Week beginning: 11th May Week 1 FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Quiet for exams and be respectful of Year 11 taking their exams! Announcements/Notices: YEAR 11 EXAMS YEAR 11 MUST ATTEND LESSONS IF NOT IN EXAM All Assemblies in Sports Hall—No assembly Monday, Tuesday Year 8, Wednesday Year 9, Thursday Year 7 & Friday Year 10 Year 7 inter-form bake sale—Thursday-this week 7X
Outstanding Skern Lodge payments must be brought in ASAP
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 GCSE Exams Wizard of Oz Drama Rehearsal: Tuesday during day and Performance in Drama Studio 7pm
Home Learning Support—Friday 3.05-4.15pm in IT5 Weekly School Attendance: 94.2% Year 7: 95.3% Year 8 : 93.9% Highest Attendance Year 9: 92.9% Year 10: 94.7% Year 11: 94.3%
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7S 8T 9X 10T 11U and Pupils with Highest Honours: Chloe Julians 7U, George Lane 8W, Eddie Broder 9R, Natasha Hooper 10T