Valsa Eólica for Concert Band (2013)
Keane Southard
(Duration: c. 3 mins.)
It seems that many people still view wind turbines as eyesores and feel that their cleanenergy production is not worth having such “hideous” structures in their line of view, but my encounters with them have been the exact opposite. I have found them to be beautiful and majestic spinning structures and symbols of a bright future of an America which meets its energy needs with renewable sources that have a minimal impact on the environment without releasing pollution into the air. I hope that this music depicts the majesty, power, beauty, hopefulness, playfulness, ecstasy, and “Joie de vivre” of these spinning structures through the medium of the waltz. And, of course, what better medium to write this work for than an ensemble that runs on wind power itself?
Valsa Eólica for Concert Band is an easier arrangement of a waltz from my Waltzing Dervish for Wind (powered) Ensemble. This larger piece was begun in January 2010 and finished in March of the same year, and this present arrangement was created in March and April 2013 when I was living in Brazil.
Keane Southard2013
Transposed Score Program notes:
Waltzing Dervish was written as a set of waltzes which brings together several things having to do with spinning, including dancing waltzes, whirling dervishes, and energy-producing wind turbines. Valsa Eólica (pronounced “val-sa eh-o-lee-ka”) is the “slow” waltz of the set extracted and simplified in a few minor ways and presented as a separate piece. The title is Portuguese for “Wind Waltz,” but I chose to have it in Portuguese partly because I created the arrangement while in Brazil and partly because it simply sounds better to my ear.
Suspended Cymbal
Instrumentation: 3Oboe2PiccoloFlutesClarinets in Bb Bass Clarinet in Bb 2 Bassoons 2 Alto Saxophone Tenor PercussionTimpaniDoubleTubaEuphoniumBass223BaritoneSaxophoneSaxophoneTrumpetsinBbHornsinFTrombonesTromboneBass(optional)1:HighTriangle,
Percussion 2: Sizzle Cymbal, Large Tam-tam, Crash Cymbals
Percussion 3: Glockenspiel, Large Bass Drum
Email: Website:
Keane Southard/Spindrift Pages
©2013 PiccoloFlute1Flute2Oboe Clarinet in Bb 1 Clarinet in Bb 2 Clarinet in Bb 3 Bass ClarinetinB b Bassoon 1 Bassoon 2 Alto Saxophone 1 Alto Saxophone 2 Tenor Saxophone BaritoneTrumpetSaxophoneinB b 1 Trumpet in Bb 2 Trumpet in Bb 3 Horn in F 1 Horn in F 2 Trombone 1 Trombone 2 Trombone PercussionPercussionPercussionDoubleEuphonium3TubaBass(optional)Timpani123 mf q = 76 A p mf f mp mf mp mf mp f mf mf f mp mf mp f mp q = 76 A q = 76 A Solo Keane Southard Valsa Eólica Transposed Score for Concert Band Solo molto espress. Solo molto espress. Solo molto espress. Solo molto espress. Solo molto espress. Solo Solo molto espress. Ob. Solo molto espress. Solo
Bsn.Bsn.B.Picc.Fl.1Fl.2Ob.Cl.1Cl.2Cl.3Cl.12 Alto Sax. 1 Alto Sax. 2 Ten. Sax. Bari.Perc.Perc.Perc.Tbn.Tbn.Tbn.Tpt.Tpt.Tpt.Sax.123Hn.1Hn.2123Euph.Tba.Db.Timp.123 f molto espress. p mp molto espress. rit. A tempo B 15 p molto espress. mf pp mf mf molto espress. f p mp mf mp mp mf mf f molto espress. p mf mf molto espress. f p p mp mf fp mf molto espress. f p p p mf molto espress. p p p mf molto espress. rit. A tempo B mp mp p p p p p mf p p rit. A tempo B p mp mp Tutti Tutti Solo Tutti 3 3 Tutti molto espress. Tutti Tutti Solo Tutti Tutti Solo Solo Ob. Tutti 3 3 Tutti Solo pizz. l.v. High Triangle Sizzle Cymbal with brush Glock. with brass mallet 2
Bsn.Bsn.B.Cl.Cl.Cl.Picc.Fl.1Fl.2Ob.123Cl.12 Alto Sax. 1 Alto Sax. 2 Ten. Sax. Bari.Perc.Perc.Perc.Tbn.Tbn.Tbn.Tpt.Tpt.Tpt.Sax.123Hn.1Hn.2123Euph.Tba.Db.Timp.123 mp molto espress. mf C 29 mp molto espress. mf p mp molto espress. mf mp molto espress. mf mp molto espress. mp molto espress. mp mf mp mf mp mp mf p mp mf mp molto espress. mf mp mf p p mf C p mf p mf p mf p mf p mp mf p p p mp pp C p mp 3 3 3 33 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 conTuttisord. con sord. con sord. Solo 3 3 3 arco (High Triangle) Sus. Cymbal with yarn mallets Sizzle Cymbal with brush 3
Bsn.Bsn.B.Picc.Fl.1Fl.2Ob.Cl.1Cl.2Cl.3Cl.12 Alto Sax. 1 Alto Sax. 2 Ten. Sax. Bari.Perc.Perc.Perc.Tbn.Tbn.Tbn.Tpt.Tpt.Tpt.Sax.123Hn.1Hn.2123Euph.Tba.Db.Timp.123 f f D 40 f f f f f mf f f f f f f f f f f f f f mf D mf mf f mf f mf f f mf f mf mf mf f mf f f mf pp mf pp D pp pp 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 remove straight mutes remove straight mutes (senza sord.) remove straight mutes (senza sord.) Tutti Susp. Cymbal with yarn mallets Large Tam-Tam Large Bass Drum 4
Bsn.Bsn.B.Cl.Cl.Cl.Picc.Fl.1Fl.2Ob.123Cl.12 Alto Sax. 1 Alto Sax. 2 Ten. Sax. Bari.Perc.Perc.Perc.Tbn.Tbn.Tbn.Tpt.Tpt.Tpt.Sax.123Hn.1Hn.2123Euph.Tba.Db.Timp.123 ff f f molto espress. E F 48 molto espress. f f f f f f f f f ff f f f molto espress. f f f f f molto espress. f molto espress. ff f molto espress. f molto espress. f f molto espress. E F f f molto espress. f molto espress. f molto espress. f f f f f f ff f f E F f f 3 3 3 3 333 33 333 33 333 333 3 3 33 33 3 3 3 333 333333333 3 33 3 33 333 3 3 333 3333333 3 33 333 33 33 33 33 3 (senza sord.) (Susp. Cymbal with yarn mallets) (Large Tam-Tam) (Large Bass Drum) 5
Bsn.Bsn.B.Picc.Fl.1Fl.2Ob.Cl.1Cl.2Cl.3Cl.12 Alto Sax. 1 Alto Sax. 2 Ten. Sax. Bari.Perc.Perc.Perc.Tbn.Tbn.Tbn.Tpt.Tpt.Tpt.Sax.123Hn.1Hn.2123Euph.Tba.Db.Timp.123 cresc. ff fff mp molto rit. A tempo 58 ff fff mp cresc. ff fff mp ff fff mp ff fff mp f ff fff mp cresc. ff fff mp f ff fff p ff fff p f ff fff p cresc. ff fff mp cresc. ff fff mp ff fff mp ff fff mp f molto espress. ff molto rit. A tempo f f molto espress. ff f ff fff mf f ff mf f ff ff ff f ff ff ff fff mp ff mf ff molto rit. A tempo ff ff 33 3 ’ 3 3 333333333 333333333333 3 333 333 3 3 3333 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 33 3333333 33 333333333 3 3333 3 3 333 33333 3 33 3 33 3 333 3 3 3 3 3 ’ 3 3 Sus. Cymbal with yarn mallets ’ Crash Cymbals Large Bass Drum 6