I grew. May God richly bless you all. Being a Christian Educator is a lifelong pursuit…the more I live IN CHRIST, the more I know OF CHRIST…the more I know OF CHRIST, the more determined I become to persuade others to KNOW and LIVE IN CHRIST! As a paraphrase of Timothy’s words: Study (continuously) to show yourself approved, a workman for God’s use and glory who will not be ashamed (for lack of knowledge), but is able to consistently and rightly divide (discern and apply) the word of truth. Another year and God STILL gets the glory! Respectfully Submitted,

Rev. Cathy Henderson Charlotte District CED Director


Western North Carolina Conference Christian Education Department Bishop George E. Battle, Jr., Presiding Prelate Rev. David Williams, Conference Director Mr. Gilbert McRae, ACE Coordinator Assembly of Christian Educators Memberships/Stoles Report CHARLOTTE DISTRICT Angela Taylor, Michelle Lawson, Valerie Franklin, Lynette Sims, Rudell Washington, Hattie Walker, Evelyn Melton, Alice Tinsley, Marcia Black, Johnnie Waldo, Ronda Forbes, Alma Moss, ACE STOLES -­‐ Angela Taylor, Valerie Franklin, Michelle Lawson LINCOLNTON DISTRICT Lillian Williams, Dottie Dingle, Connie Williams, Pearlie Love, Rose McKnight, Leondras Davis, Mildred Sadler, Brenda Friday, Renee Knight, Parthenia Friday, Winston Bagley, Shirley Ervin, Nerissa James, Juanita Cumberlander, Essie McGill, Vergie Mitchem, Linda Faye Starnes, Rev. David Williams, Lou Loudon, Sis. Grace Sims, Sis. Tamera Harden, Rev. Gregory Floyd, Rev. Anarah Henderson, Rev. Amanda Anderson, Rev. Wilbert Davis, Rev. Tabatha Stanback, Dr. George McNeely, Rev. Anarah Henderson, Rev. Wilbert Davis NORTH CHARLOTTE DISTRICT Dr. Dwayne A. Walker, Gilbert McRae, Erica Bridges, Antoinette Cody, Narcissus Lowery, Dorothy Cousar, Rev. Deborah DuBois,


Rev. Rebecca Warren, Rev. Belinda Austin, Rev. Belinda Austin, Rev. James Lenoir, Bro. Christan Alexander, Joyce Zimmerman, Dr. Sheldon R. Shipman, Dr. Mary Love Almerth McLemore, Sharon Plummer, Emma Little, Linda Crawford, Linda Burton, Rev. Adrianne Dean, Christina Little, Deloris Judge, Elaine judge, Kenneth Martin, Angela Blackmon, Gary Dawkins, Deborah Smith, Evelyn Hood, Phyllis Martin, Mary Lowery, Jackie Stinson, Rev. Steven Howard, Debora Howard, Angela Norman Chance, Geraldine Little, Stephanie Adams, Randy Cherry, Rev. Ellison Bowkman, Linda Bowman, Sue Purdie, Charlotte Griffin, Peggy Johnson, Rev. Jarma Chisholm, Susan House, Doris Chisholm, Rev. Mark Evans, Evelyn Hill Craig, Deborah House, Evelyn Bradshaw, Rev. Myra Sims, Sis. LaTasha Gary, Tia Crowder, Dorothy Morrison, Dr. James M. Sloan, ACE STOLES -­‐ Tia Crowder, Evelyn Hood SALISBURY DISTRICT Willie Boyd, Dr. Yvonne Tracey, Shirley Holness, Carol Waller, Marcy Wiggins, Michael Allison, Karen Hicks, Jean Kennedy, Rev. Patrick Tate, Delphine McCullough, Rev. Thomas Lee, Twanda Mitchell, Edrena Beatty, Rev. Zacharias Allen, Sr., Melissa Gladden, Ashley Grier, Dr. Mary Ponds, Rev. Rudolph Cornelius, Ernestine Cornelius, Tonya Cornelius, Mary Starks, Sheila Pinkston, Cylista Brady, Kaye Graham, Donna Cuthbertson, Rev. Harold Jordan, Sylvester Cuthbertson, La Toya Jones, Andrea Frontis, Mary Miller, Marlene Jones, Sherece White, Rev. Bobbie Samuels, Jeanette Rankin, Renee Bennett, Julia Allison, Eugenia Caldwell, Jean Miller, Jackie Propst, Dorothy Gill-­‐Smith, Mavis Moss, Wendy Jackson, Edna McCullough, Sis. Clara Tandy, Christal McRae,Catherine Rivens, Robbie Davis, Brenda Alston, Judy Jordan, Mary Marlin, Jennifer Kennedy


STATESVILLE DISTRICT Cynthia Bailey, Bessie Baker, Forrest Bonapart, Rev. Emmanuel Bonapart, Hazeline Ford, Paula Gaither, Rev. Sheila Chambers, Rev. Reginald Keitt, Twanda Keitt,, Bettye Lackey, Russell Lackey, Jerry McCombs, Margaret Nelson, Rev. Darian Potts, Ava Ramseur, Delora Steele, Lazona Tate, Rev., Dewayne Tutt, Janet Tutt, Sarah Wilson, Ava Farmer, Rev. Marcus Farmer, Cynthia Bess, Shirley Cuthbertson, Cheryl McCombs, Dr. David R. Baker ACE STOLES -­‐ Shirley Cuthbertson, Cheryl McCombs, Lazona Tate WINSTON SALEM DISTRICT Marie Jamerson, Delinda Anderson,Antonio Henderson,Hope Fortune, Faye Williams, Shirley Kindle, Natalie Summers, Annette Wilson, Rev. Jimmie Ruff, Jimi Ruff, Catherine Speller, Shirley Allen,Rev. Gloria Thomas, James Thomas, Angela McLean, Melvin McLean, Tony Hawkins, Thomasina Hawkins, Robert Jamerson, Fulton McSwain,Sr., Lizzie Anthony, Eleanor Logan, Rachel Highsmith, Rev. Louis Hunter, Jr., Dr. Karen Miller, Isabella Luther, Sharon Hargrave, Betty Bowman, Shirley Scott, Dr. Calvin L. Miller, ACE STOLES -­‐ Angela McLean, Melvin McLean Total ACE Memberships/Stoles Charlotte District -­‐12 Lincolnton District -­‐ 28 North Charlotte District -­‐56 Salisbury District -­‐52 Statesville District-­‐27 Winston Salem District-­‐30 Total -­‐ACE Memberships for 2014 -­‐205 Total Members to be Stoled-­‐12

Submitted by, Gilbert McRae June 13, 2014



Supplies/ Resources

Community /Context

Age Progression

Exhibits Biblical principles Communicates the will/purpose of God Constructs critical thinking

Connects concepts to real life Meets all students learning needs Provides evaluation or reflection Addresses diverse cultural/language needs _______ Use aids/materials/ resources to enhance lesson ______ Incorporates technology _______ Funds readily available for supplies CED makes connections with community leaders CED/teachers inventories gifts, talents, skill, knowledge of community CED assesses the needs of the community CED explores educational opportunities within community CED considers issues that impact lives of the people (such as economic, social, health, political) ______ Are different generations represented in Sunday School _______ Persons are nurtured to progress from one stage to another _______ There are active classes for all from cradle roll to adult _______ CED has the ability to retain members through


age progression _______ Persons give evidence of the faith throughout their age progression ______ There is a high dropout rate amongst different age groups _______ The CED celebrates transitions from one stage to another(such as cradle roll, primary, junior… high school graduation, college…) Attendance _______ Attendance records are kept for all classes _______ Follow up is made for absences _______ A record is kept for all visitors _______ Are new classes needed to meet needs of persons present continuous basis? _______ A comparison is done to indicate decline and growth.


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